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July Art Competition

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Site-wide Art Competition: July 2015

Art and content on the intro post by @Aldur Forgehammer


@The Dark Wizard



Judging will take place on a tiered system. 10 points will be awarded per judge for best use of creativity (5 points for second place, 1 point for third place). 5 point will be awarded per judge for best interpretation/clarity of the theme (3 points for second place, 1 point for third). 5 points will be awarded for quality of composition (3 points for second place, 1 point for third). The points will then be tallied and the winner will be chosen.

In the event of a tie, the judges will each award one additional point to the tied piece they believe has the best overall impression.

The winners will be decided by an independent jury to increase objectivity and the number of judges will mitigate any potential bias.
The current format of judging is not up for debate and any posts criticizing the system will be deleted at this time. We have extensively discussed how to handle this, but if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to PM @welian or @Mordecai at any time.

The Theme

July 2015 Art Competition's theme is: "Muses"

This theme asks you to submit your best interpretation of what your muse would look like if it was a real entity. Your muse can be one thing that inspires you: whether it's a particular scenery, a person, or an imaginary creature. Note, a muse is anything or anyone who is the source of inspiration for an artist. Your muse can be a real or made-up thing, but you must submit a short (approximately 100 words or less) description of how your piece of art represents your creative muse.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many entries per user?

One entry per user, please!

Do I have to title my picture?

That is entirely up to you, it's not a requirement.

The submission method has changed!

Instead of copying the Prose competition, where everyone posted their entries into a second thread, the Art Competition will be utilized the fairly new Gallery feature! From here on out, please submit your artwork to this
special gallery section. Users who want to privately submit their work will continue to send me messages.

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Our own muse... This is going to be exceptionally interesting. I can't wait to see what other people come up with, and to find out what I come up with for this xD

Cool idea guys!!
I regret curating this, only because I want to enter myself.
I couldn't draw my way out of a paper bag, but I am SO excited to see everyone's entries! There's some serious artistic talent on this site. Good luck everyone!
RubyRose said:
Ohhhh.... it'd be so cool if someone did an actual paper illustration O.o
Like, traditional art or just...

I'm imagining really weird cool things made of paper.
welian said:
It can be either. <3

So, a muse? As in what inspires the art itself?


[QUOTE="The Doorman]Like, traditional art or just...
I'm imagining really weird cool things made of paper.

When I make a character I usually put out my own concept art on paper. I've got a couple examples on "Necropolis" and "The Order". Searchable in the fantasy RPs. But psh, enough of my advertising! THISISADREAM!!
RubyRose said:
Dude, you should look up 'Paper Illustration' in like Google Images or whatever search engine you use. It should explain what I was thinking.
I have some classmates who were working in paper illustration and some of the things they came up with were amazing. And there was an art show of the lower classman and their paper illustrations and... it made me ashamed to be an upper classman because I had never made anything that cool.

It's basically where people use paper and either with layered cuts or folds they make a coherent image. It's really, very cool.
Oh yes, I do know what you mean~

I've seen it done~

I didn't know what it was called though, but it is cool~
I'm gonna attempt to...although it's going to be a three-dimensional piece...and right now I'm having trouble thinking about my "muse" cause all that keeps popping into my head is my brain...like literally since that is my source of art...
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