Jean [Forsaken in Silence]


One Time Luck

Concept: French Canadian Street Brawler

Auspice:Full Moon

Tribe:Blood Talon

Born in the cold, mean streets of Montreal Jean was orphaned in a dumpster behind a strip club his umbilical cord still wet and dripping from behind sheets of rolled up newspapers. It was only chance that a kindly, if destitute, priest walked by and heard the infants cries.

This might had led to a relatively peaceful life under the care of a benevolent man which might have led to a life in the church. Sadly, before the boy was four the priest was murdered in cold blood in his own dilapidated church while the boy watched hiding under the altar.

From there his life became a series of orphanges, juvenile halls, foster homes, and street gangs. The lesson he took away from the priest was that kindness was short, death was permanent, and you only have yourself to count on. This lesson forged the boy into something cynical, violent, and criminal.

Age only tempered the boys anger from a roiling furnace to a seething boil that threatened at all times to overflow into the world. At 16 he skipped out of town and fled to Toronto, where he lied about his age and started his first job cleaning a bar after hours. His violent tendencies quickly elevated him as a bouncer and it wasn't long before he took part in illegal street fights for money. Still, despite his growing street notoriety he never allowed anyone to be close and by the time he was twenty he was practically a loner with little education that didn't come from bloody hard lessons.

When the Change came, the world seemed to change completely. As a full moon Jean is every bit as vicious, brutal and ruthless a Uratha as he was a street brawler. He's not sure how to take this new aspect into his life. Though somethings never change. There's always a gang, always territory, always some kind of profit to be made somewhere by somebody. And where these people are, creatures like Jean are welcome.

Still, this is all still very new to Jean and despite his attitude he knows he can't go about this alone, or violently, he keeps his ear to the streets and his nose to the wind catching every bit of knowledge he can. Somehow, he knows in his heart of hearts he's going to need every bit of what he learns to survive.

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