One Thousand Club
- One on One
- Group


Griffin witnessed, as had Elia, began healing Tachanka's wounds. He watched as translucent little butterflies flew around the wound. It looked like they were moving in a motion that made it appear as if they were sewing it back together. It didn't take long, however, for Griffin's attention to be drawn back to the wolves. Some were still alive and simply knocked out. Griffin would assume they would kill the living ones before having them be skinned. He couldn't imagine anything being skinned alive. He also didn't understand Malik's interest in the wolves, to begin with, anyway, granted he wasn't a businessman, so he lacked understanding in that area. As it grew darker he started thinking about what they would do. But it all seemed to vary on what the party is capable of doing, he says.
"If we do camp I can keep an eye out on things while you guys rest. If we decide to continue on through the night, I'm okay with that as well."