Joey & Jane Crister


made up of opposites
Name: Annabelle Jane Crister


Gender: Female

Nationality/Ethnicity: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Mechanic [Engineer]

Hobbies: Inventing, Building.

Personality: Jane is a fun, rambunctious and happy girl. She loves to crack jokes and see others laugh. Jane very much dislikes the name Annabelle and decided to go by her middle name. She can get very angry if you call her Annabelle or any of the nicknames that come with the name. Jane can get very focused on her work, sometimes not even saying a word for many hours except for 'Hand me that wrench' until the job is finished. Her father is an engineer and he is very proud of his only daughter, and often likes to help her work, even if she doesn't need help. Even though she is very skilled at building things from scratch, she prefers to fix already broken things. She finds it funner to give machines a new life then make new machines, since there are so many broken machines that barely ever had a chance. Her favorite place to hang out is the junkyard, where she goes most every day to find a new machine to fix and improve her skills. Jane's mother died when she was very young and Jane never knew her well, so it does not hurt very much, but she does wonder what having a mother would be like. Her father, soon after the loss, became very depressed and started to drink, but overtime stopped because of Jane, to take care of her. She is very thankful for this. If you hit a sensitive spot by saying something, Jane can get very angry and/or sad, sometimes saying things she doesn't truly mean. She has a quick temper, and if you anger her, she is quick to snap, but never with her machines. Oh, no. Jane could spend hours on her machine, failure after failure, without so much as a sigh. They mean a lot to her.

Appearance with optional picture: Jane has wild and wavy red hair that she does not tend to very often and big seafoam green eyes that are usually hidden by her goggles. She had her ears pierced when she was only three and her freckles have yet to leave her face, as she complains they make her look silly. Jane dislikes makeup very much and the only time she will wear makeup is for a special event, in which she will only wear lipstick and and maybe a bit of blush. She is fairly tall for her age and her father always threatened to lower the ceilings on her as a joke. Instead of the necklace that contains a ring in the picture, it as actually a necklace with a watch that does not work. She keeps it with her to remember that some things cannot be fixed.

Typical clothing: Jeans or shorts, a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up or a t-shirt and her watch-necklace with some sneakers or flats. Very casual.

History: Jane's father, Danton Chslovaiokie met Ellie Crister in college, both majors in engineering, graduating and the top of their classes. They both wanted to make the world a better place by inventing things that would help solve world problems. When they married, Danton took on the name Crister instead of the other way around, because who wants to be Chslovaiokie? Just when they realized they were having a baby girl, Ellie was diagnosed with cancer. She died just after Jane was born, and amazingly, Jane came out perfectly healthy. Danton loved Jane with all his heart, but was consumed with grief over the loss of his beloved wife and it took him a couple years to finally put the past in the past. When Jane brought home a broken machine and sat down to work, her father would often stand over her shoulder and touch her hair, remarking how much Jane looked like her mother when she worked. When she turned 12, Danton gave Jane her mother's favorite gadet; an old watch passed down in her family for many generations. It stopped working long ago, and Jane tried to fix it, but was never able too. Danton said Jane's mother was also unable too, as was the past generations of her family, even though they were all brilliant inventors. Danton died of a heart-attack when Jane was 16. She was sent to an orphanage, but did not have to stay very long because she was near the age of 18. In her time in the orphanage, she befriended a young boy named Joey with a troubled past, and he opened up to her more than he ever opened up to anyone, which even that wasn't much. When she became old enough, Jane adopted Joey. Jane inherited all of her father's money, which wasn't too much, but it was enough to start a life. Jane got a job at an auto-body shop to support them.

Name: Joey Renenza Crister


Gender: Male

Nationality/Ethnicity: American/Caucasian

Hobbies: Drawing.

Personality: Joey is an incredibly quiet and cold boy. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it is only to Jane and barely audible. It is known that he has had many traumatizing experiences in the past that he does not speak of, ever, not even to Jane. It seems unlikely for a boy such as Joey to befriend anyone, but Joey took a liking to Jane as soon as she first stepped in the orphanage. Joey loves to draw. At least, that was what Jane assumed, as under his orphanage bed were at least 10 sketchbooks and scattered pencils, and despite how hard Jane tried, she just had to peek. His art was amazing. But it was dark, and Jane realized he was quiet for a reason, a reason that changed him. Jane spent as much time as she could with him after she saw his artwork. Trying to make him talk, trying to make him smile, anything. Joey seemed to be fairly happy about this and slowly began to speak to her.

Appearance with optional picture: Joey always keeps his messy brown hair over his eyes, as a sort of shield from having to make eye-contact. His hair is always unkempt and dirty, and he slouches. He usually wears jeans and a t-shirt, but the one thing Jane has never been able to replace or wash or even touch was his big brown jacket that is much too large for him. It has holes and is very worn out but he refuses to take it off. Jane suspects that it's the only personal possession he had when he came to the orphanage.

Typical clothing: Jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers, and a large brown jacket.

History: On January 21st, a young boy stood on the front steps of a large old building, known as 'Lorencia Orphanage'. It was a dark and windy night, rain pouring down mercilessly. The small boy raised a clenched fist, preparing to knock on the large wooden doors, but could not bring himself to do so. He was soaked, and cold, tired and hungry, but not ready to accept the fact that this was going to be his home now. He was officially an orphan.

For an hour or so, he raised a fist, brought it to the door, and stopped. Raised a fist, prepared to knock, stopped. Until finally, he gave up and slid down to the floor, leaning against the doors as he hugged his knees close to his chest and rubbed the fabric of his giant brown jacket affectionately. There he slept, the pouring rain acting as a sort of lullaby. Only in the morning did he wake, when a young girl with curly red hair opened the door, wanting to get some fresh hair, found a boy right there, his hair messy and still slightly wet, sound asleep.

She carried him inside.


He never knew that she was the one that took him inside the orphanage. Joey became interested with Jane, constantly peering at her or following her around, and Jane thought he knew that she was the one that carried him inside, but actually not. Joey just liked her. Jane found this quite silly and yet amusing, and finally talked to him, but he did not reply to her questions for a long, long time. Jane considered them friends, and when she was officially no longer a minor, she asked Joey if he would like to come with her. He agreed.

Jane does not know much about his past, and he refuses to share it with anyone. The one time she asked him, he just gazed at her with his big black eyes, and Jane could see all the fear and anger and sadness in his young eyes that knew too much. Jane never asked again.

Otherwise, not much is known, and is never told.​
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