Island of Bullhorn; Dragons and Pirates.


Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
Use this sheet please.

Dragon Profile :

Name :

Type :

Dedication :

Powers :

Diet :

Able to Speak In Human Tongue : Yes/No

Appearance : [ spoiler=Appearance] *Insert image here*

Titles (if any) :

History (optional, but no lazy history please,) :

Treasures :

Human profile :

Name :

Gender :

Age :

Appearance : [ spoiler=Appearance] *picture* or

Hair color :

Skin color :

Eye color :

Scars :

Weapons :

Title/s/ (if any) :

Ship (if captain) :

History (optional) :

Clothing :

Objects in Possession :

You may have up to 6 characters, if you'll make a dragon and a human at once then use both templates but in the same post.

Note that James Bullhorn did NOT have children. He, however, had two brothers, one older than him the other younger. They're both dead but had children, who had children who had children...etc. I will also allow a few descendants from the original discoverers of the ship. Many dragons will be NPCs, ask in OOC before you control an NPC or more. I'll check if the NPC is currently in a state in which he couldn't be controlled by you (for example, helping another character with something or being in another land) and get back soon to you.
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Dragon Profile :-

Name : Alchemist

Type : Wyvern/Raptor

Dedication : N/A

Powers : Flight, speed, immunity to most poisons

Diet : Basically anything, but prefers meat

Able to Speak In Human Tongue : No

Appearance :

Titles (if any) : N/A

History (optional, but no lazy history please,) : N/A

Treasures : A pendant

Human profile :-

Name : Arcanon Jakerob

Gender : Male

Age : 35

Titles : Captain

Appearance :


Hair color : Black

Skin color : Caucasian

Eye color : Brown

Scars : several scars on the right side of his face as seen above.
Weapons : Two Webley Mark Six Revolvers, cutlass

Ship (if captain) : The Serpent, later known as The Rising Sun.

Clothing : As seen in the picture above.

History : N/A

Objects in Possession : The Dragon Pendant of James Bullhorn

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Human profile :

Name : Maeglin

Gender : Male

Age : 23

Appearance :


* or
Hair color : White

Skin color : Pale

Eye color : Red

Scars : One across his chest and lower back

Weapons : customarily a pair of double-barreled handguns, but also bombs, knives and pistols strapped to his coat.

Title/s/ (if any) : N/A

Ship (if captain) : N/A

History (optional) : N/A

Clothing : A loose shirt of somber colors under a dark trench coat and high boots

Objects in Possession : Loads of money and a notebook
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