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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

When a character dies what should we do?

  • Make them into something like Monobear/Monomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Transfer them into DanganRonpa 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let it be and let them actually die.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If everyone dies, should we make new characters? Clicking this means No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roll a 10 sided dice and get the same amount of clues as the roll

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Have 6 no matter what

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ventuswill said:
Kingdom Hearts? I've only played 1 and 2. None of the spinoffs.
Actually, Kingdom Hearts doesn't have any spin-offs... They're all canon, truthfully. Well, aside from the single PC game and the V-Cast game. Not actually sure if those two are canon, since I've never played them.
Oh, so none of them are technically spinoffs.

... Suddenly it makes much more sense why 2 was so confusing for me.
So... I'm really in a harsh spot... Honestly I can't stand the idea of not posting and potentially using the character I've put so much work into, but I don't want to keep my PoiPoi from being a part of the RP... @Unknown Sanity Think we could do a seventeen character RP? I don't think that should really be all that much of a problem, given that to my knowledge the number has no special meaning...

Ventuswill said:
Oh, so none of them are technically spinoffs.
... Suddenly it makes much more sense why 2 was so confusing for me.
Yeah, 358/2, chain of memories, re:coded... Those three came between one and two, I believe.
I think seventeen characters are perfectly feasible. Especially if we're hit with one of the applicants having gone inactive.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Yeah, 358/2, chain of memories, re:coded... Those three came between one and two, I believe.

Scratch that, coded comes after two.
Nonagon said:
That hasn't yet been discussed! @Unknown Sanity , what do you think about this?
Well I will roll a 10 sided die and that would be the amount of clues or.... I will give you 6 clues no matter what


@Unknown Sanity[/URL] Think we could do a seventeen character RP? I don't think that should really be all that much of a problem, given that to my knowledge the number has no special meaning...
Yeah, 358/2, chain of memories, re:coded... Those three came between one and two, I believe.
Ok. The Seventeenth Student.
[QUOTE="Unknown Sanity]So what should we do here... I am giving two choices..

Maybe put it to a vote in the poll? It's worked the last two times.
Alright. I think I'll refresh it, and clear out the other votes.

Alright it is up

I think we might have to wait until tomorrow sorry guys T^T
Character's done! Yay xD

For now, at least... Expecting a picky Unknown Sanity with how overboard I did this one :x

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