Professional of Nonsensical Tangents
Rp'er Name: Voider
Post Frequency: 48-72hr or more is preferred
Discord Name: Set as Voider in the IH discord
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Short-term: Harness the ice and cold, for both protection, and to deepen the connection to his nature. Long-term: Learn more about this world, and establish a secure home in cold terrain, or create one himself.
Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Abomination], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F], [Rico’s Roughneck], [Ice Box]
Height: 3'6"
From paws to top of head (not including ears), assuming raised posture of neck as shown in picture
Weight: 260lbs
Normal Theme
Battle Theme
Vehement Battle Theme
Battle Theme
Vehement Battle Theme
Rp'er Name: Voider
Post Frequency: 48-72hr or more is preferred
Discord Name: Set as Voider in the IH discord
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Short-term: Harness the ice and cold, for both protection, and to deepen the connection to his nature. Long-term: Learn more about this world, and establish a secure home in cold terrain, or create one himself.
Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Beast], [Abomination], [Glacial Fox], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Snowflake in a Blizzard], [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F], [Rico’s Roughneck], [Ice Box]
Height: 3'6"
From paws to top of head (not including ears), assuming raised posture of neck as shown in picture
Weight: 260lbs
Glacier currently does not have resistance to the ice/cold, so contrary to implication, he is just as vulnerable to such effects as anyone else.
An innocent fox, agonizingly transformed to ice by it's captors...
A secret experiment, deemed a failure by it's conductors...
A soul from another world, drawn to an empty vessel...
...a sculpture of ice animated, a soul given form, and an elemental connection created.
An innocent fox, agonizingly transformed to ice by it's captors...
A secret experiment, deemed a failure by it's conductors...
A soul from another world, drawn to an empty vessel...
...a sculpture of ice animated, a soul given form, and an elemental connection created.
Current Life: He woke up in a dark area, unsure of what was happening. He quickly discovered that he was a fox, one made entirely of ice, with a bright core in his chest. Turning his head around the room, he saw it somewhat lit from his core's light; it was a cave. Various instruments and papers were strewn about, though he was unsure as to what any of them were. After studying them for a few minutes, he decided to find a way out of the cave. When he found the exit and walked into the open, he was stunned by the view. A vast landscape below, angling upwards as it reached his position, a snowy mountain range.
He experimented and explored the surroundings for days, before coming to a decision. He vaguely recalled being given a mission in relation to this world, and he would have to leave the safety of the cave at some point. Thus, he finally set off from the mountains, unsure as to what the future held. He... what was his name? "All sapient beings have a name... yet I do not remember any from before..." Standing on his four legs amidst the snow, he appeared as a statue of ice as he pondered. "Perhaps my name shall be... Glacier... I like that."
He experimented and explored the surroundings for days, before coming to a decision. He vaguely recalled being given a mission in relation to this world, and he would have to leave the safety of the cave at some point. Thus, he finally set off from the mountains, unsure as to what the future held. He... what was his name? "All sapient beings have a name... yet I do not remember any from before..." Standing on his four legs amidst the snow, he appeared as a statue of ice as he pondered. "Perhaps my name shall be... Glacier... I like that."
Acquired Titles:
[Construct] - Materialized of ice and centered around a core, Glacier is surely a construct of some kind, but not entirely so.
[Beast] - Despite his inorganic nature, Glacier retains the shape, movement, and senses of a fox. Perhaps a clue to his origins?
[Abomination] - Glacier is an odd specimen of two drastically different types of beings; how his body was created is unknown to him.
[Glacial Fox] - An artificial race of fox that is scarcely known of, let alone seen. Purposefully transformed against its will from organic to inorganic, only their sapience is of the fox's own design. Bestowed with a deep connection to the ice and cold, glacial foxes are entwined with their element, capable of learning immense feats in their domain. Coupled with the inorganic body, their full potential is yet to be realized.
[Ryken Adventurer E] - Glacier has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While he still has a ways to go, Glacier at least knows the basics now.
[Snowflake in a Blizzard] - Glacier is a novice when it comes to his icy potential
[Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]
[Rico’s Roughneck] - Glacier is a survivor of Rico’s raid, descending into the hive as a decoy and have been baptized in bug blood. Characters with this title will viewed with friendly looks and actions from those who have witnessed the war with the bugs firsthand.
[Ice Box] - Glacier has used his magic to help people create ice.
[Fates Chosen] - (Link) Demeter x Glacier - [+1 Battle Effectiveness when teaming up with fated partner.] Two souls entwined by fate, their connection forged in a dream of early spring. Together, their bond grants them strength in battle.
- [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
- [Bestial Eyes] - Typically no or very little white showing. Pupil shape falls into one of three main types: horizontally elongated, circular, or vertically elongated.
- [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
- [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
- [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
- [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
- [Ice Body] - The character's body is comprised entirely of un-melting, magically infused ice.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 304
Points Spent: 350
Points Not Spent: 59
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - D
Speed - C
Movement Skills:
- Teleport F
- Telekinesis F
- Fighting Style: Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F
Cold Wave: Blight [Cold] F - Glacier causes his opponent to experience a brief but rapid decrease in body temperature.
Magic Skills:- [Ice] Affinity E
- Componentless Magic E
- Energized E
- Magic E
- Magic Range F
- Appraisal E
- Supersense - Thermal Vision E
- Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E
- Language [Common, Beastial, Analog]
- Minions F [Foxes of Ice] (Summon-able type; tied to Magic skill & [Ice] Affinity)
- Pocket Dimension F
- Investigation F
- Thermal Shock F - Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F, Blight [Cold] F, Energized F - Glacier attempts to hit his opponent with a cold empowered strike, with the intent of rapidly decreasing the target's body temperature. - N/A Post Cooldown
- Calculated Frozen-Jab E - Appraisal E, Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F, Blight [Cold] F, Energized E - Glacier abruptly and speedily appraises his target, using the garnered knowledge to then jab them with his muzzle, doing so as best suited to the circumstances. If successful, a frigidness seeps into and through the target. - 0 Post Cooldown - 2 Actions
- Foxes of Ice F - [Ice] Affinity F, Componentless Magic F, Magic F, Minions [Foxes of Ice] F, Energized F - Glacier creates up to a total of 5 Foxes of Ice around himself to act as his minions, which he can give orders to. The Foxes of Ice will crumble and dissipate by the end of the round; however, they will respawn beside him upon reactivation of the ability. - N/A Post Cooldown
- Darting Icicle E - [Ice] Affinity E, Componentless Magic E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E - Glacier forms a short, sharp icicle next to himself, before sending it flying at a target or location up to [30ft] away. - 0 Post Cooldown
- [Natural Weapons] Body of Ice F - Glacier can hit, stab, and/or bite opponents with his legs, tail, muzzle, and jaw, all of which are solid ice.
- [Light Natural Armor] Ice E - Glacier's body of magically enhanced ice acts as a hard -though somewhat brittle- armor.
- [Natural Catalyst] Core D - Glacier's core allows him to conduct magical abilities. A new core has been given to Glacier, said to be an old artifact several hundred years old. With this new core, Glacier can unleash a blast of ice in a 10ft radius around himself as a last line of defense.
- OverFowl(tm) – Cutler
• Type: Magic Item
• An OverFowl brand toy that resembles a griffin, and can be reassembled into a sleek model aeroplane. While in this form, providing a target will cause it to magically fly up to survey the area. Depending on whether it has located the provided target, or found no sign of it, the plane's lights will blink either white or red. A sticker on one of the wings claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
• The product comes with [Fly F], and [Affinity F – Light] included. - Don's Watch Curse
• Type of Item: Common Magic Item
• Special Effects: Don's Watch always tells perfect time and date to the holder. The watch also fills the holder's hand with heat when held in the presence of someone that has negative intentions for the watch holder.
• Curse: If used when someone has romantic feelings for the user, you will be tickled. - Elixir of the Verdant Patron
• Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type rp scene:
• Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
• Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
• Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
- [World Rp Certification] - An rp'er with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.
- [Winner's Chicken Dinner] - This unique asset grants Glacier a single use of the skill [Lucky F].
- [East Empire Acknowledgement Certificate] - This certificate is a physical item on your person that can be presented if ever questioned about your freedom or right to participate in East Empire society. Mainly for former criminals, slaves, constructs, or beastmen. Can be used as protection against slavers and in some cases blade runners.
- [Jack-O-Lantern Knight Head] - A strange hollowed out orange skinned pumpkin which never seems to rot and its' light source never seems to go out. Has a face carved into it with a plant fiber handle attached to the top. Emits a warm yellow orangey glow in an aoe around the holder. (Narrator Discretion) Makes for a great decoration! Earned from the 2023 Isekai Hell October Halloween event.
- [Eastern Empire Military Reputation F] The Eastern Empire has thanked you for your service during the operation and was pleased by your progress.
- [Friend of Ethel (Guard of Stonewall F)]
- [Friend of Inola (Chef of Stonewall) F]
- [Letter of the Heart] - (Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance) - Grade: E - Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.
Disclaimer: I'm picky with minor details sometimes, so I may make small changes that don't affect points/mechanics (such as descriptions) here and there. I will always keep an update of the latest minor change I've made, in order to follow the rules, though insignificant changes will have their place in the log deleted once they are no longer the latest one.
Change Log:
Change Log:
- Acquired [Abomination] (7pts)
- Upgraded Strength F -> Strength E (7pts)
- Upgrades Intelligence F -> Intelligence E (7pts)
- Upgraded Vitality F -> Vitality D (14pts)
- Upgraded Speed F -> Speed E (7pts)
- Acquired Fighting Style: Whirling Ice [Natural Weapons] F (7pts)
- Acquired Tech Core "Frostbite" Blight F (Free)
- Acquired Appraisal F (Free)
- Acquired Language [Common, Analog] (Free)
- Acquired Magic F (7pts)
- Acquired Resilient [Fatigue, Incapacitation] E (14pts)
- Acquired [Natural Weapon] Body of Ice F (14pts)
- Acquired [Light Natural Armor] Ice F (7pts)
- Acquired [Natural Catalyst] Core F (14pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 105]
- Upgraded Appraisal F -> Appraisal E (Free)
- Added [Beastial] to Language (Free)
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Arcane Proving Grounds
- Acquired 33 pts
- Acquired Title [Ryken Adventurer F]
- Acquired Minions F [Foxes of Ice] (14pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 119]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired 7pts
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Whispering Pests
- Acquired 29pts
- Upgraded [Ryken Adventurer F] -> [Ryken Adventurer E]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell - Newsletters
- Acquired Asset [Winner's Chicken Dinner]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] September 2023 World Training Event
- Acquired 7pts
- Acquired Asset [World Rp Certification]
- Fantasy - (Isekai Hell) Eastern Empire: Weed Whackers Inc.
- Acquired 16pts
- Acquired Asset [East Empire Acknowledgement Certificate]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired 7pts
- Acquired Asset [Jack-O-Lantern Knight Head]
- Upgraded Intelligence E -> Intelligence D (7pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 126]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired 7pts
- Acquired Item [OverFowl(tm) – Cutler]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] (Caelia Barony) – Barony Reforged
- Acquired 37pts
- Acquired Title [Snowflake in a Blizzard]
- Upgraded Magic F > Magic E (7pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 133]
- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The White Elephant of Hyroth Returns
Acquired Item [Don's Watch] (2/4/2024)
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired Skill [Supersense - Thermal Vision E] (7pts earned/spent)
- [Total Points Spent: 140]
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired 7pts
- Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
- Acquired Item [Elixir of the Verdant Patron]
- Marketplace - Marketplace
- Acquired 7pts
- Community - ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~
- Acquired 7pts
- Graded - [Azuran City] *✧・゚Mystery at the Valeriana Manor*✧・゚
- Acquired 16pts
- Acquired Title [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]
- Acquired Skill [Investigation F] - if skill is claimed, add 7pts to earned and spent.
- [Total Points Spent: 147]
- Upgraded Speed E -> Speed D (7pts)
- Movement
- Acquired Teleport F (21pts)
- Mental
- Acquired Telekinesis F (28pts)
- Magic
- Acquired [Ice] Affinity E (14pts)
- Acquired Componentless Magic E (42pts)
- Acquired Energized E (14pts)
- Acquired Magic Range F (7pts)
- Miscellaneous
- Acquired Pocket Dimension F (14pts)
- Equipment
- Upgraded [Light Natural Armor] Ice F -> [Light Natural Armor] Ice E (14pts)
- Upgraded [Natural Catalyst] Core F -> [Natural Catalyst] Core E (14pts)
- [Total Points Spent: 322]
- Community - [2024 World Low combat] Operation: Rico's Raid
- Acquired 40pts
- Acquired Title [Rico's Roughneck]
- = = =
- Acquired Asset [Eastern Empire Military Reputation F] (Yes, I know the grading says Fae See; that's incorrect. I signed up Glacier on the Empire side, and Saxon said it should indeed be for the Eastern Empire. He didn't edit the grading though. :/ )
- Upgraded Speed D > Speed C
- Upgraded Intelligence D > Intelligence C
- Add 21pts to earned & spent.
- = = =
- Upgraded [Natural Catalyst] Core E > [Natural Catalyst] Core D (+Special Ability)
- [Total Points Spent: 343]
- Correcting mistake: Only 7pts were spent when first acquiring [Light Natural Armor] Ice F
- Spending 7pts to fix
- [Total Points Spent: 350]
- Community - ︶꒦꒷Oct2024 Haunted Festival꒷꒦︶
- Acquired 7pts
- Graded - [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) (N)ice to meet you again.
- Acquired 14pts
- Acquired Title [Ice Box]
- Acquired Asset [Friend of Ethel (Guard of Stonewall F)] - 7pts Acquired/Spent
- Acquired Asset [Friend of Inola (Chef of Stonewall) F] - 7pts Acquired/Spent
- Fixed calculation mistake for 8/28/2024, and the consequential point changes because of it
- Added Telekinesis F to the skill list
- Added recently gained friend assets to the asset list
- Thanks to Cutiefly for reviewing my sheet, and causing me to notice these problems!
- Community - ✿·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥❀ Feb25 Com Event ❀˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥♡·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥✿
- Acquired 14pts
- Acquired Title [Fates Chosen]
- Community - Feb25 Valentines Letters
- Acquired Item [Letter of the Heart]
Foxes of Ice
- [Ears: Fox] - Bestial ears shaped like those of a fox.
- [Glowing Eyes] - The eyes glow a bright blue.
- [Muzzle] - The mouth and nose region on bestial races that extends out from the face.
- [Serrated Teeth] - Sharp or jagged teeth perfect for tearing flesh.
- [Claws] - Sturdy, usually pointed, nails that grow out from the finger and toes.
- [Tail] - An extra appendage typically formed by an elongated tailbone extending from the base of the spine.
- [Ice Body] - The character's body is comprised entirely of unmelting, magically infused ice.
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - D
Movement Skills:
- Fast F
Fighting Style: [Natural Weapons] F
Frostbite - Continuing F
Miscellaneous Skills:
- Language [Analog]
- Frost-Bite - [Natural Weapons] F, Continuing F - The Fox of Ice in question attempts to bite it's opponent, severely freezing the area of injury. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
- [Natural Weapons] Body of Ice F - The Foxes of Ice can hit, stab, and/or bite opponents with their legs, tails, muzzles, and jaws, all of which are solid ice.
- [Light Natural Armor] Ice F - The Foxes of Ices' bodies of magically enhanced ice act as a hard -though somewhat brittle- armor.
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