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Answered Journal Entries?


New Member
Back on EliteSkills, we had an entire roleplay, that was just a dropbox for your emotions, and feelings. Maybe people would like this here?

It's not a roleplay, nor a chat, it's just one entire forum made for babbling your insanities, and not giving a hoot!

Any ideas?
So basically like the General Discussion.....

Except it's more like your basic personal experiences that you write down in a log where others can comment?

Like an interactive notebook?
Ohhhh, I have a question!!!!!

Does that mean only the OP writes in their note book???? Or!!!!! 

Or does everyone get to write in the notebook!!!! 
Does sound a lot like the general discussions forum 
There's a Chitchat prefix in Discussions that can be used for this. ^33^

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