Jebediah Christoff, AKA Jesus - Birdsie


The God-Emperor of Mankind
Name: Jebediah Christoff

Aliases\Other Names: His alter-ego: Jesus comes from a rough abbrevation of his name, tha goes this way: Jebediah Christoff - Jebus Christoff - Jesus Christ

  • Jesus Christ (Jesus, or J for short) - "Vigilante" Alter-Ego that fights crime.
  • The Savior - Called this way several times through the series.
  • Jeb - Affectionate nicknames used by some of Jesus' "friends"

Age: Unknown. Judging by appearence he's thought to be in his middle 30's.

Home Universe: Madness: Combat

Gender: Male


Character Alignment: Chaos Neutral

Relatives\Family: None known.

Personality: Jesus has a serious, severe case of the Messiah Complex. He truly sees himself as a reincarnation of Jesus Christ, even though he's not. He believes he is a saviour of Nevada (and is somewhat right in that part, as he greatly contributed to defeating the Auditor and killed Hank J. Wimbleton.) and that the apocalypse already came to Earth. He appears to have a small lack of self-awareness, as despite appearing in every single episode of Madness, he doesn't always realize what's going on in Nevada. He hates all corrupt beings of pure evil and is willing to become evil himself to destroy them. Unlike Jesus, he can be very brutal and doesn't care about love or peace, just wants to purge this world of all things unclean and bring happiness to those in need. He's something like a middle ground between an Anti-Hero and an Anti-Villain.


  • Purge Nevada of it's impure Madness.
  • Destroy the improbability drives.
  • Kill Hank J. Wimbleton.
  • Destroy the Auditor.
  • Kill Deimos. (Unknown but likely.)
  • Kill Sanford. (Unknown but likely.)


  • The times when odds are against him: One shouldn't mistake Jesus for a mary-sue that defeats everyone, everywhere, as even Jesus was defeated several times and killed several times in the series, meaning he can be defeated. Proven by several normal humans such as Hank J. Wimbleton.
  • Losing his halo: Jesus fears losing his Halo, as it would strip him off of most of his power.


  • Good people.
  • Judaistic people.
  • Christian people.
  • People that believe in a God in general. Just religiosity.
  • Shooting impure scum.
  • Hank J. Wimbleton. (In a limited way. They're both enemies and rivals, however both Hank and Jesus greatly respect each other as seen several times in the series.)


  • Impure scum that can turn into darkness and is edgy in general... so... the Auditor. (And Reaper)
  • The Auditor
  • The Auditor
  • The fucking Auditor
  • Hank J. Wimbleton (Because they're enemies)
  • Deimos
  • Sanford
  • Phobos
  • Project Nexus
  • All Sinners
  • All Non-believers


(NOTE: This part of the backstory is non-canon)

Jebediah Christoff used to be a newly arrived scientist in the Nevada branch of Auditor's Arms. As soon as Hank arrived in Nevada, the facility that Jesus worked in had nearly all of it's personnel slaughtered by Hank, resulting in Auditor changing his organization's name to: A.A.H.W. (Agency Against Hank Wimbleton) however Jesus betrayed the A.A.H.W. and took one of the many projects in his facility: The Halo and used it to escape and fight his way out.

He defeated Abominations, Zombies, L33T Crew Agents, APC Soldiers and Phobos himself. At one point he had a run-in with several Sleep-Walker Agents too. Jebediah changed his name to Jebus, to reference the biblical figure of Jesus, and his Halo. Later on he went ahead and went further by changing it to Jesus. Jesus hunted Hank, Deimos, Sanford and multiple other mercenaries through Nevada for several months, trying to destroy both the A.A.A. and the A.A.H.W. Afterwards, as it appears the A.A.H.W. managed to recruit Jesus back in a temporary alliance to destroy the A.A.A.

(The Canon part of the Backstory starts here)

Jesus was tracking Hank across Nevada and saw him slaughtering several A.A.H.W. Grunts. Jesus intervened, revived two Grunts as zombies and fougth Hank, but ultimately died, killed by Hank due to his lack of attention and neglectfulness. Later, the A.A.H.W. finished working on the Improbability Drives and Jesus, along with Tricky were dispatched to guard the Sheriff who would start operating one of the Improbability Drives. Hank reached the Sherrif's office and as he was about to shoot him, Jesus intervened and shot Hank in the back of the head. Hank was later revived by the Higher Powers, whilst Jesus revived Tricky as a Zombie with free will.

Some time after Hank was revived, he once again attempted to kill the Sheriff, however Jesus once again intervened and nearly repeated what happened, however Hank managed to take down the Sheriff with a shot to the head, whilst stabbing backwards to kill Jesus with his sword. Despite that, Jesus once again killed Hank with a quick shot to the head, ultimately making the three die. Later on Jesus and Hank were revived by the Higher Powers, however it is suspected Jesus was actually revived by the Auditor and the Improbability Drives, or perhaps by Tricky as a sort of repayment for Jesus' previous aid.

Jesus decided to once again go AWOL from the A.A.H.W. and went rogue. He wanted to get revenge after what Hank did to him, and once again tracked him across Nevada. Hank entered the M club to kill Tricky, however Jesus entered just after Hank, taking several zombie bodyguards with him. Hank killed the bodyguards and performed a "heroic" suicide by using a C4 vest to blow Jesus up. How Jesus was revived again is unknown, however it could have been the Higher Powers trying to mess around with Hank's lawful victory.

Jesus spent many episodes on his own, either against the A.A.A., the A.A.H.W. or against Hank, trying to kill and destroy all of them. He eventually killed Hank by a shot to he head, but was then engaged by Tricky who claimed: "HE WAS MINE!" but Jesus shot the Improbability Drive hidden deep in Tricky's skull, causing an overload of improbability in the Auditor's console, that resulted in the death of Tricky and slight increase in the general balance. Jesus destroyed one more important A.A.H.W. facility that created Grunt clones for further training, then went after the Auditor's headquarters. Jesus managed to heroically sacrifice himself and died, whilst destroying the last Improbability Drive. The Auditor survived and took dead Jesus' Halo. Later on, Hank found the Halo and took it as both a power-up for himself and a way of honoring Jesus' death for the good of all humanity.

This version of Jesus never died, instead managed to kill the Auditor.

Weapons & Armor: 

  • The Halo: The Halo grants Jesus most of his (superhuman) powers. Taking it off of his head is hard, however possible if he was to be asleep, or dead. The Halo gives different great powers to the one who wears it, and after taking it off, some of the powers remain with the user.
  • The Binary Sword: The Binary Sword has been Jesus' signature weapon ever since the 3rd episode of Madness Combat. It has the numbers 100111100 inscribed on the blade, which when translated from binary to decimal gives '316'. It is also the 3:16 chapter in Gospel of St. John that states: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son*. That who ever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." The sword is imbued with powerful nexus energy from the Halo that allows it to cut through nearly anything. It is also a weapon that the player can buy in Madness: Project Nexus, and the best melee weapon available in the game, with outstanding stats of: Damage: 20 Range: 135 Accuracy: - Durability: 200. These stats make the sword so powerful in-fact that the weakest character on level 1 of the game can kill nearly any enemy in one hit.
  • TAC-50 Sniper Rifle: Jesus uses a TAC-50 Sniper Rifle, carrying different parts of the said rifle with him, and assembles it whenever he needs it.
  • S&W 500: Jesus' favourite short to middle range weapon is the S&W 500 revolver that houses 5 bullets, and has high firepower that is capable of easily killing armored targets.
  • Others: Jesus used other weapons, such as a Cannon that he summoned, or a Magnum pistol. He also used several assault rifles he picked up from dead A.A.H.W. Soldiers' corpses.

Items & Personal Belongings: 

  • Nothing else than the above, really.

Skills & Abilities: 

  • Nigh Peak-Human Strength: Jesus was seen lifting filled, heavy metal boxes and effortlessly throwing them at his enemies as if they were nothing. He wielded an M4A16 Assault rifle in one hand, with the binary sword in the other, and Krinkels himself stated that Jesus would have no problems in dual-wielding heavy machine guns. Second physically strongest character, just next to Hank.
  • Peak-Human Reflexes: Jesus reflexes are equal, if not better than Hank's. Hank was seen deflecting bullets with his sword, however failing to do so if there were multiple opponents. Jesus on the other hand has no problems with pulling off such stunts, and can also use his shield to full extent.
  • Incredible Intelligence: Jebediah Christoff used to be a scientist working with the science team at Auditor Arms in Nevada, long before Hank or the A.A.A.'s arrival. He was one of the scientists who worked on developing the Halo, therefore his scientific skills must be very high.
  • Experienced Fighter, Marksman, Gunslinger & Swordfighter: Jesus has extensive experience and discipline in the usage of his fists in unarmed combat, knowing several martial arts. He also has extreme levels of swordsmanship experience that allows him to use the Binary Sword to full extent. He appears to have an intuitive aptitude for shooting, as he uses firearms many times during the series, on a level of skill comparable to Hank.

Spells & Magic:

  • Resurrection (Inactive): Jesus resurrected himself several times in both Canon and Non-Canon material. He was once seen walking without the upper part of his head, to then pick it up and write a note: "I QUIT - J" and leaving it in a facility, then going rogue. He lost this ability after the Improbability Drives were destroyed, so he can't use it anymore, however if he was to create a new Improbability Drive and activate it, he would gain this power back.
  • Zombie Creation: Jesus' most infamous ability from them all. Jesus will rise his arm and shoot a green lightning bolt into nearby corpses, reviving them to life as hideous, rotting zombies, however not your normal type of zombie. They are more of a Frankenstein-type of zombie. They possess intelligence, albeit limited. The zombies appear to retain some of the skills they had in their previous life, however they have to fully obey Jesus' orders no matter how hard or outright ridiculous they were. The zombies, as said have intelligence and retain skills from their previous life, allowing dead soldiers revived by Jesus to use fire-arms etc. So if he revived a magician, the magician could use magic, but not on the same level as they did in their life. The zombies are also far more durable than humans, and normal attacks won't kill them. The best way to destroy them is to decapitate all of their limbs, cut their head off, or destroy the brain, otherwise Jesus can revive them up again, or they simply won't die again. It's possible that magical weapons specialized against the undead will be effective against these Zombies.
  • Red Shield: Jesus extends his hand forward, creating a shield of red energy that stops all things from passing through and makes them stick to it. If a bullet hits the shield, it will stop and stick to it. Jesus can then de-activate the shield to drop the bullets\grenades\etc, or he can shoot them back at the enemy with huge power. 
     (Jesus using the Red Shield)
  • Nexus Bolts: Jesus can shoot bolts of powerful nexus energy within the Halo from his hands. These bolts can disintegrate weaker opponents and greviously injure more powerful ones. This ability is highly limited to Jesus, as the Halo has a cooldown for using this power.
  • Red Beam: Jesus fires a Red Beam of energy from either his eyes, or hands. This beam is capable of dissolving matter it hits like hot plasma, however it has an ever longer cooldown that the Nexus Bolts.
  • Weapon Summoning: Jesus can summon several weapons that are bound to him by the Halo. These include: The Binary Sword and an old-style cannon that uses black cannon balls, possibly used for sieges, or destroying walls.
  • Levitation: Jesus can hover up above the ground. The full extent of this power was not seen, but he can levitate at least up to around 7 meters in the sky, and he can fly forward just above the ground with enough speed to avoid minigun bullets.
  • Telekinesis: Jesus has an advanced form of Telekinesis that he can use to lift, push, pull and bind other items, entities and beings with.                                                                                                                                        He has been seen using this ability in extremely creative ways, such as: Lifting a metal box into the air and throwing it onto a wall to break it. Snapping people's necks with it. Ripping people in half (literally.) and smash a person into a wall so hard that they turned into a literal puddle of blood. Using it to lift several guns into the air and shoot them at the same time.

Quotes: "I purge the wicked. The impious madness must end. I shall be the instrument of armageddon. It has gotten out of hand..." - Jesus at the beginning of Madness: Combat 8: Inundation.


Other Things: Nothing.
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