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Fantasy Ivory Academy School of Magics: The Shadows of Prophecy {Lore}



living paradox
a messy, messy lore page... for now

The Dawn of Creation
In the beginning, the universe was a void—a blank canvas waiting to be filled. It was a silent expanse, devoid of color, sound, or life. From this emptiness, the Almighty—known as The Alpha and Omega—spoke the first words of creation, summoning forth light to pierce the darkness. With that divine utterance, existence unfurled, and the cosmos began to take shape.

Where there was once nothingness, now emerged something greater—an intricate tapestry of worlds, stars, and dimensions, each brimming with potential. The light illuminated the void, revealing the possibilities of life and magic that would fill the universe. The harmony of creation reverberated throughout the cosmos, setting the stage for the emergence of the Primordials.

The Primordials: Architects of Reality

The Primordials were the first beings born of this divine light, ancient entities of unimaginable power who shaped the very fabric of reality. They were not mere creations; they were the embodiment of the universe's essence, each a manifestation of fundamental forces and concepts—creation, destruction, time, and chaos. As architects of existence, they wove the threads of reality, infusing the universe with magic drawn from their own life force and divine gifts.

Among the Primordials were legendary Triads, powerful pairs of siblings or allies who embodied specific aspects of existence. Michael, the Archangel of Valor, symbolized purity, justice, and protection. He wielded the flames of righteousness, standing as a guardian against the encroaching darkness. Opposing him was Lucifer, the Lightbringer, who, though originally crafted from the same divine spark, came to embody the duality of free will and rebellion. His intelligence and charisma drew many to his cause, challenging the established order and questioning the limitations imposed upon the Primordials by the Almighty.

In the current timeline, there only remains three of the original Primordials: Aregion, Ishmariel, and Jemiah. No one knows what happened to the majority of the Primordials, but as the Thrones would have it, the rest of the Primordials were either destroyed and consumed for their power or had fulfilled their purpose and ceased to exist. The Triads continue to fulfill their duties, however, as they seem to guide and protect humanity in the pursuit of the Almighty's plan.

The Birth of Magic

As the Primordials shaped the cosmos, they also instilled magic into the very fabric of existence. This magic was not merely a tool; it was an extension of the Primordials themselves—an intricate web that connected all living beings, elements, and energies. The essence of magic flowed through the universe, granting the Primordials the ability to manipulate reality itself. They created realms, each governed by different laws and energies, where life could flourish and evolve. As the Primordials wielded their magic to create and sustain the universe, they inadvertently awakened dormant potentials within God's mortals, which by now had been banished from the Garden of Eden. Human beings were tempted by the snake in the Garden to go against the wishes of the Almighty, thus bestowing to them perception and free will. From across the realms, the Primordials intervened to bestow connections, to tap into their own essence and life force of magic surrounding them, allowing humans to harness this energy. The first magic users emerged, gifted with unique abilities that resonated with the elemental forces around them, as that was the world they knew then.

These early practitioners were seen as both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as they harnessed the raw energies of existence to bend reality to their desires. They formed communities, learning to harness their newfound powers, and began to explore the limits of their abilities. Some sought to protect their kind from the dangers of the universe, while others became corrupted by the power, descending into chaos and destruction. At this time, the Fallen Angel, Lucifer, had began to bestow humans with the same sort of energy and abilities, so long as they paid their services to him and sought to further the ambition of the Fallen.

The Great Divide

Long before the Academy's founding, the universe was a battleground. Forces of light and chaos—led by the Primordials—fought for control of creation itself. This cosmic war, known as the Great Divide, left scars across the fabric of reality, some of which still bleed into the mortal realm today. When the Primordials sealed their conflict with a fragile truce, the energy left behind became the foundation for magic in the universe. Over the eons, certain bloodlines began to develop affinities to these primordial forces, tapping into them through various schools of magic. These families, touched by both light and shadow, were the earliest progenitors of the modern magical world. With the emergence of magic, came the need for order—a place where those who possessed these powers could be trained, nurtured, and protected from both themselves and the outside world. That place became Ivory Academy, its gates hidden in a dimension far removed from human eyes.

Lucifer's Rebellion and Banishment​

In the timeless expanse of Heaven, where light reigned supreme and harmony flourished, Lucifer Morningstar stood as the most exalted of the archangels. His brilliance was unmatched, and his voice rang with celestial music, a melody that resonated with the very essence of creation. Yet, even amid such perfection, Lucifer’s heart began to harbor the seeds of discontent. He grew envious of the worship bestowed upon God by Adam & Eve, a new creation favored by the Almighty and protected in their Holy Garden. The whispers of pride became a roaring tempest, compelling him to seek dominion over Heaven itself.

In his quest for supremacy, Lucifer summoned like-minded angels, those who felt overshadowed by the Creator’s light. Together, they conspired, longing for a realm where they could reign as equals to God. Lucifer's eloquence seduced many, promising freedom from divine oversight and a new order governed by their own rules. The celestial harmony began to fray as factions formed, and tension escalated into open rebellion.

In a dramatic turn of events, Lucifer invoked the ancient magic of the Primordials, slaying and absorbing the life force and power of one of the most formidable Celestial beings—Vailinor. Transforming himself into a colossal dragon—a formidable embodiment of his ambition and fury coupled with his newfound power. With sandy crimson scales glistening like the a comet in the night sky and eyes ablaze with a fiery orange glow, he became the living embodiment of chaos. As he unfurled his enormous wings, shadows fell over the brilliance of Heaven, and an army of angels, now tainted by rebellion, rallied behind their fallen leader.

The grand celestial battlefield echoed with the roars of conflict, the cosmos shaking as the battle unfurled. Angels clashed, light against dark, as Lucifer and his followers faced off against the loyalists led by Michael, the Archangel of Valor. The skies darkened, swirling with fierce winds and ethereal light as the clash of swords and magic rang out, shaking the foundations of Heaven and all that stood before it.

Amidst the chaos, Michael stood resolute, wielding a sword imbued with divine radiance and light. As the battle raged, Lucifer’s dragon form soared through the ranks of loyal angels, unleashing torrents of fire and chaos. Yet, for all his might and fury, Michael’s unwavering spirit and the unity of the loyal angels began to turn the tide.

In a final, climactic confrontation, Lucifer and Michael met in a fierce clash of wills. With a mighty strike, Michael plunged his radiant sword into Lucifer and further stripping him of his wings. The once-magnificent Morning Star plummeted from the celestial heights, cast down from Heaven, and his dragon form spiraled into the abyss below, along with his followers and closest allies.

As he fell, the air crackled with the remnants of his power, and the vast expanse of creation shifted. Lucifer landed on the Earth. For centuries he roamed the empty land, lost and humiliated but feeling more and more enraged by his defeat and growing urge to imbue vengeance. Amidst his exploration, he came across a woman. The first woman: Lilith. She fell in love with the Fallen Angel and promised to serve him faithfully and loyally. In her admiration and desperation for her own vengeance against Adam, Lucifer imbued Lilith with power. Together, they created a desolate void—a barren wasteland devoid of light and life. Stripped of his divine glory and now forever trapped in the monstrous form of a serpent, he felt the weight of his defeat crush him, but found a new purpose. From the ashes of despair, he began to forge a new reality where he could exact his revenge on his Father and Creator—tainting and corrupting God's greatest creation: humanity.

In this forsaken land, Lucifer harnessed the chaotic energies of the void, reshaping the landscape into a nightmarish reflection of his ambitions. He built Hell, a realm of shadows and flames, filled with torment and despair. Drawing upon his fallen brethren, he created a hierarchy among the demons, each representing the darkest aspects of existence, establishing a twisted order that would echo through eternity.

Rings of Hell and their Lords​

Sin of Pride - Represented by Lucifer Morningstar (in his Satanic draconic form), "The Devil"; Emperor of Hell

Ring of Hell: The Ninth Ring
Pride is the original and most formidable of the Seven Deadly Sins. It signifies an excessive belief in one's own abilities, superiority, or importance, often leading to arrogance and a disdain for others. Pride is considered the root from which all other sins stem, as it fosters a rebellious spirit against higher authority or divine order.

Lucifer Morningstar - "The Devil"; Emperor of Hell:Lucifer Morningstar, commonly known as "The Devil," reigns supreme as the Emperor of Hell. Once a radiant archangel of unparalleled beauty and grace, Lucifer's insatiable pride led to his downfall. Believing himself equal to the divine, his arrogance sparked a celestial rebellion, resulting in his banishment from Heaven. In Hell, Lucifer's pride manifests as an unwavering confidence in his rightful place as the ruler of the infernal domains.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Absolute Authority: Lucifer's pride ensures his unchallenged dominance over Hell's hierarchy. His decisions are final, and his word is law, reinforcing his status as the ultimate authority.
  • Arrogance and Hubris: He interacts with other demons and sinners with a condescending attitude, expecting unwavering loyalty and admiration.
  • Inspiring Rivalries: Lucifer's pride fosters competition and ambition among Hell's denizens, as many aspire to rise within the hierarchy under his watchful eye. Even interacting with angels who come to Hell for business, he treats them as lessers and him the ultimate.
  • Symbol of Defiance: As the epitome of pride, Lucifer embodies the eternal defiance against subservience, inspiring both fear and admiration.
Symbolism: Pride is often symbolized by celestial imagery, such as radiant light or soaring heights, reflecting Lucifer's former angelic status. The broken halo or fallen wings signify his fall from grace due to his pride.

The Ninth Ring

The Ninth and lowest circle of Hell is a desolate, frozen wasteland symbolizing the cold, unrepentant nature of Pride. It is the most isolated and hopeless domain, where souls trapped here are bound in eternal ice, reflecting their arrogance and emotional distance from the warmth of love and humility. Lucifer reigns from the only place of warmth, a Damascus castle cast in flame, overseeing this realm and all of Hell. Pride’s realm is characterized by an absence of connection, where souls are forever entombed in isolation, alone with their inflated self-importance.

Sin of Gluttony - Represented by Beelzebub, "Lord of Flies"; Lord of Hell and Second-in-Command

Ring of Hell: The Eighth Ring
Gluttony represents overindulgence and overconsumption to the point of waste. It extends beyond mere excess in food and drink, encompassing a voracious appetite for anything—be it material wealth, power, or sensory pleasures. Gluttony is characterized by a lack of self-control and a constant desire for more.

Beelzebub - "Lord of Flies"; Lord of Hell and Second-in-Command:Beelzebub, also known as the "Lord of Flies," serves as the second-in-command within Hell's hierarchy. His domain is the realm of excess and overconsumption, where every desire is indulged without restraint. Beelzebub's very presence exudes a sense of decadence and decay, as he oversees the endless feasts and indulgent pleasures that characterize his domain.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Endless Feasting: Beelzebub presides over grand banquets and feasts, symbolizing the unending appetite of gluttony. These gatherings are both lavish and grotesque, reflecting the sin's insatiable nature.
  • Decay and Waste: His realm is marked by opulent excess that inevitably leads to decay, illustrating the futile pursuit of satisfaction through overindulgence.
  • Corruption of Desire: Beelzebub manipulates desires, encouraging sinners to crave more, thereby trapping them in cycles of consumption and dissatisfaction.
  • Second-in-Command Authority: As Lucifer's right-hand, Beelzebub enforces the Emperor's decrees, ensuring that the hierarchy remains intact and that the sins flourish.
Symbolism: Gluttony is symbolized by grotesque abundance, such as overflowing tables laden with food, decay, and the presence of flies. These symbols represent the endless cycle of consumption and the inevitable waste that accompanies unchecked indulgence.

The Eighth Ring

The Eighth Ring of Hell is a pit of endless hunger and torment. The landscape is barren, where the damned suffer insatiable cravings but can never be satisfied. Souls here are eternally consumed by swarms of Beelzebub’s flies, eating away at their flesh while simultaneously being filled with uncontrollable hunger. The air is thick with the smell of decay, and the ground is slick with bile and refuse, symbolizing the overindulgence that led to their damnation.

Wrath - Represented by Astaroth, "King of Rage"; Great Duke of Hell and Third-in-Command

Ring of Hell: The Seventh Ring
Wrath embodies intense anger, rage, and a desire for vengeance. It is the uncontrollable emotion that drives individuals to lash out, often resulting in destruction and chaos. Wrath disrupts harmony and peace, leading to conflict and suffering.

Astaroth - "King of Rage"; Great Duke of Hell and Third-in-Command:Astaroth, known as the "King of Rage," is the Great Duke of Hell and the third-in-command within the infernal hierarchy. His very essence is fueled by anger and vengeance, making him a formidable and fearsome presence. Astaroth's realm is one of perpetual conflict, where battles rage and grudges fester endlessly.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Perpetual Conflict: Astaroth's domain is characterized by constant warfare and strife, embodying the destructive nature of wrath.
  • Instigating Revenge: He encourages sinners to harbor grudges and seek vengeance, perpetuating cycles of hatred and retaliation.
  • Fierce Leadership: As a Great Duke, Astaroth commands legions of wrathful demons, leading them in endless battles and enforcing Hell's law through fear and intimidation.
  • Emotionally Volatile: His own emotions are perpetually inflamed, making him unpredictable and dangerous even to his subordinates.
Symbolism: Wrath is symbolized by fiery landscapes, tumultuous storms, and raging beasts. These elements reflect the uncontrollable and destructive power of anger, mirroring Astaroth's relentless fury.

The Seventh Ring

The Seventh Ring of Hell is a fiery, tempestuous wasteland filled with constant chaos and combat. Here, violent storms rage through the landscape, symbolizing the inner turmoil of uncontrolled anger. The souls in this realm are trapped in eternal battle, continuously fighting one another in frenzies of rage, only to regenerate and begin again. Lava and firestorms scorch the land, a reflection of the burning hatred and anger that defines Wrath. Astaroth oversees this realm, encouraging the endless cycles of fury.

Lust - Represented by Asmodeus, "Prince of Demons"

Ring of Hell: The Sixth Ring
Lust is the intense desire for sexual pleasure, often leading to obsession and the objectification of others. It transcends mere physical attraction, encompassing an overwhelming craving that can corrupt moral judgment and lead to manipulation and deceit.

Asmodeus - "Prince of Demons"; Sin of Lust:Asmodeus, known as the "Prince of Demons," personifies lust within Hell's hierarchy. His domain is one of temptation and seduction, where desires are magnified and moral boundaries are blurred. Asmodeus is a master of manipulation, using charm and allure to ensnare souls and deepen their descent into sin.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Temptation and Seduction: Asmodeus excels in luring souls into indulgence, using irresistible charm and seductive tactics to draw them into sinful behaviors.
  • Corruption of Relationships: He manipulates relationships, fostering infidelity, obsession, and the breakdown of genuine connections through lust-driven actions.
  • Manipulative Power: As a Prince of Demons, Asmodeus commands legions of lustful demons who spread desire and temptation across Hell, ensuring that lust remains a pervasive and corrupting force.
  • Symbol of Obsession: His influence leads to an unhealthy fixation on physical pleasure, often at the expense of emotional and spiritual well-being.
Symbolism: Lust is symbolized by serpentine forms, flowing fabrics, and the allure of forbidden fruits. These symbols represent the enticing and often deceptive nature of lust, mirroring Asmodeus's ability to seduce and corrupt.

The Sixth Ring

The Sixth Ring of Hell is a realm of eternal, unquenchable desire. The landscape is filled with endless, darkened caverns and shifting shadows, where the souls are tormented by an insatiable craving for fulfillment that they can never achieve. The damned here are driven by their desires but can never find release, their cravings spiraling deeper into madness. Asmodeus rules from a palace of obsidian, where the allure of temptation is everywhere, yet satisfaction is forever out of reach.

Sloth - Represented by Belphegor

Ring of Hell: The Fifth Ring
Sloth signifies laziness, apathy, and a lack of motivation or effort. It is the resistance to exertion, both physical and mental, leading to stagnation and the neglect of responsibilities. Sloth can manifest as a general sense of indifference or as procrastination in critical tasks.

Belphegor - Sin of Sloth: Belphegor embodies the sin of sloth within Hell's hierarchy. Unlike other infernal lords who thrive on active corruption, Belphegor's influence is more subtle, encouraging complacency and the avoidance of effort. His realm is one of lethargy and decline, where potential is squandered and opportunities for growth are ignored.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Encouraging Complacency: Belphegor promotes a sense of ease and comfort, persuading sinners to avoid challenges and remain in states of inactivity.
  • Neglect and Decay: His influence leads to the neglect of duties and responsibilities, resulting in decay and deterioration within Hell's domains.
  • Subtle Manipulation: Unlike the overt tactics of other sins, Belphegor's approach is insidious, gradually draining motivation and fostering a pervasive sense of indifference.
  • Command Over Slothful Demons: He oversees a legion of slothful demons who perpetuate laziness and apathy, ensuring that the sin of sloth remains entrenched within Hell.
Symbolism: Sloth is often represented by stagnant water, withered plants, and desolate landscapes. These symbols illustrate the lack of movement and growth, embodying the essence of neglect and apathy that Belphegor fosters.

The Fifth Ring

The Fifth Ring of Hell is an endless expanse of swamp and marsh, where souls sink deeper into the mire as they wallow in their apathy and inaction. There is no movement here—time stands still, and the air is heavy with lethargy. The souls are imprisoned in their own inertia, unable to move or care. Belphegor, the embodiment of this sin, lords over this swamp, encouraging the languid indifference that defines Sloth. There is no sense of urgency, and the souls suffer by eternally doing nothing, trapped by their own negligence.

Envy - Represented by Leviathan, "Hell's Serpent"

Ring of Hell: The Fourth Ring
Envy is the deep-seated resentment and desire for what others possess, be it material wealth, status, or relationships. It fuels feelings of inadequacy and fosters a perpetual state of dissatisfaction, often leading to malicious actions aimed at undermining others to achieve one's own desires.

Leviathan - "Hell's Serpent"; Sin of Envy: Leviathan, known as "Hell's Serpent," personifies envy within the infernal hierarchy. His domain is one of jealousy and covetousness, where sinners are driven to spite and resentment against those they perceive as more fortunate. Leviathan's serpentine form is both alluring and menacing, embodying the slippery and destructive nature of envy.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Instilling Resentment: Leviathan sows seeds of jealousy, causing individuals to fixate on the successes and possessions of others, fostering a toxic environment of competition and comparison.
  • Encouraging Sabotage: Under his influence, sinners may resort to deceit, manipulation, and betrayal to diminish the achievements of others and elevate their own standing.
  • Control Over Envious Demons: Leviathan commands a host of envious demons who perpetuate feelings of inadequacy and foster an unending cycle of resentment and desire.
  • Fueling Internal Conflict: Envy under Leviathan's sway leads to internal strife, as individuals grapple with their own insecurities and the relentless desire to possess what others have.
Symbolism: Envy is symbolized by serpentine imagery, green hues, and shadowy forms that lurk and wait to strike. These symbols represent the insidious and ever-present nature of envy, mirroring Leviathan's role as a relentless and devious serpent.

The Fourth Ring

The Fourth Ring of Hell is a dark, stormy ocean filled with towering waves and whirlpools, symbolizing the turbulent nature of Envy. Souls trapped here are constantly battered by the waves, envious of the fleeting moments of peace they see in others but can never attain. Leviathan, the great serpent, coils through the waters, embodying the bitterness of those who eternally long for what they cannot have. The waters reflect the souls' ceaseless longing and dissatisfaction, forever churning in unrest.

Avarice - Represented by Mammon

Ring of Hell: The Third Ring
Avarice, or greed, is the excessive desire for wealth and material possessions. It drives individuals to hoard resources and exploit others for personal gain, often disregarding ethical boundaries and the well-being of others in the pursuit of accumulating wealth.

Mammon - Sin of Avarice: Mammon embodies avarice within Hell's hierarchy. His realm is one of unbridled greed and materialism, where the accumulation of wealth and power is paramount. Mammon's presence is marked by opulent excess and the constant clamor for more, as he oversees the endless pursuit of riches that defines his domain.

Manifestations and Influence:
  • Encouraging Hoarding: Mammon promotes the accumulation of wealth, convincing sinners to hoard resources and prioritize personal gain above all else.
  • Fostering Exploitation: Under his influence, individuals may exploit others, engage in corrupt practices, and commit fraud to amass greater wealth and power.
  • Control Over Greedy Demons: Mammon commands a legion of avaricious demons who perpetuate the endless chase for riches, ensuring that the sin of greed remains deeply entrenched within Hell.
  • Symbol of Corruption: His influence corrupts moral integrity, leading to a society where ethical considerations are overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of wealth.
Symbolism: Avarice is often symbolized by overflowing treasure chests, golden coins, and towering piles of wealth that seem to consume everything around them. These symbols reflect the insatiable and consuming nature of greed that Mammon fosters.

The Third Ring

The Third Ring of Hell is a vast, golden desert filled with mountains of treasure, jewels, and wealth, but the souls trapped here are cursed to hoard without satisfaction. No matter how much they gather, it turns to dust in their hands. Mammon reigns from a throne of gold and precious gems, but his domain is a realm of endless want, where the damned are blinded by their greed, never able to enjoy or even hold onto their riches. The souls here fight one another for the gold that slips through their fingers, eternally driven by their avarice.

The Second Ring – Deceit and Destruction

Rulers: Belial and Abaddon – The Twin Princes of Hell
Titles: “Lords of Deceit and Destruction”
Sins: Belial – Sin of Deceit; Abaddon – Sin of Destruction

Domain of the Second Ring

The Second Ring of Hell, a combination of Deceit and Destruction, is a massive labyrinth suspended above an endless, raging sea storm. This realm reflects the dual nature of its rulers: Belial, who embodies cunning deception, and Abaddon, the relentless force of ruin and annihilation. Together, they create a realm of eternal confusion, treachery, and devastation.

The Labyrinth is a twisting maze of broken bridges, crumbling towers, and jagged, decaying structures. Built from ancient stone and metal that seem ready to collapse at any moment, the paths of the labyrinth are treacherous, constantly shifting underfoot. Beneath this suspended nightmare lies a roaring sea of chaos, an unrelenting storm that tosses the shattered remains of ships, debris, and forsaken souls in violent waves. Lightning cracks across the sky, illuminating the landscape in brief flashes of terror.

Belial’s Influence (Deceit)

Belial rules the psychological aspect of the Second Ring. His labyrinth is a place of eternal trickery where every corner hides a lie, and every shadow whispers promises that lead to inevitable ruin. The souls condemned to this realm are forced to navigate the deceptive paths, where nothing is what it seems. Bridges that look stable crumble underfoot, doors open to reveal endless voids, and reflections in broken mirrors lead them astray. Time bends and warps, making eternity feel longer than it already is.

Belial delights in leading souls through false hopes, only to shatter them at the last moment. He appears as a charismatic figure, promising safety or escape, only to plunge his victims deeper into the maze of lies.

Abaddon’s Influence (Destruction)

Below the labyrinth, Abaddon’s domain is pure chaos. The eternal sea storm is his creation, a violent force of nature that consumes everything it touches. The tempest is endless, with waves taller than mountains crashing into one another, dragging entire ships and fortresses into the watery abyss. Abaddon’s presence can be felt in every gust of wind and strike of lightning. Souls that fall from the labyrinth are swallowed by the storm, tossed and shattered like wreckage, only to be spat back out and forced to endure it again.

Abaddon’s philosophy is one of relentless destruction; he finds joy in breaking down everything, whether physical structures or the spirits of the damned. He is the end of all things, while Belial is the false beginning.

The Twin Lords of Hell

Belial and Abaddon, though twins, represent two sides of the same coin. Belial is manipulative and cunning, weaving lies and deceit that lead souls into ruin. Abaddon is pure, unbridled destruction, tearing down everything that Belial has built with his lies. Together, they create an unbreakable cycle where souls are deceived, destroyed, and then deceived again, trapped in an eternal loop of despair.

Their physical forms are eerily similar, both tall and regal in appearance, though Belial has a more elegant, sophisticated air, dressed in flowing, dark robes with a silver tongue and a charming smile. Abaddon, by contrast, is a towering, intimidating figure with wild, storm-like energy crackling around him, a bringer of catastrophe. While Belial manipulates, Abaddon crushes everything in his wake.

The First Ring – Limbo

Ruler: King Minos – The Judge of Souls
Title: "Warden of the First Ring"
Role: Judge and Gatekeeper of the Damned


The First Ring of Hell is Limbo, a desolate realm for souls that have not been damned due to sin but cannot ascend to Heaven due to a lack of faith or redemption. It houses those who led morally neutral lives or never knew of divinity. Unlike the torment of the deeper circles, Limbo is characterized by a deep sense of sorrow and longing. Its inhabitants are not tortured but remain eternally separated from salvation, dwelling in a bleak, grey expanse of isolation and quiet regret.

Minos, the ancient judge, reigns over this realm, ensuring that those who arrive at Hell’s gates are properly judged and sorted. He is a neutral, impassive figure, unlike the cruel rulers of the lower rings, and his presence in Limbo symbolizes the absence of both punishment and reward. Though not inherently evil, his judgment is absolute.

The First Ring – Limbo

The landscape of Limbo is sparse and eerily silent. The terrain is barren, with pale, withered trees and a perpetually overcast sky. The souls wandering here live in quiet reflection, forever separated from the eternal peace of Heaven but spared the intense suffering of the lower rings. Towers made of ancient stone stand at intervals, where Minos sits as judge, watching over the souls as they drift in endless contemplation.

In contrast to the fiery depths below, Limbo lacks both extreme pain and pleasure. It is a place of eternal melancholy, where the atmosphere is thick with longing but absent of hope.

The Founding of Ivory Academy

At the end of the Great Divide, a covenant was made between the ancient beings who sought to safeguard the universe from descending into chaos once more. The leaders of this covenant, drawn from various primordial factions, established Ivory Academy as a neutral ground where magic would be taught and understood, not wielded carelessly. Chief among them were the Ascended, enigmatic entities who once walked alongside gods, and the Mages of the Arcane Order, mortal descendants of the first humans touched by magic. Together, they raised the Academy in a secluded valley, hidden from the prying eyes of humans and safe from the lingering remnants of the Great Divide.

Over time, Ivory Academy became a nexus for those who sought mastery over their gifts, attracting young practitioners from every corner of the world. Each student was trained in one of the Academy's five schools of magic, learning to wield their powers responsibly and honing their abilities for whatever destinies awaited them.

The Dimensional Shroud

Ivory Academy exists in a realm between worlds, accessible only through a dimensional portal that shifts location constantly, protecting it from both mortal interference and hostile magical forces. This portal, known as The Veil, is said to be connected to the very essence of magic itself, allowing those worthy to find the Academy but remaining closed to those who seek to harm it. The Veil's exact location is known only to a select few, and students are guided through by trusted mentors or by invitation alone.

Legend speaks of the dimensional shroud protecting not only the Academy’s physical structure but also the secrets within its walls. Ivory’s founding members feared that the wrong hands might weaponize magic, so they veiled the Academy from those who would use its teachings for destruction. This shroud also bends time differently inside the Academy, making it feel as though the outside world barely moves while the students live out years of study and development.

The Founders and the First Students

The founders of Ivory Academy, known collectively as the Ivory Council, consisted of archmages, prophets, and primordial beings who sought to instill discipline among magic users and preserve the delicate balance between light and darkness. While their identities have long since faded into myth, it is said that one of the original founders was none other than Michael, the Archangel, who walked the halls as an overseer of Holy magic. Another was a Fallen, a being who once followed Lucifer before defecting, providing insight into the infernal arts.

The first students of Ivory Academy were the children of ancient bloodlines, carrying with them the primal gifts of their ancestors. These children would become the forebears of magical dynasties, whose descendants still attend the Academy today. Over time, the Academy opened its gates to gifted mortals as well, ensuring that magic could flourish across all walks of life, no longer confined to the ancient bloodlines.

Ivory Academy

In the dim recesses of forgotten history, Ivory Academy was born out of necessity—a sanctuary for those who carried the rare gift of magic. The origins of the Academy are shrouded in legend, passed down through whispered stories that only the eldest magical families still remember. Many say that the Academy was not merely built but willed into existence by a collective of powerful ancient beings, long before humanity could comprehend the nature of magic. Others believe it was created as a refuge during the Great Divide, a cataclysmic war between primordial forces that nearly tore the universe apart. Regardless of the truth, one thing is certain: Ivory Academy is far older than anyone truly knows.
At Ivory Academy, students first enter the Grand Room, a massive tower that reaches into the heavens. This platform offers a breathtaking view of the six towering Ivory pillars in the distance, each representing one of the schools of magic. The Heartstone, a rare and powerful artifact, sits atop an altar at the heart of the room, carefully guarded by the headmaster or headmistress.

When it's time for sorting, students approach the Heartstone. They place their hands upon the—now cracked—surface of the artifact, and it responds by testing their inner magic. As the Heartstone reacts, runes begin to glow, casting light across the room. This magic resonates with the student's essence, and the six pillars in the distance illuminate one by one. Only one pillar shines the brightest, revealing the school of magic the student is destined to join. The process is a spectacle of light and energy, symbolic of their connection to the ancient magic the academy was founded upon. The Heartstone itself is deeply intertwined with the academy’s history, protected fiercely not only for its significance but also for the powerful magic it holds. Its glow reflects the very essence of the academy’s mystical heritage, and only those worthy of leading the school are entrusted with its safekeeping.

The Ivory Towers

At the heart of the Academy lies its most iconic feature: the Ivory Towers. Six majestic towers stand tall against the backdrop of the stars, each representing one of the schools of magic taught within Ivory Academy: Infernal, Holy, Eldritch, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Voodoo. These towers serve as more than just classrooms; they are sanctuaries for each magical discipline, each containing ancient artifacts, scrolls, and knowledge passed down through generations. The energy that radiates from the towers is palpable, a testament to the powerful magic housed within.

Each tower has its own unique design, reflecting the nature of the magic it teaches. The Infernal Tower is dark and foreboding, wreathed in red and black flames that flicker along its stone walls. The Holy Tower shines with a radiant light, its walls covered in inscriptions of divine scripture. The Eldritch Tower pulses with the energy of the cosmos, its structure seemingly shifting and warping as one approaches. The Wiccan Tower is surrounded by verdant vines and flowers, exuding the scent of fresh earth and wood. The Witchcraft Tower stands with an air of mystery, its surface marked with ever-changing glyphs. Lastly, the Voodoo Tower hums with ancestral energy, with totems and effigies marking its periphery, channeling the spirit world into its depths.

The Test of Essence

The Test of Essence is a multifaceted evaluation that examines the student's inherent qualities, emotional balance, and magical potential. As the Heartstone projects the student's essence, they are presented with a series of visions and challenges tailored to each school's philosophy. Though this only takes a few moments in real-time, the student undergoes an arduous test that feels like hours within layers of visions and experiences:
  1. Infernal: The student faces scenarios that test their resilience and ambition, navigating through trials that require strength and courage against formidable adversaries.
  2. Holy: The focus shifts to compassion and integrity, with visions that challenge the student to heal, protect, and make morally sound decisions.
  3. Eldritch: Mystical puzzles and cosmic mysteries await, assessing the student's intellectual curiosity and ability to manipulate the fundamental forces of reality.
  4. Wicca: The student engages with nature-based challenges, demonstrating their harmony with the elements and their ability to harness natural energies.
  5. Witchcraft: Unpredictable and enigmatic tasks are presented, gauging the student's adaptability and creativity in blending different magical traditions.
  6. Voodoo: Ritualistic and spiritual trials test the student's connection to ancestral spirits and their proficiency in blood magic and spirit invocation.

The Schools of Magic

Each school of magic represents a unique aspect of the universe's power, drawing from different sources and philosophies:
  • Infernal:
    Rooted in the furnace of Hell and its eternal flame, the Infernal School of Magic is practice where ambition, pride, and the shadows reign supreme. Students drawn to this school often find themselves seduced by the allure of immense power, available through the dark spirit of the fallen Lucifer Morningstar. In exchange for this formidable strength, practitioners must confront the inherent cost: a gradual erosion of their own morality and humanity. It manifests itself in a sort of 'bleeding' carmine red energy.
    The Nature of Infernal Power
    Infernal magic manifests as an unquenchable fire that fuels the ambitions and desires of its wielders. Those who embrace this power often experience heightened abilities—extraordinary strength, enhanced senses, and a natural ability over flames and shadows. However, this gift comes with a profound price. As students delve deeper into the Infernal arts, they find themselves wrestling with temptation, facing choices that challenge their ethics and principles. The magic thrives on emotional extremes, amplifying rage, jealousy, and greed, leading many practitioners down a dark path of violence and corruption.

    The Cult of Lucifer
    At the heart of the Infernal School lies the Cult of Lucifer, a clandestine group that venerates the fallen angel and seeks to unlock the full extent of his powers. The members are often charismatic and persuasive, drawing in new students with promises of grandeur and supremacy. They believe that by embracing their darker natures, they can transcend the limitations imposed by conventional morality. However, the cost of loyalty to the cult is steep: it often requires sacrifice... of one's own soul.

    Practitioners of Infernal Magic
    Infernal practitioners are frequently seen as outcasts within the broader magical community, feared for their volatile nature and ruthless ambition. Their presence can provoke hostility among peers from other schools, leading to tensions and conflicts that often erupt in violence. Yet, within the Infernal ranks, a strong sense of camaraderie exists, forged through shared experiences and the understanding of the burdens they bear. Students of Infernal magic often find themselves drawn to rituals that require blood and fire, invoking demonic entities to grant their wishes or empower their spells. While they may achieve short-term victories and immense power, the longer they wield Infernal magic, the more their humanity erodes. Many become trapped in a cycle of violence, losing themselves to the very darkness they sought to control.
  • Holy:
    Holy magic is a celestial force that flows from the divine light of God’s throne, embodying the essence of purity, compassion, and righteousness. This magic is rooted in the belief that the universe is guided by a higher power that watches over all creation, instilling hope and goodness in the hearts of mortals. Practitioners of Holy magic see themselves as conduits of this divine energy, dedicated to serving the greater good and combating the encroaching darkness that threatens to engulf all of existence.

    The origins of Holy magic trace back to the Primordials, particularly to the Archangel Michael, who was entrusted with the duty of guarding the light and maintaining the balance between creation and destruction. He wielded this divine energy to protect the innocent and confront the forces of evil. His teachings and example laid the foundation for what would become the practice of Holy magic, inspiring generations of mortals to seek enlightenment and righteousness. Holy magic is translucent and highlighted by a dim gold color.
    The Role of Holy Magic in the Universe
    In the cosmic struggle between light and dark, Holy magic plays a pivotal role as a counterbalance to malevolence. Practitioners of Holy magic often serve as protectors and guardians of the realms, standing firm against the tides of evil that seek to undermine creation. They engage in quests to root out corruption, defend the weak, and restore hope to those who have lost their way. Lightbearers often find themselves at the forefront of conflicts, leading crusades against dark forces or uniting disparate factions in the pursuit of justice. Their presence inspires those around them, igniting a spark of hope and courage even in the bleakest of times. However, the path of Holy magic is fraught with challenges. Practitioners must navigate the temptations of pride and dogma, ensuring that their actions remain true to the ideals of compassion and humility. The struggle against darkness is never-ending, and those who defend the Light of the Almighty must remain vigilant, lest they themselves be consumed by the very forces they seek to vanquish.

    The Order of the Lightbearers
    At the heart of the Holy School exists the Order of the Lightbearers, a venerable organization dedicated to the study and practice of Holy magic. Members of this order are often seen as guardians and champions of the innocent, tirelessly working to uphold the tenets of justice, mercy, and truth. They are bound by a sacred oath to protect the realms from encroaching darkness, believing that their light can illuminate even the deepest shadows. The order attracts diverse individuals, each driven by their own motivations—some seek redemption for past misdeeds, while others are drawn by an innate calling to serve the greater good. Despite their noble intentions, the path of the Lightbearers is fraught with challenges, and members must navigate the complexities of faith, personal sacrifice, and the ever-present threat of corruption.

    Practitioners of Holy Magic
    Lightbearers are the practitioners of Holy magic, drawing upon the divine light of God’s throne to wield a variety of powers that emphasize healing, protection, and the dispelling of darkness. They can heal physical injuries and purify illnesses, restoring energy and vitality to others. With protective magic, they create barriers and wards to shield allies from harm and generate areas of holy light that repel dark entities. Lightbearers can illuminate dark spaces, emit blinding flashes to disorient opponents, and even form solid constructs from light for combat. Their abilities extend to exorcism, allowing them to confront and expel demonic entities, as well as perform cleansing rituals to restore sanctity. They possess divination skills, seeking guidance from divine beings, and can provide emotional support by soothing fear and inspiring hope in those around them. Advanced practitioners may have rare abilities such as resurrection and serve as conduits for celestial power. However, their magic requires a strong moral compass and unwavering faith, as straying from these principles can weaken their abilities. Heavy use of their powers can also drain their energy, necessitating rest and reflection to regain strength. As vital allies in the battle against malevolence, Lightbearers play a crucial role in the magical landscape of Ivory Academy.
  • Eldritch:
    Eldritch magic is a profound and complex form of sorcery that taps into the cosmic energies of the universe, allowing practitioners to access the powers of the Primordials, both light and chaos. This unique magic enables its wielders to manipulate light, time, and the very essence of existence itself. As they delve deeper into the Eldritch arts, practitioners often experience heightened awareness and an expanded perception of the cosmos, granting them insights into the intricate tapestry of life and magic. Eldritch magic is light and crackles with an orange fiery energy.

    Connection to the Primordials

    At the heart of Eldritch magic is a connection to the Primordials, the ancient beings of immense power who shaped the universe at its inception. Practitioners draw upon both the light and chaotic aspects of these beings, allowing them to wield a duality of power. The light grants them purity, clarity, and the ability to heal, while the chaotic aspect offers untamed potential, fueling creativity and unpredictable forces that can manifest in their spells. This connection not only amplifies their magical abilities but also instills in them a sense of responsibility toward the balance of existence, as both light and chaos must be harmonized.

    Risks and Consequences

    While Eldritch magic offers immense power, it comes with significant risks. Users may find themselves drawn to the darker aspects of existence or lose themselves to the chaotic energies they wield. The more they manipulate the fabric of reality, the greater the potential backlash against their actions. Practitioners must tread carefully, as the balance of the universe is delicate, and their attempts to wield such power may attract the attention of cosmic entities or unleash forces beyond their comprehension. Some things are best left to the darkness of mystery, after all, or else one will be plagued with the truth of knowledge and cursed to forever sit with eternity in chaos and frenzy.
  • Wicca:
    Wicca is a deeply spiritual school of magic that connects its practitioners to primordial, divine beings, fostering a profound harmony with nature and the elemental forces of the universe. Wiccans believe in the interconnectedness of all living things, honoring the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Through rituals, spells, and meditative practices, practitioners seek to align themselves with the natural world, tapping into its energies to enhance their magical abilities. The magic of Wicca is a stretchy, stable Jade green energy.
    Connection to the Divine
    At the heart of Wiccan magic is a strong connection to the primordial beings, often referred to as deities or the God and Goddess. These divine entities embody the duality of existence—masculine and feminine, creation and destruction—guiding Wiccans in their magical practices. This connection is cultivated through reverence, prayer, and offerings, allowing practitioners to draw upon the wisdom and power of these ancient beings. Rituals are often performed during the phases of the moon or the changing of the seasons, aligning with the natural rhythms of the Earth. Often, the Mother, Maiden, and Crone sponsor the energies of those who practice Wicca—the Mother of Magic, Hecate.

    Harmony with Nature
    Wiccan magic emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature. Practitioners develop a deep respect for the Earth and its elements—earth, air, fire, and water—understanding that these forces are integral to the fabric of existence. By attuning themselves to the cycles of nature, Wiccans learn to harness the energies of the environment, using them to empower their spells and rituals. This connection fosters an appreciation for the beauty and power of the natural world, encouraging practitioners to protect and preserve it.

    Elemental Magic
    The elemental forces play a significant role in Wiccan practice, with each element representing different aspects of life and magic. Earth embodies stability and growth, air represents intellect and communication, fire symbolizes passion and transformation, while water signifies emotions and healing. Wiccans often invoke these elements in their rituals, calling upon their energies to aid in spellwork or to bring balance to their lives. Mastery of elemental magic allows practitioners to create powerful spells that reflect the complexities of the natural world.

    Rituals and Spells
    Rituals are central to Wiccan practice, providing a structured way for practitioners to connect with the divine and the natural world. These ceremonies often involve the use of tools such as wands, athames (ritual knives), and chalices, each imbued with specific symbolic meanings. Spells are crafted with intention, utilizing natural materials such as herbs, crystals, and candles to enhance their potency. Wiccans believe that their intentions, combined with the energies of the elements and the divine, can manifest positive changes in their lives and the world around them.
  • Witchcraft:
    Witchcraft is a mystical school of magic passed down through generations, shrouded in secrecy and steeped in ancient traditions. This school blends elements of Wicca and Infernal powers, creating a unique and unpredictable practice that draws upon both the light and dark aspects of magic. Practitioners of witchcraft navigate this delicate balance, wielding their powers with intention while embracing the complexities of their heritage. Depending on the morality of the practitioner, witchcraft energy can manifest itself as either a violet dynamism surrounded by wispy black air or a fluid-like cobalt blue energy.
    Heritage and Tradition
    The roots of witchcraft run deep, with knowledge and practices passed down from wise elders to apprentices over countless generations. This lineage fosters a rich tapestry of spells, rituals, and lore that are often closely guarded. The oral tradition is particularly vital in witchcraft, where stories and teachings are shared in hushed tones, creating a sense of camaraderie among practitioners. Each witch may interpret and adapt these traditions according to their own experiences, resulting in diverse and personalized practices that reflect their unique paths.

    The Duality of Power
    Witchcraft embodies a fascinating duality, intertwining the benevolent aspects of Wicca with the darker energies of Infernal magic. Practitioners learn to navigate this complex landscape, understanding the importance of intention and ethical considerations. While Wiccan elements emphasize harmony, healing, and connection to nature, Infernal aspects offer raw power, ambition, and a willingness to confront darker truths. This synthesis allows witches to access a wide range of magical possibilities, often leading to unpredictable outcomes as they blend these energies.

    Manifestation of Witchcraft Energy
    The energy of witchcraft manifests in distinctive ways, reflecting the moral choices of its practitioners. Those who wield their magic with integrity and respect for the natural order often channel a fluid-like cobalt blue energy. This vibrant hue symbolizes purity, balance, and the harmonious flow of magical forces. Cobalt blue energy is characterized by its calming and nurturing properties, radiating a sense of clarity and purpose. Practitioners tapping into this energy may experience heightened intuition, enhanced creativity, and a deep connection to the elemental forces around them.

    Conversely, practitioners who allow corruption to seep into their magic may find their energy manifesting as a violet dynamism surrounded by wispy black air. This unsettling combination symbolizes the chaos and turmoil that arises when one succumbs to darker inclinations. The violet energy, while potent and alluring, is often tainted by malevolence, reflecting a fractured moral compass. Those who wield this corrupted magic may feel an insatiable hunger for power, leading them to exploit and manipulate others for their own gain. The wispy black air acts as a shroud, hinting at the hidden dangers and consequences that accompany their choices.

    Rituals and Spells
    Witches engage in various rituals and spells that reflect their unique blend of practices. Rituals may incorporate elements from both Wicca and Infernal traditions, invoking divine beings while also appealing to darker forces. Tools such as cauldrons, crystals, and herbs are commonly used, with each ingredient carrying its own symbolic meaning. Spells may vary in purpose, ranging from protection and healing to ambition and transformation, requiring witches to tread carefully as they summon energies that could tip the balance between light and dark.

    The Unpredictability of Magic
    The blending of Wicca and Infernal powers creates a dynamic and often unpredictable form of magic. Practitioners may find themselves facing unexpected consequences as they explore the depths of their abilities. This unpredictability serves as both a challenge and a source of excitement, pushing witches to hone their skills and deepen their understanding of the magical forces they engage with. Mastery of this magic requires not only technical skill but also emotional resilience and a keen awareness of the consequences of their actions.
  • Voodoo:
    Voodoo is a deeply spiritual and rich form of magic that finds its roots in blood magic, where practitioners connect with the spirit world through rituals and offerings. At the heart of this practice is the invocation of Papa Legba, the guardian of the crossroads and the mediator between the living and the spirit realm. Voodoo users view their craft as a sacred bond, fostering relationships with the Loa—divine spirits that govern various aspects of life and nature.
    The Role of Papa Legba
    Papa Legba serves as the essential gateway to the spirit world, opening paths for communication and interaction with the Loa. As the keeper of the crossroads, he embodies choice, decision-making, and the flow of energy between realms. Practitioners often invoke his presence at the start of their rituals, offering prayers and offerings to gain his favor. When he is present, the potential for magical workings expands, and the energies of the Loa can flow freely, empowering the rituals that follow.

    The Ethics of Voodoo Practice
    The practice of Voodoo is steeped in a deep sense of ethics and responsibility. Users are acutely aware that their actions can have profound consequences, both in the material world and the spirit realm. They are taught to honor the spirits they work with and to approach their rituals with respect and intention. The use of blood in their magic symbolizes sacrifice and commitment, and practitioners understand that every offering must be made thoughtfully, with gratitude for the gifts they receive in return.

    Manifestation of Voodoo Energy
    Voodoo magic manifests through distinctive energies that reflect the practitioner's intentions and the spirits they invoke. The energy often takes on a vivid, crimson hue, pulsating with the raw vitality of life force. This blood-red energy symbolizes the connection to ancestors and the potent life-giving force of blood, embodying both creation and destruction. When wielded with purity of heart, this energy can facilitate healing, protection, and transformative experiences.

    Conversely, when practitioners allow their desires for power or control to overshadow their ethical considerations, the energy can shift, becoming dark and chaotic. In such instances, the crimson energy may become tainted with a murky shadow, signaling a disconnection from the spiritual realm and a potential rift in the practitioner's moral fabric. This corruption can lead to unintended consequences, causing harm to others or drawing the ire of the very spirits they sought to serve.

The Emergence of the Harbingers

As magic evolved, so did the ambitions of its practitioners. A faction known as The Harbingers emerged, consisting of those who believed they could manipulate the balance of magic to fulfill a dark prophecy foretold in ancient texts. They seek to summon forces that could either bring about a new era or unleash apocalyptic devastation upon the world. Their activities remain shrouded in secrecy, leading to tension and fear among the students of Ivory Academy.

The Academy's Legacy

Founded centuries ago by a coalition of powerful magic users, Ivory Academy was established to educate and safeguard the next generation of magic wielders. It serves as a sanctuary for those with magical affinities, where students can explore their potential while learning to navigate the moral complexities of their powers. The academy is also a repository of ancient knowledge, housing countless tomes and artifacts that hold the secrets of magic’s origins and its implications.
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