Jakou Actassi: Eclipse

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Jakou grew up as the youngest son of the Actassi trading family, a prominent trading company in the Wavecrest Archipelago. The family weidls considerable economic and political power.

Jakou was a competent sailor by age 3, and was piloting his own ships by age 10. At 15, Jakou took on  most of the travel and business duties for the Abalone branch of the family, allowing his father Nanfei Actassi to concentrate on affairs in Abalone.

Jakou Exalted at the age of 21, during an attack from the Lintha family. Already the enemies of the Actassi, the Lintha slaughtered most of the Abalone fleet while on its way to Chiaroscuro, and a confused Jakou sailed off with the survivors trying to understand what had happened. Knowing that the shipment was a major chunk   of the family income for the year, he could not return home until he could make up for the loss. Jakou himself turned to piracy, robbing anyone he could under a false name and face, fueled by his new powers.  While trying to gather the money needed to save his family, Jakou received a strange calling to a place far in the Wyld. Not wanting to risk the life of his crew, Jakou  sailed into the Chaos alone. It was there he found the source of his present might, the Racing Dawn, a transport ship built of orihalcum with sails of spun starmetal.

When Jakou returned home, he was a harder, more confident man, and the family was only too happy to have its own personal demi-god protecting family interests. Now Jakou accompanies the more dangerous routes and supplements the family income with some strategic piracy. He will not touch ships from Wavecrest or Coral, but Lintha, Realm or Guild ships are fair game.


Jakou is a meidum sized, lithe man with a commanding presence. He has the well muscled body expected of a man who spent his life sailing and swimming. Jakou has waist length dark blue hair and eyes, and his skin is the dark bronze of a sailor, and can often be found clad as such:

Black knee high boots, with his grey pants tucked into the tops, a red vest with a blue sash. Recently he has accquired  a red buff jacket, tailored long like a captains coat, which he wears open breasted with no shirt to display the sea serpent tattoo on his chest.

Jakou is brash, loud and a braggart. Nearly anything he does is done with style and flash. A fan of theatrics, Jakou is the hero of his own story, and acts like hes in an opera rather than the real world. However, he is not without compassion and outright cruelty and needless suffering will enrage him. Once he sets his mind to something, he will press on with the tenacity of the waves. His most notable and deplorable traits   are his lust for battle, and a lack of self control. He too often leaps before he looks, even if hes been told the water is full of hungry saika and jagged rocks. His motto is sail first, and  figure out where hes going, and how and why later. Jakou has a smile and sly presence that could convince most people to give them their first born child, or hop into bed with him if they didn't have one already . Even those hes given a fair deal too often come away feeling like they've given away their life savings for an empty box.Even in battle, Jakou is always smiling, because he knows he'll win.

Fighting Style

Jakou combined Snake style martial arts and the whirling dervish like dances of Wavecrest. The result is the undulating hypnotic movement   of a sea serpent on the waves. His movement distracts oppenents  and his spinning and whirling and flurries of leaps, handstands and acrobatics never leave a clue to where or when he will strike or dodge.

the following are jakous stats, modified for a few months of play. these are not his beginning stats.

Strength3          Cha 5          Percep 3

Dex5                 Manip 3        Int 3

Stam3                App 3           Wits 4

(favored)Martial Arts 5, (favored)Edurance 3,  Presence 2, (favored) Resitance 4, Craft 2, Lore 3

Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Dodge 4, (favored) Larceny 3, (favored) Stealth 3

Bureaucracy 3, Linguistics 5, Ride 0, Sail 5, Socialize 4

Specialties- Fast Talk 2, Bravado 2, Acrobatics 2  

Comassion 3, Conviction3, Valor 4, Temperence 1

Willpower 7

Essence 3


Oxbody 3, Durability of Oak, Iron Skin Con, Reed in the Wind, Shadow Over Water,Reflex Sidestep Tech, Seasoned Criminal Method,  Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise Method, Salty Dog Method, Shipwreck Surviving Stamina, and about five Snake Style martial arts charms that i can't remember.


Allies 3- The Actassi family can be found anywhere there is a port.

Followers 2- his crew, his first mate Tear is a Godblooded

Artifact 3- D'Naad's Venom

These artifact tiger claws appear to be bracers of blackjade, until the wearer pops out the three orihalcum blades from each. D'Naad's Venom have a sting to them, making them more deadly than the average tiger claws. They also give the wearer the ability to speak to spirits and strike those who are dematerialized.

spd 3, acc 5, dm 10l, def 2

Artifact 5

The Racing Dawn

The Racing Dawn is a ship Jakou found in the Wyld. It has two major virtues - A) Its speed is such that it can travel across Creation in a month.

B) It can fly, or skim across any surface.  The Racing Dawn also has the ability to seal its cabins and submerge for a limited amount of time, and a hand held device allows Jakou to communicate w/ the ship.

Its only failings are that it is small ( only the size of a real life brig) and has no weapons. This last bit was later rectified....

Artifact 3

The Boomtube

Found in one of the Hundred Kingdoms to the East, Jakou only knows one thing about this device ( actually a small First Age essence cannon meant to be mounted on a warstrider). Essence goes in, destruction comes out.

Family Secret:

Five Hundred Years Ago, a disgraced dragonblooded immaculate was exiled and lived as an Outcaste in Abalone. His name was Peleps Yolan Actassi, the founder of the Actassi trading family.

Five hundred years is a long time to forget the prejudices of your old life, and when Jakou returned as a Solar, Actassi was not only willing to let him stay, but to eventually pass on his knowledge. One day, soon, Jakou will be taught the secrects of Water Dragon martial arts.
First, a technical note: while it's ultimately up to the individual ST, I don't think the Artifact background is intended for multiple purchases like you've done here.  As I understand it, you get to buy it once, up to max 5, and that's it, with each Exalt type getting a different number of artifacts depending on the rating.  Solars don't get shit for artifacts because orichalcum is rarer than jade, moonsilver or soulsteel, and also because there's no infrastructure in place to provide them with artifacts, unlike DBs or Abyssals who have access to a lot more stuff.  And we won' mention the Alchemicals.

Other than that: while I like the work you've done on his background, his personality seems pretty... stock.  I guess you could say "archetypal," but he doesn't sound terribly complex.  His backstory had the potential to germinate a much more interesting character than a brash, arrogant semi-pirate.  I mean, aren't ALL pirate captains swaggering jerks with a penchant for solving problems with a cutlass?

Were we rating on a scale of 1-10, I'd give this character a 5.
Yeah... I'm going to go ahead and disgree with you there, Hanat.

If Artifact can't be purchased multiple times, then a Solar with a level 5 Artifact can't also have a level one Artifact. That's dumb.

I guess my point is: what do you need with all those artifacts?  And who are these PROMISCUOUS storytellers handing out Level 5 shit?
I will admit, his personality is stock- but thats what happens when  you have to make up your first Exalted character on the fly. All the background ideas were formed later, and I've unfortunately only played him in about 5 short sessions, so I really haven't had the time for him to grow into a non-stock personality.

I'll have to work on that.
Well, at least you're aware of it.  That means you can make something more of it.  And that's ultimately what the game's about, no - creating something worthwhile, some new & exciting?  I think so.

A Solar's Virtue Flaw can be a great tool, as far as character development goes, as can national/ ethnic background... not to mention any traumatic/ otherwise formative events your ST has put you through.
I wish that the background system was more generalized. I'm not a fan of the fact that Artifact ratings mean different things for different Exalt types. If you want to differentiate this, just adjust the starting costs for each of the Exalt types instead (or the XP-costs if you want to reflect difference in ease of acquisition).
Overall, the character seems sound.  However, I feel that something is missing, some form of spark that would set him apart from every other pirate captain out there, something that will need describing further.  To help, the first thing that comes to mind is what is his Nature?  If you can eplain this fundamental aspect of character creation in a bit of detail, then the character would be more complete.

Also, and this is a personal issue, I think the way that you've done the stats is a bit messy and could do with some organisation.


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