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Fantasy Island of Immortals (Original Idea ~ Seeking Partner willing to double)


sleepy egg

I am currently seeking a partner or two to play out this idea I have. Ideally, this would be long term. Unfortunately, I have to get to my rules first. Please read all of them and do not come to me asking me to drop one or more of my rules for you. It isn't going to happen.

1) Please write in 3rd person. 1st person makes me wildly uncomfortable.
2) Please write at least one paragraph per character you play.
3) Have decent spelling and grammar.
4) Be willing to play male. I want to play at least one female in a M x F pairing.
~ I f you do this for me, I will gladly double and play any gender or sexuality for you. Do not agree to play male and then put zero effort into the character and pairing. This will result in me dropping
5) Be willing to double. Ideally, this role play will have 2 - 4 main characters and then several side characters. We can split the roles evenly
6) Be able to post at least once or twice a week. I would prefer more, but I understand people have lives.
7) Respect me as an individual. I work full time and I am a graduate student. I may not have time to reply everyday. I will let you know when I can and cannot actively reply.
~I live in JST so, I may not always be active when you are active.
8) Please be above the age of 18. I like having darker/mature tones to my role plays so, I'd prefer not to rp with someone younger than me.
9) This is quite possibly the most important one. Respect my boundaries. If I tell you I am not comfortable with something do not try to push it or say "If it happens, it happens". It most certainly not happen. I will drop you like the disrespectful sack of potatoes you are.
10) Tell me what kind of face claims you prefer! I like using anime, realistic art, or real life face claims. I

Of course, since I have made these rules I also follow all of them.

I apologize for the long list, but I have received several messages from people who haven't read my post all the way through. It is becoming quite frustrating.

I know I only have one pairing listed in here, but ideally there would be at least two. One of which I will play my male character. Below I have attached the links for the characters I intend to play.

Male OC

Female OC

~The Island of the Immortals~

A large island sits out in the pacific ocean. It is supposedly uninhabited and dangerous. So dangerous, in fact, that the government has banned people from even going near it. If someone is caught they risk lifetime imprisonment or death. This is because the government is keeping supernatural beings trapped on the island (vampires, werewolves, shifters, ghouls, etc.). They had intended to use them as super soldiers, but when they realized these "beasts" could not be tamed they actively rounded them up. MC is the daughter of one of the officials in charge of the island. Her best friend (also my character) convinces her to try and get close to the island to see what is there. They choose a dark, stormy night when there aren't as many patrol boats to try and get close. Unfortunately, the storm was much bigger than predicted and their boat is capsized. The two end up washed ashore and find themselves in the camp of YC. YC is the leader of one of the many factions within the island. He desires to get off the island and back home so, he opts to keep the two humans alive in hopes that they can prove useful to him. Along the way YC and MC fall in love.

This can go several ways and I have other ideas for this depending on how dark you are willing to go with the story. I would love discuss more details with whoever is interested! I am open to changing details as well. I simply want to keep the island filled with immortal beings part. The other things can be negotiated.

It would be really great if you are open to OOC. I am a chatty person and love sharing mood boards and music. I understand everyone doesn't like that though so, even if you aren't talkative please message me!

I look forward to hearing from you :)

I prefer to RP on discord or e-mail, but I am willing to write on the DMs here. :3

Please do not comment. Please message me :)

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