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Fandom John wick RP anyone?


Just call me Miki
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey there everyone, hope all you lovelies are having an amazing day or evening. I've been wanting to do a John Wick RP for a long time.

Like before it is only semi literate, literate+ only and that means NO ONE LINERS OR Illiterate RPers

Now I am willing to play any character within the John Wick series for your oc if someone plays John Wick for my OC.

This of course will likely be a double up ( where both parties do a cannon for the other's OC)

Of course the type of relationship can either be Platonic or romantic for your oc and whatever cannon character you wanting me to play for them. Though the type of relationship my OC has with John wick will be Platonic

So if your interested feel free to PM me or comment below if you are interested.

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