Story It Tolls for Thee


The real Warchief of the Horde
It Tolls for Thee is a concept for an upcoming book that I am starting to write. And I have created this thread to get some feedback on the idea:whether constructive criticism, general comments, and other types of things of that nature. :D

The basic 'plot': This is a story about our main protagonist Alexander and the constant battle between his mind, and the world around him. (clearly person vs. society and person vs. self conflicts are going to be the main conflicts) As for more details with this, Alexander is of a typical upper-middle class family who only wants the 'best' for him by forcing him into many advanced studies. This doesn't appeal to Alexander in the slightest, as his mind is more aware to the issues of the world and society, seeing the corruption that is swelling and affecting all.

Now past this, I don't have many details and things are rather too fuzzy for me to care to explain, so we'll jump forward to the first climax. Alexander is attending a very important and large political meeting, discussing the governments stand on many prevalent issues. Displeased with the officials words, Alexander storms to the stage and pushes the currently speaking congress member to the ground, preaching to the point of screaming at the audience about his multiple thoughts on the world, I won't delve into those details. And for future reference, one of Alexander's only friends is in the very front of the crowd. Of course, while Alexander is screaming the national security protecting the event take him by the arms and are trying to put him in cuffs. Alexander manages to shake free a few times and takes the officers hand gun, pointing it strait into the security's face. Those officers panic, and the second one behind Alexander shoots, taking out Alexander in one shot to the cranium. His body falls directly in front of his friend, named Abigail.

Up until this point I need to make some things clear. This has been in a third person view, and once the Alexander is shot, it cuts the chapter, becoming a first person view through the eyes of Abigail. Abigail has been roughly described up until this point, at least the necessary details. The story will then continue through Abigail, up past this point I have no much planned other than Abigail leading a very realistic 'revolution' if you have it, non violent and defiantly not like a movie or something like that.

And I will leave it here, and I will edit as this goes on. Please give me your comments!!! Much kisses ^3^ I will be leaving edits in this post, and other additions will be whole other posts!!

EDIT 1: Alexander will also be in first person, there will just be hints to show that the point of view has shifted to Abigail.
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So revolution. Much Viva. Many resistance. Such book. Very wow.

I have manged to get writen down a simple ending for which I want the ending. This is in noooo way the final words, just around what I would like it to be. But first, some backstory leading up to this. A more corrupt member of Abigiail's group that sees himself as a prophet, has taken over the task of world leader, and has sentenced Abigail to life in prison due to war crimes. Now most of this doesn't make sense because this is literally the end of the book, so there are quite a few things that have happened in between, which will all be explained later xD Here is that paragraph I roughly put together:

“The wicked methods to have obtained this land shall not go unknown! Thou new world has been reborn in the hands of the worthy, the hands of the righties, and the hands of those who will avenge. For what is the value of a—“The force of the towering bells have once forth struck their thunderous sound once more. A pitch and tone to silence all of members of the world, the previous, and the new, a tone, cleansing the noise from the congregation. The waves traveled through the diluted, but lucid mine of Abigail, cleansing but any thought it may have held. Not a sound other than the bells was to be made, as for the people knew for whom the bell tolls…

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