Issan - Lore

Back story for the boy . . .

Hacking for this boy again? Someone out there is going to think you're a stalker.

Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know I'm doing this for valid reasons.

A stalker would say that, would he not?

Aramus! Thomas scolded the voice in his head, It's only because of him that we got out of that library alive.

That or you could have let me save you. The voice whispered back.

You know why I won't do that.

And, as it always did, that silenced the conversation between the boy and the spirit. The sound of Thomas' nimble fingers dancing on the various keyboards slowly engulfed the room and became too rhythmic to allow space for the usual awkwardness of their disagreement. Eventually, the pace slowed as Thomas neared his target. The man he was hunting almost vanished entirely from the system six months ago, but Thomas found a thin stream of bread crumbs to follow.

Issan? Isn't that the company that bought out Revolution Engineers? What would they want with him?

I dunno . . . Maybe he found an easy cash cow? Maybe, erh, delivering vaccines to dangerous areas or something?

Impressive firewalls for whatever they do.

Yeah . . . its actually better than any of the police systems I've hacked.

Thomas, this is better than any of the governments and intergalactic agencies you've hacked.

Thomas' fingers paused, hovering over the keys. I can hack it.

But should you?

They're just a research and medical care company, what could be the harm? As he thought it, his hands once again began moving over the keys. Now, more than anything, he was curious why Issan had that man under their employ. Within minutes Thomas realized that the Issan system was much like an onion--there was a layer underneath every layer, but unlike an onion, each layer was harder to hack than the previous. But he could do it. Each layer increased the thrill for the young hacker and soon caution was blow to the wind as the challenge over took him. He ignored all of Aramus' warnings.

"EUREKA!!" The boy screamed as he leapt out of his chair and flung his arms out. "Finally!" Thomas leaned closer to the screen and all his exuberance vanished.

Get out. Now. Before they trace you.

Thomas didn't hesitate. He didn't stop with severing the connection, he bolted behind the computer and unplugged everything.

We leave. Now.

Again, Thomas listened without asking or doubting. Grabbing his duffel bag, he darted into the apartment's bedroom and grabbed his few possessions and left. Leaving behind his pricy computer interface.

I'm fucked.

What are the odds that they traced you?

No way a system that advanced couldn't have pinpointed at least the planet and city. I thought they were harmless. I thought they the good guys.

They know you hacked them, but they can't know what you've seen. They have no reason to believe you could have took in all that data that quickly. No other species could have done that.

They bought RE!! They have all my files! They'd know!

They bought RE years after you left. Years. You do not have a tracker or anything else to mark you.

I'm a mutt. They're going to be curious what I am. I have, like, a bazillion other specie in me! They are going to know that I'm not natural born!

Splicing happens everywhere. You just need to tell them you were stolen from a lab when you were little. Tell them you don't remember the name. Or say you escaped when the war hit your world.

I'm dead. Thomas thought, leaning against the old window in the bus. He hadn't paid any attention to where the bus was heading. I hacked through all that, stayed there for a fraction of a second, logged out and unplugged the computer. They are going to know that I know. He stared down at his hands, which were, to no surprise to Thomas or Aramus, shaking. I have to go back. I have to destroy the computer.

It's too late. Issan must be there already.

Already? No-no-no, I don't want to be a lab rat again. I don't want to be an experiment. I can't-

Calm down boy! They can't trace you that fast. They may have found the apartment, but the only thing that they could link to you is your DNA. You weren't there more than a few hours. The only thing with your DNA on it is your drink and that's in your bag. You used a fake ID to get the room.

They can trace that ID to my last apartment.

Which was busy and cheap. Others have used it since then. Same applies to every other hotel or apartment. Traces of your DNA have been cleaned or contaminated.

There is no where to run. They are going to find me and they are going to test my blood. It'll link to their RE data.

You need to splice yourself.


They are going to find you, catch you and test your blood. The only way to prevent yourself from being a lab rat again is to change your DNA.

Splice myself with what?

It doesn't matter.

Where do I get the equipment?

The labs on Zim.

I've been there. Issan might look for me there.

You're right; you are going to be found. The only thing you have power over is what they do to you after that.

Through tear blurred eyes, Thomas stared out the bus window. Aramus was right.

Later . . .

The boy's body doubled over as it aggressively exiled his stomach's contents onto the pavement. His tongue cut against his teeth, causing the boy to spit repeatedly.

Those are new.

Why are they so sharp?

Thomas . . . you spliced yourself with a canine specie, what did you expect?

I'm still a vegetarian! I can file them later. Thomas shot back as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

Maybe should have considered that before splicing with a carnivore.

Thomas only groaned in response. He'd been on the run for three weeks. Issan was still on his tail, but within 40 minutes of hacking Issan, they'd given his followers a plausible reason for his up and dash. Thomas was no stranger to being on the run and had dropped his trail to a drug syndicate that he'd hacked into several years ago. He just hoped Issan wouldn't investigate far enough to see that the syndicate hadn't caught wind of him until after he'd hacked them. He was being sloppy now. He had to be in order to keep the syndicate on his tail. Aramus was guiding him to be just sloppy enough to leave a trail for the syndicate but not sloppy enough for Issan to get too close.

As Thomas pushed himself up again his eyes caught on his reflection.

Hello blue eyes . . .

Yea, that's gonna take some adjusting.

So will the ears.

Thomas glanced at his ears and curiously poked them. They were more pointy and a little thinner now. Brushing his hair back, he found another difference--his hair was hella soft . . .

Is it that soft everywhere?

Thomas blushed.

Fine, something to figure out later then. Time to move.

Thomas grabbed his bag and moved out of the alley.

((OOC; is it cool for this to go here or should I put it with his profile?))
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