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Fantasy It has been 10,000 years. [Always looking, ignore post count n' stuff.]


Ace Defective
Aiyo, it's ya boi, Unicorn666, back at it again with another partner search post. I have no idea how long since I haven't roleplayed on this website, feels like years. Recently I decided to get back into this whole roleplaying extravaganza, and here I am. Can't do it alone, need me some partners. Doing it alone is- that's not roleplaying, that's just writing, and I write enough essays these days to not do that out of my own volition.

So uh, yeah, let's talk about me, because that stuff is important. Nah I'm just kidding, feel free to skip this part entirely.

- 17, Russkiland, Omsk City.
- Can write and would love if you could too, AKA please don't present me one liners. It's fine if characters are involved in dialogue and you want just a quick response, but otherwise nuh-uh.
- Pretty active for my timezone, I usually spend all day at home unless it's a Friday or a Tuesday.
- Play lots of video games, read manga, rarely watch anime, make memes on a regular basis, and play D&D every weekend. That's how I spend my time.
- Write as much as your heart desires, but don't give me a whole darn book to read. I won't give you a book either, so don't frighten.
- OOC chit chat is a must. I'm not here to make a deal, I'm here to get a partner.
- I can RP over on Discord, RPN and Emails. Discord is where I'm most active. In my last partner search post I said that I try to be as active as I am on Discord on RPN. That's a lie, don't believe that.
- You may drop the roleplay any time you want, but do tell me. You don't even have to explain yourself. You can leave me to wonder for the rest of my life, and I won't curse you and your heritage for leaving the roleplay.

Now that that's over, let's see what this sack of dead jokes has to offer in terms of being interested in topics:

- My favorite genre is fantasy. I'll do pretty much any kind of this thing, as long as I deem it interesting.
- I can also do Sci-fi, adventure, mystery and whatever else you have in mind, but I'm not doing that slice of bread life stuff.
- As a 17 year old who makes memes on a regular basis, plays video games and considers himself to be the pinnacle of everything that is the worst in this universe, I do swear and will type in lowercase once I get comfortable. Don't worry though, I'm not going to stop being literate IC.
- Romance is fine n' dandy. Just tell me about it before you drop the bomb.
- I do OC's. Not canon, though. I fear that I will be unable to live up to the canon, so don't expect me to play as a canon character. Unless you roll a natural 20 on your persuasion check, I guess.

That's all I got. Have questions? Add me. Want to add me on Discord? It's Unicorn#3234. Want to add me on RPN? Do it. I'll answer every question. I'm looking for any partner to RP with, so just add me and see if we're cool enough to roleplay together. Did I mention I'm writing this at 3 in the morning? Nope, I didn't. Here's a meme to perfectly capture how I feel:

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