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Fandom It's░time░to░duel!


One Time Luck
Hello! Feel free to call me Yuna. I’m 21, in college (Going to major in Theater.) I’m female, and go by she/her! I will only do Canon x OCs! So I'm looking for someone willing to double and over 18 due to my own age!!

Writing Style + Reply time. I will always write as if I’m writing a story. Third-person, and 600 - 1000 words. Less happens at times, so it’s not a deal-breaker. I enjoy more Novella roleplays, even if I take longer to respond to them. I will lose interest if there’s no detail or the replies are always short. So no one-liners!
As for reply times- please remember I’m in college and work a part-time job! I can normally get one reply in a day. If I can't I will try my best to let you know! Normally I’m very talkative via OOC thread.

Plotting. Plotting is a must for me. I need at least a hazy idea of what you would like your character to go through and however you want their relationship to grow! This is necessary!! it does not have to be super detailed and well thought out, I just need a very basic idea of your character's intended plotline, as well as your desires for our roleplay thread and their love interest!! Low-key, for my side I'm wanting to do a romantic-comedy feel. Maybe with angst and drama here and there!! Most likely going to do a College AU for this one!!


Yu-Gi-Oh (Yami-Bakura.)

PM me please!! ^^

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