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Bathory | EB6B56

Rp'er Name: Speed
Post Frequency: Daily to twice a week
Discord Name: Speed#2879
Current RP: A Heart for this Home
Goals: Lingering feelings of self-gratification push her to make something of her life, but nothing concrete has been set as a goal. Hopefully she finds a true purpose in the first few stories she joins.
Equipped Titles: Monster, Small, Harpy, Murderer F
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 8.8 lbs
Backstory: Bathory was a public servant in a government hospital in her previous life. Coming from a broken family from one of the many provincial cities in their country, she was a simple girl who was never seen as anyone special. However, despite being plagued by mediocrity her entire life, fate continued to work in mysterious ways. Being born into such an average life allowed Bathory yearn for more of everything - power, wealth, influence. Although contained, an ambition burned inside her, and at the age of twenty one, everything changed. Being weak, alone, and talentless, it would be difficult to seize the world on ambition alone? After staying at the bottom of the professional hierarchy for several months, the answer came to her while accidently witnessing her superiors being terrorized by those above them. Her naivety was shattered as she realized that power and strength were nothing but an illusion. Life was such that there is always someone stronger, or faster, or smarter. Knowledge and information was where true power lied, and if you didn't have that then all you needed was to seem that you did. Bathory continued to go unnoticed, hidden in the background, going through the years lying, cheating, and blackmailing her way through an imperfect system of government. In due time, Bathory, as young as she was, found herself at the top and in charge of her department. But there had to be more, even she recognized that all her hard work only made him a big fish in a small pond. She needed to learn more, but alas, a disgruntled colleague and a bullet through the skull stopped her from doing so.
  • Bathory is no longer who she once was. Now, she is but a selfish monster that is driven by the strong emotions and memories that transmigrated from her previous self. She spends her days atop the branches of trees, watching those below her, waiting for beings that share similar sentiments as hers.
  • [A Heart for this Home] - LINK
    As if orchestrated by fate, woeful screams and cries for help lured Bathory to a village being raided by a group of monsters. Unable to resist the opportunity to torment the very beings she despised, Bathory joined in and contributed, in her own little way, to the chaos and destruction brought about by her own kind.

Acquired Titles:
Monster: A race of creatures with some form of sentience and a natural inclination to devour/kill the other 3 race groups. Numerous but regularly culled by the other races.
Requirements: Free

Small: These are creatures that are around 2 feet to 4 feet and 8lbs - 60lbs in weight. They can generally still function in a normal humanoid settlement, but may need a stool or a running jump. They still prefer the wilderness settings, homes, and dwellings tailored to their size. More vulnerable to the world than most, their dwellings are also a lot more secluded or hidden when possible.
Requirements: Grade D Speed, Grade D Precision

Harpy: Monsters that take the appearance of bird-like humanoids without hands. Harpies are predominantly a female race and are known for their cruel and mischievous nature.
Requirements: Monster title, Flight Skill, Feature: Feathers, Feature: Talons, Feature: Wings

Murderer F: As a result for killing innocent citizens of the providence, your notoriety has grown for spilling blood or helping to spill said blood.

Points at Start: 105 + 14
Points Earned: 16
Points Spent: 105 + 14
Points Not Spent: 0

Grade H Strength
Grade C Precision
Grade D Intelligence
Grade F Vitality
Grade D Speed

Character Grade [E]
Appraisal - Grade E
This ability allows Bathory to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown. For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, Barhory will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something.

Attentive Student - Grade E
When Bathory is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, he learns and grows more quickly. Bathory will gain double points at the end of roleplays if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the roleplay as well. Earned points prior to rewards of that roleplay specifically. Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains.

Educated - Grade F
Bathory has lived a life where she has first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
  • Deception: The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to telling outright lies.
  • Interrogation: The ability to convince someone to provide specific information against their will. Interrogation can also be used to help withhold information when being forcefully questioned.
  • Persuasion: The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.

Feature [Feathers]
Bathory has raw umber kempt feathers covering most of her body, excluding her talons and face. Her tail feathers are fairly longer then the rest while those on her head possess a deep chestnut color. They molt and regrow incredibly fast.

Feature [Wings]
Bathory has large wings, approximately 5 feet in wingspan, that allows her to effortlessly lift off from the ground and fly.

Feature [Talons]
Bathory's legs are talons and often function as her hands. They may appear sharp but they arent.

Feature [Mimic Sound]
Bathory is able to mimic the voices of others or imitate sounds such as animal noises and mundane sounds. Any sound the user hears they can replicate with perfect clarity along with any manner the sound was made.

Flight - Grade F
Bathory has acquired a means of personal flight through wings. With her current skill, she is able to fly at speeds of 3 miles per hour or 30 feet per round.

Language [Common, Monster] - Grade F
Bathory natively know the common tongue of the world as well as the language of monsters. Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten. Each time this skill is taken, another language can be learned by Bathory.

Magic - Grade F
Bathory has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells and requires a Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects.

Undetected [Sight] - Grade F
Bathory can cloak herself through some means to become undetectable by sight. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression.
Trickery - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Mimic Sound, Educated F [Deception, Persuasion], Undetected [Sight] F
Description: While hidden from prying eyes, Bathory changes her voice to attract and fool unsuspecting victims.
  • None
  • None
  • None

Change Log
A Heart for this Home - LINK
16 points acquired
Murderer F [Title] acquired and equipped
Character Creation
14 points through Strength - Grade H
21 points on Precision - Grade C
14 points on Intelligence - Grade D
14 points on Speed - Grade D
0 points on Appraisal - Grade E
14 points on Attentive Student - Grade E
7 points on Educated - Grade F [Deception, Interrogation, Persuasion]
0 points on Feature [Feathers]
0 points on Feature [Wings]
0 points on Feature [Talons]
7 points on Feature - Mimic Sound
21 points on Flight - Grade F
0 points on Language [Common, Monster] - Grade F
7 points on Magic - Grade F
14 points on Undetected [Sight] - Grade F
Monster, Small, and Harpy titles acquired and equipped
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Amaya Grainger
Amaya Grainger


Rp'er Name: eloise

Post Frequency: As often as I can

Discord Name: eloise#2551

Current RP: Misogyny Melee! Frederika vs Rudolph

  • Achieve ultimate academic achievements.
  • Make a positive difference in the world.
  • Fight on the side of good.

Equipped Titles: [Human]

Height: 5'6 in

Weight: 154 lbs

Amaya had been a twenty-something college student with a passion for literature and a soft spot for strays. She was a relatively solitary person. Her social circle had been a small one. Though that is not to say she was unsociable, she just preferred the company of silence and books more than people.

And her death? Well, it wasn’t anything particularly memorable.

Truly, it wasn’t. Nothing traumatic or scarring ever held a hand in her dying. One day, she was diagnosed with an unidentifiable brain tumor after heading to the hospital during a very bad migraine episode and that was it.

A single MRI scan brought her entire world crashing to the ground. Game over.

All the doctors that she had gone to see all offered their sincere condolences and said that there was nothing they could do. In response to that, she could only laugh in their faces.

Her sudden and inexplainable tumor hadn’t been anyone’s fault. Not her's nor those doctors who had merely been doing their jobs. That, she knew. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t resent it.

In the prime of her youth, she was sentenced to a slow and painful end, a mystifying cancerous brain tumor eating away at her health.

Thus, knowing what was to come, it didn’t take long before she eventually dropped out of college and began traveling across the world. A decision she would eventually come to regret. Nobody had stopped her. Not because no one had cared but because there had been no one to do so. Those that she had known already moved on with their lives, getting married, starting families, and all the typical shebang that involved newfound adulthood. There were a lot of things she regretted not doing and saying when she had the chance to.

As her vision slowly started to fail her, her brain turn to mush, and her limbs uncoordinated, there was simply one thing she truly regretted the most.

Not finishing her studies.

Even as she held up a courageous front in the face of her impending demise, she had been scared. But it wasn’t death she had been afraid of.

It was dying alone that made her fearful as she lay bed-bound in some foreign hospital, a continent away from her homeland.

And that she did.

It came as a surprise to Amaya, an openly atheistic person, to be brought before a higher existence after her death and offered a second chance.

At first, she had been suspicious and distrusting, cold logic preventing her from accepting it. Because for as much as her desire to live burned fiercely, nothing this good came without a price.

It was only when she saw the deity's utmost sincerity that she finally relented, allowing herself to embrace this unexcepted second shot at life.

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E

  • Academia F
  • Insight F
  • Perception F
  • Forgery F
  • History F
  • Persuasion F
  • Mind Shield F
  • Precognition E

  • N/A

  • N/A
  • Satchel
  • Quill
  • Inkwell
  • Books
  • Cloak
  • Parchment
  • Pouch
  • N/A

Change Log:
  • Character Creation: 21 points used to raise Intelligence to Rank C - 7 points used to raise Speed to Rank E - 7 points used to raise Precision to Rank E - 7 points used to purchase Academia F - 7 points used to purchase Insight F - 7 points used to purchase Perception F - 7 points used to purchase Forged F - 7 points used to purchase History F - 7 points used to purchase Persuasion F - 7 points used to purchase Mind Shield F - 14 points used to purchase Precognition F - 7 points used to upgrade Precognition F to Precognition E.
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Rp'er Name: Galeazzi
Post Frequency: Everyday
Discord Name: Galeazzi#7063
Current RP: None
Goals: Become more powerful and influential. Amass a horde of undead and monsters
Equipped Titles: Monster, Undead, Zombie
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145 lbs
Backstory: Though of a different world, Leoric came from a realm similar to Isekai Hell where magic and monsters filled the lands. She was once a courageous adventurer who stood along side the hero of their world. With her men, Leoric served as the vanguard in their war against the Demon Lord. Despite their eventual victory over the armies of darkness, out of fear of their might, the nobles from several kingdoms had made it appear as if the hero and his followers had been corrupted by the same vile energy that consumed the Demon Lord. To Leoric's surprise and disbelief, the hero did not refute nor deny these accusations and surrendered himself to the kingdom he had been serving. He believed that with peace reigning throughout the lands, there was no need for a hero. If he resisted, it would have only resulted into another war and more lives lost. Leoric did not agree with the hero's decision, but being a woman of her word, she lived up to the oath of loyalty she had sworn. In the end, the hero was publicly executed while his followers were slowly hunted down like dogs and were slain.
Current Life: Filled with spite and a grudge against humanity, Leoric was reborn as an undead. Heeding the words of [god], she planned to save the new world she was thrown into, but through her own means. Leoric had learned from the mistakes of her past and the hero she had supported. Never again would she suffer a similar fate. This time, it was time to walk a different path.
Acquired Titles:
  • Monster
  • Undead
  • Zombie - Requires Monster title, Undead title, and Resilient [Fatigue, Suffocation]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F (0)
Intelligence - F (0)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - F (0)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Attentive Student E (14)
  • Educated F (7)
    Intimidation, Persuasion, Leadership
  • Resilient D (21)
    Aging, Fatigue, Suffocation
  • Minions F (14)
    Description: A true undead humanoid brought to life by hatred and violence; they resemble armed and armored corpses. They never tire in pursuit of their goal of making eternal war against the living.
    Titles: Monster, Undead, Zombie, Adept Swordsman, Warrior
    Height/Weight: 6'10"/220 lbs

    Strength - C (21)
    Precision - H (-14)
    Intelligence - H (-14)
    Vitality - C (21)
    Speed - F (0)

    • Resilient D (21)
      Aging, Fatigue, Suffocation
    • Fighting Style E [Doombringer] (21)
      Accurate F, Penetrate F, Quake F

    • Maim - Fighting Style F [Sword], Accurate F - A precise attack meant to take down faster foes which treats the target's speed as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    • Crippling Blow - Fighting Style E [Sword], Accurate F, Penetrate F - A swing that is both swift and heavy, meant for breaking through weapons and armor alike. It treats the target's speed as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade and ignore grades (by 1 letter grade) of an item when it is used to defend - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    • Shattering Strike - Fighting Style D [Sword], Accurate F, Penetrate F, Quake F - A monstrous strike that has enough force to create a shockwave that erupts towards a target across the ground, leaving a a 10 feet deep fissure in its wake. It treats the target's speed as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade and ignore grades (by 1 letter grade) of an item when it is used to defend - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
    • Equipment:
    Claymore D (0), Kite Shield D (0), Full Plate Armor D [Heavy Armor] (0)

    Items: Black Hooded Robes, Sacks
  • Minions F (14)
    Description: Beings that have been corrupted and consumed by their pride for their skills. In exchange for their humanity, they have been released from the shackles of time, but are now forever bound to their craft.
    Titles: Monster, Undead, Expert Blacksmith
    Height/Weight: 5'0"/120 lbs

    Strength - G (-7)
    Precision - B (28)
    Intelligence - H (-14)
    Vitality - D (14)
    Speed - G (-7)

    • Artisan - Blacksmith C (28)
    • Resilient E (14)
      Aging, Fatigue

    Abilities: None

    Equipment: Helmet E (0), Half Plate Armor E [Heavy Armor] (0)

    Items: Ragged Hooded Robes, Blacksmithing Tools, Whetstones
  • Greatsword E (0)
  • Round Shield E (0)
  • Full Plate Armor D [Heavy Armor] (0)
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
  • 10/03/22 Character Creation: Strength D (14), Vitality C (21), Appraisal E (0), Attentive Student E (14), Educated F (7), Resilient D (21), Minions F (14), Minions F (14), Greatsword E (0), Round Shield E (0), Full Plate Armor D [Heavy Armor] (0)
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Basil Machiavelli
Basil Machiavelli

Rp'er Name: Wildruid
Post Frequency: Every 2-4 days
Discord Name: Daemon#0665
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To convert and spread the faith of the God of Steam and Machinery
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110 lbs
Backstory: Upon overdosing and subsequently dying, Yang Muchen transmigrated into Isekai Hell. Fragments of his memories were erased, leaving large blank spots in his recollection of his previous life.
Current Life: Yang Muchen transmigrated into the body of Basil Machiavelli, an orphan who was raised within the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery. As a servant, he cleaned the pews and pulpit every day, before he was eventually taken as an apprentice under the Church's resident mechanic. He mastered the trade of the tinker, and left the Church of the Steam and Machinery to spread his faith.
Acquired Titles: Human, Firearm Apprentice, Gunslinger
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7 points)​
Precision - B (28 points)​
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C (21 points)​
Speed - E (7 points)​
  • Fast F (7 points)
  • Jumping F (7 points)
  • Fighting Style [Firearms] E (7 points)
    • 1st Technique: [Shooting Basics] - F - [Range] - [After arduous training, Basil has mastered the essentials of firearms.]
    • 2nd Technique: [Armor Piercing Shot] - F - [Penetrating] - [With skill and precision, Basil's shots can ignore the armor of the target to a certain degree.]
  • Steady Hands F (7 points)
  • Parkour - Fast F, Jumping F - Basil's agility and speed allow him to maneuver across nearly any kind of terrain - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Careful Shooting - Fighting Style [Firearms] F, Technique [Shooting Basics] F, Steady Hands F - Basil's experience with firearms and his steadiness during combat allows him to make accurate shots despite moving quickly - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Trick Shot - Fast F, Jumping F, Fighting Style [Firearms] F, Technique [Shooting Basics] F, Steady Hands F - Basil can perform accurate shots while running, jumping, and maneuvering in most conditions - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Snipe - Fighting Style [Firearms] F, Technique [Shooting Basics] F, Technique [Armor Piercing Shot] F, Steady Hands F - Basil can accurately identify and hit a target, ignoring their defenses to a degree - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Rifle [Grade F] (7 points)
  • Tinker's Tools
  • Ex Machina Revelations
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • 10/6/2022 - Added [Parkour F]
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Lucius Gallicus

Lucius Gallicus
Rp'er Name: Conman2163
Post Frequency:
Current RP: None
Goals: Build a new Rome.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5’10
Weight: 200 lbs
Backstory: Lucius Gallicus was born in the era of the roman Republic, his father a prominent local in the province of Cisalpine Gaul. He lived as privileged a life that a plebeian could. He was sent to a local military academy and tutored on warfare and etiquette. Before long he joined the Roman military and spent his time working his way up the ranks before becoming the Centurion of the 3rd Centuria of the 10th Cohort of his legion. He served his time in command of the Century for several years before the legion was ambushed and destroyed while on the march. Lucius fought bravely in the battle with a few of his surviving men alongside him. Surrounded and isolated from the rest of the legion, they were about to be killed before they were all surrounded by a flash of light and taken away from the battle.

Current Life: Lucius could hardly believe the mission granted to him by a god he could only assume was Jupiter himself. Go and save a new world from itself. Lucius was to be the Romulus of a new Rome. He and the few men who survived with him were sent to the new world with what skills they had developed and the equipment they carried, dropped healthy and whole into the wilderness outside of a village. Thankfully somehow he could speak the language of the locals and he was able to buy some provisions from the locals, although they did give him some funny looks for the gold Aureus he payed with. His initial thoughts were of mercenary work so he set out to look for that type of employment in the new world. He would make a new Rome soon but he would need coin first to back it. He'd bring civilization to this world yet.

Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Minions F, 14 points, E grade character (5 minions each with 56 points)
  • Academia F, 7 points, Intelligence E
  • Survival F, 7 points, Intelligence E
  • Traps F, 7 points, Precision E
  • Intimidation F, 7 points, E Grade Character
  • Educated F, 7 points, Intelligence E: A Roman military school covers a broad spectrum, but chiefly how to lead troops, how to prosecute a war properly, and the art of using architecture against the enemy in sieges. Some of the finest officers of the Empire were created that way. Covers the following secondary skills:
    • Warfare F, 7 points, Intelligence E
    • Leadership F, 7 points, E grade Character
    • Architecture F, 7 points, Intelligence E
  • None
  • F Grade Gladius [7 points]: A simple gladius kept in a wooden sheath and strapped across the chest
  • F Grade Heavy Armor [7 points]: Centurion’s Lorica Hamata, Galae, and Ocrea
  • Throwing Knives (Gear F)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Kit
  • Travel Rations
  • Waterskin
  • A short shovel
  • Cooking pot
  • None
Change Log:
  • None


1st Cohort Legionaries
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E
Speed - F

Fighting Style [Roman Spatha] - F (Penetrating F) - weapon can ignore armors of similar or lesser grades and still hurt target.

Sword - Spatha - F
Heavy Armor - Lorica Hamata, Galae, and Ocrea - F
Shield - Legionary Scutum - F
Throwing Spear - F
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Baltazar Salazar IV
Rp'er Name: Keki Pankeki
Post Frequency: As frequent as I can
Discord Name: Keki Pankeki#9067
Current RP: None
  • Find more material for his recipes. Flowers, plants, animal parts, and whatever that might lead him to the ultimate panacea.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Apprentice Potioneer, Apprentice Alchemist, Apprentice Physician
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160 lbs
The world Baltazar came from was one filled with pirates and mostly covered in water. What little land that remained took the form of islands and archipelagos situated fairly far from one another, and the island he called home was Asclapeion. It was a land long reputed for its absolute political and strategical immunity, being a heaven of medicine and scientific advancement. Anyone sick, wounded, or desperate for a cure could make their way to the island and hope to be treated. The island was dominated by institutions devoted to health, recuperation, and the advancement of the knowledge of the human (and other species) body and its many shortcomings. Citizens of Asclapeion were also expected to make pilgrimages across the oceans to spread their knowledge and expertise. It was considered by many to be one of the brightest lights of civilization to shine despite the barbarous seas that made up their world. Unfortunately, neutrality was a difficult exercise of balance. Trouble inevitably arose whenever pirates and criminals would come to the island seeking medical assistance. This came to a head when the pirate, Blackbeard, came to the island and decided to stay. His crew came in and took over, killing many of the leading citizens who resisted. In doing so, they provoked the wrath of the island's inhabitants who used their deep knowledge of disease and poisons to wage biomedical warfare against their invaders. The pirates were eradicated, but in exchange, half of Asclapeion was left in ruin and many lives were lost. One of those who had perished, was Baltazar.
Baltazar was a man of science but was not blinded by his pride. Keeping an open mind, he listened to the divine being and tried to understand the circumstances he was presented with. Baltazar contemplated on what was shared with him but deduced that he lacked sufficient information to make a definite conclusion. However, it was enough to pique his curious mind. Resurrection was absurd as a concept from where he was from, but to say that it was impossible not only stepped on the principles of continued learning, but the never ending pursuit of unknown and novel information as well. Interested at the proposition presented to him, Baltazar took god's offer and went on his way. He was no longer a scholar bound by research and the books that surrounded him. Baltazar was now a free spirit who was driven by his carefree curiosity and upbeat adventurous soul. His new life began at Ryken. Memories and knowledge of Baltazar's past have eluded him since his rebirth, but his knack for the medical arts was some how retained. This allowed him to acquire work at Bits and Bottles, an apothecary owned by Zane Whitinger. As of recent, Baltazar has become one of the apothecary's newest apprentices. He still functions as a simple employee but is allowed access to the apothecary's facilities to practice his craft. In between his working schedule, Baltazar explores the lands around Ryke, learning of the flora, fauna, and wonders that potentially filled the land.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Apprentice Potioneer, Apprentice Alchemist, Apprentice Physician
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Appraisal E
  • Artisan [Potioneering] E
  • Educated [Alchemy, Nature, Survival] F
  • Medicine E
  • Attentive Student E
  • Feature [Animal Ears]
  • Wealth F
  • Gear [Poison Vials] F
  • Gear [Smoke Bombs] F
  • Gear [Glass Bottles] F
  • Forage - Artisan [Potioneering] E, Appraisal E, Educated [Alchemy, Nature, Survival] F - Baltazar can evaluate substances and materials, whether natural or manmade, identify their use as components for potions, and determine their potential interactions with one other - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Concoctioner's Keen Eye - Artisan [Potioneering] E, Appraisal E, Educated [Alchemy, Nature, Survival] F - Skill and experience with reagents and other ingredients have taught Baltazar to recognize a lot about concoctions from the smell, color, weight, and the radiance, if any, it gives off - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Diagnose - Appraisal E, Medicine E - Supplemented by his knowledge on medicine, Baltazar can assess the condition of living creatures and identify possible conditions they may be afflicted with - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Glass Bottles F
  • Poison Vials F
  • Iron Buckler F
  • Steel Dagger F
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Alchemist's Tools
  • Potioneer's Tools
  • Medical Supplies
  • Ink, Quills, Parchment
  • Adventurer's Backpack
  • Leather Pouch
  • Access to the facilities of Bits and Bottles
Change Log:
  • 10/08/2022 Character Creation - 7 points used for Strength E, 14 points used for Precision D, 14 points for Intelligence E, 0 points used for Appraisal E, 14 points used for Artisan [Potioneering] E, 7 points used on Educated [Alchemy, Nature, Survival] F, 14 points used on Medicine E, 14 points used on Attentive Student E, 21 points used on Wealth F, 0 points used on Feature [Animal Ears], 0 points (Wealth F) used on Gear [Glass Bottles] F, 0 points (Wealth F) used on Gear [Poison Vials] F, 0 points (Wealth F) used on Gear [Smoke Bombs] F, 0 points (Wealth F) used on Iron Buckler F, 0 points (Wealth F) used on Steel Dagger F
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Arik Beauregarde
Arik image.JPG
Theme: God Shattering Star
Rp'er Name: Coffeepot Giraffe
Post Frequency:
Anywhere from 3 times a day, to twice a week.
Discord Name: CoffeepotGiraffe#3382
Current RP: The Nightfeeder
Goals: Become strong enough that he won't have to fear anyone.
Equipped Titles: Oni, Swordsman Apprentice, Survivalist
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 156 lbs
Backstory: Arik's life was, generally speaking, shit. His parents didn't love him and abandoned him to an orphanage, he had below average grades in school, which was essentially his only hope, not to mention the fact that he couldn't make any friends. Is it any wonder he couldn't take it anymore?
Current Life: Arik's life, is generally speaking, still shit. After being reborn as a monster, everyone except for other monsters seemed to hate him. So Arik decided to become stronger. Strong enough that he could defeat anyone that might come after him. And, then, with that strength, he would become a protector of the people.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Oni, Swordsman Apprentice, Survivalist
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D (14)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - E (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Fighting Style [Swirling Wind] E (14) - A evasive, single sword fighting style Arik developed that focuses on exploiting weak points, and if possible, creating them.
    • Deflect F
    • Accurate F
  • Heightened Smell F (7)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Jumping F (7)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Educated F [Survivalist] (7)
    • Survival F
    • Perception F
    • Climbing F
  • Parkour - Fast F, Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Climbing F - Arik is able to utilize his fast movements and acrobatic skills to parkour in cities and in the wilderness. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Falling Leaves - Fast F, Acrobatics F, Jumping F - Arik is able to dodge out of the way of an incoming attack. This is a paramount skill to the Swirling Wind style. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Parry - Fighting Style [Swirling Wind] E, Deflect F - Arik parries an incoming attack with his sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Slicing Wind - Fighting Style [Swirling Wind] E, Accurate F, Fast F - Arik lashes his blade out quickly and precisely. This move can take multiple forms, but it typically take the form of a quickdraw. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Katana E (14)
  • Leather Armor/Coat (Light) F (7)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Self-Made Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Firestarter
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • None
Change Log:
  • None
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Marcellus Fachnan

Rp'er Name: eloise
Post Frequency: Often!
Discord Name: eloise#2551
Current RP: An Interlude Pt. 1

  • Live a life of comfort and security.
  • Learns what it means to be a good person.
  • Become influential and powerful with Ryke

Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5'8 in
Weight: 141 lbs

How exactly does someone, especially one of such renown, die so suddenly? There were a number of ways really. Accidents, natural causes, drowning, falling, fire or some other tragedy..

No one could escape death. That itself was undeniable, regardless of the fools that tried to accomplish precisely that. Was immortality really the blessing many thought it was? For while an immortal would not age, could the same be said for their mind? After all, who didn't know that a weary mind was a dangerous one?

Esmeralda Salgado was not a woman who desired perpetuity. For she, who had sunk 24 years into the film industry as an academy award-winning actress, a life with no end in sight couldn't be the farthest thing from what she wanted. So as she sat at another tedious award ceremony and claps erupted as the MC announced her name for the 'Best Supporting Actress' award, she smiled graciously as practiced. Image was important when the cameras began to pan on you, after all.

How did anyone not manage to grow drained after so many times of this? Getting up from her seat, Esmeralda only had one single thought on her mind as she headed toward the sleek-looking stage.

She was going to retire after this.

By film industry standards, her youth which had been one of the pinnacles of her career was fading and her shine just wasn't there anymore. So in the end, wasn't this the best decision for everyone?


The entire room grew deathly silent. Even Esmeralda, halfway across the stage at this point, paused.


The sound grew in power and people screamed.

Her eyes widened, putting the widest of golf balls to shame. The large glistening chandelier that the hosts of this venue held in large esteem was falling. Perhaps it was fortunate that the chandelier wasn't installed overhead where those in attendance were seated. Instead, it was directly above the stage, sparkling merely as it raced to meet with the embrace of the ground.

She was going to die.

Pain was all she knew as herculean height crashed down upon her.

It started with vague feelings of derealization. Ever since he was young, Marcellus Fachnan had always felt that things were not as they should be. Everything felt wrong. Off in ways, they shouldn't be.

The existence of magic shouldn't have surprised him as much as it did nor should knowing that most people traveled by coach disgruntle him.

Then in came the memories.

Memories that were not his own but were. Of a life once lived as a woman named Esmeralda Salgado. He, ever quite the precocious person, knew better than to just simply dismiss these memories as something nonsensical. It would seem that he she(?) had experienced the phenomenon known as reincarnation.

A true shame it would be not to benefit from them then, right?

Acquired Titles: [Human]

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E

  • Educated F - Seasoned Actress ; [Persuasion F, Deception F, Empathy F]
  • Academia F
  • Etiquette F
  • Leadership F
  • Asset D - Gentry [Half-Brother of Thorne Baroness]
  • Postcognition F
  • Investigation F

  • Retrospect - Postcognition F, Investigation F - By physical contact with a certain person or object, for up to a minute Marcellus is able to visually perceive information about past events after they happen, without having to guess based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge nor discern them for himself - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.

  • N/A
  • Bag
  • Fine Durable Attire
  • Signet Ring
  • Inkwell
  • Cloak
  • Timepiece
  • N/A

Change Log:
  • Character Creation: 21 points used to raise Intelligence to Rank C - 7 points used to raise Precision to Rank E - 7 points used to raise Speed to Rank E - 7 points used to purchase Educated F - 7 points used to purchase Academia F - 7 points used to purchase Etiquette F - 7 points used to purchase Leadership F - 14 points used to purchase Asset D - Gentry [Brother of Thorne Baroness] - 14 points used to purchase Postcognition F - 7 points used to purchase Investigation F.
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Rp'er Name: Discusstu
Post Frequency: Daily (1-2 times if needed) to Every Few (2-3 day intervals at most)
Discord Name: Discusstu#4733
Equipped Titles: Fae, Small, Hafling, Leatherworking Expert
Height: 3'5" feet
Weight: 47 pounds
The morning was cold as usual in the city of fogs. Poppy took a sip from his flask, some foul concoction brewed by the local boys that helped ease the numbing pain of their daily routines, and let out a heavy sigh. Though he took odd jobs all around the city in order to support his day by day lifestyle, cleaning the Duke's manor was the one he found he took most often and hated the most. Poppy wasn't good at what he did though; his rates were just incredibly low. Not earning much, he often thought about stealing something from the Duke's lavish collection of foreign arts, but he knew getting caught would mean certain death. First and foremost, he was a coward, he would not deny that, so he kept content with a sigh and a fit of silent swearing, relegating the idea of stealing something and leaving the godforsaken town forever to his fantasies.

Even if he did muster up the courage and manage to accomplish it, where could he actually go? He had few friends, none outside of the city, and certainly none that dealt with the buying and selling of stolen art. He would be on the run for a day? A week? A month? Some uncertain, but probably brief, amount of time living in fear of being caught before actually being caught and punished horribly. It was a fool's dream.

"Heh. Can't believe this stupid painting could feed a guy for a lifetime..." Poppy began his daily ritual of complaints before dusting the area around Duke's greatest treasure, an original work of the painter Giradelli. It took him about three heartbeats to realize that the painting was, in fact, missing and another three heartbeats to realized that he was truly and thoroughly fucked.

"Oh god. What do I do? Duke will think I stole his stupid shit painting. I'm fucking dead, I am. Of course this would happen to me. On a bloody fucking Monday!" Poppy frantically paced around the room trying to decided what to do next, because what was next was probably a painful death. He panicked further when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Was the Duke home already?

Desperate and in a panic, Poppy leaped through the nearest window, but instead of ending up outside the manor, he found himself in an empty void. Along with him, was an elderly man a few feet away. He had an air of calmness and tranquility around him as he fondly smiled at Poppy. "Ey, who the fuck are you?"
Poppy has been traveling around the territory of Ryke as a mercenary and leather worker.
Acquired Titles:
  • Fae
  • Small
  • Halfling
  • Leatherworking Expert
Points at Start: 105 (+7)
Points Earned: 19
Points Spent: 126
Points Unspent: 5
  • Strength - G
  • Precision - B
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - F
  • Speed - B
  • Appraisal E
  • Artisan [Leatherworker] C
  • Attentive Student E
  • Steady Hands F
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F
  • Fast F
    • 12 miles per hour [Max], 60 feet per move
  • Kite Makes Right - Steady Hands F, Fast F - Poppy, fond of hit-and-run tactics, stays out of melee range of a pursuing enemy while continuously attacking them from a distance - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Eavesdropper - Appraisal E, Heightened Sense [Hearing] F - Poppy's enhanced hearing allows him to interpret and extract information from multiple layers of sounds, even in crowded areas - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Leathercraft - Artisan [Leatherworker] C, Appraisal E - Poppy can evaluate and acquire detailed information on the quality of hides, pelts, and leather materials along with possible techniques on how they are handled and processed - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Leather Sling C [Leatherworker]
  • Leather Armor C - Light Armor [Leatherworker]
  • Basic Adventure's Garb
    • Poppy wears a blue shawl, a teal knit long-sleeved shirt with thumb holes, leather chestplate armor, a brown waist bag, white pants, and brown boots.
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Sheep Skin Waterskin
  • Rat Pelt Pouch
  • Cow Hide Backpack
  • Skinning Knife
  • Leatherworker Tools
  • Poppy has no assets to his name
10/10/22 Character Creation:
  • Gained 19 points from scooping Steve Stevenson
  • Gained 7 points from decreasing Strength F to Strength G
  • 28 points on Precision B, 28 points on Speed B, 7 points on Speed E, 28 points on Artisan [Leatherworker] C, 14 points on Attentive Student E, 7 points on Steady Hands F, 7 points on Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, 7 points on Fast F, 0 points on Leather Sling C [Leatherworker], and Leather Armor C [Leatherworker]
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Theme: Merry Go Round of Death
Rp'er Name: Hamlett
Post Frequency: Daily-Weekly
Discord Name: Hamlett#7702
Current RP: None
Goals: Learn
Equipped Titles: Human, Mage
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Backstory: ■■■■■■ is a mild-mannered and unassuming college freshman with a few friends and lots of other people he cares for very little. So little in fact that he would probably let you know he hated them, if he was ever being candid. Some would call him socially maladjusted, and they'd be right.

Although aloof and relatively quiet, the frustrations that built up every day during his dealings with people he'd rather ignore almost reached its limits. Fortunately, ■■■■■■ found an ad online about a game called Isekai Hell. It claimed to make use of cutting edge virtual reality technology and promised a visceral and realistic experience. The amount of money needed to purchase both the game and console was no joke, but the idea of playing a character protected by a veil of anonymity was too good to ignore. To be able to vent out his frustrations was all reward and no cost. Unfortunately, the overpriced helmet-like console that he wore immediately short-circuited. ■■■■■■'s body had seized before going limp. Unaware of his death, ■■■■■■ paid little attention to god and busied himself in choosing a handle and fixing up his avatar. He wasn't the most creative and just wanted two things, the name Raphael - he was surprised that it was still available - and red eyes. Raphael was impressed at how realistic the world around him was but was annoyed by what he believed to be irrelevant NPC dialogue that he couldn't skip for some reason.
Current Life: Raphael has been wandering around his starting area, getting used to his skills and the HUD that displayed his information.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mage
Points at Start: 105+14
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105+14
Points Not Spent: 0
Character Grade - F (0)
Strength - G (-7)
Precision - G (-7)
Intelligence - D (+14)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - F (0)
  • Appraisal F
  • Attentive Student F
  • Feature - Red Eyes
  • Language - Common Tongue, Monster Speak
  • Magic E
  • Magic Domain [Blood] F
    • Range - 10 ft. | AOE - 10 ft. radius | Targets - 2 | Duration - Minute
  • Bloody Arrow - Magic E, Domain F (Range - 10 ft.) - An arrowhead made of hardened blood forms at the tip of Raphael's wand and is launched towards his target - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sanguine Skin - Magic E, Domain F (Duration - Minute) - A layer of hardened blood (3 HP) protects Raphael from incoming attacks. For the duration of the ability, it continuously regenerates if broken - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Red Force - Magic E, Domain (Duration - Minute) - Raphael increases the amount of blood flowing in his body. This causes his skin to appear flushed, and raises his body's temperature, heart rate, and physical capabilities, allowing him to run faster (12mph, 60ft per move) and jump higher (vertically 3 yards, horizontally 10 yards) for 1 minute - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Wand - Catalyst E - A simple ebony wand carved from scorched bone and fortified with mana
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Bag
  • Cloak
  • None
Character Creation
  • Points Spent/Gained
    • +7 points = Strength G
    • +7 points = Precision G
    • -14 points = Intelligence D
    • -0 points = Appraisal F
    • -7 points = Attentive Student F
    • -0 points = Feature - Red Eyes
    • -0 points = Languae - Common Tongue, Monster Speak
    • -14 points = Magic E
    • -70 points = Magic Domain [Blood] F
    • -14 points = Catalyst E
  • Abilities Created: Bloody Arrow, Sanguine Skin, Red Force
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Rp'er Name: Slifer37

Post Frequency: Weekly/Biweekly

Discord Name: Slifer (Same as RPN)

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Short term: Get Stronger, Long Term: Summonmancer/Shadow User

Equipped Titles: Human

Height: 5'11

Weight: 180lb

He had just lost his family, who had sacrificed themselves to give him time to escape- he was a necromancer, and the sight of a dead puppy back to life didn't sit well with the townsfolk. He hid in the graveyard, tears slipping down his face, before his magic reached out, unconsciously finding him a companion he so desperately needed. That was when a large, hulking figure burst from the ground- his new companion, Gideon.

He's travelling around, wanting to find a home for himself and Gideon.

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 7

Points Spent: 112

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Raise Undead F (21) - Note: Cannot raise or control corpses already raised currently or in the past. Magic can enhance limits of skill.
    Allows user to compel a corpse to do their bidding for a post. Corpse must be within 5ft at the time the ability is used.
    Corpse becomes unraisable ash after ability to raise it expires (assuming it was not destroyed before time).
    Grade of Undead creature is equal to grade of raise undead skill. This means grade of dead creature may be too high to raise or that the creature raised is severely weaker than it was while alive (Narrator discretion).
    Capabilities of undead are determined by narrator.
    Undead raised are controlled by the Narrator but are directed by the player character that raised them.
  • Companion F (35)
    - Note: Companions are prohibited from taking the Companion or Minion Skills.

    The character has acquired, created, or met one or more companions. Companions are npc's controlled by the narrator of any given rp. They are generally allies of the Character that spawned them but have their own minds and goals. Common examples: Childhood friend, Pokemon, Digimon, Butler, etc

    The rp'er has 70 points with which to create their companion(s) by either investing all of them into one or splitting them up between multiples. Creatures created in this way must have a minimum of one stat above F grade or one skill acquired. Creatures are assumed to be a humanoid base with F's for stats until skills and stat upgrades are applied.

    For each Grade of Companion, the companion(s) may improve with a shared 35 points per grade after F.
  • Magic E (14)
  • Affinity F- Darkness/Shadow
  • N/A
  • Catalyst E (14)

  • Cool Death Necklace
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin

  • Companion: Gideon
Name: Gideon
View attachment 1031967

Goals: (list short or long term goals you have for the character with a minimum of one goal.)
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6'4
Weight: 240lb
All he remembers is waking up to nothingness, crawling up through the dirt, and found the boy crying. All he knew was he had a bond with this young boy, that he would be there for him, that all they had was each other.
He travels with Remy, protecting the boy who brought him to life.
Acquired Titles: Human
Total Points: 70
Points Spent: 0
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Vitality C (21)
  • Strength C (21)
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Armour E (14) (Heavy Armour)
  • Double Bladed Axe E (14)[/B]
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Rp'er Name: RavenSong
Post Frequency:
2 days at most (I post at night - Pacific time)
Discord Name: Ravensong#4209
Current RP:

-To live wealthy and lavishly
-To gain political standing among beastkin
-To hunt criminals and monsters wherever they may be
-Find a way to become Nobility
-To travel to faraway lands; adventure
-Join the Adventurers Guild

Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Neko]
Height: 5,6
Weight: 112 lbs
Amelia, in the old world was an orphan, longing for the day a lovely pair could call her 'daughter'. Living in an orphanage for the vast majority of her childhood, she learned much by asking questions, and quickly realized that smiles went a long way. One day however, she was adopted. Amelia grew up, went to school, and did what most people would consider an ordinary life.

Until school was over, and it was time to face the real world.

Amelia struggled, and worked very hard to help her father pay for her mothers medical expenses. Amelias father, worked at a factory like many others fathers in her little town.

One fateful evening, as they sat and ate, she shared the good news that she'd finally been hired as a veterinarian assistant. At last, a pathway to a better life, after many years of sacrifices.

Her parents were so proud, and just as they were beginning to celebrate, a couple of ruffians broke into their house. Stole the little they had of value, before turning around and shooting them all. The last sounds she would hear were the echoes of her parents cries.
Current Life:
The years passed, and she never forgot. And she never forgave.

Through the course of many years Amelia, who was once a hopeful, curious and starry eyed neko developed a deep hatred for murderers and criminals. A hatred that nearly extends to human kind as a whole, if not for the memory of her human parents.

Although she had to steal and dumpster dive to survive, the ghosts of her parents haunted her, always influencing her moral compass to do the right thing, even against her hardened heart. And even if it meant difficult consequences at times.

Shocked, and scarred and without purpose, she wandered the world, until the forest took her in, living off the wildlife and only visiting the towns and villages for clothing and other goods by trading for the fish or rabbits she hunted. Which most of the time weren’t fair exchanges.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Neko]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 45
Points Spent: 147
Points Not Spent: 3

Strength - D 14
Precision - E 7
Intelligence - E 7
Vitality - F 0
Speed - E 7
35 Points in Stats​
Character Grade: E
  • (7) Fast F - E Grade Speed 7 points
    This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging

    Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.

    F - 12mph(max)/60ft per move
  • (14) Precognition F - E Grade Intelligence
    14 points
    Buff lasts for a single post.

    Character can occasionally glimpse into the future.
    Gives +1 grade to speed. Does not stack with any other speed bosting ability.
    Amount of time glimpsed into the future grows with skill grade. Future glipsed is that of the character using the skill and is perceived through their senses. Other skills may augment this behavior. F - A few seconds
  • (7) Stealth F -The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend
    into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal
    small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill.
  • (7) Feature: Cat Eyes - Dark Vision F
  • (7) Heightened Sense:Cat Ears - Hearing F
  • (7) Climbing F - The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without the use of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses).
  • (7) Survival F - The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoidnatural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants
    and animals.
  • (14) Fighting Style - [Claws] E Left -
    the technique allows for an attack that sweeps a large area 10ft in radius. Generally prompts would be targets that it is coming. Radius increases per grade to: 30ft, 100ft, 1000ft, 1 mile, 10miles.

  • (14) Fighting Style - [Claws] E Right -
    Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. When duration selected, increase by 1 target post per grade. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration.
    a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time. grade of tech core can effect creatures of same or lesser grade.
  • Mysterious Mist- Fighting Style - [Claws] - Left/Right - [Area E (30 ft)] - [Irritant F] - [Flare F] - Entwines her gauntlets together creating a strange dark mist that reduces vision and irritates the eyes and breathing, setting up for a surprise attack or to flee a potential danger. - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown

(14) Weapon - [Claw Gauntlet] E Left
(14) Weapon - [Claw Gauntlet] E Right


  • Catnip satchel
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Sharpening Stone
  • Canteen
Change Log:

Scooped Shappa CS for this character

90 Shappa points total
-1/2 =
45 points

- 14 - Precognition
- 7 - Core - Irritant F
- 7 - Area F>E
- 14 - Claw Gauntlet L/R

= 3 points left total
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Theme: Fubuki Comfy BGM
Rp'er Name: Vafhudr
Post Frequency:
  • 1-2 times on the weekdays due to work.
  • Daily on the weekends at best.
Discord Name: Vafhudr#3500
Current RP: [Embers of Heartache]
  • Become strong and influential, I guess.
  • Maybe find a way back home when she gets bored of the world.
Equipped Titles: Human, Adept Bowyer, Apprentice Arbalist
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 90 lbs
Backstory: The world Koko was from was a mixture of low-fantasy and semi-modern society. They were a somewhat backwards community that celebrated the concepts of rebirth and other worlds. Among those from their land, being transported to different realms had become a norm. How one was chosen and how the transmigration actually took place had yet to be discovered, but they were certain that it had something to do with the heavens and divine power. Those who were selected either disappeared forever and were forgotten or find their way back, sharing with their world the powers, riches and stories they acquired during their journey. Koko was from a simple family who had grandiose dreams for their daughter. Unfortunately, Koko was not all that interested in being some hero that people would revere and praise. But because she was obedient, she played along with the whims of her family and just prepared herself. On her sixteenth birthday, Koko vanished, and as they predicted, she was taken and brought to another world.
Current Life: Koko has been travelling the lands, looking for adventures to be part of, treasures to be found, maidens to be saved, and the like. She hasn't found anything yet, but hopefully she'll get lucky soon.
Acquired Titles:
  • Human -Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
  • Adept Bowyer - Character has concluded their training as a bowyer and has begun their journeyman phase of acquiring experience through work and/or travel.
  • Apprentice Arbalist - Character is likely just starting on the path of the crossbow's purpose.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E (7)​
Precision - C (21)​
Intelligence - F (0)​
Vitality - D (14)​
Speed - E (7)​

  • Fast F (7)
    • Limits: 12 mph (Max); 60 feet per move
  • Jump F (7)
    • Limits: Vertically 3 yards; Horizontally 10 yards
  • Fighting Style F [Arbalist] (7)
    • Range F: 10 feet
  • Steady Hands F (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Resilient [Fear] F (7)
  • Artisan [Bowyer] D (21)
  • Vault - Fighting Style [Arbalist] F, Range F, Jump F, Steady Hands F - Koko jumps to another location within 10 yards, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Heavy Crossbow D (0)
    • Crafted by Koko with Artisan [Bowyer] D
    • Carried on her back via a large tapered leather strap
  • Hand Crossbow D (0)
    • Crafted by Koko with Artisan [Bowyer] D
    • Hangs from her belt
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Leather Cloak
  • Drawstring Leather Bag
  • Leather Pouch
  • Quiver of Arrows
  • Bowyer's Tools
  • None

Change Log
Upgraded Stat
  • Strength F to Strength E (Cost: 7 Points)
  • Precision F to Precision C (Cost: 21 Points)
  • Vitality F to Vitality D (Cost: 14 Points)
  • Speed F to Speed E (Cost: 7 Points)
Purchased Skill
  • Fast F (Cost: 7 Points | Requires Speed E)
  • Jump F (Cost: 7 Points | Requires Strength E)
  • Steady Hands F (Cost: 7 Points | Requires Precision E)
  • Appraisal E (Cost: 0 Points | Requires Character Grade E)
  • Resilient [Fear] F (Cost: 7 Points | Requires Vitality E)
  • Artisan [Bowyer] D (Cost: 21 Points | Requires Precision D)
Purchased Item
  • Heavy Crossbow D (Cost: 0 Points | Requires Precision C, Artisan [Bowyer] D)
  • Hand Crossbow D(Cost: 0 Points | Requires Precision C, Artisan [Bowyer] D)
Acquired and Equipped Title
  • Human (Cost: 0 Points | Free at Character Creation)
  • Adept Bowyer (Cost: 0 Points | Requires Precision C, Artisan [Bowyer] D)
  • Apprentice Arbalist (Cost: 0 Points | Requires Precision E, Fighting Style [Arbalist] F)
Created Ability
  • Vault (Cost: 0 Points | Requires Strength E, Precision E, Jump F, Steady Hands F, Fighting Style [Arbalist] F - Range F)
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Rp'er Name: CollusiveDreamer
Post Frequency: Weekly
Discord Name: TheScarletDastard#3055

Evan Cooper
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Break the seals on his heart, and return home.
- Repay the substantial monetary debt he owes to the Ryken Merchant's Guild for saving his life.
- Avoid getting head smashed in by debt collectors in the meantime.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6ft
Weight: 160lbs
Backstory: Evan prefers to try and pass as a native of Ryke, rather than reveal his identity as an Outworlder. If pressed about his past, he's vague and cryptic, claiming he can't remember much. This is a blatant lie, much as he might wish he didn't remember. Evan has perfect memory of the world he came from.
Current Life: Fittingly, Evan lives in quite inverse circumstances in Ryke to how he lived back on Earth. He once lived debt-free and took his daily meals for granted. Now much of his time is spent scheming to get his hands on a bite to eat, with his crushing debt to the Ryken Merchant's Guild looming over him like a sword. On Earth he spent his time on mindless entertainment and distractions. In his new life, he hardly finds time to sleep, either traveling or working in every spare moment. It makes him yearn for the free education he was once afforded, and the friends he used to while away hours with. On Earth, Evan had a loving family that he largely disregarded. Here, he has no one. And no one is coming to fix his problems for him.

God was very clear on that point.
Acquired Titles: Priest, Debtor
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Magic, {E}. Evan is aware of the mana circulating in his body, and can channel it to some extent.
  • Healing, {D}. Skilled at mending those who are broken, Evan can effectively treat minor injuries, common illness and disease, and common/diluted poisons.
  • Magic Area of Effect, {F}. Evan's magical abilities can permeate the area within 10ft of him in all directions.
  • Appraisal, {F}. Occasionally, shining letters will appear to Evan's eyes describing mundane aspects of the new world he's found himself in.
  • Empathy, {D}. Ever since awakening in this world, the emotions of those around him occasionally bombard Evan against his will. Usually occurs around those who are suffering. The impressions are specific and distinct, but Evan has no control over when this ability triggers, or who it targets.
  • Medicine, {E}. As a pre-med student from Earth, and having worked in this new world as a healer, Evan has medical knowledge outside his healing magic.
  • Cure Wounds (Flux) - Magic (E), Healing (D) - A living creature within arm's reach of Evan heals from superficial wounds. - {Grade F} - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Lesser Restoration (Flux) - Magic (E), Healing (D) - A living creature within arm's reach of Evan heals from superficial wounds and common poison/venom. - {Grade E} - 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Restoration - Magic (E), Healing (D), Magic Area of Effect (F) - Living creatures within 10ft of Evan are healed of superficial wounds and common poison/venom, and regain their senses. Creatures in critical condition are stabilized. - {Grade D} - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Antidote Field - Magic (E), Healing (D), Magic Area of Effect (F) - Purges airbourne pathogens and poisons from the area around Evan, 10ft in all directions. Magical toxins of a higher grade than this ability may be only diluted, weakened, or completely unaffected. - {Grade D} - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Whittled Stave, {F}. This walking stick is stout and heavy, a bit taller than Evan's waist. Fashioned of hickory, it will not break before bone.
  • Apothecary's Clothes, {F}. Despite the stains and dirt, the buttoned shirt and vest denote a person of learning. Useless as armor. Not very warm.
  • Amulet of Elisiul, {F}. A bronze 5-petaled flower, this pendant is worn on a thin chain about Evan's neck. A symbol of mercy, it proclaims Evan as a healer.
  • Receipt of Debts to the Ryken Merchant's Guild
  • Worn Bedroll
  • Tattered Rucksack
  • Thin Boots
  • Leaky Waterskin
  • N/A
  • (The only thing Evan owns that he can't physically carry around is his enormous financial debt to the Ryken Merchant's Guild.)
Evan Cooper.
The world you are entering is a second chance. But it is not a reward.
It is a punishment.
I have placed four seals upon your heart, and a curse within your mind.

I curse you to share in the suffering of those around you. You shall feel what they feel as keenly as they.

First Seal: While you will possess talent for magic, you shall be capable of healing magic and nothing else.
Second Seal: Though your magic may do good, your own spells will have no effect on you.
Third Seal: Your magic shall never harm another creature directly, for I have forbidden it.
Fourth Seal: Evan Cooper, YOU SHALL NEVER RETURN HOME.
Change Log: (Reminder, Col: write the date!)
  • 10/21/22 (Today I finished and posted Evan's character sheet. I hope I've done everything correctly. With 105 points to spend, that's 15 7-point purchases, which I've listed here for easy reference. 4 purchases in Stats, raising INT to (D) and SPD and VIT to (E). 6 purchases in Skills; 3 for Healing, 2 for Magic, 1 for Magic AOE, at 7 points each. Finally, 5 purchases in Secondary Skills; 2 for Medicine, 3 for Empathy. The (F) rank skill Appraisal is free for characters from another world, which describes Evan.)

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Rp'er Name: Reptilian Dude
Post Frequency:
Mostly at a average pace. Might be longer due to school
Discord Name: Bird guy#5583
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Survive, Become a War General at some point
Equipped Titles: Beast, Crabfolk
Height: 8’2”
Weight: 200 lbs
Backstory: Before all this Isekai shtick, “Groucho” was actually a lieutenant of the US Navy, named Mac. He was serious, and kinda grumpy, which made him kind off a excellent Captain or General, except he wasn’t.He was quite bothered by this, always feeling like he can be a higher authority, and even tried sometimes, but didnt get the role. One fateful day, at the beginning of a war, Mac went on a mission to stop some enemy fleet. While on a scouting mission, He and the members of the ship have been ambushed, and despite their best tries, it sank. Groucho attempted to jump into the ocean, but was suddenly hit by a projectile, thus killing him. However, he soon found himself in a blank room, and came face to face with the god of the world he was going to get isekai’d in. Confused at first, he eventually decided to become a Crabfolk, as he liked crabs as a kid, and collected their shells. With that said, the god reincarnated him…
Current Life: After being reincarnated into a Crabfolk, his first priorities were to hunt for food and train. Hunting went quite average for him, as Groucho’s past-life dad taught him how to harpoon at 16. He eventually began training with his spear and Crustacean claws. As of now, he currently lives in some cave near a sea, where he stashes his food too.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Crabfolk
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Water Speed E -- Groucho is able to swim at 10mph per round.
  • Superstrength F -- Groucho is able to lift 600lbs, in other words the average Grizzly Bear.
  • Fighting Style [For the Seas!] F -- He is able to use his weapons to fight in a barbarian-like style, mostly using his body armor as a shield.
  • Feature: Large E -- Grants him Grade F natural heavy armor
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Oceanic Spear Rush - Fighting Style F, Water Speed E - if the opponent is in a close radius to Groucho and a aquatic environment (EX: Swamp and Lake), He can swim towards them and then strike them with his spear - Grade E - 3 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Weapons F - Claws
  • Natural Heavy Armor E
  • Crustacean Spear F -- A Spear seemingly made of crustacean armor that Groucho holds.
  • Crustacean Claws F -- Some kind of Hand-like Melee weapon that he can use.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • N/A
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Fri Oct 22] Character created, 105 points spent in total
  • [Sun Oct 23] Superstrength and Natural Weapons changed to F grade
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Ambrose aka Vulture
Rp'er Name: LadyOfStars
Post Frequency:
Discord Name:
Current RP:
Live a simple life and improve upon his magic
Equipped Titles: Human, Mage
Weight: 165lbs
Ambrose was born in a world not too different from this one, but a different world all the same.War and strife were abundant in his home and in what she assumed to be an act of mercy, his mother bore the burden of sending her baby to the afterlife. The heretics who were attacking them would have caused the baby to suffer needlessly and so she gave him a merciful and painless death.
Current Life:
Given a second chance by the goddess of fertility and motherhood, the infant was reborn and dropped on the doorstep of an orphanage in the city of Ryken. He was raised pretty much by himself as the old couple running the orphanage had grown too slow and weak to actively care for the children. Without guidance, Ambrose would find his way into trouble on a daily basis and even greater problems would find him once he discovered his power. As a toddler he possessed a voice to match the greatest singers and that voice could cause harm to others. Some saw this as a boon and Ambrose became a sought after commodity.
When those people came searching for him he fled the only home he knew and took to the streets. He taught himself to survive and thrive in his new gutter life and after years of calling the streets home, he finally tried to make something of himself. He applied to the academy and despite impressing people with his capabilities, he was swiftly kicked out for his inability to maintain good grades and his lack of motivation.
After that he apprenticed under three different mage mentors, all of which found him lazy and sloppy, leading to his eventual abandonment each time. With nowhere else to turn, Ambrose returned to the streets in the hopes that his destiny would one day reveal itself to him.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mage
Points at Start: 105 +48 from Haruki Scoop
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 13
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - D
  • Magic E - 14
  • Magic Aoe F - 7 - 15ft
  • Magic Range F - 7 - 30ft
  • Flare Affinity F [Hearing] - 7
  • Incapacitate F [Paralysis[ - 14
  • Voice Affinity F - 7
  • Natural Catalyst [Vocal Chords] E - 14
  • Educated [Mage Apprentice] F- 7
    • Alchemy
    • Arcana
    • Academia
  • Street Sense F - 7
  • Forgery F -7
  • Asset [Pet Black Cat] F - 7
  • Supersense E [Echolocation] - 100ft - 14
  • Appraisal E
  • G10 - Magic E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Voice Affinity F, Flare F [Hearing] - Ambrose reaches for the highest note he’s ever hit and wails out over an area. The sound waves are sharp like knives and all within range become riddled with cuts by his voice. The volume at which he sings also overloads the hearing of any within range. - E Grade - 15ft Cone Aoe, 30ft Range, Overloads Hearing - 1 Post cooldown
  • C2 - Magic E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Voice Affinity F, Flare F, [Hearing], Incapacitate F [Paralysis],- Channel the raw power of his voice, Ambrose releases a guttural bellow that shakes and rattles everything in range. The vibrations seep into the deepest layers of a target, vibrating their very foundation and their bones. The volume at which he sings also overloads the hearing of any within range.and causes paralysis. - E Grade - 15ft Cone Aoe, 30ft, Range, Overloads Hearing, E Grade Paralysis - 1 Post cooldown
  • Sound Scouting - Appraisal E, Supersense E [Echolocation] - Grants the user intel about their surroundings as well as appraises anything within range. - 100ft range - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Natural catalyst [Vocal Chords] E
  • Example Whetstone
  • Example Bedroll
  • Example Fire Starter Kit
  • Example Rations
  • Example Waterskin
  • Ravenna [Black Cat]
Change Log:
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Noya Stillroot

Rp'er Name: Horror
Post Frequency: 3 times a week
Discord Name: SuperSizedBBW#7317
Current RP: None.
  • Have a copy of his autobiography that chronicles all of his pranks and escapades available at every text retailer.
Equipped Titles: Human, Rogue
Height: 5'2
Weight: 90 lbs
Waking up in the morning, going to work, and back to sleep just to do it all again—it was hardly a unique circumstance to abide by. Noya knew from the get-go that he was not built to withstand such monotony. Instead, he took up a career as a content creator; he would film pranks and record people's reactions to great success. He did this for many years, filming his antics until there were enough of them to fill an entire hard drive. The money from the ad revenue helped him purchase a flat in the city center without having to worry about rent payments. But, he knew he could do better, but how? People loved two things the most: danger and controversy. With his latest genre of videos, he sought to provide both.

The following day, Noya got up earlier than usual and drove to the train station with the intention of getting on the express line heading north to Aomori prefecture. There he planned to film the dangerous stunt that he had been planning for months now. A new series of videos called “pranks in the hood.” Unlike his competitors, he would not stage a thing. Each moment would be raw and visceral. His goal was to capture people's true reactions to these stunts. At first, it seemed like a good idea, but as time passed Noya became increasingly anxious. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible might happen.

It was late at night and his eyes found a new target, a man in a dark hoodie sitting alone on the train. As soon as he caught sight of him, a strange feeling came over Noya. It felt almost like fear, but it wasn't. Whatever it was, it made him uneasy. Yet he persisted in his approach with a body cam strapped to his chest and his face in a Halloween mask damp with fake blood. Noya barreled towards him with a flimsy plastic knife in hand.

"H-hey, what the fuck are you doing?" said the man in front of Noya.

Noya turned around, ready to make a run for it if need be. But before he could take any further action, the stranger lunged at Noya with a swift right hook, he jolted backward before the back of his head hit the pavement with an audible crack. Dead, the man stood over him. Just like that.
Current Life:
Noya was born into a traveling circus within Ryke. His mother, a former acrobat, had left her husband and taken up with the circus after he became abusive. The circus traveled across all of Ryke, performing at various festivals and fairs. They were always on the move, never staying for more than a month or two anywhere before moving again.

When Noya was eight years old, they found themselves performing at a Festival in Ryken. It had been a long time since any foreign performers had stopped by, so the city people went wild to see a show unlike any other they'd seen. The show ran all day and night, and each act seemed better than the last. Noya was happy to learn tricks of the trade and polished his skills as a knife juggler and clown. In the evening, he performed alongside his mother. After every performance, she would teach him something new about acrobatic dancing. It reminded him of his old antics in a past life. This environment was fun but too controlled for Noya's liking. He craved adventure and wanted an opportunity to prove himself in the world beyond the circus. After a few months in Ryken, the circus decided to leave for another festival—Noya, however, made an effort to not leave with them. He felt that if he could become famous enough he could do whatever he wanted free of consequence. His talents at the circus were easy to translate into skills outside the tent: sleight-of-hand, card manipulation, and even being able to juggle knives, fire, and balls of death.

After leaving the circus, Noya drifted around Ryken, taking odd jobs here and there. He would never do a thing without adding his own touch of mischief. He enjoyed surprising people and seeing the looks on their faces when they realized what he'd done. Still adrift he records all of his ongoings in an autobiography he has yet to finish. He is still trying to find his place in this world.
Acquired Titles: Human, Ninja Tools Apprentice, Rogue
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - E (7 Points)
  • Precision - D (14 Points)
  • Intelligence - E (7 Points)
  • Vitality - E (7 Points)
  • Speed - D (14 Points)
  • Steady Hands F (7 Points)
  • Superstrength E (14 Points)
  • Fast E (14 Points)
  • Appraisal E (0 Points)
  • Gear E (14 Points)
  • Fighting Style [Ninja Tools] F (7 Points)
    • Range F (10 ft)
    • Indirect F
  • Crashing Stars - Fighting Style [Ninja Tools] F, Range F, Indirect F, Gear F - Noya tosses 6 shurikens that can curve up to 10 ft and behind enemy cover. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Inflatable Decoy - Steady Hands F, Gear E, Fast E - Noya tosses both a smoke screen and an inflatable decoy large enough to create a silhouette before attempting to escape up to 40ft out of sight. Creatures with intelligence or perception higher than the ability grade are able to see through it, otherwise, they identify the inflatable decoy as Noya. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Ninja Tools Kit (Throwing weapons) (From Gear E)
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Change of clothes
  • Autobiography
  • None

Change Log:
  • Created 10/25/22

Rp'er Name: Stanley
Post Frequency: 3 times a week
Discord Name: Stanley#5094
Current RP: None
  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery.
  • Find a reason to either:
    • Deviate from his violent tendencies.
    • Reestablish and fortify the need to practice excessive violence.
  • Partake of various liquors and alcoholic beverages across the land
Equipped Titles: Fae, Warrior
Height: 7 Feet
Weight: 210 pounds
Backstory: Jack worked as hired muscle for people with questionable morals. He wasn't the brightest lackey, but he was an asset due to his obedience, strength, and ruthlessness. Though he proved to be useful, at the end of the day, Jack was seen as an expendable commodity. During a bust, while his bosses fled, he stayed behind and bought them time while being showered by a barrage of bullets.
Current Life: Since his transmigration, Jack has gotten into several fights at taverns and bars. The reason behind the scuffles were his crass personality, and how ugly Jack was.
Acquired Titles:
  • Fae | Creatures infused with magic and nature. They are the least numerous people in the world but some of the longer lived
  • Warrior | A skill for a strength based weapon and Vitality E or greater - character is a martial combat practitioner likely to be at the front of battle
Points at Start: 105+14
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105+14
Points Not Spent: 0
- B [28]
Precision - G [-7]
Intelligence - G [-7]
Vitality - B [28]
Speed - F [0]
  • Appraisal | Grade E [0]
    • Created with the ability for being a Player Character (Isekai Character). This ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    • For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.
    • If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.
    • Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgrade with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.
    • Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5 feet. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
  • Feature: Orichalcum Skin | Grade F [14]
  • Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] | Grade F [7]
    • Core Technique: Range F (10 Feet)
  • Superstrength | Grade F [14]
    • Creatures with this skill for one reason or another gained the ability to exert much greater strength/force than others. This skill only applies to a creatures ability to lift, carry, and push targets. The max amount increases per grade. The weight listed is in addition to character's base carrying capabilities based on strength stat.
    • Grade F - 200 pounds (Average Equipped Human)
  • Ranged Punch - Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] F, Range F (10 Feet), Superstrength F - Jack flexes his muscles, making them visibly bulge, before letting out a punch so strong that the force it generates reaches up to 10 feet away - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Powerful Throw - Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] F, Range F (10 Feet), Superstrength F - Jack flexes his muscles, making them visibly bulge, before throwing whatever he has in his hand/hands up to 10 feet away - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Heavy Orichalcum Natural Armor F [0]
  • Orichalcum Natural Weapons F [28]
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Flasks of Alcohol
  • Waterskin
  • Cigars
  • None
Change Log:
  • Character Creation (10/26/2022)
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Euthalia Apricot

Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly

Equipped Titles: Fae, Sylvari, Apprentice Messenger (The See)

Height: 2.30 m / 7' 7"
Weight: 83 kg / 183 lbs

Backstory: N/A - Euthalia is a native.

Current Life:
Euthalia had it all. She grew up in a family of high esteem of which multiple members were serving as leaders in The See. Most of them were Sheppards and one of them, Euthalia's own mother, even got to work as a Cardinal. Even as a young Sylvari, she was already able to show them that she had the wisdom and magic powers to follow their example and become a leader of the nation. Quality education, plenty of admirers, talents in both academia and magic, it looked like nothing was going to hold her back from growing into a powerful and influential Dryad.

However, as ancient wisdom states, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. A fair amount of jealous opponents and a single stupid mistake proved to be her downfall. It was after a long day of socialising and going through the motions of social etiquette that she gave in to her desires and was seduced into a fling with the daughter of one of the other Cardinals. Whilst some Fae wouldn't worry too much about some casual fun, their mutual status and very different species made it easy for a lot rumours to spread. It's why the girls father did not appreciate Euthalia's one-off with his daughter and every attempt to convince him it was a set-up fell on deaf ears, as the fact that Euthalia had let herself be charmed into it remained. With some pressure from Euthalia's haters, he eventually sentenced her to be executed without trial.

With great effort, Euthalia's mother eventually managed to convince the Cardinal to abstain from giving Euthalia the death sentence. However, the punishment she'd receive in turn was almost as gruesome as death itself. She was forced to surrender her Heart's Seed, an organ in Sylvari anatomy that allows them to cast magic and that's said to contain their soul. The method of extracting it was extremely painful and lasted for weeks. By the end of it, it wasn't just her power that had been taken from her, but a decent chunk of her sanity had vanished along with it. The loss of such an important organ, the humiliation stemming from it and the weeks of torture it'd taken to extract it, had broken her down to a mere remnant of her former self.

To make matters worse, in order to limit the damage, her family decided to cut ties with her the moment they'd settled on her punishment. They'd saved her life, but they decided they'd leave her on her own afterwards. Even her own mother did not wish to interact with her again, lest she further damage her own position as a Cardinal. In the end, Euthalia was left broken and alone, a goalless husk of her former self. It was during this deepest and darkest part of her life that her real friends showed themselves. Euthalia had never been too well-known for her charity or kindness, but there had been a few occasions where she'd gone out of her way to help others. Two of those helped by her, Keone and Islwyn, came to her in her hour of need. Together with their help, she managed to regain a bit of composure.

With effort, she eventually convinced the council to give her another chance, to prove that she was worth of rising through the ranks once more and that she'd learned from her mistakes. Although she learned much from her mistakes, she still believes that the Fae are genetically better than the inferior species. However, there is one enemy above all; the Empire. As a Fae messenger, she hopes to convince other nations to back up The See, both economically and in war. However, after all she's been through, she's left in a vulnerable position. This was shown when her first task was to make contact with the nobility in Ryke. A job that nobody expected would grant her much glory or benefit, but that could still cause her more shame if she failed. Luckily enough, she didn't have to travel there alone, as her friends decided to join her.

  • Full-fill her duties as a messenger of The See.
  • Learn more about all the inferior species.
  • Find allies with whom to crush the Empire.
  • Rise back to power among The See's ruling class.

[Race] Titles
  • Fae - creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature.
  • Sylvari - Fae title, Features [Plant Body], [Heart's Seed], [Plant Digestion], [Plant Resting] and [Photosynthesis], Resilient F [Vital Points].
    A plant-based intelligent life-form that can later grow into other, stronger plant-based lifeforms such as Dryads or Ents.
[Society] Titles
  • N/A
[Job] Titles
  • Apprentice Messenger – character has an E grade connection to The See

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 7
Points Spent: 105
Points Unspent: 7

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – E
(7 points)
Vitality – E
(7 points)
Speed – F
(0 points)

  • Feature [Plant Body] (0 points) | Axillary ability – transformative only.
    Character has a body made out of plant-like matter, such as bark, vines and leaves. Rather than blood running through their veins, they have sap running through them. Their main sap vein is located where the spine is normally located, which is the core of their body and would kill them if destroyed.
  • Feature [Missing Heart's Seed] (0 points) | Axillary ability – transformative only.
    Character normally has an internal heart-like organ that functions like a catalyst and is rumoured to house the soul. In Euthalia's case, it's been ripped out and only an empty wound remains.
  • Feature [Plant Digestion] (0 points) | Axillary ability – transformative only.
    Character doesn't eat food, but instead requires to take root in fertile soil to take in nutrients.
  • Feature [Plant Resting] (0 points) | Axillary ability – transformative only.
    Character doesn't need to lie down and sleep, but instead requires to stay rooted in place and medidate for longer periods to rest in order to get rid of fatigue and take in nutrients.
  • Feature [Photosynthesis] (0 points) | Axillary ability – transformative only.
    Character breathes in CO2 and breathes out O2, using photosynthesis to grow and to gain energy rather than burning calories.

  • [Piercing] Resistance F (7 points) | Defensive - E Grade Vitality
    Passive - cannot be put into abilities but can be utilized even while character is unconscious
    While immunity is not possible for fairness, if the skill and vitality are high enough, it's as good as in most cases.
    Character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/set backs when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard using same/similar element.

  • Asset Connected E (14 points) - [The See] – Messenger
    Although stripped of all her titles and power, she's allowed to serve her country as a messenger.
  • Asset Companion F (35 points) – Keone Nagendra
    The character has acquired, created, or met one or more companions. Companions are npc's controlled by the narrator of any given rp. They are generally allies of the Character that spawned them but have their own minds and goals.
  • Asset Companion F (35 points) – Islwyn Meadhra
    The character has acquired, created, or met one or more companions. Companions are npc's controlled by the narrator of any given rp. They are generally allies of the Character that spawned them but have their own minds and goals.
  • Language [Sylvan] (native speaker – 0 points) | Auxiliary E - Grade Intelligence
  • Language [Common] (free on creation – 0 points) | Auxiliary E - Grade Intelligence

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • cases for maps and scrolls
  • bottle of ink
  • ink pen
  • lamp
  • flasks of oil
  • sheets of paper
  • vial of flower-scented perfume
  • sealing wax
  • stamp with The See's seal on it
  • flasks of mineral water
  • sachet of minerals to mix in with dirt

  • Connected E (14 points) - [The See] – Messenger
    Although stripped of all her titles and power, she's allowed to serve her country as a messenger.
  • Companion [Keone Nagendra] F (35 points)
    Keone Nagendra

    • Help Euthalia get back to her former position.
    • Destroy The Empire.
    • Becoming rich and live lavishly.
    • Make new friends, help Euthalia get some new friends as well.

    Equipped Titles: Beast, Naga

    Height: 5 feet / 1.52 meter (using the bottom part of her tail to stand on)
    Length: 9 feet / 2.74 meter (from the end of her tail to the top of her head)
    Weight: 185 lb / 84 kg

    Backstory: N/A - Keone is a native.

    Current Life:
    Keone was born into slavery in the Empire. Along with others of her kind, she'd been used to drag ores out of mines that were difficult for machinery or other creatures to crawl through. It was dangerous work that left them with cuts and bruises on the daily. A stray rock, flung off by a striking pickaxe even took out one of her eyes. After years of torturous work, when it looked like she'd die in these mines, she caught a lucky break. The overseer suffered from a stroke, allowing the slaves to overpower him and escape. Being relatively close to the border with The See, Keone crossed it, hoping to find safety there.

    She quickly learned that the people there weren't going to treat her all that much nicer. She wasn't a slave here, but she wasn't really wanted either. It resulted in her living a life of thievery, slithering around in secret. She was planning to steal from some rich girl when she got caught by her guards and was about to be disposed off. That's when that same rich girl took a pity on her and offered her a decent job instead. This simple and sporadic act of kindness turned into a surprising friendship, strong enough to even last through Euthalia's downfall. Although Keone has her own dreams and desires, she now hopes to obtain them alongside helping Euthalia prosper again.

    A few things she likes end up being a recurring theme. She loves lazing around in warm places, she likes trying out new types of food, she likes to slowly curl her tail and body around those she feels comfortable with or wishes to protect and she's easily charmed by those offering her valuable enough looking trinkets or gems.

    She absolutely hates cold places and her past has left her with a fair bit of a trauma about cramped spaces. She hates it when people make jokes about her having a tail instead of legs and can get pretty venomous in her choice of words when she feels like she or her friends are insulted.

    She doesn't easily open up to new people, unless they are [small] or [tiny] and harmless looking, in which case she might behave a little predatory towards them by curling around them or keeping a firm gaze on them, even though she'd never actually hurt someone without proper reason to do so.

    She's not entirely in agreement with the idea that all non-Fae species are 'lesser' beings (as she's one of those herself), but she's willing to tolerate those views for as long as it doesn't lead to her being treated disproportionality bad, which her friendship with Euthalia helps prevent. Euthalia herself, against her own ideology, treats Keone as an equal.

    Acquired Titles:
    • Beast - creatures that are or were related to animals.
    • Naga - beast title, Features [Snake Lower Body] and [Forked Tongue], Special Movement [Slithering], Heightened Sense [Smell] F.

    Points at Start: 70
    Points Spent: 70

    Strength – E
    (14 points)
    Precision - E
    (0 points)
    Intelligence - E
    (7 points)
    Vitality - E
    (7 points)
    Speed - E
    (7 points)

    • Fast F (7 points) | E Grade Speed
      This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging.
      Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily..
      • F - 12mph(max)/60ft per move
      • E - 24mph(max)/120ft per move
      • D - 48mph(max)/240ft per move
      • C - 90mph(max)/450ft per move
      • B - 180mph(max)/900ft per move
      • A - 300mph(max)/1500ft per move
      • S - ???
    • Special Movement [Slithering] F (7 points) | E Grade Precision
      Character is able to slither up, in, through and around various things with ease thanks to their [Snake Lower Body] feature.

    • Feature [Snake Lower Body] (0 points) | Axillary ability – transformative only.
      Character has a snake-like lower half instead of legs.
    • Feature [Forked Tongue] (0 points) | Axillary ability – cosmetics only.
      Character has a longer-than average forked tongue.
    • Heightened Sense F [Smell] (7 points) | Axillary - E Grade Intelligence
      One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.

    • Educated [Thief] F (7 points) | Character Grade E
      this skill may only be taken once

      Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
      [Thief] Keone spent a fair bit of her life stealing to survive. Although her criminal titles have been forgiven, her skills remain. [Sleight of Hand] to run pockets or use lock-picks. [Stealth] to stay hidden and [Street Sense] to keep herself alive with such a lifestyle.
    • Language [Bestial (Beastman dialect)] (native speaker – 0 points) | Axillary E - Grade Intelligence
    • Language [Common] (free on creation – 0 points) | Auxiliary E - Grade Intelligence
    • Language [Sylvan] (7 points) | Auxiliary E - Grade Intelligence

    • Sleight of Hand F (Educated – 0 points)
      A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc.
    • Stealth F (Educated – 0 points)
      The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill.
    • Street Sense F (Educated – 0 points)
      The ability to navigate street culture within cities and larger urban areas, and how to survive and thrive in such settings.

    • Snake Dodge - Special Movement [Slithering] F, Fast F – Character uses their long tail and speed to quickly launch themselves out of the way of danger. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
    • Slither Into The Shadows – Special Movement [Slithering] F, Stealth F, Street Sense F, Fast F – character quickly slithers off into the shadows to stealth away and out of sight. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
    • Encircle - Special Movement [Slithering] F, Fast F – character quickly slithers around someone to get in the way of their movement. Forces the target to make a movement action or be impeded. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
    • Frame – Sleight of Hand F, Stealth F, Street Sense F, Fast F – character quickly frames another by planting incriminating items upon their person.
    • Steal – Sleight of Hand F, Stealth F, Street Sense F, Fast F – character quickly steals from another by taking items from their person.

    • N/A

    • snake oil (simple oil-based lotion to polish scales and make them look shiny)
    • scale oil lubricant (plant-based lubricating oil to help with shedding skin)
    • backpack
    • string
    • bell
    • candles
    • crowbar
    • hammer
    • pitons
    • hooded lantern
    • flasks of oil
    • rations
    • tinderbox
    • waterskin
    • hempen rope

    • N/A

    Change Log:
    • Creation: Strength E (7 points)
    • Creation: Precision E (7 points)
    • Creation: Intelligence E (7 points)
    • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
    • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
    • Creation: Fast F (7 points)
    • Creation: Special Movement [Slithering] F (7 points)
    • Creation: Feature [Snake Lower Body] (Transformative - 0 points)
    • Creation: Feature [Forked Tongue] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
    • Creation: Heightened Sense [Smell] F (7 points)
    • Creation: Educated [Thief] F (7 points)
    • Creation: Language [Bestial – Beastman Dialect] (Native speaker - 0 points)
    • Creation: Language [Common] (Free on creation - 0 points)
    • Creation: Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
    • Creation: Abilities [Snake Dodge], [Slither Into The Shadows], [Constrict], [Frame] and [Steal]
  • Companion F [Islwyn Meadhra] (35 points)

    • Help Euthalia get back to her former position.
    • Destroy The Empire.
    • Try every type of booze in the world.
    • Party, prance and dance!
    • Help Euthalia make some new friends and play wing-woman.

    Equipped Titles: Fae, Satyr

    Height: 1.55 m / 5'0”
    Weight: 60 kg / 132 lbs

    Backstory: N/A - Islwyn is a native.

    Current Life:
    Islwyn lived 'the easy life' for most of her years, living in The See on the border with the Eastern Empire. She pranced around in the forest, got wasted, slept around left and right, played music and then pranced around some more. All in all, she lived the Satyr dream. It looked like nothing could break them out of this utopia, as their friendships remained strong and their days and nights full of merriment.

    This changed when a small-scale Empire force invaded just past the border and killed many of her friends and family. She never learned the reason of their sudden attack, nor did she ever return to the place. Instead, the girl fled deeper into The See, scared, confused and lonely. Having no real skills with which to market herself and having a lot of trauma to deal with, nobody was willing to take her in. Except for Euthalia, who ended up being charmed by the Satyr and decided to help her out, after finding her begging for food under a nearby tree.

    Although it likely started as coping mechanism resulting from the sudden loss of all and everything she ever cared about, Islwyn quickly got attached to Euthalia. To her, it was the person who'd granted her everything when she had nothing left. Although she doesn't wish to admit it, she's even grown true romantic feelings for Euthalia over the years they've been together. It's why she was among the few who stuck by her side when Euthalia was cast away.

    A few things she likes end up being a recurring theme, predominantly her drinking and partying. She can be serious, but only when she really absolutely has to. Most of the time, however, she'd much rather be drinking, flirting and dancing. She does have a genuinely love for art and nature, as well as for music. She's also true hugger and likes to get a bit touchy, so she'll go in for the embrace whenever the option presents itself. However, you only know if she truly, really, actually likes someone a lot, when she offers to share her booze with them. The latter rarely happens.

    She hates, even fears, blood and gore. It has a high chance of bringing up the past trauma's she's been trying to suppress for most her life. Even seeing a butcher at work is enough to severely unnerve her and might trigger a panic attack. For the same reason, she's afraid of being alone and will even insist on sleeping in the same room as someone she trusts simply not to be alone at night, as when she's alone, the nightmares from her past return, even if she's awake.

    She doesn't believe in Fae supremacy, although it's not something she openly wishes to discuss with Euthalia. She herself believes that all species, except for monsters and constructs, are equal. That said, she does believe that The Empire's leaders and all those who enable them are the evil incarnate and wishes to see the nation wiped off the face of the earth.

    Acquired Titles:
    • Fae - creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature.
    • Satyr - features [Furred Legs], [Cloven Hooves], [Tail] and [Antlers] or [Horns], Jumping F, Acrobatics F.
      Animal-legged and horned woodland creatures with powerful legs and magic in their blood. They can become pretty powerful foes, but most of them chose to spent their days prancing around and making merry.

    Points at Start: 70
    Points Spent: 70

    Strength – D
    (14 points)
    Precision - E
    (7 points)
    Intelligence - F
    (0 points)
    Vitality - E
    (7 points)
    Speed - E
    (7 points)

    • Jumping E (14 points) | Axillary - E Grade Strength
      Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
      • F - vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
      • E - vertically 10yrds/horizontally 33yrds
      • D - vertically 30yrds/horizontally 100yrds
      • C - vertically 100yrds/horizontally 333yrds
      • B - vertically 300yrds/horizontally 1000yrds
      • A - vertically 1000yrds/horizontally 3,333yrds
      • S - ???

    • Feature [Furred Legs (0 points) | Axillary ability – cosmetics only.
      Character has two heavily furred legs. In her case, coloured and shaped like that of a deer.
    • Feature [Tail (0 points) | Axillary ability – cosmetics only.
      Character has a small deer-shaped tail.
    • Feature [Cloven Hooves (0 points) | Axillary ability – cosmetics only.
      Character has cloven hooves instead of feet.
    • Feature [Antlers (0 points) | Axillary ability – cosmetics only.
      Character has small deer-antlers atop her head.

    • Educated [Frolicking] F (7 points) | Character Grade E
      this skill may only be taken once

      Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
      [Frolicking] Islwyn might not have 'worked' the traditional way, but her lifestyle sure allowed her to pick up a few particular skills. For one, she's a pretty good gambler and knows some [Gaming]. Secondarily, she can go all-out on the dance floor and knows how to put up a [Performance]. Finally, she knows how to get along with those that catch her fancy with some [Seduction].
    • Language [Sylvan] (native speaker – 0 points) | Auxiliary E - Grade Intelligence
    • Language [Common] (free on creation – 0 points) | Auxiliary E - Grade Intelligence
    • Lucky F (7 points) | Axillary - E Grade Character - ability
      Character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp.
      • F - 2 Posts per rp
      • E - 4 Posts per rp
      • D - 6 Posts per rp
      • C - 8 Posts per rp
      • B - 10 Posts per rp
      • A - 12 Posts per rp
      • S - ???

    • Acrobatics F (7 points) | E Grade Precision
      The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
    • Gaming F (Educated – 0 points)
      The ability to comprehend and play various games and simulations well, including both games of chance and of luck. Also covers knowledge of gambling strategies.
    • Performance [Dancing] F (Educated – 0 points)
      The ability to perform well before an audience – with music, dance, acting, or storytelling – and to evoke an emotional response through the art form. Greater the skill grade, the larger the audience and more varied their composition that will be impacted by the character's skills.
    • Seduction F (Educated – 0 points)
      A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic inclinations and sexual preferences.

    • Jump-Kick – Jumping E, Acrobatic F – Character jump-kicks their opponent, using the force of their jump to try to force their enemy to back-step. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
    • Jump-Dodge – Jumping E, Acrobatics F – Character uses their jumping and acrobatics to jump away from danger - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown
    • Charming Dance – Seduction F, Performance [Dancing] F – Character puts up a dancing performance meant to charm others. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
    • Charm – Seduction F, – Character attempts to charm others. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
    • Jackpot – Gaming F, Lucky F – Character uses their knowledge and luck to win at any tame that relies on even the slightest type of luck. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
    • Social Metagaming – Gaming F, Performance [Dancing] F, Seduction F - Character uses their social skills and fluent dancing movements to influence and charm people just right for them to move towards the bigger picture desired by the character. Approaches social situation through a gaming perspective (as if it were a dating simulation). - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown

    • N/A

    • backpack
    • some costumes
    • candles
    • rations
    • flasks of booze
    • waterskin
    • questionable herbs
    • more flasks of booze

    • N/A

    Change Log:
    • Creation: Strength D (14 points)
    • Creation: Precision E (7 points)
    • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
    • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
    • Creation: Jumping E (14 points)
    • Creation: Feature [Furred Legs] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
    • Creation: Feature [Tail] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
    • Creation: Feature [Cloven Hooves] (Cosmetics only – 0 points)
    • Creation: Feature [Antlers] (Cosmetics only - 0 points)
    • Creation: Educated [Frolicking] F (7 points)
    • Creation: Language [Sylvan] (Native speaker - 0 points)
    • Creation: Language [Common] (Free on creation - 0 points)
    • Creation: Lucky (7 points)
    • Creation: Acrobatics (7 points)
    • Creation: Abilities [Jump-Kick], [Jump-Dodge], [Charm], [Jackpot] and [Social Metagaming].

Change Log:
  • Creation: Intelligence E (7 points)
  • Creation: Vitality E (7 points)
  • Creation: Feature [Plant Body] (Transformative – 0 points.)
  • Creation: Feature [Missing Heart's Seed] (Transformative – 0 points.)
  • Creation: Feature [Plant Digestion][/B] (Transformative - 0 points.)
  • Creation: Feature [Plant Resting] (Transformative - 0 points.)
  • Creation: [Piercing] Resistance F (7 points)
  • Creation: Language [Sylvan] (Native speaker – 0 points)
  • Creation: Language [Common] (Free on creation – 0 points)
  • Creation: [Asset] Connected E - [The See] – Messenger (14 points)
  • Creation: Companion [Keone Nagendra] (35 points)
  • Creation: Companion [Islwyn Meadhra] (35 points)[
  • [08-11-2022] Earned 7 points from the "Turkey Mayhem Phase 1" contest!
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Yukan Koyake
Rp'er Name:TheTimePiece
Post Frequency:
As frequent as possible when it’s time for turn.
Discord Name: Ferio#5362
Current RP: N/A
Have a successful military career.
Rise in rank and standing.
Long term goals:
Establish a fully united Kurdian, under one eternal lord as Emperor, bring glory to Kuridan.
Liberate enslaved beasts around the realm.
Equipped Titles:

A race of humanoid Tanuki beast people who originate in Kuridan.
Requirements: Feature: Tanuki Fur, Feature:Tanuki Ears, Feature:Tanuki Eyes Feature: Tanuki Muzzle Feature: Tanuki Tail,
Natural Weapons Feature: Tanuki Claws F , Feature: Tanuki Teeth, Darkvision F, Heightened Sense [Smell] F

[Koyake Clan Associate] F
Title holder is associated with the Koyake Clan from Kuridan. The Koyake clan is a group of Tanuki beast people historically involved in forming a military shogunate governing body who claim common ancestry to a prestigious figure. At F Grade associate title holder's claim that they share ancestry is accepted. At basic association level, holder benefits from having basic access to some of clan owned amenities and spaces. Clan associate F member may be summoned by higher ranking members in clan to help meet clan objectives, or task with work deemed unsuited for more important members with higher standing in clan.

Height: 5’6
Weight: 140 lbs
Backstory: World Native
Current Life: Yukan grew up in the Republic of Kuridan his whole life. Because of this fact he has a deep appreciation for martial ability as well as military strategy, and holds an appreciation for Kuridan culture, history and tradition. He claims ancestry from the Koyake clan, a clan of Tanuki who claim common ancestry to a legendary rice kingdom Tanuki royalty, who apparently was involved in legendary feats of power, from the days of old in Kuridan. Yukan is also somewhat proud because the Koyake clan was a clan which was historically fundamental in establishing a Shogunate administrative region in Kuridan. Yukan is a particularly driven individual. He wishes to Yukan currently is aspiring for a successful military career and wishes to better and strengthen Kuridan and beasts in the realm as a whole, as well as abolish beast slavery.
Acquired Titles: [Beast][Tanuki][Koyake Clan Associate]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - E (7)
  • Feature: Tanuki Fur
  • Feature:Tanuki Ears
  • Feature:Tanuki Eyes
  • Feature: Tanuki Muzzle
  • Feature: Tanuki Tail
  • Natural Weapons Feature: Tanuki Claws F (14)
  • Feature: Tanuki Teeth
  • Darkvision F(7)
  • Heightened Sense [Smell] F (7)
  • Republic of Kuridan Etiquette F (7)
  • Leadership F (7)
  • Republic of Kuridan Culture F (7)
  • Connected F (7) (Koyake Clan Associate)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Language: Common [Free]
  • Language: Beast [Free]

  • Tatami Armor set (Light) F(7) Standard armor commonly found on low ranking Koyake military personnel. Made of leather hexagon plates connected together by kusari, and sewn to a cloth backing. Dark green and black colored. Includes lacquered wood Jingasa Helmet.
  • Yari F (7) Blade tipped long spear commonly used in Koyake shogunate armies.
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Green Dōbuku: Overgarment cloth open jacket top, for wearing outside and inside. Perfect for casual occasions.
  • Hakama Cloth pants: for outside and inside wear. Works great when worn with the Dōbuku.
  • Wooden Sandals
  • Sashimono: Small wooden poled back banner flag that identifies Shogun Body Crest and Family clan Crest in combat. Smaller low rank sized.
  • Koyake Clan Associate F
Change Log:

  • N/A
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Arelson Flynnest Vaux
Rp'er Name: Volkie Volkie
Post Frequency:
Daily to Weekly, 3 - 4 days tops.
Discord Name:Beetlebug#4530
Current RP:

- "His goal in life? Well, it's pretty simple. Y'know how there's many bodies in water of varying sizes? Well, some have fish, right? But there's a specific set of standards to it. The size of the water body, The variety of fish in it, the reproduction rates of said fish species, The weather cycles, surrounding nature... A-ah, Arelson was rambling again. Sorry about that, ehe.. What he means is, somewhere out there, is just the right spot for your fishing needs. It's like finding a lover if you think about it." (Find the true best Fishing spot in the IH world.)

Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5'1
Weight: 128.5 Pounds
Backstory: Native to IH
Current Life: Will be worked on Later
Acquired Titles: [Human]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent:105
Points Not Spent:
Strength - D (14)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - D (14) - 49 Points Stats. E grade Character
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - E (7)
  • Attentive Student E (14)
  • Educated F (7)
    - Animal Handling - "Even in the death of an Animal, you must still treat it like how you'd treat a person. Comfort it in death, and ensure it's peace."
    - Navigation - "To know what you seek is to also know where you go to seek it. Placing a trail or knowing the landmarks you passed is vital."
    - Nature - "The weather around a fishing spot matters as much as it's surroundings. Can't get good results if it's too hot, too cold, or too rainy."
  • Asset F [Cottage] (7)
  • Survival E (14)
  • Seduction F (7)
  • Domestic Arts F (7)
  • Fishing Rod

(land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log:
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Theme: TBD
Rp'er Name: SilverFeathers
Post Frequency: Every few days/when it's my turn
Discord Name: Feathers95#5653
Current RP: ---
Goals: Reunite with her nephew in the Ryozo clan.
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Owlfolk]
Weight: 110 lbs
Backstory: World Native
Current Life: Oden was once a rambunctious and aspirational little owlet, born to the Aritomo clan of white owls. She worked hard in all aspects, from archery training to endless studying, but what greeted her in the end was nothing but a clan on the brink of self-destruction by the time she was an adult. The Aritomo patriarch was a powerful man, but a fool, whereas his wife was cunning and wise, but weak-hearted. As their relationship soured, the clan was split in two, and despite the tireless efforts of many including Oden, the entire clan self-destructed in the end.

As the Aritomo clan split apart, and scattered like flies across the republic of Kuridan, Oden suddenly became a wanderer, her efforts for the last 55 years of her life crumbling to dust. Resigned to living the rest of her older years peacefully and aimlessly, her only goal is to reunite with her nephew in the Ryozo clan of owls, a clan distantly related to her previous one. The Ryozo clan is stable and strong despite being mostly known as assistants to the Koyake Clan, one of the founding families of the Nara no Nox Shogunate, hence Oden is somewhat curious about what her life there would be like, if she can prove her worth as an elder.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Owlfolk]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - C
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - F
  • Speed - F
  • Overall - E
  • Cosmetic:
    • Feature: Feathers
    • Feature: Owl Ears
    • Feature: Owl Eyes
    • Feature: Owl Beak
    • Feature: Wings
  • Utility:
    • Feature [Darkvision] Can see normally in the dark
    • Feature [Talons] Can strike back unarmed
    • Feature [270° Head Rotation] Can rotate head 270° in either direction
  • Languages: Common & Beast
  • Flight F (3 mph/30ft)
  • Heightened Sense F [Hearing]
  • Steady Hands F
  • Educated F [Scholarly Elder]
    • Culture F "Those clans seem to be on neutral terms on the surface, but their livelihoods are thoroughly intertwined. Strike one, and you make an enemy of them all."
    • History F "The war of the races was much more than just the birth of Ryke. Even now, the remnants of that time period cover the land."
    • Persuasion F "I taught those children everything I knew. Though scattered across Kuridan now, I hope they will remember this old one's words."
  • Ability (Grade ? / ? Post CD)
    • Skills
    • Description
      • Notes
  • Steeled Sky (Yumi F)
    • A traditional asymmetrical bow wielded by the warriors of Kuridan. This one has been painted an inconspicuous grey, similar to the pigments of Oden's own feathers. Its grip is crudely wrapped with a pale cloth, with the Aritomo clan's kamon printed in its center.
  • Talons F
  • Backpack
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Embroidered scale-like shawl
  • ---
Change Log:
  • Total: 105
    -7 for strength E
    -0 for vitality F
    -0 for speed F
    -21 for precision C
    -7 for intelligence E
    Overall: 7 -> 7 = Grade E Character Grade
    -0 Cosmetic stuff is free
    -7 Feature [Darkvision] Can see normally in the dark
    -7 Feature [Talons] Can strike back unarmed
    -7 Feature [270° Head Rotation] Can rotate head 270° in either direction
    -0 Languages: Common & Beast
    -21 Flight F (3 miles per hour) (C GRADE PRE REQ)
    -7 Heightened Sense F [Hearing] (E GRADE INT REQ)
    -7 Steady Hands F (E GRADE PRE REQ)
    -7 Educated F [Scholarly Elder] (E GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • Culture F
    • History F
    • Persuasion F
    • Items

    -7 Yumi F [Steeled Sky] (E GRADE PREC REQ)
    Starting Gear
    Embroidered scale-like shawl
  • ??/??/22: +? for ???
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Kellum Garelemond
anime, male, black hair, short hair, isekai s-1629236867.png
Theme: WIP
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency: As the pacing allows.
Discord Name: Saxon#1332
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Kellum plans to explore the world to the far reaches and deliver justice to those who need it.
Equipped Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior
Height: 5'11
Weight: 160
Backstory: Kellum was a lawyer in his previous life, spending thousands of thousands of dollars on his education. The first few years made his realize that law was not for him. Though he knew he had to pay off the debt that he had so he was going to remain a lawyer for as long as he could to pay off his debt, then he could change careers. On his way to a trial he stepped off the train and a blue light appeared around him, teleporting him to a different world.
Current Life: When the blue light vanished, he realized he was in a body different than his own. He also realized that he could walk to find out he had been put into a child's body. He later found out that he was in a small farming village off near the border of the western empire. He spent most of his early years in that village until he fell through a hole into a forgotten ruin. Looking around the chamber, he found a hallway leading to another room. In the middle of this room was a halberd planted into the ground. Upon touching it, the Halberd reacted as it changed into a girl. He eventually carried the girl up to the surface when he found the way out. Which eventually led him to leave his village to explore what other mysteries this world had.
Acquired Titles: Laywer [Educated], Human, Warrior
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - F
  • Companion F (35)
  • Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] E (Blight F (Poison), Continuing F) (14)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Heightened Sense F (7, Hearing)
  • Educated F (7)
  • Academia F (educated)
  • Insight F (educated)
  • Law F (educated)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Yapparkuni - Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] F (Blight F (Poison) - The user delivers an attack which deals poison damage to the target. It must be within melee distance. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dokusanin - Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] E (Blight F (Poison), Continuing F), - The user attacks a target dealing poison damage and applies the poisoned effect for 1 post. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Name: Chisato
new female oc.png
Equipped Titles: Human, Construct
Acquired Titles: Human, Construct, Abomination
Points at Start:
98 (70 Companion, 28 Transformation)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 98
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G (+7)
Precision - G (+7)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - E (7)


Stats: +56 from negative stats
[*]Weapon Form:
[*]Strength - H (+14)
[*]Precision - H (+14)
[*]Intelligence - G (+7)
[*]Vitality - D (14)
[*]Speed - H (+14)
Transformation Skills
  • [Physical] resistance F (21)
  • Natural Armor (Orichalcium Skin) F (14)
  • Corossion Resistance F (14)
  • Feature Skill: Mixed Race (7)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Spell Duration F (7)

Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Weapon Form - Transformation E, Magic E, Spell Duration F - Transforms into her halberd form. Transformation Lasts for 1 hour or until the user cancels the ability - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • light Armor F (7)
  • Amulet E (14, Magic Catalyst)

Character creation:
  • Transformation F (28)
  • Feature Skill: Mixed Race (7)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - E (7)
  • light Armor F (7)
  • Amulet E (14, Magic Catalyst)
  • Precision - G (+7)
  • Strength - G (+7)
  • [Physical] resistance F (21)
  • Natural Armor (Orichalcium Skin) F (14)
  • Corossion Resistance E (14)
  • Strength - H (+14)
  • Precision - H (+14)
  • Intelligence - G (+7)
  • Vitality - D (14)
  • Speed - H (+14)

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Heavy Armor F (7)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log:

Character Creation (29 OCT, 2022)
  • Strength - D (14)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - D (14)
  • Companion F (35)
  • Fighting Style [Living Weapon, halbard] E (Blight F (Poison), Continuing F) (14)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Heightened Sense F (7, Hearing)
  • Educated F (7)
  • Academia F (educated)
  • Insight F (educated)
  • Law F (educated)
  • Heavy Armor F (7)
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  • zECIj9f.jpg

Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:

Discord Name:

Current RP:

Find the Shelongri survivor
Find other tortle tribes
Regain healing magic

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Tortle

Tortle: = 5'9"
WereTortle = 7'8"

Tortle: = 188 lbs
WereTortle = 344 lbs

World Native~

A peaceful individual of insurmountable kindness and patience, Tedyk was a born to the peaceful Shelongri tribe of tortles living within The See. Despite originating from The Republic to the north, recent conflicts with certain warmongering tribes forced them to take refuge within the realm of the Fae to the south. While the Fae initially found themselves guarded and cautious regarding these newfound visitors, they would eventually accept the Shelongri into their territory. After several hundred years, both parties were closely allied with one another; with the Shelongri being taught the magics of the forest so long as they prayed to the local nature goddess.

Tedyk was among the many who was taught this healing magic. He initially found work as a monk for a local shrine, praying allegiance to both the nature spirit and seeing himself as a stoic protector of both it and his village. As a youngster, he was initially a stubborn and hard-headed individual; quick to disregard orders and use his fists to solve problems rather than his head. This problematic behavior would soon be beaten out of him by his dojo master - Alumvi - who rigorously taught him the primary aspects of proper humility and in maintaining a peaceful balance within himself. Slowly, but steadily, Tedyk's bolstering energy would begin to subside and he'd find himself becoming a proper and respectable monk of the order.

But the tribe's time of peace would be rudely interrupted by the sudden appearance of a dark elven clan laying waste to the Shelongri village. The monks were the first line of defense against the approaching foes, but would find themselves quickly overpowered by a dark elf warlock - who used the power of his dark war god to rip through their defenses. One by one, each monk fell, til Tedyk was the last one standing. Despite fairing surprisingly well with the warlock, he too found himself on the brink of defeat; seeing a long rapier dashing towards his throat as he lain prone.

Yet moments before his demise was finalized, the nature spirit sprung from Tedyk's body and parried away the strike, before using all of her strength and energy to subdue the dark lord and vanquish the warlock. With both their leaders dead, the dark elves would go into an absolute frenzy and continue their assault on the village and on Tedyk himself. Without his connection to the nature spirit, Tedyk seemed destined to die on that day. Just as a blade was ready to strike down on the poor tortle however, he felt was the presence of a new being embracing his conscious. This one being of raw, coursing power and rage. It was an oddly familiar essence, yet one that seemed to go against the very teachings of his old spirit. The aggressive energy he suppressed for all those years would rapidly rise to the surface of his essence and embrace it; causing Tedyk to transform into a new hulking form of muscle and savagery.

A weretortle was born; made manifested by an old, almost forgotten Shelongri spirit of strength that had sensed the approaching extinction of the tribe.

With his new form, Tedyk was quick to make short work out of every remaining dark elf still in the vicinity; ripping them in half with his behemoth arms and chomping off limbs with his massive sharp beak. When it was all said and done, Tedyk found himself standing amiss the flaming scorching ruins of what was once his home. Yet as he reverted back to his normal form, he swore that he saw a tortle-like figure flee the ruins and disappear into the forest. Too late to follow the only remaining connection to the event, Tedyk, horrified of what he had became, fled the scene in shame and disgust of himself...

Now a humble wanderer, Tedyk finds himself traveling across the world in order to find a newfound purpose in life. Like all werebeasts, Tedyk knew he'd have to keep his composure in check so as not to revert to his alternate self. If he is to get too passionate or angry, it would risk releasing his inner beast within. While still generally keeping to his peaceful and stoic mannerisms, he also lost all of his healing magic once belonging to the nature spirit. His only hope now was to find this mysterious tortle individual and perhaps find others of his kind in which to start anew and regain his lost healing magics.

Acquired Titles:
Beast, Tortle

Points at Start:
105 (+28 "Transformation")

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent:

Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F

  • Fighting Style F [Way of the Staff] | (Weapon Type: [Staff]) (7 Pts) - A fighting style Tedyk utilizes when wielding his staff.
    • Area [F]
  • Fighting Style E [Way of the Beast] | (Weapon Type: [Natural Weapons]) (14 Pts) - Were-tortle exclusive; Tedyk uses his sheer bulk and might to brutally dispatch any foe in his way.
    • Area [F]
    • Quake [F]
  • Transformation F [Were-Tortle] (28 Pts) - Tedyk transforms into a larger more monstrous-looking bipedal turtle beast, with enhanced strength and power (Not to be confused with his default Tortle form).
  • Feature F [Hard Shell] (7 Pts)
  • Super-Strength E [Were-Beast Exclusive] (28 Pts)

  • "Reaching Strike" - [Fighting Style F, Area F] - [F] - COOLDOWN +1 - Tedyk will strike forward with his staff for as far as it can to hit his opponent.
  • Swift Whirlwind: - [Fighting Style F, Area F] - [F] - COOLDOWN +0 - Tedyk rapidly spins around while extending his staff to hit any opponents within a 10 meter radius.
  • Vaulting Strike: - [Fighting Style F, Area F] - [E] - COOLDOWN +0 - Tedyk uses his staff to vault himself into the air and strikes down upon his chosen opponent.
  • "Sweeping-Impact" - [Fighting Style F, Area F, Transformation F] - [F] - COOLDOWN +0 -Tedyk would swipe the room in a furry of arm swipes and bites within a wide reach.
  • Earthshaking Slam: - [Fighting Style E, Super-Strength E, Area F, Quake F, Transformation F] - [E] - COOLDOWN +1 - Tedyk slams either his foot, shell or two fists down on the ground with incredible force, causing the surrounding area within 10 meters to shake violently for several seconds.
  • Shell Charge: - [Fighting Style E, Super-Strength E, Feature F] - COOLDOWN +1 - Tedyk charges at the opponent and twists around mid-charge to hit it with its shell.

  • Double Mace Staff F (7 Pts) -
  • Natural Weapons F [Fists, Beak] (14)
  • Heavy Shell Armor F
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Fancy Mat
  • N/A
  • N/A

Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • ~
  • ~
  • ~
  • ~
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Rp'er Name: Garbage Pail Kid
Post Frequency:
1-3 times/week
Discord Name: Garbage Pail Kid #4084
Current RP: Embers of Heartache
Goals: To stamp out monsters and evil with severe prejudice.
Equipped Titles: [Human; Grafted] [Martial Artist]
Height: 7' 9"
Weight: 280 lbs
Backstory: The Sorrow-Sworn Raiders were among the most cruel, pillaging lands across Ryke that were the farthest from their strongest kingdoms and fortresses, preying on the weak with terrible savagery. Their Chief enacting plans far more sinister than his brethren were lead to believe as he started to consort with mysterious forces from an unknown desert, offering boons in return for prime bodies, young ones. They promised him a progeny that would exceed any living heir of his infamous reputation. The Mort Mortalis created him an unholy union of his own wishes and design. One of pure wrath and conquest; Brunhilda, The Ruin, was born.

She grew up as humans did and never truly knowing the force of nature she was created to be. She was only ever to refer to him as Chief and was treated as harshly, if not more so, than his own raiders. She was forced to partake in their raids and decentered her sense of natural law with his own beliefs of warfare and ownership. He, despite all his best efforts, only drove hatred of him into her heart unrelenting. She hated the tribe she had been born into and the man who ran it most of all. She bided her time and did what was asked of her until the day she could free herself...or by some chance be freed.
Current Life: Her life is one of discourse now, free from the clutches of her father, but not his influence, lost in a sea of potential and confusion.
Acquired Titles: [Construct: Rune-Kin] [Martial Artist]
Points at Start: 127 (+22)
Points Earned: 22(From Scooping)
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - C|28
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - E|7
Speed - E|7
  • 14|Fighting Style-E Grade[Combat Sambo]-A specialized variation of Sambo that involves mixed martial arts of several different styles. An array of punches, kicks, elbows, and knees; additionally throws, chokes, wristbars, and locks. These all culminating into a ferocious crystallization of savagery.
    14|[Howling Brim'Ruus E]-Linked-Runes across her body allow her legs and arms greater mobility when striking, capable of throwing additional strikes after her first.
    [Writ of Lomet F]-Knockback-imprinted tattoos on her fists and feet give them much greater weight when she punches or kicks, laying her enemies low.
  • 14|Superstrength(200 lbs)-F Grade
  • 7|Resilience[Fatigue]-F Grade
  • 7}Tunneling-F Grade
  • Breakneck Bulwark-[3 Attacks] Combat Sambo E, Howling Brim'Ruus E[linked], Writ of Lomet F[Knockback], Superstrength F - Hilda unleashes a whirlwind of kicks and punches that string into different stances - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Angry Excavation- Superstrength F, Resilience [Fatigue] F, Tunneling F - She uses her strength and long built up rage to burrow her way through the ground with reckless punches - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • 28|Natural Weapons (Fists,Feet,Arms,Legs,Head,Horns)-E Grade

Change Log:
  • October 29th- Character Creation
    -Scooped Wirejaw for 22 points
    -42 points went into Stats
    -14 Points for E Grade Fighting Style [Combat Sambo]
    -14 Points for D Grade Tech Core Linked [Howling Brim'Ruus]
    -14 Points for F Grade Superstrength
    -7 Points for F Grade Resilience [Fatigue]
    -7 Points for F Grade Tunneling
    -28 Points for E Grade Natural Weapons
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