It was intended- Character sheet submissions


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View attachment 11128

First name:

Last name: Sylus

Nickname: Ki ("father" to his fledglings.)

Species: Vampire (Can be Vampire or human. Humans can be turned or can be slaved.)

Age: 319

Physical age: 19

Physical appearance: Killik stands at 6ft 2". He has strong broad shoulders but a slender neck, wrists and hands. His jaw line is very well structured and his eyes burn a brilliant silver apart from when he indulges in quenching his thirst. When having just fed, his eyes burn a brilliant blood red. His pale skin and black messy hair compliment him well. He has full lips and a straight nose. He looks like a fallen angel, but he holds a reserved and almost cold look in his eyes. He does not tolerate insolence and lives for the way humans lust after his very presence.

Mentality: Killik is a strong leader and his aspirations are set very high for the well being of his coven. He treats those close to him as family and is a very intense lover when relevant of course. He has no shame in killing humans but he gets a buzz out of raising new fledglings insisting they call him "sire" or "father". He is young in his appearance but people respect the years he carries. From a prestigious lineage, the Sylus bloodline is very well known... trouble is, Killik is the exact opposite of the man his father would have wished him to be. He is a womanizer but pays little attention to the females around him; when his attention is caught, he will focus on only that girl.

The plot will develop within the rp itself but so far, a vampire named Killik Sylus has returned to his family's state house in england after a good 200 years. People didnt know there was a living Sylus left until this and so the news spreads. People want to join his coven as he is his fathers son and for now, I focus the plot on how the Coven grows.
First name: Flower

Last name: Moon

Nick Name: None as of yet

Species: Human

Age: 19

Physical age: Uh 19

Physical Appearance: Her back is full of scars from whips. Her hair is pure white which is rare in a human(But not impossible) so it makes her stand out, however unwanted it might be.

Mentality: Flower is a strong willed human. She is highly aggressive and doesn’t make much of a slave. Her will hasn’t dampened much over the years and she still is mostly caring towards other slaves. She is clever and always is finding ways not to get herself killed. Although she rather not be a slave, she has nowhere else to go. She also is known to attack vampires that push her, how she is still alive is a mystery to her. She is secretly very lonely and very sad to be in her almost unbearable spot. She also is afraid of whips because she has almost been beaten to death, and had watched her parents die from such a weapon.

(I hope this is ok.)
(Perfect. You can join the rp. I added a beginning post on the end of the Intro so be sure to read that before posting. Look forward to rping with you)
First name: Bronwin

Last name:Kykle

Nickname: Bron (only to people very close to her)

Species: Vampire

Age: 356

Physical age: 18

Physical appearance: View attachment 11241not shown in picture- she has bluish white eyes that turn burgundy when she feeds.

Mentality: Coming from one of the oldest and most respected vampire bloodlines, Bronwin can be kind of a primadonna. She is the odd one out in her family, as she usually doesn't drink from humans. She lives in London and pursues a dream of being a singer. Humans fascinate her and she loves to walk around the city, studying them. When she heard that Killik, her good friend from a couple hundred years ago, had come back to the estate, she was extremely curious and packed to make a journey to join his coven. She is usually excited and happy for no reason, and is quite boy crazy, but can never find a good vampire to go out with.
First name: Nick/ Deathwish

Last name: Xele

Nick Name: None/ Deathy (Only Nick calls him that...if anyone else did he might kill them.)

Species: Vampire/ Vampire

Age: 101/ 101

Physical age: 18/18

Physical Appearance:Deathwish and Nick are twins. However Deathwish is a bit taller than Nick and has a darker more serious face.

Mentality: Nick is a fun loving and flirty vampire. He doesn’t take too much seriously and he loves to tease. Although when he has to he can be you’re worse nightmare. This vampire will attack without mercy but hardly has to resort to such a thing. He loves to tease girls the most and making them blush. Deathwish however is the serious one. He gives off a deadly type of presence and is the one who everyone seems to fear. Although he can be a very nice guy he also will kill with no remorse. He has no trouble gaining respect among vampires but does have a soft spot for humans. Nick sometimes drinks human blood but he rather have a bottle of wine sometimes while Deathwish doesn’t drink human blood at all.
(( [MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION] I wanted to make a human, is it ok if she belongs to one of your charries? If not that's okay.))
First Name: Lily

Last Name: Grey

Nickname: ---

Species: Human

Age: 17

Physical Appearance: View attachment 11283

Mentality: Lily is very shy. While she may have her stubborn side, she is mostly obedient. She is easily frightened and just as easily amused. She belongs to the twins Nick and Deathwish. She is slightly annoyed by Nick's flirty side and tends to go missing when other girls are around him to spare herself from having to watch him flirt. She doesn't mind Deathwish but always does as he asks to stay on his good side. She is afraid of storms and usually is very hard to find during them because she will look for a place to hide. She is very shy around guests and new people and blushes if they speak to her. She is however, very sweet to just about anyone she meets.

(( [MENTION=3551]ReturnToSender[/MENTION] ))
First name: Sierra

Second name: Eva

Nickname: None

Species: Vampire

Vampire age: 10

Physical age: 15

Physical looks:

Mental: Sierra is alot like a child, she is a little princess and likes to get her own way. She is from a well respected family but decided to split off from them once her mother took in another vampire who was taking her parents away from her. Sierra likes to draw and read, her old friends say she is a bit of a tease. The only person she is close to is Lucy her feeder/Best friend.

Name: Lucy

Surname: none

Nickname: Luce

Species: Human

Age: 15

Physical looks:

Mental: At the age of 12 Lucy was a sensible smart girl. She only believed in what was there and everyone accepted her for it. Life at home for her was stressful, she lived with her dad in a flat. He was always drunk and on occasion abused her. Lucy would bite her lip and take it, then when she was 13 she learnt it was wrong she stood up to her dad who only hit her harder. A week before her 14th birthday she ran from home, she ran until her feet blistered. She collapsed and was near death when she came to a large state home. She knocked on the door and was ushered in. She was given a home and befriended Sierra, the next inline for the family throne. When Sierra's 'Brother' came along he was given the place. Sierra was distraught she ran away Lucy in tow. After time Sierra grew weak she had to turn to Lucy who offered her neck on various occasions. They grew even closer and soon were inseperable. Sierra heard rumours that the old family friend Killik was around and the pair went off to join his coven.
First name: Harley

Last name:Travis

Nickname: Hail

Species: Human

Age: 18

Physical age: 18

Physical appearance: View attachment 11284

Mentality: She is very book smart and really quiet. She don't like big groups and would rather sit in a room, reading other than go out on a friday night.

First name: Nicolai and Jacobi

Last name: Harlem

Nickname: Nick and Jake

Species: Vampires

Age: Nicolai>>405 Jacobi>>405

Physical age: Nicolai>>20 Jacobi>>> 22

Physical appearance: Nicolai>>>View attachment 11285 Jacobi>>>View attachment 11286

Mentality: They are brothers.. Nicolai is very upbeat and hyper most of the time. He is very talkative and is the youngest between him and Jacobi. Jacobi is laid back. He drinks scotch and smokes a bit. He is very enigmatic. He tends to fall prey to women and he can be social, only when he's had his glass of scotch.

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