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Fandom Jujutsu Kaisen Search (PM's or Discord)

Wordy Girl

New Member
Welcome to my JJK thread!

I am Wordy!



First, about myself and what I am looking for in my potential writing partners:
  • Please be active.
  • Be courteous.
  • I am someone who has learning and comprehension disabilities, mixed with anxiety and depression.
  • I am looking for those who can provide at least 2-3+ paragraphs minimum per post.
  • I can write as Megumi, Nabara, and or Satoru.
  • I ask that THIRD person be used during roleplay; first is uncomfortable and awkward for me.
  • NEVER control my character(s) without my permission first.
  • Please be prepared to provide me with a writing sample.
  • I am 32 in age, so I would prefer my partners to be at least 21+ in age.
  • I am fine with making this dark and gritty and angsty, as is the anime.
  • Be able to write multiple characters as needed.
  • I am someone who lives in the daylight central time zone.
  • Please use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; I want to be able to easily read and understand what you have written for me.
  • We can chat / write over PM's or Discord. You can add me on Discord at: craftykendra

My character is a shy girl, a bit like Megumi in personality. Her family was killed by a Curse that refused to leave their home, until it was Exorcised by Satoru Gojo, who barely rescues My Character just in time before the Curse kills her. Since then, she resides at Tokyo Jujutsu High as her home and studies and trains under Satoru. She has a great crush on Megumi, but eventually discovers she truly loves Yuji when he arrives.

Tuguro Yakashi

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Skin: White
Hair: Dark Purple
Eyes: Dark Purple

Occupation: Tokyo Jujutsu High Student, Sorcerer

Grade: 2

PERSONALITY: Tuguro is a lot like Megumi, but a lot more distant and a deep thinker. When it comes to Curses and fighting them, she is very tactical. Despite this, she does genuinely care about others and doesn't want others to suffer from a Curse like she had to when she was younger.

BIO: Ever since she was twelve, she knows about Curses. Having been studying and training under Satoru Gojo. The Strongest. To Tuguro, Satoru is like her father, and she greatly admires his strength and prowess against Curses. During her first mission with Megumi, it is then that she meets Yuji, who has eaten the first cursed finger of Sakuna, becoming the Vessel for the Curse / Demon. She also seems to have the ability through her love for others to help Yuji more willingly change back from Sakuna. Oftentimes, after Sakuna discovers that Tuguro and Yuji have feelings for each other, he enjoys making Yuji physically torturing her.


STRENGTH / PROWESS: Since training under Saturo Gojo, she has become very fast and very strong. Though she isn't as strong as Yuji with his TaiJutsu attacks, she can pack quite the punch. She often surprises those she fights with against Curses.

INTELLIGENCE: Tuguro is a quick thinker and very tactical in battle. Which can sometimes get her in trouble if she's thinking too hard.


Rain of Pain: Tuguro summons a giant, dark purple cloud that rains down Cursed Voodoo Needles into the Curse. When they puncture the Curse, they then explode, destroying the Curse in a bloody death.

Doll of Death: Using a cursed Voodoo Doll, Tuguro sticks the heart of the doll with a cursed voodoo needle, before throwing a needle into the heart of the curse before both the doll and the curse explodes.

Hiding in Darkness: Using her cursed energy, she can turn the entire area into an arena of blackness that she becomes invisible in. She moves incredibly fast, attacking the curse with her Battle Hammer. To finish off the curse, she hammers in a voodoo needle into its forehead, hammering it and causing a great explosion of death.

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