(Itsa' me!) "It's not hard to tell you're new here, kid." (Allie!)


New Member
I stepped lightly into the cobblestone streets, the figment of my creation, Rusc, following close behind me. It's a hot summer day, and the clouds nor the wind had decided to show up. After months of traveling, today it had begun to take its toll on me. The bustling streets of people made the heat even worse, but nonetheless, we walked forward. Clutched tightly in my hand was a piece of parchment carrying multiple symbols and sentences. I had refrained from mentioning to my partner that we had been lost for days at a time. But now things looked brighter as we approached a large wooden door. I took a deep breath. "Okay, Rusc. This is it. I think I finally found a well bodied establishment to fit ourselves in."

The blonde young man placed his hand behind his head, running his fingernails into his skull. Rusc wasn't really what you deemed 'good company', but he sure was a picturesque being with gleaming brown eyes and a smile to light up the world. If only he were real... "Are you sure you want to do this?" He questioned, "I mean, you're an avid writer in my book, but...what about all the others?" He pointed his callused fingers at the billboard posted in the middle of the door. "Doesn't 'Nation' mean anything to you?"

Did I mention I had also refrained from telling him I was completely out of ideas on where to turn at this point? Yeah, that probably could have helped his understanding. "All the more room to find a good place to settle in!" I reminded him kindly. I had my doubts myself, of course. Bursting into a place like this with no preferences on anything would make 'fitting in' and 'settling down' a tough route to follow. But it was tougher being a wanderer. I unhatched the door. Terrified? No. Scared? A little. But I had the best creation in the world by my side, and a whole idea set of how things might turn out to be in a place like this...

The name's Allie. Nice to meetcha'! :D
Kaze approaches the two and says in a warm regard, "welcome to RPnation where dreams come true because they are created by you. May you find anything and everything you'd like here, also feel free to go to the center of town to chat with the villagers of this fine place(the shoutbox). We are all friendly and both the Villagers and the knights (mods) and even the king (Admin) will help you out with any questions you might have, good day to you Allie and Rusc." Kaze then left to prepare the hotel for the next werewolf attack.
The scarred giant looked up from the novel he was writing just that moment to greet their community's newest member.

"And how might you be this fine day?" the knight asks, putting his pen down.

"As you've met one of our other villagers already, I wish to greet you to this place of creative freedom. Our rules are fairly simple, and most common sense, so you should have little trouble fitting in with us."

The knight then nodded at the two, and went back about his work.
A short girl jumps seemingly from no where, and flails briefly, a big grin on her face.

"Why hulllo thar!" she greets, slightly slurring her words but not at all tipsy; "Welcome to the site! Sorry to appear a little late" she seems to be calmed down now, slightly relaxed in front of the new comer.

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