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Join me on an epic adventure ^^? -detailed fantasy world.

Sincerely Me

Senior Member
So a friend and I decided to create a fantasy world of our own, inspired by our dreams and all the wonderful craft our earth is blessed with :D so, while there might be a lot to learn about this world we've created, I assure you it's not your usual elves dwarves magic. We've taken the usual stuff and added some of our own ^_^ so hopefully it's unique enough for you guys. you don't need to memorize everything.. hehe.. just read it once through. Here's the link (there's a lot of detail BTW):https://www.rpnation.com/threads/welcome-to-andarun.90341/

So I'm looking for someone who is interested to play a male character in this setting. The basic premise is our characters will be sent on a mission to discover a new land! Hoho! Join me and your character's name will be chiseled into the halls of fame :DDD

You'll also get to rp with lil ol fun meh :P I promise an epic time filled with danger, action, character build up, and maybe even romance ... <3

I highly value quality over quantity. If you've no problem with two good sized paragraphs with decent descriptions and detail I'd like to have you :D of course, conversations might be shorter.

for posting frequency I only ask for twice a week. Please ignore my second post in the overview tab, that's another rp. I'll post the 1x1 plot when I find someone interested :)

Hoping to hear from someone soon *o*;
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While I am interested, is this a one on one or a multiple, looking at the story you got here it looks like it is a rather expansive world for just a 1x1. I applaude your diligence if you did this for it.
Hmm... this had a better turn out than expected ^__^; I thought I would wake to one 'alert' at most. Was expecting none. Would you guys like to do a 2x2? @Orikanyo @Mauvez @CaptainDorran

@Orikanyo It is one of multiples..haha! I'm not doing all that if its just gonna be for a single 1x1 D: *Imagines that and starts sobbing*

*sniff* If the 1x1 (or 2x2) you guys would essentially be notable characters in the world =D
@Sincerely Me Ah I get yea, sure I'd be happy to do some 2x2, makes my idea of twins much more interesting, that is if I'm getting the meaning of 2x2 right, not fully used to this new lingo yet. been a rolaplayer for years and yet I haven't heard hide nor hair of such things.
ohhh... actually I might've got the meaning of the 2x2 wrong D:

I meant since there are three of you interested and I really only have time for one 1x1. Was thinking of turning it into a small group (4 peeps) Cause I'm terribad at turning people down especially if they like meh =3 (you like my work you like meh!! =DD). You can of course play a max of 2 main characters.
hmm, I see, so 4 people doing a roleplay, a group one for simplicity's sake.
perfectly fine, I'm certain we will work quite well together. hopefully the others appear and join in.
Yay ^_^ !!! Well, if they're not joining then we can just revert back.

I've got the setting up. It's the second one in the 'Overview' tab.
ooh.. uhm, if the other 2 peeps decide not to join or don't reply in 24 hours. You're welcome =D

(or if one of the other RP's i'm in dies off, I might open another story arc in the same world setting)
you certainly have quite the world here, i like it. All the races ahve their ups and downs, none really are fully over shadowing the others. Well done.
do you wish for the character sent to you via convo or posted in the character sign up?
No worries, this chance to help someone create a world is thrilling to me.

A link to the best post I made, thats a tough one, how do i go about doing such?
Uhm.. actually any post will do. You're currently RP-ing in any other rp's?

Actually nvm, I just stalked your profile. You're good to go on that one, you can just write 'Approved! stalked by @Sincerely Me '. I just wanted to see what sort of writing you do ^_^ ;
Eh? Good, I was abit worried I would choose a bad one. In anycase I shall put my boyo up tomorrow morning, it's kinda 1:34 in the morning here and I kind have college courses today... so... gotta sleep xD

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