CS - Ruth Ivory


The Meh


Ruth 'Babe' Ivory 19/ Female

Skills +Athlete +Skilled Fighter +Extreme strength

Other Similar to Mocha, she has leg augments, but lacks some of the mind augmentation. Rather, her skeleton was replaced with a hard metal frame. Along with her legs her hands were also exchanged for metal counterparts. (And yes her name is Babe, like Babe Ruth the baseball player. xD) 

Bio Babe is the adopted daughter of the CEO of the institution Mocha went to. Seeing the effectiveness of the augmentations on Mocha, the CEO decided to use it on her (and 98 other adopted children). Babe was 13 when she received the enhancements. The laboratory implemented the armored prosthetic legs as they used on Mocha. However, they added some extra features and took some out. They gave her robotic hands and replaced her skeleton with a metal frame, however she [/SIZE]lacked the a.i. that Mocha had. Babe was labelled as Unit Ivory-02 and used as the second cyborg of Ivory Labs.


Bat And Ivory-02 Armored Prosthetics

Weapon Type

 - Mace/Club

 - Hand and Leg augment

Weapon Breakdown

Bat:  A simple weapon like Mocha's, but Babe uses it purely because it's her favorite, and it's useful for clubbing things into bloody pulps.

Hands: Babe's hands were replaced with metal. Her hands are just as versatile a before, however, the augment increases her grip strength and allows for her to punch as hard as she wants without injuring her fists. However, sometimes she accidentally breaks her hands by going all out when facing an enemy. 

Legs: Babe's legs are similar in use to Mocha's legs. But with added strengths, the armor is much harder than Mocha's, allowing for high stress situations. They also have high weight tolerances, being able to lift more as well.  



Babe gains more strength the happier she is. If she has fun in a battle she'll slowly gain strength while fighting. So, the more excited that she gets, the more skulls that are gonna get crunched. Babe's fighting style is composed of using her bat as a method of smacking her opponent around like a rag doll. Also using the terrain around her as ammunition for her batting. Typically she'd stomp the ground and grab a chunk of debris. She would then use the debris as a makeshift baseball, hitting it at high speeds towards her opponent. However, in situations where she can't use her opponents as a batting cage, she drops her weapon and proceeds to pummel the enemy into submission with her fists.

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