Island of Bullhorn; Dragons and Pirates.


Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)

[Green rules are for the RP, while red rules are for OOC, orange for general rules, blue parts are "Examples".]

This takes place during the 16th century, so no computers or such. Also time travel is totally NOT allowed.

Character mustn't be OP.

  • Meta-gaming, knowing something OOC and using it during roleplay while your character shouldn't/doesn't know it isn't allowed.
  • Power-playing; controlling non-NPC characters without being allowed to, isn't allowed either.
  • Power-gaming; being to overpowered so you could reach your goal using strength, power...etc, isn't allowed WHATSOEVER.

STICK TO YOUR CHARACTER APPLICATION ! It isn't there then it didn't happen.

Please, for Mountain Goat's sake, humans can't do magic, and we don't have Elves or Dwarfs !!!

Don't talk/see through walls, it just creates plotholes ! If your character entered a room, he cannot see what's going on in the other unless there's a window or a door that is open.

Before doing anything think about every single other thing that happened earlier, we want no plotholes.

Use good grammar and good spelling. The only cases
you'd be allowed to make a grammatical mistake or two are if your character's talking (and not always, by the way) or if you're demonstrating how he/she talks. (yer, ole'...etc) But ALWAYS while describing actions.

Describe your character well, and also describe the room you're in well. Places, islands and such, leave them to me (Dark Severus).

Each character needs at least one paragraph. If they're having a conversation with another, however, making one full paragraph isn't that necessary.

You may be mean if you want to :3

Always stick to English when describing actions. And if speaking in another language then between { } translate what was said.

Cussing's allowed as long as it's veiled.
(Sh## !)

Make sure to have read ALL tabs before posting a character. We start once we have three or more characters (other than Dark Severus's :3)

Always be nice to people--ALWAYS, that means no cussing !

Don't spam in a way or another.

Respect everyone equally, and always listen to Dark Severus !

Chat only in the OOC Chat section NOT IN THE CHARACTER SIGN-UP !

Stick to English. Always do.

For the sake of Annatar, don't bring up things people could argue on
(Gay marriage, religion...etc) or random topics (LoTR, Harry Potter, Potatoes...etc) unless it's related to the RP/other chats, and don't insult anything unless it's in the RP, or unless it's Dolores Umbridge or Justin Bieber. These are okay, BUT don't make a post for it and watch what you're typing. :3


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Maeglin said:
Aw man, so I just go ahead and create a character or something?
Well, if you read all the rules, and all the tabs, then yes. Go ahead and make a character or two using the template I made :3
Maeglin said:
Human profile :
Name : Maeglin

Gender : Mayonnaise

Age : 23

Appearance :


* or
Hair color : White

Skin color : Pale

Eye color : Red

Scars : One across her chest and lower back

Weapons : customarily a pair of double-barreled handguns, but also bombs, knives and pistols strapped to his coat.

Title/s/ (if any) : Nah

Ship (if captain) : Nah

History (optional) : Nah

Clothing : A loose shirt of somber colors under a dark trench coat and high boots

Objects in Possession : Loads of money and a notebook

Change the gender and you're good.

Maeglin said:
My gender is classified. Respect my life choices.
Your point ?


Maeglin said:
Human profile :
Name : Maeglin

Gender : Female

Age : 23

Appearance :


* or
Hair color : White

Skin color : Pale

Eye color : Red

Scars : One across her chest and lower back

Weapons : customarily a pair of double-barreled handguns, but also bombs, knives and pistols strapped to his coat.

Title/s/ (if any) : Nah

Ship (if captain) : Nah

History (optional) : Nah

Clothing : A loose shirt of somber colors under a dark trench coat and high boots

Objects in Possession : Loads of money and a notebook



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