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Fantasy Jules’ Partner Search


New Member

Thanks for coming to take a look through my post! I’ll try to make this short and to the point, but you can call me Jules. I used to rp all the time but life kinda snuffed it out for a while. On a happier note, I've finally found time again and I’d love to find a few people to rp with.

About me:

-I’m 29, so I will only rp with people 21+.
-I’m in EST, and I’m usually more active in the afternoon/evening.
-I do my best to get at least 2-3 replies out per week, it could be more if I have the time, but I’m usually available to chat ooc at any time. Please forgive me if I don’t get back to you right away. Sometimes I’m in the middle of something when I get a message and I set it aside to reply later but I end up forgetting for a few hours. But I will inform you if I’m going to be away for more than a few days.
-My average post length is anywhere from 500-1000+ words. I enjoy lengthy posts sometimes, but I’m not going to get upset if I only get a couple paragraphs. As long as I have something to reply to and we are moving forward I’m happy, I just ask for no one liners please! Quality over quantity.
-Ghost friendly. Life happens, I get it, no worries.
-I’m happy to use rpn or discord, I can reply faster via discord but just staying on-site is fine too. Let me know your preference!
-I’m open to any romance pairing. I have the most experience with m// but I’m also comfortable doing m/f and f//. Just please let me know what pairing you prefer.
-I’m a sucker for romance, I like to include it in the rp, but I’m more for our characters slowly falling in love over the course of the story. We love a happy ending, but sometimes we have to give them some bumps along the way, angst and drama are always fun.
-I’m more than happy to provide writing samples, feel free to ask. (:

What I’m looking for:

So right now I’m currently looking to work in fantasy settings, any kind really. Medieval, modern, honestly whatever. I do have a few small plot ideas, they are fairly simple but I did it that way so we could both have an opportunity to shape the story. I love hearing my partner’s ideas!

Muse A: Kind and compassionate, and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. They hold onto the memory of her childhood friendship with Muse B, clinging to hope even after their separation. They have the gift of magic, but can’t seem to use it much anymore.

Muse B: Once a playful and mischievous child, they are now a cold and calculating ruler, driven by a dark ambition and possessing a chilling power that chills the very air around them.

In the Kingdom of Serendell, young Muse A and Muse B were inseparable, their imaginations and creativity lighting up the dark corners of the royal court. Their parents, both advisors to the king, doted on the two friends, enjoying their innocent laughter and creative play. But one day, Muse B vanished without a trace. Despite extensive searches and royal decrees, no sign of Muse B was ever found. As the years passed, Muse A was left alone, their memories of their dear friend fading like ink on parchment.

A decade later, Muse A's home was attacked by a rival kingdom, Althera, known for their ruthless conquest of nearby lands. To Muse A's shock, they were spared as well as their family, and instead, Muse A was taken and brought before the new ruler of Althera.

Muse A was in disbelief as they recognized the face before them - it was Muse B, but altered in a way that Muse A could not comprehend. Gone was the warm, kind smile of their childhood friend, replaced by a cold, calculating stare. Muse B was now a hardened warrior, with a ruthless streak and blood staining their legacy. Muse A remembers them like it was yesterday but Muse B doesn’t seem to know who Muse A is, or it seems that way.

Despite their fear, Muse A knew they had to find out what had happened to their friend, and if there was any chance of saving them from the darkness that seemed to have consumed them. They agreed to marry Muse B, hoping that the closeness of their former friendship would allow them to uncover the truth.

As the days turned to weeks, Muse A began to unravel a web of betrayal and deceit that reached the highest echelons of power in Althera. They discovered that Muse B had been kidnapped by a mysterious entity, one that had twisted their mind and body to its will.

Muse A knew they had to act fast, before Muse B was lost forever. They turned to their own magical abilities, long dormant since Muse B's disappearance, and began to search for a way to break the hold that the mysterious entity had on their friend.

But as they dug deeper, Muse A discovered a shocking truth - the entity that had taken Muse B was none other than the old king of Althera. Consumed by his own greed and ambition, he had sought to create the ultimate weapon, one that could control the minds and wills of others.

Faced with this terrible truth, Muse A knew they had to find a way to break the hold the former king had on Muse B.

As time passes, Muse A notices small shifts in Muse B, tiny hints that their old friend is in there still. Can Muse A find a way to break the curse and bring Muse B back? Or will their efforts be in vain as Muse B is lost to the darkness forever?

Muse A: A young dragon rider from the kingdom of Suncrest, known for its powerful dragons. They are skilled in both combat and diplomacy.

Muse B: The trusted advisor for the Queen of Lumina, a wise and powerful mage with a compassionate heart, but also wary of outsiders.

The vibrant kingdom of Suncrest is under attack by a mysterious, shadow-like force. This force not only corrupts the land but also infects the dragons with a deadly sickness that weakens their fire and saps their vitality. Muse A, a skilled dragon rider from Suncrest, flees with their wounded dragon, seeking aid from the mages of Lumina. They believe the powerful magic of Lumina holds the key to saving their dragons and their kingdom.

Muse A arrives in Lumina, exhausted and desperate. They approach the Queen, and plead for help, offering their dragon's strength and loyalty in return for the mages' aid. The Queen, while deeply moved by the rider's plight, is hesitant. Lumina has a long-standing tradition of neutrality and they fear the consequences of involving themselves in a war. But the suffering of the dragons and the threat of the shadow plague weigh heavily on her conscience.

The Queen, despite her doubt, decides to investigate the source of the shadow plague. She sends a Muse B to Suncrest to learn more about the threat, while Muse A is tasked with helping the mage navigate the perilous landscapes. But during their investigation, the mage discovers that the shadow force is not just a magical plague, but a deliberate attack by a powerful sorceress who seeks to conquer both kingdoms. The sorceress, driven by a desire for ultimate power, has infected the dragons to weaken their resistance.

The mages of Lumina, realizing the threat the sorceress poses to both their worlds, go along with their Queen’s decision to help Suncrest. Muse B also offers the aid of the remaining dragon riders to help as well, knowing they’ll need as much power on their side as they can.

Muse A and B have to work together to uncover the secrets that are swirling around the sorceress, traveling to different kingdoms in search of allies and an old magic text that could possibly help defeat their enemy.

Two kingdoms, separated by a vast sea, stand on the brink of change. The Kingdom of Aethel, a formidable land of dragon riders, is ruled by the stoic King Aric and his fiery heir, Muse A. Their dragons, majestic beasts forged in fire and trust, are their might. Aethel’s people, a mix of farmers and skilled artisans, have a deep reverence for their dragons and unwavering loyalty to the crown. Across the ocean lies the opulent Kingdom of Thalassa, ruled by Queen Elara and her enigmatic heir, Muse B, known for their mastery of the seas and rumored whispers of ancient magic. Thalassa's wealth and naval prowess are unparalleled, but their people, accustomed to luxury and privilege, often feel disconnected from their rulers.

A catastrophic storm, fueled by a mysterious, ancient magic, threatens both kingdoms. The storm devastates Aethel's fields, while Thalassa's ships are crippled. This dire situation forces Aric and Elara to negotiate a treaty. A marriage between their children, Mise A and B, is proposed as a symbol of unity and a pact to share knowledge and resources.

Muse A, a fierce dragon rider who dreams of leading their people into a golden age, is skeptical of the treaty. They have no desire to marry a stranger, especially one from a kingdom known for its wealth and mysterious magic. They fear that the marriage will only serve to further divide the two kingdoms.

Muse B, quiet and introspective, possesses a gift for the sea, a powerful magic whispered to be a gift from the goddess Thalassa. They feel burdened by their royal lineage and the expectations placed upon them. Their encounters with Muse A, however, awaken a spark of curiosity and a yearning for something beyond the confines of their royal life.

As the two of them navigate their arranged marriage, they uncover a long-forgotten secret. An ancient prophecy predicts a union of dragon and sea, a powerful alliance that can either save or destroy the world. The prophecy, however, warns of a malevolent force, a dark entity that seeks to exploit the union for its own destructive ends. The dark entity, a forgotten god of storms and chaos, has been manipulating events from the shadows, seeking to sow discord between the kingdoms. It possesses the power to control the storms and twist the magic of Thalassa, threatening both kingdoms with destruction.

But as they dig deeper in trying to find a way to stop the forgotten god, Muse B admits they’ve been keeping a secret, the magic they had been blessed with is waning. Now they have to find a way to return Muse B’s magic to normal while trying to save their kingdoms from destruction. Can they figure out a way to save their family and the people of their kingdoms? Or will time run out and will the world be brought into ruin and war?

Muse A: A young, mischievous fae royal, overflowing with wonder and a thirst for adventure. They yearn to explore beyond the shimmering borders of the Fae realm, his vibrant wings itching for the unknown.

Muse B: A gruff, lone wolf adventurer, a seasoned warrior with a heart of gold hidden beneath layers of cynicism. They’re jaded by the cruelties of the human world, yet their loyalty and sense of justice remain strong.

Muse A, driven by their insatiable curiosity, uses a forbidden portal to sneak into the human realm. They find himself captivated by the bustling cities, the strange smells, and the noisy, large crowds. Their ethereal features and visible non-human features made them an easy target. They manage to wander for a few hours before they are cornered by a group of humans, exclaiming how mythicals go for large sums with the right buyer, Muse A doesn’t want to use their magic so they don’t draw a larger crowd.

Luckily Muse B had wandered by and noticed the small group, something felt off so they went to investigate, hearing what the other humans were saying they stepped in and ran the men off. They offer to tend to Muse A’s wounds and manage to coax the weary fae to follow them to the inn they were staying in. As Muse A tends to Muse B’s wounds, they learn of their origin and their desire to return home. Feeling somewhat sorry for them, Muse A offers to escort them to the portal they came from.

The two of them travel into the woods, it was a couple days before they found the entrance, hidden to the normal eye. The screech of an owl caught their attention, it landed on Muse B’s shoulder and they realized there was a note rolled and tied to the owl’s leg. The continents of the note left Muse B with a sense of dread. The portal has been shut, a consequence of Muse B’s unauthorized trip. The Elders are furious, and their family has deemed a temporary exile to the human world a fitting punishment. The notion of not being allowed to go home was devastating, where would they go? Humans aren’t kind, they know that firsthand, they aren't safe in this world. There had to be a way to get home, maybe another portal?

Feeling sorry for the fae, Muse B offers to help them again. They hadn’t planned on interfering but seeing how distraught Muse A was, the human couldn’t stop themselves from helping. They knew the feeling of being abandoned all too well. If they could help Muse B get home, they would.

So they embark on a perilous journey to find a way to reopen the portal. They face dangerous creatures, deceitful humans, and the ever-present threat of being captured by those seeking to exploit Muse A’s magical abilities.

As they travel, the two grow closer. Muse A, once so arrogant and naive, learns from Muse B’s resilience and cunning, while Muse B, hardened by life, finds genuine joy and innocence in Muse A’s presence. Their differences become a bridge between their worlds, blurring the lines of their initial prejudice.

Can the two of them succeed in getting Muse A back home? Or will they be stuck within the human realm forever? If they manage to succeed, can Muse A truly leave Muse B behind after everything?

Muse A: A young, aspiring witch with a flair for the dramatic and a tendency to mess things up. They’re passionate, quirky, and constantly trying to prove themselves.

Muse B: A stoic, solitary werewolf who prefers the shadows to the spotlight. They’re fiercely independent, harboring a deep distrust of humans, especially those with magical abilities.

Muse A, attempting a simple spell for a date gone wrong, accidentally teleports a werewolf into their tiny, chaotic apartment. Muse B, already wary of magic, is further annoyed by Muse A’s clumsy attempts at spellcasting and their theatrical personality. Muse A, in turn, is put off by Muse B’s gruff demeanor and bad attitude. Muse B ends up finding a way home, glad to be away from the witch, hoping to never see them again.

But fate seems to have a different plan. A series of magical mishaps - triggered by Muse A’s misfired spells - threaten the city's magical balance. Muse B, who somehow gets roped in again and again somehow, ends up reluctantly working with Muse A to try and fix the problems the magic is causing. Despite their vastly different personalities and magical abilities, the two of them begin to discover common ground through their shared struggles and experiences. They learn to rely on each other, with Muse B’s strength and pragmatism complementing Muse A’s creativity and intuition.

Muse B’s pack, suspicious of Muse A’s intentions and wary of their magic, becomes a source of conflict. Muse A finds themselves caught in the middle, trying to convince Muse B’s pack that they're not a threat, while learning to navigate the complex dynamics of werewolf society.

**This is a very bare bones plot, but the idea seemed fun. A little more slice of life, comedy, some drama, and a fun strangers to unwilling partners to friends to lovers trope. I’d be happy to flesh this out further with someone.**

Other pairings:

-Supernatural Creature x Human
-Vampire x Werewolf
-Vampire x Human/Hunter
-Werewolf x Human/Hunter
-Bard x Royal/Adventurer/Warrior
-Pirate x Siren
-Pirate x Runaway Royal
-Elf x Human
-Fae x Human
-Shifter x Shifter
-Shifter x Hunter
-Demon x Human/Hunter
-God x Human
(Maybe something with soulmates and the god waging wars and searching endlessly for their soulmate that keeps dying and getting reincarnated before the god can reach them every time. What happens when they finally find them this time?)
-Warrior x Prince/Princess
-Adventurer x Runaway/exiled royal
-Dragon Riders(I recently finished Fire and Blood and I’m needing the drama of royal court and dragons)
-Arranged marriage
Soulmates(Bonus points if it’s reincarnated -soulmates)
-Fantasy Adventure(something D&D themed)

Feel free to suggest as well! I’m open to trying new things!

But thanks for looking! Feel free to message me if something catches your interest. (:
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