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Realistic or Modern Judges (Character Sheet)



Junior Member
This is the character page for Only We May Judge, before you post a character please be aware of the following:

Your character is accepted into the game if the GM (Lordxana0) likes your post. You're more than free to DM me if you have any questions you'd like to ask about your character, but as soon as you see that reaction you are free and clear to join.

If you would like to make your character related to another character's backstory so long as it has the okay of that other player it has my seal of approval as well.

Please be careful with hidden backstories or secret motivations, I don't mind your character being complicated but I don't want it suddenly revealed that something unapproved has happened or a sudden twist that they were a traitor the whole time.

Speaking of which unless otherwise approved by myself please do not make traitors or characters who are opposed to other characters or other characters that might overrule the GM or universe that they are in. I'm okay with characters that are abrasive to others within the group but please don't play a character that is going to innately be a problem for other people to interact with.

There's an open discussion page for those who may be looking to join or who have already joined linked below. If you have questions for the community or questions whether you want to join please go there or contact me via DM.

Beyond that just be aware of site rules and have fun.

If you would like to modify the character sheet in any form feel free, just keep the basic information.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Demon: (The name and description of characters contracted demon.)
  • Apotheosis: (The abilities taken on when in this state)
  • Submission: (The abilities taken on in this state)
  • Weapons: (Those summoned by fusing with your demon or brought with the character)
  • Personality:
  • History: (Please include what they were targeted by the factory for.)
  • Appearance: (Picture or description for all forms.)
  • Etc: (Everything else)
Ultimately, hope turned to tragedy, and the desire to belong became the undoing.


  • Name: Neriah Medina

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Alignment: Neutral Evil

    Personality: Deeply mistrusting, Neriah is overly cautious with her allies, always keeping associates away from arms reach. After all, in this City, all are expendable and replaceable; allies, friends, and even family. Her motives are clear; driven by resentment and spite for the city and all that 'betrayed' her, she seeks to uproot the City from its very foundations, to suffocate those that sit atop the City with the very smoke that blots the sky and heralds their mechanical enforcers, and to pluck the wings off their sad mockeries of angels and cast them to the Earth. Yet, she rebels not out of justice nor duty for the others that suffer under the City's oppression, viewing those that submit to the City's laws as less than subhuman, as cattle that shamelessly cling to the City's leg for their own survival, even if that means to live a meaningless and clockwork existence.

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Name: Natalia Caladrius

Age: 19

Demon: Paracelsus, demon god of medicine

When calling upon Paracelsus' power, Nat has abilities including:
  • Life sense: The ability to detect living organisms (down to specific micro-organisms if needed) within 100 meters, as well as determine their physical condition
  • Reconstructive healing: The ability to take biomass from a willing donor and work it into a clay-like state that can replace missing or damaged tissue in a living organism. The rate of conversion is much higher if Nat uses her own mass. She can also regenerate very effectively from donation while in the apotheosis state.
  • Viral infection: While in the apotheosis state, Nat can infect mundane organisms in close proximity with a virus that causes moderate afflictions like fever, drowsiness, or suggestibility, and remove it just as easily. It specifically cannot be transmitted by anyone but Nat herself.

When fully submitted to Paracelsus' power, Nat's vessel has abilities including:
  • Conceptual poison: The viral infection becomes far more potent, capable of eroding even non-organic entities (though not immobile matter).
  • Resurrection: The power of reconstruction is so great as to be able to revive any mundane organism that has passed away within the last hour, with even the smallest part of their remains. However, it requires around a minute of concentration to do so.
  • Biomonitor: As an extension of the power of reconstruction, Paracelsus can perfectly identify the affliction of any organism, and the rate of donor conversion from Nat's body becomes immense.

Weapons: Paracelsus grants Nat the ability to summon various replicas of modern medical equipment to use as weaponry, though certain implements like scalpels, syringes, and IV racks are generally the most efficient to use as weapons.

Not everyone was equal in the City, even with the supposed peace and unity brought by the Factory. Natalia Caladrius was an ordinary young woman, living in one of the more run-down parts of the City with her sickly older sister, Gloria. Natalia aspired to attend medical school, becoming a doctor for the sake of people like Gloria. Gloria herself, however, was one of the few unfortunates in the City to feel that everything wasn't quite right. Despite rarely being able to leave the house, Gloria began to dig into the Factory, and the mysterious fog.

She even roped Natalia into investigating the way people and things went into the factory and rarely came back out. One fateful night, Natalia saw them. The angels. What they did to people who knew too much, did too much. Horrified, she ran home, all thoughts of caution thrown from her mind. When she arrived, Gloria was nowhere to be seen. Taken not by the angels, but by the mortal city guardsmen. They refused to let Natalia see her sister, nor bail her out. Not even give her her medicine. And that sealed her fate.

Supposedly, Gloria Caladrius died in custody of medical complications. Natalia would never know, having been denied the right to her sister's remains. In her anger, she attempted to attack a Factory van, using it to infiltrate the Factory. And that was when the angels came for her. They attempted to destroy her as they had so many others, but she was saved at the last moment, and offered a contract.

"The angels and their master have become a tumor. And here are the means to excise them."

With her contract embodied by the injector pen that could have saved Gloria's life, Natalia begins the battle against the angels anew.

Smokes once a day, doesn't drink alcohol

Has become withdrawn, frequently reviews Gloria's files, most of which weren't confiscated or destroyed

No longer willing to drive any motor vehicle
New Design.pngName : Angélique Lachance

Age : 32

Personality : Warm and caring, Angélique is as close to as motherly as you can have. She looks out for the welfare of her friends and family above all else, which can lead to her taking some rash decisions. She is often seen as calm and level-headed, acting with sympathy and diplomacy. But beware for those who cross a line, she can become temperamental and won't hesitate to correct the people who are willing to put down others for their own gains.

History: Angélique witnessed firsthand what the Factory does to people.

The young woman had everything going for her, or that's what every drone in the city would think. She had great looks, a nice husband, a decent house, a good Christian contributing to society with a good job. She was a teacher, educating youths in "morals" classes. Basically, it was a position to help kids being indoctrinated by the Factory's standards of society. In the first years of her career, Angélique was very enthusiastic about teaching the beliefs she held dear to her students, to help shape them into "good" human beings.

She didn't see it at first. The peculiar few who had a hard time adhering to her teachings. Children with problematic backgrounds. Rejects of society. Younglings aspiring to become more than just a corporate slave. She had notes on every one of them. She spoke of them during directorial meetings. The young teacher always though that she was good at her job, because eventually all those kids ended square and cooperative by the end of the school year.

That is until she started prying on those "problematic" kids' life, as years of teaching experience began settling in. It was always the same story. The culmination of months of analysis on problematic students with a final board meeting. The next week, those straying on the edges of acceptability became one of the most docile kids she ever had, while those standing on the far fringes were removed from her class, apparently "moving out from the city". The truth was, she figured it after digging deeper. Some were sent during the weekend at the Factory, reshaped as model kids. The others, who were too "far gone", they never returned from the Factory."

After realizing this travesty, Angélique never looked at the city the same way as she previously did. She began to stray from "the path" of teaching. Her classes started to become less about being the perfect model of society, and more like a spiritual journey to one's dreams and hopes and figure out how to reach out for them.

It took a year for the directorial board to learn about her misstep. She was no longer teaching those kids how to become the citizens of tomorrow. She was teaching them to become their own individual.

And for that, after classes, fog settled in the school, and the faulty teacher had to be taken care of.

  • Loves kids, animals and music. Would actually make a decent music teacher.​
  • Can't seem to go on about her day without a fresh cup of coffee in the morning.​
  • Dreams of having a child.​
  • isn't able to become pregnant. Is diagnosed with infertility.​

ed22a49f-f57f-4bf0-8dbc-b0134c512eb8.pngDemon : Samael, the Fallen Star.

This archdemon is believed to have been one of the highest ranked Angel in his time, before he rebelled against his creator in protest to blindly following the rule of a tyrant. It is rumored that he is the one who brought free will to humankind and fought to maintain their ability to think for themselves. As such, he was cast out and sent to the demonic realm to be tormented in eternity, to judge the humans for the choices they made out of the free will they have been granted because of Samael.

"Tch... free will is what makes one 'being'. Take that away, and you're just as much worth as a rock."
"What is being human if we cannot make our own choices. To reach out for our dreams and find happiness in them? To learn from our mistakes and become a better person?"

Apotheosis :
"To fight the powers of entropy, I shall grant you the powers to protect those you hold dear and destroy those who threaten the balance. You will become a champion to your 'good' cause."
  • Smite - The power to vanquish evil with a massive blast of searing and blinding light. Angélique points to an enemy with her right hand, her palm radiating with a light that scorches skin and flammable objects and causes temporary blindness to those facing the palm of her hands.
  • Holy Aegis - The power to protect with a bright golden shield made of solid light. Angélique brings her closed left hand in front of her to manifest a shield that can cover her from frontal assaults. She can also point anyone else with her left fist to have them benefit of this shield instead of herself.
  • Commanding Aura - The power to inspire authority over lesser beings. For the weak-willed and the meek, Angélique appears more imposing than she actually is. Whether she is seen as more threatening, more intimidating, more important, is up to how one views the world. Angélique also benefits in increased physical prowess to stand her ground in battle.
Submission :
"I thank you for your blessing, Samael, but there are times I cannot overcome entropy simply with the kindness of my heart. I plead you to use your full might on those wronging us."
  • Hellfire Blast - An otherworldly black flame that consumes everything. The stronger the object, the longer it takes for the flames to devour, but it ultimately will become ash in the end. The black flames cannot be extinguished by normal means, they must be put out by strong magic or dismissed by Samael.
  • Aura of Decay - Everything that Samael touches or stands near becomes brittle, whittle away or rots at a steady pace.
  • Wings of Darkness - Wispy black tendrils sprouts painfully from Angélique's back to allow Samael to fly and impale any unsuspecting foes with these dark wings. Those impales by the tendrils have their life drained away to empower the fallen angel.
  • Ultimate Sin - For he who grants one's deepest desires, Samael can use powerful suggestions to seduce mortals into indulging in their hidden fantasies. People gazing into Samael's eyes break free of all and any mind-affecting abilities and in turn can fall prey to their own urges, potentially causing chaos in many ways.
Weapons :
  • Lightbringer: When Samael takes control of Angélique's body, he brings out a sword made of flames from the ground, seemingly pulling it out from the depths of hell itself. This sword can cut through mostly anything and consumes the living it touches, further empowering him with the souls of the dead.
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Name: Fumiko Nishimura
Age: 20

Drunken with the blood of the saints: By letting someone drink from her cup, Fumiko can grant either a minor healing effect or a temporarily boost to one of the following: the drinkers strength, durability, agility, or reflexes. Only one of those effects can be active at a time. The liquid also have a slight intoxicating effect, making those who drink it lose the ability to feel pain.

The effect of the liquid increases the more you drink of it, however it has such a foul taste that few can stomach drinking more than a sip.

Full of abominations: By pouring the liquid from her cup on to the ground, Fumiko can summon a serpent (something like this but with a black/red color scheme). The serpent are relatively weak and possesses no real abilities of it's own but can be affected by her other ability. She can summon up to three serpents at a time.

Drunken with the blood of the martyrs: In this state, Fumiko's Drunk with the blood of the saints ability enhances to the point that is now able to grant up to three of the effects.

Filthiness of her fornication: In this state, Fumiko can pour the liquid from her cup onto the ground and have it continuously spawn serpents.

Weapons: Whilst not strictly a weapon, Fumiko gains the ability to summon a golden cup filled a red, viscous liquid emitting a foul odor. She also gains a sword (see picture above).

Personality: Fumiko is most of all bored. She's bored of her work, bored of her friends, bored of the weekly visit to the same old bar down the street that once served as the highpoint of her week. She's desperately in search of anything that she can find even remotely exciting, which tends to result in her frequently jumping from one interest to the next at the drop of a hat (which has led to a very broad but shallow pool of knowledge). She's also very easily influenced and has, thanks to her latest interest, adopted a fair bit of the kind of behavior typically seen in delinquent manga.

History: Up until recently, Fumiko life could have been used as the dictionary definition of standard. But less than a month ago, that changed. It started when she found an old collection of manga when helping her parents move. Her mother told her to throw them out but a bit curious (and mostly bored with media that was normally available to her) took them back to her house where she read the entirety of it in a single night. And then she re-read it, and then she did it again.

It was unlike anything she'd ever read before. Bold, unafraid young people who threw the expectations that were placed upon them back into society's face whilst still being bound a strong sense of honor and companionship. She could feel it, this was what was missing from her life her life. And after spending some time thinking about it, she decided to change that.

Yet she had barely tried to convince someone of her friends to start a biker gang with her (not that she, or anyone else she knew, had a motorbike but such things were probably just for the atmosphere anyways.) when the fog started to roll in. She couldn't imagine what she'd done had upset the angels but she wasn't going to stand around and find out so she fled, and while hiding in an alleyway were offered a contract.

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