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Fantasy Island Of The Unknown.


Being a dick wont make yours any bigger.
Name :

Nickname (Optional) :

Race/Species :

Age :

Power :

Good/Evil/Neutral :


Appearance (Anime) :

Past (Optional) :

Fears :
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Name: Victoria Van Winchester

Race/Species: Moroi (Royal Vampire)

Age: 120+


•Inhuman strength, speed, endurance

•Heightened senses

•Magic (fire manipulation, light manipulation)

Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral

Personality: Quiet, kind, curious, adventurous, free-spirited and sarcastic










Past: Victoria has lived on the island her whole life, when she was little her parents died of natural (vampire) causes leaving Victoria to rule over her parents lands. Not to long after she turned 126 she began getting courted by other male vampires whom she tries to avoid as much as possible...not feeling that they where right for her, she just wants to find...the one.

Fears: killing a friend by accident, dying like her parents, having to rule the kingdom by herself for the rest of her life
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Name : Akkora

Nickname : Aki

Race/Species : Foxgirl

Age : 19

Power : Telepathic/ Matter manipulation abilities


Personality: Typically calm, friendly demeanor. Cautious towards strangers, but not unwilling to help someone she doesn't know. Prefers to stay out of other peoples business, but it conflicts with her desire to help friends in need.



Fears : Dogs, losing her tail.

Name : Mystery

Nickname (Optional) : Mist

Race/Species : He is part of the Guardian race. A Guardian is a creature that protects the island from destruction. One is decided when the guardian dies meaning that another is born as soon as it dies.

Age : 2365 years of age but if he was a human he would be 23 years old.

Power : He has the power of the island. The islands power is unlimited until it is destroyed meaning he has an endless power supply. He has four and depending on the weather five powers from this.

1. The first power is the power of Earth. He can use the earths power to his advantage meaning he can create objects to block/attack his opponents and re-generate and fix wounds from the herbs and healing plants.

2. The second power is the power of Air. He can use the airs power to send gusts of wind to his opponents and create tornado's. He can also reflect attacks with wind.

3. The third power is the power of Water. He can use the power of water to block fire attacks and it gives him the ability to let attacks go through him due. It also lets him absorb the energy of his opponents.

4. The fourth power is the power of fire. He can burn objects to the ground and can create powerful attacks using fire. Anything that touches the fire could be burnt to a crisp within a matter of seconds.

5. When a storm rolls into the island he has access to his final and strongest power. The power of lightning. This power allows him to blast up to 1 million volts of pure power towards his enemies. Talk around villages say if you ever see this move come into play you wont come out alive from it. And if you do you would have a couple or more limbs lost.

This is not a power but he can combine powers together. For example he could make it so a fiery boulder comes directly towards who ever he is fighting.

Power Using From:


Good/Evil/Neutral : He is both Evil and Good to ensure balance on the island.

Personality: He is a comedic person who is always itching for a fight. He does not like to be beaten by anyone and never gives up in a normal fight. In a serious fight where it is about life or death of himself or anything on the island he will go out of his way to make sure the foe is dealt with accordingly. If he can't talk sense into them then he will beat it into them.

Past (Optional) : He was born on the island unaware that he was a guardian until he found out that his parents were actually guardians them self. Just like any other guardian he never knew his parents due to them being in deaths hand. He instead grew up in the forest village. This is where he learned of his responsibilities as a guardian. He worked hard to unlock his full potential and is still training today even though he has mastered his powers. He works on dodging skills and how fast he can be in battle.

Fears : He fears the island being destroyed. This is where he grew up and is sworn to protect it no matter what along with the innocent people within it.
wolfborn4 said:
Name: Victoria Van Winchester
Race/Species: Moroi (Royal Vampire)

Age: 120+


•Inhuman strength, speed, endurance

•Heightened senses

•Magic (fire manipulation, light manipulation)

Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral

Personality: Quiet, kind, curious, adventurous, free-spirited and sarcastic










Past: Victoria has lived on the island her whole life, when she was little her parents died of natural (vampire) causes leaving Victoria to rule over her parents lands. Not to long after she turned 126 she began getting courted by other male vampires whom she tries to avoid as much as possible...not feeling that they where right for her, she just wants to find...the one.

Fears: killing a friend by accident, dying like her parents, having to rule the kingdom by herself for the rest of her life

Accepted! Post when you feel like it.
[QUOTE="Foxgirl Jay]Name : Akkora
Nickname : Aki

Race/Species : Foxgirl

Age : 19

Power : Telepathic/ Matter manipulation abilities


Personality: Typically calm, friendly demeanor. Cautious towards strangers, but not unwilling to help someone she doesn't know. Prefers to stay out of other peoples business, but it conflicts with her desire to help friends in need.



Fears : Dogs, losing her tail.

Accepted! Join in when ever you like.
Name : Laverna Daggenhart

Race/Species : Lamia

Age : 18

Power : Cold-blooded, can sense things with forked tongue, overall heightened senses

Good/Evil/Neutral : Neutral

Personality: Kind, her big-hearted nature often leads her to getting hurt, smart, deep-thinker, curious

Appearance (Anime) : <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/lamia_uguu____by_crimsonkanji-d4bj7p0.jpg.7e28689a33c52c872139c9eba962e268.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/lamia_uguu____by_crimsonkanji-d4bj7p0.jpg.7e28689a33c52c872139c9eba962e268.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Past (Optional) : Born on the island, Laverna has lived most of her life in the underground village. She was content with her life until she found that there was more to the land than just the tunnels below the surface. Now she's looking to explore, hoping to find something to satisfy her curiosity.

Fears : Drowning, being forgotten



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[QUOTE="Deadly Darkness]Name : Laverna Daggenhart
Race/Species : Lamia

Age : 18

Power : Cold-blooded, can sense things with forked tongue, overall heightened senses

Good/Evil/Neutral : Neutral

Personality: Kind, her big-hearted nature often leads her to getting hurt, smart, deep-thinker, curious

Appearance (Anime) : View attachment 211575

Past (Optional) : Born on the island, Laverna has lived most of her life in the underground village. She was content with her life until she found that there was more to the land than just the tunnels below the surface. Now she's looking to explore, hoping to find something to satisfy her curiosity.

Fears : Drowning, being forgotten

Accepted! Join in when ever you like. :D
Name: Zereph

Nickname: Z

Race/Species: Anomaly

Age: 20 or so

Power:Due to him not being fully recognized by this plane of existence he has some control over the physical world itself. These powers include, Telekinesis, the warping of solid non organic objects like steel and walls, phasing through solid objects as a ghost would do, and limited levitation.

He also has some ability to manipulate trees and the like but it is severely limited as such things are far more complex that simply solid items. The same can be said about liquid, although it is a bit more manageable when compared to plant life.

Good/Evil/Neutral: On the fence (Neutral)

Personality: All in all he is a decent guy, even though no one really gets to know him long enough to realize that. He walks the morally grey area doing things that are both considered good and bad throughout his life, which makes him seem indecisive and on the fence to most people but he is decent most of the time. Rather inquisitive as well, always wanting to know more about the world he is in and beyond.



Bio: Growing up he was always told that he was an anomaly, although as a young child he had no idea what that even meant until one day he walked through a wall when playing with some children nearby. Since that day he came to realize that this world, this would that he lives in is not the only one in existence and through that he realizes that there is so much more out there to discover. Due to this realization he has been traveling for many years now and he has yet to find a reason to stop, will there be a reason in the role play...? We shall see...

Fears: Finding out the meaning of it all, Complacency, and a problem he can not solve.​
[QUOTE="Mediocritys Muse]
Name: Zereph
Nickname: Z

Race/Species: Anomaly

Age: 20 or so

Power:Due to him not being fully recognized by this plane of existence he has some control over the physical world itself. These powers include, Telekinesis, the warping of solid non organic objects like steel and walls, phasing through solid objects as a ghost would do, and limited levitation.

He also has some ability to manipulate trees and the like but it is severely limited as such things are far more complex that simply solid items. The same can be said about liquid, although it is a bit more manageable when compared to plant life.

Good/Evil/Neutral: On the fence (Neutral)

Personality: All in all he is a decent guy, even though no one really gets to know him long enough to realize that. He walks the morally grey area doing things that are both considered good and bad throughout his life, which makes him seem indecisive and on the fence to most people but he is decent most of the time. Rather inquisitive as well, always wanting to know more about the world he is in and beyond.



Bio: Growing up he was always told that he was an anomaly, although as a young child he had no idea what that even meant until one day he walked through a wall when playing with some children nearby. Since that day he came to realize that this world, this would that he lives in is not the only one in existence and through that he realizes that there is so much more out there to discover. Due to this realization he has been traveling for many years now and he has yet to find a reason to stop, will there be a reason in the role play...? We shall see...

Fears: Finding out the meaning of it all, Complacency, and a problem he can not solve.​

Accepted! Join in when ever you like.
Name; Ebony

Nick; Ebon, it annoys him

Species; Martyr of Glory

Age; Spiritually, since Ancient Rome


Controlling matter, such as mass, density, volume. Limited to density comparable to Plutonium, and and as big as an SUV.

Eagle Vision (Assassins Creed thing)

Good/Neutral/Evil; Neutral, leaning more to good though

Personality; Glorious, always considering himself as a champion. He's a friendly guy though, just his appearance seems threating. Hes tough and almost always smiling wide.




Having long horns coming from the back of his head, curling around to a point slightly past his brow

Fears; Failure, Silence
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Andrac Ziadresh


Name : Andrac Ziadresh

Nickname (Optional) : Ziadresh

Race/Species : Oni

Age : unknown



Overtake Shadow

Ability to possess and control shadows at will

When the sun goes down, new abilites unravel -

- Satan's speed (Immense speed when activated)

- Satan's sense (Improves all 5 senses)


- The ability to fly

- Sharp poisonous claws

Personal information

Good/Evil/Neutral : Evil


Ziadresh is quiet and doesn't like to converse with people. In his point of view, everyone besides him are unintelligent. He hardly ever takes risks, because he'd rather find safer ways to do things. Ways, that would secure that he wouldn't lose anything and would only gain. He's a lone wolf and doesn't accept alliances. He tries to blend in with other creatures in order to hide his evil intentions. He is very good at deciding things and it's probably because he doesn't fear getting blood on his hands. Ziadresh is also quite negative. His glass is always half empty. He likes manipulating with people, but overall others describe him as

Fears : Sun, happiness, losing




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Name : Evo

Nickname (Optional) :

Race/Species : Rage Incarnate

Age: 27

Powers : uper strength, super durability, rage empowerment, evolution; meaning he can evolve when needed not when he wants his evolution is accelerated but not super fast but his rage can accelerate his adaptation (He cannot evolve any time he wants) Evolves only when needed or in rage, but after he evolves a new form he can turn into it at any time (as long as he adapted into that form) he wants just by recalling it, he then devolves because he sees no point staying in a situational adapted form.

Good/Evil/Neutral : Neutral

Personality: Evo is very straightforward, he cares not for his identity as a individual.

Base form.

Winged form (A form he already evolved into)

Six-armed form (a form he already formed into)

Fears : Himself

"The only emotion worth feeling is...
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Name : Garrett

Nickname : The One Eyed Thief

Race/Species : Shadow

Age : 20

Power : Invisibility, Enhanced agility.

Good/Evil/Neutral : Neutral

Personality: Garrett is a cynical and jaded loner who spends the vast majority of his time by himself. He has very few friends and prefers it that way, trusting a scant amount of people with information on his private life. He treats new people with anything from curt mistrust to outright hostility. Because of his distant attitude, most who do not know him find him sinister in appearance and demeanor. Despite this and his profession as a career criminal, Garrett is not callous and is capable of feeling guilt for his actions. He has a razor sharp wit, often remarking on events with sarcasm. He seems to reserve his sense of humor for himself and his close associates.

Appearance (Anime) :


Under Mask:


Past (Optional) : Not much is known about Garrett's early childhood other than the fact that he had little knowledge regarding his parents as they died when he was young. After escaping the orphanage he grew up in, his very survival depended on stealing. While he was still young he learned to swiftly relieve people of their possessions while they went about their daily business, leaving many to believe they had accidentally misplaced their belongings. For years he honed his thievery skills to perfection. As Garrett continued to steal, he found out his true potential and was now a shadow, not a human (although, he still appears human . . . sort of).

Fears : Having to kill
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Name : Ruby Jenkins

Nickname (Optional) : Rue

Race/Species : Human

Age : 18

Power : None

Good/Evil/Neutral : Good

Personality: She's a very shy and quiet person. Though her shyness gets in the way most of the time, she's a genuinely kind person, and loves almost any creature. She's easily frightened by things, but once finding out that they aren't out to get her, she calms down and maybe even helps them.

Appearance (Anime) :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_14-49-54.png.8c196b6c485b447affd285b4b5591d87.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_14-49-54.png.8c196b6c485b447affd285b4b5591d87.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Past (Optional) : As a child, she grew up with 26 other children. She was raised in an orphanage and was kicked out a year ago, due to her age. She grew up abnormally small at the height of 4'6". She got a job and a house in a short time, and saved money to explore the world. She finally had enough money to go on her first trip. A cruise. She packed her things, and boarded the ship. It hit a sharp rock , and it sunk. Ruby floated to the island, and is still un conscious at the moment.

Fears : She's afraid of almost anything. But her biggest fear is of snakes, spiders, and heights.



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Name:Toshima Suzuki


Race/Species: Demon/Vampire

Age:117 ( human age 17 )

Good / Neutral/Bad:Neutral

Powers : Can use his ice element to freeze his opponet before using his demonic abilitie to grow large wings that double his speed allowing him to deliver crushing blows. He also cam shift into any form allowing him to hide from strong enemies.

Appearance :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_15-20-7.jpeg.be735b04c87a7c96c44602e064207d28.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95163" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_15-20-7.jpeg.be735b04c87a7c96c44602e064207d28.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_15-29-10.jpeg.ac784c9cc961a1f5a7ab8dbfc7b661d0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_15-29-10.jpeg.ac784c9cc961a1f5a7ab8dbfc7b661d0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality : Toshi's rage prevents him from making any social encounters with others on the island since he thinks they would Keep him from completing his goal but, those he does take time for are the ones he will hold dear and would protect them with his life.

Bio: Toshi was born on the island and abandoned a year after he was born forcing him to live alone and adjust to the worl around hi before being found nd raised by a female vampre who helped him learn how to control his strength but as yeas passed by he would be swallowed in hatred and rage while he looked for his parents to get revenge on them for leaving him to die am andd till this very day he spends his night hunting them down eager to kill.

Fears: Not completingI his goal, Falling in love



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arialc said:
Name; Ebony
Nick; Ebon, it annoys him

Species; Martyr of Glory

Age; Spiritually, since Ancient Rome


Controlling matter, such as mass, density, volume. Limited to density comparable to Plutonium, and and as big as an SUV.

Eagle Vision (Assassins Creed thing)

Good/Neutral/Evil; Neutral, leaning more to good though

Personality; Glorious, always considering himself as a champion. He's a friendly guy though, just his appearance seems threating. Hes tough and almost always smiling wide.




Having long horns coming from the back of his head, curling around to a point slightly past his brow

Fears; Failure, Silence
Accepted! Join in when ever you like!
SivOmega said:


Andrac Ziadresh


Name : Andrac Ziadresh

Nickname (Optional) : Ziadresh

Race/Species : Oni

Age : unknown



Overtake Shadow

Ability to possess and control shadows at will

When the sun goes down, new abilites unravel -

- Satan's speed (Immense speed when activated)

- Satan's sense (Improves all 5 senses)


- The ability to fly

- Sharp poisonous claws

Personal information

Good/Evil/Neutral : Evil


Ziadresh is quiet and doesn't like to converse with people. In his point of view, everyone besides him are unintelligent. He hardly ever takes risks, because he'd rather find safer ways to do things. Ways, that would secure that he wouldn't lose anything and would only gain. He's a lone wolf and doesn't accept alliances. He tries to blend in with other creatures in order to hide his evil intentions. He is very good at deciding things and it's probably because he doesn't fear getting blood on his hands. Ziadresh is also quite negative. His glass is always half empty. He likes manipulating with people, but overall others describe him as

Fears : Sun, happiness, losing




Accepted! Join in when ever you like.
[QUOTE="Sexy McGee]Name : Garrett
Nickname : The One Eyed Thief

Race/Species : Shadow

Age : 20

Power : Invisibility, Enhanced agility.

Good/Evil/Neutral : Neutral

Personality: Garrett is a cynical and jaded loner who spends the vast majority of his time by himself. He has very few friends and prefers it that way, trusting a scant amount of people with information on his private life. He treats new people with anything from curt mistrust to outright hostility. Because of his distant attitude, most who do not know him find him sinister in appearance and demeanor. Despite this and his profession as a career criminal, Garrett is not callous and is capable of feeling guilt for his actions. He has a razor sharp wit, often remarking on events with sarcasm. He seems to reserve his sense of humor for himself and his close associates.

Appearance (Anime) :


Under Mask:


Past (Optional) : Not much is known about Garrett's early childhood other than the fact that he had little knowledge regarding his parents as they died when he was young. After escaping the orphanage he grew up in, his very survival depended on stealing. While he was still young he learned to swiftly relieve people of their possessions while they went about their daily business, leaving many to believe they had accidentally misplaced their belongings. For years he honed his thievery skills to perfection. As Garrett continued to steal, he found out his true potential and was now a shadow, not a human (although, he still appears human . . . sort of).

Fears : Having to kill

Accepted! Join in when ever you like.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Name : Ruby Jenkins
Nickname (Optional) : Rue

Race/Species : Human

Age : 18

Power : None

Good/Evil/Neutral : Good

Personality: She's a very shy and quiet person. Though her shyness gets in the way most of the time, she's a genuinely kind person, and loves almost any creature. She's easily frightened by things, but once finding out that they aren't out to get her, she calms down and maybe even helps them.

Appearance (Anime) :

View attachment 211728

Past (Optional) : As a child, she grew up with 26 other children. She was raised in an orphanage and was kicked out a year ago, due to her age. She grew up abnormally small at the height of 4'6". She got a job and a house in a short time, and saved money to explore the world. She finally had enough money to go on her first trip. A cruise. She packed her things, and boarded the ship. It hit a sharp rock , and it sunk. Ruby floated to the island, and is still un conscious at the moment.

Fears : She's afraid of almost anything. But her biggest fear is of snakes, spiders, and heights.

Accepted! Join in when ever you want.
ToshimaSuzuki said:
Name:Toshima Suzuki

Race/Species: Demon/Vampire

Age:117 ( human age 17 )

Good / Neutral/Bad:Neutral

Powers : Can use his ice element to freeze his opponet before using his demonic abilitie to grow large wings that double his speed allowing him to deliver crushing blows. He also cam shift into any form allowing him to hide from strong enemies.

Appearance :

View attachment 211735

View attachment 211740

Personality : Toshi's rage prevents him from making any social encounters with others on the island since he thinks they would Keep him from completing his goal but, those he does take time for are the ones he will hold dear and would protect them with his life.

Bio: Toshi was born on the island and abandoned a year after he was born forcing him to live alone and adjust to the worl around hi before being found nd raised by a female vampre who helped him learn how to control his strength but as yeas passed by he would be swallowed in hatred and rage while he looked for his parents to get revenge on them for leaving him to die am andd till this very day he spends his night hunting them down eager to kill.

Fears: Not completingI his goal, Falling in love
Accepted! Join in when ever you want.

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