James Sirius Potter


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Full Name: James Sirius Potter

Age: 17

Role (student, teacher, Dark Lord/Lady, e.t.c): Student


Personality: James Sirius Potter is probably the most arrogant young man you will ever meet. Having not only inherited his paternal grandfather's name but also his know-it-all aura and his almost reckless need for adventure and chaos, he is the opposite of what his father hoped for him to be. While Albus lived up to his fathers ever increasing standards (being a good, well behaved student with decent friends and great relationship with his father), James fell short, first on accident but eventually on purpose. This unfortunately led to the development of some very severe daddy issues, giving James an inferiority complex that he tends to cover up by a fake sense of being better than those around him and explosive anger problems. Despite all of his emotional messes, he is a natural born leader and a fiercely loyal friend. While not openly loving, he shows his affection through his protection of those he cares for. 


History (optional): Going back to James' daddy issues, he had a bad rap while he attended Hogwarts. Both at school and at home. His relationship with his father was little to nothing and his relationship with his mother wasn't much better. The only person he really had a good relationship with was Lily. He constantly struggled with self loathing and truly believing he was not a good person. Which is half of the reason why he decided to recreate the Order. Not only to help the wizarding world but to prove to his father and himself that he was not a total lost cause. 


Family: His mother and father are Ginny and Harry Potter. And his siblings are Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter, both younger. 

Wand: 12 1/2" oak wood, dragon heartstring core

House: Gryffindor

Blood : pureblood

Fears: always being inadequate, death, disappointing those who have faith in him

Pets: a barn owl named Apollo

Other: to come in the roleplay


I'm not really sure why my gifs aren't showing up....

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