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Fantasy Jiyûnoha roster


More toxic less flow
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My Interest Check
Heyo sheet is below, if I ask for a edit or change it would be for lore or balance. I have some roles you can take or adapt below in a spoiler but don't be afraid to ask questions on the check or on discord.

These are the leaders of Shimanari chosen by the people or the Shogun. From the humble village chief to the rulers of towns/cities. Daimyo uphold the Shogun's laws and lead by example. Skilled in combat and charismatic enough to rally warriors to their banner.
The two Daimyo of Gitgud founded the Jiyûnoha. (2 roles here)

The military, the law, the Shogun's fury and might. Samurai are warriors in service to a Daimyo or the Shogun directly. These days they are more guards than soldiers.
(Samurai are plenty, no limit here)

These are warriors who specialise in stealth, assassination, subterfuge and a few other things that help them pull off the secret dirty work a daimyo or even the Shogun needs done. Born with a dark spirit or acquiring one by the time they have passed their training.
Ninja are not as common as samurai, proper shinobi have been trained since childhood for the duty.
(2 roles here)

The hunters of Shimanari. They prey on animals and monsters more so than humans. Kariudo usually protect the villages an islands from monsters. Knowledgeable on flora an fawna the Kariudo have no qualms in setting traps fighting from range or getting close. A Samurai hones their skills to kill people. A Kariudo does the same, their targets are many though. (3 roles here though I've taken one. So 2 roles here.)

Shimanari's Spirit/ritual/healing specialists. Those born with a healing spirit are destined to become Obashiki, sometimes the healing spirit is acquired through ritual. A Obashiki can range from a village doctor to a Daimyo's personal artist. (The ritual for gaining spirits involves killing with a "Solore" weapon and making a tattoo via blood from said weapon.)
A Obashiki guides the living to live in peace with spirits and helps prevent the living from becoming spirits. (1 role here)

Not a role to take but important anyway.
 Solore is a strong mysterious ore that is rare in Shimanari. A metal that is able to absorb souls/spirits. Usually made into a knife or the edge of a tanto blade. A solore knife is usually in the hands of a Obashiki whilst a solore weapon would be held by a Daimyo.
Killing a monster/animal with Solore provides the means to gain a new guardian spirit.
A Obashiki would clean the blade of blood and spirit, mixing both into a ink. The mixture is pierced into the body to create a depiction of the spirit or Kanji representing it.

(Basically magic tattoos, though only a Obashiki can perform the ritual.)

As far as roles go im happy making anything, I'll guide the plot along as GM and in the way whatever character I pick would. A Obashiki or Kariudo wouldn't convince a town the same way a Daimyo could.


Appearance: (picture and description please)

Title/rank/profession: (Like Samurai, Kariudo or Obashiki for example)

gear: (what they have on them at most times, be realistic don't carry twenty seven weapons and a magic bag of stuff)

talents/skills: (be they natural or learned over time. What's this character notably good at?)

Flaws: (be it physical or more mental/emotional, no ones perfect)

Guardian Spirit:
(picture helps but either way describe the spirit and the magic it uses. Some roles may start with two. A shinobi having a shadow spirit or a Obashiki having a healing spirit being the easiest examples.
Know your spirit can act of its own accord somewhat, though its generally tied to who it protects, one can only use a spirits magic when it resides in their body.)

Magic: (List a technique or three that your character performs thanks to their spirit. This can be throwing a projectile, coating your weapon with said magic. Be creative, if what you put down seems to much ill ask for a change)

(Shimanari has been a vassal state suffering for 22 years, if your character is that old or younger this corruption and cruelty is all they know. If older then they remember how strong and proud their ancestors were. I encourage you to collaborate with other players but know it isn't forced. Regardless of what you make im sure I can fit them in somehow)
This might get changed up heaps

Name: Yahno Naza
Age: 28
Yahno stands at 5ft10, he has green eyes black hair and usually sports a stoic face. The man has a few scars from monsters most notable is the one across his right eye, thankfully his eyeball was healed and his sight is unaffected.

Title/rank: Kariudo, a valued hunter of Gitgud.

  • Hatchet, a one handed axe made of wood and steel.
  • Dagger, good for skinning and stabbing.
  • Tanto, more of a parry stick since the edge is ruined from blocking claw and steel, but it still has a sharp point.
  • His clothes are simple robes and his armor is made from various pelts and leathers from monsters he has hunted. Including makeshift shoes with claws at the front.
  • A small pouch to hold stuff and a slightly larger pouch for monster materials/messy objects.

  • Stealth, a good hunter knows how to sneak.
  • Speed, running in the wild keeps one agile.
  • CQC, trained by his father to wield weapons and fight unarmed.
  • Magic, the Naza clan are known for their thunderous magic and spirit. Yahno is something of a master with electric magic.

  • Dramatic, if his honor is insulted or Yahno feels wronged in any way he will retaliate or confront the supposed problem.
  • Greedy/Addict, Yahno enjoys drinking, smoking, gambling, well anything he enjoys he does so excessively.
  • Fear of the ocean, not the beach or shallow water... just the idea of drowning terrifies Yahno and makes him useless at swimming in deep water. Not that he was ever a great swimmer.

Guardian Spirit: Thunderwolf, most Naza have a thunderwolf for a guardian. Yahno calls his Ohm and it is a fierce and swift thing, moving like lightning in a fight and howling a wave of thunder. Though as Yahno can only use thunder magic with the spirit inside him... Ohm rarely appears in a physical form.

Magic: Electric.
Yahno's versatility with magic surpasses most of the Naza clan. His most used techniques would be...
Throwing bolts of thunder.
Creating close range shockwaves via clapping thunder.
Coating himself or his weapons with electricity.
Telekinesis via electromagnetism, providing the weapon/tool/armor is metal.

The Naza clan originally resided on the island of Mizzu, most of the Naza clan were killed by Famrican soldiers when they refused to vacate or participate in their "opportunities. " Yahno's mother and father managed to flee the island with their young child, but their ship was destroyed and Kozuu Naza drowned saving her son.

Dahno Naza managed to swim himself and Yahno to the mainland where they fled as far as they could from the terrible memories. The two Naza found refuge in Gitgud, the island furthest from Famrica territory and adamant about keeping the Ricans away. Dahno was a skilled Kariudo and samurai, teaching Yahno at any possible moment when not working for his new Daimyo. Yahno was six when he arrived in Gitgud, scarred from the violence at Mizzu and his mother's death. The boy had resentment and drive within him... The need to be stronger, more terrifying than any foreigner was what made Yahno the warrior he is today.

Yahno's hatred of the Shogun who let this happen and Famrica are well known, he is one of the founding members of Jiyûnoha.

Extra: his hatred for the Shogun runs so deep he refuses to wear the traditional Hakama or armor samurai in service wear. Relying on what he has made or the Jiyûnoha provide.

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