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Realistic or Modern Jazz Jin a speakeasy style bar [open, lazy~]


fly? yes. land? no.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Starter:

Modern Day Tokyo. Evening.

From an entrance that started in an alley, you have to walk down a set of steps only lit by a single neon sign. "BAR" it says, its cloudy pink glow against the brick walls giving nothing else away. Steps away from a busy downtown, its nothing special from the outside, but inside, there is an atmosphere of timelessness. Seemingly transported out of Japan, underground its walls and furnishings are lined with a rich dark wood, speaking to lost craftsmanship that the modern era won't stand to wait for any longer. A small stage with dimmed lighting adds to the mood, a gentleman sat at the piano with his back turned to the entrance, chatting with a woman in a maroon cocktail dress, the two of them musicians on break for the moment. The interior smells of the polished wood, of a lingering cigarette perfume, leather lined booths and chairs, and the one scent that called you in here: liquor. Jin, whiskey, vodka, all of their cousins can be found against the back wall, set on glass shelves behind the long bar, built with that same dark chocolate and cayenne colored wood. Two employees in black button downs neatly tucked into belted black slacks are at work behind the counter. One of them, a woman with a long tail of hair neatly tied in a low black ribbon against the back of her neck speaks to the other male bartender. He nods to her without looking up from finishing an order for a customer, and she walks behind him, heading into an unnoticed doorway behind the bar, disappearing from view.

The male bartender has his sleeves rolled up the forearms, revealing pale skin with black ink just peeking out from where the sleeves curl back. With his head down, he's got enough hair to block his eyes from view, so its not until someone's waiting to order, do they get a glance at his face. He assesses you quietly, the room too dim to tell exactly what color his dark eyes are, and just a few seconds later he's turned his back, starting on mixing a drink. Maybe you call out to him, maybe you say you want to order thinking he's blatantly ignored you, or maybe you know already because you're a regular and sit quietly in wait, because this is his specialty: he knows what the patron wants to drink with just a glance.


Open to anyone who needs a space to explore a character a little, no need to make a character bio or apply (you can post it here if you want to though). Maybe you just want to try out their dialogue a little, or maybe you want to revive a character previously laying unused, either way you're welcome to join in. Very mild fantasy elements are allowed, such as peaceful coexistence of supernatural creatures. No violent behavior will be allowed (let's just say that the bouncer is able to deal with everything~). We can change it to a group rp if there is interest enough. Either that, or can rp over PMs or discord, just post here or PM me if interested.
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