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Fandom Jaebrin's 1x1 Search. Romance! Mystery! Action! Other...stuff! *gasp*


New Member
Hello there! My name is Jaebrin and I come searching for some roleplays! I'll start off with a bit about myself, then hop into the fandoms I'm interested in!

  1. I'm Male and 29, as such I prefer roleplaying with other adults (preferably in their 20's or older) and I prefer playing Male in MxF pairings.
  2. I most enjoy Action and Romance in my roleplays because let's be honest, we're here to live vicariously through our fictional brain children.
  3. Although I want Action and Romance in my roleplays, I also highly enjoy exploring adult themes in my roleplays: politics, loss, tragedy, horror, etc.
  4. Yes, I said I enjoy romance and exploring adult themes. No, this does not mean I want trashy smut. Adult characters in our roleplay may boink, it happens, but when it does we shall fade to black and skip ahead. Read da rules.
  5. I l.j Ike to think I'm a friendly dude and I like making friends. Ooc conversations are always welcomed and encouraged, particularly if you can tolerate my brand of dry humor and "wit" (you know, weirdness.)
  6. I consider myself literate but typically don't type novellas. I enjoy the opportunity for back and forth and interactions between the characters. I will give no less than 3 paragraphs and can run up to 7 or 8 when I feel there's going to be little interaction necessary. While I'm not picky, I'd like something to respond to so please give me 1-3 meaty paragraphs minimum. I'm not too picky on grammar as I can typically decipher the intentions, so please don't be put off by my own proper punctuation and grammar. It seems as if most of the lovely people here are still learning and improving, so I welcome the opportunity to be a part of that! (I still have improvements to make myself so feel free to offer constructive criticism.)
  7. I can be a potty mouth, gosh diggity darn it. If this offends you, please let me know. I'll clean it up, just for you! :D
  8. If you've read my rules, please include "I got it, you nerd!" Somewhere in the message.
Now that all that bidness is out of the way, onto the roleplays! Whooooo! I'm primarily interested in the fandoms I have listed, but if you have a non-fandom pairing and just think I'm the bee's knees, feel free to pitch it my way and I'll likely give it a shot. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that. Unless I've noted otherwise, I prefer doing OcxOc for our characters, set in the world of the fandom. The character I do not would be who I'd like you to play as against my Oc. I'm happy to double as a canon of your choosing in any of these roleplays! Fair is fair you know. Again, I'm still open to doing CanonxOc or occasionally CanonxCanon pairings, so don't let that deter you and ask! All characters are assumed to be aged up to at least 18.

<3 = Ermagerd, I'll love you if you do this with me
!!! = I have a plot, see below :D

Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra <3 !!!:

Harry Potter <3 !!!

Percy Jackson and the Olympians <3

My Hero Academia
Mina, Jiro


Dresden Files <3

Fairy Tail

Ranger's Apprentice



Dungeons and Dragons



ATLA/LoK: Its been 5 years since Avatar Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai. Peace is slowly returning to the world, but the Fire Nation is still in the process of stabilizing. Zuko is working hard at regaining the world's trust in his Nation as well as rallying and bringing his people together in peace. He has decided that, after 5 years, Azula has earned some modicum of freedom. She is still his sister after all. He only allows this on the condition that a man of his choosing accompany her in her limited freedom as both bodyguard and parole officer. My OC is hired for this role. As the two get to know each other and Azula slowly begins to trust another person, a radical faction of soldiers supporting Azula as the true Fire Lord emerge and thrust the nation into turmoil. Simultaneously, a radical faction of the White Lotus attempts assassinations on Azula, feeling her punishment was far too lenient. Azula and her bodyguard must work together and flee from both of these factions in order to maintain the limited freedom she has earned. We can improce on this plot together as well as tie it into whatever Canon character you choose for me to double as! :D

Harry Potter: A magical cold war has erupted between the European Ministry of Magic and the American MACUSA. The reason for this can be discussed (typically due to mistrust down by Grindelwald or Voldemort.) Both OCs begin teaching at Hogwarts. One teacher is suspected of being a spy for MACUSA while the other is a counter spy sent by the Ministry. The two bind unexpectedly and band together to fight dark wizards (typically fanatics of Grindelwald or Death Eaters) attempting to get at the wizarding youth in Hogwarts. There is plenty to discuss and work together on here, as I intentionally left much of this vague. :D
I would be interested in the Harry Potter one ^^

I got it, you nerd
Are you still looking for a partner? Particularly one for Percy Jackson?

"I got it, you nerd'" not to be mean broham
I got it, you nerd!

If you are looking for any more later on (or now,) I'd be interested in either Harry Potter, Skyrim, or maybe even Avatar (that plot looks fun, but fair warning, Avatar isn't one of my peak fandoms and I've only watched the series once through so I might be a little weaker on this one, heh.)
I got it, you nerd!

If you are looking for any more later on (or now,) I'd be interested in either Harry Potter, Skyrim, or maybe even Avatar (that plot looks fun, but fair warning, Avatar isn't one of my peak fandoms and I've only watched the series once through so I might be a little weaker on this one, heh.)

I'll PM you. Thank you!
I would be interested in the Avatar one ^^

I got it, you nerd

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