Joyous Falling Strike


Hit Me!
Cost: 6 motes

Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4

Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)

Duration: Instant

Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious

Prerequisites: Essence Drunken Dance

Follow-ups: Triumphant Sober Attitude

The Exalted confuses her opponent pretending to fall down to the floor. And then she uses the momentum of her fall to twist her body and launch a powerfull attack.

The martial artist rolls a Martial Arts attack with her full poll. The extra successes of the attack are doubled before calculating soak, but after the attack hits. However, this damage is not applied normally. Instead, all of the damage is considered a special stunning damage. It ignores armor hardness and soak and can only be soaked with natural and Charm enhanced soak. Each success in the damage roll gives the target a cumulative penalty of -1 for all his non-reflexive actions for a number of combat actions equal to the martial artist Essence rating.

Style: Drunken Fist
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