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Fantasy Javax's Search for a Long-Lasting RP!


The Shadow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi there! My name's Javax, or just simply Jav.

I've been RPing and writing for quite a long while now; almost 5 years here on RpN and 3 years before that on a couple other sites! As a result I've greatly improved on my creative writing skills. They're not even close to amazing or perfect, and I don't ever expect them to be. However, I have grown accustomed to partaking in RPs that are at least moderately to highly detailed because of this. I don't mind the occasional 2-paragraph post, but I'm not a fan of partners that consistently post 1- to 2-liners or just 3-4 sentence paragraphs every turn. It's really hard to continue a plot/story when you don't know what the other character's doing, thinking, saying, etc. On the other hand, I don't mind having a partner that admits they have trouble fleshing out posts and would like help! I'm all for helping others in writing! I just don't want a partner that doesn't try.

With that said, I'm seeking a partner or two to partake in a high fantasy adventure. There is very little that I will reject in this category. Any and all fantasy races are accepted (provided that they're not gods, completely immortal beings, etc), magic will be a fundamental part of society or at least exist in parts of the world, mythical creatures can exist (dragons, minotaurs, mermaids, griffins etc), and much more. I'm not much of a fan of romantic relations in my RPs, but if you'd like to incorporate it, I'd be okay with trying it out. The possibilities are pretty much endless, and I'd love to see what two or three great minds can conjure!

I will go ahead and say that, despite my long history with RPing, I'm not very skilled in running an RP. I've attempted to in the past, but they each seemed to die off very quickly, and I'm almost positive it was my fault. I'd like a partner that can aid with pushing the story along by giving ideas, prompting new missions/obstacles, providing depth for their character arcs, etc. I have a couple ideas for the plot, but that's something that we can talk about in PM.

One last note: The main reason I want to do something like this is that I have a character that I've been trying to develop, but every RP I join never lives long enough to do so. I'm sure y'all can peruse my profile to find and guess which character I'm talking about, but to make it easy and for those curious,
this is the character I really want to RP. This character was actually tailored to a group RP, so some thing can change to better fit our personal RP.

I think that's it. Last thing is that I'm a full-time student and work, so I'm not super active. I'll try to get on and post anywhere from 3-5 times a week, depending on my availability, how busy I am, etc. If you're willing to give me a try, just let me know! And if you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask them!

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