certified goofball
s w e e t
c e r t i f i e d | g o o f b a l l
Hi, everyone! It's so nice to meet all of you! My name's Alexandria, but feel free to call me however you wish. To start off, I'm just the usual weirdo you never notice in the back of the class. Just kidding. I'm way too loud to actually be ignored. Unlike (prolly) most teenagers, I'm an extreme extrovert and I guess I'm proud of it? I like making friends and talking a lot in a fast pace is a special talent of mine. Moreover, I could also call myself both an athlete and academic. Well, I lean more towards academics and I'm not really all that sporty as I'd hope to be, but I do enjoy playing sports such as volleyball, soccer, basketball, and badminton.Now, about role-playing... well, role-playing is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, but shh- don't tell anyone I told you that, aha. Once again, it's nice to meet all of you!
s w e e t
code by pasta