Story Journal Entree 3/15/17


3/15/17 - I woke up and talked with my grandmother for a bit about anything really then I got dressed for the day. I did some yard work for my grandma by taking the wheelbarrow and picking up a lot of sticks. Once I got to a gate that I had to cross to get to the burn pile I saw that the chain was on very tightly. Rather then spend the time undoing it I just threw the wheelbarrow and all its contents over the gate. Once I was done with the yard work I drove my grandma to the place where she buys her milk and other dairy products. Its this little family owned and family run farm and their milk is significantly healthier than store-bought milk. I drove her back to her house then watched a bit of a documentary on old people in the olympics. Then I drove her car to drop me and some milk off at my cousins house where I planned on getting lit. Getting lit is exactly what happened. I went with my cousin Jacob and his girlfriend Leasy to get Taco Bell but I didn't really wanna eat. After a few hours at the house some of the others came to get lit. We got the alcohol together by the time a few friends came over. There was Hannah, David and Chloe. I like Chloe and she likes me but it is super whack yo. I'm still having trouble figuring everything out but then again so is every fucking teenager ever. Though she hasn't talked to me in over a week and she did some regretable stuff with another dude she still likes me and I still like her. I don't know why but its just the way things is. After we all got a little intoxicated we decided to head over to Bri's house which is another friend of ours. She hasn't drank anything yet so she drove us all there in her small as mini cooper. David took the trunk, me, Chloe and Jacob took the back seat and Hannah and Leasy took the front seat along with Bri. When we walked out to the car me and Chloe ended up walking out there about a minute before everyone else and we talked about things. Granted we were both intoxicated but I still listened to what she said. She opened up with that she was sorry and that she regrets doing that with that other dude and all that jazz. I felt no ill will towards her at all in fact I still liked her so I said it was ok and hugged her and made sure she was ok. She then asked if she could sit next to me which made me smile a little bit. I didn't drink a lot but I drank enough to get a little drunk and from that I've found that I am a weird drunk. I'm super quite and stare a lot. So we all piled into her tiny car and my six foot three inches ass somehow fit into there with Chloe leaning on my shoulder and holding my arm. Once we got to Bri's we chilled in her room for a while. I sipped on some water because I liked sipping water and Hannah and David were super blackout drunk. We had to take care of them for a good majority of the night. Hannah took me to the side once and talked to me about Chloe twice then she took Chloe to the side and talked about me then Chloe took me to the side and talked about things. We both came out about us liking each other and all that jazz. After all that crap she did and put me through I told her if she wanted to talk she has my number and my snapchat so we could definitely talk. Later that night we went to her tree house, Hannah and Jacob had an arguement, Me, Bri and Chloe went for a walk, Sidney who had recently arrived stayed with Leasy and chilled. After a while longer we went back to Jacob's house and chilled there for a few more hours. We walked the ladies who were going to Hannah's house out to their car. Chloe hugged me and I said to snapchat me. That night me, Jacob and David crashed that night.

If people are interested I'll keep posting more days of my journal. Thanks for reading

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