• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Ivory Academy for Magics: The Shadows of Prophecy {Character Sheets}



living paradox
(text below scrolls)

Thank you for wanting to take part in Ivory Academy! This page is where everyone can post an outline containing basic information for your character. Please feel free to customize your character sheet as you see fit! Coding is always more than welcome, but is not essential or a requirement. Just an aesthetic, lol. As the outline below is rather simple, feel free to add as much information to it as you wish.

Please stick to written descriptions, realistic type faceclaims, or realistic artwork (i know some programs exist for A.I. to even generate characters. just an idea to float!) . Submissions to be considered NPCs or, even better, an antagonist will be taken seriously just like a normal character. Again, just let me know prior to posting what your idea is.

Please note that any submission made will be given a deadline of three days to finish. If you do not give me any warning or ask for an extension prior, you will be given the default three days. After, your character will not be accepted regardless. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via DM if you have questions, require a time extension, or need any help. Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!



I. Basic Information

  1. Full Name:
  2. Nickname(s):
    • (Common names or titles they are known by)
  3. Age:
  4. Gender:
  5. Birthplace:
    • (City, country, or magical realm of origin)
  6. Species / Lineage:
    • (Human, Half-Demon, Celestial-Blooded, etc. if human, they can be sorcerer, wizard(ess), or warlock/witch. use this chart for info. on those)
  7. Year Attending:
    • (starts from 1 and ends at 8; typically, first-years are ten years old, but there can be exceptions!)
  8. School of Magic:
    • (Holy, Infernal, Wiccan, Witchcraft, Voodoo, or Eldritch — or other if discussed with me)

II. Physical Appearance

  1. Height:
    • (Feet and inches or meters)
  2. Weight:
    • (Empirical or Metric)
  3. Hair:
    • (Color, style, texture—e.g., auburn, curly, shaggy with dark roots)
  4. Eyes:
    • (Color, shape, and any distinctive features)
  5. Distinguishing Features:
    • (Scars, birthmarks, tattoos, unusual traits)
  6. Clothing Style:
    • (Describe their fashion sense—e.g., dark academia, minimalist, ornate)

III. Personal Background

  1. Family History:
    • (Parents, siblings, lineage details, and significant family relationships)
  2. Notable Events in Childhood / Adolescence:
    • (Key events that shaped their personality or magical growth)
  3. Early Magical Experiences:
    • (Describe when they first discovered their magical abilities)
  4. Reason for Attending Ivory Academy:
    • (What prompted their enrollment? A recruiter, an incident, family tradition? Also include their Test of Essence in the Grand Room please!)

IV. Personality & Psychological Profile

  1. Positive Traits / Virtues:
    • (Humility, altruism, determination, charisma, etc.)
  2. Negative Traits / Vices:
    • (Moodiness, rebelliousness, overburdened altruism, manipulative, etc.)
  3. Personality:
    • (What drives them? E.g., a desire for mastery, protecting loved ones, uncovering their origins. You can include fears and weaknesses, temperament, conflict style, orientations, etc. You can give as much detail to your character as you want!)
  4. Likes & Dislikes:
    • (Common hobbies, favorite foods, preferred activities, things they despise)
  5. Hobbies & Interests:
    • (Activities they engage in during downtime)

V. Misc.

  1. Whatever else you see fit!
    • (if you wanted your character to be a Harbinger, this would be a good place to put it too!)






  • basics

    Dante Vandenberg

    little dark age - mgmt


    full name

    dante levi vandenberg


    dee-vee (if you're close with him, he'll allow it)
    danny {:} the freak



    date of birth

    june 6th at 6:00 p.m.

    year attending

    eighth year


    sorcerer (presumably)




    vinnie hacker

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡
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Hanako Michizou

Holy School Of Magic Student

Michieda Shunsuke

♡coded by uxie♡

I am too tired of doing codes so...yeah.

Name: Hanako Michizou
Nickname(s): Michi, Hano
Gender: Cis-Male
Birthplace: Yokahama
Birthday/date: April 19th
Species: Wizard - I'm too lazy to describe lore of anything else 😭
Year Attending: 7th Year
Age: 18
School Of Magic: Eldritch

Height: 5'7
Hair: Used to having bleached, whitish-blonde hair, Hanako changed his hair completely before the beginning of the new year. Now he fancies mildly charcoal black hair - a natural gene color. It is parted towards the left side so a patch of hair can cover a part of his forehead, and dances just above his eyes.
Eyes: A plain amberish-brown colored set of eyes which are monolid.
Distinguishing Features: A lip piercing (not shown in FC):
69 lb. - Underweight >.<
Faceclaim Picture:

Past Look:
Clothing Pictures/Outfits:

(Putting Aside School Attire!)
Clothing Style: Hanako, in his opinion, finds styling outfits intriguing. That's why he adds extra to every thing he wears! He enjoys wearing pale/deep/dark colors that has white or black to even everything out. His overall style/theme is a mix between Chic and Streetwear with added unique fantasy features.

Family History: TBA
Notable Events In Childhood / Adolescence: TBA
Early Magical Experiences: TBA
Reason For Attending Ivory Academy: TBA

Virtues: Perseverance,
Vices: TBA
Likes & Dislikes: TBA
Hobbies & Interests: TBA
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code by birth of venus.

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