Jacques Le Fossoyeur (Jack The Gravedigger) [Scion: Time Of Judgement]


New Member
Name: Jacques Le Fossoyeur (Translation Eng : Jack the Gravedigger)

Player: Dreanyth

Vocation: Undertaker

Concept: Architect

Pantheon: Egyptian

God: Anubis


Strength: oo

Dexterity: ooo

Stamina: oooo

Charisma: ooo

Manipulation: oo

Appearance: oo

Perception: oooo

Intelligence: ooo

Wits: oooo



x Animal Ken: ooo(oo)



Awareness: ooo




Craft: oo

x Empathy: ooo(o)


x Integrity: ooo(o)

Investigation: oo

Larceny: ooo

Marksmanship: o

x Medicine: oo(o)

x Melee: oo(oo)

x Occult: ooo(o)




Stealth: ooo




Animal: ooo

Follower: oo


Conviction: ooo

Harmony: ooo

Order: oo

Faith: o

Willpower: oooooo

Legend: oo(o)

Epic Attributes/Knacks:

Epic Perception: oo

Animal (Jackal): oo

Guardian: o

Heku: oo

Justice: oo

Death: o
Who is Jacques ? That's a good question. The fact is he doesn't know either. On a dark night, at the village of Prelle (parisian suburb), someone knocked at the door of the Medier family residence. It was a huge residence near the forest where the all the family used to live, last relic of the 19 century and its legendary aristocraty. But this family wasn't as rich as one could think. The patriarch was the owner of an undertaking business which provided for his family. The mother, perfect housewife, took care of the house and grew the children, 3 daughters.

One day, Deborah, the first Medier's daughter went to the city to study law in the heart of the capital. At first, the father didn't agree to let his daughter leave the familial house, he thought the old fashion way, but the Debora's determination was stronger. Year after year, Deborah became more and more independent and became estranged from her father who always tried to get her back to home. The result of this politic : Deborah stopped to talk to her family.

The Medier had no news for years until that night when someone knocked a second time at the door of their residence. The patriarch opened and saw no one. A little angry he were going to close the door when a sound drew his attention, the cry of a baby. He looked down and found pram with a little boy and a letter in. Surprised, the patriarch read the letter that said : "Please take care of my son" signed by Deborah. Shocked, he fell on his kneels, his grandson in his hands, wanting the return of his lost daughter. But no one came. The next day, the undertaker saw a familiar face on his embalming table. The poor woman died giving birth. It was a difficult period for the father Medier, because he was forced to face the murderer of his beloved daughter.

So the little Jacques, grew in this old fashion family, with a grandmother and aunts who loved him and a grandfather who cannot face him. He was sent to boarding school where the little boy understood how difficult it was to live when your lastname is "X". Why ? Because his mother was rebelious, because no one know the name of the boy's father and because his skin where a little sun-tanned. For all his scolarity, Jacques where isolated from the others but he never suffered of it.

He was talentuous and decided to go to the medecine faculty. In contrary to all expectations, and his results, he decided to be specialize on the mortician way to take over the business of his grandfather. The patriach Medier were old and his two other daughters didn't give birth to a boy so he was the only heir. After 2 years at working with him, with no more communication than necessary, the patriarch, age of 65 years, decide to give his business to Jacques.

Just 2 month after he became the new undertaker of Prelle, Jacques received the visit from a strange black dog which wandered around his home near the cemetary. Few day later, the dog lied down front of the door of his house. Jacques were a little surprised but he tought that some canine could be good so he adopted it. Few day later again, a man who called himself Akhim Ynepu, a lawyer from Paris downtown, knocked at his door. He explained that, before he disappeared, his genetical father let some gift for his son, Jacques. This gift were an ancient egyptian bracelet with 5 nubians (humans with jackal heads) graved in. Intrigued by this person, Jacques began to discuss with the lawyer about his father. The lawyer smiled before respond :

"I like to see you curious, young man, and I can't hide that I was waiting for this question. Please sit ... your father is someone very important that's why he couldn't expose you as a son. Your one of his heirs, and what a inheritance. You are the son of Anubis"

After that, Jacques look puzzled for few seconds. A son of Anubis owner of a undertaking business, it is a bit of a cliché. So Jacques started to laugh ... until the lawyer begin showing a shinning aura. The young undertaker stopped immediatly and the lawyer continue with a shark smile

"I see you're taking this seriously ... good, it will save me time. Even if your father wasn't very present in your life, he looked at you and thought that you had potential. So don't be surprised if he contacts you by myself or by other way. I recommend you train your new power, it could be useful"

After that, the lawyer saluted Jacques and left him with all his questions.

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