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Fandom I've got an itch...


Let's cut to the chase. I'm looking for someone to rp Doctor Who with me. Interested? Shoot me a PM.

What I want from you:
- Patience: I have depression and sometimes ghost for a week
- The ability and willingness to pick up and play background/side characters in short notice
- Fun and friendly OOC chatter
- Input when we do the plotting
- Post length matching at the very least, with proper spelling and grammar​

What you can expect from me:
- Depression GhostingTM, perpetuated by anxiety
- Post matching+, with proper spelling and grammar
- Friendly OOC chatter
- Input when plotting
- Discord if you wanna
- Memes of the dankest variety​

Who can I play?
- 12
- 10
- Clara(?)
- OC's up the wazoo​

Who can you play?
- 12
- 10
- Odd numbers scare me
- OC's for days​

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