Oracle of Dimensional Science
Original Devil Tiger Incarnation: Jester Viridian With Sanguine Smile
Devil Tiger Sobriquet: The Song that Sings Herself
Possible titles: The Tone of Crimson, The Resonant Liberation,
Themes: joy, freedom, passion, movement, liberation, independence, interaction, Performance,
Caste: Mellisonant
Caste Mark: A five-armed spiral
Caste Abilities: Athletics, Dodge, Integrity, Martial Arts, Performance
Anima Power:
Associations: Crimson, Music, Air, Blood, the Outward "Direction", Quartz
Sobriquets: Songbearers, Instruments of ,
During the early days of the Reclamation, the Slayer Caste was molded by the hands of the Demon City himself, forged into weapons against the oaths that bound him and as punishment for the failures of the other Yozis... and himself. His hatred is a burning acid that runs through his world-body and seeks to unmake all it touches. The Slayers were to cut down their Solar brothers and all those who had deigned to obstruct the righteous rule of the King of the Primordials.
When the Jester Viridian With Sanguine Smile grew in martial power, she learned to hate the bounds that held her back, no matter their source. When she grew in cunning, she learned the joy of the hunt, the passion of the struggle. When her Essence swelled, she knew that the hatred of Malfeas was just a trap of its own, and cast off all the attachment to the Demon City.
Those of the Mellisonant Caste revel in freedom and all that it offers, to travel and dance, to clash and sing. They venture throughout Creation and beyond to see what they may, and thereby expanding themselves past previous limitations. When they find others, hobbled by circumstance and denied their true potential, the Songbearers turn their powers towards emancipation, often whether those "rescued" wish it or not.
Anima Banner: The banner of the Mellisonant flares
The Songuine Urge (The Urge to Emancipate)
The drive to break free, break open, rending all that constrains oneself or others.
The Shattering Song
The Resonant Liberation does not abide by the restrictions of others, even those they impose upon themselves. When her ire is raised, the very fabric of Creation trembles as the Song that Sings Herself sunders the tethers that bind her Chosen. Any connections that held the Infernal back from the proper path, whether taking the form of Intimacies or Backgrounds, are removed as the strands of fate vibrate loose from one another.
First Songuine Excellency
The Song that Sings Herself is jubilant and unrestrained. She dances through the cosmos, inspiring those who yearn for independence and shattering the bonds that chain one thing to the next. The Resonant Liberation is less intellectual than emotional, lurking beneath the boundaries of conscious thought, resounding throughout all of Creation in her open need to experience. Her essence is infectious, infiltrating the mind and spirits of all she touches, changing them before radiating outward to the next being in need of liberation. The Tone of Crimson fills the hearts of all who hear her, but there is always room for more. She is ecstatic yet never sated; her pauses are but moments of greater yearning. When confronting obstacles, she rises and recedes, flowing into and out from her target's surroundings, assaulting it from every direction. She moves throughout the worlds, taking joy in her encounters with others, no matter their natures or relationships, pausing only according to her whims.
The First Excellency of the Song That Sings Herself assists in any attempt to open or liberate. It aids the Infernal in overcoming the restrictions placed by others or by themselves, pushing them towards greater and newer experiences. Resisting any attempt to inhibit or deny her movements or interactions also falls within the Excellency (this does not mean she cannot fail in interactions, but rather it is exceeding difficult to obstruct her). Since the intellectual mind and the experiences it projects from are just restrictions of their own, the Resonant Liberation enhances the unexpected and novel undertakings of her Chosen.
Her Excellency may never be used to obstruct, bind, or enslave. It may create positive intimacies so long as they are not based on dependence, and while it may aid directly in the overcoming of Unnatural Mental Influences, it may never implant them itself. While she may with her presence enrich and empower others, her Excellency does not lend itself towards lengthy construction or organization.- Coming Soon to a Broken-Winged Crane near you!
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