Other Chuck Palahniuk Reminds He's Amazing; Also Teaches Us How

Time to keep all of that in mind. On the bright side, that did a great deal to remedy my tendency for over-brevity.
Awesome share. Great article and an awesome writing resource. Thanks for turning us on to that Grey!
Check this out people, definitely worth looking into. I have enrolled myself, though my time will be very limited during the month this is offered.

The Future Of Storytelling



About this course

What to Expect

Together with a whole network of media researchers, creators and students we will:

- learn storytelling basics such as antagonist/protagonist relationships, narrative/narrated time, ...

- have a look at exciting current media projects

- analyze how they are designed and executed based on aforementioned basics

- and discuss how (and if) new online tools and formats change the way stories are told and perceived.

The 8-chapter course starts on October 25th, 2013 and ends on December 20th, 2013.

It will offer weekly video material, lessons, interviews and tasks on the following topics (not necessarily in this order):

- storytelling basics

- serial formats (on the TV, web and beyond)

- storytelling in role-playing games

- interactive storytelling in video games

- transmedia storytelling

- alternate-reality gaming

- augmented reality and location-based storytelling

- the role of tools, interfaces and information architectures in current storytelling.

Our first Storytelling-MOOC will focus on fictional formats.


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