• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Crimson Shooter
(Keith Intorious)

Post frequency; Every other day or daily, if not weekly posts if I’m busy.

Acquired titles; [Gunslinger] [ Flesh Golem] [Construct]

Equipped titles; [Gunslinger] [Flesh Golem] [Construct]

Height; 7’0”

In the past before being isekai’d he was a simple man who was in love with westerns since he was a little kid, always watching westerns and having the persona of a cowboy.
Not having lots of memory of his creation and who created him and why was he created?

All he knows is glimpses of the past of a mysterious woman building him and giving him the sense of life. Though when he awoken from his creation, there was no master too abide and follow. Waiting for years for them to show up, he decided to finally go on out of his own and see for himself to find out why he was created and who abandoned him.

Also still adapting the persona of a magical cowboy.

To become the best and fastest gunslinger of all time and history.

Figure out why he was created and who created him.

Points at start; 105
Points earned; 0
Points spent; 105

Strength- F (0)
Precision- B ( 28)
Intelligence- F (0)
Vitality- E (7)
Speed- E(7)
[Fighting Style; Gunslinger
Technique; Range
Grade F 7 points

Crimson shooter adapts the persona of a gunslinger, able to be quick with his draws and how to be dashingly stylish while in the midst of combat. Experienced with the ways of the magical revolver and threatening with a gun none the least.

[Steady Hands] Grade E 14 Points
Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move without taking penalties to action effectiveness.

Appraisal- F (0 Pints for isekai’d character)
Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.

Fast- Grade F (7 Points)
This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging

Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.

Being grade F, Crimson shooter can move 12 miles per hour and 60 feet per move.

Intimidation- Grade F (0)
The talent for influencing someone through overt threats,
hostile actions, and physical violence. How they react will depend on how tough
they are themselves in relation to the kind of threat the character presents
– they may respond with respect, fear, hatred, or amusement.
Magical revolver- Grade C ( 28)
[Steady Hands Grade E] [Fighting style; gunslinger, technique; range grade F] [ Fast grade F]
While in combat and on the move , Crimson Shooter can shoot a barrage of magical bullets without having to aim his magical revolver. The bullets are standard bullets and deal normal damage.

Ability cooldown; 1 post.

[ Duelist Stance]
[ Steady Hands Grade E ] [ Intimidation Grade F] [Fighting Style; Gunslinger Technique; Range grade F]
While entering duelist stance, Crimson Shooter becomes quite focused and his hand is above his revolver, entering his duelist stance, while in the duelist stance Crimson is highly threatening and once he sees that his enemy is preparing an attack he immediately fires, without having to aim, dealing higher damage than a standard bullet and leaving them nervous for a single post before they regain their composure.

Ability cooldown; 1 post
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Amanda Steelhaven (NPC Scooped To Dee)

Rp'er Name:Uasal
Post Frequency:
When Possible
Discord Name: Nacht
Current RP: Precision Trib
Goals: To gain employment, to rise through the political world, to put her countless hours of simulation games and history knowledge to good use in this medieval esc world.
Equipped Titles: Human, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Artificer, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Evolved, Alumni of Celestine Academy, High Human, Singularity Known, Nomad, Crafter, Prospector, Maimed
Height: 5'9
Weight: 124lbs
Backstory: Prior to meeting truck-kun, Amanda was a history and business student. Actually, she died on the way to her graduation but alas such is life. An avid simulation game player Amanda has sunk ungodly hours into games such as Civilization, Hearts of Iron, Humanity and Crusader Kings to name but a few. A history nerd and game addict Amanda couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to show off her skills! Unless of course she dies this time around too!
Current Life: Amanda grew up in a middle-class family within Sadek County. Her life thus far has been pretty normal save for the fact she's of course retained all her knowledge and memories from her previous life. A crude engineer Amanda has made simple yet effective changes to her family's life to make it easier and more profitable, having introduced crop rotation to her village as well as general irrigation and drainage. Having received a notice of a possible job offer from the new Baroness Amanda has elected to travel to the Barony and try her hand.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane Human, Intermediate Human, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Expert Tinkerer, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Isekai, Strategist, Liason, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Evolved, Alumni of Celestine Academy, High Human, Singularity Known, Nomad, Crafter, Prospector, Maimed
Height: 5'9

Class: Crafter
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 642
Points Spent: 589
Points Not Spent: 53
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Grade - C (15/20)​
Strength - F
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - F
Speed - A
[*]Artisan- Tinkerer B
[*]Artisan- Artificer B
[*]Sixth Sense B [Deception Sense, Composition Sight, Material Understanding, Mechanical Understanding, Danger Sense]
[*]Artisan- Enchanter B
[*]Architecture B
[*]Agriculture C
[*]Business C
[*]Warfare C
[*]Engineering C
[*]Law C
[*]Insight C
[*]Investigation C
[*]Mining C
[*]Fast E
[*]Educated D [Persuasion, Leadership, Physics]
[*]Attentive Student E
[*]Steady Hands F
[*]Riding F
[*]Lucky F
[*]Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F
[*]Companion F (see further for companion info)

[*]Appraisal D
[*]Language Common
[*]Language Terran
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • 10,000 Hours? Rookie Numbers! - Investigation C, Insight C- By focusing on her objective Amanda can quickly pinpoint the most effective manner in which to achieve her goal - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown. Applies to simulations and situations. Grade E-C - 1-3 Post Cooldown
  • A Gamer's 6th Sense (
    ) - Insight F-C - Amanda makes an attempt to feel whether something just isn't quite right with the current situation - Grade E-C - 1-3 Post Cooldown
  • Zoning is Crucial! - Insight C, Architecture C - Amanda calls upon her sim knowledge in order to effectively zone and plan city and town structures as well as rezone existing areas to better the logistics and future growth of areas as a whole. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

  • 'Big Iron' .44 Magnum - 100ft Effectiveness, Precision Based Weapon. A revolver made by Amanda to test her skills in Tinkering. B Grade
  • 'Geneva' Trench Gun - 100ft Effectiveness, Precision Based Weapon. A trench gun made by Amanda upon becoming an Expert Tinkerer. B Grade
  • 'Termopili' Light Retractable Shield, light armour. A Retractable Shield Like 'Aegis' made much lighter and smaller after many an experiment. B Grade
  • 'Judgment' - 100ft Effectiveness, Precision Based Weapon. An Enchanted weapon made by Amanda upon becoming a [Renowned Craftswoman]. B Grade Mithril
  • 'Cruthú' - Int Based Weapon. An Enchanted Hammer Catalyst made by Amanda shortly after evolving to [High Human]. B Grade Mithril

Core 1 - Magic B
Core 2 - Magic Range C - Continuing F
Core 3 - Magic AOE C - Indirect F
Core 4 - Penetrating C - Multidimensional
Core 5 - Blight B (Nuclear)

Core 1 - Magic B
Core 2 - Pocket Dimension B
Core 3 - Mining B
Core 4 - Magic AOE C, Gravity Affinity
Core 5 - Stone Mason C, Selective Magic F [(E) Limitation 'Activation R1']
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Schematic, Map Making tools C
  • Writing materials C
  • Artisan Tools - Tinkering B
  • Artisan Tools - Artificing B
  • Artisan Tools - Enchanting B
  • Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet B

Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
This high-tech gauntlet is capable of creating localized time distortions. When activated, it can slow down time in a small area, allowing the wearer to move with incredible speed compared to everything else in the affected zone (30ft radius). Useful for bypassing security systems or evading fast-moving threats.
B grade ability

  • Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset)
  • Associate of Ryke Count
  • Count Sadek F
  • Legendary Craftswoman C - Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke
  • Singularity Known - the character's time in the ruin from a prior iteration has made them recognized by IT. All constructs in the world will recognize the character. Those not in rebellion will lend aid if required.
  • Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.
  • Magnum Opus - The crafter, leveraging his network of Talented Friends, is able to create something magnificent once per rp. Regardless of the craft, it is assumed the crafter has all resources, manpower, and know-how needed to create something in the field of their chosen artisan type in a fraction of the time. Narrator discretion advised. Anything produced with this perk will need Mod approval for it to persist beyond the rp. Ex: structures, weapons/equipment, items
Change Log:
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] January 2023 Event +14 points. 7 spent on Precision E, 7 spent on Riding F
  • Acquired Title 'Strategist' (approved by Nova) Title requires Warfare Expert Title + Two other Expert Titles Governed by Int Skills

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] (Caelia Barony) - The Start Of Something New +18 Points. 7 spent on Engineering E. 7 spent on Agriculture C. Acquired Agriculture Expert Title. 4 Points remain.
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] (Caelia Barony) - The Start Of Something New Narrative Rewards: New Skills, Asset and Title = 28 points
    Acquired optional title [Ambitious] – character has many plans in the works and is ready to work on them with a level of motivation that won't easily be tempered by set-backs.Acquired Skill [Agriculture E] (14 points) – Knowledge gained from discussing her plans for crop rotations with the local farmer, Gwenith. Also add 14 points to points earned and spent).
    Acquired skill[Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F] (7 points) – Obtained by studying and talking about Stonewall in Caelia Barony (Also add 7 points to points earned and spent)
    Acquired Asset Stonewall Inn Room (Barony Asset) – A room in Stonewall's Inn, equipped with some materials to work on drawing schematics.
    Acquired skill [Engineering F] (7 points) – Knowledge gained from discussing her plans for farming machinery with the local farmer, Gwenith. Also add 7 points to points earned and spent)

  • Point Spend- 84 points unspent prior-
  • 28 spent on Investigation C. Acquired [Investigation Expert] Title
  • 21 spent on Insight F to C.
  • 28 spent on Mining C. Acquired [Mining Expert] Title
  • 7 Points Remain

  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Party of Greed +60 Points
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Party of Greed Narrative Rewards: New Title =
    [Girl on Fire] - character is a lady a bit to passionate for her own good. Character gives of main protagonist energy but may get herself killed before she achieves her ambitions. Draws in other characters to stand with her or stand against her. Few can remain neutral in her wake.
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Party of Greed Narrative Rewards: New Asset =
    [Associate of Ryke Count] - character is on good terms with a Ryke Count which can open some doors.

  • Point Spend- 60 points unspent prior
  • 21 points spent on Precision E - B
  • Character Grade F-E (Free). Appraisal F-E (Free)
  • 28 points spent on [Artisan - Artificer C]. Acquired [Expert Artificer] Title
  • 7 points spent on [Artisan - Tinkerer F]. Acquired [Apprentice Tinkerer] Title
  • Acquired [Old West Revolver F] weapon through [Tinkerer F] for free
  • 7 points spent on Attentive Student F - E
  • 4 Points Remain

  • Point Spend - 62 points unspent prior
  • 35 points spent on Companion F
  • 21 points spent on upgrading [Tinkerer] F - C
  • Gained Title [Expert Tinkerer]
  • Created 'Geneva' Grade D Trench Gun with [Tinkerer C] for Free
  • Upgraded F grade 'Old West Revolver F' to C grade 'Big Iron' .44 Revolver with [Tinkerer C] for Free
  • 6 Points Remain

  • Point Spend - 11 Points unspent prior
  • 7 Points Spent on Lucky F
  • Added Title [Riding Apprentice]
  • 4 Points Remain

  • Isekai Hell [Fowl Enigma] + 70 points
  • Isekai Hell [Fowl Enigma] Narrative Rewards: New Title =
    [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F] - character's inquisitive mind and assistance to guild has made them ideal in handling situations of a more subtle and sometimes unclear nature. When it is unclear who or what needs dealt with, a guild investigator is sent in to ascertain the details before the muscle goes in to clean it up.
  • Isekai Hell [Fowl Enigma] Narrative Rewards: New Asset =
    [Count Sadek F] - in honor of the character's efforts, Sadek would honor a reasonable request from character.
  • 74 Points Remain

  • Point Spend - 74 points unspent prior
  • 28 points spent on [Artisan - Enchanter C]. Acquired [Expert Enchanter] Title
  • Upgraded Precision B to A for 7 points
  • Created 'Berreta', Breech Loaded Shotgun at C grade for Gloria Ironclaw for free with [Tinkerer C] in A Mothers Advise RP
  • Created 'Aegis', Heavy Retractable Shield at C grade for Gloria Ironclaw for free with [Tinkerer C] in A Mothers Advise RP
  • Upgraded F grade 'Geneva' Trench Gun to C grade for free with [Tinkerer C]
  • 39 Points Remain

  • A Mothers Advise + 8 Points
  • Upgraded Intelligence B to A for 7 points
  • 40 points remain

  • Evolved From Mundane Human to Intermediate Human in Celestine Academy RP
  • Gained Title [Evolved]
  • Gained Title [High Human]
  • Gained Asset [Reknowned Craftswoman C]
  • Gained Title from Asset [Renowned Craftswoman C] - Renowned Craftswoman of Sadek County
  • Point Spend - 40 points unspent prior
  • Created Mithril Weapon 'Judgement' C with [Tinkerer C] for 28 points (28 point discount)
  • Enchanted 'Judgement' for free with [Enchanter C] (See Judgement for Details)
  • 7 points spent on upgrading [Tinkerer] C to B
  • Upgraded 'Geneva' and 'Big Iron' from Weapons grade C to B for free with [Tinkerer B]
  • 5 Points Remain

  • [IH] The Celestine Academy + 53 points
  • Narrative Rewards: New Title =
    [Alumni of Celestine Academy F] - This character has passed the final exams and graduated from Celestine Academy. This character is considered an Alumni of Celestine Academy and enjoys all the privileges that come with that.
  • Narrative Reward: Upgraded Speed from G to F, Added 7 points to earned and spent.
  • 58 Points Remain

  • Point Spend - 58 Points unspent prior.
  • 7 points spent on upgrading Strenght G to F
  • Character became D Grade, Gains Appraisal D
  • Spent 7 points upgrading [Enchanter] C to B
  • Spent 7 points upgrading [Artificer] C to B
  • Created Mithril Catalyst 'Cruthú' B with [Artificer B] for 35 points (35 point discount)
  • Enchanted 'Cruthú' for free with [Enchanter B] (See Cruthú for Details)
  • 2 Points Remain

  • Point Spend - 2 Points unspent prior.
  • Spent 1 Point to have Enchant [Energised F] Removed From 'Cruthu' Via Marketplace Trade
  • Enchanted 'Cruthu' With [Selective Magic F] for Free using [Artisan Enchanter B]
  • Limited [Selective Magic F] on 'Cruthu' With [Activation Rank 1]
  • 1 Point Remains

  • [Isekai Hell] Ancient Ruins Beneath the Scarlet Sands + 80 Points
  • Narrative Reward: New Asset =
    [Singularity Known] - the character's time in the ruin from a prior iteration has made them recognized by IT. All constructs in the world will recognize the character. Those not in rebellion will lend aid if required.
  • Narrative Reward: Item acquired [Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet] - This high-tech gauntlet is capable of creating localized time distortions. When activated, it can slow down time in a small area, allowing the wearer to move with incredible speed compared to everything else in the affected zone (30ft radius). Useful for bypassing security systems or evading fast-moving threats. - B grade ability
  • 81 Points Remain

  • Point Spend - 81 Points unspent prior.
  • Spent 14 Points on [Fast] E
  • Spent 14 points on [Educated] E (Persuasion, Leadership, Physics)
  • Spent 7 points on [Steady Hands] F
  • Spent 7 points on [Focus] F
  • Spent 35 Points on [Sixth Sense] B (Deception Sense, Composition Sight, Material Understanding, Mechanical Understanding, Blueprint Overlay Sight)
  • Unlocked Classes - Nomad and Crafter.
  • Acquired Class skill - Talented Friends - Caravan life for a nomad has led to the gathering of many capable friends. You have a group of 5 minions that will adapt as you do to new lifestyles. Each time the character classes up, the minions gain a secondary skill pertinent to the new class.
  • Acquired Class skill - Magnum Opus - The crafter, leveraging his network of Talented Friends, is able to create something magnificent once per rp. Regardless of the craft, it is assumed the crafter has all resources, manpower, and know-how needed to create something in the field of their chosen artisan type in a fraction of the time. Narrator discretion advised. Anything produced with this perk will need Mod approval for it to persist beyond the rp. Ex: structures, weapons/equipment, items
  • 4 Points Remain

  • Isekai Hell [Barony Reforged] + 27 Points
  • Spent 14 points on Asset [Renowned Craftswoman C - A], Lost title Renowned Craftswoman of Sadek County, Gained Title Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke.
  • Spent 7 points on [Architecure C - B]
  • 10 Points Remain

  • A Bathhouse For the Greater Good + 44 Points
  • Narrative Reward: New Asset = [Fire Gems B]
  • Narrative Rewards: New Title =
    [Prospector] - The character has shown to have the tools and skills necessary to find valuable ores in mines.
  • Spent 35 Points on Speed F - A
  • Created 'Termopili', Light Retractable Shield at C grade with [Tinkerer B]
  • Spent 7 Points on Educated E - D
  • Spent 7 Points on upgrading Judgement from C - B with [Tinkerer B]
  • 5 Points Remain

  • Created Artisan Tools - Tinkering B with [Tinkerer B]
  • Created Artisan Tools - Artificing B with [Artificing B]
  • Created Artisan Tools - Enchanting B with [Enchanting B]
  • 15/2/24

Gloria Ironclaw

Companion Level:

F - 70 points

Grade - D (10/15)

Stats: (56 points)
[*]Strength - F
[*]Precision - B
[*]Intelligence - F
[*]Vitality - B
[*]Speed - F

Skills: (14 points)
[*] Barrier F (14)
[*] Educated F Maid [Etiquette, Focus, Street Sense] (Free with 'Born For This' Mundane Human Passive)

Equipment: (0 Points)
[*]Maid Clothing
[*]Cigarettes (cosmetic)
[Beretta] C-grade shotgun. (Free from Amanda)
[Aegis] Heavy Retractable Shield C Grade (Free from Amanda)

[*] A Maid's Duty - Barrier F - Creates a transparent barrier bubble around the target defending them from harm - F grade - 0 post-Cooldown.

Race: Mundane Human - [Born For this]
Titles: Human, Mundane Human, Former Kirkwall Hunter, Family Friend, Childhood Friend, Problem Child, Maid, Reformed

Gloria is the older sister or George Ironclaw and a [Childhood Friend] of Amanda's. Formerly a member of the Kirkwall Hunters, Gloria was removed from their ranks when her violent and rude behavior became far too noticeable to ignore. Banished from the ranks of the hunters and with her attitude clearly an issue, Gloria was sent away to the capital and forcibly enrolled in a maid's school where her grandfather hoped her behavior would be corrected.

A hope that partially came to fruition. After five years away Gloria has returned as a qualified maid and has drastically changed from how she used to be. Though it seems she's picked up a terrible habit of smoking, her attitude has mellowed quite considerably. Though she can still be pushed to anger and have outbursts of her former rage surface as a result. For the most part she is quite calm and collected. A diligent worker with manners and focus who knows her trade and has her ear to the ground.

Following Baroness Caelia's outrageous display of power during the events of [Isekai Hell Caelia Barony The Big Iron On Her Hip], Amanda's mother visited Mayor Kirk to ask him for a favor. Believing her daughter could find herself in trouble by associating with someone so strong, Mrs. Steelhaven asked the Mayor to investigate the matter. Curious about the Baroness himself, Mayor Kirk agreed and decided to send his granddaughter to gather information on the Baroness in his stead. Gloria was to serve as Amanda's personal Maid, secretly protect Amanda and gather information on the Baroness while doing so. The real kicker? Gloria hadn't been home a full day before being asked to do such. The life of a maid sure is hard.

That being said, Gloria was more than happy to do so. Amanda was a close friend of hers and if there was any chance Amanda was indeed in danger, well Gloria couldn't just leave her on her lonesome. So without an item to her name and just the uniform on her back, Gloria set off to meet Amanda and carry out her mission in secret.


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Rosie "Rum" Cake
Theme: ♥Theme♥
Rp'er Name: SoftSmile
Post Frequency:
2-4 times a week
Discord Name: SoftPurity#2082
Current RP:
Legendary Friendship, Royal Party Planner
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'2
Weight: 108 lbs
Backstory: Although most of her memories are blurred together, she remembers clearly the smiling faces of her friends when she would throw them the best parties ever! She remembers the taste of all of her favorite sweets, all 328 of them. She can clearly remember the recipes to every cake in every cookbook in the bakery, but not her name.
Current Life: Rosie was born to a family of poor miners in Ryke, but was left of remnants of her old life growing up. She was graced with many siblings to play with, but was unable to really bond with them or her parents since she lacked the skills to help the family. However, since her childhood she has tried her best to make everyone around her smile--It's just a bit harder when you're mentally stuck in an entirely different world.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 14
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - C
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - C
  • Fast E
  • Jumping E
  • Sixth Sense: Falling Things F
  • Artisan [Baker] F
  • Cakey Feeling [Sixth Sense: Falling Things F] 1 post cooldown - Manifesting into different physical feelings (shaking legs, twitchy hands, uncontrollable eyebrow movement) Rosie is able sense falling objects a small amount of time before they fall. (No exact time, place or object is known, just that the object will be in the somewhat near vicinity.)
  • BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE! [Fast E, Jumping E] 1 post cooldown - BOUNCE! SKIP! HOP!
  • None
  • Miscellaneous party items (streamers, confetti, a pair of comically large glasses with a false nose attached)
  • Rations
  • None
Change Log:
  • Created [1/19/23]
  • Intelligence E --> D , Removed Mining Skill , Sixth Sense E --> F , Nerfed Cakey Feeling]
  • Sixth Sense F edited to Sixth Sense: Falling Things F
  • Added 14 Points from: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] January 2023 Event [2/2/23]
  • Precision E -> D , Added Artisan Skill [2/2/2023]
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Evelyn Ophelia


"Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild! Be it rain, hail, snow or sun, if you have a request, we'll get it done!"
- Evelyn formally greeting a customer to the Guild with her signature 'business catchphrase'.

- - -

Roleplayer Name: NimbusWing
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: #NimbusSpark6125
Current RP: [Isekai Hell] May There Be Plenty of Fools!

  • To eventually become a fully-fledged member of the Adventurer's Guild, like the more respected heroes she works for.
  • To explore and travel the world, learning new skills and abilities from others in the process.
  • Provide her services as a member of the Adventurer's Guild to those who are in need, as always!
Equipped Titles: Human, Adventurer's Guild Member
Acquired Titles: Human, Adventurer's Guild Member
Occupation: Request Processing & Deliveries
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Weight: 115lbs
Evelyn's previous life was one which had subtly blurred the line between her imagination and creativity with that of the reality of the world she actually lived in. As a child, enthusiasm and curiosity became core to her, as every story her parents would read to her before she'd go to sleep would spark her with new inspiration for another adventure. If she wasn't enjoying the storybooks nestled within her family's small bookcase, she would frequently run through her neighborhood and local park, asking questions for just about anything and everything that had managed to catch her eye, or playing make-believe games with anybody who wished to join her. Games involving princesses slaying evil knights in combat, 'dragon-riding' with her bicycle and even turning her treehouse into a fortified 'castle'. Her mind was one which adored the fantasy of the world beyond what was actually there, but it wasn't before long that reality would begin to set in.

Everyone had to grow up at one point, and for Evelyn's case, her childhood fantasies remained as just that. Mere Childhood Fantasies. There were no knights, dragons or magical castles in her world at all, no matter how much cardboard, duct tape and paint she used to try to emulate the worlds in her mind. Deep down inside, she had hoped and clung onto the idea that perhaps one day, she could live adventures much like that of the heroes and heroines she had read about. That one day her brandishing the sword and slaying the dragon would be possible, but that was all just nonsense written down in stories, it just wasn't possible.

It wasn't until one day as a young adult that she found herself in the silence of her local library once more, but not for the purposes of reading fantastical narratives, but instead writing one herself - even if it was just something that at the time was a personal hobby for her. But her inspiration and imagination had strangely fallen flat. She tried to think of something, anything that could have mystical, unbelievable, incredible, but she could only draw upon blanks. Deciding to take a break, Evelyn proceeded to search through the bookshelves of the library in order to perhaps find a new revelation. That was when she uncovered something that she couldn't believe with her very eyes. An open book on a stone pedestal, with its pages rapidly turning about as if there were unseen spirits manipulating it. There was no trace of wind, and nobody else was present at the time. It was just Evelyn and the unusual tome. Her heartbeat rose as she felt a long lost emotion reemerge. And it was that emotion of child-like curiosity that would result in her reaching out to grab the tome. It opened up, revealing its pages to her.

People say that moment was the last time that they had saw Evelyn before she mysteriously vanished, the only trace found of her presence in the library being her unwritten story she left behind. But while she did vanish from one world, it marked her sudden emergence into another.
Current Life:
When Evelyn found herself in the brand new world she was suddenly summoned upon, and greeted by the godly figure who had hoped for her to become more than what she was at her time; she couldn't help but to try and reject if it really was the truth but just another figment of her imagination. It was but a sudden shock to her, but she couldn't deny what she saw before her. The reality of the world of her world and mind was still there, but it was melded into a fantasy that she never would have expected to actually become a part of. She was still that young woman and with a vivid imagination and enthusiasm to go out and have adventures, but now she had the tools to make that fantasy an actual reality.

Making quick of the opportunity, it wasn't before long that Evelyn would proceed to apply for the Adventurer's Guild; in spite of a lack of any significantly notable combat abilities. Her enthusiasm, speed and explorative nature on the other hand came to quick note as traits that could lead into her being accepted into the Guild, as a small part of its very inner workings.

Nowadays, Evelyn wears her title as part of the Guild with pride as she enthusiastically goes about town with surprising speeds; managing the requests and items from the local townsfolk and even handling a few small-scale requests that may not require the assistance of a proper adventurer, but a simple helping hand. While Evelyn may not be among the ranks of the warriors, mages and archers who are significantly more battle-ready and capable than she is - she's more than happy to help a person in need if it means taking a step closer to her dream of having her own true adventures.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E (7)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F
Speed - D (14)
  • Fast E (14)
    Evelyn can move over land faster than normal, and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting herself easily.
    Skill Requirement: Speed, Grade D
    Skill Effect: 24mph(max)/120ft per move
  • Healing F (7)
    Evelyn can has learned the ways of healing. She may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
    Skill Effect: Evelyn can aid with basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.
  • Pocket Dimension F (14)
    Evelyn can store items in an alternative space as large as a 1 foot radius. She can freely retrieve any items stored in the space, or add items to the space so long as there is room and the item would not have to destroyed to fit.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
    Skill Effect: 1ft Radius
  • Asset F (7)
    Faction -
    Adventurer's Guild Apprentice
  • Etiquette F (7)
    The knowledge of the customary codes for polite, proper, and inoffensive behavior in social settings. Having this skill generally gives Evelyn a pass on socially troubling behaviors that are not illegal but would otherwise leave a bad impression.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
  • Navigation F (7)
    The ability to read maps or use specialized navigation equipment to help the character find the fastest and safest route to a destination.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
  • As of the moment, Evelyn lacks any abilities... for now!
  • Iron Dagger (F, Weapon, 7)
    • A standard-issue 'work' dagger that was offered to Evelyn by the Adventurer's Guild for self-defense purposes. While it's not often that Evelyn finds herself using it, it's certainly handy when in a pinch!
  • Adventurer's Guild Courier Uniform (F, Light, 7)
    • The general uniform issued by certain lower-rank members of the Adventurer's Guild. Consists of a white blouse and skirt, a reinforced jacket and sturdy boots. Also comes with a nice hat!
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskins
  • Travel Journal
  • Basic First-Aid Equipment
  • Street Maps
  • Carrier Bag
  • N/A
Change Log List:

Change Log - 21st January, 2023:
  • Evelyn was Created!
  • Spent 105 Points in the Following:
    • 7 Points Added in Strength: F => E
    • 7 Points Added in Precision: F => E
    • 7 Points Added in Intelligence: F => E
    • 14 Points Added in Speed: F => D
    • 14 Points Added to Fast (Grade: E)
    • 7 Points Added to Healing (Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Asset (Adventurer's Guild, Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Etiquette (Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Navigation (Grade: F)
    • 14 Points Added to Pocket Dimension (Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Weapon: Iron Dagger (Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Armor: Adventurer's Guild Courier Uniform (Light, Grade: F)
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Calliope Dar'Maoro
fantasy adventure merchant cat girl adult orange short hair blue eyes shop s-3337234496.png
Rp'er Name: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Discord Name:
Current RP: Girl Next Dar'
Post Frequency: Multiple times a week, maybe daily

Race Tree: [Beast]
Race Title: [Felesian]
Sexual Orientation: Pan
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 150lbs
Social Titles: [See Tourist]
Job Titles: [Potion Maker Expert]
Personality Titles: [Follower] [Heavy Drinker] [Meek]
Event Titles:
Criminal Titles:

Calliope was born and raised in a village just on the north side of the border with Ryke. She was one of a set of triplets, along with her brothers Jeremiah and Titus. Several years later, her younger siblings, twins named Abena and Muharriq, were born. Calliope soon took on the role of guardian to her siblings as both her parents worked regularly, her mother operating the family bakery, and her father traveling, trading goods at a profit throughout Ryke and parts of Kuridan. She and her sister would perform small tasks and handmake goods for members of the town in exchange for other local produce. When she gifted a loaf of rose hip bread to a passing wanderer, he showed Calliope how to make a simple healing salve from local medicinal herbs and beeswax. This would be an act that changed Calliope's life forever and sent her on a path to uncover what she could about potion and salve crafting. She saved up the money she received selling salves until she could afford a cart and horse, then begin to travel, peddling her wares farther out into Ryke and making a name for herself. Experimenting with new herbs and quantities of ingredients produced new products to sell. As she learned more, her desire to experiment grew, and soon she began to seek out rarer ingredients.

Current Life:
Travelled aboard a large living vessel named the Fat Tunalia to reach the undersea city of Crustanton, a hot bed of valuable ingredients that were scarce on the surface. While aboard, she met Victorique, a bold Halfling with a knack for uncovering things, and Phoebe, a Human mage with a kind heart and drive to learn. Together they overcame a few obstacles and arrived at the city, mostly unbothered. Salty Tissue Paper

Explored the city of Crustanton with Victorique and Phoebe, where she was able to find a prismatic lobster shell, a rare ingredient in potion crafting with many applications. With her goal accomplished, Calliope aided the others in locating a massive and ancient library that contained knowledge from ages past. Under the Sea

Took on a job for the Faazi Merchant Guild, allowing her to meet Euthalia and her two companions, Keone and Islwyn. Working together, Euthalia and Calliope managed to uncover alchemical traits among a number of ingredients. She quickly grew attached to the trio, particularly Euthalia. A sudden slaving attempt left her anxious, but she managed to finish the job and bond with her new Sylvari acquaintance. A Budding Friendship

Spent several days with Euthalia in the Fae city of Refara's Sound, a luxury resort town known for its exotic and lavish atmosphere. Their goal was to see about getting a shop for Calliope, but trouble found them in the form of the towns mayor, a Sphinx named Lady Shaylan, and her consort, a mysterious woman named Hajiri. Calliope was drafted into crafting a healing potion for the pair, and was rewarded for her efforts with a store front in the city. See of Hearts

Calliope met up with Euthalia and friends in the See Capitol of Bishri. She went with Euthalia as the Sylvan attempted to recover her Heart's Seed, but had to deal with Fae prejudice. Calliope and Keone did some shopping, then the group stayed a few days in a barn while Euthalia recovered from her ordeal. Sowing the Seed of Love

  • Become a Master Potion Maker
  • Grow closer to Euthalia
  • Continue growing closer to Euthalia
  • [Beast]
    • beast characters generally have some form of animal in their ancestry. They typically have a wilder look to them but are mostly human on the surface.
  • [Felesian]
    • Requires:
      • Beast Title, Felesian title
      • Feature [Cat ears, Cat Tail, Small Claws] - Cosmetic
      • Heightened Sense F
        • Hearing
    • Felesians are the natural result of Catfolk integrating into Human centric societies. After many generations, all but the most prominent feline traits have disappeared, resulting in what is essentially humans with cat ears, tails, and small claws on the tips of their fingers.
  • [Fish Rider]
    • Character has taken a ride in a massive fish. character has reduced negative effects from riding in a fish. character has lingering fishy odor while title is equipped.
  • [Follower]
    • Character is quick to fall into place behind a more assertive companion. Makes leading more difficult for them, but cooperating with those in leadership positions easier.
  • [Heavy Drinker]
    • Character has consumed enough weird things that it takes a bit more than the average amount to show the normal results of consumption. Can skew results and making for a pricier date.
  • [Meek]
    • Character is not seen as a threat by others. They tend to be looked over, for better or worse.
  • [See Tourist]
    • Character is clearly out of their element and struggles to fit in. May be seen as an outsider or welcomed guest.
  • [Potion Maker Expert]
    • Character has been taught all they could learn and have overcome some hardship. They have started developing their own style.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 398
Points Spent: 315 [112]
Points Not Spent: 76

Strength - A
Precision - A
Intelligence - A
Vitality - A
Speed - A
Character Grade - A

  • Feature
    • Cat Ears - Cosmetic
    • Cat Tail - Cosmetic
    • Small Claws - Cosmetic
  • Heightened Sense F
    • Hearing
  • Healing E
  • Bolster [Vitality] E
  • Educated E
    • Area Knowledge E
      • The Republic
        • Kuridan Fields
      • The Protectorate of Ryke
        • Ironwright County
    • Business E
    • Performance E
  • Academia F
  • Alchemy D
  • Artisan [Potion Maker] C
  • Domestic Arts E
  • Medicine F
  • Asset F [Mirabelle]
  • Asset F [Potion Maker's Cart]

  • Healing Spray C
    • Alchemy D, Artisan [Potion Maker] C, Healing E
    • 3 Post Cooldown
    • Calliope shakes a vial of Healing Potion and releases it in the form of an inhalant at the target.
  • Vitality Mist C
    • Alchemy D, Artisan [Potion Maker] C, Bolster Stat [Vitality] E
    • 3 Post Cooldown
    • By combining several ingredients into a vial, releases a mist that boosts the vitality stat of the target by 1 grade.



  • Journal
  • Letter from Baroness Caelia
  • Unfinished Letter from Euthalia Apricot
  • Unfinished Letter to Euthalia Apricot
  • Potion of [Summon Blood Elemental] E
    • Type: Consumable
    • Summon Blood Elemental E
      • Feature (Excessive Bleeding) F, Magic E, [Blood] Affinity E, Spell Duration F, Summon Creature E, Energized E
      • 100ft search Range.
      • Duration 1 hr.
      • 0 Post Cooldown
      • Attempts to call forth a [Blood Elemental] from the Plane of Hemorrha. Causes the user to bleed excessively from the mouth and eyes, though it is harmless.
    • 1711085671627.png
  • Star Princess(tm) – Makoto Turkino
    • Type: Magic Item
    • A Star Princess brand action figure of the popular heroin Makoto Turkino. While holding the toy, and reciting the heroin's catchphrase, it will magically transform the toy and the wielder into their respective 'magical girl' personas. A sticker on the sole of the left foot claims it is produced by the Eventra Entertainment Company.
    • The product comes with [Alternate Identity F], and [Disguise F] included.
  • Sword Scabard D
    • Type: Common Item
    • Nullify D
    • Only usable on Marital Abilities performed by Swords
    • Only usable once per RP
  • Elixir of the Verdant Patron
    • Type: Consumable
    • Elixir may be drank once to gain one of the following benefits for a non Worlds type RP scene:
      • Aura of Celebration - gain a narrative boost in being memorable and well received in a social gatherings
      • Bond of Fellowship - gain a narrative boost in boosting ally morale
      • Luck - gain a narrative boost in taking on a non combat challenge
    • 1711084855627.png
  • Professor's Pass
    • Type: Unique
    • May be used once the character has the appropriate skills and assets to acquire their Buddy from the April 2024 Buddy Event
    • 1714969953875.png
  • Potion Maker's Cart F
    • A Cart that can be converted into a workshop. Has ample room for both crafting material and equipment, as well as general storage.
      • Bedroll F
      • Fire Starter Kit F
      • Rations F
      • Waterskin F
      • Potion Makers Tools C
    • 1714980527262.png
  • Mirabelle F
    • A relatively unexceptional draft horse named Mirabelle. She is a beloved pet and friend of Calliope who uses her to pull a cart on the [Felesian]'s travels.
    • 1714981700326.png
  • Potion Shoppe D
    • A small townhouse with a potion making workshop and a storefront. Located in Refara's Sound, See of Fae.

Change Log:
  • Creation - 1/23/23
    • Precision from F to C - 21 pts
    • Intelligence from F to D - 14 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Cat Ears] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Cat Tail] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Feature [Small Claws] - 0 pts
    • Purchased Heightened Sense [Hearing] F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Alchemy F - 7 pts
    • Alchemy from F to E - 7 pts
    • Purchased Artisan [Potion Maker] F - 7 pts
    • Artisan [Potion Maker] from F to D - 14 pts
    • Purchased Healing F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Bolster [Vitality] F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Asset [Draft Horse] F - 7 pts
    • Purchased Asset [Potion Maker's Cart] F - 7 pts
  • Salty Tissue Paper - 3/16/23
    • Acquired Optional Title [Fish Rider]
    • Received 31 pts
  • February Event - Masquerade Ball - 4/3/23
    • Received 24 pts
  • 5/7/23
    • Purchased Medicine F
  • Under the Sea - 5/12/23
    • Acquired Optional Title [Follower]
    • Received 57 pts
  • A Budding Friendship - 6/7/23
    • Acquired Optional Title [Heavy Drinker]
    • Received 47 pts
  • 7/15/23
    • Precision from C to B - 7 pts
    • Artisan [Potion Maker] from D to C - 7 pts
    • Intelligence from D to C - 7 pts
    • Alchemy from E to D - 7 pts
    • Purchased Academia F - 7 pts
    • Healing from F to E - 7 pts
    • Bolster [Vitality] from F to E - 7 pts
  • May 2023 Community Event - 7/27/23
    • Received 5 pts
  • See of Hearts - 7/28/23
    • Acquired Optional Title [Meek]
    • Acquired Asset [Potion Shoppe] D
    • Received 31 pts
  • 8/2/23
    • Strength from F to E -7 pts
    • Vitality from F to E - 7 pts
    • Speed from F to E - 7 pts
    • Purchased Potion of [Summon Blood Elemental] E - [112 pts]
  • August 2023 Community Event - 9/1/2023
    • Received 7 pts
  • Sowing the Seed of Love - 10/25/23
    • Acquired Optional Title [See Tourist]
    • Received 93 pts
  • 11/3/23
    • Strength from E to A - 28 pts
    • Precision from B to A - 7 pts
    • Intelligence from C to A - 14 pts
    • Vitality from E to A - 28 pts
    • Speed from E to A - 28 pts
    • Acquired Title [Potion Maker Expert]
  • October 2023 Community Event - 11/5/23
    • Received 7 pts
  • November 2023 Community Event - 12/06/23
    • Received 7 pts
    • Acquired Star Princess(tm) – Makoto Turkino
  • 12/19/23
    • Purchased Educated E - 14 pts
      • Business
      • Performance
      • Area Knowledge
        • Republic
          • Kuridan Fields
        • Ryke
          • Ironwright County
  • December 2023 Community Event - 1/11/24
    • Acquired Sword Scabard D
  • January 2024 Community Event - 2/4/24
    • Recieved Domestic Arts E
      • 14 pts added to Spent and Earned
  • February 2024 Community Event - 2/29/24
    • Received 7 pts
  • St. Patrick's Day 2024 Community Event - 03/21/24
    • Acquired Elixir of the Verdant Patron
  • ♡ φᾰεινός ♡ Oh, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun☆ - 04/13/24
    • Received 61pts
  • April 2024 Community Event - 05/02/2024
    • Received 7 pts
    • Acquired Professor's Pass
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Jack Hayfield

Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: SoftSmile
Post Frequency:
Bi-Weekly (Mostly on Weekends)
Discord Name: SoftPurity#2082
Current RP: Runaway Singers Song
Goals: Exploration! He wishes to discover something new.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Goat-Centaur [Small] , Child , Cuddly , Helpless , [Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara] , [Ryker Adventurer F]
Height: 3'4
Weight: 67 lbs
Backstory: Native
Current Life: He works at a tavern in Ryke. Sometimes he helps go out into the forest and collect ingredients for the potion shop that is next to the tavern. This is what inspired his craving to explore more of the world.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Goat-Centaur [Small] , Child , Cuddly , Helpess , [Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara] , [Ryker Adventurer F] , Blissfully Ignorant
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 81
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 67
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - B
  • Feature [Iron Stomach] (7) - Can digest most things.
  • Feature [Bestial Eyes] (7) - Grants Darkvision
  • Feature [Bestial Ears] (7) -Heightened Sense [Sound]
  • Feature [Four Legs] (7)
  • Climbing F (7)
  • Jumping F (7)
  • Feature [Body Fur, Horn, Hoofed Feet, Fluffy Tail] (0) Cosmetic
  • None
[*] Shiny Bell
[*] Comfy Sweater
  • [Heartstone Amulet of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara] - Character has an invaluable token of proof they speak for the Ancient Dragon Crysanthara and have been in audience with the dragon of the Paizu Mountains. Her will is with the characters that hold this ornament.
Change Log:
  • Created 1/26/23
  • Four Leg feature costs 7, Climbing E -> F
  • Jumping E -> F , Intelligence D -> C
  • Intelligence C -> B , Speed C -> B (14) [3/16/23] Points from Salty Tissue Paper (+22)
  • +7 Points from March Event [4/3/23]
  • +18 Points from [Dragon's Breath] , Changed Theme [6/5/23]
  • Added Assets & Title from ^
  • +7 Points from June Event
  • +18 Points from Dirty Work [8/4/23] + [Ryker Adventurer F] Title
  • [3/16/24] Changed Theme
  • [6/25/24] +9 Points from Runaway Singers Song!
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Shalys Dar’Miam
Rp'er Name: Norschtalen
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Norschtalen#1985
Current RP:
Make money for her family and become a famous bounty hunter.
Equipped Titles: Fae, Rogue, Crossbow Master, Northern Adventurer
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 110 pounds
Backstory: Skalys doesn’t remember much of her old life, and it wasn’t anything impressive. Born a normal girl to a normal family, she lived content enty until she died in a car accident. Incidentally, a truck was involved. When she came to the afterlife she was given a chance to reincarnate and so she did, but she doesn’t remember anything from her previous life. Sometimes she sees it in her dreams, but she always forgets about it once she wakes up.
Current Life: When Skalys was reborn, she was born a child to a young elven couple. The first daughter they ever had, the parents loved Shalys and spoiled her, despite their modest means. Her father was a bowyer and her mother was an engineer, and together they taught Shalys much about how to become an archer and how to make and take care of her hunting supplies.

When Shalys was around 80 years old, her father ended up crippled in a monster attack that prevented him from working. Her mother had to work twice as hard to take care of them, but Shalys didn’t want to be a burden. Having trained much of her life to make and use her parent’s tools, Shalys decided to become a bounty hunter to support her family and herself.
Acquired Titles: Rogue, Crossbow Apprentice, Northern Adventurer, Crossbow Master
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 96
Points Spent: 196
Points Not Spent: 5
Character Grade: E
Strength - F
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - D (14)
  • Fighting Style “Elven Archery” [Crossbow] (28) - Shalys was taught traditional archery styles well known by the elves. However Shalys goes an extra step and applies those techniques to her crossbow instead, combining elven finesse with her bowgun’s mechanical might. Grade C Martial Skill.
    Far-Shot [Range] (21) - Shalys wouldn't be much of an archer if she couldn't shoot very far. She's effective up to 1000ft. Grade C Fighting Core
    Sharpshooter [Accurate] - Shalys has learned that accuracy is more than just pointing and shooting, and so she takes into account every little detail including weather, light, movement, and even luck before she takes a shot. F Grade Fighting Core.
    Barbed Bolt [Continuing] - Using special arrows that don't heal easily, Shalys can shoot someone and keep it painful. F Grade Fighting Core.
    Keen Senses [Blind Range Fighting] (21) - Thanks to training and experiences, Shalys' has been able to shoot things she can't even see up to 80ft. D Grade Fighting Core.
    Blast Shaft [Area] (7) - Thanks to some alchemical mixtures, Shalys is able to turn her bolts into bombs to strike down large crowds of enemies. F Grade Fighting Core.
    Silver Arrows [Multidimensional] - After experiencing battles against incorporable beings, Shays had made sure to pack some enchanted bolts that can hurt just about anything. F Grade Fighting Core
  • Steady Hands (7) - The best way to protect herself is to constantly be on the move, so Shalys knows how to keep shooting and moving at the same time. Grade F Martial skill.
  • Appraisal (0) - A skill Shalys gets because she’s technically an Isekai’d character. She just thinks she’s really good at figuring out stuff by looking at it. Grade E Sense Skill.
  • Stealth (14) - Being good at hiding from your target is an important part of being a successful Bounty Hunter. Grade E Secondary Skill
  • Attentive Student (14) - Shalys’ parents always taught her that it was important to learn from others with more experience. Taking their lesson to heart, Shalys learns much faster when she’s with people who have gone through a lot, learning from their experiences so she can grow faster too. Grade F Miscellaneous Skill.
  • Gear "Smoke Bomb" (7) - Small pellets that when struck with enough force release a large cloud of blinding white smoke. They can be thrown or attached to Shalys’ bolts. Grade F Miscellaneous Skill.
  • Long-Lived Knowledge (Educated) (14) - Shalys has lived for so long, she has gathered a general knowledge on various subjects, most of them related to her family's lives and business. Grade E Miscellaneous Skill.
    Alchemy - Both of Shalys' parents were skilled alchemists, and naturally they taught Shalys everything they knew. Granted Shalys also forgot much of what they taught since she never took her studies seriously, but she has solid grasp of the fundementals.
    Perception - Being both a hunter and alchemist, Shalys has a sharp eye for details and a keen ear for things moving about.
    Physics - As an archer, Shalys has spent much of her time learning the importance of how and what makes her bolt go where it does. Thus she has a keen interest in figuring out the more esoteric forces in the world to ensure she can work with them to make her shots land.

  • Snipe - Elven Archery C, Far-Shot C, Sharpshooter F, Barbed Bolt F, Silver Arrows - Taking careful aim, Shalys fires a special spiked projectile somewhere that'll really hurt! - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Detect - Elven Archery D, Keen Senses D, Perception E - Using her keen elven senses, Shalys takes a moment to detect her surroundings for potential threats, anomalies, or points of interests.

  • Quickdraw - Elven Archery E, Far-Shot E, Sharpshooter F, Steady Hands F, Silver Arrows - Quickly calculating the conditions around her, Shalys lines up a precise shot at her target before moving away. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Smoke Shot - Smoke Bomb F, Elven Archery F, Far-Shot E, Sharpshooter F, Blast Shaft F - Putting a smoke bomb to the tip of her bolt, Shalys can shoot the bolt towards her target and engulf them in smoke. Great to confuse her enemies or give her allies a chance to escape a bad situation. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Crowd Control - Elven Archery E, Far-Shot E, Sharpshooter F, Blast Shaft F, Barbed Bolt F, Silver Arrows- Using some experimental explosive bolts, Shalys can blast her enemies with small shrapnel bombs fired from her bowgun. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Smoke Out - Smoke Bomb F, Stealth F - In the event that Shalys is backed into a corner or just needs to make a quick escape, she will smash a smoke bomb into the ground to cover her escape before anyone can figure out where she went. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[Northern Adventurer] This character has been to the frozen North in the kingdom that is common ravaged by invading Monsters and has lived to tell the tale.

  • Steam Bowgun (14) - A weapon that Shalys’ parents made for her. This is no ordinary crossbow, but a powerful steam rifle that flings bolts like a cannon. F Grade Orichalcum Weapon.
  • Armored Cloak (7) - A stylish cloak that can protect Shalys from attacks. She mostly relies on staying away from enemies instead though. F Grade Light Armor.
  • Crossbow Bolts
  • Wallet
  • Journal and Pen
  • Bag
  • Survival Knife
  • Nothing yet
Change Log:
  • 1/31/2023 - Made Shalys
    14 points for Precision D
    14 points for Speed D
    14 points for Fighting Style "Elven Archery" F
    7 points for Far-Shot E
    7 points for Steady Hands F
    0 Points for Appraisal
    7 points for Stealth F
    7 points for Attentive Student
    7 points for Gear "Smoke Bomb" F
    14 points for Steam Bowgun
    7 points for Armored Cloak

    Created ability Snipe
    Created ability Smoke Shot
    Created ability Smoke Out

  • 2/2/2023 - Add 21 points from January Event
    7 Points for Fighting Style "Elven Archer" D
    7 Points for Far-Shot D

    Created ability Quick Draw

  • 4/6/2023 - Add 10 points from February Event

  • 4/29/2023 - Used 14 points for new skills.
    7 points for Blind Range Fighting F
    7 points for Area F

    Created ability Crowd Control

  • 7/2/2023 Add 65 points from Frozen Kingdom
    Added new Title [Northern Adventurer]
    14 Points for Precision C > A
    7 Points for Attentive Student F > E
    14 Points for Educated E
    Added Alchemy from Educated
    Added Perception from Educated
    Added Physics from Educated
    7 Points for Fighting Style "Elven Archery" D > C
    Added Multidimensional from Fighting Style upgrade
    7 Points for Far Shot D > C
    14 Points for Blind Ranged Fighting F > D
    7 Points for Stealth F > E
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”Ruin, The Flesh that Hates”
Rp'er Name: Conman
Post Frequency:
Current RP: To Be Updated
Goals: To convert all into the flesh
Equipped Titles: Monster, Flesh Horror
Race Description: An Eldritch Flesh abomination of unknown origins and of insidious intelligence, prone to seeking out and destroying most creatures it can see. These horrors will typically seek to convert the territory around them into an environment suitable for it to live in. These horrors can take on many shapes and sizes, though this one is humanoid shaped with multi-jointed limbs. Ropy tendrils flail off it and the humanoid face shows rows of razor sharp teeth. Sharp spines of exposed bone can be seen on the back of the horror.

Requires: Monster Title, Flesh Horror Domain F

Height: 6’3”
Weight: 220 lbs

Backstory: Ruin is the culmination of a much larger entity that caused an apocalypse in an alternate reality. It was once a much larger part of a gestalt entity. It slipped through a crack in reality that severed it from the larger whole. This blessed it with intelligence and power that it discovered on its own.

Current Life: Now separated and alive for reasons that only the deity that facilitated its transfer could know. It has begun a slow process of conversion. It has and continues to eat all that it may in an effort to turn this world into a new paradise for itself.

Acquired Titles: Monster, Flesh Horror
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14 points)
Vitality - F
Speed - F

  • Max limits:
    Range: 30ft
    AOE: 15ft radius
    Targets: 5
    Duration: 1 hour
    Domain Abilities:
    Twist and Warp - Magic, Flesh Horror Domain [polymorph] - target is turned into a flesh horror. Flesh horrors are beasts of twisted flesh and violence. For the duration the target obeys the flesh horror pc, has natural weapons F and natural armor F. Target cannot exceed F grade. E grade cooldown.
  • Magic E
  • None
  • Magic Catalyst F (7 points): A fleshy tendril that ropes in a crystal situated just behind the main skull of the flesh horror. Placed there when it was still a gestalt entity in the other world, this has become it’s magic catalyst.
  • None
  • None
Change Log:
Astrophil Galanis
neka 男媽媽生成器 by 咖喱 (3).png
credits-to (1).png
Astro's aura is oddly pleasing and comforting to linger in. Some say it feels like the calming darkness that puts one to sleep. his face always has a content appearance while his eyes gleam with a loving warmth. When he stares at you, expressing a feeling close to family adoration. His presence brings the attention of adoring strangers and friends alike, yet such attention tends to drain him immensely. His aura alone makes it easier to befriend and calm people down. He's the most chill person around and rarely involves themselves in conflict unless it's needed. You can feel his aura quite easily without struggle. When he enters the same room as you, you'll be instantly greeted by an appeasing invisible blanket that covers the entirety of your body. Honestly, he should work as a therapist.

Astro's height is 6'0 and his weight is 180 lbs. His body is the perfect mixture of muscles and lankiness, basically having an able-bodied. The texture of his skin is smooth to the touch and free of any obstacles as if you're touching a blanket of silk. Astro trains themselves in strength and speed, with him at the training to keep both balanced. He has a firmly rounded chest, and below is a hard-to-see six-pack with no sign of body hair. His shoulders are also rounded, supposedly carved from a piece of cloud. Under his shoulders is a set of somewhat muscled arms skilled in swiftness and moderate strength, soft to gaze at but hard to the touch. At first, he seems weak and ill-muscled, causing many to overlook him. However, they're too focused on what they can see at first. They would be shocked by the hidden hardiness of the seemingly nimble man while witnessing someone being tossed across the room. His body isn't as detailed compared to others, and he's self-conscious about it. His appearance and body are androgynous, having both feminine and masculine features. He has a beautiful feminine physique on the outside but the interior prowess of a male. Each movement he makes is that of utter grace and elegance, like that of a ballet dancer or a swan. However, his durability is mediocre, and can get knocked down with a few good hits.

His face is astonishing to gaze upon and strangely hypnotic. His appearance doesn't lean heavily toward masculine or feminine. Instead, it's neither strictly male nor female and possesses both traits. Astro's face is handsome to the women yet beautiful to the men. Yes, he confuses many people about what he is, and Astro has to correct them. Some say that they have the appearance of the god of beauty. His cheeks and cheekbones are even, with no sign of gauntness and leaning on the rounded scale. His forehead is on the medium spectrum, not too long or narrow. The lower half of his face has no facial hair, having a smooth and slightly narrowed jawline. The shape of his eyes is almond-shaped, which matches perfectly on his face. The colorization of his eyes is an illustrious blue, said to be spellbinding to gaze into. He covers his eyes unless they want to blind someone due to their intense brightness. His nose is straight with no noticeable features about them. His ears have many holes from multiple piercings. His ears are elongated with a pointed tip.

To finish him off would be their unique hair that settles right about his shoulders. His hair color is a beautiful shade of blue. A color similar to a sapphire, or better yet, an illustrious blue star, and would glisten under lighting. While in his secondary state, his hair would be floating around with no source of gravity to hold it down. In total darkness, you can see his hair illuminate, useful as a glowstick in the dark. On top of his head are two deer-like horns, albeit they're smaller compared to the majestic beasts.

Theme: Themesong
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: I can be active, but I might sometimes disappear for a few days due to RL keeping me busy.
Discord Name: Astrophil#4845
Current RP: N/A
Goals: He had no actual goals except for trying to survive this strange world. He's been traveling the world to explore new things and meet new people that piqued his interest. However, each time he traveled to a new place, his mind gradually changed to becoming a famous hero and aiding those that require it.
Equipped Titles: Fae, The Dauntless Star
Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 180 lbs
Before arriving in the New World, Astrophil's name was originally Asahi Nobunaga, and was your typical high school student. Asahi's family wasn't poor, yet they weren't wealthy either. His dream was to become a professional musician. To do so, he had to partake in a part-time job to pay for music classes. It was clear that his skill was in music, as he picked up the guitar and sang without breaking much of a sweat. His music teachers were impressed with his skill and convinced him to join the music class to have a better chance of joining the music industry. His parents were hesitant at first, but after some convincing from his teachers, they approved yet were cautious. His musical potential started in 9th grade and then worked its way to 12th. When a talent show was being hosted for the first time in years, he joined without hesitation and pushed himself to maintain both his job and school in perfect condition. However, his health started to decline as he's been pushing himself too hard when it came to handling both. Staying up late to fix what errors he believe he had in his songs, worked nearly 40 hours at his job, and trying to accomplish school work at the same time. When his parents were away working their own jobs, with their jobs clocking them out extremely late, Asahi stayed up again to work on his school work and to fix whatever mistakes he made on his song for the upcoming talent show tomorrow. He was making something to eat after spending hours studying, only to pass out from exhaustion and met his demise in a house fire.
A fallen star has crashed at the base of the Paizu Mountains, with many perceiving it to be nothing more but a chunk of rock. Unbeknownst to everyone, that rock was bearing a new life. The fallen star was transparent and odd in color, illuminating an odd shade of blue that lit up the night. Somewhat hidden behind the seeable meteorite was the frame of a child, curled up in a fetal position. Nine months steadily passed, and the meteorite was gradually being covered by the hands of nature while the glowing light was getting weaker. When the final month passed and midway through it, the rock split open into two to reveal what was inside. The horned child slowly wakes up and lifts himself into a sitting position, confused as to what's going on. This child was once Asahi Nobunaga, but the memories of their past life were shattered. The child gazed around the place, afraid of being in an unknown location, especially at night as they hear many creatures stirring around them, yet couldn't see them. The darkness was starting to rile their fear and made them start to weep. That was until a blinding light appeared from above, shining away the creeping darkness and scaring the monsters of the mountains. Their eyes gaze upwards, trying to figure out who or what provided them comfort. Above their head was the full moon shining ever so beautifully in the night sky, accompanied by the stars. The child knew that they won't be alone on their journey, and with reassurance, the child followed the moon's guiding light in the direction of The Republic.

The journey took weeks, with the child learning how to survive on the treacherous journey. They met new creatures on the way, quickly learning which ones are foes and which are potential allies. Some provided him aid with keeping him fed and having a place to stay during the day, while others chased him in an attempt to devour him entirely. Finally, they see the wonderful city in the distance. His eyes widen in marvel, with excitement building inside him. The child was eager to live in a place that was massive and beautiful. However, the moon's rays were pointing in a different direction. With sadness, the boy followed his guardian's order and stumbled across a small home seemingly abandoned. The building was worn down and close to falling apart, with the child growing confused as well as angry when the moon dared to bring him to such a terribly conditioned place. That was until he spotted a woman, no more in her late forties, leave the building to bring in the laundry she left outside to dry. He was close to turning around and heading deeper into the wilderness until his stomach grumbled. He knows that he won't be able to survive for so long out there, so with reluctance, he gave in to the moon's demands and approached the woman. The choice seems to be the best option as the woman was quick to bathe, clothed, and feed him. The woman was named Asari, who left the city to have a closer experience with nature. Asari raised the odd-looking boy as if it was her own child, then granted him the name Astrophil.

As Astrophil aged, his powers started to creep in, and nearly set fire to the home. Still, Asari was patient with the child and provided aid to help keep his powers in check. The two's bond was strong, nearly unbreakable. It's clear as the night that the two loved each other dearly, and thanked fate every day that they had the chance to meet each other. Finally, he reached adulthood and left his tiny home to explore new places that he's never seen before. During his journey, he met many people and monsters and managed to befriend a few. Now, his goal is to become a hero that protects anyone and all, no matter what race they may be.
Acquired Titles: Fae, The Dauntless Star [He earned this title due to his blue flames. The star marking on his right cheek aided the title too.]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D [14]
Precision - E [7]
Intelligence - D [14]
Vitality - E [7]
Speed - E [7]
  • Magic [Auxillry | F | 7]
    • Fire Affinity [Auxillry | F | 7]
      • Continuing
  • Heightened Sense [Auxillary | F | 7]
    • Hearing
  • Fighting Style "Human Style" [Sword | 7]
    • Reach
  • Nature [Misc. | F | 7]
  • Flaming Blade - Magic F, Fire Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Sword - He can set fire to blades on weapons to deal fire damage to opponents - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dragon's Mire - Magic F, Fire Affinity F - Using his flames, he can create a small dragon creature to reach further targets and will disappear if it misses/hits a target - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sword F
  • Leather Armor F
  • Spellbook F
  • Bedroll
  • Rope
  • Rations
  • Mortar and Pistol
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • His Adoptive Mother's Cottage
  • N/A
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Abel is tall, regardless of her height: she has a queenly nobility and grace that elevate her far above most others, as well as a condescending gaze that seem to render others smaller.
She smells of autumn leaves and clean linen, and she is cold to the touch.
Theme: (24) What Wondrous Love Is This - Violin - YouTube
Rp'er Name: rager
Post Frequency:
Every other day, may vary depending on rp
Discord Name: rager#3079 (dreamer in the discord server)
Current RP: "Dragon's Breath" -Novama
  • Gain power via academics, prestige, and politics
  • Grow in physical power (wind affinity specifically)
  • Fulfilling what she supposes God's will to be (Eradicate humanity???)
Equipped Titles:
  • Fae
  • Ryken Academy Student
Height: 5’5
Weight: 100
Backstory: Abel remembered the delight she felt when her brother told her the humans had finally been eradicated. The blight was gone. They were safe.
That is, until, her life slipped away like air in the palm of a hand. God told her of her mission, and she understood the vague monologue perfectly:
The blight must go.
Current Life: It took several months of solitude and watching them from afar to understand the tainted reality of this world: humans are apparently not the monsters here. A few more years of watching and waiting revealed to her her duty on this earth. She would need patience, diligence, and power.
Acquired Titles:
  • Fae
  • Ryken Academy Student
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Magic F (7)
  • Wind Affinity F (7)
  • Telekinesis F (28)
  • Language F (Sylvan)
  • Asset E- Academy Member (14)
  • Educated F (Student) (7)
    Law F​
    Business F​
    Academia F​
  • Wind F - Magic F, Wind Affinity F, Telekinesis F - Can use wind to possibly distract opponents as well as pick up and move around small, light objects within five feet- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wind Maneuvering F - Magic F, Wind Affinity F, Telekinesis F - can split winds so that she or companions are not impacted by them, or dissipate/ move aside mists or other low-visibility air situations within five feet- Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Wind Blast F - Magic F, Wind Affinity F - Can blast wind at someone or something - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Catalyst F- Small, Smooth Iridescent Stone (7)
  • Some books probably
  • Paper
  • Quill
  • Dormitory
Change Log:
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Micah Ambrose
Rp'er Name:
DuckPrince (Duck is fine)
Post Frequency: Generally I can post multiple times per day, but I would give a head's up in case I'm overwhelmed or burnt out and need a day of rest.
Discord Name: DuckPrince#8773
Current RP: Kirkwall, Baroness who?
Goals: Short-term is to try and join a guild of some sort, be it adventuring or artisan.
Ultimate goal is to buy land and raise horses as mounts and companions.​
Equipped Titles: [Elf], [Horse Whisperer],
Height: 170cm
Weight: 68kg
Backstory: Micah was by his lonesome when he was transmigrated. After years of being obedient and having to disregard his own hopes and dreams, he was given a second chance. He cares not for what happened to his home world, happy to be free of it.
Current Life: After gathering his bearings, Micah did his best to offer menial assistance for lodging and extra coin.
Acquired Titles: Elf
Offworlder - Micah is not of this world. Born and raised in another universe, they were brought to this land my divine means.​
Horse Whisperer - Micah is starting to make a name for himself as someone who's good at dealing with horses. Horses and characters that like horses are both likelier to get along with them in turn.​
Confidant - This character is good at keeping secrets for allies.​
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 53
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 18
Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Appraisal E

  • Healing F - Heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.

  • Magic F - Micah has become aware of the mana in his body and can now learn to channel it.

  • Water Affinity F

  • Educated F -
    [*]Animal Handling E - Micah has an ability to calm down a domesticated animal, know an animal’s natural inclinations, and intuit its intentions.
    [*]Agriculture F - The practice of farming, which includes soil treatments for growing crops and the raising and breeding of livestock.
    [*]Nature F - The ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.

  • Riding D - This is the knowledge of how to care for a riding beast, how to saddle, mount, and dismount the animal, how to get it to perform difficult or dangerous maneuvers safely.

  • Steady Hands F - Micah is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move without taking penalties to action effectiveness.

  • Energized F - Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1.
  • Healing Dew F - Healing F, Magic F, Water Affinity F, Energized F - Extending his hand towards the target, Micah creates a thin layer of water over bumps, bruises and cuts, or a small bubble of water that can be consumed, to alleviate minor illness such as colds. 5ft range, 0 cooldown.

  • Aqua Surge F - Magic F, Water Affinity F, Energized F - Micah coats his hands and forearms in water, a swing that lands has the force of an exploding tide. It causes the water coating his arm to rush and splash onto his opponent. 5ft range, 0 cooldown. (Possibility of soaking the target in water and enabling electricity or ice to pack more of a punch)

  • Water Bomb F - Magic F, Water Affinity F, Energized F - Micah intercepts an incoming attack with a ball of water that bursts into mist on contact. 5ft range, 0 Cooldown
  • Sword F
  • Light Armor F
  • Catalyst [Ring] F


Change Log:
Additional Rewards:​
[Horse Whisperer]​
Precision E => D (7pts)​
Riding F => E (7 pts)​
[Confidant] - This character is good at keeping secrets for allies.​
  • 17/04/2023 - Acquired title [Horse Whisperer]
  • 17/04/2023 - Precision E => D => C (14 pts)
  • 17/04/2023 - Riding F => E => D (14 pts)
  • 17/04/2023 - Animal Handling F => E (7 pts)
  • 23/04/2023 - Acquired title [Confidant]
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Lusina Nuri
Theme: Entropy
Rp'er Name: adropofdew-
Post Frequency: Varies, but more active evenings and weekends
Current RP: N/A
World peace some form of world peace
Build a bird sanctuary
Build small shelters/settlements of sorts for people in need
Learn to sleep in the dark without needing a nightlight
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5’1
Weight: 120
Backstory: Lusina grew up in a glorious city filled with light, love and happiness. Everyone took care of one another; everyone was family. The city welcomed newcomers no matter where they came from. A typical day would include healing the injured, finding housing for them, and feeding them. The city neighboured quite a few criminal organizations, unfortunately, and many became hungry for strife. Lusina’s home became a beacon in the night. Which was a good thing. And also a bad thing. Because eventually the light would go out.
Current Life: Lusina woke up in the new world with a vague recollection of the past. She suspects there was an attack, thus leading to her amnesia. In her pocket, she would find a crystal that seemed to shine only in the light. It brought her comfort. The new world continued to ignite her lust for adventure. She became a wandering adventurer of sorts, never staying in one place for too long. For there was always someone in need, somewhere.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - E [7]
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D [14]
Speed - F
  • Magic E [14]
  • Light Affinity E [14]
  • Barrier E
  • Light Manipulation – Magic E, Light Affinity E, Magic Range E - She can manipulate light, usually just with the use of her hands. This would either be in the form of swirling lights or orbs. When attacking, impact is generally hot to the touch. Power is stronger during the day and weaker at night – Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Light Barrier – Magic F, Light Affinity E, Magic Range F - For protection, she can summon a light barrier around someone or something - Grade F – 1 Post Cooldown – 1 Target
  • Sword F
  • Catalyst - Light Crystal E
  • Light Crystal
  • A feather, for no particular reason
  • Nothing…yet
Change Log:
  • N/A
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Art by: Me

Elecal, Cursed priestess
Rp'er Name:Yonsisac
Post Frequency:
Minimum always, Once a day. Post as Frequent as possible (Time Fluctuates do to work)
Discord Name: Yonsisac #7056
Current RP: N/A
  • Find and seal Her father, preventing the books failure and safety
  • Find a way to transcribe the black wish, summon the grimoires prisoner and end the curse
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Priest] [Cursed]
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 132 Lbs
Backstory: N/A Native
cleric1.pngCurrent Life: Born in a Religious family of no great wealth, but one of humble life and a tradition that must be uphold. She grew a normal life, with a humble father and mother, a brother who practiced in the arts of magic. Every day she was coerced into doing the same and improving her art of magic, but she did not grasp it well yet. It was all well until the truth of there practice was revealed. It was no evil, no menace, but a fear that had to be held by each generation. A mere white book and its black pages echoed as her mother told them that, there father was never really here, all was a facade to give them a humble life with a step-father before revealing the truth. There father, the one before and those befor in the past hundreds of years in each generation have met a similar fate. Mages who, in there time of old age, the book's curse takes its hold and turns them into grotesque monstrosities of cursed magic, and, the youngest of the family line, must find them and seal them away in the book to prevent its true prisoner from being released. Acting as a aid to those after, and a extra lock to keep the beast shut. If by the time, age has taken its toll and, the previous user, now a monstrosity, is not sealed. All the locks will fail and release the old sealed beast from the book. It is no great evil, but the Crow family would be wiped clean from the slates of history and, the beast now free, would search its next great meal.

With Sealed fate, one that could not be stopped, she thought, in the book itself lays a spell of unknown age, the original spell that started this curse. Its lost through time and its magic is primal and off from the current ways of magic. If she could find a way to transcribe and cast this spell....she could free the true prisoner instead of breaking free, and Without the book failing, the abomination won't absorbed those in it, possibly making it able to be defeated and bring a end to this family curse. Now with the book in her hands and tied to it, she and those sealed inside, to aid her in this twisted path. The young Elecal must weigh her decision. To continue family tradition or to end it. Time will tell as the clock ticks for her decision. Her curse Reflected as a Misty black hand on her shoulder, Only visible to those either capable of seeing magic or detect magic.

Commissioned from: Xelt (Friend)
Acquired Titles: [Human] [Priest]
[Cursed]: Ele Is cursed By Family blood, The gaze of a powerful malignant being that wishes her and There demize, always watches them from its prison. If the creature would escape: Ele and the Crow bloodline would be the first to fall upon its gaze. (The curse can cause following Events: Inability to sleep or the feeling of being watched, Spells may fail in very rare occasions,Rarely: Weak fiend creatures skulking about seeming to be sent by the prisoner to stalk her monitoring her movement) Eleca can prevent this by preaching to her deity or be near places of holy presence of good Alignment and ,usually, the curse is lulled for a period of time.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7 Points)
Precision - F
Intelligence - C (21 Points)
Vitality - D (14 points)
Speed - F
  • Magic E, E grade Intelligence (14 points)
  • Healing E, E grade Intelligence (14 points): Eleca Can bestow healing by clerical means by channeling divinity. From smaller wounds to minor diseases and poisons are swept away.
  • Spell Duration F, E grade Magic (14 Points)
  • Religion F, E grade Intelligence (7 Points)
  • Healing touch - Healing E, Magic E - Touch a Creature and heal them for a small amount, or, cure 1 common ailment or low-grade poison. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Ever Rejuvenation - Healing E, Magic duration E, Magic E - One's hand begins to glow A Light green when ability is used. Upon touching a creature, that creature will passively heal slowly similar to the skill "Rejuvenation" for up to 1 hour or when canceled. Vitality recovered is equal to this spells grade Per combat round. This Ability cannot regrow severed appendages, Only heal existing wounds. - Grade E - 1 post Cooldown
  • Blessed Guidance - Religion F, Magic E - Call upon a Deity, worshiped by Ele mostly, for some semblance of guidance. It can be minor as a Yes or No, Or minor nudge similar to a glance of reflected light or animal to point vaguely where to go or answer her question. The higher the spells grade: The higher chance the deity would give more complex answers or guidance. - Grade E - Post cooldown: After Long rest/Sleep.
View attachment 1035579
  • The Vocarian Grimoire, E grade Magical Catalyst (14 points) : And old Grimoire once wielded by a mage of long past, its pages once holding spells, now as a prison for those cursed to its hand. A man's greed and tainted magic being its ultimate undoing: Its very ultimate desire breaking its will and taking his life ,but, The great beast was sealed within. Now its hatred fuels its hunger as a once family now turn to a tradition of fear. Its first page holds the spell to break its shackles, but its ways long lost to time. The rest of its pages? Those who came before, sealed within to serve the new wielder of the Family grimoire. But time and improvement is needed to understand its pages more and able to ask aid from others within.
  • Narmer Priest Garb F Heavy Armor (7 Points)- A female priest Garb, studded and furred in order to last the long cold winters. Now slightly plated in iron modifications to serve as minor armor for its wielder. It's imbued with the blessing of a deity, seeming to ward off the undead or evil beings and same creatures have harder time penetrating with attacks the holy aura that permeates the armor. Simulating a Holy ward or Clerical shield against beings of said origin.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Book containing holy scripture
  • Thurible
  • Blessed incense
  • Holy Symbol
  • Waterskin
Assets: N/A
Change Log:

  • 11/1/2022: Fixed the fact armor was not labeled as Heavy And Regeneration on Minions scales with grade so was lowered to F and 7 points allocated for E speed.
  • 11/6/2022: Removed the summoning Mechanic temporarily to fit more the narrative, Points shifted in to Religion skill (7 points) and Incremented Vitality from E To D.
Character Name: Krogash

Rp'er Name: Mirgris Mirgris
Post Frequency: Hourly
Discord Name: Zedalb
Current RP:
Goals: Lead the Hobgoblins to glory become the god of hobgoblins
Equipped Titles: [Monster] [Hobgoblin]
Height: 7'2
Weight: 365 lbs
Backstory:What can I say of this cursed life and of my cursed people. Born to a tribe whose home was already destroyed all we have ever known is travel in search of survival. I was raised in this tribe of nomads occasionally finding a few more of our kind or losing a few to the monster that roamed the land. I learned to lead and guide my people as I trained to become strong and wise.
Current Life: Now we seek a home and I seek to give us one. To lay down a foundation upon this world and build propserity and power to grow our people into a city, and then a capital.
Acquired Titles: [Hobgoblin] [Monster]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Feature (0 Cost) Green Skin​
  • Feature (0 Cost) Weirdly good looking​
  • Minions F Warriors​
  • Minions F Farmers​
  • Minions F Miners​
  • Minions F Smiths​
  • Minions F Loggers​
  • F Heavy Iron Armor​
  • F Iron Long Sword​
  • F Iron Shield​
  • Whetstone​
  • Bedroll​
  • Fire Starter Kit​
  • Rations​
  • Waterskin​

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Feature (0 Cost) Green Skin
Fighting Style [Hobgoblin Warrior Art] [Axe] E (Penetrating E)
Resilient F (Fear)
Feature (Dark Vision)

Heavy Armor (E)
Shield (E)
Axe (E)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Feature (0 Cost) Green Skin
Agriculture (C)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Feature (0 Cost) Green Skin
Mining (C)
Strength - F
Precision - B
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Feature (0 Cost) Green Skin
Artisan (Blacksmith) (C)
Strength - (D)
Precision - F
Intelligence - (D)
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Feature (0 Cost) Green Skin
Logging (E)
Nature (E)
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Yugo is your typical asian shut-in male in his early twenties. Given his lifestyle, his black hair remains long and unkempt, while his skin is pale to the point that it looks porcelain-like.
Though a bit taller than what you'd expect from his demographic, Yugo appears shorter due to his tendency to lurch his lower back, slouch his shoulders, and tilt his head downwards in an attempt to avoid eye contact with others.


RP'ER NAME: dancedance
DISCORD NAME: Dance#6397
CURRENT RP: Questions of Property!
  • Yugo is selfish; he prioritizes his own well-being before others. His main goal for the time being is to survive and eventually, if able to, get back home.
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 11 inches
WEIGHT: 136 pounds
BACKGROUND: Yugo is someone with a heavy burden on his shoulders. His parents are quite successful in life, and it is expected that Yugo would follow in their footsteps. This manner of upbringing made Yugo harbor resent throughout the years. Being compared to his parents simply because they were successful made Yugo spiteful, leaving with no other option but to carve his own way through life. Though, with his parents hardly being around, Yugo was left to his own doings, and eventually, he learned to not care about what others thought of him. Yugo continued to live his life as he wanted, becoming an outcast and a shut-in. Before he knew it, the trap of the NEET life had consumed him.
PRESENT: Unlike the others who shared the same fate as him, Yugo did not die. Instead of some gruesome death, Yugo just woke up one day, and instead of his apartment, he found himself in an endless void of pure white. There, he met [god], and they discussed the situation he felt he was forced into by circumstances beyond his control. Not being able to fully comprehend what he had heard and uncertain whether it was reality or just a dream, Yugo was left speechless. In the end, he did not get that much from [god] and was unfortunately plunged into a new world.
  • Strength - F (0)
  • Precision - E (7)
  • Intelligence - D (14)
  • Vitality - F (0)
  • Speed - E (7)
  • Appraisal F
  • Magic E
  • Magic Range F
  • Componentless Magic E
  • Energized F
  • Fast F
  • RANGED APPRAISAL - Appraisal F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Componentless Magic E - Yugo can appraise a target within his line of sight from a maximum distance of 30 feet - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown
  • None
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Bag
  • None
  • Creation (02/23/2023)
    • Stat Upgrade: PRECISION F to E [7 PTS]
    • Stat Upgrade: INTELLIGENCE F to D [14 PTS]
    • Stat Upgrade: SPEED F to E [7 PTS]
    • Skill Purchase: APPRAISAL F [0 PTS]
    • Skill Purchase: MAGIC E [14 PTS]
    • Skill Purchase: MAGIC RANGE F [7 PTS]
    • Skill Purchase: COMPONENTLESS MAGIC E [42 PTS]
    • Skill Purchase: ENERGIZED F [7 PTS]
    • Skill Purchase: FAST F [7 PTS]
    • Ability Creation: RANGED APPRAISAL
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Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png
Rp'er Name:TheTimePiece
Post Frequency:
As often as turn shows up on play per play basis.
Discord Name: TheTimePiece
Current RP:

Go on Adventures.
Restore the relics of her people.
Rebuild the lunar sanctuary in the See.
Live a more productive meaningful life than her last.
Help people.
Make meaningful change in the world.
Rise in rank in the Adventurer's Guild.
Equipped Titles: [Fae] [Lune Elf] [Ryken Adventurer E] [Guide] [Shade of the Fae See Guide F] [The Master's Hand] [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member F]
Height: 5’8
Weight: 125 lbs
Backstory: Miyake Nao lived a relatively simple life. She grew up in the suburbs, and didn’t particularly thrive academically. This was particularly problematic for her future career paths with a society so focused on people who tested well. Regardless, she was pretty content subsisting at her dead end job in retail for the time being. She always resented the success of others compared to her own comparatively largely unremarkable one filled with unproductive activities to pass the time rather than gaining skills. She avidly watched tv, surfed the net and stayed in her room. As long as she paid rent to her folks they enabled her reclusive behavior. Eventually she was quite lonely as a result due to not making many efforts to socialize herself.

That was until one day still in her youth she decided that she had enough of it all and was going to go learn the skills needed to better herself. Unfortunately on the way to her vocational training program that would pick her up to learn culinary, she was hit by a massive semi-truck when the driver ran a stop light. Before she knew it she found herself in front of the god of this new world. Finally she had a second chance to make things right she realized, and do something impactful with her life. She wasn’t going to spoil this opportunity and was going to try her utmost to make a true impact in the world.
Current Life: The details of Shael Xyvern’s encounter with this god became fuzzy not long after she was reincarnated as a Lune elf in the See. This she soon found out was a fairly reclusive group in it’s own right preferring to stay in the shadiest parts of the forest (The Shade), a many culturally significant activities taking place at night. However the Lune elf’s numbers were limited as amany Fae were. Thankfully for Shael, she learned many skills for survival quickly enough thanks to her parents who did her well and were much more supportive than her past life variations, getting her to self sufficiency as quickly as a fae could.

Unfortunately it wasn’t long before she learned that it had been many years since the Lune elves had been at their height of power in the Fae See and that they were a more vulnerable population. Some Lune Elf significant artifacts had been lost or pillaged which was vital to their culture and religion. There weren’t too many who were left who even remembered all of the details of the conflicts that had taken place. What Shael did know however was that deep down she wanted to help change the world because in the visage of her mind she could remember the god she had spoken too and that somehow even if she couldn’t remember all the details of her past life, that it had been incredibly unfulfilling and now she now had the opportunity and skills to make it so. One of her primary objectives now was to restore some of what had been lost to her people.
Acquired Titles:

[Lune Elf]
Pale elves with dark vision who typically live in the darkest shadiest parts of the See. Weapon catalyst hybrids are common. The moon plays a significant role in their culture and religion.


Feature: Dark Vision (7)

Feature: Magic Affinity F (7)

Feature: Elf Ears (Cosmetic- 0)

Feature: Pale Skin (Cosmetic- 0)

Skill Survival F (7) or Stealth F (7)

[Ryken Adventurer E] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Grade E - character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.

[Born for This] get a 7 point discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements per racial tree you are a part of.

[Naive] - character is prone to acting and speaking in a way more experienced individuals would call foolish. Character is also mostly likely to find the chance or hope where none were.

[Guide] - character has worked as a guide for others in showing them around.

optional title [Shade of the Fae See Guide F] Character has successfully done work guiding others through the Shade of the Fae See. Character knows more on average about the Shade than the average non-denizen, and may receive guide related work more easily in the future.
Optional Title [The Master's Hand]
When the machines rose against their creators, this character acted decisively to suppress the rebellion, reinforcing the dominance of the masters. For better or worse, when the time comes, their role in quelling the uprising will not be forgotten.

optional title [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member] F Characters have successfully completed a quest given by said Adventurer's Guild.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 405
Points Spent:
Points Not Spent: 153
Strength - E (7)
Precision - A(35)
Intelligence - C(21)
Vitality - F
Speed - D(14)
Character Grade = D
  • Survival F (7)
  • Steady Hands E (14)
  • Stealth E (14)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Focus E (42)
  • Energized E (14)
  • Fast F (7)
  • Undetected E (28) [Hear, Smell]
  • Feature: Dark Vision (7)
  • Feature: Magic Affinity F (7)
  • Feature: Elf Ears (Cosmetic - 0 points)
  • Feature: Pale Skin (Cosmetic -0 points)
  • Sylvan Language (native speaker - 0 points)
  • Common Language (Free - 0 points)
  • Appraisal E (Isekaied Free 0 points)
  • Moonlight Affinity F 0 points (Born for this Discount)
  • [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E (14)
    A Lune Elf long ranged fighting style used to inflict critical lingering injuries against targets. Frequently used with arrow projectile weapons (Bow) weapons in tandem with stealth tactics.
    Range E (21) Continuing (Poison) E (21)
  • Educated E (14) Monster Hunter:
    Shael comes from the Xyvern Family a Family of monster hunters from the Shade of the Fae See, she was brought up learning skills to hunt monsters.
    Traps E (0, Educated)
    Navigation E (0, Educated)
    Perception E (0, Educated)
  • Profession: [Monster Hunter] F (14)
  • Bane [Monster] E (28)
  • Dodge - Acrobatics F, Fast F,
    Shael attempts to dodge something using her acrobatic movement ability. Grade F - 0 post cooldown.
  • Stealth Shot - Stealth F, Steady Hands F
    Shael attempts to aim and take a shot at her target while undetected by being stealthy. Grade F - 0 post cooldown.
  • Eclipse Lunen Elf Catalyst Bow E (28) (Bow + Catalyst)
    Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 9.12.33 PM.png
  • Lune Elf Cloak F (7) (Light Armor)
    A protective dark hooded cloak originating from the Shade of the Fae See crafted from silk.
  • Black Plant Fiber Top
  • Black Plant Fiber Pants
  • Black Wooden Sandals
  • Plant Fiber Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Lunen Elf arrows
  • Red and Black Plant Fiber Quiver
  • Asset [World Certification] - character has experienced a world rp or a world training and can participate in World Rp's and their various kinds. Unlike the common populace, the character has faced death and has grown in their abilities and teamwork.
  • [Shade Elite B] Member of the Xyvern Family. The Xyven Family has a noble lineage of well known adventurers and monster hunters throughout The Shade. (35 Points)
Change Log:
  • Created on 2/24/2023
  • Gained 88 points, Asset [World Certification], and Title [Ryken Adventurer E] from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Worlds Training - Foresight, Flowers, Bugs and The Invasion.
  • October 9th, 2023: Gained 36 points from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] • The black box and beating hearts beneath the moonlight
  • December 29th, 2023: Spent 35 points on [Shade Elite B] Member of the Xyvern Family. The Xyven Family has a noble lineage of well known adventurers and monster hunters throughout The Shade. Added Moonlight Affinity F 7 and Born for This perk Signifier
  • January 9th, 2024: Spent 14 points on [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E
    A Lune Elf long ranged fighting style used to inflict critical lingering injuries against targets. Frequently used with arrow projectile weapons (Bow) weapons in tandem with stealth tactics.
  • January 9th, 2024: Spent 21 points on technique core Range. for [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E
  • January 9th, 2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Eclipse Lunen Elf Catalyst Bow E (Bow + Catalyst) from F to E.
  • January 9th, 2024: Spent 21 points on technique core Continuing (Poison) for [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E
  • January 9th, 2024: spent 7 points on Lune Elf Cloak F (Light Armor)
  • February 10th, 2024: gained 105 points and optional title [Naive] from participation in Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Home Sweet Home
  • March 26, 2024: Spent 14 points upgrading precision C to A.
  • March 26th, 2024: Spent 14 points upgrading Intelligence E to C.
  • March 26th, 2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Speed E to D.
  • March 26th, 2024: Spent 14 points on Focus E
  • March 26th, 2024: Spent 14 points on Energized E
  • March 26th, 2024, Spent 28 points on Undetected E, [Hear, Smell]
  • March 26th, 2024: Spent 7 points upgrading Steady Hands F to E.
  • May 11th, 2024: Gained 35 points and optional title title [Guide] - character has worked as a guide for others in showing them around. from participation in Graded - [Ryken City] A Visitor From A Far Away Kingdom
  • July 14th, 2024: Moved [Guide] position in title list.
  • 10/17/2024: Edited past change log to reflect more changes which took place.
  • Jan 27, 2024: Earned 76 points and optional title acquired [Shade of the Fae See Guide F] Character has successfully done work guiding others through the Shade of the Fae See. Character knows more on average about the Shade than the average non-denizen, and may receive guide related work more easily in the future. From narrating: Graded - [Southern Fae See] Shady Shrooms Part 1 Equipped Title earned.
  • Jan 27th, 2024: Earned 58 points from participation in Graded - [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct
  • Jan 27th, 2024: Earned 7 points and [The Master's Hand] → Characters have quelled the machine rebellion, for now.Description: When the machines rose against their creators, this character acted decisively to suppress the rebellion, reinforcing the dominance of the masters. For better or worse, when the time comes, their role in quelling the uprising will not be forgotten and optional title [Widersia Adventurer's Guild Member] F (or upgrade if character's standing is sufficient) → Characters have successfully completed a quest given by said Adventurer's Guild. From participation in: Graded - [Clockhaven - Widersia] A Rowdy Construct: Conclusion Equipped titles earned.
  • March 2nd, 2025: Spent 28 more points to reflect accurate new cost for Focus.
  • March 7th, 2025: (reflected the new cost on the skill list next to focus)
  • March 7th, 2025: Spent 14 points on Educated E Monster Hunter (Traps, Navigation, Perception)
  • March 7th, 2025: Spent 14 points on Profession: Monster Hunter F
  • March 7th, 2025: Spent 28 points on Bane [Monster] E
  • March 9th, 2025: Updated Energized skill listing to reflect appropriate price at E, 14.
  • March 9th, 2025: I audited sheet with calculator tool, Changed points not spent to 153, and points spent to 357
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Eliza Veliosa
Mage of the day.jpeg

Rp'er Name: Heartstorm629
Post Frequency:
I post as much as i try to, but mainly 1-3 days if you ping me.
Discord Name: N/A ATM
Current RP: N/A
Goals: to become the best mage the world has ever seen.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mage
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120lbs
Backstory: Eliza's life was a typical mangaka fan who goes to anime conventions, one day she was on her way on a flight to Kyoto Japan for a Convention with some friends, But due to a failure in the plane flying system, the aircraft crashed into the bay of japan, and there were only a few survivors and Eliza was not one of them.
Current Life: After dying and meeting god for the first time (As well as getting the shock of her life.) She got sent to a small village in Ryke, where she was Reborn as a daughter of a small family, Her life was pretty much filled with different things and new stuff that comes into her life, One day she was attacked but was rescued by a mage, who now has a new desire to become a mage just like them, So she asked the mage cane she become one, at first they denied but afterwards(With this child being annoying) She became one.
Acquired Titles: Human, Mage
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At the start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E(7)
Precision - E(7)
Intelligence - E(7)
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade: F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Jumping- Grade Level F(7+)
  • Teleportation- Grade Level F(21)
  • Magic - Grade Level F(7+)
  • Darkness Affinity- Grade Level F(7)
  • Attentive Student - Grade Level F(7)
  • Appraisal-Grade Level F(0 is an Isekai'd character)
  • Feature-Common(7): Speedreader
  • Empathy(7)
  • Survival(7)
  • Healing(7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also, list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Darkness whip- Magic F, Affinity Darkness F - Eliza concentrates really hard as she pours her magic into her staff, as it the tip of it glows and condenses into a whip, She'll call out the abilities name as it becomes a whip, and she'll use it at the opponent within 5 ft before dissipating - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Transport- Telport F- Eliza teleports to another location that she can see within 10ft of her area and can go to it! once per round.
  • Gift of Darkness- Grade E Intelligence, Magic, Affinity Darkness F, Healing- Eliza heals minor cuts, Bruises, Colds, and basic aches and pains. Only 0 post cooldown.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Magical Staff (Magic Catalysts): A Staff that Eliza Wields to cast spells (Catalyst F(7) Magical Staff).staff of the day.jpeg
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Traveling Bag: used to carry her items.
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Traveling Food Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log:
  • Character Created on 2/26/23
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Connor Erland

Rp'er Name: Renny
Post Frequency: Daily to once a week, depending on availability
Discord Name: Kozaktri#6691
Current RP: The Silk Road
  • Become a world famous musician
  • Further improve fighting skills
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Savior? Of Odai People]
Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight: 127 lbs (58 kg)
Connor is only able to remember bits and pieces from his previous life, but one of the most interesting things that he can remember was that he was a member of a small indie band as the lead guitarist. Though he can't recall the exact details, he does know that he has close friends with the rest of the band members.
Current Life:
Born into a family of three, with an elder brother, Connor grew up living a fairly comfy life. His parents were at least stable enough to support the family within a city; his father working as a professor, and his mother making a living as a local musician. His brother was the more standout member of the family, living his life as an adventurer. As such, a lot of the time, Connor's brother is away from home, regularly returning home with extra money and various trinkets as gifts. Connor particularly enjoyed spending time with his brother whenever possible, listening to stories, and occasionally getting into playful duels too. Eventually, this played a part in making Connor want to set out on his own adventures as well.
Acquired Titles: [Human], [Ryken Adventurer E], [Savior? Of Odai People]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 146
Points Spent: 245
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - C (21)
Precision - F
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - D (14)
  • Magic D (21)
  • Selective Magic F (7)
  • Magic Area of Effect F (7)
  • Performance E (14)
  • Healing E (14)
  • Range F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Fire Affinity F (7)
  • Sonic Strike - Magic E, Range F, Performance F - Briefly play a note imbued with magic, generating a sound dealing damage to a target up to 30 ft away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Soothing Melody - Magic D, Selective Magic F, Magic Area of Effect F, Healing E, Performance F - Play a melody, generating a slight healing effect to allies within Connor's immediate vicinity - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Katana C (28)
    • A katana with the blunt edge serving as a bow for Connor's violin
  • Violin + Catalyst C (56)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • A number of sheet music
  • World Certification
Change Log:
  • Character Creation (2023-02-27)
  • Earned 55 pts, Title [Ryken Adventurer E], and Asset [World Certification]
  • Earned 21 pts
  • 2023-12-16 (70 pts spent)
    • Katana F (7) -> Katana D (21)
    • Violin + Catalyst E (28) -> Violin + Catalyst D (42)
    • Strength E (7) -> Strength D (14)
    • Intelligence D (14) -> Intelligence C (21)
    • Skills
      • Add Range F (7)
      • Add Selective Magic F (7)
      • Healing F (7) -> Healing E (14)
      • Magic E (14) -> Magic D (21)
    • Abilities
      • Sonic Strike
        • Add 7 Range F
      • Soothing Melody
        • Magic E -> Magic D
        • Add Selective Magic F
        • Healing F -> Healing E
  • 2024-12-8 - Earned 70 pts, Title [Savior? Of Odai People]
  • Spend 70 pts
    • Equipment
      • Katana D (21) -> Katana C (28)
      • Violin + Catalyst D (42) -> Violin + Catalyst (C 56)
    • Stats
      • Strength D (14) -> Strength C (21)
      • Intelligence C (21) -> Intelligence B (28)
      • Vitality E (7) -> Vitality D (14)
      • Speed E (7) -> Speed D (14)
    • Skills
      • Performance F (7) -> Performance E (14)
      • Add Spell Duration F (7)
      • Add Fire Affinity F (7)
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Diane Duste
Art Source - Twitter

"History tells us a great deal on what has occurred in the past of our wonderful world, whether it is about our culture, technology or even warfare.
They can provide us great inspiration through their achievements, or reveal grave mistakes that we may so graciously learn from and better ourselves with.
... So pray tell. What grave mistake caused me to end up in such a dreadful predicament again, Diane?"
- Diane questioning herself in the middle of yet another of her unusual escapades.

- - -

Roleplayer Name: NimbusWing
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: #NimbusSpark6125
Current RP: - NONE -


  • To discover more historical information on a plague known as the 'Shallow Grave', and to uncover the truth on if her family was truly at fault for its introduction.
    • The Shallow Grave is a strange waterborne disease carried and spread through aquatic wildlife, named after the horrifying fact that it is potent enough to infect and revive smaller beasts as undead beings; highly frowned upon for disrupting the balance of nature Beastkin strive for. As of the moment, the Duste family is rumored to have connections behind the introduction of the Shallow Grave, but there is yet to be solid proof that makes Diane's family responsible for its introduction.
  • To uncover Ryke's many secrets and mysteries of the past.
  • The restoration & preservation of the world's history for others to learn from.
  • To teach others about the history of the world, as a professor in her field should.
  • To get the opportunity to retire comfortably and relax in the future.
Equipped Titles: Beast [Kitsune], Archaeologist, Instructor of Ethereal Luminary F
Acquired Titles: Beast [Kitsune], Archaeologist, Instructor of Ethereal Luminary F
Occupation: Professor in Archaeology & Historian
Height: 5'6" / 170cm - Not Including Fox Ears
Weight: 124lbs
- World Native -
Current Life:
Diane was brought into the world as the only child of her kitsune parents, Jade and Takumi Duste, in a busy but protected home space. Pleasantly nicknamed 'Diamond' by her family, her upbringing was one that brought on much love and attention directed towards the little kitsune - unbeknownst to the fact that she was being sheltered from the outside world for reasons she had yet to truly understand. Nevertheless, her mind was kept occupied as she played, learned and listened to the kind but firm words of her parents, drawing a strange interest towards the happenings of history - stories, culture, adventure - so much was to be told to Diane that piqued her interest then and there.

Of course, as much as it desired by her family: they eventually knew that Diane would have to face a disturbing truth about who her family was. It was at Diane's first family outing that she was taken through the town, which had opened the little kitsune's eyes to something that had still remained shocking to this very day. Insults, questioning and slander - directed towards Jade and Takumi, about some strange 'Shallow Grave'... there were no fights, no protesting. Her parents only took the verbal abuse from their fellow Beastkin and continued on, their love for their daughter hiding the pain they truly felt for so long. Even a few snide remarks flew towards Diane herself, which was a scary contrast to how she was treated by those who truly cared for her.

Diane could only struggle to understand why they deserved such a fate. These were the people who had raised for her, cared for her, protected her. Yet those who knew about the Duste family were targets for betraying the nature and balance Beastkin swore to protect, even if they were not responsible for the actions of others. Was there truly so much power and hatred towards one's family name...?

Eventually as she grew older and wiser, a still young Diane had enough. Stubbornly asking her parents what the 'Shallow Grave' really was, she persisted until she finally got an answer.

A disease that had taken full shape many generations ago, it was a horrid curse that brought a truly unnatural case of life and death in its wake, mutating and reanimating creatures into thoughtless, aggressive monsters. Where some may have now taken up arms to contain and beat this horror, to the Duste family the true curse came from inheriting a connection - as faint as it may be - to those who may have introduced the Shallow Grave into the world to begin with. Some have lived to accept it. Some have tried to prove things wrong. Some tried to fight against the disease. But the burden of the Duste name persisted no matter what was done.

It was at that moment that Diane knew that something needed to be done. The idea of destroying a disease that had remained for so long now seemed fathomless at this point, but perhaps there was still an opportunity to confirm if there truly was a connection between her family name and the Shallow Grave, and sever its ties. The strongest weapons, quickest arrows and most potent of magics wouldn't put a stop to this 'curse' she was afflicted with. The discovery of the truth behind her family tree became Diane's goal, and history would became her greatest ally.

Looking into outlets where she can find out about her family history and any connections related to the Shallow Grave, Diane took to herself to travel away from home - so she could study and to get accepted into an Academy of prestige so she could gather the skills and resources she needed in order to become a fully fledged historian and archeologist. Eventually, her studies would highly prove themselves both in her actions and her written work and after many years working on the topic, she'd be certified in her chosen fields and approved as an official Professor and Archeologist.

Now it was up to her to uncover what was really behind the many mysteries of Ryke.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 19
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 5
Strength - F
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - E (6 Upgrades)
  • Kitsune Features:
    • Fox Tail (Cosmetic)
      A nice fluffy tail, not much else to it aside from being incredibly cute. Handle and love with care.
    • Heightened Sense F (Smell) (7)
      Diane's sense of smell is superior to the norm and allows her to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of her situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.
  • Languages F (7)
    Characters natively know the common tongue (common) of the world as well as the language they knew pre-isekai and any racial languages. The Languages skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten. Each time this skill is taken, another language can be learned by Diane.
    Languages Known: Common, Beastial (Racial), Terran (Purchased)
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
  • Appraisal F (Native, 7)
    This ability allows Diane to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until her Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, Diane will need additional skills to broaden her wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: Medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.
  • Culture F (Ryke, 7)
    This reflects Diane's knowledge of the origins, ethics, social structure, and lifestyles of different cultures and populations.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
  • History C (28)
    The ability for Diane to recall lore about historical events, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, past disputes, and recent wars.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade B
  • Insight F (7)
    The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move.
    Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
  • Traps F (7)
    The ability to create and place traps in both natural and constructed settings. Also covers disarming of discovered traps.
    Skill Requirement: Precision, Grade E
  • Educated F (7)
    As a result of Diane's deep studies into the field of archeology, she has access to several other skills and knowledge of which she has used on a regular basis in her field of work.
    Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.

    Skill Requirement: Character, Grade E
    • Academia F
      Diane has talents that are rooted in higher learning – communications, language, research, and critical thinking – plus an understanding of institutions of knowledge (schools, magic academies, etc.).
      Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
    • Investigation F
      The talent for detective work – searching around for clues and making deductions based on those clues. Includes spotting the location of a hidden object and discerning from the appearance of a wound what kind of weapon dealt it.
      Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
    • Navigation F
      The ability to read maps or use specialized navigation equipment to help the character find the fastest and safest route to a destination.
      Skill Requirement: Intelligence, Grade E
  • 'That Belongs in a Museum!'
    Academia F, Appraisal F, History D
    As a result of her keen studies towards the field of archeology, Diane's able to judge the quality or create an estimated value of weapons, armor, tools and crafted items that she may find based on its materials, age, and quality.
    Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • 'Decryption'
    Academia F, Languages F, Investigation F
    Some secrets are often known to be hidden away with normally unrecognizable puzzles, hidden chambers and locked boxes. Using a mix of her intuition and varied knowledge, Diane can use this ability in order to decipher and unlock these hidden secrets with greater efficiency.
    Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • None, yet.
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskins
  • Travel Journal & Writing Quill
  • Trowel
  • Rope
  • Compass
  • Specimen Brushes
  • Various Breath Mints
  • N/A
Change Log List:
  • Diane Duste was Created!
  • Spent 105 Points in the Following:
    • 14 Points Added in Precision: F => D
    • 21 Points Added in Intelligence: F => C
    • 7 Points Added to Heightened Sense (Grade: F, Smell)
    • 7 Points Added to Languages (Grade: F, Terran Language Learned)
    • 7 Points Added to Appraisal (Native, Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Culture (Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Educated (Grade: F)
      • Skills used: Academia, Investigation, Navigation
    • 21 Points Added to History (Grade: D)
    • 7 Points Added to Insight (Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Traps (Grade: F)
  • Diane Duste finishes off the Roleplay - Converging Moments
    • Gains 19 Points
    • Gains access to the Optional Title / Asset: [Instructor of Ethereal Luminary F]
      • Added as an Acquired & Equipped Title.
  • Spent 14 Points in the Following:
    • 7 Points Added in Intelligence: C => B
    • 7 Points Added to History: (Grade: D => C)
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Uriah Ulricson
Art by Victor Santos
Theme: The Wind by Demon Hunter
Rp'er Name: QizPizza QizPizza
Post Frequency: Weekly/Multiple Times a Week
Discord Name: Qiz#6580
Current RP: NA

Equipped Titles: Human, Nhevian, Warrior, Axe Apprentice
Acquired Titles: Human, Nhevian, Warrior, Axe Apprentice
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 236

In his former life, Uriah Ulrichson was Mao, a devout monk who lived in an obscure mountain monastery. He spent his days dedicated to his study of the wind gods: pouring over the scriptures, meditating in sacred shrines, and communing with the wind spirits. He led a modest, but happy life for much of his life.

That is, until the barbarian horde swept into the land, pillaging, raiding, and conquering as the pleased. Living the isolated life they did, the monastery was caught completely unaware of the horde until they showed up one day, asking for refuge. As per their policy, the monks obliged to care for these weary travelers, but the wind spirits whispered of the grave threat to Mao. The monk could not convince the others of the calamity that would befall if they let these men in nor could he convince them to flee. The barbarians were let in, only to slaughter every monk they saw and plundered any sacred artifacts they saw.

Mao managed to escape the initial attack by hiding in a hidden shrine. Hoping to wait out the villains, he stayed in the shrine for days, but the barbarians did not leave any time soon. The monk could not make his escape so all he could do was pray to the wind gods for the strength to never allow such a tragedy to ever occur again. In this life, Mao would pass away from frostbite and hypothermia before the gods could answer his prayers, however, in the next…
Uriah Ulricson of the Clan Aquilo was a Nhevian born to Ulric Bjornson and Edda Karidottir in a remote village on the mountain range of Vindrhal. He grew up worshiping the eight wind gods that supposedly lived on each of the eight peaks of Vindrhal. Life was tough in the frigid mountains, but the people of Vindrhal were under the blessing of the Wind and the gods that serve it. The cold was biting, the wind constantly howled, and beasts were in no short supply on the mountain, however, the cold kept food from spoiling in the harsher seasons, the wind seemed to be at the backs of hunters, and the beasts kept a steady supply of meat coming into the village.

On his 16th birthday, Uriah made his ascent up Vindrhal, guided by the wind to the peak of the god that would grant him how to use the Wind's blessing and the weapon of the god. He made it to the Northern Peak of Vindrhal, where Boreas the Violent Northern Wind met him. Though Uriah had no memory of his past life, Boreas did and presented the man with an opportunity. If Uriah became his champion, he would grant him all the power he wanted, enough to fulfill his prayer in his prior life. Though Uriah did not understand the true nature of the offer, he gladly accepted the promise of more power.
  • Uncover more about his past
  • Obtain glory in combat and become the champion of Boreas
  • Unite the clans of Vindrhal

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - F

  • Fighting Style: "Vindrhal's North Wind" (Dane Axe) E
    This fighting style is taught only to those who have proven themselves worthy of Vindrhal, the Great Mountain, and gained the favor of Boreas the North Wind. This style emphasizes attacks as wild and ceaseless as the Mountain's Winds with a Dane Axe, turning the wielder into a metaphorical and literal whirlwind.
    • Mountain's Howling F - Area: The wielder whips the surrounding air into their favor to strike multiple targets within a 5ft radius.
      "The Mountain's Winds Howl in an indiscriminate rage against all. Only those born of the Mountain can hope to add their own Howl to the cacophony."
    • Mountain's Gusting F - Range: Drawing upon the Mountain's Wind, targets within 10ft can be struck.
      "The Mountain's Winds' Gust reach all, no matter where one attempts to shelter. Only those born of the Mountain can hope to weather it"
    • Mountain's Biting E- Blight: Wreaths a blade in the biting wind of the Mountain's, increasing Wind damage for +2 Effectiveness
      "The Mountain's Winds Bite against all without mercy. Only those born of the Mountain can hope to Bite for Mountain."
  • Wind Resistance F: Blessed by the Wind, Uriah is guarded against harmful effects imbued with the element, with the brunt of the hostile wind rushing by him oftentimes.
    "Only those born of the Mountain can hope to bear the Wind."
  • Appraisal E (Auxiliary): Flashes of Uriah's past life occasionally come upon him when he encounters things that are reminiscent of things he'd seen in his prior life. He is not aware of this ability, but he finds it useful in his typical life.
    "A glimpse of a past life?"
  • Logging F
  • Educated E (Vindrsønn): Having grown up in the harsh environment and deadly creatures of Vindrhal, Uriah has received his education under the tutelage of the harsh wilds. He is adept at surviving in the wilderness. From knowing what plants are edible to building a fire to the basics of taking meat from a beast.
    "Born of the Mountain, live by the Mountain, die on the Mountain."
    • Nature (Mountains) E
    • Survival (Mountains) E
    • Religion (Wind Gods) E

  • Mountain's Howling Gale - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    Components - Fighting Style [Vindrhal's North Wind] E, Blight [Mountain's Biting] E, Area [Mountain's Howling] F
    Gathering the icy winds of Vindrhal, a wide slash churns the wind around them to strike all targets within a 5ft radius with the wild bite of the Wind.​
    "The Mountain's Winds are hostile to all who enter, even those born of it."

  • Mountain's Gusting Draft - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    Components - Fighting Style [Vindrhal's North Wind] E, Blight [Mountain's Biting] E, Range [Mountain's Gusting] F
    Bringing down an axe with the force of the Wind behind it, a blade of wind lashes out in the direction of the swing and strikes a target within 10ft.​
    "The Mountain's Winds do not care whom or what it carves through."

  • Mountain's Biting Tempest - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    Component - Fighting Style [Vindrhal's North Wind] E, Blight [Mountain's Biting] E, Range [Mountain's Gusting] F, Area [Mountain's Howling] F
    Imbuing an ax with the might of the Wind, it is thrown up to 10ft away, unleashing 5ft blades of wind centered on the axe like a saw blade. Once the axe is thrown, however, it must be retrieved.​
    "The Mountain's Winds are wild and vengeful, tempesting in defiance of the earth."

  • Religious Intuition - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    Components - Appraisal E, Religion E
    Though unaware of his appraisal ability, it typically unintentionally activates when he is around objects of religious importance, particularly those related to the Wind gods or other mountain gods. This gives him some information he feels that Boreas has granted him as the chosen champion.​
    "This seems...familiar. Is Boreas telling me something?"

  • Survival Sense - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    Components - Appraisal E, Survival E, Nature E
    Appraisal also manifests as giving him information on common plants and animals native to the mountains, as well as ideal places to shelter and telling when the weather might soon change. He believes it simply to be his expertise in nature.​
    "A man cannot hope to survive the Mountains if he does not know the Mountain."

  • Logger's Evaluation - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
    Components - Appraisal F, Logging F
    The final way Appraisal manifests is in his ability to evaluate various trees, knowing what kind they are, the quality of their wood, and how best to fell it.​
    "Without firewood or a sturdy shelter, even the hardiest Vindrsønn will fall to the cold eventually."

  • Logsplitter E (Image by Bjorn Jarmyr) A mundane, if heavy, dane axe weighing about 12lbs with a length of 5ft and an axehead of 12 inches. It earned its name when Ulric Bjornson used it to cut firewood for his family in lieu of the logging axe that his younger brother lost.
    "The Logsplitter, a weapon known for saving more lives than it has taken...for now"
  • Whetstone Kit
  • Bearskin Cloak
  • Torches
  • Rope
  • Waterskin
  • Utility Knife Set - Boning knife, Skinning knife, Gutting knife, Caping knife
  • Fire Starter Kit - Flint, Fire Striker, Waxed String, Pine Needles
  • Rations - Venison Jerky, Hardtack, Goat Cheese, Berry Jam
  • NA

Change Log:
Stats: (Total - 35 points)
  • Strength D - 14 points
  • Vitality D - 14 points
  • Intelligence E - 7 points
Skills: (Total - 56 points)
  • Fighting Style [Vindrhal's North Wind] E - 14 points
    • Mountain's Howling F - 0 points (Fighting Style F)
    • Mountain's Gusting F - 7 points
    • Mountain's Biting E - 7 points (Fighting Style E)
  • Wind Resistance F - 7 points
  • Survival F - 7 points
  • Appraisal E - 0 points (Isekai)
  • Nature F - 7 points
  • Religion F - 7 points
Possessions: (Total - 14 points)
  • Logsplitter F - 14 points
  • Mountain's Howling Gale - Created (Fighting Style E, Blight E, Area F)
  • Mountain's Gusting Draft - Created (Fighting Style E, Blight E, Range F)
  • Mountain's Biting Tempest - Created (Fighting Style E, Blight E, Range F, Area F)
  • Religious Intuition - Created (Appraisal F, Religion F)
  • Natural Intuition - Created (Appraisal F, Nature F)
Skills: (Total - 14 Points Converted)
  • Nature F + Survival F -> Educated E- 14 Points
    • Nature E
    • Survival E
    • Religion E
  • Religion F -> Logging F
  • Natural Intuition -> Survival Sense - Updated (Appraisal E, Survival E, Nature E)
  • Religious Intution -> Updated (Appraisal E, Religion E)
  • Logger's Evaluation - Created (Appraisal F, Nature F)
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Theme: Soul Sanctum - Hollow Knight
Rp'er Name: Vivirology
Post Frequency: Active; Average of biweekly
Discord Name: Vivirology#7417
Current RP: ---
  • While Mors tries to slowly recall his past, he wishes to find somewhere he could settle down to get his thoughts in check.
Equipped Titles: Monster
Height: 4 Feet
Weight: 0 Pounds
Let us see. Where do I begin?

I do not claim of living a long and interesting life, but it was certainly something. I was called many things in the past, but in no way I would consider those names. Why? Well, they were mere codes assigned to me. I was one of many test subjects that took part in a series of randomized controlled trials. Being kept in captivity, I am unable to recall with accuracy where I was exactly. However, the researchers that looked after us spoke in what I later understood as English.

Most of the trials that I was put into focused on the central and peripheral nervous systems; specifically, on novel therapeutics to address diseases and pharmaceutics that induced neural regeneration and increased cognitive ability. These types of research were definitely deemed necessary to progress in the field of medicine. However, during the initial phases these studies, the interventions that had to be carried out were not deemed ethically sound for use on humans. As examples, one could not just perform lobotomies to induce paralysis or force a state of hypoxia to replicate the effects of ischemia to the brain. And thus, that is where I came in.

Along with several of my kind, I was privileged enough to take part in such a grand utilitarian effort that would aid in the advancement of mankind. At least that is what I kept telling myself. After all the tests that I had undergone, after all the suffering, I eventually lost the ability to perceive time. What were mere hours felt like days and weeks as fatigue had taken over my body and delirium finally settled in. It felt like all was lost, but without realizing it, at some point I felt something change. I suppose one would call it enlightenment.

At that moment, my mind had seemingly awoken and opened up to the world around me. Despite my declining health, my cognitive function unprecedently skyrocketed. I began to understand and became aware of what I previously could not, but I made certain to not show others what I was now capable of. Though the changes that my mind had went through continued, but for some reason, was not being relayed in any of the diagnostics that they ran. This scientific anomaly was a blessing in disguise, and I was sure that it had to be capitalized. I was wise enough to know that the moment others became cognizant of my newfound abilities, the only thing that would be left for me would be a future filled with tests even worse than those I had experienced. Because of my dwindling body, I could not escape my life as a test subject and a captive. Hence, I kept up the charade of being a typical rodent and simply lived out the rest of my life as such.

Despite the gifts I was bestowed with, I knew it was foolish to aspire for greater things; the circumstances I was put in did not allow it. As time passed, I grew regretful while resentment and malice for my captors gnawed away at my mind. But nothing changed as I remained idle. I just stayed strong, persevered, and hoped for a better life as I soon passed away in my sleep.
Finding myself in a world far different from where I came from, I chose to keep an open mind to the possibilities that slowly unfolded before my very eyes. I was in no position to question reality as I too was an existence that went against what most thought was impossible. Well, at least my previous self was. Recalling the entirety of my past life remains difficult, but I can ascertain that it was one filled with tragedy. Certainly a life that I would not wish to return to.

My current self had been born with traits that made others fear or resent me. My body was incorporeal, weightless, and was unable to interact with the rest of the world. I could understand the words of others, but I myself could not speak. It was humorous how fate toyed with me. First, I was nothing but a mere play thing for science, and now, I am referred to as a monster. But honestly, I no longer care. No matter how much the world chooses to reject me, I will continue to push through and carry on.

I suppose that is what I do best.
  • Monster - Monsters are a race of creatures with some form of sentience and a natural inclination to devour/kill the other three race groups. Numerous but regularly culled by the other races.
Points at Start: 105 + 28
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 + 28
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - H (-14)
  • Precision - F (-0)
  • Intelligence - C (+21)
  • Vitality - D (+14)
  • Speed - H (-14)
  • Appraisal F
  • Attentive Student F
  • Change State D [Permanent]
    • Permanently turns the character's body incorporeal.
      • Character loses physical substance, allowing passage through solid objects and is immune to physical types of harm.
    • Instead of walking, character is able to float and hover.
    • Character does not suffer from hunger and thirst.
    • Character no longer needs to breath.
    • Limitations
      • All abilities with Grade E will permanently be on cooldown.
      • Character is unable to speak, cast magic normally, and interact with the physical world despite still being visible.
  • Componentless Magic F
  • Energized F
  • Feature: Tentacles
    • Instead of arms and legs, Mors possesses four (4) prehensile tentacles that serve as his appendages.
  • Magic F
  • Selective Magic F
  • Sound Affinity F
Eerie Whispers - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Components: Componentless Magic F, Energized F, Magic F, Selective Magic F, Sound Affinity F
  • Description: Mors creates speech through magic to converse with those within his immediate surroundings; he is able to choose who can and can't hear the sounds he makes.
  • None
  • None
  • None
Change Log:
  • Downgraded Stat - Strength F to H (+14)
  • Downgraded Stat - Speed F to H (+14)
  • Upgraded Stat - Intelligence F to C (-21)
  • Upgraded Stat - Vitality F to D (-14)
  • Purchased Skill - Appraisal F (-0)
  • Purchased Skill - Attentive Student F (-7)
  • Purchased Skill - Change State E(-42)
    • Upgraded to Skill - Change State D by applying the [Permanent] Limiter
  • Purchased Skill - Componentless Magic F (-21)
  • Purchased Skill - Energized F (-7)
  • Purchased Skill - Feature: Tentacles (-0)
  • Purchased Skill - Magic F (-7)
  • Purchased Skill - Selective Magic F (-7)
  • Purchased Skill - Sound Affinity F (-7)
  • Created Ability - Eerie Whispers F
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AI and Edits

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 494
Points Spent: 444 (105 + 339)
Points Unspent: 155

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: Mandatory Title: [Luminous Wraith]
Racial: Fae, Elf
Society - Connection: Ethereal Luminary Student D, Hero of Lodeli, Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian
Society – General: Ophenia Groupie, Etherealness, Plaguebearing Heart Slayer, Crabby
Skill-related: Student of Ethereal Magic E
Job: Tool-based Apprentice (Academia, Arcana)

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: B
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: B
Racial Perks:
Classes: Caster, Spellweaver
Class Perks: Magic Circle, Magic Weave
Skill Perks: Meta Magic
Downtime: Ethereal Luminary Student D => C
Languages: Terran, Common, Sylvan
Height: 195 cm / 6' 5”
Weight: 84 kg / 187 lb

Long-term Goals:
  • Become the top [Ethereal] magic researcher.
  • Become a powerful [Ethereal] mage in battle.
  • Never again have his freedom taken from him.
  • One day visit the See and meet 'natural' Elves.
    Joined a (World's) war for their sake, got turned into a monster and discarded in the aftermath.
Short-term Goals:
  • Bring back his Fairy lover.
  • Learn to experience more emotions.
  • Tell everyone about how the See's Hero's are nothing more than meaningless puppets.

  • [Luminous Wraith] - Deliverance has been reanimated as a Luminous Wraith, an ethereal undead form that channels pure, raw magic. His translucent body shimmers with arcane energy and the light within him flickers like a dying star.

    While his form is ghostly, he has retained his connection to magic, casting spells that weave through the arcane plane. His existence is both fragile and dangerous, as his magic is now more unstable and volatile, yet he retains his ability to interact with the material plane same as before.

    Deliverance's unstable magical form radiates waves of arcane energy that interfere with the natural world. This energy can disrupt nearby magic, causing spells to be more likely to misfire, enchantments to weaken, or even unravel entirely.

    His ghostly presence also distorts the atmosphere, causing fluctuations in light and temperature, with cold drafts often accompanying him. For those around him, living near his arcane power creates a disorienting, almost haunting sensation, as if they are constantly on the verge of entering another plane of existence. The unpredictable surges of his magic can also induce headaches, dizziness, or hallucinations in others.

  • Fae - Fae are creatures infused with magic and nature. They are the least numerous people in the world but some of the longer lived.
  • Elf - A skill granting mana/magic manipulation and Fae Title. One of the more common races of the Fae. They tend to dwell in nature more than cities.

Society - Connection:
  • Hero of Lodeli - character's efforts on behalf of Lodeli Wood are recognized. Residents are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Lodeli Wood area.
  • Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian - While Goroboch is in charge and the character is on good terms with them while in the Gloomhold Swamp (southernmost parts of the Republic of Kuridan), the character will find the area and its nature to subtly work in their favour thanks to having earned the favour of the swamp's guardian.

Society – General:
  • Ophenia Groupie - Character tagged along with performer Ophenia and is loosely associated with them now.
  • Etherealness - Character seems to be strongly aligned with the term Ethereal. Hard to follow or relate to, the character comes off a bit odd to most. Only ones not impacted by this title are other odd ones.
  • Plaguebearing Heart Slayer - This character has slain a plague bearing heart, and has a greater understanding of their anatomy and how to deal with them or similar creatures in the future. In particular, this character has slain a heart with heavy space distortion properties and a deep connection to a distant, frigid plane.
  • Straight Man - The world and people around him may get weird and silly, but the character remains an impervious constant.
  • Crabby – Character has experienced a rather frustrating and uncomfortable time as a crab.

Strength – F
(0 points)
Precision – F
(0 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – F
(0 points)
Speed – C
(21 points)




  • Control Environment F (7 points)
  • Lightning Affinity F (7 points)
  • Fire Affinity F (7 points)
  • Magic B (35 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Area of Effect D (21 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Duration D (21 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Range C (28 points)
    • Magic Augmenter: Targets C (28 points)
  • Magic School [Ethereal Magic] E (14 points) | Meta Magic
    • Blight [Ethereal] E (14 points)
    • Continuing [Ethereal] E (14 points)
    • Homing E (14 points)
    • Tangle E 1 action (14 points)
    • Strength [Drain] E 1 action[ (14 points)

  • Appraisal E (0 points, Free with character grade for non-natives)
  • Sixth Sense F [Spirits] (7 points)
  • Aesthetic Features
    • Scarred (formerly pointed) ears.
    • Scarred body.

  • Healing F (7 points)

  • Bolster F [Intelligence] (7 points)
  • Energised F (7 points)
  • Educated E [Ethereal Arcanist] (14 points)
    [Ethereal Arcanist] - Deliverance studies the Ethereal, realms beyond those of common understanding. This focusses on a study of [Arcana] backed up with knowledge obtained through [Academia] and [Physics].
  • Language [Terran] – (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language [Common] – (0 points, free on creation)
  • Language [Sylvan] – (7 points)

  • Academia E (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Alchemy E (14 points)
  • Arcana E (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Perception E (14 points)
  • Physics E (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Nature E (14 points)




  • Ethereal Wrath – Magic B, Area of Effect D, Duration D, Range C, Targets C, Lightning Affinity F, Fire Affinity F, Magic School Ethereal E (Meta Magic), Blight [Ethereal] E, Continuing [Ethereal] E, Homing E, Tangle E, Strength Drain E – Character releases their full [Ethereal] magic fighting force. – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown – 2 actions
  • Magic Studies - Magic B, Appraisal E, Area of Effect D, Range C, Targets C, Sixth Sense F [Spirits], Perception E, Nature E, Academia F, Arcana F, Physics F – Studies something, the magical way. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

  • Magic Appraisal – Appraisal E, Magic B, Area of Effect D, Range C, Targets C, Sixth Sense F [Spirits] – Magically appraises targets in a large area, including picking up on spirits. – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

  • Patch-Up - Healing F, Magic B, Area of Effect D, Range C, Targets C – A low-grade healing ability. – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

  • Back-up – Bolster F [Intelligence], Healing F, Magic B, Area of Effect D, Duration D, Range C, Targets C – A low-grade support ability. – Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

  • Study – Perception E, Nature E, Academia F, Arcana F, Physics F – Studies something, the non-magical way. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown


  • [Arcanist Toolbox] A large toolbox containing all the materials he might need for his Arcanist or Academic research.

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • [World Rp Certification]- A roleplayer with this certification is free to participate in world rp threads for greater rewards and real risk of character death.

Assets - Connection:
  • [Ethereal Luminary Student] - character is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
  • [Ethereal Luminary Student E] - character is recognized as a more promising student than the rest of their peerage. Additional privileges are due to them and staff may look the other way for minor offences.
  • [Ethereal Luminary Student D] - Character's comprehensive research paper made waves on campus. The accomplishment has raised Character's standing as a valued student of the academy, with teachers more likely to keep an eye on them and help inform them of further research opportunities.

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:
  • A cheap room in one of Aslan's inns (Starting Asset).

Assets – Social Status:

He remembers little about his previous life. However, he does remember it wasn't great. He was the son of a low ranking drug lord, someone who worked as a middle-man in cocaine and heroine deals. He doesn't recall his father's face, but he does recall the many times he'd been beat up for simply existing. Whilst he remembers his mother vaguely, he only remembers her as someone high on a batch of drugs or as someone desperately looking for the next hit. His life ended young, as the collateral damage of a drive-by shooting aimed at his father. He bled out on the street whilst his father ran off, never even looking back at him.

He didn't say anything when he met [god], for even though he was right in front of him, he didn't believe that [god] was real. He didn't care what this [god] told him, nor did he care about this grand mission. All he felt was... nothing. Total apathy.

Current Life:
Perhaps his total apathy in the face of [god] was what punished him in the next life. Rather than ending up at the age he was when he died, he was reborn anew. This time to Elven parents, without any memories of a previous life. At the day of his birth he was already doomed, as he was born in the West Empire in slavery, to parents who'd long ago been broken and forced into obedience. During his entire youth, he knew nothing better than to do as he was told without question.

He'd gained his first scars when he was only two years old, after being punished for accidentally knocking over a vase when his mother wasn't watching him. Many more scars followed, for his owners weren't particularly careful with their 'goods' and clearly enjoyed seeing others in pain. Only his face was spared, whilst he was forced to hide his body and keep up outward appearances. At the age of twelve, part of his his ears were cut off. The main marks of him being Elven were ripped away from him for the sole reason of it being 'ugly to look at' according to his owner. Mutilated 'round' ears remained. By then, he'd already learned that the only way to survive was to kill off any feelings and emotions.

At the age of fourteen, his father was killed right in front of him, after having tried to escape. The 'master' wanted to make an example out of his father in front of all other slaves, including him. He felt nothing. All he did was question why his father could've ever been so stupid. He didn't feel anything when his mother died a few months later either, having fallen sick and not being deemed worth enough to care for.

When he turned eighteen, the first feint memories of his past life returned. So did the memories of some odd meeting with a [god] and some odd mission. Something he thought he'd killed off resurfaced that day; an emotion. A desire. He wanted the power to escape his fate and the knowledge to avoid such a fate in the future. However, the desire took shape as an odd calling, a calling towards the Ethereal. There were memories of two worlds that gave him nothing more than suffering tormenting him, so he wanted to look for something beyond it. Something beyond a 'world' known to him or anyone else. The unworldly, the heavenly, the celestial or spiritual. Whatever it was, he felt drawn to it.

He never got a chance to escape. In the end, he didn't even need one. He fell sick, suffering the same disease as his mother had succumbed to. Like his mother, he was cast away. Given 'freedom' just for the sake of easily cleaning up a slave the master thought would soon die. He didn't die. In fact, he started to slowly get better. For more than a year, he somehow managed to survive by begging for food and eating whatever he could find. During that year, he'd travelled to a place he heard was rumoured to have once been an enemy of the West Empire. The Grand Duchy. He also learned that, if he wanted to ever learn more about the Ethereal, that was the place to be.

It was difficult to get a foot on the ground in the Magic Duchy, as even surviving there was challenging. With more than a little luck, perhaps some divine calling protecting him, he eventually made it to Aslan, the capital. Once there, he got a chance he'd never had before. An open intelligence test was held to give opportunity to those that would otherwise be unable afford education. Although he was the oldest and by far in the worst shape, he went for it. He was being laughed a for how he looked and acted, but he didn't care. After all, he'd been granted something utmost precious; a chance.

When asked about his name, he realised he'd never even been granted one. He'd always been just 'slave' or 'boy' or 'beggar' thus far. He'd even come to think of himself as nothing more than that. So now, what was he? Who was he? He decided he was to be called Deliverance, the thing he'd finally been granted. It was the most fitting thing he could come up with.

The intelligence test was a success. Although barely, his score was a passing grade, just well enough for earning him a scholarship. Even so, he was warned that he'd have to catch up on many topics and that things wouldn't come easy. In fact, most expected him fail within the first month. To everyone's surprise, he met all expectations with ease. Not only was he intelligent, his life in slavery had made him used to working without respite. To him, a twelve hour day was short, rather than long. It gave him a big advantage in catching up and eventually surpassing some of his peers.

Eventually, he learned enough to use his knowledge and skills in the arcane to sustain himself. Although many with his backstory might wish for vengeance or might want to aim for freeing other slaves, his goals weren't as noble or grand. What he wished for was to simply pursue his desire for the Ethereal. To learn more about it and to grow stronger in wielding it against others. Perhaps, maybe somewhere along the line, he'd even start to feel again.

  • [05/03/2023] Created in this thread.
  • Creation: Intelligence B (28 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Magic D (21 points)
  • Creation: Magic Range F (7 points)
  • Creation: Magic Targets F (7 points)
  • Creation: Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F (7 points)
  • Creation: Educated [Ethereal Arcanist] (7 points)
  • Creation: Academia F (0 points, educated)
  • Creation: Arcana F (0 points, educated)
  • Creation: Focus F (0 points, educated)
  • Creation: Catalyst D (21 points)
  • Creation: Language [Terran] (0 points, native speaker)
  • Creation: Language [Common] (0 points, free upon creation)
  • [11/04/2023] Updated header. Added source.
  • [29/05/2023] Put the equipped titles in a new order based on Race, Society – Connections, Society – General and Job.
  • [29/05/2023] Acquired: 56 points, [Ophenia Groupie] title, [Language Sylvan] and [Sixth Sense Spirit] skill from ☆ φαίνω ♡ The Anemone's Sparkling Debutante ☆ 12/03/2023 – 07/05/2023
  • [29/05/2023] Added Sixth Sense [Spirit] to [Magic Appraisal] Abilities.
  • [29/05/2023] Acquired: 14 points, [Etherealness] title, and [Ethereal Luminary Student] asset from The Ethereal Luminary 15/05/2023 – 27/05/2023
  • [14/08/2023] Added image for Deliverance's amulet.
  • [15/09/2023] Acquired: 59 points and [Ethereal Luminary Student E] title from Converging Moments.
  • [02/10/2023] Acquired: 7 points and [World RP Certification] asset from September 2023 World Training Event.
  • [26/10/2023] Intelligence B => A (7 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Magic D => B (14 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Magic Range F => C (21 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Magic Targets F => C (21 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Added Energised B (35 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Added Homing F (7 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Added Multidimensional F (7 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Speed E => C (14 points)
  • [26/10/2023] Upgraded existing abilities with increased and new skills.
  • [27/10/2023] Obtained gear from market place deal:
    • Catalyst D => B (2 points)
    • Back-up catalyst B (5 points)
    • Light armour [Scholar's Robes] D (3 points)
  • [08/12/2023] Acquired: 92 points, [Hero of Lodeli] title, [Plaguebearing Heart Slayer] title, [Ethereal Luminary Student D] asset, [Perception F] skill (7 points) and [Blight Affinity] F => E (7 points) from The Plaguebearer of Lodeli.
  • [09/06/2024] Removed [Multidimensional] magic affinity as it got removed in an update. Added 7 points to 'unspent' and removed 7 points from 'spent'.
  • [09/06/2024] Added a sub-goal.
  • [14/07/2024] Acquired: 105 points and [Ally of Goroboch, the Fungal Guardian] title, from The Roots of the Problem 02/11/2023 – 08/06/2024
  • [14/07/2024] Relocated the points earned section to higher on the sheet for easier access.
  • [12/08/2024] Added Lighting Affinity F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Fire Affinity F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Magic Duration F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Area of Effect F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added [Caster] class and class perk.
  • [12/08/2024] Focus F => E (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Perception F => E (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Nature E (14 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Healing F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Strength [Drain] Affinity F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Bolster [Intelligence] F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Magic Duration F => D (14 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Magic Area of Effect F => D (14 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Control Environment F (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added [Spellweaver] class and class perk.
  • [12/08/2024] Homing Affinity F => E (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Strength [Drain] Affinity F => E (7 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Continuing Affinity E (14 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Tangle Affinity E (14 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Added Magic School [Ethereal] E (14 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Focus E => B (21 points)
  • [12/08/2024] Upgraded all abilities with news skills and perks.
  • [12/08/2024] Added new abilities.
  • [04/10/2024] Acquired: Mandatory [Luminous Wraith] title from 2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me
  • [04/10/2024] Changed appearance to fit above title.
  • [28/10/2024] Revamped the whole sheet. Changed the order of things, removed skill descriptions, updated some skills, added abilities.
  • [28/10/2024] Reduced Energised B => F (removed 28 point from spent, added them to unspent) due to it now relying on character grade.
  • [28/10/2024] Scooped Focus B due to price change (removed 28 points from spent, added them to unspent)
  • [28/10/2024] Replaced [Focus] in [Educated] with [Physics]
  • [28/10/2024] Acquired: 63 points and [Straight Man] title from I Summon Thee! 09/06/2024 - 21/07/2024
  • [26/11/2024] Acquired: 70 points and [Crabby] title from Summoned by this Goth Boy and his Fairy Not-Girlfriend, now we're on vacation?! 23/07/2024 - 04/10/2024
  • [10/01/2025] Downtime set to increase Ethereal Luminary Student D => C.
  • [21/02/2025] Audited by Cutiefly Cutiefly – Pointed out that 'Three Intelligence Based Skills' was changed to 'Three Intelligence Based Secondary Skills' for the purpose of having the Spellweaver class. Made two edits to make double-sure it'd work now:
  • [21/02/2025] Upgraded Educated F => E (7 points)
  • [21/02/2025] Added Alchemy E (14 points)
  • [05/03/2025] Added creation date.
  • [14/03/2025] Healing F => B (28 points)
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Kyra Graves
Played by upscalerat, AKA Rat
Post rate: 2-3 times per week
Current Roleplay: Amidst the Memories They Once Had - Escape from the Madman

  • 1677995571396.pngHeight: 5'4" / 162.5cm

    Weight: 124lbs / 56kg

    Goals: To see the world beyond her corner of Ryke; to become an adventurer of some repute; to make a positive change in the world; to learn magic.

    Equipped Titles: Human, Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara, Ryke Adventurer F

    Acquired Titles: Human, Envoy of Ancient Dragon Crysanthara, Ryke Adventurer F

    Points at Start: 105

    Points Earned: 156

    Points Spent: 259

    Points Not Spent: 2

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Arthur Delos Santos

"With hair that shimmers like gold and eyes as radiant as the sun,
the future Sword Saint appea-... W-wait! Don't leave! I'm not done yet!"

Rp'er Name: Palu | Post Frequency: Pace-Dependent | Discord Name: Palu#7189

Arthur hopes to live out what others previously thought to be mere fantasy and make believe.
Finally, he is the main character, and it was time for his story to start.
Holding no knowledge of the world, Arthur plans to be impartial with his decisions.

Human, Mage

4'8" feet / 70 pounds

Arthur was a Filipino-American born and raised in Australia. At the age of five, after his parents separated, Arthur and his mother moved to her hometown located in a province within the Philippines. He was noticeably different from his peers, appearing and being feeble for his age, making it difficult for him to make friends. Most were hesitant to approach him due to his appearance. Foreigners were considered rare in their community, and the fact that he was unable to speak the local dialect made it even more difficult to socialize. Leaving him with no outlet to let out his child-like wonder and imagination, Arthur turned to anime and fantasy. Immediately fascinated, he grew fond of it to the point of obsession. He would often daydream about being an almighty sorcerer or a legendary knight. However, as he entered middle school, his fantasies turned into something more extreme.

Arthur started to believe the lies he told himself, attributing his thoughts to fate and destiny. By doing so, this provided him a reason he could use to rationalize why he was treated differently. No longer hidden from the judging eyes of others, Arthur would act out his fantastical delusions in real life. Naturally, his classmates generally avoided him even more as they found his tendencies to not only quote, but also mimic shows and manga, strange and off-putting.

Desperate for friendship, Arthur thought he had found it with a certain group of delinquents and troublemakers, introduced to them by one of childhood neighbors. They seemed to accept him and his eccentricities, and he was overjoyed to finally have people to share his interests with. However, he soon realized that he was being laughed at and used as their errand boy. Apparently, they didn't actually care about him at all. Determined to prove himself, Arthur stood up to them one day, but it ended in disaster. He was badly beaten and fell into a coma.

On life support, his cold body remains in the hospital with his mother by his side, hoping that one day he’d open his eyes.

To be determined by the first roleplay he finds himself in.

Human, Mage

105 (+14) | Earned: 0 | Spent: 105 (+14) |Unspent: 0

Strength G (-7)
| Precision G (-7) | Intelligence D (14) | Vitality F (0) | Speed F (0)


Appraisal F | Sense Skill
This ability allows the Arthur to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown.
For things higher than the grade of Appraisal, it may just show names or not be appraisable at all until the Arthur's skill becomes more powerful.
If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles.
Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.
Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character.
Range and number of targets is limited to a single target they can see within 5 feet.
Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.

Attentive Student (F) | Miscellaneous Skill
When Arthur is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.
Arthur gain double points at the end of roleplays if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the same roleplay as well.
Earned points prior to rewards of that roleplay specifically.
Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character.
This ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains and is not honored if one ghosts the roleplay.

Componentless Magic (E) | Magic Skill
Arthur can perform the magic without performing chants or gestures or staff or some combination of the ability components.
This will only effective for abilities of same or lower grade.

Energized (E) | Magic Skill
Reduces post cooldown of abilities by one.
Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank.

Language [Common, Terran] | Miscellaneous Skill
Arthur natively know the common tongue (Common) of the world as well as the language they knew pre-isekai and any racial languages.
If they knew multiple languages from the old world, they must pay for it.
If they know multiple languages from their new world besides the ones they have racial titles for, they must pay for it.
Language skill allows for the further learning and comprehension of other languages including the ancient and forgotten.
Each time this skill is taken, another language can be learned by character

Magic (E) | Magic Skill
Arthur has become aware of the mana in his body and can now learn to channel it. This may be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities.
Required to cast spells and requires a Catalyst to use. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects.
May be used by itself to create mana abilities with the following restrictions:
1 Target | 5 Feet Range | Immediate Area | 1 Post Duration | 1 Target

Magic Range (F) | Magic Skill
Arthur has found a way to make his magic affect targets farther away.
[30 Feet Away]

Selective Magic (E) | Magic Skill
Arthur can shape or change the nature of his magic to avoid affecting allies or other undesired targets.
Grade of skill must be equal to or higher than the grade of the Magic Area of Effect or Magic Range skill used in the ability.

Sword Affinity (F) | Magic Skill
Represents Arthur's affinity with the concept of swords as a type/genre of mana application. It gives his mana the form and purpose of swords.
This allows Arthur to make attacks or other techniques with the sword affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects.
Sword Saint Style - Battōjutsu
Componentless Magic (F) | Energized (F) | Magic (F) | Selective Magic (F) | Sword Affinity (F)

Arthur creates a sword within the immediate area, swinging forward as if being drawn from its sheath to attack opponents within close range.
Allies that are within the katana's path are not damaged.
Grade (F) | 0 Post Cooldown

Sword Saint Style - Ikorose
Componentless Magic (E) | Energized (E) | Magic (E) | Magic Range (F) | Selective Magic (E) | Sword Affinity (F)

Arthur creates a wide 5 foot-long sword over or in front of him, and propels it forward in a straight line towards a target up to 30 feet away.
The greatsword will go through, but not damage those he considers as allies and friends.
Grade E | 0 Post Cooldown

Bedroll | Cloak | Fire Starter Kit | Rations| Scarf | Waterskin


Human [Free]
Mage [Free]

Strength (F) downgraded to Strength (G) [+7 pts]
Precision (F) downgraded to Precision (G) [+7 pts]
Intelligence (F) upgraded to Intelligence (D) [-14 pts]

Appraisal (F) [Free]
Attentive Student (F) | [-7 pts]
Componentless Magic (E) [-42 pts]
Energized (E) [-14 pts]
Language (Common, Terran) [Free]
Magic (E) [-14 pts]
Magic Range (F) [-7 pts]
Selective Magic (E) [-14 pts]
Sword Affinity (F) [-7 pts]

Sword Saint Style - Battojutsu (F)
Sword Saint Style - Ikorose (F)
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Rp'er Name:
Guppy Franz

Post Frequency:

Can post pretty often, sometimes more than 1 or 2 times a day if in the right mood.

Discord Name:
Guppy Franz#0603

Current RP:
Still to be decided!

To simply survive and earn enough to not starve to death. Past that, Winter hopes to find his place in this new world and perhaps a new purpose for his new life, be it for better or worse.

Equipped Titles:



Winter's previous life was less than... pleasant to say. Born to a small and rather financially crippled family, Winter became quickly familiar with struggle, forced to mature fast at a young age seeing as how his parents offered little support or comfort for their two children. There were never many people in his life he could depend on other than his older brother who had been the only one to truly give a damn about him. Though the two squabbled and bickered often, both knew the other would always be by their side through thick and thin. This fact made both brothers appreciate one another, especially with the type of environment the two of them lived in, it made knowing they had a partner in crime to depend on even more valuable.

Winter grew up in a very rough neighborhood, though "rough" would be a much lighter and more polite term to use than he would. Surrounding both him and his brother on a daily basis was less than a cesspool of crime and corruption. Gangs scratching and clawing against one another for supremacy and territory, drugs being dealt on the corners or moved through streets, and police raids or patrols an almost everyday occurrence. Though a place like this was no place for a child to live, Winter and his brother adapted and survived by some miracle. Both would sleep more on the streets or in abandoned houses than they would in their own home. Their parents didn't seem to mind that, in fact, it seemed to be of great convenience to them to have two fewer burdens around the house. Winter never hated them for that, he preferred to be away from them as well and stay by his brother's side.

As the two grew up together on the streets, both brothers would soon fall into the wrong side of the law, taking on jobs offered by shady individuals. Winter would become a sort of transporter of packages, dropping off or picking up whatever he was instructed to move. He became accustomed to moving through the streets, becoming more familiar with his routes and growing swifter on his feet to complete his task in a timely matter. He earned enough to keep his head above water, but it was his brother who brought in more money with the jobs offered to him. Though Winter never knew what it was his brother exactly did, he never questioned it, keeping to his own business and trusting his brother to not do anything stupid.

After some years of working on the streets, the day finally came when Winter was offered a high-paying job by an anonymous employer. It was a red flag job, seeming too good to be true, but with the amount of money offered to take up the task, Winter couldn't ignore the opportunity. This would be the job to set him and his brother up with the good life, it was his turn to shine amongst the two of them. His instructions were clear, go to the drop off sight, pick up the package, and bring it to a nameless goon outside of town. Simple. Or at least it was supposed to be. Finding the package was easy, but as he secured the package he would hear the dreaded clicking of a gun behind him. His instincts to run kicked in fast, but it wouldn't save him before three ear-piercing shots echoed in the dark alleyway.

The next thing Winter knew he was face down on the garbage-ridden pavement, his body growing colder by the second and his limbs too heavy to move. The world around him was deaf to his ears and already his vision was growing blurry. As he could feel his end coming, he was pushed over onto his back to stare up into the seemingly endless void of darkness that hung over him. Though as his struggling gaze wandered over to his side he would see a hooded figure standing above him, their face obscured by the darkness. Winter would never see the face of his killer, but for some odd reason, he heard a familiar voice crying out his name. His killer dropped their gun and fell to their knees, shaking him frantically, that muffled familiar voice closer, but quickly fading. It was odd, his mind was void of any thought, just silence. Before he could make sense of it, he drew his final breath and sunk into the dark void above him.

Current Life:
It was a strange and confusing adjustment at first, waking up on the outskirts of a small village located in the countryside and coming across beings of different races. Winters truly thought he was high at first, simply sitting in the village square for hours in silence as he observed this new world surrounding him. It garnered him a few strange looks from the townsfolk as they caught a glimpse of his shocked and awed expression, but he paid little attention to them, waiting for whatever drug he was on to wear off. As the sun finally began to set though it became painfully clear this was no hallucination. Winters couldn't recall how he ended up here, his mind foggy of any memory prior to his arrival, but he'd have little time to figure it out before the rumbling of his stomach interrupted his racing thoughts. Deciding that sitting around would do little to fill his stomach, he located the village's local tavern.

It had seemed he became the talk of the town as the strange fellow gawking away in the middle of the village. After stumbling his way through the establishment he came across an old couple that ran the business. Before Winters knew it he found himself working in the tavern as another hand, delivering drinks and food, cleaning the floors and tables, and lifting and carrying heavy objects his employers needed help with. It was all still very strange, but Winters had no choice but to accept his current situation and adapt to his surroundings. In the end, he managed to learn quite a bit about this new world, quietly listening to stories or tales from drunken or chatty patrons and learning about a bit of the history of the world from the old couple whenever he would get the chance to chat with them. It was quite a bit to swallow, but Winters couldn't argue that it was very interesting and exciting to learn.

After a month Winters would take up another familiar job of transporting items to people across the village. Be they goods, letters, medicine, or even borrowed tools, he would deliver them to their destination while still working a side job in the tavern. It was a nice change of pace, peaceful even. For once Winters didn't need to look over his shoulders. In time though the village would become too small for him, the stories and tales he's heard in the tavern finally piquing his curiosity. With the Rykes he's saved up over the half-year he's worked in the village Winters purchased supplies to travel and set out to explore the world.

Though his curiosity of the world was great, it was filled with new types of dangers that he's nearly avoided by the skin of his teeth, which led him to take up a sword and teach himself the basics. Over time it was clear he would need to make a living to provide for himself, so he would take up the role of an independent courier service, going from shop to shop, employer to employer to offer his service at a cheap price. For a time it brought in enough Rykes to feed and house himself, but he knew if he actually wanted to get anywhere he'd have to find another occupation. It didn't take much time until he would become an amateur sell-sword, taking on small-time protection jobs for merchants and their caravans. He might have landed higher-paying jobs if he'd joined some type of guild, but Winters preferred to remain independent and not answer to anyone but himself.

A year and a half have passed now and Winters has managed to maintain a stable enough living, traveling from town to town for work and remaining on the road. This new life is filled with even more dangers and struggles, but Winters is slowly settling into his new role. An urge to become something greater though is growing within him, his time earning Rykes and learning how to wield a sword lighting a small flame in his gut.

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - D
Fighting Style: Courier's Edge (Arming Sword) E
A self-taught method of fighting, Courier's Edge, is a form of combat where the fighter uses their speed and precision to overcome their opponents. With this style of fighting footwork and reflexes are key to success, so it is not ideal for the fighter to remain in one place for too long. Circling the opponent and aiming for weak points is the go-to idea for this style of fighting.

- Shocking Delivery F- Area (Electricity): The fighter can summon a current of electricity into their blade and with a wide slash send a wave of lightning into their opponent, damaging any in front of them and momentarily stunning those still alive.

- Thunder Thrust F- Penetrating (Electricity): With a burst of electricity the fighter will propel themselves forward at a short distance and thrust their blade into their target. Typically used for more heavily armored opponents.
  • Insight F
  • Navigation F
  • Climbing F
  • Athletics F
  • Fast F
  • Acrobatics F
  • Electric Sword Dance- Couriers Edge E + Thunder Thrust F: With a limit of three electric bursts the fighter can deliver three quick thrusts or slashes to their opponents. 1 Post cool down.
  • Iron Arming Sword F
  • Light leather armor F
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Map
  • Compass
  • Satchel
  • Wanderers Cloak
  • Smoking Pipe with tobacco/pipeweed
None for now.
Change Log:

Strength E- 7 Pts
Precision E- 7 Pts
Intelligence E- 7 Pts
Vitality F- 0 Pts
Speed D- 14 Pts

Insight F- 7 Pts
Navigation F- 7 Pts
Climbing F -7 Pts
Athletics - 7 Pts
Fast F - 7 Pts
Acrobatics F - 7 Pts

Iron Arming Sword F- 7 Pts
Light Leather Armor- 7 Pts

Martial Skills:
Fighting Style- Couriers Edge E- 14 Pts
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