Isomaru the Windspeaker [The Resurgent]


New Member

Isomaru the Windspeaker is the last living survivor of the once prosperous Linowan village of Sangawa that was beset and razed by Fair Folk working in collusion with the Haltan Republic of the East. The attack brought about Isomaru's exaltation as a re-incarnated Twilight Caste who had so zealously fought against the Fair Folk that he worked his Terrestrial soldiers to death in an effort to forge Chaos into Creation. His Exaltation granted him enough power to defend himself and cause the Fair Folk to retreat, but by then most of the village had been slain or carried off in gossamer wrappings to sate the dark tastes of the Fae. With the help of the Lunar named Lyla Argent Spear, a No Moon Caste Sword of Luna who had infiltrated the Hamoji priesthood of the West in order to fight against the Fair Folk, who was in the village not at all by coincidence, Isomaru was able to preserve the ghost of his long time friend Hidetada the Earthwarder (the other variety of village Shaman) in an ancestral Yasal crystal. With nothing left in his own village except for hatred and desire for revenge, Isomaru agrees to be led off to the port city of Gateway on the island of Abalone in the west.

Even though Argent Spear is favorably disposed towards Isomaru, he owes her a blood debt, and the Swords of Luna are pushing for Isomaru to be their pet Solar in the war against the Fair Folk. Thus, he struggles to walk the line between keeping the traditions of his village alive, increasing his powers to meet his own goals of crushing the Fair Folk under his heel, and maintaining his independence from the Sword of Luna who seek to use him as a trump card (and whom he must ultimately bend knee too, at least occasionally).

Day-to-Day Affairs

Ultimately, Isomaru seeks to exterminate the threat the Fair Folk pose to Creation. To this end, he has ended up on the Western island of Abalone where he is in very collaboration with Lyla to strengthen Creation's wards against the Fae. It has been one year since he came to this region, and he is currently keeping a low profile while building his power, strengthening his thaumaturgical prowess, and amassing resources that may one day be used to outfit a small army.

Profession and Trade

Isomaru was a Windspeaker in his home village of Sangawa, a Shaman whose primary responsibility is to ensure a favorable and bountiful relation with the local spirits. Now in Gateway, he owns a shop entitled Eastern Miracles that serves as a Flawless thaumaturgical laboratory that contains a very small forge used for creating small iron objects to serve as arrowheads or in the creation of Talismans. In this two-story stone shop that contains living quarters up a set of stairs behind the counter, he can create and sell everything from minor conveniences such as herbal teas, soap, and clothing dyes to powerful talismans against disease, spirits, and, of course, Fair Folk (though he does nothing to advertise his ability to craft the latter). Due to the extreme effort and expense required to craft a talisman, they are all crafted strictly on commission and never simply kept in-stock. His main customer base would be either the very superstitious or the very well-learned, and an influx of sales usually occurs shortly before Calibration.

He is a proud but honest tradesman who will never attempt to cheat or lie in order to sell his products, but insulting his craftsmanship will warrant swift removal from the store and a serious hindrance to future business opportunities.

The shop itself is a testament to Isomaru's prowess at warding, and is thrice warded against entrance by spirits and Fair Folk (see Oadenol's Codex - ppg. 141-143, Lesser Ward Against [creature], Ward Against [Creature], Greater Ward Against [Creature], and the respective maintenance charms that extend the duration of these wards such that they do not require daily upkeep.)


The two Yasal crystals of Sangawa are artifacts passed down through the generations as a means to preserve the practices and culture of the Shamanic traditions. Each crystal holds the ghost of either a Windspeaker or an Earthwarder, whom willingly serves as a mentor and thaumaturgical aid in exchange for remembrance and the occasional offering of essence. Isomaru's own yasal crystal now holds the ghost of his friend Hidetada the Earthwarder (the other yasal crystal contains the ghost of Hidetada's mentor and previous village Earthwarder, but is either lying somewhere in the ruins of the village of Sangawa or in the possession of a raider or scavenger. Either way, it is lost).

Hidetada the Earthwarder is a Heroic Mortal(?) Ghost who primarily serves as a thaumaturgical mentor and aid to Isomaru. Hidetada is a Master of the Path of Enhancement school of thaumaturgy and an Initiate in the Art of Alchemy. The Earthwarders tend to the martial and physical needs of the village, and as such Hidetada excels at practicing medicine and the arts of working a forge.

The Earthwarder's crystal is contained in a small room elaborately decorated with mementos of his former village in the upstairs of Isomaru's shop/home. The room is heavily warded against intrusion, both physical and supernatural, and contains the altar upon which offerings of essence and grave goods are made. Isomaru has a tightly bound intimacy with his friend, and will never leave the yasal crystal behind under any circumstances.


Isomaru's most notable ally is Lyla Argent Spear, the No Moon Lunar Exalt whom helped save his life during the destruction of his village. According to custom, Isomaru is bound by blood-debt to acquiesce to matters of lesser consideration put forth by Lyla, which usually manifests in helping to maintain the wards against Fair Folk located near the volcanoes on the Wavecrest archipelago. In exchange, Lyla provides Isomaru with insight into Lunar culture as well as fostering and keeping a distant eye on him while he works towards his goal of destroying the Fair Folk. Officially, Isomaru is under no real compulsion to assist the Lunars, or even Lyla, though the two share common goals, at least for now.

Lyla is a character creation level Lunar who has infiltrated the Priesthood (Priestesshood?) of Hamoji and acts as a secret liaison between the Priestesses and her more battle-hardened Swords of Luna brethren (who fight constantly against the Fair Folk beyond the borders of Creation's wards). Thus, Lyla is not conveniently accessible, but her pre-disposition towards Isomaru hints at some greater level of connection between the two.

Like all Swords of Luna, and most Lunars in general, Lyla excels in combat and prefers to fight using a short Moonsilver powerbow. She holds a low rank among the Swords of Luna, since she spends less time killing Fair Folk, but her tribe begrudgingly acknowledges her contributions of keeping the Priesthood from crossing the paths of the Lunars. It is well known among her tribe now that she has come into contact with and rescued a Child of the Sun, and as such there is increasing tension among her tribe members about what should be done with the Solar that puts a great deal of strain on Lyla's conscience.

Struggle with the Swords of Luna

The re-appearance of the Solar Exalted, especially one who now dwells on the same island, has caused a great deal of conflict within the Sword of Luna tribe which Lyla belongs to. The return is both a sign that the stalemate against the Wyld will soon be broken, but also a sign that the age of the dominance of Lunars may be coming to an end. One thing these Lunars can all agree upon is that they are anxious to see Isomaru put on the front lines of combat. In the best situation, he will help crush the Fair Folk and push back the boundaries of Creation. In the worst situation, he will die upon a gossamer spear, thus relieving some of the elders from the headache of figuring out how best to utilize a Solar Exalted.

Officially, Isomaru and the Swords of Luna are on neutral terms. He has helped strengthen and renew the wards near the Bordermarches on the island of Abalone mostly as a form of seeking his own goals and helping out Lyla. No other Lunars have approached him yet out of uncertainty and trepidation, and Isomaru is completely in the dark about where the tribe operates from. Isomaru is likely willing to help out the Lunars to the extent that it helps further his goals, but his insights into the First Age and deep knowledge of Creation's history have made him keenly aware of his importance and potential. He will resist the notion of being a puppet or toy used by the Lunars. Unfortunately, his position as a Shaman has naturally pre-disposed him towards helping others, and he has never been able to resist effective persuasive attempts.
The dreams again.

Isomaru woke in the middle of the night, sweat causing his small clothes to cling to his body as he lay in the dark beneath his thatched roof ceiling. His sleep had been restless over the past three nights, as visions of twisted and grotesque faces and haunted visages laughed at him while he stood chained and helpless to the ground, struggling against his bonds to act. It was nearing Calibration, and as the Windspeaker of the village of Sangawa, he merely attributed the dreams to his close dealings with the local spirits as they grew restless. They would pass in time.

"I will consult with Hidetada tomorrow," he whispered to no one in particular. Surely if the Earthwarder's dreams were likewise troubled, it would be too auspicious an event to ignore and the village would be put on alert. If the two Shamans of Sangawa agreed that trouble was coming, no one would think twice to heed their wisdom.

But things had been prosperous of late, so perhaps the dreams were simply the result of things finally going peacefully for once. Isomaru's recent dealings with the gods of the fields and the rivers had practically made him a hero. He had encouraged the village chieftain to carry out a celebration once a month during which the population of Sangawa would gather at twilight to dance around the fire and give thanks to the spirits for their continued prosperity. Isomaru would spend the entire month creating valuable talismans etched out of the bark of Haltan redwoods and decorated with the antlers of local deer. After etching prayers on to the talismans, they would be offered up in flames the moment the sun dipped below the horizon. Meanwhile, the Earthwarder would use this time to pass out farming implements and fishing equipment of a quality never before seen by the village. Hidetada and Isomaru, despite having just finished their third decade of life, were already whispered to be the most powerful Shaman in village history, perhaps even in the history of the entire region.

Much expectation was being placed on the two to carry on the strong tradition of the Sangawa, but Isomaru feared that the legacy would be too great for the young apprentices the Shaman had worked with the last five years. Isomaru felt a pang of jealousy as he recalled Hidetada's apprentice, Laru, who had already learned the art of making curative draughts for villagers who had come in contact with the poisonous wood ferns that grew on the borders of Linowan territory. Isomaru's own ward, Karo, was a bright young lad, but his dreams and desires were more to take up shield and spear against the Haltans than they were to continue conferring the blessings of nature upon Sangawa.

Perhaps it was the lull in the fighting with the Haltans that had Isomaru so bothered tonight. The Haltans hadn't carried out a raid in over a month, and the Sangawan's finest warriors were making increasingly bold attacks on the nearby Haltan outpost of Ironwood Hold. A raid yesterday had yielded three rare and incredibly valuable treasures; three Haltan redwood saplings had been captured before they could be committed to the earth to encroach on Linowan fields. The saplings had been presented to the village chieftain, along with Hidetada and Isomaru as a sign of respect. The warriors had meant well, but Isomaru could not stand to have the sapling near him. None were as keenly in touch with the spirits as Isomaru, and he could almost hear the angry wailing of the littlest gods of the saplings as they screamed to be returned to their native soil.

"Enough worrying," Isomaru whispered. "The time for answers is tomorrow. It will be the last celebration of the spirits before Calibration. I must rest." Not to mention tomorrow would be the day he would have to entertain the Chieftain's guest. A traveling priestess from the far West was scheduled to arrive at the humble village on her way to Rubylak for Calibration. Tomorrow would be a day of much curiosity and celebration in Sangawa; most had never traveled more than a hundred miles away from the village, let alone seen an exotic foreigner before. He hoped Karo would behave himself, she was rumored to be as fierce as she was beautiful.

With that thought, he fell asleep, and the dreams did not come back.

Name: Isomaru the Windspeaker

Concept: Linowan Village Shaman

Player: Wyuli

Motivation: Return balance to Creation, specifically by removing unnatural monstrosities (ie. Fair Folk, Demons) from Creation

Caste: Twilight





[ ] Strength-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Stamina -------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]





[X] Archery--------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Martial Arts----[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Melee----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Thrown--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] War-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Integrity------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Performance---[X][X][ ][ ][ ] (1 BP)

[ ] Presence------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Resistance----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Survival-------[X][X][ ][ ][ ] (1 BP)


[X] Craft--(Fire)--[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Investigation--[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Lore----------[X][X][X][X][ ] (1 BP)

[X] Medicine------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Occult--------[X][X][X][X][X] (2 BP)


[ ] Athletics------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Awareness----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Dodge--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Larceny-------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Stealth--------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[ ] Bureaucracy---[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Linguistics-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] (Native - Forest Tongue, language of the village Isomaru grew up in, Old Realm - Re-acquired after Exaltation, Seatongue - Learned after Exaltation during his time in the West)

[ ] Ride-----------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Sail-----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Socialize------[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]


[X] Master's Degree: The Art of Warding and Exorcism (Occult) [X][X][X] (12 BP)

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]

[ ] _______________ [ ][ ][ ]



Resources--------[X][X][X][ ][ ] (Entrepreneur and shop owner who crafts difficult to acquire talismans and goods)

Mentor-----------[X][X][ ][ ][ ] Hidetada the Earth Warder (Heroic Ghost, see backstory)

Allies-------------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Lyla Argent Spear (No Moon Lunar, Sword of Luna, see backstory)

Artifact-----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Yasal Crystal



Resources 5 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Resources 4 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Resources 3 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Resources 2 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Resources 1 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]

Resources 0 [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]



Name Cost Page


1. [Charm Name] – [Charm cost] [Charm timing] [Charm duration] – [Charm citation]


1. Ox-Body Technique - Permanent (1x-1, 2x-2) - Core pg. 208

2. Durability of Oak Meditation - 3m + 1wp, Reflexive, Scene - Core ppg. 206-207, House Rules Thread

3. Iron Skin Concentration - 2m, Reflexive (before damage is rolled), Instant - Core pg. 207

4. First Occult Excellency - 1m/di, Reflexive, Instant - Core pg. 183

5. Spirit Detecting Glance - 3m, Reflexive, Scene - Core pg. 221

6. Spirit Cutting Attack - 1m, Supplemental, Instant - Core pg. 221

7. First Lore Excellency - 1m/di, Reflexive, Instant - Core pg. 183

8. Chaos Repelling Pattern - 8m, Simple, One hour - Core pg. 216

9. First Archery Excellency - 1m/di, Reflexive, Instant - Core pg. 183

10. Integrity Protecting Prana - 5m, 1wp, Reflexive, One day - Core pg. 199




[Weapon 0]

Unarmed - To hit 4, Damage 2B, Speed 5, Rate 3

Kick - To hit 9, Damage 5B, Speed 5, Rate 2

Clinch - To hit 3, Damage 2B Piercing, Speed 6, Rate 1

[Weapon 1]

Exceptional Long Bow - To hit 7, Speed 6, Rate 3, Range 250

Target Arrows - Damage 3L, Piercing

[Weapon 2]

Utility Knife - To hit 4, Damage 4L, Speed 5, Rate 3




[X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

{ } { } { } { } { } { }





[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }

{ }


[X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }

{ }{ }{ }{ }


[X][X][X][ ][ ] (PV)

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }

{ }{ }{ }{ }


[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }

Compassion 2 - I would love to help you, but your plight pales in comparison to the plight of Creation. I'll get to you when I can.

Temperance 3 - A great deal of responsibility has been thrust on me from an early age. Being intoxicated or pre-occupied is irresponsible and a detriment to fulfilling my duties.

Conviction 3 - When Creation is blighted and covered in the Faceless parasites, it is only natural a Champion should rise up to defend her. I will see my task through until the end if at all possible.

Valor 1 - Dying on the battlefield may be an honorable escape for some, but sticking my neck out when there is a risk it might bring an end to my goals and dreams is a risk I cannot take in defense of Creation.


Dodge DV - 3 Natural


Parry DV - 2 Natural

Parry DV - 2 Knife


Dodge MDV - 5


Parry MDV - Honesty

Presence - 2

Performance - 3

Investigation - 3

Parry MDV - Deception

Presence - 2

Performance - 3

Investigation - 3




B: 2 L: 1 A: 0

*Iron Skin Concentration

B: 10 L: 9 A: 4

Pierced Soak



B: 2 L: 1 A:0

*Iron Skin Concentration -----------------------------------------*

B: 10 L: 9 A: 4


Hardness - 0

DOK - 8


Move - 3

Dash - 9




[isomaru's iconic anima banner display consists of ...]




~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ] [ ]




[X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ] (7 BP)

Personal: 15 | 15

Peripheral: 36 | 36

Committed: 0


Limit Break


[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]


Virtue Flaw

Ascetic Drive



*Hidetada the Earthwarder, Friend*

*Lyla Argent Spear, Acquaintance, Partner(?)*



*Exceptional Long Bow------------------------------*

Speed 6, Accuracy +2 (Exceptional bonus), Damage +1 (Exceptional bonus), Rate 3, Range 250 (Exceptional bonus)

Target arrows +0L, P

*Utility Knife------------------------------*

Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Rate 3


Bonus Points



Survival 1->2 (1BP)

Lore 3->4 (1BP)

Occult 3->5 (2BP)

Essence 2->3 (7BP)

Thaumaturgy Speciality (12BP)

Thaumaturgy Procedures (1BP)



Re: <Name and Caste Pending>

I'm loving the FF6 art for your portrait. Reminder, you and Kalarix need to work out Zenith and Twilight. Kaliket has Eclipse.
Re: <Name and Caste Pending>

Kaliket is my friend Andy K. from Michigan. We went to grad school in the same building. He was Treeaj on Bealegun.
Re: <Name and Caste Pending>

Technically still IS Treeaj, albiet in stasis or torpor or whatever. Kaliket is my usual nomme d'guerre.
Re: <Name and Caste Pending>

Wyuli said:
Need to talk to Kal to figure out which of us is going to play which Caste so I can get working on the creative naughty bits.
I have character concepts for both Twilight, currently.
Kalarix has updated his character sheet to include Caste: Zenith. Go ahead with your Twilight idea.
Re: <Name and Caste Pending>

I see that a character sheet has magically appeared here. >.>
Re: <Name and Caste Pending>

Still having a blast reading over Thaumaturgy in Oadenol's Codex, but it's a bit much to take in all at once. Talisman creation is especially confusing, and the effects of a successful ritual aren't crystal clear to me yet.

I feel that, for a Linowan Shaman concept, basic tasks would include treating wounds and poisons, ability to beckon and deal with minor spirits, fashioning basic talismans, protecting crops, and minor weather prediction/manipulation. Does that seem reasonable? Proficiencies in these sorts of things will be represented through BP expenditure, just haven't gotten there yet. Most of this is stuff Isomaru practiced pre-Exaltation.
That stuff does sound reasonable, and I think Thaumaturgy will get you there.

Eleminating unnatural things from Creation is actually the guiding prospect of one of the factions in the Silver Pact, the Wardens of Gaia. You might tie yourself to them somehow (ally, mentor, connections?) and they might give you a reason and the means for a Linowanian to be in the West.
Good call! Working out how I'm supposed to go West is one of the bigger obstacles I'm trying to overcome.
Wyuli said:
Good call! Working out how I'm supposed to go West is one of the bigger obstacles I'm trying to overcome.
Turns out the tendency towards encyclopedic knowledge has more uses than DotA character builds and item prices...
Wyuli said:
Good call! Working out how I'm supposed to go West is one of the bigger obstacles I'm trying to overcome.
Heartwind Isle might hold some interest for your character as well. See the West page 11.
Half of the fanfic posted, half of the character sheet finished, for those who are alt+tabbing to the forums every few hours (like me).
Backstory is pretty well fleshed out now. Going to finish the character sheet then go back and work more on the fanfic.
Character sheet is more or less finished. Still need to fill out an iconic anima and decide on a virtue flaw.

Open to feedback/criticism.
Wyuli said:
Open to feedback/criticism.
All and all, great. Minor thing:

The Yasal Crystal comes with Hidetada the Earth Warder. So your Backgrounds look like this:

Resources--------[X][X][X][ ][ ] (Entrepreneur and shop owner who crafts difficult to acquire talismans and goods)

Allies-------------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Lyla Argent Spear (No Moon Lunar, Sword of Luna, see backstory)

Artifact-----------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] Yasal Crystal, contains Hidetada the Earth Warder (Heroic Ghost, see backstory)

You have 2 more points to spend! =D
The Loom, In the jungle of Abalorne outside of Gateway

To the north Isomaru sees 4 cornusum trees, 1 failous bush, and a lojoke bird nesting. To the south Isomaru sees a spattering of burnoush trees with 1 cornusum fighting it's way to the canopy. To the east Isomaru sees a hole in the soil that likely leads to a solok lair, and mentally noted it so that he wouldn't step in it later. Those reptiles were nice enough as long as one didn't perturb them. To the west he sees more cornusum trees, one of which was probably twice as tall as the rest, though he couldn't tell since the trunk dissapeared above the canopy. It had likely survived the last forest fire that rocked the island centuries ago. Despite all of Isomaru's knowledge of the plants and animals around him, not a bit of it looked familiar because Isomaru is lost.

Not that Isomaru feels threatened by his lack of direction surrounded by trees. He is a shaman of the Linowan, a people who were one with the forests they dwelled in. He is not daunted by this jungle, foriegn and Western though it may be. He had set forth to better understand the forest and gather a few reagents when the urge to strike out in a new direction caught him. There was no better way of learning territory than getting lost and finding one's way again. Because of course he would find his way again. And of course he would avoid the Wyld zones by the volcanoes. He'd warded half of them already, and what were the chances of dangerously strong Wyld zones existing nearby that the Lunars hadn't taken him to yet? Of course they'd shown him all of them... And maybe the path back to Gateway was just over this next hill...

Movement on the jungle floor alerts Isomaru to a female doe-qi. The deer-like animal has hardened and cracked skin that is almost barklike instead of fur, making for excellent camoflauge in the Western jungles. It continues to nibble on the fern whose movement caught Isomaru's attention. Such a creature's skin may serve as a substitute for the various barks Isomaru used in the East in his thaumaturgy, and Isomaru has been given the right to hunt these lands by the Lunars themselves via Lyla Argent Spear. At the very least he can observe the odd creature's behaviour, since most of these Western creatures are baffling to Isomaru. They rarely follow the expectations Isomaru cultivated of wild creatures while living in the East. And that's not including the Wyld-tainted ones.


You're lost in the Abalorne jungle in the viscinity of Gateway. It's roughly noon but the canopy is keeping the sun off of you. The doe-qi is a rare find, you've only heard of it from the Lunars in passing, never before seeing one yourself. This is now an in-character thread.
Isomaru: Stranger in strange places, In the clearing near a female doe-qi

Humidity. Still something Isomaru was having a hard time adapting to coming from the relatively dry plains of the Northeast. He almost expected to be able to drag his hand through the air to cup a handful of water to quench his thirst. Or what should have been his thirst. He had been out exploring the surroundings of his new home since before dawn, and a year ago his water skin would have been considerably lighter after such a journey. But as it was, hunger and thirst seemed an afterthought; something done periodically to keep his body running.

These trees were not new to him, though he sometimes had difficulty pronouncing their names in the strange tongue of the West. But it was the female doe-qi that caught his eye. He made a mental note to catalog the fern she was eating. Unless these creatures had developed a resistance to natural toxins, he assumed the plant was safe for consumption, and may even contain some medicinal qualities.

Isomaru was never a warrior in his tribe. Despite being presented with his longbow back while he was still a Shaman of Sangawa, he had only been on a few game hunts. He was far more proficient at fishing, but these were strange times, and defending himself with a fishing pole never struck him as a particularly wise idea. Nevertheless, Lyla had passed off a bit of her skill with a bow to him, and this was an excellent opportunity to practice. Ordinarily he disliked the idea of slaying female creatures, but this was a rare chance, and he was curious to see the effects of using the creature's skin in his arts. Perhaps he may even come up with a worthy sacrifice to the littlest god of this clearing to help him find his way home if he was successful.

He hoped that he was far enough away that his slow, deliberate movements would not draw the creature's attention before it was too late as he placed arrow to bow and began to draw.

With a deep sigh, he released the tension on his bow. It was not his way to kill female creatures unprovoked.

But perhaps this one would lead him back to a gathering where there were more like her? If these creatures had a dwelling they returned to, or, even better, a community, it might serve as a source of renewable supplies in the future. The day was still young and he was plenty accustomed to nights in the forests if the situation arose, so he resolved to simply stack back and track the doe-qi as best he could, observing footprints and disturbed greenery, keeping the giant Cornusum tree to his West in sight as a landmark he could orient himself with in the future.


Isomaru has yet to take on the callousness associated with Solars of the First Age, and has yet to recognize that he is in fact given dominion over all of Creation. Instead, he carries with him his respect for nature and customs from his village. Slaying this doe-qi would be three-fold beneficial (food, experimenting with the skin, having a suitable sacrifice to appease the littlest god of the clearing in order to get pointed back towards Gateway), but I think it would require failing a Compassion roll before he could make an effort to break tradition and slay a female animal.

A Compassion roll of 2 yielded one success, so Isomaru does not quite have it in him to slay the female doe-qi. Instead, he will attempt to track her back to her dwelling and slay a suitable male he can utilize.
The Loom, In the jungle of Abalorne outside of Gateway

The doe-qi turns her head directly at Isomaru, and orients her ears in his direction after the slightest creak of his bow. Unpreterbed, probably assigning the noise to the normal creaking of the forest, but interupted from her fern, she moves on down a trail that Isomaru did not previously see until the creature tread upon it.


Roll Perception+Survival, difficulty 1, with 2 stunt die (using the tree to orient). If you succeed, detail following the doe-qi down a light animal trail
Isomaru, Down the light animal trail

As the doe-qi begins sauntering down the trail, Isomaru sets himself following it at a distance. As he nears the entrance of the path, his senses are suddenly overpowered by the smell decaying redwood bark; a substance he has become acutely attuned with during the course of his Shamanistic practices. Perhaps the creature is beginning to molt? So out of place here in this jungle, Isomaru could track the creature by its smell alone without the need to even observe the footprints or trampled underbrush.

While following the trail for half an hour, Isomaru carefully examines the fauna along the way for any familiar species. Given the change in climate it will be unlikely, but he once overheard a physician outside his shop mention that a purple orchid from the jungle could be used to craft a powerful anti-venom. Perhaps they could be used in the creation of talismans against disease as well?

After half an hour, the canopy begins to thin slightly. Perhaps there is a spring up ahead the doe-qi congregate around?


Perception + Survival + 2 roll yielded seven successes, allowing Isomaru to successfully follow the doe-qi down the trail.

Along the way, he decides to try and scout out some herbs and flowers for his thaumaturgy.
The Loom, In the jungle of Abalorne outside of Gateway

The doe-qi stops, and gazes in the shaman's direction. Isomaru tries his best to stop all movement and still his breathing, but his efforts are futile. The doe-qi is more perceptive than any mundane animal he'd ever tracked! The doe-qi sprints off into the foilage!


Do you follow? If so, roll Perception+Survival again, difficulty 3.

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