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Fandom It's just a job, that's all it is (LGBTQ+, and doubling friendly!)Craving Armored Core 6, Heartland, dragon prince and Coral Island! Updated 7/27


On hiatus due to health complications. <3
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Howdy Howdy All!

I'm Ellie! I'm 26, use they/them pronouns and have been roleplaying for 16+ years! I'm very disabled and sometimes go a month without replying due to my health, but i've been doing my best to get a reply out every other day at the minimum. I am coming back from a health hiatus, but Fingers crossed that life is done kicking me for a while haha I'm down to chat outside of the roleplay though! I love to share headcanons, playlists, make our OCs interact or intertwine their backstories but its not required! I love making friends with my RP buddies! Don't be afraid to ask for my discord! I'm very active on there<3

If you see a fandom that is marked low interest and you're really feeling it, or have an OCx OC plot you wanna try out, please don't hesitate to ask about it. I'm currently looking for more roleplays to avoid working on my book lmao

💗No minors, 18+ only.
I don't talk to minors, sorry. I'm 26, and think its inappropriate to be rping with a minor.

🌷Be ok with LGBTQ+ and disability topics and characters. Obviously its part of the site's rules to not be a bigot, but all of my characters are LGBTQ+ and a majority of them are disabled in some way.

💗No godmodding. I'm fine with mary sues as long as our characters share the spotlight, but if they are going to have an OP quirk, then they have to have something that really counteracts it. Like for example, Izuku's quirk and how it damaged his body, or how Shoto overheats and messes with his temperature regulation. Gotta have those quirks balanced!

🌷Tell me your triggers and no-goes. If a topic triggers you or upsets you, please let me know. My triggers are SA, Cutting/Su*c*de, homophobia/transphobia, and Domestic abuse. I'm fine with most dark topics though as long as they are treated with respect.

💗Please plot with me! Nothing kills a roleplay faster than a one-sided plot. I want to be able to plot with you and talk about our headcanons and silly things like that!

🌷Mostly Ghost friendly! I get that roleplays die off or interest is lost. All i ask is that if we have been roleplaying for months that you tell me you aren't interested anymore. Generally speaking, If we're friends outside of the roleplay, i'll be fine just dropping the roleplay and keep being friends^^ If I haven't replied in a while, please reach out! I try not to ghost, I just also have ADHD, so i forget a lot of things constantly. If we've RP'd before and its on my cravings list, feel free to message me again!

💗Grammar. As long as I can read and understand it, I'm not too worried about grammar.

I think thats all! I roleplay 3rd person point of view, past tense, and paragraph style. I totally double and am tentatively open to Polyamorous plots!

I don't have a specific plot in mind for some of the fandoms, but I'm AU friendly! Especially Soulmate AUs! got a cool original idea? Tell me! I'd love to hear it!

I'm mostly looking for a roleplay that's a little flexible as sometimes I may need to disappear due to health issues. No one liners. Give me something to go off of, please. I put a lot of effort into my writing and occasionally can get out 2k words a reply(1k words a side).

Huntress paled visibly at the mention of re-education, but she didn't protest, or even speak up the rest of the meeting. She'd earned this punishment for being a bad friend and letting her emotions get the better of her. After Snail dismissed them, she kept her head down and made her way to her room, not even sparing a glance at her former friends. She'd need to inform her mom and sister in the event that she was gone for a while. She didn't know what all re-education entailed, but she did know that it was bad, and that she wasn't too bright. She could be there a while learning things.

To say her mom was upset was an understatement. She wasn't just mad, she was disappointed. Her and Lilith were. Maura had gone on a 10 minute long rant about how she raised her better than this, and how her dad would be disappointed too. Lilith didn't quite go into it as heavy as their mom did, but talked about how she looked up to Elliot for being so level headed, and strong and compassionate. None of her actions that landed her in this situation were that.

It was a further kick in the gut that had Elliot so upset that she threw up several times that night. She couldn't go home, she couldn't get comfort from the people she loved the most, she didn't have friends to talk to anymore. She had no one. Not even the first few weeks of being a Vesper felt like this, she at least always had her mom to talk to about something but now even that was taken away. She should have just kept working at that BAWS factory and stayed away from ACs. At least then she wouldn't be in this situation, questioning everything she was told, getting beat up for being part of Arquebus, losing so many squadmates in one mission that it broke her. No. The only good thing about this place were her friends, and she didn't even have those anymore.

Elliot was taken from her room early the next morning and spent the next 3 days in re-education. It was a privelege to learn from the best, even if it took her a while. It was a fault she'd need to work on; learning faster. She had been wrong, after all. Letting her emotions get the better of her and talking so hatefully to her superiors was not befitting of a Vesper pilot, not befitting of Arquebus! Especially not when they were doing such good work to benefit Rubicon-3! It was better for all of them if she just kept her head down and stuck to her work. Making friends is what got her into this situation, so she needed to be more professional, be less like herself and more like Arquebus, just get her job done. The night she got back, she placed Shere Khan under her bed. She couldn't bring herself to get rid of him, but with him looking at her there, she could only think about her failures to Arquebus. He needed to be hidden.

The morning of the 4th day is when she finally reappeared, this time in Arquebus blues and whites instead of her preferred maroons and blacks. Even her hair was slicked back and styled to be made more presentable. Seeing Rusty and Hawkins at the table didn't bring about her normal, energetic smile, instead giving them a polite nod with a calm, inexpressive face as she went to get her food. She wasn't upset, she wasn't happy, she just... was. Instead of her normal strawberry ration shake, she grabbed a protein bar before coming to stand across from the two at the table. She needed to apologize.

"Good morning V. IV, V. V." She greeted calmly, keeping her eyes cast away from them. "I apologize for my actions after we took the Wall. It was wrong of me to let my emotions get the better of me and criticize you two as my superiors. It wasn't befitting of me as a Vesper and it won't happen again. I will keep my thoughts and emotions to myself next time. Sorry for interrupting your breakfast, sirs." Elliot bowed respectfully before stepping away from the table, turning to head to the gym to do her morning workout. She needed to be stronger to be a better asset to Arquebus after all! Pater passed her as she walked by the tables, giving her an annoyed look as always. "Good morning, V.VIII" she greeted politely, nodding to him before continuing on her way.

The 8th squad leader was surprised by the new look and body language. He couldn't bring himself to make one of his normal self-boasting quips, his face showing how unsettled he was as he grabbed his own food and sat across from Hawkins. "Looks like Snail really got to her. I don't know what's worse. How she was before or this new robot version of her..." He commented, though was secretly relieved that maybe now he wouldn't have to worry about losing his position to her.

The soft, near silent padding of canine paws stirred up the loose dirt of the walkway as two mahogany splotched Ibizans trotted ahead of their master, Phantom Commander Solen, who was deep in thought. So much had happened in the last 24 hours. Hell, more like the last 6 months. They hadn't had a chance to catch any kind of break from the events of the world crumbling around them, and it seemed that trend was going to continue until that breach was closed.

First was that damn accident with the Crows. Turns out they didn't exactly appreciate losing contracts to a 'no name with some mongrels' or at least that's what it sounded like over the sound of Solen's blood bubbling out of their own throat. They weren't sure just how they were lucky enough to be found by a healer in time, but they thanked the gods for this second chance. Healing from the extensive injuries and having to come to terms with the fact that they'd never talk or eat solid food again was the hardest part of it all. Their hounds followed whistle commands, it was just a matter of learning sign language to speak. From then on, they changed their tactics to be more hidden, harder to spot. Solen wasn't going to let another incident like that happen if they could avoid it.

How the Herald had found them was a miracle, seeing as they were usually high up enough in a tree to avoid detection. It was a rare moment where the assassin had stopped to make camp for the night, choosing an abandoned bear den to keep hidden from wandering bandits and soldiers.

They had just set up their bedroll when the familiar voice of the Iron Bull echoed off the walls of the cave. Turns out the Inquisition had use for a skilled archer like them, and Bull was the one who vouched for the assassin. That was when Bull found out about their accident. At least he knew enough sign to be able to crudely translate for the elvish assassin, introducing them to the human called Trevelyan.

That was how the pale, scarred elf found themself among the overcrowded encampment that made up Haven, preparing to march with the others to close this breach in the sky. Calloused fingers reached up and traced the gnarled, damage flesh along their throat and jaw, finding the dip of where their vocal chords used to be. If they focused too long on the spot, they risked remembering the sensations unique to choking on one's own blood. Their hand returned to their side with haste, already feeling the unpleasant squeeze in their trachea as if partially obstructed by their crimson vitality.

As if sensing their owner's trepidation, the ever perceptive Ibizans slowed their forward momentum and fell into a tight heel. Briar, on their left, nudged his snout into their hand, earning the hound a few distracted pets. Rose, jealous of the affection showed to her brother, mimicked his actions on the right with the same results. Wet tongues lapped at the disfigured skin along Solen's hands, helping to pull them out of their dark spiral. There was one place that helped them clear their mind. After all, they had already done all of the preparations that they specifically needed to do for the march. They could use a little mental clarity before the assault anyway.

The three headed to the targets on the far side of the training grounds, passing more unfamiliar people on their way. It was almost unnatural to the Phantom Commander to have so many people nearby at all times. Even in their tent on the outskirts of Haven there was hustle and bustle. It was overwhelming at times, but they knew that this was for a greater cause. After all, they could fuck off to the forest for a while if they truly needed alone time.

Pulling the bow off their back and nocking an arrow, Solen planted their feet squarely in the frozen earth. Their fingers gripped the fletching of the arrow and bowstring with practiced ease and drew back, taking a breath with it. The muscles on their back gathered under their light leather armor, sinew and flesh outlined in the memory of years of hard work and dedication that it took to draw their weapon with such natural deftness. As they released their breath, so too did they let fly their arrow, striking the target true with a solid THUNK. They didn't expect anything less from a bow with a 70lb draw weight. This was more for the monotony and comfort of repetitive motions than anything. With every arrow loosed, Solen found themself calming down significantly. This was the one thing they could control in this hell, and it brought them peace knowing that.


+ The more of these there are, the more i want it!
Strikethrough means its taken or i'm not interested in it right now. Might be able to be convinced but You'll have to make a good case for it.
Hesitantly taking Poly plots as I come back from Hiatus, but just for Coral Island.

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon++++++++
I'm deeply in love with this series, like legitimately obsessed. I'm *so* excited to get another RP of it! I will be your best friend ever if you RP this with me!
Looking for: V.IV Rusty, OC x OC C4-621,
Who I Can play: Walter, Carla, Chatty, Michigan, Iguazu, possibly others as well, Tell me who you like and I'll do my best!
Plots: Hoping for either an AU where they live, or even an AU that takes place outside the AC universe but with mechs and such, but I'm fine with the main plot too.

Coral Island +++++
I just started playing this game and I'm deeply in love with Pablo and Chaem, please send help lmao I'm almost to my first winter^^
Looking for: Pablo, Chaem, or both as a poly situation, Sumeru, Theo
Who I can play: Literally just ask, I'm sure I can play most characters^^
Plots: I gotta make my character but I'm more than happy to plot together^^

The Dragon Prince+++++++
I just finished watching the newest season and I'm obsessed again lol Really hoping to do OCx OC here but willing to double!
Looking for: OC
Who I can play: Most people except like Ezran and stuff who are minors.

I'm caught up to season 16 mid season finale, but looking to start in earlier seasons. Also willing to do an original roleplay based off this concept but OC x OC!
Looking for: Ty or OC.
Can play: most main characters, just ask!
Hoping for an AU where certain characters don't die.

Original Roleplay++++++++++++
This is the link to the request thread for the Idea i have, super craving this one! It's OCxOC and modern fantasy.
Rancher's Paradise

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
I've played the whole base game, and all the DLC except for Ragnarok!
Looking for: femme Eivor Wolfkissed
Who I Can play: Most main characters, won't play the evil dudes from the cult, but if you have someone specific in mind that isn't a main character, say something, I'll do my best!

Baldur's Gate 3
I've only made it to the middle of act 3, just got one more stone bearer to kill.
Looking for: Karlach, Halsin,
Who I Can play: Anyone but Withers and most of the bad guys (Gortash, Orin, Minthara, etc)
Plots: I'm down to make our own plot, or follow the main plot.

Dragon Age:Inquisition++++
I have completed the game, its just been a while since i've played.
Looking for: Krem, Varric, Hawke, Scout Harding, OC
Who I Can play: Anyone but the bad guys.

Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon ++++++
I haven't read the manga, but I have seen every episode of the anime released so far!
Looking for: Namari
Can play: Most of the characters who have been shown as long as they have names and personalities I can glean. Will play Marcille as long as it's a poly situation.

The Hobbit+++++
I'm getting ready to rewatch it but i've read the book and seen the movies several times!
Looking for: Kili, Thorin
Can play: Bilbo, Fili, Gandalf, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin, Thranduil, and others! If its not listed, just ask!

Legends of Vox Machina
The series, not the podcast! I'm up to date with season 2
Looking for: Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Grog
Who I Can play: most main characters, just ask!

Lord of the Rings++++++++
Currently rewatching the movies, I've seen these multiple times!
Looking for: Aragorn, Pippin
Who I can play: Bilbo, Boromir, Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Merry, Sam and more! again, if it isn't listed, just ask^^

MHA +++
I've only seen up to the end of season 5 and some Manga Spoilers
All characters must be Aged up!

Looking for: Izuku, Kirishima, OCxOC
Who I Can play :Most hero characters! Just ask! No Mineta, Enji, Overhaul, or AFO.
Plot Ideas and AUs outside of the canon story plot:
College AU where Heroes in Japan need to attend hero college for 2-4 years to learn the laws and business side of being a hero and possible subplot of corrupt government.

TimeSkip Au where a villain with a time quirk sends the 1-A crew back in time to some part of the early plot with their memories intact but quirks reset to where they were at that time in the plot and either our OCs get sent with them, or our OCs show up in this new timeline as a result of time schenanigans.(Inspired by Bunniboo's plot)

Soulmate AU possibly combined with The College Au? So many options!

Stardew Valley ++++
I've never completed the game without mods, but i've been playing for years, so I know all the characters and their backstories for the most part! So willing to do a poly ship with this one!!
Looking for: Elliot, Sebastian, Leah
Who I can play: Literally any of the bachelors and bachelorettes except for Shane cause of my triggers.

Young Justice+++
I'm rewatching this and haven't watched it in years but i'm almost halfway through season 2! I'm happy to do an AU for this too.
Characters must be aged up or relationships kept age appropriate
Looking for: Wally West, Artemis, Kaldur'ahm, possibly a poly ship/throuple with Artemis and Wally, but will update the further through the series I get if anyone else catches my eye
Can play: Dick Grayson, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm, Artemis, M'gann, Superboy, I can try my hand at the regular justice league members, I'll just have to watch more to get a better feel for their personalities.

With all those aside, let me know if you'd like our characters to be in separate universes, or in the same universe where they can interact and if you'd want them to be friends or something ^^ I love interweaving character plots and stuff!

Anyway, that was a lot, haha I hope y'all have a wonderful day, and I hope to hear from y'all <3
Last edited:
Bump! Updated to reflect what I'm looking for<3
Bump! Added BG3, still mostly looking for AC6!
Bump! Looking for Assassin's Creed: Valhalla! 😁
Bump! Looking for MHA, Assassin's creed Valhalla, and Armored core 6!
Back on the hunt! AC6, Dunmeshi, LOTR/Hobbit, and DAI! DMs are open^^
Bump!! Updated interests! Still looking for another AC6 rp, and re-opened MHA!
Bump! Could be talked into other fandoms, just ask! 😁

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