Jarrett Carson


Gentlemenly Gentlemen
Name: Jarret Carson

Age: 29

Species: Human


Main type of weapon: Sword cane which he uses in combination with his boxing and  neo-Bartitsu

The main type of magic: Fulgurkinesis/ Electric Magic: The ability to control and generate lighting. In terms of controlling, this means he can move electricity from one place to another and can morph into different shapes like a bolt off even a weapon though only small objects can be created with bookcase being about the limit.Though an electric bookcase isn't too useful.  . In terms of how much he can generate, he can generate only so much at time and continued use will wear him out as will especially actions such as calling a lighting strike, firing a lot of bolts and creating more than one objects.  

Rank: Omega B

Personality: Jarret is a very distant man not want or really even being able to form attachments with most anyone. He prefers to focus on his work. He does some compassion but it is buried beneath his cynical nature and his slightly snobbish nature He has a rather dry sense of humour. He does hold a fair bit of arrogance due to intellect and lack of social skills. Still, it is an intellect to be proud with knowledge of with a vast knowledge with expertise the magical such as spells, effects of spells and potions. Science in terms of its modern day standing and how it relates to magic. The world its laws and its people are also another ace up his sleeve.  He doesn't (Not matter much he would like to think otherwise) know everything, however. He knows very little about the culture of the world and even less about its fiction.  This does lead to him thinking he knows best but if proven wrong he will not hesitate to sorry, he isn't petty after all. He is also a man of honour, mostly due to his upbringing with his only fault being a past use of drugs which came out due to boredom more than anything. 

History: Jarrett Carson was born to a happy loving family father and mother one.While not exactly royals the family were close enough in terms of funds and connections just without the fame.  Connects that enable to the family to learn magic though the father had no time for it, the mother knew much on the subject.  The son had a nice upbringing with the father teaching the child boxing and sword fighting and the mother teaching the son magic. Aside from that, the child became very skilled at various avenues of both human and magical world. Not that any of it saved him from what came later. One day when the family were walking around the country something happened. Something attacked. A dark and awful creature. The mother and father hid him and while their magic helped to save the young boy, it cost them their lives. The son was still badly hurt but managed to survive. 
Using his somewhat limited knowledge of medicine the son fixed himself up with one exception. His eyes so badly damaged that they couldn't be fixed... permanently that is. Jarrett uses a spell from on of his mother's books which caused his eyes to glow and sight to return. When in the world he just wears enchanted glasses to stop people looking at him. A final present from his mother. Anyway after the attack the son return to the world with a new sense within him. Living with a family friend for a year before going to travel around the world with his funds and further his studies. Jarrett carried on his training in both his boxing, eventually learning neo-Bartitsu, and magic skills crafting them far beyond even his mothers and fathers level. Around this time he also started taking a new drug which came from boredom due how his studies could do so little to stimulate at times. He also honed his scientific and deductive skill.  After his studies were complete, Jarrett used his knowledge of magic and the many facets it holds, as well as his investigative skill to join a  small guild in the area.  

Becoming sort of a well know, Jarrett acted as a detective on one hand and a guide on the other. His knowledge of the land became great, its towns, its people, their squabbles and all that was between them. Recently he gained knowledge of another greater guild in another land. Deciding that this guild had given him all it could he took off to join this new guild. The Silver Wolves weren't Jarrett first choice or even his second, after all, fall-outs with the government seemed to paint them in a... less than wonderful light. Yet there years of experience and... unique methods intrigued Mr Carson enough to eventually join up.
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Hi, we read through your profile and it's interesting but it has a few issues. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]First off, the grammar is less than suburb in some places, I'd suggest you'd read that over again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Second off, there are some issues with the type of magic you picked. For starters, there is no holy or unholy anything in this world, and thus no holy magic. (In the same vein, we would have send a NO to anyone wanted to play a demon or angelic character and there is no Good vs Evil divide) There are also some more specific issues. How does your character know if a heart is impure or not? This seems to provoke metagaming, something we strongly look down on. One sentence seems to suggest that your character can onehit characters which is way too strong. What do you mean with "curing darkness"? How do visions and astral projection relate to the rest of his magic? Also, visions are very hard, let's call it impossible, to RP, so I strongly suggest not having visions. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lastly, the history. There are some big issues here, because you seem to have interpreted the world @Fredward[/SIZE] and I set up. For starters, there is only one world, the magical one. Second off, there are no demons in this world, nor is there interdimensional travel or something like that. The entire last paragraph doesn't vibe with the rest of the setting. There are two more concrete things that are worth mentioning. One, how did his mother know to give him those enchanted glasses when he only needed them after the incident that took his sight and her life? Second off, Silver Wolves is in the capital, and thus the city has more than a few guilds. Most cities, in fact, have one or several guilds.

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