It Started With Rain


Character Layout (You can have up to two characters)


Age: (Not everybody can be teenagers. We need adults, teens, children, and even babies.)

Occupation: (If teen, they can have a part-time job)


Appearance: (Can be picture, or description)

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Name: Mona Elaine Byrd

Age: 23

Occupation: Waitress; single mother

Back-Story: Mona grew up in a tiny town where nothing happened and nothing changed. Her parents expected her to raise her own children the same boring way they did. The female left the first chance she got and went to a college out of state. However, with so much freedom, Mona got into a bad crowd. She began partying and taking serious risks with drugs and group sex with strangers. Some how the female never had contact with any STDs, but, when she failed out of college and moved back home, she did have shocking news. She was pregnant. Her strict parents immediately kicked their daughter out for disgracing the family. During her pregnancy, Mona worked as much as she could to save up money. Nine months later, a beautiful baby girl was born with the identical chocolate locks on Mona's head. She can still barely pay rent, but the smile on her daughter's face each morning makes it all worth it.


Extra: She writes short stories in her spare time. She rides her bike everywhere she can, or they take the public bus. She is extremely protective of her daughter around strangers.


Name: Calypso Piper Byrd

Age: 4

Back-Story: Calypso was born healthy and happy with deep brown eyes and a small tuft of hair on her head. She loves life and spends most of her time exploring everything in it. One time she visited her grandparents, but her Nana called her a child of Satan. Caly never wants to visit again.


Extra: She is afraid of loud noises and her grandma. She can read basic sentences and is very respectful toward adults.
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Lewis Connor Dixon




Former Fireman, Businessman & Carer for Grandfather


One could say that Lewis didn't have the best of lives. All through his schooling career, he was bullied just because he was a weakling. His family was what you would call dysfunctional. His father had left his mother and him when he was young, so he didn't exactly care about him anymore. Even though everything that his father had caused for his mother, his mother was still desperately in love with his father. After seven horrid years, his mother had finally clicked and killed herself. By then, Lewis was old enough to care for himself and his dark, brown hair- But there was one more burden, His Grandfather. He was the only one that had cared for Lewis through the hard times. Lewis decided to join the fire department but after some very close disasters, he decided to use that college degree and work as a businessman.




From Lewis’ fireman days, he has some scars and burns on his body.

Lewis has a little something for Mona…

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LeftShark said:

Lewis Connor Dixon




Former Fireman, Businessman & Carer for Grandfather


One could say that Lewis didn't have the best of lives. All through his schooling career, he was bullied just because he was a weakling. His family was what you would call dysfunctional. His father had left his mother and him when he was young, so he didn't exactly care about him anymore. Even though everything that his father had caused for his mother, his mother was still desperately in love with his father. After seven horrid years, his mother had finally clicked and killed herself. By then, Lewis was old enough to care for himself - But there was one more burden, His Grandfather. He was the only one that had cared for Lewis through the hard times. Lewis decided to join the fire department but after some very close disasters, he decided to use that college degree and work as a businessman.




From Lewis’ fireman days, he has some scars and burns on his body.

Lewis has a little something for Mona…

[QUOTE="Floating-Kite]Name: Mona Elaine Byrd
Age: 23

Occupation: Waitress; single mother

Back-Story: Mona grew up in a tiny town where nothing happened and nothing changed. Her parents expected her to raise her own children the same boring way they did. The female left the first chance she got and went to a college out of state. However, with so much freedom, Mona got into a bad crowd. She began partying and taking serious risks with drugs and group sex with strangers. Some how the female never had contact with any STDs, but, when she failed out of college and moved back home, she did have shocking news. She was pregnant. Her strict parents immediately kicked their daughter out for disgracing the family. During her pregnancy, Mona worked as much as she could to save up money. Nine months later, a beautiful baby girl was born with the identical chocolate locks on Mona's head. She can still barely pay rent, but the smile on her daughter's face each morning makes it all worth it.


Extra: She writes short stories in her spare time. She rides her bike everywhere she can, or they take the public bus. She is extremely protective of her daughter around strangers.


Name: Calypso Piper Byrd

Age: 4

Back-Story: Calypso was born healthy and happy with deep brown eyes and a small tuft of hair on her head. She loves life and spends most of her time exploring everything in it. One time she visited her grandparents, but her Nana called her a child of Satan. Caly never wants to visit again.


Extra: She is afraid of loud noises and her grandma. She can read basic sentences and is very respectful toward adults.

Both will be accepted when you read OOC

Potato said:
Both will be accepted when you read OOC
Changed it! So sorry I didn't pick that up! :3

I still have to make the character sheet for the Grandfather - I'll do that now.



Charles Eric




Former Teacher, Currrent None.


Charles was always a kind and caring man, and he appreciated everything that Lewis does for him. With his light, grey hair, it's pretty obvious that he had lived and experienced a long time. As most people has his age, Charles had met a beautiful girl and married her but it was all demolished when that girl was diagnosed with lung cancer. A few years later, she passed away but instead of doing what Lewis' mother did, he was strong.




Charles is always open to teach and help anyone, even of a younger age.

Character Layout

Name: Daniel Bernier

Age: 21

Occupation: prison gaurd

Back-Story: He went to criminal justice school when he was a junior and senior in high school and went straight into college. He always said he was the smartest blonde he ever met. After only a year, he became a certified prison guard. He worked in the town's jail since then and still lived at him with his mom, dad, and baby sister. He woke up in the middle of the night and noticed the storm coming. Both of his parents died when he chose to save his little sister.



Name: Autumn Bernier

Age: 1 year.

Occupation: none

Back-Story: She was born with black hair, but it grew over blonde. In the year that she lived, she grew close with her parents and her brother. She was confused when they suddenly weren't there.


Okay, I see it now. Sorry. You're accepted.


Destiny Clearwater



Occupation: College Student; Music Major. Part-Time Waitress in Popular Local Diner.


When Destiny was born her teenage mother gave her up for adoption. She found herself in a wonderful home with an older couple. She realized she was adopted when she was six and her mom and dad had blonde hair and she had black. They took care of her when she was a child, but soon she found herself taking care of them. She was a teenager when she found out she had talent, the kind of talent that could take a person far, but her parents were sickly so she had to put her dreams aside, until they died when she was nineteen. It took her a while to earn enough money to get into college, but with a couple loans she got into the local school which happened to have a very good music program. Now she works part-time in the town's favorite diner.





[QUOTE="Brian Garner]Character Layout
Name: Daniel Bernier

Age: 21

Occupation: prison gaurd

Back-Story: He went to criminal justice school when he was a junior and senior in high school and went straight into college. He always said he was the smartest blonde he ever met. After only a year, he became a certified prison guard. He worked in the town's jail since then and still lived at him with his mom, dad, and baby sister. He woke up in the middle of the night and noticed the storm coming. Both of his parents died when he chose to save his little sister.



Name: Autumn Bernier

Age: 1 year.

Occupation: none

Back-Story: She was born with black hair, but it grew over blonde. In the year that she lived, she grew close with her parents and her brother. She was confused when they suddenly weren't there.



:o I just noticed that the baby is flipping the camera off! Lol.
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Name: Abigail 'Abby' Walker

Age: 24

Occupation: High School Science Teacher

Back-Story: Abigail is an Identical Twin and is the oldest of the two. She has a Twin Sister named Angela. Although the two have much in common, their interests weren't always the same. For instance, she likes Science while Angela likes Math; or she likes Blue and her Sister likes Pink. In terms of what they had in common, both Abigail and Angela like wearing Dresses, have Brown Hair and they both married young. Now, at the shared age of twenty-four, both girls are happily married and expecting their first child. Their Husbands are Speculating that they will both give birth at the same time. It seems likely because their due dates are close together, their due dates being roughly four days apart.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/d17949163dabc425e54c2426416a8cac.jpg.d157bb42dd070c89ac5639fc94f06c81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/d17949163dabc425e54c2426416a8cac.jpg.d157bb42dd070c89ac5639fc94f06c81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Started Teaching at Twenty-One

-Husband is currently on a Business Trip elsewhere, so right now she's just staying with her Sister

-Currently 36 Weeks into her Pregnancy

-Expecting a Boy

Name: Angela 'Angie' Walker

Age: 24

Occupation: High School Math Teacher

Back-Story: Angela is an Identical Twin and is the youngest of the two. She has a Twin Sister named Abigail. Although the two had much in common, their interests weren't always the same. For instance, she likes Math as opposed to Abigail who likes Science; or she likes Pink while her Sister likes Blue. In terms of what they have in common, both Abigail and Angela like wearing Dresses, have Brown Hair and they both married young. Now, at the shared age of twenty-four, both girls are happily married and expecting their first child. Their Husbands are Speculating that they will both give birth at the same time. It seems likely because their due dates are close together, being roughly four days apart. As their Husbands are away on Business Trips, Abigail has chosen to stay at Angela's House. They keep each other Company while their Spouses are away.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/5e4eb9889c8293d55a3ba785a8307f81.jpg.733882c854e27c1c6e3db053ba30e499.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/5e4eb9889c8293d55a3ba785a8307f81.jpg.733882c854e27c1c6e3db053ba30e499.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Started Teaching a Year after her Sister

-Coincidentally, her Husband is also away on a Business Trip

-Currently 35 Weeks and 3 Days into her Pregnancy

-Expecting a Baby Girl



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[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Name: Abigail 'Abby' Walker
Age: 24

Occupation: High School Science Teacher

Back-Story: Abigail is an Identical Twin and is the oldest of the two. She has a Twin Sister named Angela. Although the two have much in common, their interests weren't always the same. For instance, she likes Science while Angela likes Math; or she likes Blue and her Sister likes Pink. In terms of what they had in common, both Abigail and Angela like wearing Dresses, have Brown Hair and they both married young. Now, at the shared age of twenty-four, both girls are happily married and expecting their first child. Their Husbands are Speculating that they will both give birth at the same time. It seems likely because their due dates are close together, their due dates being roughly four days apart.


View attachment 110240


-Started Teaching at Twenty-One

-Husband is currently on a Business Trip elsewhere, so right now she's just staying with her Sister

-Currently 36 Weeks into her Pregnancy

-Expecting a Boy

Name: Angela 'Angie' Walker

Age: 24

Occupation: High School Math Teacher

Back-Story: Angela is an Identical Twin and is the youngest of the two. She has a Twin Sister named Abigail. Although the two had much in common, their interests weren't always the same. For instance, she likes Math as opposed to Abigail who likes Science; or she likes Pink while her Sister likes Blue. In terms of what they have in common, both Abigail and Angela like wearing Dresses, have Brown Hair and they both married young. Now, at the shared age of twenty-four, both girls are happily married and expecting their first child. Their Husbands are Speculating that they will both give birth at the same time. It seems likely because their due dates are close together, being roughly four days apart. As their Husbands are away on Business Trips, Abigail has chosen to stay at Angela's House. They keep each other Company while their Spouses are away.


View attachment 110241


-Started Teaching a Year after her Sister

-Coincidentally, her Husband is also away on a Business Trip

-Currently 35 Weeks and 3 Days into her Pregnancy

-Expecting a Baby Girl

Oooh I like it. Accepted
Name: Asahi Takahasi

Age: 21

Occupation: Cherry's Diner Waitress

Back-Story: Asahi was adopted from Japan at a young age. She has moved out of her adoptive parents home and now lives on her own in a small flat. She loves art and is a struggling artist. Although her parents pay for half of her classes, she still can barely afford them. In her free time she paints wildlife and watercolor skies. Asahi tends to be an intovert and has trouble meeting new people. She got a job at Cherry's Diner because she needed to find a way to pay for rent and art classes.



-She has a black cat named Jiji.

-She grew up in a conservative family and has never dated anyone.

-Although born in Japan, she only speaks English.
Name: Derek Frostbrook

Age: 24

Occupation: Firefighter

Birthplace: Everett, Washington

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Born in upstate Washington to a somewhat off the grid family, Derek attended a local town school, getting through it like most other children, nothing exceptionally special. He had to get on a train over to Seattle every morning from his smallish town to get to high-school, passing through the years with mostly B's or B+'s again nothing new or important, Derek happened to be irritated at his lifestyle, nothing special. His grades were average, his family had an average wage and life, never going or doing anything important.

He himself never went anywhere or done anything too unique, and this frustrated him, he wanted to have SOME importance to the world, to do something of importance for his State atleast, and by the stroke of chance a few fire-trucks drove by him, sirens blaring towards a fire in the middle of town. This brought back all the memories of how firefighters were treated on the news, like heroes. Everyone loved them, this being the recognition Derek wanted, he almost instantly signed up for the Seattle FD after high-school, being accepted and serving 3 years there. Before moving to the little rural town of Stirrup. Taking up a position as one of the town's only firefighters. A big difference from his big-city FD career. Living alone in a 2 bedroom suburbian house on the outskirts of town, he likes it there.



Theme: [media]

Quote: "Whatever it takes...I WILL save these people."
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SereneDaydreams said:
Name: Asahi Takahasi
Age: 21

Occupation: Cherry's Diner Waitress

Back-Story: Asahi was adopted from Japan at a young age. She has moved out of her adoptive parents home and now lives on her own in a small flat. She loves art and is a struggling artist. Although her parents pay for half of her classes, she still can barely afford them. In her free time she paints wildlife and watercolor skies. Asahi tends to be an intovert and has trouble meeting new people. She got a job at Cherry's Diner because she needed to find a way to pay for rent and art classes.



-She has a black cat named Jiji.

-She grew up in a conservative family and has never dated anyone.

-Although born in Japan, she only speaks English.

RIPSaidCone said:
Name: Kevin Frostbrook
Age: 24

Occupation: Firefighter

Backstory: Born in upstate Washington to a somewhat off the grid family, Derek attended a local town school, getting through it like most other children, nothing exceptionally special. He had to get on a train over to Seattle every morning from his farming community to get to high-school, passing through the years with mostly B's or B+'s again nothing new or important, Derek happened to be irritated at his lifestyle, nothing special. His grades were average, his family had an average wage and life, never going or doing anything important. He himself never went anywhere or done anything too unique, and this frustrated him, he wanted to have SOME importance to the world, to do something of importance for his State atleast, and by the stroke of chance a few fire-trucks drove by him, sirens blaring towards a fire in the middle of town. This brought back all the memories of how firefighters were treated on the news, like heroes. Everyone loved them, this being the recognition Derek wanted, he almost instantly signed up for the Seattle FD after high-school, being accepted and serving 3 years there. Before moving to the little rural town of Stirrup. Taking up a position as one of the town's only firefighters. A big difference from his big-city FD career. Living alone in a 2 bedroom suburbian house on the outskirts of town, he likes it there.


Accepted! Love the back story btw.
Just so you all know I've taken my child character off because he doesn't make much of a difference to the RP and I'm not the best at balancing two characters.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/KathyGIF.gif.02350c0af453e7d62bc8d9d1f70239f6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/KathyGIF.gif.02350c0af453e7d62bc8d9d1f70239f6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kathy Chester

Goes by Kat






Kat doesnt have much of a backstory being that she's only 11. When this girl was born her cries sounded like little meows, causing her parents to name her Kathy, Kat for short. Speaking of parents, Kathy is the daughter to two loving lesbians how were able to have Kathy with the help of a sperm donor. She calls one mother and the other mom. She started school at the age of 4 in a prestige school of arts. She started exploring music, dancing, singing, and drawing in kindergarten. She then started Ballet and playing the flute once she entered the first grade. She loved the feeling of putting her dark brown hair into a bun before a performance, or warming up her lips before a concert. Now the 11 year old can be considered a professional in both due to the intense training of her school of the arts.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kathy2.jpg.ed370ab677b75fcc43d17b0a49217b2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kathy2.jpg.ed370ab677b75fcc43d17b0a49217b2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kat is 4'5 and is super thin due to dancing. She has dark brown eyes, that her mother used to call cow eyes. Her hair is also long and dark brown, reaching half way down her back. She often has her hair in messy braids, tight bun, or down and loose. Her fingers are also thin and long. Her hands are great at fixing small things.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kathy.jpg.a297406c111288b8ad106c530817b053.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Kathy.jpg.a297406c111288b8ad106c530817b053.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Halcyon said:

View attachment 111062


Kathy Chester

Goes by Kat






Kat doesnt have much of a backstory being that she's only 11. When this girl was born her cries sounded like little meows, causing her parents to name her Kathy, Kat for short. Speaking of parents, Kathy is the daughter to two loving lesbians how were able to have Kathy with the help of a sperm donor. She calls one mother and the other mom. She started school at the age of 4 in a prestige school of arts. She started exploring music, dancing, singing, and drawing in kindergarten. She then started Ballet and playing the flute once she entered the first grade. She loved the feeling of putting her dark brown hair into a bun before a performance, or warming up her lips before a concert. Now the 11 year old can be considered a professional in both due to the intense training of her school of the arts.


View attachment 111064

Kat is 4'5 and is super thin due to dancing. She has dark brown eyes, that her mother used to call cow eyes. Her hair is also long and dark brown, reaching half way down her back. She often has her hair in messy braids, tight bun, or down and loose. Her fingers are also thin and long. Her hands are great at fixing small things.


View attachment 111066


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