jack rosewood


are you even trying?
in the heart

jack came from a family that should have broken long before it actually did. he has one sibling: a younger brother named tanner. his brother taught him responsibility at a young age, as their mother was a drunk. she was either out with friends or unconscious on the dining room table. because of her inability to take care of tanner, jack had taken care of him ever since the youngest turned 4. the boys were inseparable because of this. jack always took tanner to school and back, helped him with homework, and cooked him whatever they could buy at the convenience store with the money that jack took from his sleeping mothers’ purse.

when jack turned 14, and tanner 10, their mother had gotten herself a boyfriend who moved into the rosewoods’ home. he declared himself the patriarch of the household (which jack would later protest about). under his influence, the boys’ mother added meth and heroine to the list of her addictions. jack would always hide his brother from their high and unresponsive bodies, and take him to parks or to a friend’s house, secretly hoping that when they returned that one of the two adults would be dead.

it was around this time that jack had won an engineering competition in his school. the prize was a big computer that someone with years of experience would consider buying - this is what started the boy’s fascination with computers. after his brother was fed and their homework had been completed, he would log into his computer and research more and more about engineering until he had discovered articles about cyber warfare. this subject turned into his passion.

it wasn’t until jack turned 16 that his soon-to-be step-father got busted for possessing heroin. in the home, the investigators found that his mother was also a druggie, and that jack had taken care of his brother ever since he was 8. social workers took the siblings away from the home and put them both in foster care. tanner found a home in no time. he, however, did not leave his brother so easily. he wanted to stay with the boy who had raised him his whole life - he wanted jack to live with his new family, the townsends. however, jack knew that that wasn’t a possibility after speaking to his social worker and learning that tanner finding a family so quickly was a miracle, and that the family couldn’t fit jack into their household. as much as it broke his heart, jack understood. he was turning 17 the next winter, and knew that it was much more difficult to suddenly pay for an 16-year-old than a 12-year-old. tanner, though, didn’t see the problem. he cried and cried in the meeting room, shaking his head and throwing a tantrum in grief. jack tried to assure him that it was going to be okay, and that they would definitely see each other, just not all of the time. tanner wouldn’t have any of it. “please, please bring jack with us … please …” the boy sobbed. jack’s heart was being ripped in two. “i don’t want to be with you … unless you bring jack,” this sent jack into a panic. his brother being chosen so fast was a miracle, right? so if he turned down this family … would he be stuck in here for the rest of his teenage years? or with jack when he turns 18, barely able to find money to take care of himself? jack didn’t know what to do with his distraught brother sitting across from him at the meeting table. his neck arched so his hair covered his eyes.

“go,” jack mumbled lowly. this stopped tanner’s cries. “w-what?” the younger whispered in disbelief. jack’s head snapped up to look at his brother. “you think that i want to live with you? i’ve been taking care of you ever since i knew how to multiply.” he muttered through his teeth. “…go. go to your new family.” this stunned his brother. silent tears began to fall from tanner’s cheeks. “n-no… i … but i don’t want to leave you-“ “but i want you to leave me,” jack’s voice was wavering, but strong. “leave, tanner. leave. leave … me … alone,” jack faced his own lap, not wanting tanner to see him as his eyes stung with tears. he listened to tanner’s chair squeak as he pushed it backwards, and tanner's new mother’s voice whisper for him to come with them. the door shut after the silent footsteps, and jack burst into tears. his own social worker put his hand on the boy’s shoulder as he cried. “you … you did good,” she said through tears. “i’m proud of you. i’m so, so proud of you,” her voice choked. “i’m … going to try my hardest to get you a family, okay? i’ll start that right now,” she took out her phone, and was almost immediately on a call. jack wept silently, raising his hand to his aching chest.

not long after the promise, jack had been taken in by a forensic dna analyst who worked in the sexual abuse department of the local law offices. being in such a position, along with her husband who was an ultrasound specialist, they were more than able to pay for an adult-to-be’s education and all of the milestones that came with becoming an adult. he is still adjusting to his new family - his new life, but shakes it off and avoids his feelings by distracting himself with humor.

on the surface

jackson juniper rosewood

jack jack ; junebug

december 21 ; 17 years old ; sagittarius

male ; bisexual

6'4" ; 186 lbs

dark reddish brown hair ; brown eyes
wardrobe : jack has a variety of sweaters that he wears over the graphic tees that he lazily pays no mind to while dressing. he has a loyal pair of sneakers that are on his feet even if he chooses to dress fancy-casual, which does happen often. his fashion is just to be described as lazy and comfortable; he doesn't pay much attention to what he wears.


in the flesh

+ caring ; sacrificial ; charismatic ; hard-working ; excitable ; playful ; appreciative / - noncommittal ; loud ; talkative ; critical ; reclusive ; secretive ; self-sabotaging
enfp-t - true neutral
quirks : jack grins more than he should ; he has an oral fixation with lollipops ; he barely sleeps.
skills : jack is super into computers. he knows how to hack into websites and does it quite often. jack also enjoys cooking; he prepares meals for his new family. he is also quite experienced in getting out of situations just by schmoozing his way out or by distraction.
fears : children crying ; clowns ; sudden loud noises ; alcohol
jack is excited to use the ouija board - it is his idea in the first place.
the boy believes in ghosts, but there is no way that a ghost could come out of a board.
[SIZE= 11px]themes : [/SIZE]where are you now? the monster's running wild inside of me; please don't make any sudden moves[SIZE= 11px] /[/SIZE] and all the kids cried out, "please stop, you're scaring me!" i can't help this awful energy - goddamn right, you should be scared of me.[SIZE= 11px] / [/SIZE]don't forget about me, even when i doubt you; i'm no good without you.[SIZE= 11px] / [/SIZE]i'm a loose bolt of a complete machine[SIZE= 11px]. [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 11px]tanner townsend / brother / alive - elsewhere[/SIZE]
delilah rosewood / mother / imprisoned
alexander smith / step-father / imprisoned
daniel king / adoptive father / alive
heather king / adoptive mother / alive


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