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Fandom ISO: A Roleplay Partner (Harry Potter)


Pronouns: She/Her
Hello everyone! Firstly, I’d like to thank you for checking this post out. Hopefully it gets a lot of traffic!! Secondly, I would like to say that when it comes to 1x1 roleplays, I will only roleplay with those that are 18+. No offense to any minors, it would just make me more comfortable as I like darker themes sometimes. Without further ado, here is what I’m looking for!
I’m currently looking for someone to play George Weasley for me. I have a specific plot in mind, but we can always discuss it and come up with something new!

I think as far as other characters go, I’d be able to play just about any of them. So whoever you’d like for me to play for you, just let me know!!
Just a few more things before we get started. I like to do literate and para style roleplays. I also do 3rd person roleplays (but that’s no problem if you don’t).

PM me or comment below if you’re interested!!​

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