• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

    • 7ad49b5771c3e6cff6e70b8481b19c35.jpg
      Jareth Fletcher

      Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens
      I Think I Saw a Ghost - One Hope
      Rp'er Name: Clyvelle
      Post Frequency:
      Daily to Weekly
      Discord Name: Clyvelle#4402
      Current RP: --

      • Return to normal life in Ryken
      • Escort the Leilosis monks to new home
      Equipped Titles: | Human | Eyeglass Adept | Ryken Adventurer D | Sandman | Mazerunner | Comrade | Champion of the West |
      Height: 5' 9"
      Weight: 130 lbs.
      Acquired Titles:
      • Human
      • Eyeglass Adept - D-grade artisan
      • Scorned - Your character is seen as a pariah by the general public. You'll have increased chances of drawing the aggression of those around you. You'll also have increased chances of drawing the aid and support of characters that witness your hardship.
      • Ryken Adventurer D - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
      • MIA - character has been reported missing and faction(s) have mobilized to find them. More NPC's and PC's may invade threads of character wearing this title to try and find them.
      • Sandman - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
      • On the Wind - character is considered missing or actively avoiding being found. Can make it more difficult to establish trust with those they come in contact with. Those that know them already will not immediately recognize them.
      • Maze Runner - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
      • Comrade - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow her to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.
      • Student of School of Earth F - Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.
      • Magic Graduate of School of Earth D - Enables rps where character may provide magic services or instruction at various institutions without need to rp employment first. May also provide grounds to run rps establishing magic institutions.
      • [Champion of The West]- Character has been named a Champion of the Eastern Empire, imbued the strength of the earth. Champions are fierce defenders of the Eastern Empire, called upon in times of need to fight for the survival and honor of their people. Though not as rare as Heroes, Champions hold great respect and admiration among their kin, and their strength, that of a crashing wave, is a beacon of hope in times of conflict.
        • Champions are bound by duty to protect the Eastern Empire, especially when their elemental strength is needed in battle. They are drawn to conflicts where their powers are most potent and are known for their fierce resilience and ability to turn the tide of battle. While not invincible, a Champion’s fall is a grave loss for the Eastern Empire, for their strength weakens with their absence.
        • Champions have limited sway over fate, but when they fight for their people, their presence is enough to inspire courage and unity in those around them.
        • The Eastern Empire honors their Champions, granting them freedom to come and go, and providing for them in times of peace. In turn, the Champions are expected to rise whenever their people call, answering the summons of battle with the fire that burns within them
      Points at Start: 105
      Points Earned: 568
      Points Spent: 616
      Points Not Spent: 57
      Strength - D (14)
      Precision - B (28)
      Intelligence - C (21)
      Vitality - A (35)
      Speed - D (14)
      Character Grade - C
      Movement (0)
      • #Special Movement [Earth walk] F (14 points)

        Type: Ability!, Auxiliary!
        Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher
        Note: Some movements may be deemed to cost extra. Movements such as Flight, jumping, teleport, tunneling, and swimming are covered in other skills.

        Character has the ability to move in a way other than normal 2 legged stride that is safer than if they attempted them without this skill.
        Grade of skill can typically overcome the challenges and hazards of same grade as deemed appropriate by narrator. The following is a list of examples and not a completed list of possibilities.

        Earth Walk - creature has the ability to meld into and move through earthen surfaces
      Mental (0)
      • -
      Martial (0)
      • -
      Magic (175)
      • [type] #Affinity (7 points)
        Type: Augmenter!
        Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than skill
        • Element [Earth] D (21)- This affinity gives basic control over element of choice. Does not replace the need for other skills, but enables basic usage. Changes base damage type of offensive spells to type of Element chosen.
        • Blind Fighter (7) - Character has the ability to use magic in melee range in dim or no light situations as if they could see. (does not upgrade)
        • Breaker D (21) - Damage dealt to specific materials takes double damage. Grade of breaker affects what materials are susceptible. Grade of Breaker is effective against equal grade objects. Refer to Material grades for more information. This bonus does not apply to constructs directly but may be applied to their natural weapons and armor if narrator approved.
        • Contact F (7) - an affinity for overcoming a target's individual resistance types. Each grade of Contact nullifies one resistance type whose grade is less than or equal to the grade of the resistance of same type. Contact does not stack with itself. May be taken multiple times, but must specify a different damage resistance type each time.
        • Continuing F (7) - the attack has a means of causing ongoing damage. An acid or fire burn. The poison that courses through veins. This technique only applies to sources of damage in an attack and not other special effects. This technique can be used to inflict long term ongoing effects like diseases or curses or short term effects like pain. Affected targets take a point of damage on each of their posts after being afflicted once per round for duration until spell ends or they are otherwise cured of the affliction.
        • Deflect F (7) - Action: 1 - used to create abilities to deflect attacks that have enough physical component to them that hitting them is possible. Narrator discretion on what counts as solid enough to be deflected. Each grade of deflect further reduces stat contribution to effectiveness of attack against you. Can be combined with Vorpal affinity to apply to attacks that are not physical.
        • Indirect D (21) - Must be assigned after a Ranged technique is acquired - hit targets beyond cover and other obstacles through unique attacks that can come from other directions.
        • Irritant F (7) - Action: 1 - a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time among other possible effects (see Hindrances). While under the effects of Irritant, target has effectiveness of actions reduced by 1. Grade of tech core can effect creatures of equal or lesser grade.
        • Knockback D (21) - Action: 1 - this technique specializes in sending targets flying. The greater the grade of technique, the greater the potential distance a target may be force moved. See optional knockback rules for knockback table and other details.
        • Penetrating D (21) - spell reduces item effectiveness of a target's action by 1 per grade of Penetrating.| F-grade: 1 grade | E-grade: 2 grade | D-grade: 3 grade | C-grade: 4 grade | B-grade: 5 grade | A-grade: 6 grade | S-grade: ??? |
      • #Componentless Magic F (21 points)
        Type: Augmenter!
        Pre-req: Magic skill same grade
        Note: Only effective for abilities of the same or lower grade.

        Character can perform magic without performing chants or gestures or requiring catalysts or some combination of the ability components. This also removes the restriction of not moving in the same post as casting spells. Grade of skill replaces grade of catalyst in effectiveness calculations for spells.
      • Magic D (21)
        Prereq: Intelligence one grade higher

        Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects. Ex: Duration, Targets, Area, Range, etc
      • Magic #Domain [Earth] F (7 points)
        Type: Ability!, Suite!, Narrator!
        Pre-req: Magic School one grade higher, 5x affinities not in Magic School F (may include spell range, duration, targets, aoe)
        Note: Limited to 1 Domain. When making abilities, include magic skill and magic domain skill and magic school.

        The character is a scholar of magic that has specialized and generalized in a particular area. It has allowed them to develop or learn an area of magic to the point where they can twist and mold it to accomplish their whims within the limits of their domain, as opposed to the mundane limits of typical magic.

        Spell Mastery - spells of this domain may include one iteration of any affinity not already part of the domain or school for free at grade of domain. may also include spell range, duration, targets, aoe if not already bought.
        • Title/Asset gained - [Magic Graduate of (IH school Name) D] Enables rps where character may provide magic services or instruction at various institutions without need to rp employment first. May also provide grounds to run rps establishing magic institutions.
        • Domain Power - character receives an additional 49pts they may use to add one or more skills to domain. These skills will always be same grade as grade of domain.
          • Special Movement [Earth Walk] (14)
          • Undetected [Sight] F (14)
          • Duration Reduction F (7)
          • Pocket Dimension F (14)
      • Magic #School: [School of Earth] D (21 points)
        Type: Ability!, Suite!
        Pre-req: Magic skill same grade, 5x affinities F (may include spell range, duration, targets, aoe)
        • When making abilities, include magic skill and school of magic skill.
        • The 5x affinities chosen for the school become the core of the school and will be required to level with school
        • The 5x affinities cannot include more than one of the following affinities: Penetrate, Linked, Homing, Deflect, Accurate

          User selects a name for their school of magic and the type of magic studied. This skill is for those that want their character to feel like they have had a more structured learning experience with magic.

          User must also describe the school of magic with what spells are common in the teachings and the ideas beyond those teachings.
        • Asset/Title gained - [Student of (list Ih school) F]. Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.
        • Meta Magic - apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.
      • Energized E (14)
        Prereq: Intelligence! one grade higher than skill
        Note: Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank

        Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
      Sense (14)
      • Supersense [Tremorsense] E (14)
        Prereq: Intelligence! one grade higher than skill

        Character has an additional sense. Upgrading the skill increases effective range of the sense. Each time the skill is taken, a new sense may be added. Some senses possible with this skill: echolocation, tremorsense, x-ray vision, microscopic vision, etc...

        Tremorsense - A Creature with Tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground.

        F - 10ft radius
        E - 100ft radius
        D - 1000ft radius
        C - 1 mile radius
        B - 10 mile radius
        A - 100 mile radius
      Defensive (98)
      • Change State F (21)
        Prereq: Vitality E

        Character can change their state of being to a different state of matter for a limited amount of time. While changed, they may ignore certain physical requirements like breathing or eating. When they turn back into their regular forms, any damage or fatigue accrued that has not been resolved will impact the body.
        • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
        • Change State E - can change into a gas. cannot affect things with more than a gentle wind. Is only minorly affected by attacks that don't affect the entirety of the character as determined by narrator.
        • Change State D - can become Incorporeal. Like a ghost, the character loses physical substance. Can pass through solid objects and is immune to physical types of harm. Can't interact with the physical world despite still being visible.
        • Change State C - can become a type of energy. Light, sound, electricity to name a few. At narrator discretion, more abstract forms of 'energy' are possible.
        • Change State B - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill
        • Change State A - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill
        • Change State S - allows for stronger abilities made with the skill

      • #Duration Reduction F (7 points)

        Type: Defensive!, Passive!
        Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than skill

        Per grade of this skill, reduce the effective grade of the duration skill in the ability/effect character is under.
        Ex: E-grade duration (1hour) on ability to weaken target will only last a minute due to duration reduction F skill on character.
      • Resistance [Physical] E (42)
        Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than skill
        Note: While immunity is not possible for fairness, if the skill and vitality are high enough, it's as good as in most cases.

        Character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/setbacks when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard using same/similar element
      • Regeneration D (21)
        Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than skill

        Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed and the body is not destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages. Character regains all their HP after a cooldown on Regeneration expires. The cooldown on regeneration begins as soon as the character takes damage. Cooldown on regeneration shrinks as the regeneration skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion. Cooldown is not reduced by Energize.

        F - 6 posts
        E - 5 posts
        D - 4 posts
        C - 3 posts
        B - 2 posts
        A - 1 post
      • Resilient [Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep); Suffocation] E (14)
        Pre-req: Vitality! one grade higher than skill

        Character's body is adapted to survive in a hostile environment or condition. May choose a new environment or condition each time skill is upgraded or taken. Examples: space, underwater, desert, Aging, Fatigue (caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep) etc
      • #Undetected [Sight] F (14 points)

        Type: Ability!, Defensive!, Stealth!, Utility!
        Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than skill

        Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression. Common senses: Vision, Touch, Smell, Hear, Taste. Aside from common human senses, you can also choose special super and 6th senses options. It should be noted that although the skill makes someone undetectable by the sense chosen, it does not actually erase the character's parts like turning into a ghost or vapor might. A character that cannot be touched can't walk through walls with that skill alone. Sonar and Infrared are 2 examples of senses that may reveal an undetectable character despite their blocks to various senses. Should not be confused with stealth, which enables characters to move/act in a way that reduces chances of detection, this skill eliminates chance of direct perception by sense stated, but does not hide the character. Invisible characters still leave footprints or make sounds when splashing in water, for example.
      Miscellaneous (35)
      • Companion F (35)
        Note: Companions are prohibited from taking the Companion or Minion Skills.

        The character has acquired, created, or met one or more companions. Companions are npc's controlled by the narrator of any given rp. They are generally allies of the Character that spawned them but have their own minds and goals. Common examples: Childhood friend, Pokemon, Digimon, Butler, etc

        The rp'er has 70 points with which to create their companion(s) by either investing all of them into one or splitting them up between multiples. Creatures created in this way must have a minimum of one stat above F grade or one skill acquired. Creatures are assumed to be a humanoid base with F's for stats until skills and stat upgrades are applied.

        For each Grade of Companion, the companion(s) may improve with a shared 35 points per grade after F.
      • #Pocket Dimension F (14 points)

        Type: Ability!, Stealth!, Utility!
        Pre-req: Intelligence! one grade higher than skill

        Character can store items in an alternative space as large as 1 foot radius. They can freely retrieve any items from or add items to the space so long as there is room. Additionally, the item cannot be destroyed in order for it to fit. If character with this skill is killed/dies, the pocket dimension pours out its contents upon the ground. Items poured out do not include resources generated by the pocket dimension. Creatures can be stored inside as well but at narrator discretion. Each time the pocket dimension is upgraded, the character can set what the dimension is. Ex: C grade pocket dimension is styled like a small sports stadium. B grade pocket dimension is styled like a village.

        Where you enter the pocket dimension, assuming its big enough to enter, is where you exit it if you wish to leave.
        • F - 1ft radius
        • E - 10ft radius
        • D - 100ft radius
        • C - 1000ft radius
        • B - 1 mile radius
        • A - 10 mile radius
        • S - ???
      Secondary (42)
      • Artisan (Eyeglass) D (21)
        Pre-req: Precision! one grade higher than skill

        Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
      • Focus D (21)
        Pre-req: Character! one grade higher than skill
        Note: Each grade of Focus enables a character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.

        The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
      • Palm Strike - Magic E - Jareth performs mana-infused palm strikes to deliver melee magic damage - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Sand Whip - Magic E, Domain F (AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth conjures a tentacle of sand that lashes out at target within radius - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Spike (air) - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth conjures spiked projectiles of sand that launch out in a radius - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Spike (ground) - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth causes spikes that extend up to 10ft to erupt from the ground at a point within range - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Muddle - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth casts a cloud of sand at his opponents eyes to obscure their vision - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Scatter - Magic F, Change State F, Focus F, Energized F - Jareth utters the command word and disperses into sand - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
      • Mage Armor - Magic E, Domain F (Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth surrounds himself with densely packed sand for the duration - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Wonderwall - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft, Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth raises a wall of sand for the duration - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Tremorsense - Supersense [Tremorsense] E, Focus E - Jareth passively senses vibrations in the ground within 10ft/100ft radius while being aware of surroundings - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Earth Walk - Magic E, Domain F (Duration 1 minute), Focus E - Jareth melds into an earthen surface and moves about its area freely - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Sand Garden - Magic E, Domain F (AOE 10ft), Tremorsense E, Focus E - Jareth creates a layer of sand on the ground centered on him within range as he actively perceives creatures in contact with the area - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Sweep - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft, AOE 10ft radius), Focus E - Jareth conjures a tentacle that sweeps horizontally across the field, batting creatures and objects aside - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Dust in the Wind - Magic E, Domain F (Range 10ft), Focus E - Jareth disperses into sand then reforms at a point within range - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
      • Sling E (14)
      • Catalyst D (21)
        • [Goop Resistant]. All corrosive-type damage is reduced by 1 point.
      • Natural Armor (Heavy) C (28)
      • -
      • Dumpy Cottage
      • Access to eyeglass workshop from Eyeglass Artisan title
      Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
      • Prologue: Is that sand on your shoulder?
        • +25 points
        • Acquired title [Scorned] - Your character is seen as a pariah by the general public. You'll have increased chances of drawing the aggression of those around you. You'll also have increased chances of drawing the aid and support of characters that witness your hardship.
        • Point Expenditure
          • Sling F (-7)
          • Precision C (-7)
          • Vitality D (-7)
        • Title Change: Equipped [Scorned]
      • The Birds and the Horned Rabbits
        • +28 points
        • Acquired title [Ryken Adventurer F] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. F grade characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
        • Point Expenditure
          • Precision B (-7)
          • Vitality C (-7)
          • Artisan (Eyeglass) D (-7)
          • Sling E (-7)
        • Title Change: Eyeglass Apprentice changed to Eyeglass Adept
      • Lens of Truth
        • +23 points
        • Acquired title [MIA] - character has been reported missing and faction(s) have mobilized to find them. More NPC's and PC's may invade threads of character wearing this title to try and find them.
        • Point Expenditure
          • Change State F (-21)
      • Respite From the Truth
        • +22 points
        • Grouped individual physical resistances into one item "Resistance [Physical] F (21)"
        • Point Expenditure
          • Regeneration F (-7)
          • Resilient [Fatigue] F (-7)
          • Supersense [Tremorsense] E (-14)
      • Summer Writing Prompt
        • +7 points
        • Added ability "Scatter" and "Tremorsense".
        • Changed character picture.
      • Chapter 1: Metamorphose
        • +100 points
        • Acquired titles [Sandman] - character's body is made of sand. Is likely to leave sand behind wherever they go. Has an easier time staying together in moist environments and less windy days. Even when solid, can give off the impression they may blow away at any moment.
        • [On The Wind] - character is considered missing or actively avoiding being found. Can make it more difficult to establish trust with those they come in contact with. Those that know them already will not immediately recognize them.
        • Point Expenditure
          • Magic E (-14)
          • Domain [Earth] F (-70)
          • Energized F (-7)
          • Catalyst E (-14)
        • Added several abilities divided into 'Offensive', 'Defensive', and 'Utility' sections.
      • [9/24/22]Chapter 2: A Red Wind Blows in the Desert, Part 1
        • +36 points
        • Acquired title [Maze Runner] - character has ran for their life in a confusing and trying place and situation. Character is more likely to perform better in confusing settings in the future where passive senses are not sufficient for getting through something under pressure. Increases ability to think on ones feet and improvise. More prone to finding themselves in similar difficult situations.
      • [10/20/22]The Threads Gather
        • +40 points
        • [10/22/22] Cosmetic changes to skills, added explanations and prerequisites of skills
      • [10/27/22]World RP Wager
        • +28 points
        • [11/22/22]Point expenditure
          • Magic E=>D (-7)
          • Domain F=>E (-70)
          • Catalyst E=>D (-7)
      • [11/26/22]Chapter 2: A Red Wind Blows in the Desert, Part 2
        • +34 points
        • Point Expenditure
          • Companion F (-35)
          • Natural Armor (Heavy) D (-21)
      • [12/20/22]Project 10
        • +15 points
        • Acquired title [Comrade] - character has proved themselves to be a good ally and approachable. Character will have easier time convincing others to team up with their cause or to allow him to join theirs. More likely to join a cause that isn't worth joining too, however.
      • [1/16/23]The Postlude
        • +11 points
        • Acquired title [Sun Kissed] - character has a new found fascination with the Leilosis faith. Will suffer in social situations with those that despise the followers of the Sun God. Will excel in social situations with Sun God followers.
      • [4/7/23]February Event
        • +4 points
      • [8/16/23]Worlds Training - Foresight, Flowers, Bugs and The Invasion
        • +97 points
        • Asset [World Certification] - character has experienced a world rp or a world training and can participate in World Rp's and their various kinds. Unlike the common populace, the character has faced death and has grown in their abilities and teamwork.
        • Title [Ryken Adventurer E] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Grade E - character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
        • [8/17/23]Reformatted changelog to make point gains/expenses more visible
        • [8/19/23]Point Expenditure
          • Strength F=>D (-14)
          • Vitality C=>A (-14)
          • Energized F=>E (-7)
          • Regeneration F=>D (-14)
          • Resistance [Physical] F=>E (-21)
          • Resilient [Suffocation] F=>E (-7)
          • Focus E=>D (-7)
          • Natural Armor (Heavy) D=>C (-7)
        • [9/18/23] Updated Current RP
      • [11/17/23]Golden Path
        • +74 points
        • Title [Ryken Adventurer D] - character knows all the basics, has been on some adventures, and shows themselves to be competent. They are only missing experience and a specialty that sets them apart in the guild. They are considered a full fledged member and can be called upon for most standard missions even if just as a supporting role.
      • [8/31/24]Refunded points from Magic Domain [Earth] E
        • +140 points
        • Affinities for Magic School
          • Element [Earth] (-7) (133/140)
          • Breaker F (-7) (126/140)
          • Indirect F (-7) (119/140)
          • Knockback F (-7) (112/140)
          • Penetrating F (-7) (105/140)
        • Magic School [School of Earth] F (-7) (98/140)
          • Acquired asset/title [Student of School of Earth F] - Enables rps as a student without the need for an enrollment rp.
          • Meta Magic - apply or upgrade range, duration, targets, or aoe 1 grade per grade of school to a spell. A skill added or upgraded in this way may not exceed grade of school with this feature alone. Spells augmented with meta magic maintain original cooldowns and power.
        • Affinities for Magic School
          • Element [Earth] E (-7) (91/140)
          • Breaker E (-7) (84/140)
          • Indirect E (-7) (77/140)
          • Knockback E (-7) (70/140)
          • Penetrating E (-7) (63/140)
        • Magic School [School of Earth] E (-7) (56/140)
        • Affinities for Magic School
          • Element [Earth] D (-7) (49/140)
          • Breaker D (-7) (42/140)
          • Indirect D (-7) (35/140)
          • Knockback D (-7) (28/140)
          • Penetrating D (-7) (21/140)
        • Magic School [School of Earth] D (-7) (14/140)
        • Affinities for Magic Domain
          • Blind Fighter (-7) (7/140)
          • Contact F (-7) (0/140, refunded points spent)
          • Continuing F (-7) (103/110, points earned)
          • Deflect F (-7) (96/110, points earned)
          • Irritant F (-7) (89/110, points earned)
        • Magic Domain [Earth] F (-7) (82/110, points earned)
          • Spell Mastery - spells of this domain may include one iteration of any affinity not already part of the domain or school for free at grade of domain. may also include spell range, duration, targets, aoe if not already bought.
          • Title/Asset gained - [Magic Graduate of School of Earth D] - Enables rps where character may provide magic services or instruction at various institutions without need to rp employment first. May also provide grounds to run rps establishing magic institutions.
          • Domain Power- character receives an additional 49pts they may use to add one or more skills to domain. These skills will always be same grade as grade of domain.
            • +49 points
              • Special Movement [Earthwalk] - allows one to meld into and move along earthen surfaces (-14) (35/49)
              • Undetected [Sight] F (-14) (21/49)
              • Duration Reduction F (-7) (14/49)
              • Pocket Dimension F (-14) (0/49)
        • Componentless Magic F (-21) (61/110, points earned)
      • [9/1/24] Miscellaneous edits
        • Adjusted equipped titles
        • Copied descriptions to titles listed in Acquired Titles
        • Points Earned/Spent edited to reflect purchases made on 8/31
        • Populated skill section with purchases made on 8/31
        • Added description of supersense [tremorsense]
      • [10/10/24] System Update
        • Paid difference for Natural Armor price increase (-28)
      • [10/14/24] Added new theme song
      • [11/3/2024] Updated goals
      • [11/6/2024] [Worlds Low tier Combat] Bombers or Face huggers?
        • +24 points
        • Title [Champion of The West]- Character has been named a Champion of the Eastern Empire, imbued the strength of the earth. Champions are fierce defenders of the Eastern Empire, called upon in times of need to fight for the survival and honor of their people. Though not as rare as Heroes, Champions hold great respect and admiration among their kin, and their strength, that of a crashing wave, is a beacon of hope in times of conflict.
          • Champions are bound by duty to protect the Eastern Empire, especially when their elemental strength is needed in battle. They are drawn to conflicts where their powers are most potent and are known for their fierce resilience and ability to turn the tide of battle. While not invincible, a Champion’s fall is a grave loss for the Eastern Empire, for their strength weakens with their absence.
          • Champions have limited sway over fate, but when they fight for their people, their presence is enough to inspire courage and unity in those around them.
          • The Eastern Empire honors their Champions, granting them freedom to come and go, and providing for them in times of peace. In turn, the Champions are expected to rise whenever their people call, answering the summons of battle with the fire that burns within them
        • Eastern Empire Champion Boon – Upgrade Speed to B, Intelligence to B, Catalyst D to C (when upgrading, also increase earned points by 28) – An Eastern Empire Hero that knows their allies are among the divine shows no fear in the face of adversity. They stride with confidence knowing no greater power could stand before them.
        • Equipment upgrade Acquired – Jareth’s Catalyst has been affected by its time in the hive, the item now takes reduced damage from corrosive sources, earning the effect
          "[Goop Resistant]. All corrosive-type damage is reduced by 1 point."
        • Acquired Asset – Bug Egg – A glowing floating egg from the bug hive that defies gravity. What can come of this? Who knows but probably nothing good.

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Yamuna by HeklAa
Rp'er Name: Clyvelle
Post Frequency: Daily to Weekly
Discord Name: Clyvelle#4402
Current RP: --
  • Seeking a cure for the mental tampering caused by the nameless god
  • Searching for magical artifact that was stolen from her spear, which is her magical implement.
  • Looking for a chance to slay the bear guardian of Kruhrin
Equipped Titles: [ Fae | Merry | Flaky | Crusader | Hopeful Investigator | Honey-Scented | Makeshift Fighter]
Height: 5' 11.5"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Backstory: Wife to a trophy hunter. Bore him three children. Prepared his kills for them to eat. Was torn by a bear while berry picking with the kids. Sacrificed herself in hopes that even one of them might get away.
Current Life: Lives in a forest used as a hunting grounds for Ryken. She operates as a liaison between the hunters and the forest inhabitants. As such, she can sometimes be found within Ryken on business, but the forest is her home. Ciu'nan is aware of dark things in the forest that she works to keep from harming both the forest and the "walled ones", her name for civilized creatures.
Acquired Titles: [Fae | Merry | Flaky | Crusader | Hopeful Investigator | Honey-Scented | Makeshift Fighter]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 711
Points Spent: 357
Points Not Spent: 459
Strength - C (21)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - B (28)
Character Grade - C
Movement (49)
  • Fast E (14) - Note: This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging
    Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
    • F - 12mph(max)/60ft per round
    • E - 24mph(max)/120ft per round
  • Flight F (21)- Character acquires a means of personal flight through one means or another. Higher ranks allow for faster, higher, more precise flight.
    • F - 3 miles per hour/ 30ft per round
  • Jumping E (14)- Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally greater distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
    • F - vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
    • E - vertically 10yrds/horizontally 33yrds
    • D - vertically 30yrds/horizontally 100yrds
    • C - vertically 100yrds/horizontally 333yrds
    • B - vertically 300yrds/horizontally 1000yrds
    • A - vertically 1000yrds/horizontally 3,333yrds
Mental (0)
  • -
Martial (0)
  • -
Magic (0)
  • -
Sense (28)
  • Appraisal D (Free for Isekai)
    Pre-req: Requires meta knowledge, F Grade Character
    Note: Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgraded with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.

    Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    For detailed information beyond a creature’s or object’s stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

    If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

    Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
  • Feature [Darkvision] (7)
    Note: Character acquires or always had this feature that differentiates them from average humanoids.

    Creature can see in darkness as if the darkness were dim light.
  • Feature [Direction Sense] (7)
    Note: Character acquires or always had this feature that differentiates them from average humanoids.

    Ability to find one's way around easily in a new place.
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    One of your senses (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) is superior to the norm and allows you to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation. Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary.
  • Sixth Sense (Danger) F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    Character through one means or another can perceive that which would normally not be perceivable by material senses. Limited to an area immediately around the character. Ex: the presence of spirits, discerning stuff that may be hidden from the senses like traps/danger, etc. The specific type of sense must be specified when skill is taken.
Defensive (49)
  • Healing F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
    • F - basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds
    • E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
    • D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present
    • C - heal significant injuries, including reattaching severed limbs/organs, fix broken bones
    • B - reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
    • A - Fully reproduce a body and resurrect the person so long as a piece of them remains. reverses undead nature. Does not work on death caused by old age.
    • S - De-ager, ???
  • Undetected (Sight, Sound, Smell) D (42)
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision

    Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression.
Miscellaneous (21)
  • Conversion F (21)
    Pre-req: E Grade Vitality
    Note: Reducing vitality below grade H will kill character as part of this ability.

    Character takes pain, damage, hardship, etc. and turns it into power. The character can swap grades of vitality for grades of STR, PRE, or INT to increase power of attacks and abilities using one of those stats on a 1 to 1 basis. Reduction to character's vitality lasts until character rests/heals up. Reduction cannot be healed by magic or regenerative skills until ability is off of cooldown.
Secondary (84)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision

    The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
  • Animal Handling F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence

    The Character has an ability to calm down a domesticated animal, know an animal’s natural inclinations, and intuit its intentions.
  • Arcana F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

    The Character has the ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
  • Area Knowledge [Ryke Forests] F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

    Character has knowledge of the geography and people of a single area
    (choose one area each time you take this skill) and a specific locale within it. Each time the skill is upgraded, additional and more detailed knowledge may be permitted by the narrator.
  • Deception E (14)
    Pre-req: E Grade Character!

    The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to telling outright lies.
  • Insight F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!

    The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Animal Handling may be a more appropriate skill for discerning this type of information from beasts and animals.
  • Medicine F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!
    Note: It is assumed you know how to use the tools of your skill. If your skill requires special tools and you do not have them, the effectiveness of your knowledge or skill may suffer. Ex: Carpenter without woodworking tools

    Knowledge of how to diagnose and heal the body using a variety of techniques. Not to be confused with the Healing skill, this skill is for more mundane forms of healing and/or medical diagnosis.
  • Nature F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!

    The ability to recall lore about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, and natural cycles.
  • Perception F (7)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!

    The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.
  • Stealth F (7 points)
    Pre-req: E Grade Precision!

    The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill.
  • Survival F (7 points)
    Pre-req: E Grade Intelligence!

    The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoid natural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants and animals.
  • Hidden Strike D - Undetected (Sight, Smell, Sound) D, Fast E - Ciu'nan cloaks herself and quickly moves in undetected to make an attack - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Stag's Wrath F - Conversion F - Ciu'nan taps into her wrath, sacrificing her lifeforce for the strength to defeat her enemies - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Grace of the Roe F - Acrobatics F, Darkvision, Flight F, Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, Jumping F, Sixth Sense [Danger] F - Using her senses and quick reflexes, Ciu'nan jumps out of harms away - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Veil of the Timeless D - Undetected (Sight, Smell, Sound) D - Ciu'nan cloaks herself with an innate ability - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Appraise D - Appraisal D, Animal Handling F - Ciu'nan focuses on a creature or object and available information appears around it - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Fae Stride F - Acrobatics F, Flight F, Jumping F - Ciu'nan walks on the air as though it were solid ground. Phantasmal ripples go out from her feet periodically while using this ability. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Fae Stride (Cloaked) D - Acrobatics F, Flight F, Jumping F, Undetected [Sight, Smell, Sound] D - Ciu'nan cloaks herself while using Fae Stride. - Grade D - 2 post cooldown
  • Healing Touch (Requires Magic F) - Healing F - Ciu'nan touches a creature and administers healing to them - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Prey's Guidance F - Animal Handling F, Darkvision, Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, Sixth Sense [Danger] F - Ciu'nan opens her senses to perceive incoming threats - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Empty Wolf Den converted into living quarters
Change Log:
  • Into the Woods
    • +22 points
    • Acquired title [Merry] - character is frequently overcome with fae like merriment. While more respectable individuals may try to hide their amusement at improper times, character freely displays their amusement. It is often contagious.
    • Point Expenditure
      • Speed E=>C (-14)
      • Fast F=>E (-7)
  • Cat and Mouse
    • +6 points
  • [9/24/22] Chapter 1: A Distant Grotto
    • +105 points
    • Acquired title [Flaky] - character was tasked with a job and failed to deliver. Character gives off an air of unpredictability and unreliability. Character is less likely to be tasked with someone's requests and little trust or grace will be extended if a job actually is taken. However, it is easy to live up to low expectations.
  • [9/28/22] [September Event]Will you walk with me?
    • +20 points
  • [10/15/22] Point Expenditure
    • Strength E=>C (-14)
    • Precision E=>C (-14)
    • Vitality F=>E (-7)
    • Jumping F (-7)
    • Flight F (-21)
    • Undetected (Sound, Smell) F (-28)
    • Conversion F (-21)
    • Spear F=>D (-14)
  • [10/22/22] Cosmetic changes
    • added skill descriptions
    • added Appraisal (free for isekai)
    • updated/added abilities
      • Hidden Strike
      • Grace of the Roe
      • Appraise
      • Fae Stride
      • Fae Stride (Cloaked)
      • Healing Touch
      • Prey's Guidance
      • Stag's Wrath
      • Veil of the Timeless
  • [10/29/22] Changed picture
    • added equipped titles 'Merry' and 'Flaky'
    • corrected ability grades
  • [7/2/23] Isekai Hell 2023 June community event “Let’s Make Art!”
    • +7 points
    • Acquired [Krearis’ Blessing] Character has been recognized favorably by the goddess Krearis who is associated with artists and beauty. Due to Krearis’ blessing, the character can see the world as an aesthete, helpful for understanding and appreciating art, as well as creating and curating what is artistic and aesthetically pleasing. Received for winning the Isekai Hell 2023 June “Let’s Make Art!” event.
    • Acquired optional asset [Krearis' Visage] An ornate colorful and elegant classical stone and gemstone encrusted idol of Krearsis' upper body. Perfectly sized to be placed on an altar or used privately as an object of adoration, devotion or possible communion tool with Krearis. Received for winning the Isekai Hell 2023 June “Let’s Make Art!” event.
    • Reformatted changelog
  • [7/25/23] Orson's Feast: A Prelude
    • +39 points
    • Acquired [Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.
    • Point Expenditure
      • Intelligence D=>C (-7)
      • Vitality E=>D (-7)
      • Speed C=>B (-7)
      • Jumping F=>E (-7)
      • Deception E (-14)
    • Updated picture and goals
  • [8/12/23] Orson's Feast I
    • +26 points
  • [10/30/23] Orson's Feast II
    • Reformatted changelog (point additions/subtractions)
    • +90 points
  • [12/6/23]
    • Arcana F (-7)
    • Area Knowledge [Ryke Forests] F (-7)
    • Insight F (-7)
    • Medicine F (-7)
    • Nature F (-7)
    • Perception F (-7)
    • Feature: Direction Sense (-7)
    • Stealth F (-7)
    • Survival F (-7)
  • [1/27/24] Orson's Feast III
    • +81 points
    • Acquired Optional Title - [Hopeful Investigator] - This character has taken part in looking into a matter where a crime potentially was committed. However, the result was inconclusive but they now have the experience for what to look for in a matter next time.
  • [6/8/24] Orson's Feast IV
    • +105 points
  • [10/10/24] Updated Current RP
  • [11/3/2024] Updated goals, current RP
  • [12/4/2024] Orson's Feast V
    • +105 points
  • [1/6/25] Orson's Feast: Communion
    • +105 points
    • Acquired Optional Title:
      • [Honey-Scented] - Character has partaken in Orson's Feast. Time spent in the guardian's presence has marked you with the aroma of honey. +1 to interactions with Bearkin and creatures that are known to like honey/sweet things.
      • [Makeshift Fighter] - Character was forced to improvise a weapon. More likely to find things in scene to make a weapon out of.
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Quenton Malady
Rp'er Name: Clyvelle
Post Frequency: once a day
Discord Name: Clyvelle#4402
Current RP: Let's Go Fly a Kite
Goals: Looking to go to the "good place"
Equipped Titles: Human, West Empire Adventurer F
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Backstory: Lived a quiet life as a farmhand on Earth. He worked hard and kept his head down. It was just the good thing to do. When the master's daughter threw herself at him, he refused her, saying she needed to save herself for someone who deserved her. When the plague came through and killed most of the servants and ravaged the master's household, he worked all the harder to maintain the farm. When his master passed and left the inheritance to him, he gave it to the daughter who had fallen on hard times. He never held anything against anyone and tried to live as quietly as possible. When he finally died, he expected to see golden gates or a paradise he had not known while on Earth. Instead some god appeared, telling him to start a new life to save a strange world. He made it clear that he was looking for a peaceful afterlife, not a new mortal life. Needless to say, when the god playfully booped his snoot, and he suddenly found himself awaking in a strange place, he was not happy. At all.
Current Life: The god made the mistake of showing him that divine realms exists here. Furthermore, he elaborated on how magic works. All he had to do was unlock the power needed to spawn himself into heaven, and he'd be set. To do that, he's been travelling all over Ryke and the surrounding kingdoms, doing odd jobs to get by, while looking for a way back to the divine realms.
Acquired Titles: Human, West Empire Adventurer F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 29
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - B (28)
Precision - C (21)
Intelligence - F
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - A (35)
Character Grade - C
Movement (14)
  • Fast F (7) - Note: This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging
    Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
    • F - 12mph(max)/60ft per round
  • Jumping F (7)- Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally greater distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
    • F - vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Appraisal F
    0 points for Isekaied characters (7 points for world natives)
    requires meta knowledge, F grade character

    Created with the ability for being a Player Character(isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
    For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, character will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something. Ex: medical skill may give a user medical readouts of creatures that appraisal is used on. Wealth skill or other merchant related skills may give item values when appraising objects and materials.

    If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than character grade of target, then user can learn about target's titles. Any information beyond that will depend on grade of individual stats/skills/abilities and the narrator.

    Grade of appraisal naturally goes up with grade of character. For those that purchased the skill, it must be upgrade with points when character grade reaches the appropriate level.

    Range and number of targets is limited to 1 target they can see within 5ft. Magic skills can increase the range and area of the skill drastically. Frequency of use in a non-combat situation is up to narrator discretion.
  • -
Miscellaneous (7)
  • Educated [Farmhand] (7)
    • Agriculture F

      The practice of farming, which includes soil treatments for growing crops and the raising and breeding of livestock.
    • Animal Handling F

      The Character has an ability to calm down a domesticated animal, know an
      animal’s natural inclinations, and intuit its intentions.
    • Athletics F

      The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance
      for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping
      objects in motion, and supporting large weights.
  • -
  • Fool's Rush - Fast F - Quenton runs up to an opponent and slugs them with his bare fist - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Farmhand's Dodge - Jump F - Quenton unleashes a burst of strength from his legs in order to jump out of the way of danger - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Appraise - Appraisal C - Quenton squints at a person or object and mentally receives information about the person or object - Grade C - 3 post cooldown
  • Vault - Fast F, Jump F - Taking a running start, Quenton jumps up and over an obstacle - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • -
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • -
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • -
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • [10/20/22]Let's Go Fly a Kite - +22 points and acquired title [West Empire Adventurer]- character is an adventurer of the West Empire adventurer guild. Able to handle the frigid boreal forests of the south or the dry grasslands of the north, West Empire adventurers are not as well rounded but can generally handle greater extremes.
    • Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
  • Point Expenditure: Speed B=>A (7), Fast F (7), Jumping F (7)
  • Title Change: Equipped West Empire Adventurer F
  • Added the following abiliites: Fool's Rush, Farmhand's Dodge, Appraise, and Vault
  • [10/31/22]"Let's Make Cool Abilities!" Contest - earned 7 points
  • Point Expenditure: Educated [Farmhand] (7) - Agriculture, Animal Handling, Athletics
Dayle Keller
Credit to: Neople, Dungeon Fighter

Rp'er General Info
Rp'er Name: Shatter Shard
Post Frequency: Active on Weekends, Unreliably Active on Weekdays
Discord Name: JackO Trades#4767

Character General Info
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 173 lbs.
Backstory: Dayle was born and grew up at the less desirable parts of the city of Ryken, being taken care of one of the small orphanages. Thrown into a dog eat dog world from such a young age, he quickly came to realize that showing vulnerabilities is nothing short of foolishness. He sharpened his tool of trade, his brawn, to become a thug and support himself with coercion, extortion, and threats. He was smart enough to recognize that joining a syndicate was a rewarding option, but the risks he would need to take in staying in one would slowly become tremendous in the long term. Besides, most syndicates do not let their people leave, and Dayle does not like people giving him orders.

Dayle would then spend most of teenage life committing crimes, including theft and physical assault, while simultaneously avoiding the eyes of both the syndicates and the authorities. Unfortunately, he was only able to do so much before a syndicate managed to find out who has been causing a ruckus in their territory; the Red Star Syndicate. Dayle prepared for the worst and was ready to fight for his life, but was surprised to get a calm and professional visit from Red Star. He was then given an offer knowing what kind of person Dayle was; he would need to act on their "requests" as a due, and would be paid in return as well as keep his independence. Otherwise, he can screw off somewhere else out of their territory, or get stomped on for staying. He had no power to stop them, and he does not want to risk it with the other powers in other territories, so Dayle had to swallow his pride and shook hands.

Recognizing the need for manpower, Dayle started to establish his own group, a gang with the goal of one day becoming a big organization. He recruited five dullards whose loyalty couldn't be bought, and set on his path towards the top of the underworld. A few more years later, Dayle would then hone his skills and developed his own Fighting Style, teaching his goons the basics, and using it to handle the "requests" much easier than before.
Current Life: Dayle lived in the slums of Ryken, in a sorry state of a shack along with his gang members. He is currently living off of his gang member's domestic skills, lending them to whoever needs them for some meager cash. He also occasionally gets "requests" which best uses his brawling skills in exchange for a few more days of finances. After a few weeks of deliberation, Dayle and his 5 goons finally named their little group; the Ignition Gang.

After Twisted Underbelly: Dayle went to cash in the "request", but the usual representative wasn't there. Instead, it was one of the high ranking executives that met him. His performance was seen and the executive approved of him, but the rest were not so sure about letting someone like him roam free. In order to remedy this, the executive took Dayle under his wing, and he was going to hear no objections from the gangster in front of him. Dayle could only take the executive's "kind offer" as he knew the others would try to put him down if he didn't have the executive backing him. The "request" was none other than a test to see if he was worth it, and apparently, he was. If he died, then that's one problem of their minds, but if he manages to succeed, then it was clear that such competence should be within their grasp. It was a setup to bring him in from the very start, and it left a sour taste in Dayle's mouth knowing that fact. However, he wasn't so sure if the whole of Red Star planned this out, or the executive was the sole mastermind behind all of this. The only fortunate thing to happen to him was the new batch of members he received, mostly thugs from Red Star. He was surprised to see fervent loyalty from them, but he supposes a reputation like his would earn him some followers. From now on, he will work under the syndicate's name.


  • Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop | (Class) Anchor

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 359
Points Spent: 413
Points Left: 51

[ A ] | 35 Strength
[ F ] | 0 Precision
[ D ] | 14 Intelligence
[ A ] | 35 Vitality
[ B ] | 28 Speed

[ C ] Character Grade

Skills and Abilities

  • [ C ] Fighting Style [Bonebreaker | Chains]
    Born for This

    • Brawling is commonly seen among street ruffians and generally undisciplined delinquents, and so Dayle uses this raw fighting style to give it his own twists. He is not afraid to use any object, tool, or weapon he can get his hands on, or use underhanded tactics to win a fight. However, he is in his best when using his Chains to get the job done.
    • Hellhound [Aura] F | Dayle can externalize his battle spirit and form it into searing hot aura around his body. Costs 1 Action.
    • Chainz [Flexible] F | Dayle has no qualms impairing his opponents with a sudden whip from his chains.
    • Nope [Deflect] E | Dayle's battle sense allows him to dodge out of the way of an attack, or if possible, deflect it with the chains wrapped around his arms. Costs 1 Action. [Bought[
    • One Two [Linked] F | Dayle can use his Fists and Chains interchangeably. [Bought]
    • Sting Like a Bee [Hot Shot] F | Dayle is always on the lookout for weakpoints he can exploit.
    • Thwack [Accurate] D | Dayle's attacks seem to mostly hit their marks despite the unwieldiness of his chains.

    [ F ] Superstrength
    Dayle harbors strength beyond many other people.

Abilities (Energized E)

  • [CD | 0 Post] Physical Might: Athletics F, Superstrength F| Dayle has the strength to push, lift, and carry heavier things with ease.


    1. [ C ] Steel Chains x2 [Melee] | Two 15ft chains wrapped around Dayle's arms, and gives additional protection while it's on his arms. Can be unfurled to be used as a whip-like weapon. While wrapped, it acts as gauntlets.
    2. [ E ] Tough Skin [Heavy Armor] | Dayle's skin had developed a certain resistance against damage from the constant beatings he gets.

  • 35pts for Stats
  • 14pts for Minion F
  • 7pts for Leadership F
  • 14pts for Connected [Criminal: Thug] E
  • 7pts for Street Sense
  • 14pts for Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] E
  • 14pts for Steel Chains E

  • Acquired [Unruffled] Title
  • Earned 54pts
  • 7pts for Connected [Criminal: Thug] E to D
  • 14pts for Fighting Style [Dreadnaught] E, with Deflect F and Linked F
  • 14pts for Minions [Red Star Cronies] F
  • 14pts for another Steel Chains E

  • Earned 42pts
  • 28pts for Stats (STR to D to C, Vitality E to C, and Speed E to D)
  • 14pts for 2x Steel Chains E to D

  • Earned 38pts
  • 14 pts for Stats (STR to C to B, Vitality C to B)
  • 28pts for Minions [Red Star Cronies] F to D

  • Earned 69pts
  • Acquired [Underbelly Survivor] Title
  • Acquired [Crimson Troop] Title
  • Acquired [Divees Crew] Asset
  • 28 pts for Stats (STR B to A, VIT B to A, SPD D to B)
  • 7pts for Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] Core [Deflect] F to E
  • 14pts for Chains x2 D to C
  • 14pts for Tough Skin [Heavy Armor] E

  • Earned 16pts
  • Acquired [Vagabond] Title
  • Narrator Bonus: Skill Gear F [Smoke Bombs] (add 7 points to points Earned) - Creates an obscuring smoke cloud in a 5ft by 5ft area where thrown.

  • Earned 74pts
  • **Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] -** character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
  • **Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F]** - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
  • 14pts - Removed Murderer F and Abuser F
  • 7pts - Intelligence E to D
  • 14pts - Energized E
  • 7pts - Resistance (Slashing) F
  • 14pts - Superstrength F
  • 7pts - Athletics F
  • Acquired Class: Anchor
  • Retroactive Application: Human - Born for This [Fighting Style]
  • 14pts - [Bonebreaker] Thwack F to D

  • Earned 59pts
  • Acquired [Acid Bathed] Title
  • Acquired [Widersia Adventurer's Guild F] Title
  • 7pts on Resistance [Slashing] F turned into 21pts Resistance [Physical] F
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Cleo Rom


"A true merchant is anything but humble."

Rp'er General Info
Rp'er Name: Shatter Shard
Post Frequency: Active on Weekends, Unreliably Active on Weekdays
Discord Name: Baptosay Gonzales#4767
Current RP: None

Character General Info
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 132 lbs.
In his previous life, Cleo was the young owner of an enterprise in his world. He started as nothing but a boy in the streets, then a graduate, and then into a respectable CEO who was loved by people. He had the pride of someone who had achieved many, but also the humility from being someone who hat to climbed their way up from the bottom. From this came his wealth, and with his wealth he would give his father everything, the single reason why he was able to sit at the top in the first place. Grateful for his support, the only person in the whole world he could call his "greatest best friend", he would spare nothing if it meant giving back the unconditional support and unhappiness he has received from him. It was until his father was struck with an incurable disease that he fell into despair. He threw his money to anything and anyone just for the slightest hope of curing his father, yet his wealth failed him. Cleo kept on visiting his father, until their very last conversation.

"The world is unfair, and we were given with nothing but the rags on our bodies. You were an unknowing child back then, and I couldn't bear to see you grow up without knowing luxury, and knowing only bitterness at this terrible world. So I did everything, the best I could, and seeing you become the man you are now make me feel, so proud." He said weakly, his withered body laying on the hospital bed. "The person that you are, hone it. The money you've earned, cherish it." He held the trembling hand of his son. "Those are my proof, to the world, that I succeeded in my duty." The eyes of son and father locked, but one closed theirs first as the strength from their hand was lost, before the other closed theirs as tears streamed down their face. His father, was taken too early, when he was too young to go away.

Since then, Cleo slowly lost the joy in his heart, but he kept his façade as the CEO. He would never let the dying wishes of his father be left undone, and so he tried his best to keep himself together. He became a greater person whose smile hides his sadness, and a person whose helping hand feeds the guilt of being unable to do anything for his own father. His money was his only comfort, and no matter how much he wanted to connect with others to recover, the fear always crept up inside him. One day, they too would leave him. One day, not even his money can save them. One day, they will die, like his father. Those thoughts continued to swim around his head when he talked with others, closing his heart for a long time, until the day came when an accident claimed his life.
Current Life:
Cleo grew up among the peasants outside the city of Ryken. The village he was raised in noticed his incredible business sense, his inexplicable arithmetic skills, and the ability draw in people to him. As a child, he had was always showered with praises, but felt something missing inside despite the affection given to him. He was grateful for their appreciation, but the strongest kind of connection he had was the feeling of longing and familiarity at the sight of coins. It has always been that way for the past years that he grew up, and as he honed his skill, he decided to become a merchant. He begun his step towards the wide world, and he was going to chase the only thing that could explain the hole in his heart.

A Short Road:
His first endeavor as a Merchant was both eventful and uneventful. Nevertheless, his first step towards his goal has been realized, and he will only go forward from here on out. Wealth shall be his final goal.

Lens of Truth:
His first visit to the Duchy was interesting to say the least, and he was able to experience magic in its glory. The trip was frankly helpful in some ways, in regards to his position as a Merchant. New ideas and business opportunities developed in his mind, and his prominent rise in the Merchant's Guild will only serve to further his own dream. However, after that particular trip, he was left with a realization that his infatuation with a certain guide was very uncharacteristic of him. Certainly, everything in this world have two sides.

Intermission 1:
Now that he had risen in the ranks of the Merchant's Guild, it was high time for him to finally make a company under the guild. For now, he doesn't have a base of operations, and have instead hired guards procured from Ryken's Military. Adventurers could've been feasible, but what Cleo needed was a loyalty not placed upon wealth, but ideals. With that in mind, he founded the Blue Quill Company and hired several guards to protect him in his future endeavors.

Let's Schmooze:
A deal has been struck, and now Cleo is under the pressure of time. In these remaining 5 months, he has to show has value in order to solidify his connection with the duke. After all, Linneus seems to be a valuable ally, and Cleo would hate losing such an opportunity. With that in mind, Cleo pushed forward into the first step of his plan, an HQ. He was able to buy a decent building in Ryken, and now he hopes on an endeavor for the next step. It was time to hire a workforce.

1. Accumulate wealth and become the richest person alive, or at least close to it.
2. Create a Free Market not supervised by a higher power, but by the markets themselves.
3. Bolster worldwide economy, to the point that free trade between nations all over the world is convenient, beneficial, and commonplace.
4. Find a way to soothe the emptiness in his heart.


Human | Trader | Stouthearted | Merchant | Closer
Human | Trader | Stouthearted | Merchant | Closer | Liberator

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 261
Points Spent: 364 (259 + 105)
Points Not spent: 19

[ F ] | 0 Strength
[ A ] | 35 Precision
[ A ] | 35 Intelligence
[ A ] | 35 Vitality
[ A ] | 35 Speed

[ B ] | 35 Character Grade

Skills and Abilities
[ F ]
He can sense and manipulate mana.​

[ B ]
He can "sense" the value of everything, from the rocks to the ground, to the trees that grow everywhere.​


[ C ]
Educated [Merchant] (Business, Persuasion, Insight)
With all the times of negotiations and dealing with many kinds of people, he had become an excellent merchant with a knack for business. With his mind to calculate, mouth to compel, and eyes to evaluate, Cleo does not live his work without using these.​
[ C ] Wealth
He was able to accrue wealth using his business acumen and thrifty lifestyle. This allows him to buy things of the same or lesser grade without putting a dent on his finances.​
[ D ] Asset [Merchant's Guild]
He had joined the Merchant's Guild due to the overwhelming benefits the organization holds. He was able to rise among the ranks with great speed despite his young age.​
[ D ] Asset [Blue Quill HQ Business Building]
He was able to purchase a property that acts as his company's base of operations in Ryken. It is a reception building with offices and rooms where employees could work and take breaks. It is mainly a building for retail and administrative purposes.​
[ F ]
Minions [Blue Quill Guards]
He has a number of guards affiliated with his company, Blue Quill.​
[ C ] | 21 Strength
[ F ] | 0 Precision
[ F ] | 0 Intelligence
[ C ] | 21 Vitality
[ F ] | 0 Speed
[ E ] Fighting Style [Standard Swordsmanship]
Blue Quill Guards are competent swordsmen on their own.​
  • Accurate: Their swordsmanship allows them to attack precisely and hit enemies that are faster than themselves.
  • Deflect: Their swordsmanship allows them to defend against physical attacks much better than others.
—Grade E—
[CD | 1 Post] Sword Trajectory: Fighting Style [Standard Swordsmanship] E, Accurate F | The guards' training allowed them to predict enemy movement to a certain extent. As long as there are patterns, they can attack enemies even if they are faster than themselves.​
[CD | 1 Post] Parry: Fighting Style [Standard Swordsmanship] E, Accurate F, Deflect F| The guards can stop physical attacks and deflect them away, and can even do so against faster attacks.​
  1. [ D ] Steel Sword | The guards are equipped with standard steel swords provided by Blue Quill.
  2. [ D ] Steel Shield | The guards are equipped with standard steel shields provided by Blue Quill.
  3. [ D ] Steel Plate Armor [Heavy Armor] | The guards are equipped with standard steel plate armors provided by Blue Quill.
  1. Blue Quill Token | A token that allows the guards to show their affiliation.
  2. Blue Quill Uniform | The guards wear the Blue Quill uniform underneath their armor, and have their armor decorated with the Blue Quill emblem.
  3. Outdoor Kit and Supplies | The guards carry the supplies needed for outdoor stay and travel.
  1. None currently.

[ C ]
[Educated] Business
He knows how business and trade works, and knows complicated arithmetic.​
[ C ] [Educated] Persuasion
His interpersonal skills gave him a compelling voice.​

[ C ] [Educated] Insight
His years of dealing with other merchants and shrewd bastards honed his senses to human intent and demeanor.​

[ D ] Etiquette
He has a very good and polite mannerism, and its hard for him to break his own expression.​

[ F ] Perception
He spot things many people wouldn't be able to, such as marks or tear on materials, or maybe the actual material an item is made out of.​

[ F ] Empathy
He has interacted with a lot of people over the years that he becomes sensitive to changes in emotions and moods.​

[ E ] Leadership
He is good with communicating his ideas and goals, and his friendly presence makes compatible people flock to him​
[ F ] Focus
He is able to keep his composure despite distractions. He can also attune more magic items to himself.​

—Grade C—
[CD | 3 Post] Info Absorption | Business C, Perception F, Insight C, Empathy F | Cleo's skill as a social person allows him to find out what a general populace wants or needs and setup a plan to supply for their demand. At the same time, he is aware of his surroundings and the people around him, and can discern intent much easier than most other people. He's sensitive to other people's emotions and moods, as well as the atmosphere, and can sometimes influence his own mood as well. However, he tries his best to keep a firm but friendly expression as best as he can.

[CD | 3 Post] Compelling Discourse | Etiquette D, Persuasion C, Leadership C, Insight C, Empathy F | Cleo has an excellent communicative ability, allowing him to have an advantage in social situations as he knows what words to use when speaking.

[CD | 3 Post] Executive | Wealth C, Business C, Perception F, Etiquette D, Leadership D | Cleo knows how to run a business and manage it, and has enough money to provide himself or others with him with basic necessities.

[CD | 3 Post] Honest Bribery | Wealth C, Business C, Perception F, Etiquette D, Leadership D | Cleo can move things to his favor through an offer of bribery. Of course, he does it within reason that does not violate any regulation from the Merchant's Guild.

[CD | 3 Post] Affability | Business C, Persuasion C, Insight C, Etiquette D, Leadership D, Empathy F | Cleo has this atmosphere on him that can turn his words sweeter or demeanor more admirable. His tact and thoughtfulness usually earn him favorability from most people.

—Grade B—
[CD | 4 Post] Eye of Midas | Appraisal B, Business C, Perception F, Insight F | Cleo can see the approximation of the value of objects that he sees, as well as the relative value of a person in terms of usefulness and compatibility, especially on the basis of the Golden Rule. For objects, he sees a white glow that changes in intensity proportional to its value. For people, he can see a variety of colors (and he doesn't know the meaning of all the colors) with the intensity increasing proportional to the basis of the Golden Rule.
[CD | 4 Post] Eye of Midas: Demand | Appraisal B, Business C, Insight C, Perception F, Empathy E | Cleo can see the demand of the objects he sees, or more specifically, the people that wants those objects. This "demand" is seen through his vision as a thread of white light connecting the objects and nearby people that wants those. The stronger the want, the brighter the light is. Usually, the threads are faint enough to not clutter his vision, and there's only a few bright ones that stands out.


  1. [ C ] Crossbow and Bolts | Cleo prefers to fight from range, using his crossbow to shoot people from afar.
  2. [ C ] Custom Tailored Leather Protective Outfit [Light Armor]| Cleo has a set of leather armor that is made to protect his vital spots, but also look aesthetically pleasing.
  1. Traveler's Backpack | Cleo needs some place to store his equipment and some of his goods, and this backpack does the trick.
  2. Small Knife | Cleo has a knife. Doesn't have much use aside from making small cuts.
  3. Quality General Goods | Cleo has generally valuable items, such as processed materials like clothes and food.
  4. Varied Clothes and Blue Quill Uniform | Cleo wears a better Traveler's Outfit when going outside the city, but wears finer clothes once inside them. When the occasion is important, he has reserved custom tailored outfits and if needed, he can use his Blue Quill uniform.
  1. Nobility Connection - [Lineuss Light]
  2. [Warehouse E] - Caelia Barony, Yemaya

  • 35pts for Stats
  • 21pts for Wealth F
  • 7pts for Business F
  • 7pts for Etiquette F
  • 7pts for Perception F
  • 7pts for Persuasion F
  • 7pts for Insight F
  • 7pts for Empathy F
  • 7pts for Leadership F
  • 0pts for Appraisal F
  • Gained "Trader" Title after review

Points Earned: 73
Title Acquired: Stouthearted

  • 35pts for Stats | 14pts for Intelligence, 14pts for Speed, 7pts for Precision
  • 21pts for Wealth F to E
  • 14pts for Connected [Merchant's Guild] E
  • Acquired [Apprentice Merchant] Title from Connected [Merchant's Guild] F
  • Wealth E to upgrade Crossbow and Bolts, as well as buy Custom Tailored Leather Outfit

Points Earned: 23
Title Acquired: Closer

  • 7pts for Connected [Merchant's Guild] D
  • 14pts for Minions [Blue Quill Guards]

Points Earned: 4
Title Acquired: None
  • Gained Asset: Nobility Connection - [Lineuss Light]
  • Partially Scooped for 14pts and [Educated] F (Business F, Persuasion F, Insight F)
  • 21pts for [Asset]: Blue Quill HQ Business Building
  • Renamed [Connected] to [Asset]

Points Earned: 7
Title Acquired: None
  • 7pts for Educated [Merchant] F to E
  • 0pts for Appraisal F to D, since Isekai'd Character and Character Grade is D

Points Earned: 99
Title Acquired: Liberator
  • No Expenses

Points Earned: 55
Title Acquired: Ophenia Groupie
Skills Acquired: Magic F for 7pts, Focus F for 7pts

  • Stats (70pts)
  • Wealth E to C (42pts)
  • Educated E to C (14pts)
  • Etiquette F to D (14pts)
  • Leadership F to E (7pts) (Born For This 7pts Discount)

Points Earned: 17
Title Acquired: Warehouse Owner
Asset Acquired: [Warehouse DE]
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Rp'er Name: Dante Verren
Post Frequency:
Once a week minimum, but usually two to three times a week.
Discord Name: Dante Verren #3894
Equipped Titles: Skeleton, Wandering Knight, Brave Heart, Vigorous, Hades
Height: 5'8
Weight: ibs
-Help who he can
-Find a way to redeem his recent less the heroic actions
-Find an actual friend
Luca Romana was born the son of a wealthy up and coming politician. Thanks to his father’s status and prestige he never really hurt for anything. His early childhood was spent as a spoiled brat getting whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it. Being the only son his parents showered him with affection. It was rare to see him without his mother around, and in the cases where she wasn’t with him an attendant was. It truly was the early childhood of royalty. This kind of childhood would go on to create a monster.

As soon as he entered school Luca began to show his problematic behavior. He would boss around the other children, using violence to force them into submission if they refused to bend to his verbal commands. Any repercussions he would have faced were waved away due to his parents prestige and more importantly their money. This led to him gathering a gang of young goons around him. They became the playground bullies. This would only get worse as he entered into his teenage years. The harassing and bullying of kids turned into literal shakedowns and crimes. It got so bad that police had to step in, but even they were bought off by the Romano’s.

As an adult Luca refused to get a normal job, instead he started using his parents money to purchase up more and more goons. They began branching out, praying for the poor of italy. Extorting small local businesses, acting as loan sharks. They themselves became a small time mob all on their own. The power got to his head and Luca started striking out more and more. On one occasion he even gathered up a small family who he lent money to and gave the father a choice. Payback the money, or they would be selling the organs of his family. The man couldn’t pay.

Luca never did any of the dirty work himself, instead he had his goons do it for him. Thinking himself secure in his power base he began to let up on his guard. The vetting process he used on his new hires grew sloppy and he unknowingly hired a man whose father had been one of the Romana goon’s victims. This led to Luca’s early grave when the man slipped poison into Luca’s drink. That is where the story should have ended, but death had other plans for him. A god gave him a choice, gave him another chance, and gave him the opportunity to reflect on his actions.
Current Life:
When Luca awoke everything felt different. His body felt lighter. Even though the area around him was dark he could see perfectly fine. Sitting up he looked around to see he was in a field of corpses. A sudden rush of emotion came over him as horrific memories raced through his mind. Scenes of great crimes and inhumanity. It was enough to make him cry… yet he did not cry. Instead it felt more like he could not cry, as if he lacked the ability to produce tears. Looking down at himself Luca realized why. He was nothing but bones. No muscle or flesh clung to him, he was just pearly white bones.

It was then that the memory of the old divine came to mind. He had been reborn into a new world, and as punishment for his crimes in his past life he was now a skeleton. This would be his punishment, every time he looked at himself he would be reminded of his past crimes. Rising to his feet, Luca would take his time to get used to his new magical body. Knowing full well that he would never survive out in the world as a bare skeleton he would perform one more despicable act. He would loot the dead.

After searching for a while he would eventually find one body that was roughly the same size as his own. He stripped the body and dressed himself in the presumably adventurer’s gear. Now that he had clothes that covered his body, and a cloak that he could wrap around his head to cover his skull, he just needed a weapon. He would find his weapon in the form of a longsword that had been cast aside. Taking the blade he would attach the sheath to his waist. These would be the only things he would take, clothes to cover him and a weapon to wield. Any gold or valuables were left behind. The old Luca would have taken everything he could carry, but not the new Luca. It was on that field that he made an oath to himself and a promise to the nameless god who had brought him here. He would not waste this second chance. Taking up the name of the bravest of the Legendary knights he could think of, the skeleton Gawain set off into the world determined to be a force for good.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Skeleton, Undead, Wandering Knight, Brave Heart, Vigorous, Hades, Delver
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 253
Points Spent: 352
Points Unspent: 6
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have.)
Strength - A
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - B
Speed - D
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Resistance F- reduce damage from poison
  • Resilience F- No Need to eat/sleep/or breathe
  • Feature Darkvision
  • Appraisal
  • Fighting Style Duelist F: Practioners of the duelist fighting style specialize in using only one hand to wield their weapon keeping their free hand open to manipulate other objects.
    Blight - F - Poison: The user can imbue their blade with poison's to add extra damage against their enemies
  • Magic E
  • Magic Affinity Posion F
  • Spell Duration F- Spell last for one minute
  • Super Strength C: 2ton (mid-sized car)
  • Disguise F
  • Persuasion F
  • Warfare F (2/7)
  • Regeneration F
  • Change State F - can change into a liquid. cannot pickup solid objects. Cannot apply force greater than a gentle wave. Takes half the damage normally incurred as appropriate by narrator.
  • Athletics F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Poison Blade: Magic E, Magic Affinity Posion F, Spell Duration F: Allows the caster to douse their weapon with a thick poison that enters into the enemies body upon contact dealing damage as it makes contact with the enemy. Spell last for one minute, Grade E, 1 post cool down
  • Flash of Decay: Magic E, Change State F: The caster turns to a black liquid form for several seconds allowing them to take reduced damage or maneuver through places that only liquid could get to. Grade E, 1 post cool down
  • Persistent Decay: Magic E, Change State F, Spell duration F: The caster turns to a black liquid form for one minute allowing them to take reduced damage or maneuver through places that only liquid could get to. Grade E, Spell duration 1 minute, 1 post cool down
  • Strike One: Death: Super Strength F, Athletics F: The user draws within their well of strength to unleash a strong blow against their target while using their own athleticism to reduce the chance of possible self harm from exertion. Grade F, 0 post cool down, Strength = 200 ibs
  • Strike 2: Destruction: Super Strength E, Athletics F: The user draws within their well of strength to unleash a strong blow against their target while using their own athleticism to reduce the chance of possible self harm from exertion: Grade E, 1 Post Cool down, Strength = 600 ibs
  • Strike 3: Devastation: Super Strength D, Athletics F: The user draws within their well of strength to unleash a strong blow against their target while using their own athleticism to reduce the chance of possible self harm from exertion: Grade D, 2 post Cool down, Strength = 1 ton
  • Strike 4: Desolation: Super Strength C, Athletics F: The user draws within their well of strength to unleash a strong blow against their target while using their own athleticism to reduce the chance of possible self harm from exertion: Grade C, 2 Post Cool down, Strength = 2 tons
  • Basic Disguise: Disguise F, Persuasion F: Gawain uses the combination of his armor, hood, and cloak to give himself a basic disguises, nothing that would hold up under intense scrutiny, but would serve too fool the common inspection. Grade F, 0 post Cool down
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Iron Sword B- A longsword picked up from a fallen combatant on a battlefield. The weapon is a fine piece of equipment fit for military service.
    Iron Armor (Heavy) C- Armor made from overlapping iron plates that give the wear some defense
    Iron Shield C- A shield mad to protect it's wielder, made of hard wood coated in iron.
    Burned Charm Catalyst F- A burned charm taken from the ruins of Kanato. A remembrance and a way to channel magic.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Adventure's clothes- Clothes worn by a fallen adventure. Not actual armor but mere clothing. The cloak is tattered in the back and a several parts of the clothing seem poorly stitched together.
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Alvian Facility Access
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
D vitality (14), C strength (21), D Speed (14), resilience f (7), resistance f (7), feature (darkvision) (7), C sword (28), Fighting style F (7)
Vitality Upgrade D to c (7 points) and title Wandering Knight (Equipped)- gained from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Northern Forests adventure, Total points earned: 10. Update date : December 17th 2021

Acquired armor Rank D (21 points), Iron Shield D (21) Intelligence upgrade F to E (7 points) partial upgrade of intelegence from F to E (5 points, 2 still needed for full upgrade) and title brave heart (equipped). gained from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Dead awake at Night (Blue Viscera Occult Questline), Total points earned: 51 Updated: February 5th 2022

INT F to E completion (2 points, previous 5 points invested), STR C to B (7 points), VIT C to B (7 points), Armor upgrade D to C and Shield upgrade (7 points in total: Upgraded by the smith Sophia Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace) Skill Magic F (7 points), Skill Magic E ( 7 points), Skill Magic Affinity Poison F (7 points), Catalyst Burned charm F (7 pints), Spell duration F ( 7 points), Super Strength F ( 14 points), Super Strength F to E (14 points) Disguise F (7 points) Persuasion F (7 points), Warfare F (2 points invested, 5 points needed). Title :Vigorous (Equipped), Gained from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Dead Awake at Night, Part 2 (Blue Viscera Occult). Total points earned: 102 Updated 6/22/2022

63 Points earned from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Dungeon Crawl Ho! - Remnant of Ancient Ambition
Super strength E to D (14 points), Super strength D to C (14 points), Regeneration F (7 points), Change State E (21 points), Athletics F (7 points)
Acquired Optional title: [Hades] - Character is wholly separate from the world. Character lives an existence incomparable to many and no pretending can bring character closer to others. Character will struggle to find companionship with anyone except outsiders like their self but the relationships will generally be short lived. such is the nature of an outsider. When character is isolated, they will have an edge in maintaining their state of mind and survival instincts.
Acquired Asset [Alvian Facility Access] - character has minor influence as well as access to the facility should they ever wish to return.
Updated 10/25/2022

27 points earned from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] For Whom The Bell Tolls
STR B to A ( 7 points), Iron sword C to B ( 7 points), Iron shield D to C (7 points), 6 points unspent
Acquired Optional title : [Delver] Optional title- Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.
Updated 02/16/2023
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Hildegard Karling
_blonde hair, ponytail, fantasy, armor, lightning, serious, blue scarf,  s-2693505180.png
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Dante Verren
Post Frequency:
Minimum once a week
Discord Name: Dante Verren#3894
Current RP: N/A
Short Term: Learn more about divines
Long term: Meet face to face with the god who Isekaid her.
Equipped Titles: Human, Hero of Selve, Hero of Aegrizora, Ryken Adventurer E, Unbroken
Height: 5'7
Weight: 149 ibs
Anna was born to a middle class family in urban England. Both her families had been raised in deeply religious homes, but their own experiences had made it so they grew up with a distance to faith. They passed on that distaste of faith to their children. So Anna and her three siblings were raised with a strong anti-religion mindset. While her brothers were seemingly more tolerant of opposing views, Anna was not. All throughout school she would get in trouble by going off on other kids saying "My parents say God is evil" or "everyone knows that kind of stuff is for suckers' '. The constant attacks on others beliefs would be a continual point of contention.

In highschool Anna would hit a low period in her life, her mother would get sick and pass away after fighting the disease for six months. Her grandparents did not make the situation better, instead they instilled that it was her mother's fault for rejecting the love of the lord. This pushed Anna's intolerance into pure hatred. She joined many online communities centered on the growing hatred of organized religion. She became more anarchist and full of conspiracy falling into the rabbit hole of extremism.

Eventually this extremism would cost her the ultimate life. With social unease fresh in the air, Anna left the comfort of her online hate and took it into the real world. Joining up with online friends she would participate in a series of real life riots. These riots were originally protests that turned violent at the prodding of groups like her own. In the violence that followed arm forces were sent to quell the threat. A soldier still fresh from training and not use to these types of situations opened fire into a crowd of rioters. Anna was struck by one of the bullets and pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

It was in death she would find the ultimate irony of her life. When she died she met with God. God spoke to her and sent her on a mission to a new world. The very being she had hated and rejected had chosen her.
Current Life:
Hildegard was born to a pious family of minor nobles. They were only nobles in name with no real wealth to speak of. The family was a large one with ten children, eight of them being boys, and she being the second youngest daughter. While being a normal child at first it became clear that she was different as she grew up. As soon as she learned how to speak she would preach about a holy mission from God, that she had been chosen and reborn for a great mission. When asked she could never say what her life was like before, only that she was meant for greatness in this life.

As she grew up she learned the art of combat from her older brothers as well as magic in secret, rejecting any of the normal lady-like practices her mother tried to teach her. Her zealous faith in a God no one had ever heard of, her prideful instance that she was chosen by the divine, and her rejection of social norms made her an outcast. Her family grew tired of her embarrassing behavior and sought to marry her off. Hildegard managed to ruin every arrangement.

Finally the last straw was broken and Hildegard was thrown out of her home. Given the basics to survive and forced out into the world. The only thing of value she was given was a good quality longsword from her older brother Fredrick. With this sword and her magic in hand she set out into the world to start her personal holy quest.
Acquired Titles: Human, Hero of Selve, Hero of Norroburry, Hero of Aegrizora, Ryken Adventurer F, Ryken Adventurer E. Unbroken
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 161
Points Spent: 259
Points Not Spent: 7
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - C
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - C
Speed - C
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

  • Magic D
    Elemental Affinity Electricity E
    Compnetless Magic E
    FAST D- 48mph(max)/240ft per move
    Magic Area of Effect - E: 50 ft. radius with magic.
    Fighting Style Incurable F: wounds produced by this technique will not heal nor regenerate magically or supernaturally unless skills involved are greater than the incurable technique grade.
    Selective Magic E
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

  • Ability: Lightning Claw: Magic F, Elemental Affinity (Electricity F, Componentless Magic F- The user strikes at an opponent with their hand. As they do so lighting forms at the tips of their nails to rake across the enemy. - Grade F- 0 Post Cooldown

    Ability: Lightning Rush: Magic F, Elemental Affinity (Electricity F), Compometless Magic F, Fast F- The user channels their magic power and combines it with there natural speed. Using the combination of physical and magical strength the user rushes and strikes out at the intended target. -Grade F- 0 Post Cool down

    Ability: Strike of Righteous doom: Fast E, Fighting Style Incurable F: The user rushes forward aiming to land a minor strike that would be difficult if not impossible to heal - Grade E- 1 Post cooldown

    Ability: Sparkling Lightning Slash: Magic E, Elemental Affinity Lightning E, Component less Magic E: The user strikes at an opponent with their hand. As they do so lighting sparks from their nails to rake across the enemy- Grade E- 1 post cooldown

    Ability: Sparkling Lightning Rush: Magic E, Elemental Affinity Lighting E, Componentless Magic E, Fast E- The User channels their magic power and combines it with their natural speed. Using the combination of physical and magical strength the user rushes and strikes out at the intended target- Grade E- 1 post cool down

    Ability: Erupting Lighting Claw: Magic E, Elemental Affinity Lightning E, Componentless Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Selective Magic E, Fast E, :The user strikes at an opponent with their hand, As they do so the lightning erupts from their hand blasting anything within a 10 ft. radius with the raging magic. Grade E, 10 Ft radius, 1 Post Cool down

    Ability: Crashing Lighting Rush: Magic E, Elemental Affinity Lighting E, Componentless Magic E, Fast E, Magic area of effect F, Selective Magic E: The user channels their magic power and combines it with their natural speed. Using the combination the user rushes forwards in a blast of lighting that on impact causes an eruption of lighting that blast anything within a 10 ft. radius. - Grade E, 10 ft. radius, 1 post cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Good Quality Longsword D
    Basic Iron armor (Heavy) E
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Whetstone
    Fire Starter Kit
    Traveler's clothes
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)

  • Character Creation 12/02/2021
    STR D - 14
    INT D- 14
    SPD E- 7
    Longsword D-21
    Magic Affinity E -14
    Elemental Affinity E- 14
    Compnetless Magic F- 21

    STR Upgrade D to C - 7 points earned from, Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Cold Case: A Missing Person!
    Vitality F to D- 14 points
    Basic Iron armor E - 14 points
    Title: Hero of Selve
    Title Zealot
    Total 35 points earned for rp
    Updated 02/04/2022

    SPD upgrade from E TO D - 7 Points earned from , Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Mysterious Disappearances at Norroburry Lake
    Sword D to C- 7 points
    Skill acquired FAST F- 12mph
    Skill upgrade FAST E- 24mph (1 out of 7 points, not finished)
    Title not equipped hero of Norroburry
    Total 22 points earned for rp
    Updated 04/24/2022
    154 points spent

    Ability Added 06/02/2022
    Lightning Rush

    Edits done 6/11/2022
    1. Added General dates to all of the updates since I can't remember specifics
    2. Reverted sword from C to D
    3. Reverted all spells to F for the moment
    4. Upgraded VIT from D to C

    7/28/22 61 Points earned from, Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Rooted in the Past
    Finish upgrade Fast E- 24mph 6 points (Previously had 1 pointed invested into upgrade)
    Compontless Magic E: 21 points
    Fighting Style Incurable F- 7 points
    INT C- 7points
    Magic D- 7 points-
    Magic Area of Effect F- 7 points
    6 points left unspent
    201 points spent

    10/04/22 20 Points earned from, Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] One’s Search for Reunion
    Acquired titles:
    - [Ryken Adventurer] - character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
    --Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
    --Grade E - character has shown promise for the life and is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. While they still have a ways to go, they at least know the basics now.
    Equipped Titled Ryken Adventurer E
    Speed C: 7 points
    Precision E: 7 points
    Fast D: 7 points
    5 points left unspent
    231 points spent

    11/16/2022 23 points gained from - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Red-Like: Without a Second to Spare
    Armor F repaired to Armor E (7 points, Used 5 unspent points and 2 earned points), Magic AOE E ( 7 points), Selective Magic F (7 points), Selective Magic E (7 points)
    optional title acquired [Unbroken] - Your time and experiences have hardened you, even in your worst state, you remain yourself even under stressful duress. Character has an easier time living with their choices and past or present experiences.
    Equipped Title Unbroken
    Added Selective Magic E to abilities Erupting Lightning Claw and Crashing Lightening Rush
    Changed Image
Last edited:
Peng Deming


Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Dante Verren
Post Frequency:
Bare minimum once a week but usually at least twice a week.
Discord Name: Dante Verren#3894
Current RP: Currently None
Short term: Acquire renown, obtain a position under a worthy leader, and obtain subordinates
Long term: Purge political corruption and refashion the stagnating systems of power into more efficient ones.
Equipped Titles: Human, Redcliffe Contributor, Quartermaster of Sol, Courtier of Light
Height: 5'5
Weight: 122 Ibs
Backstory:Before his reincarnation Fenhua was a solider. He began his military carrier fighting for his homeland against invaders and corrupt imperialist at the age of 10. He wasn't strong enough to fight in major battles, but the small skirmishes from village to village were fair game. By the time he was 16 the war was over and although he had only played a small part in the war he was convinced by the charismatic leaders that the victory did not belong to one man, but the people. His military career did not end their he continued in the army gaining rank after rank, fighting in battle after battle. Eventually he shouted orders more often the he spoke normal words and became paranoid anytime he did not here the sounds of gunfire made him nervous. Battle was addicting and so was the constant stream of propaganda served by the great comrades who led his people. It was only when he ascended to the rank of a generals staff that he began to realize the sinister truth that existed in his homeland. The rampant corruption, the fear of the great leader's iron fist. It was choking. How many fellow officers did he get to know just to find they one day mysteriously disappeared? He himself would find the same fate awaited him when one day in a particularly bad mood and fed up with the slow progress of the command structure he let loose a single comment that spoke poorly of his higher ups. He was never seen again...at least not in that world
Current Life: Perhaps he had thought that being reborn by god into a fantasy world by a god meant things would be different. What a fool Peng Deming was. Born to farmers in the eastern empire he had no chance to shine. He wondered what sick joke it was to be born in similar circumstances that he had been born into in his previous life. Not satisficed at all with that existence he quickly moved away from the life of a farmer once he discovered he could use magic. Moving to the city he got his first real taste of what the Eastern empire was really like, and it disgusted him. There he found the same inefficient powers locked in a useless stagnation due to rampant corruption and compliance. It was just like his old home, just instead of comrades and great leaders, it was slaves and kings. Fed up with it he left the empire, heading west to Ryke. He hoped that there things would be a bit better. Perhaps there he could earn power, prestige, and perhaps even find someone who had the ability or even the capabilities to bring his dreams to fruition.
Acquired Titles: Human, Redcliffe Contributor, Quartermaster of Sol , Courtier of Light
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 82
Points Spent: 181
Points Not Spent: 6
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic C
    Magic Affinity D
    Spell duration E: up to 1 hour duration time
    Bolster Strength F: Increase Str by 1 point
    Bolster Speed F: Increase Spd by 1 point
    Magic Target F: Up to two targets
    Magic Range F: Up to 10 feet
    Wind Affinity F

    Secondary Skills
  • Focus F- 7 points
    Warfare F- 7 points
    Persuasion F- 7 points
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Order 1: Bolt of Magic Pain: Magic F, Magic Affinity F, Magic Range F: Fires off a bolt of magic that strikes into a target at closer range. The bolt enhances the pain of the magical force causing damage. Spell range 10 feet, Grade E- 1 post cooldown

    Order 2: Touch of Strength: Magic E, Spell duration F, Bolster Strength F: The user channels magic through their catalyst into their hand and touches a target. That target receives an increase of one letter grade to their strength. Spell duration 1 minute, Spell range touch, Grade E- 1 post cool down

    Order 3: Touch of Speed: Magic E, Spell Duration F, Bolster Speed F: The user channels magic through their catalyst into their hand and touches a target. That target receives an increase of one letter grade to their speed. Spell duration 1 minute, Spell range touch, Grade E- 1 post cool down

    Order 4: Twin Bolts of Magic Pain: Magic E, Magic Affinity F, Magic Target F, Magic Range F: Fires off two bolts of magic that strike into two different targets at a closer ranger. The bolts enhance the pain of the magical force causing damage. Spell range 10 feet, Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

    Order 5 :Words of Growing Strength: Magic D, Spell duration E, Magic Target F, Magic Range F, Bolster Strength F- Magic flows from the user’s catalyst into two targets raising their strength by one letter grade. Spell duration 1 hour, spell range 10 feet, Grade D- 2 post cool down

    Order 6: Words of Growing Speed: Magic D, Spell duration E, Magic Target F, Magic Range F, Bolster Speed F- Magic flows from the user’s catalyst into two targets raising their speed by one letter grade. Spell duration 1 hour, Spell range 10 feet, Grade D - 2 post cool down.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Magic Wand C
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Camping gear (Bedroll, rations, fire starter)
  • Traveling robes
  • Small pouch of coins
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • 105 points spent on character creation: 7/19/2022
    Intelligence - C - 21
    Magic Wand E- 14
    Magic D- 21
    Magic Affinity F- 7
    Spell duration E- 14
    Bolster Strength F- 7
    Bolster Speed F- 7
    Magic Target F- 7
    Magic Range F - 7

    32 Points earned from pnation.com/threads/isekai-hell-the-first-step.516886/page-4#post-11461944
    Magic Wand D- 7 points
    Focus F- 7 points
    Warfare F- 7 points
    Persuasion F- 7 points
    5 points unspent
    Acquired Title: [Redcliffe Contributor] - Your contributions to the reorganization of Redcliffe have affected the County of Sol, this is a chance to start anew for the people. You will be remembered in Sol County for your help.
    Equipped Title Redcliffe Contributor
    Updated 09/20/2022

    7 points earned from : Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Prelude
    Wind Affinity F
    Acquired title [Quartermaster of Sol] - By the order of Count Lineuss Light, you've been brought up into the ranks of Sol County to be Lineuss' helper, one of his closest advisors of supplies and reserves. Godspeed.
    Acquired title [Courtier of Light] - With Lineuss' blessing and trust, you've become a close asset to Lineuss. A courtier, his companion. You will be known to be in cahoots with him.
    Equipped Titles Quartermaster of Sol and Courtier of Light

    43 points earned from: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] An Interlude Pt. 1
    optional title acquired: [Strategist] - character took on the role of coming up with a plan and leading others on a mission. For better for or for worse, it was their plan that was followed. Character is more likely to receive respect and attention for their thoughts on such matters in the future. For better or worse, character will be held responsible for the actions of those that follow their plans.
    Vitality E- 7 points
    Speed E- 7 points
    Intelligence B- 7 points
    Upgrade Wand from D to C: 7 points
    Magic C: 7 points
    Magic Affinity D- 7 points
Last edited:




Rp'er Name: RavenSong

Post Frequency:
2-4 times a week. Not uncommon I could post every other day (Usually I post at night though)

Discord Name: RavenSong#4209

Equipped Titles: [Human], [Former: Champion of Light], [Right Hand], Connected: [Friend of Nobility], [Knight of the Order]
[Faithful] – character is faithful to their friends, family and/or goals. They're less easily swayed from acting against the interest of people or things they're faithful towards and more motivated when aiding them.

Height: 5’7

Weight: 134 lbs


- To rise through the military ranks and become the greatest military strategist ever known
- to help and advocate for the common folk; to raise their standing to more than just peasantry, but a labor force with its own desires and priorities.
- Establish relations with the nobility
- Seek out and quell corruption in order to make the world a better place.
- advance and push her own martial limits
- Help Regula become [Queen of Ryken]

CURRENTLY IN RP: Start of Something New


It all happened so fast, an uprising against a corrupt monarchy, the militarization of technology, the creation of a rebellion and the aftermath of a devastating war for power between two opposing forces.

Arias world was in ruins, most wouldn’t survive the aftermath of the first cataclysmic confrontations. Those who did chose a side, or were caught in the cross fire.

Aria, found herself serving the rebellion, she believed in the message of liberation for a better tomorrow, where everyone would have equal share, where no one was more than another.

But to her disappointment the rebellion eventually became that which it sought out to defeat. Whatever dream that began as a fight for a better world, soon became corrupted, petty and a means to further the ambitious agendas of lesser leaders. Now they only fought to kill and prey on the vulnerable. Nothing more than an organized mercenary group, under the banner of “liberation”.

In the end it only amounted to a struggle to determine who would dominate and exploit whatever was left.

She’d risen through the ranks as a soldier but now as a strategist would soon see the true outcomes and gains of every battle. Risking it all only to realize that in spite of talent, luck and casualties the enemy always figured out a way to recover whatever was lost. Essentially stuck in a never ending war.

Aria began to suspect. A suspicion that would ultimately end her life. As every battle that was won or lost, the rebel leader began to question her officers, her colleagues, even her bravest soldiers. Something wasn’t right. And she was determined to find out what.

The services of her most elite spy were employed swiftly to verify her deepest suspicion.

She’d sent him to the headquarters of the rebellion leadership themselves.

Weeks past and her conjecture was proven in the form of documents confirming the rebellion leaders were in league with the remnants of the monarchy. Their very sworn enemies.

But little did she know the spy was also working for them. Discovered and paid exuberant sums of resources in exchange for his loyalty.
Aria was quick to respond by preparing her troops to besiege the traitors. She was prepared to claim leadership, and change the course of history. And to pay back the cowards for their misdeeds, for using people as nothing more than pawns on a board; a means to no end. But on the eve of their departure, Aria was murdered in her sleep in the early hours of the night by an unknown assailant.

Only rumors remain.

Current Life:

After her death and experiencing a conversation with God, Aria felt a boiling hatred for those who betrayed her. Although thankful for a second chance in another world, Aria couldn’t help but feed a festering hate within her. After seemingly appearing in Ryke, she soon began to develop an ability to manipulate a blade with nothing but her mind.

As she trained she worked at the local tavern, making only enough to get her by in life. It wasn’t an ideal career, but it allowed her to understand the world.

She understood the importance of knowing what was happening in distant places.

As the months went on, she began to develop another set of abilities that would allow her to appear in different places. Although her abilities were still in the budding phase of martial prowess, she’d wander about looking to sharpen her abilities.

Perhaps there were others who knew more, maybe there was a way to return to her old world, a dormant ambition that fueled the vendetta against those who betrayed her. For now, she’ll have to once again rise through the ranks. Whatever that might mean.

Acquired Titles: [Human] [Champion of Light], [Liaison], [Right Hand], [Friend of Nobility], [Knight of the Order]

[Faithful] – character is faithful to their friends, family and/or goals. They're less easily swayed from acting against the interest of people or things they're faithful towards and more motivated when aiding them.

  • Mandatory Title acquired [East Empire Fugitive C] - character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.
  • Mandatory Title acquired [Maimed] - has been afflicted with a case of no legs ( burned off and incinerated) and now has a speed stat capped at H grade (without points rewarded for deduction). A grade healing or equivalent can heal her body by restoring the limbs. Lesser skills, abilities, items may give partial comfort or remedy. Maimed title may be used to narrate your own rp to quest for a healer capable enough to cure or otherwise relieve the mechanical part of the affliction on Aria. Alternatively, the Maimed title may be used to run an rp where you play out Aria's affliction and cash the title in for x2 points as if it were a world rp, but doing so will leave Aria afflicted indefinitely. (does not stack with other point boosting rps, skills, or titles)
[Un-maimed] - [Un-maimed] RP - My Fading Dream

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 376

Points Spent:
406 +35

Points Left : 5


(5) Strength - A /35

(5) Precision - A/ 35

(5) Intelligence - A/35

(5) Vitality - A/35

(5) Speed - A /35
[ Character Grade: A ]


  • (14)Teleport - E
    Creature with this skill can warp away to a place they can see/sense/or have previously visited. Max distances are listed:
    E - 100ft max
  • (14) Fighting Style - Swords - [ B ] - Uses a katana while carrying another fastened to her waist. Its Aria's main weapon, using it for both offense and defense.
  • - [Continuing F] [Bleeding] - (1min) - [Incapacitating F (14/7free)] [Blight F - Spirit Fire] [Accurate E (14 Free)] [Deflect F (7 Free)
  • (21) Fighting Style - Throwing Daggers - [ D ] Carries her daggers in a leather holster on both her thighs and beneath her sash. Arias dedicated weapon of choice for ranged combat, she usually opens a fight with these weapons to weaken or maim her target before delivering the finishing blow with her katana. grade
    [Range] E (14) - [Hot Shot] (7 free) 14 - Blight F (Ethereal) - [Area F] - [Homing F (7)]
  • (14) Gear D - Throwing Knives [ D ] grade
  • (28) Energized C - Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank - Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
  • (14) Warfare E - The knowledge of large-scale military combat techniques,including troop movement, siege warfare, and army morale.
  • (14) Lucky E- Character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp.
    E - 4 Posts per rp
  • (14) Precognition F - Buff lasts for a single post.

    Character can occasionally glimpse into the future.
    Gives +1 grade to speed. Does not stack with any other speed bosting ability.
    Amount of time glimpsed into the future grows with skill grade. Future glipsed is that of the character using the skill and is perceived through their senses. Other skills may augment this behavior. [ F ] - A few seconds

  • (7) Interrogation F - The ability to convince someone to provide specific
    information against their will. Interrogation can also be used to
    help withhold information when being forcefully questioned.

  • (7) Leadership F - The talent of having inspirational visions and goals, and
    communicating them effectively to others. The objective is
    to motivate and rally others to adopt and work towards those
    objectives as well.

  • (14) [Focus] E- The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat. Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • (21) [Wealth] F - While acquiring items and services at higher grades is possible with or without the skill, with the skill, the character no longer needs to spend points on such goods and services.
    Character has achieved noteable employment, skills, or other circumstances to better accrue money. At F grade wealth, F Grade items are perceived as easy purchases for the character that would hurt them little. They would still have money for certain bribes, paying hirelings, and other commercially available goods at F Grade or lower. Items of mithril or orichalcum type only get a 7 point discount on the purchase or upgrade.
  • (28) Steady Hands C

    Can only be used to perform actions of a grade equal or less than the skill

    Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move without taking penalties to action effectiveness.
  • Appraisal B
  • Feature: [Mithril Legs B]
    • Enchantments on [Mithril Legs B]
      • Core 1 - Healing B
      • Core 2 - Jumping B
      • Core 3 - Tremor sense B
      • Core 4 – Special Movements: Water walking F, Untraceable F, Divine Path F, Wall Bouncing F, Running along narrow ropes and paths F.
      • Core 5 – Fast B


  • Ethereal Blade - Fighting Style - Throwing Daggers D - Range 30ft E - Blight (Ethereal) F - Hot Shot F - Gear D (Throwing Daggers) - Steady Hands D - Pulls a dagger from her sash, imbuing it with fiery ethereal energy as she perceives a weak point on the target until before calling out her ability name to finalize the strike. - Grade D- 1 post cooldown (Energized D)
  • Teleport Strike - Fighting Style - Swords F - Teleport F 10ft- Energized E - Steady Hands D - Teleports within a 10ft distance of target before slashing target with equipped blade. Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized D]
  • Warp Blades - Fighting style - [Swords F] - Continuous (Bleed) - Fighting Style - [Throwing Daggers D] - Range E 30ft - Blight F (Ethereal) - Steady Hands D - Teleport F 10 ft - Teleports with a dagger in hand, re appearing within 10 ft of target throwing her dagger as her body spins to gain momentum for a follow up strike with her sword. - Grade D - 1 post cooldown [Energized D]
  • Cassowary Dance - Fighting Style [Throwing Daggers] D - Range E (30 ft) - Gear D [Throwing Daggers] - Energized D - Teleport F (10 ft) - Hot Shot E - Blight F (ethereal) - Steady Hands D - She runs twenty feet toward target, teleporting 10 feet back, yelling the attacks name before launching a surprise dagger where she used to be, aiming for a critical spot on target. - Grade D - 1 post cooldown [Energized D]
  • Accelerated Vision - Precognition F - Appraisal D - Warfare F - Focus F - Aria concentrates on all of her gathered battle experience and pierces the veil of time to see moments into the future of a battle whether it was to read an opponent or prepare for a spike in hostility - Grade D - 1 post cooldown [Energized D]
  • Ethereal Arrest - Fighting Style [Swords E] - [Incapacitating F] - [Teleport F] - [Steady Hands E] - [Focus F] - [Energized D] - Aria teleports to her target, striking a weak point to immobilize it. - Grade E - 0 Cooldown [Energized D]
  • Ethereal Rain- Fighting Style [Throwing Daggers D] - [Range E - 30ft] - [Area F - 10ft] - [Gear D -Throwing Daggers] - [Energized D] - Enchants her daggers in ethereal energy, shouting the abilities name she throws daggers swiftly above the target area, they explode, and release a rain of ethereal infused daggers below. - Grade D - 1 Cooldowns [Energized D]
  • Inspire - Leadership F - Warfare F - Energized F - Rises to the cause in the midst of impossible odds, or to rally an otherwise uncertain group of people, giving a message of hope through conviction. - Grade F - 0 cooldown


-Blessed Leaf of Life Tree (Flight) - Aria comes into possession of a leaf of the life tree. It is said the life trees of the See are sentient creatures and only grant their leaves to chosen. This particular leaf in Aria's possession grants Flight F. It has an infinite duration, but it's use prevents other F grade abilities from being used.

- Socketed Dagger [ C ] - Aria - Regula Marketplace Exchange
- Katana [ C ] - Aria - Regula Marketplace Exchange
-Katana B [ From RP Barony Reforged 12/23/23]
- Chain Mail Armor [ D ] - Aria - Regula Marketplace Exchange


  • Rations
  • water skin
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • dagger sheath
  • Sword sheath
  • Gear kit for fashioning daggers
  • Blessed Leaf of Life Tree (Flight) - Aria came into possession of a leaf of the life tree. It is said the life trees of the See are sentient creatures and only grant their leaves to chosen. This particular leaf in Aria's possession grants [Flight F]. It has an infinite duration, but it's use prevents other F grade abilities from being used.


[Military : Marshall ] B

Change Log:
* 3/17/22 Awarded Title - FORMER Champion of Light - character was a volunteer and has shown heroism on behalf of the Light Barony. Character will receive favorable treatment from residents when in the Light Barony.
* 3/17/22 Gained - 38 points from - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] There is No End
-7 Strength E to D
-7 Energized F
-7 D grade sword Meeting for a Sword
-7 vitality
-7 warfare
= 3 left

3/25/22 Gained 5 points from RP - Meeting for a Sword
= 8 left
-7 lucky
= 1 left

*5/3/22- The Birds and the Horned Rabbits - title acquired [Do-Gooder] - character can't seem to help themselves but get involved in other people's problems. Npcs are quicker to take advantage of character's good nature and those truly in need will be quicker to ask character for help. No good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps helping others enough will result in a good harvest eventually.
Gained 18 points + 1 points left = 19 points
-7 Strength - D to C
-7 Energized F to E
= 5 left

5/8/22 -
gained 22 points + 5 left = 27 total. RP: Into the Woods
-optional title acquired [Liaison] - character has become the go between for one or more entities and acts as the voice of a faction/group of individuals.
- 7 - Magic Targets F
- 7 - Focus F
- 7 - Speed F > E
= 6 left

5/27/22 -
Gained 23 points + 6 left = 29* total. RP : Testimony of Truth
optional title acquired [Right Hand] - Character has pledged loyalty and to be used by another character as they will. Strength of Character's bond will help them push beyond their limits in service of their master.
-7 - Speed E > D
-7 - Vitality E > D
-7- Strength C > B
-7- Precision F>E

= 1 left

6/4/22 Marketplace Exchange with Regula, Aria - Regula Upgrade Exchange
  • Aria will get her katana upgraded from D => C Grade.
    [*]Aria will get her Socketed Dagger upgraded from F => C Grade.
    [*]Aria will be given D Grade chain mail armour.
    [*]Aria will help protect Regula and Pierre as they carry a weapon shipment across Ryke.
    [*]Aria will introduce Regula to count Linneus Light (and put in a good word for her).
Relevant Mentions:

6/29/22 - gained 10 points + 1 left = 11 from: RP: A bath before the storm

7/25/22 Gained 41 points from RP: The Queen, The Tank, The Sword and their Weapon Transport

41 + 11 left

= 52 left


Partial scoop due to [Telekinesis] update. [approved 7/30/22]

Magic affinity E - 14
Duration Magic F - 7
Area of effect F- 7
Magic Targets F - 7
Telekinesis Affinity - Dagger F
Jewel Focus - E - 14


Weapons Mastery - Throwing Daggers D (21)
Range E 7 - Hot Shot(7free) (14total) F - Blight (Ethereal) 7

Gear (Throwing Daggers) - C

8/8/22 - Gained 7 points / 7 + 52 = 59 from Summer Writing Comp

59 total
-14 Vitality C>A
-7 Strength B>A
-7 Speed C>B

31- total after stat changes - Aria is [B Grade Character]

-7 Interrogation
-14 Precognition
-7 Leadership

= 3 points left - TOTAL

Gained 29 points from RP A Fated Meeting Along with following titles:

-Connected [Friend of Nobility] Count Linneus Light

-Optional Title [Order Initiate] You're a new recruit to Linneus’ Order. Members who still have to prove themselves

29+3= 32 Points total
-7 Fighting Style [Swords] - F > E --- Free 7 points spent on [Incapacitating 14 to 7] tech core.
-7 [Incapacitating F 14/7] Tech core.
-7 [Area F] for Fighting Style [Throwing Daggers]
-7 [Lucky] F > E

= 4 Points Left


12 points from Royal Dress-Up RP

12 + 4 left = 16 Points Left

10 Points from Aria Meets Her Father RP

16 + 10 = 26 Points Left

- 21 Steady Hands D


= 5 points left


10/19/22 Gained 14 points - Mothers Day

= 21 points left


11/2/22 Gained 28 Points - World RP: Progenitor of the Hive

= 42 points left

  • optional title acquired [See Inquisitor] - Character was unsuccessful in their mission, but failure is not the end. So long as one breathes, there is hope for redemption. Character may gain redemption by aiding the enemies of the See to find their own redemption through fire and sword. Character will not inherit criminal titles while 'punishing' enemies of the See. Inquisitors have +1 effectiveness in finding/discerning enemies of the See and in inflicting damage against them. With each successful 'cleansing', character's soul will feel lighter until redemption and enlightenment is obtained, and the perks therein.
  • Mandatory Title acquired [East Empire Fugitive C] - character has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.
  • Mandatory Title acquired [Maimed] - has been afflicted with a case of no legs ( burned off and incinerated) and now has a speed stat capped at H grade (without points rewarded for deduction). A grade healing or equivalent can heal her body by restoring the limbs. Lesser skills, abilities, items may give partial comfort or remedy. Maimed title may be used to narrate your own rp to quest for a healer capable enough to cure or otherwise relieve the mechanical part of the affliction on Aria. Alternatively, the Maimed title may be used to run an rp where you play out Aria's affliction and cash the title in for x2 points as if it were a world rp, but doing so will leave Aria afflicted indefinitely. (does not stack with other point boosting rps, skills, or titles)
  • asset acquired - See Commission - Whenever character is in doubt and not acting against See interests, character may obtain guidance from the See pantheon. (narrator discretion advised).
  • item acquired - Blessed Leaf of Life Tree (Flight) - Aria comes into possession of a leaf of the life tree. It is said the life trees of the See are sentient creatures and only grant their leaves to chosen. This particular leaf in Aria's possession grants Flight F. It has an infinite duration, but it's use prevents other F grade abilities from being used.

Gained 42 points and [Knight of the Order] Title from RP - An Interlude Pt.1
  • optional title acquired [Knight of the Order] - character has been inducted into a lesser known order of knights that pledges itself to serving people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.
= 84 points left


- 42 for [Enchanted Mithril Legs - Grade B] - Trade for Enchanted Legs - Marketplace

NOTE: [Un-Maimed] RP - My Fading Dream - This rp shows how Aria recovered from the World event - World RP Progenitor of the Hive

Gained 22 points from My Fading Dream

  • Mandatory Title acquired [Maimed] - has been afflicted with a case of no legs ( burned off and incinerated) and now has a speed stat capped at H grade (without points rewarded for deduction). A grade healing or equivalent can heal her body by restoring the limbs. Lesser skills, abilities, items may give partial comfort or remedy. Maimed title may be used to narrate your own rp to quest for a healer capable enough to cure or otherwise relieve the mechanical part of the affliction on Aria. Alternatively, the Maimed title may be used to run an rp where you play out Aria's affliction and cash the title in for x2 points as if it were a world rp, but doing so will leave Aria afflicted indefinitely. (does not stack with other point boosting rps, skills, or titles)
  • Equipment acquired - B grade mithril legs. (costs 42pts as indicated in the marketplace transaction)
1/15/23 : Gained 13 points The Postlude RP

  • optional title acquired [Knight of (regula's Baron name)] - character has sworn an Oath and is bound in service to Regula and the Barony she commands. As knight, character has command over regular soldiers of the Barony in absence of the Baron. Gives council to the Baron as needed.

= 77 points left

-21 [Wealth F]
-35 [Military Rank : Marshall : B]

= 21 Points Left

Gained 18 points from The Start of Something New RP and the following:

Acquired Optional Title [Ethel's Rival] – character became a rival to the Stonewall (Caelia Barony - Capital Town) NPC Ethel.
Acquired Asset Stonewall Keep Room (Barony Asset) – One of the few remaining functional rooms in Stonewall's Keep.
[NOT TAKEN- ADDED THE 7 POINTS TO THE TOTAL GAINED] -acquired skill [Performance [Acting] F] (Add 7 points to earned and spent) Learned by successfully playing along with Ethel's manner of thinking and speaking.
Acquired Skill [Warfare F => E] (add 7 points to points earned and spent) Learned from debating Warfare with Amanda.

21+18+7 = 46 Points left

-7 [Fighting Style - Daggers] added [Homing F]
- 7 [Fighting Style - Swords ] added [Blight F - Spirit Fire]
- 14 +2 to Precision Stat

= 18 Points left

27 gained from RP Baroness, Take Flight!

18 + 27 = 45 points total
optional title acquired - [Faithful]
– character is faithful to their friends, family and/or goals. They're less easily swayed from acting against the interest of people or things they're faithful towards and more motivated when aiding them.

-14 for Teleport F>E

31 points left


+ 31 Barony Reforged RP

31+31 = 62 points left

-21- 7 Precision B>A - 7 Intelligence B>A- 7 Speed B>A

41 points left after upgrading skills

-21 Fighting Style swords E > B
-7 Steady Hands D> C
-7Energized D> C

5 points left


A Tithe! A Tithe! My Shrine for a Tithe!

Gained 39 Points for RP

39+ 5 left = 44 Total



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Scylla Bancroft


Rp'er Name: RavenSong

Post Frequency:
2-3 times a week minimum, but every other day is common (I usually post at night PCT)

Discord Name: RavenSong#4209

Equipped Titles: [Human] [Ryken Student] [Caster] [Spellweaver] [Entropy Warlock]

Currently in Rp: Kinship And Smoke


Weight: 128 lbs

Character Goals:
-Creating/becoming part of a witch coven
-Changing the course of history through risky yet significant magical breakthroughs.
-To become the most accomplished witch ever known
- To become one of the 9 Demon Lords of the Hellish Planes


Scyllas previous life was one of monotony and routine, keeping up financially in the never ending world of the ordinary.
Until the fated day she’d die, shed dream of traveling, of being far away from everything she’d known; somewhere she could truly be happy. Or at the very least the freedom to do so, maybe by going against the cultural influence that demanded years of labor for no guarantees.

The years would pass, until one day a car crash ended her life.

Current Life:

Since Scylla awoke in "the world of white", and spoke to God, she desired more than anything to live her next life to the absolute fullest. It wasn't exactly everyday (or was it) that people got a second chance at life.


Astonished and immensely intrigued by mana, Scylla decided to dedicate her life to the development of this chaotic or "creative force" by designing and practicing archaic forms of ancient spells.

Acquired Titles: Human, Lamented Outlook, Ryken Student

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 335

Points Spent: 306

Point Total: 64


Strength - C / 21

Precision - F

Intelligence - A / 35

Vitality - D / 14

Speed - E / 7
Character grade: D


  • 28 [Magic] B
  • 7 [Darkness Affinity] F
  • 7 [Wind Magic Affinity] F
  • 7 [Fire Magic Affinity] F
  • 7 [Lightning Affinity] F
  • 7 [Earth Affinity] F
  • 7 [Metal Affinity] F
  • 7 [Ice Affinity] F
  • 7 [Light Affinity] F
  • 7 [Water Affinity] F
  • 7 [Drain] F - Strength
  • 7 [Drain] F - Intelligence
  • 7 [Drain] F - Precision
  • 7 [Drain] F - Vitality
  • 7 [Drain] F - Speed
  • 14 [Focus] E - The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat. Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • 14 [Affinity- Incapacitating (14)] F - Action: 1 - puts a target to sleep/knocks them out/paralysis/petrification/immobilization/etc. Target must be same or lesser letter grade than technique. Costs 14 points to acquire and level rather than 7. This is not a kill shot but can open up the target to a kill shot afterward.
  • [Affinity] - Penetrating F
  • [Affinity] - Continuing F
  • [Affinity] - Flare F
  • [Affinity] - Accurate F
  • [Affinity] - Tangle F
  • 14 [Persuasion] E - The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
  • 28 [Healing] B- You may apply may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic. - B - reenvigor, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.
  • 21 [Magic Targets] D
    • Magic Targets D - up to 25 targets simultaneously
  • 14 [Magic Range] D - Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 1000ft away
  • 14 [Spell Duration] E - Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 day roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill.
  • 7 [Control Environment] F - Grants character ability to control air and lighting immediately around their body to adjust things like humidity, sound, smell, temperature, and lighting. Useful in hazardous conditions.
  • 7 [Seduction] F - A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex
    appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic
    inclinations and sexual preferences.
  • 7 [Weaken] F [Strength] - Ability can only weaken a creature once per ability duration. Cannot be stacked by same user. Duration of effect can be improved with duration skill.Character has extensively studied and trained to reduce target effectiveness in a specific area. Lower [stat] by 1 grade for one of their posts. Upgrading the skill increases amount stat can be lowered.
  • 14 [Homing Affinity] E - tech fires projectile or energy burst than can track and follow target. If it still misses, the attack persists briefly and tries one more time before
    fading/missing again. Amount of attempts after missing is increased by 1 per grade of tech core which increases attack effectiveness by the same amount.
  • 21 [Arcana D] - The Character has ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes.
  • 21 [Energized] C - Only applies to abilities of equal or lesser rank
  • Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1
  • 14 Reflect Affinity F - Action: 1 - 14 points - send a physical attack back at the attacker. Range depends on Ranged skill. Effectiveness of the Reflect must be greater than the attack being reflected.
  • 21 Enervation Affinity D - Action: 1 - puts the abilities of target on cooldown that are the same grade or less than the technique
  • Mind Control F
  • Academia D
  • Architecture D
  • Perk - Magic Circle - when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
  • [Appraisal] D

Velvet, the Samurai Oni

In the wake of Renee's death, in her grief, Scylla remained in the underworld for a time. During her stay, Scylla was given a boon by the Eldritch Sorceress Rosan Bulvark. She didn't know just how or what would trigger this boon all she knew was that it would happen. (This section will be updated as Scylla's personal story develops.)

[Transformation F] - Scylla channels the fierce Oni Samurai, Velvet.

Transformation Skills

28 Transformation points

14 - Oni 'Plague and Blood' Katana [E Grade]

[Fighting Style F] - Samurai - Katana
-Free [Enervation E ] = F (free), E (7)
-7 [Incurable F] (7 total)

=21 Total spent From [Transformation F] Points

Furthermore, Scylla channels Velvet's personality and powers. Due to the nature of the transformation Scylla refunds her magic = [Black Magic F], [Water Magic F], [Lightning Magic F], [Fire Magic E], [Wind Magic F] = 42 points.

42 Total Refunded Points is spent on:

7 - [Continuing F] - Disease - Target takes 1hp damage on their next 2 posts

7 - [Contagion F] - Disease - A technique that can spread the effects of the first attack through contact. ex: If target is lit on fire by technique, anyone that comes into contact with target will also be ignited.

28 - [Essence Eater F] - Character gains power by absorbing the essence of others.
Character gains double points when skill grade is only one less than character grade and character has absorbed the essence of a creature at same grade or greater than character. Absorbing a creature's essence requires the creature to be on the brink of death before passing away. In this way the soul is ready to leave the body and is redirected into the Essence Eater. While the act of eating essence is not a criminal offense, the killing of a creature may result in criminal titles.


  • Spectral Blast - Magic affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range F - Energized E - concentrates necrotic magic into a skull shaped sphere that is hurled at a target, ghostly screeching as it connects- grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized E]
  • Curse - Magic Affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range F - Magic duration F - Energized E - painfully afflicts a target with black magic over period of time. Grade E - 0 post cooldown - [Energized E] (1 minute)
  • Micro Climate - Magic Affinity E - Control environment F - Magic Range F - Duration Magic F- Energized E- A wavy transparent stream of magic creating an area where Scylla can manipulate the environment. - grade E - 0 Post Cooldown [Energized E]
  • Mending Stream - Healing E - Magic Range F - Spell Duration F - Energized E- A pulse of divine energy emits from casters focus, taking the form of a white, stream like cloud at the casters hands before it's directed towards the target. -Grade E- 0 Post Cooldown [Energized E]
  • Shadows - Magic Affinity E - Witchcraft Affinity F - Magic Range E (30ft) - Multiple Targets E (5 Targets) - Energized E- Amalgamates necrotic energy into the form of five shades, with a quick incantation sends them flying towards the targets, inflicting acid like damage. - Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized E]
  • Living Nightmare - Magic Affinity E - Weaken F [Strength] - Magic Range F [10 ft] - Afflicts target with a strength weakening magical sickness, temporarily reducing [strength] stat. - Grade E - 0 Post cool down - [Energized E]
  • Flaming Twisters- Magic Affinity E- Wind Affinity F - Fire Affinity F - Magic Range E - Magic Targets E (5 targets) - Duration magic F (1 minute) - Energized E - - Scylla's short staff comes to life emitting magical power. She mutters the name of the ability before black clouds form above their targets and with a final swipe of her staff, tornadoes come rushing upon targets. - Grade E - 0 post Cooldowns [Energized E]
  • Fire Arrows - Magic Affinity E - Fire Affinity F - Magic Range E (30ft) - Magic Targets E (5 targets) [Energized E] - Scylla emulates the motion of firing a bow with her staff, charging her magical power before repeating name of ability, sending fiery arrows at great speed towards targets. - Grade E - 0 Cooldowns [Energized E]
  • Charm - Persuasion F - Seduction F - Scylla attempts to charm another character/NPC into telling or doing what she wants. - Grade F - 0 Cooldowns
  • Spell of Drowning Magic Affinity D - Water Affinity E - Magic Range E - Duration Magic F - Incapacitating Affinity F - Uses her ability to pull moisture out of thin air to create an aqua sphere around a target depriving the target of oxygen - Grade D - 2 Cooldowns
  • Lightning Fire Magic Affinity E - Fire affinity E - Lightning Affinity F - Magic Targets E - Focus E - Energized E - Upon reciting an incantation Scylla focuses her elemental abilities to send fire and lightning bolts of elemental magic. -Grade E - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Flash Light - Magic Affinity F - Fire Affinity F - Duration Magic F - Lights a small flame at the palm of her hand to see a bit clearer through the dark lit rooms. Grade F - 0 Cooldown
  • Static Shock - Magic affinity E - Lightning Affinity F - Duration Magic F - Incapacitating Affinity F - Energized E - Focus E Super charges the air around a target, paralyzing the victim. - Grade E - 1 Cooldown
  • Dragons Shout - Magic Affinity E - Fire Affinity E - Weaken F (Strength) - Focus E - Energized E - A close quarter combat spell that harnesses a mystical channeling ending with a flaming shout, emitting a fiery explosion from the witches mouth. Grade E - (Energized, 0 cooldown)
  • Mending River - Healing B - Magic Targets E (5) - heals targets with a powerful mending watery like magic that imitates the flow of a river. - Grade B - 4 Cooldown
  • Scalding Water - Magic Affinity C - Water Affinity F - Fire Affinity E - Magic Targets E (5 Targets) - Scylla the witch combines her elemental fire and water magics to create an experimental spell that burns with water. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Silver Water Darts - Magic Affinity D - Water Affinity F - Magic Targets E (5 Targets) - In an attempt to create the Philosophers Stone spell, Scylla had accidentally fused water with silver, although a failed experiment, the results were equally great with high amounts of watery pressure. Grade D - 2 Post cooldowns
  • Demonic Fear - Magic Affinity E -Weaken F (Strength) - Spell Duration F - Enervation Affinity E - Magic Targets E (5 Targets) - Magic Range E (100ft) - Energized E - Instills a deep surge of fear through horrible visions to intentionally throw off focus, weaken their will to fight and forget abilities. - Grade E (F Due to Energized) - 0 Cooldown
  • Experimental Elemental - Magic Affinity C - Fire Affinity F - Lightning Affinity F - Wind Affinity F - Focus E - Magic Range E (100ft) - Magic Targets D (25 Targets) - Homing Affinity E - Arcana E - Scylla opens up her notebook of scribbled messy notes. Reciting a series of made up incantations she pieces together various elements and brings the various magic into an unstable state. After a swift build up of magical power the witch's catalyst emits an explosion of targeted homing spells. Fire bolts, Piercing Wind and Lightning Arcs towards her enemies. - 3 post Cooldown
  • Chain Lightning - Magic Affinity D - Lightning Affinity - Focus E - Targeted E (5 Targets) - Energized D - Homing Affinity F - Channels the raw elements of the world into lightning sending jumping arcs of bolts through various foes. - 2 Post Cool Down
  • Thorny Vines - Earth Affinity F - Tangle Affinity F - Duration Magic E -
  • Demonic Gaze - [Magic E] - Magic Range E - Enervation F - Incurable F - Focus E - The Oni opens her eyes, before suddenly creating a waking nightmare causing the target to lose their concentration. Causing Fear. -Grade E - 1 post cool down
  • Needs rework - Plague - [Fighting Style E] - Continuing F [Disease] - Contagion F [Disease] - ‘Blood and Plague’ Katana E - The Oni Imbues her katana with a hellish curse, when the katana makes contact it infects the target, causing an illness that then spreads to other targets. - Grade E - Cooldown 1


  • [Catalyst] - Short hickory Staff E 14
  • [Catalyst] - Oak Wand B 10 ( Marketplace)


Almanac of the Dead
- A book that was taken from the dead body of Cytha, an undead fairy that was killed by Arthur. Twice. This book allows information on anyone that is killed, their life story and who they are. - A book found within Inquiry's Fall that looks like it will fall apart at a single touch. The Souls of the Damned go through this book, taking their life and plastering it in an honest biography of who they are to any eyes willing to sin and stare at what should not be read.
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • water skin

  • Assets:

Change Log:

  • Gained 38 points : Twisted Underbelly RP
  • Twisted Underbelly [Optional Title Obtained] Lamented Outlook - Your actions and choices have shown people around you that you care little for others, while being capable and willing to cause violence, you just choose not to. People will be wary of you and most likely try to interact with you as little as possible.
  • - 7 - Strength F > E
  • - 14 - Energized E
  • - 7 - Weaken F [Strength]
  • - 7 - Seduction F
Points left = 3

Gained 43 points from Welcoming Party RP + 3 left = 46 Total

- 7 - [Fire Affinity] F
- 7 - [Lightning Affinity] F
- 7 - [Magic Affinity] E > D
- 7 - [Energized] E > D
- 14- [Persuasion] E
- 7 -[Magic Targets] F > E

= 46 - 42 = 4 Points Left

1/6/23 Gained 101 points
from RP : Tutoring Session with the Dead Pt.2

Gained Following Titles
  • optional title acquired [Loyal] - character has a tendency to honor agreements/relationships made despite changing circumstances or other options. Character is more likely to have their trust honored. But it will receive increased amounts of testing that may make it hard to endure.
  • Item acquired - Almanac of the Dead - A book that was taken from the dead body of Cytha, an undead fairy that was killed by Arthur. Twice. This book allows information on anyone that is killed, their life story and who they are. - A book found within Inquiry's Fall that looks like it will fall apart at a single touch. The Souls of the Damned go through this book, taking their life and plastering it in an honest biography of who they are to any eyes willing to sin and stare at what should not be read.
= 105 Points total.

-7 [Lightining Affninty] F
-7 - Water Affinity F
-7 Homing Affinity F
-21 [Healing] E>B
-14 [Incapacitate Affinity] F
-7 [Vitality] F>E
-14 [Focus] E
-7 [Magic Range] E>D 100ft away
-7 [Magic Affinity] D>C
-7 Intellect B>A

= 0 Points Left
(Note, will update the following item, when more points are gained, this is just a reminder so I don't forget the transaction)
-5 Marketplace Deal for B grade [Catalyst - Parasol] (Pending) (Do not calculate)

50pts Gained from RP - A Tutoring Lesson in Hatred of Dead

0 + 50 = 50 points total left

optional title acquired - Betrayed - You have been crossed by one you thought an ally or comrade. Your trust will be harder earned and less easily betrayed.

5/29/23 Blood And Steam RP - Gained 43 Points from RP

50 left + 43 = 93

optional narrator skill upgrade acquired [Energized C] - if claimed, add 7points to earned and spent."

93 - 7 [Energized C] = 86 total Points Left

- 14 Strength E>C
-7 Vitality E>D
-7 Speed F>E
- 28 [Transformation F]
-7 [Educated F] -Academia F - Arcana F - History F = Title [Teachers Pet]
-7 [Homing F>E
-7 [Spell Duration] F>E

-5 [Catalyst- Parasol B] - Transaction As stated in red text above ^
Total Spent= 80
= 4 Points Total Points Left

Unwelcomed Saviors Gained 34 points from RP .

4 Left + 34 gained = 38 Total

-14 Reflect Affinity F
-21 Enervation Affinity D

Points left = 3

Valentine Letter

3 + 7 = 10 Total

-7 Magic Targets E-D

= 3 left


Gained 26 + 3= 29 Total Bloody Dragon Scale

= 29 Left


Gained 35 Points from RP

A Long Awaited Date

29+35= 64 points Total

Witches Inferno 98 points

64+ 98 = 162 Total

Empire of Sands 21 points

162+21= 183 total

Positive Intermission 10 pts

183+ 10 = 193 total

Arcana F> D 14
Academia D 21
Architecture D 21

Magic C > B 7
Affinity - Drain - 1 strength 1 intellect 1 speed 1 vitality 1 precision F
35 pnts

Affinity [Penetrating] F
Affinity [Continuing] F
Affinity [Flare] F

183 - 154 = 29 left


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Rp'er Name:RavenSong
Post Frequency:
Twice a week
Discord Name: RavenSong #4209
Current RP: Mile high Heist
To become wealthy and maintain his wealth
-To show the lesser criminals the error of their mindless, violent ways.
Equipped Titles: [Fae]
Weight: 148 lbs
In his previous life, Caspian was a bank robber. Addicted to the thrill of thievery, deceit and empty threats he became one of the most successful robbers of his time. Murder, however was never in his nature, he despised the thought of working hard for ones living while those who exchanged their lives for money over many generations got the privilege of living in luxury. When the law eventually caught up to him, he was asked why didn’t he just live a normal life, why did he choose to life his life as a criminal?

“Why should I work like a dog, when I can live like a god? All it takes is a fancy gun, and a bit of wit.” He’d say with a grin.

It seemed, Caspians luck had run out. He spent the rest of his days playing cards, gambling, planning his escape.

No one knew what happened to him after escaping Alcatraz, some say he grew old and died an accomplished man. Others say he never made it to the shore.

Regardless, when his time came, God waited for him at the gates.
Current Life:

After his fateful encounter with god, and the prospect of a new life, Caspian was quite astonished. Even challenged God to a game of cards to allow his reincarnation to be one of rich mans life. Although God didn’t accept, he still took up his offer at a second life.

It had been roughly about two years since he arrived in the world, taking up the life of a tax man for a time and treasurer of a small town another, he decided to quit and seek other ways to gain a fortune. Wandering through the cities, reciting bad poetry, charming wealthy women, the same desires burned within him.
Acquired Titles: [Fae]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E - 7
Precision - D - 7
Intelligence - E- 7
Vitality - E - 7
Speed - E - 7

[Points in Stats 35]

Character Grade E
  • 14 - Fighting Mastery - [Cards] F - [Range] F 10 ft - [Penetrating] F
  • 7 - [Gear] F - Cards - A variety of cards that Caspian uses to inflict a variety if effects.
  • 7 [Lucky] F - Character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp.
    F - 2 Posts per rp
  • 7 [Persuasion] F - The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
  • 7 [Etiquette] F - The knowledge of the customary codes for polite, proper,
    and inoffensive behaviour in social settings. Having this skill generally gives the character a pass on socially troubling behaviors that are not illegal but would otherwise leave a bad impression.
  • 7 [Sleight of Hand] F - A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc.
  • 7 [Artisan] F - Blacksmith F
  • 7 [Gaming] F - The ability to comprehend and play various games and simulations well, including both games of chance and of luck. Also covers knowledge of gambling strategies.

  • Sharpened Card - Fighting Mastery - [Cards] E - Range F 10ft - Penetrating F - [Gear F] Cards - Caspian summons his prepared deck from within his pockets, holding one between his fingers, shouting the abilities name before throwing it at his target. - Grade E - 1 Post cooldown


  • Plain deck of cards
  • Bedroll
  • Canteen
  • Rations
Assets: None
Change Log:

Mile High Heist Gained 36 Points from RP : Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] The Mile High Heist' Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] The Mile High Heist
Last edited by a moderator:

Rp'er Name: RavenSong
Post Frequency:
2 days at most (I post at night - Pacific time)
Discord Name: Ravensong#4209
Current RP: N/A

-To live wealthy and lavishly
-To gain political standing among beastkin and humans
-To hunt criminals and monsters wherever they may be
-Find a way to become Nobility
-To travel to faraway lands; adventure
-Join the Adventurers Guild

Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Neko]
Height: 5,6
Weight: 112 lbs
Amelia, in the old world was an orphan, longing for the day a lovely pair could call her 'daughter'. Living in an orphanage for the vast majority of her childhood, she learned much by asking questions, and quickly realized that smiles went a long way. One day however, she was adopted. Amelia grew up, went to school, and did what most people would consider an ordinary life.

Until school was over, and it was time to face the real world.

Amelia struggled, and worked very hard to help her father pay for her mothers medical expenses. Amelias father, worked at a factory like many others fathers in her little town.

One fateful evening, as they sat and ate, she shared the good news that she'd finally been hired as a veterinarian assistant. At last, a pathway to a better life, after many years of sacrifices.

Her parents were so proud, and just as they were beginning to celebrate, a couple of ruffians broke into their house. Stole the little they had of value, before turning around and shooting them all. The last sounds she would hear were the echoes of her parents cries.
Current Life:
The years passed, and she never forgot. And she never forgave.

Through the course of many years Amelia, who was once a hopeful, curious and starry eyed neko developed a deep hatred for murderers and criminals. A hatred that nearly extends to human kind as a whole, if not for the memory of her human parents.

Although she had to steal and dumpster dive to survive, the ghosts of her parents haunted her, always influencing her moral compass to do the right thing, even against her hardened heart. And even if it meant difficult consequences at times.

Shocked, and scarred and without purpose, she wandered the world, until the forest took her in, living off the wildlife and only visiting the towns and villages for clothing and other goods by trading for the fish or rabbits she hunted. Which most of the time weren’t fair exchanges.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Neko]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 208 (includes 45 from Shappa Scoop)
Points Spent: 147
Points Not Spent: 166


Strength - D 14
Precision - E 7
Intelligence - E 7
Vitality - F 0
Speed - E 7
35 Points in Stats​
Character Grade: E
  • (7) Fast F - E Grade Speed 7 points
    This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging

    Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.

    F - 12mph(max)/60ft per move
  • (14) Precognition F - E Grade Intelligence
    14 points
    Buff lasts for a single post.

    Character can occasionally glimpse into the future.
    Gives +1 grade to speed. Does not stack with any other speed bosting ability.
    Amount of time glimpsed into the future grows with skill grade. Future glipsed is that of the character using the skill and is perceived through their senses. Other skills may augment this behavior. F - A few seconds
  • (7) Stealth F -The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend
    into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal
    small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill.
  • (7) Feature: Cat Eyes - Dark Vision F
  • (7) Heightened Sense:Cat Ears - Hearing F
  • (7) Climbing F - The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without the use of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses).
  • (7) Survival F - The ability to find food and shelter in the outdoors, to avoidnatural hazards, and to identify edible and useful wild plants
    and animals.
  • (7) Gear F [Smoke Bombs] - Creates an obscuring smoke cloud in a 5ft by 5ft area where thrown.
  • (14) Fighting Style - [Magi-Tech Claw] E Left Hand -
    the technique allows for an attack that sweeps a large area 10ft in radius. Generally prompts would be targets that it is coming. Radius increases per grade to: 30ft, 100ft, 1000ft, 1 mile, 10miles.

  • (14) Fighting Style - [Magi-tech Claw] E - Right Hand -
    Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. When duration selected, increase by 1 target post per grade. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration.
    a potent smell or itch that distracts the target and/or partially blinds them for a time. grade of tech core can effect creatures of same or lesser grade.
  • Mysterious Mist- Fighting Style - [Claws] - Left/Right - [Area E (30 ft)] - [Irritant F] - [Flare F] - Entwines her gauntlets together creating a strange dark mist that reduces vision and irritates the eyes and breathing, setting up for a surprise attack or to flee a potential danger. - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Smoke Bomb Barrage - [Gear F] Smoke Bombs - Throws smoke bombs at location or target, effectively releasing smoke that reduces vision beyond the smokescreen. Grade F - 0 Cooldown.
  • Feline Curse - Fighting Style - [Claws[ - Left/Right [E] - [Flare F] Temporarily blinds target by clawing/punching/touching their face. Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.

(14) Weapon - [Magi-Tech Claw Gauntlet] E Left
(14) Weapon - [Magi-Tech Claw Gauntlet] E Right


  • Catnip satchel
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Sharpening Stone
  • Canteen
Change Log:

Scooped Shappa CS for this character

90 Shappa points total
-1/2 =
45 points

- 14 - Precognition
- 7 - Core - Irritant F
- 7 - Area F>E
- 14 - Claw Gauntlet L/R

= 3 points left total

Faster Than the Fastest 12/14/22 - Gained: Amelia - 37 points -
  • acquired optional title [Adventurer Guild Investigator Associate F] - character has aided a guild investigator in a mission and proven useful. They now have standing with the adventurers even if considered green and capable of much more growth.
  • Narrator Bonus: Skill Gear F [Smoke Bombs] (add 7 points to points Earned) - creates an obscuring smoke cloud in a 5ft by 5ft area where thrown.
37 + 3

= 40 points left

An Unexpected Raid 3/2/23 +70 points from RP

= 110 points total

Soul Wood

12/9/23 33 points gained

110+32 = 142 points total

New Blood of House Driscol 1/9/24 gained 24 points

142 + 24 = 166
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Theme: Tyrmar Theme

Rp'er Name: Abensur
Post Frequency:
Every Few Days
Discord Name: Abensur#1692
Current RP: N/A

To live his life to the very fullest, To become a well renowned adventurer and see what the world has to offer, and along the way he dreams of becoming the Greatest Martial Artist this world has ever seen.

Equipped Titles: [Human], [Ryke Noble Associate F], [Defender of Sootspire], [Warrior], [Hero of the Fae See], [Camp Cook]


Weight: 205 lbs

Backstory: Ever since he could remember he’d always loved seeing his dad fight in the ring, the way he endured above all and the way everyone would cheer for him with smiles after a victory, the way he used every part of his body was like a dance to him.

Never in his life did he expect a car accident.

He closed everyone and everything off after that, not breaking but focusing on nothing but carrying his fathers legacy to self damaging heights,the only solace he took was in the hobbies his father had introduced him to and even those were simply inspiration to be more, to do more. Eventually he was snapped out of it but he was never the same, it wasn’t just the fact that he’d died, it was the fact that in the end for all his strength and skill he still was as human as any other person. Was that his curse? To love and value strength so highly yet for it to be so far out of reach?

Eventually this truth became nothing more than a fact of reality as more time passed, he still trained and had friends and fun experiences, but he couldn't help but wonder if this was right. Was it really alright to live life without desiring more? Was he going to feel this emptiness everytime he looked out at the same mundane sights every day when he’d dream of fantasy and adventure and using his strength to carve his own path?

He was unable to give himself an answer to this question before the unseen truck beeped it’s horn in alarm.

Current Life: He didn’t wake up like he’d truly expected, not to the faces of happy parents or even the comforts of a ceiling to give him cover, the first thing his eyes laid witness to was the vast skies above him. Immediately he knew he wasn’t anywhere near home, the air was too clear, the skies too colorful and beautiful, as he took in the sight soon his hearing picked up the sounds of momentous cheering and yelling. He was on the ground, getting up and feeling his head returned only a cover of crimson red on his palm and his opponent was walking back towards him, looking around he was stunned to see people of different forms and races all around. Before he knew it he was standing and had his head in his hands, it was real he had power, he had potential, he had true freedom.

And so he laughed and laughed and laughed, and then he charged.

Acquired Titles:
[Human] - humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.

[Warrior] -
A skill for a strength based weapon and Vitality E or greater - character is a martial combat practitioner likely to be at the front of battle.

[Martial Artist] - Strength derived Skill with fist/handwraps/gloves/claw weapon and Speed E or greater - Characters are nimble specialists in fighting with their bodies rather than magics or weapons.

[Order Initiate] - character has been inducted into a lesser known order of knights that pledges itself to serving people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.

[Defender of Sootspire] - character has shown heroism in the Thorne Barony. Character will receive favorable treatment from residents when in the Thorne Barony.

[Ryke Noble Associate F] - character is recognized by a member of the Ryke nobility as a capable individual. May allow for better treatment or favors under the right circumstances and future work opportunities.

[Hero] - (of the fae see) - Character has been raised to the status of Hero for the Fae people. Their purpose is to fight for and defend the fae against all enemies. Hero's are rare existences in the world. They will naturally be drawn to their charge's enemies and likewise the enemies of the Fae will be drawn to the Heroes. The collective might of the heroes will always be sufficient in eventually quelling any opposition even if only one remains. heroes are naturally acknowledged and adored by the people in their charge. They have freedom to come and go in the nation of their people. Their nation takes care of them and in turn, the heroes are expected to protect their nation. Heroes can never be made to go against the thing they are hero over. they have the uncanny ability to create a way to the perfect ending that would have been impossible for anyone else. As much as fate twists in the favor of Heroes, should they fall, those they protect will be without recourse and be made to face all manner of hardship including the possibility of annihilation
[Camp Cook] -Character has the uncanny ability to bring out a meal no matter the location or situation. Whilst out in the wild, the character is more prone to meeting friendly travelers that want to rely on the character for sustenance and good times.

[Ryke Adventurer Guild Trainee F]

Points at Start:105
Points Earned: 239
Points Spent: 313
Points Not Spent: 29

Strength - C (21)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - D (14)
D Grade Character

Offensive Skills
Fighting Style: Exalted Heart Fist D

Complete and utter martial dedication given form, a martial art created to bring out Tyrmar’s full potential using eight point strikes, grapples, throws and counters taking advantage of his natural strength and durability. It showcases multiple forms capable of combating any foe be they armed or not.

For even if he cannot match them in skill, experience or pure power, he’d put all his spirit into battle and show that his love for it was the greatest amongst all.

[1] Aura - F - Rather than a shroud of flames that flickers and burns or a cloak of lightning which dazzles all; his Martial Spirit takes on the form of force overwhelming, an Aura of Impact which follows his form in a golden haze upon the battlefield reinforcing the strength of his own strikes rather than taking power from elements and the like.
[2] Range - D - Nothing special, let your fists fly and the force flow through you towards your enemy. You don’t need a bow and arrows or a fancy flying slash, your range won’t be halted by anything. 10ft - 30ft - 100ft
[3] Area - E - The air, the ground, even the water, it’s all just a conduit for your strikes to resonate through let it spread and destroy utterly. 5ft Radius - 15ft Radius
[4] Selective - E - Let no innocent blood stain your hands, you’re no Hero, no Saint, but there lies no joy in spilling the blood of the unwanted.

Defensive Skills
[Resilient] - F (Fatigue: From Lack of Foods, Water, Sleep, etc.)

[Appraisal] - E

[Regeneration] - E
[Fast] - E
[Domestic Arts] - C
[Leadership] - E
[Empathy] - E
[Persuasion] - E
[Energize] - E

Offensive Abilities

Empty Fist - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] F, [Range] F, [Energize] F - Gathering his strength upon his fist he strikes out as hard as possible at nothing, an empty strike that flies towards his enemy from 10ft - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Hollow Fist - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] E, [Range] E, [Energize] E - Another strike, not empty but hollow and all the stronger for it. 30ft - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Devastating Wave - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] E, [Range] E, [Area] F, [Energize] E, [Selective] E - Through your journey in the world beyond you learned better of the flow of energies, let your strength not be limited by size or distance. Air, Earth, Water let your strikes pulse through and destroy all equally. 30 ft range - 5 ft radius - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Soaring Squall - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] D, [Range] D, [Area] E - Who decides that your blows must be singular? Can your attacks not fly? Not spread? Then it’s easy, let them split and shower your foes in golden rain. 100 ft range - 15 ft radius - D Grade - 2 turn cooldown

Stunning Strike - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] F, [Aura] F, [Energize] F - Focusing his battle spirit over his attacks, he sends out a hardy blow reinforced by his impactful glow - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Crushing Strike - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] E, [Aura] E, [Energize] E - Hardening his hand with his Aura deeper than before he sends a descending chop meant to slam down upon his enemies and break their bones - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown

Movement Skills:

Burst Step - [Fast] F, [Energize] F - Grasp the ground with the soles of your feet and blast off like nothing can weigh you down. 60ft Movement - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown.

Burst Step, Second - [Fast] E, [Energize] E - Grasp the ground with the soles of your feet and blast off even greater than before, not bound by the Earth. 120ft Movement - E Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown.

Dawn Rush - [Exalted Heart Fist] E, [Aura] F, [Area] E, [Fast] E, [Selective] E, [Energize] E - Let your stride become the light upon the horizon, allow thyself to become as the the fleeting light, step and flash towards your target crashing your shoulder through everything in your path. Grade E - 100ft - 15ft Radius - 0 post cooldown

Utility Abilities

Compassionate Charisma - [Leadership] E, [Peruasion] E, [Empathy] E - Though his appearance and positive demeanor may display otherwise, Tyrmar is one who has known suffering and sorrow. Through that sadness he identifies with the troubles of others and therefore becomes able to better relate to, comfort and lead them - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.

Familiar Feast - [Domestic Arts] E, [Empathy] E - By sensing the emotions and feelings of those around him at any given time Tyrmar can prepare meals that will trigger or help accompany their mood - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown.

Culinary Consideration - [Domestic Arts] C, [Appraisal] E - All life is part of a cycle, eat or be eaten. At the end of the day what you eat doesn’t really matter as long as it’s examined and prepared properly - C grade - 3 Post Cooldown.

Equipment : Natural Weapons - D

Natural Armor - Fae aura of light [heavy armor] D - a natural armor visible as a layer of light that coats Tyrmar’s body. The aura repairs itself after the wearer's body is repaired. Character will no longer fight in darkness so long as this aura is projected.

[Feature - Slave Scars] Though he now tastes freedom, the scars dotting his body and the rings around his wrists will always be a reminder of the times where he was bound, brands he wears without shame.
Items: N/A

Assets: N/A


Spent 63 points raising Strength to C, Precision to E, Intelligence to E, Vitality to C, and Speed to E
  • Spent 28 points buying Fighting Style: Exalted Heart Fist E, Regeneration F, and Appraisal E
  • Spent 14 points to buy Equipment Natural Weapons F
  • Added Abilities [Empty Fist], [Hollow Fist], [Stunning Strike], [Crushing Strike]

  • Gained 22 Points from A Fated Meeting and 7 from The Summer Writing Contest.

  • Spent 70 points buying and raising [Fast], [Domestic Arts], [Leadership], [Empathy] and [Persuasion] to E
  • 14 points raising Speed and Intelligence to D

  • Added Feature [Slave Scars]

  • Added Abilities [Familiar Feast] and [Compassionate Charisma]

Gained Title [Redcliffe Contributor] and 32 points from The First Step.


  • Spent 7 points raising Regeneration
  • Spent 7 points buying Natural Armor Heavy F

Adjusted points to fully pay for Natural Weapons E


Added Abilities Burst Step and Burst Step, Second to Abilities under Movement Skills.


Gained 7 points and Turkey Asset from Turkey Mayhem Phase 1 Event


Gained 31 points from
Runaway Slaves Pt.1


Spent 14 points to buy [Energize] and raise it to E rank


Acquired on 10/30/22 but not added until now

optional title acquired [Hero] - (of the fae see) - Character has been raised to the status of Hero for the Fae people. Their purpose is to fight for and defend the fae against all enemies. Hero's are rare existences in the world. They will naturally be drawn to their charge's enemies and likewise the enemies of the Fae will be drawn to the Heroes. The collective might of the heroes will always be sufficient in eventually quelling any opposition even if only one remains. heroes are naturally acknowledged and adored by the people in their charge. They have freedom to come and go in the nation of their people. Their nation takes care of them and in turn, the heroes are expected to protect their nation. Heroes can never be made to go against the thing they are hero over. they have the uncanny ability to create a way to the perfect ending that would have been impossible for anyone else. As much as fate twists in the favor of Heroes, should they fall, those they protect will be without recourse and be made to face all manner of hardship including the possibility of annihilation.

Fae Hero Boon - Mentor skill E, Natural Weapons Upgrade to D (when adding skills and equipment upgrade, also increase earned points by 28) - the Fae Hero is endowed with ageless wisdom in the ways of combat. Despite the Fae being primarily magically focused, their countless lifetimes have allowed their citizens to absorb and accumulate many trades and practices of knowledge and skill.

asset acquired - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. Additionally, his relationship to the Fae and the world of Martial arts has opened up a relationship to seclusive sect of monks that practice a form of psionic martial arts. The Fae Hero would have the right to learn their secrets.

item acquired - Fae aura of light [heavy armor] D - a natural armor visible as a layer of light that coats Tyrmar’s body. The aura repairs itself after the wearer's body is repaired. Character will no longer fight in darkness so long as this aura is projected.
Request to scoop Mentor E in light of skill reworking, intend to put all points into Technique Cores.

Scooped points to be used to increase Range to E.

Use 28 points to raise Exalted Heart Fist to D, Range to D, get Selective E, Area core and raise to E

Added Energize and raised the grade of Empty Fist, Hollow Fist, Stunning Strike and Crushing Strike


Added abilities Devastating Wave and Soaring Squall


[Camp Cook] -Character has the uncanny ability to bring out a meal no matter the location or situation. Whilst out in the wild, the character is more prone to meeting friendly travelers that want to rely on the character for sustenance and good times.

Earned 33 points from Runaway Slaves Pt. 2


Spent 28 points raising Intelligence to B and Domestic Arts to C


Gained 24 points from Nest Door Neighbors

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Alexander Cruz | F0DC82

Rp'er Name: Speed
Post Frequency: Daily to twice a week
Discord Name: Speed#2879
Current RP: Winter's Warmth
Goals: To live a fun and comfortable life
Equipped Titles: Human, Entity Agent, East Empire Fugitive C, Abilinator, Unassuming Protagonist
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs
Backstory: Alex was an exceptional salaryman in his early twenties but after getting married years later, he chose to give up his carrier to support his wife's practice as a doctor. Given her hectic schedule, Alex decided to become a stay-at-home husband. Over the years, in between driving his wife around, he learned to enjoy the house work and errands he did on a daily basis. Being able to lift a bit of responsibility off from his wife's shoulders was fulfilling by itself. But after they had their firstborn, these feelings were further magnified. Alex's joyful life came to an unfortunate end after a truck ran him over.

Alex's confusion was partially cleared up by a being he believed to be god. He was not one who listened to strangers, but their was a calming familiarity that emanated from god that soothed his aching soul. Understanding the implications of his death and the fate that was prepared for him, Alex requested to delay his transmigration. He wanted to watch over his wife and daughter just long enough for them to peacefully move on.
  • First Few Weeks after Transmigrating
    • Alex's life in his new world has been well. He has found a home in a local tavern in Ryken where he works as a jack of all domestics trades.
  • Dude, Where's My Ladder
  • Keep Talking and No One Suffocates
Acquired Titles:
Human - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.

Entity Agent - Alex's efforts have been acknowledged by the Fae See. Alex has been inducted as a member into an elite group whose objectives are carried out in secret to sway nations for the benefit of the See nation. Alex has full access to all of the Fae See and can gain access to anyone for any reason as it is assumed Entity member work is of the highest importance to national interests. When abroad, Alex will never be suspected for wrong doing so long as there is some kind of alternative explanation. Members are typically equipped with the See's latest magical tech that might make their mission easier or make an impossible mission possible.

East Empire Fugitive C - Alex has rubbed the nation in a wrong way and thus has a criminal status in the nation regardless of actual criminal titles acquired. Can be treated as a criminal while in East Empire.

Abilinator - One who makes excessively long cool abilities. Gain +1 to effectiveness for any ability that consumes multiple actions to use and has a long name.

Unassuming Protagonist - Alex doesn't appear to be anything special, but he regularly seems to pop up at the right place and the right time to get tangled up in something. He also just happens to do stuff and things on a whim that seem to work out. Nothing they intentionally plan has great chance of success. But the least considered things have the greatest of potentials.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 115
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Grade F Strength
Grade F Precision
Grade B Intelligence
Grade F Vitality
Grade E Speed

Character Grade [E]
Appraisal - Grade E
This ability allows Alex to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown. For detailed information beyond a creature or objects stats/skills/titles/abilities, Alex will need additional skills to broaden their wealth of information to draw upon when analyzing something.

Educated [Salaryman] - Grade F
Alex has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
  • Empathy: The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.
  • Focus: The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows Alex to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat. Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • Persuasion: The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.

Domestic Arts - Grade D
The ability to efficiently and effectively organize and run a domestic household, including cooking and cleaning.

Attentive Student - Grade E
When Alex is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, he learns and grows more quickly. Alex will gain double points at the end of roleplays if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the roleplay as well. Earned points prior to rewards of that roleplay specifically. Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains.

Pocket Dimension - Grade E
Alex can store items in an alternative space as large as 10 foot radius. They can freely retrieve any items stored in the space or add items to the space so long as there is room and the item would not have to destroyed to fit.
Character Abilities:
  • None
Wristband Abilities:
  • None
  • None
  • Kitchen Knife Set
  • Cooking Equipment
  • Cleaning Materials
  • Big Backpack
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Tavern Employee (Part-Time) Accommodations - A single room with a bed, cabinet, wooden chest, and a window.
  • Glamour of Fae - Allows Alex to safely travel in Fae nations without being subject to the pitfalls and traps that non-fae are typically subjected to.
  • Thankfully Convenient Turkey - A thankfully conveniently placed turkey that is able to restore your energy and stave off your hunger for just a bit longer. Up to Narrator Discretion/Interpretation. This was given as a reward to the Top 5 Prize Winners for the Turkey Mayhem Phase 1 Competition for November 2022.

Change Log
"Market Place with TMK" - LINK
Earned 5 points from TMK in exchange for Mithril Wristband [Catalyst] E
"Winter's Warmth" - LINK
6 points acquired
"January Isekai Hell Community Event" - LINK
7 points acquired
"Misogyny Melee! Frederika vs Rudolph" - LINK
8 points acquired
Unassuming Protagonist [Title] acquired and equipped
"Dude, Where's My Ladder?!" - LINK
44 points acquired
Unassuming Protagonist [Title] acquired and equipped
"Turkey Mayhem Phase 1 - 2022!" [Event] - LINK
7 points acquired
Thankfully Convenient Turkey [Asset] acquired
"Let's Make Cool Abilities!" [Event] - LINK
14 points acquired
Abilinator [Title] acquired and equipped
Keep Talking and No One Suffocates [World] - LINK
24 points acquired
Entity Agent [Title] acquired and equipped
East Empire Fugitive C [Title] acquired and equipped
Glamour of Fae [Asset] acquired
Mithril Wristband Catalyst E [Item] acquired and equipped
Character Creation
28 points on Intelligence - Grade B
7 points on Speed - Grade E
0 points on Appraisal - Grade E
7 points on Educated - Grade F [Empathy, Focus, Persuasion]
21 points on Domestic Arts - Grade D
14 points on Attentive Student - Grade E
28 points on Pocket Dimension - Grade E
Human title acquired and equipped
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Loke Lenheart


Rp'er Name: NebulaBlossom
Post Frequency:
Every 1-2 days
Discord Name: LotaLore#6437
Current RP:
Explore the new facets of his healing magic, learn new support magic, see and learn about the new world.
Equipped Titles: Human. Right Hand, Clutch, [Thief D], [Murderer F]
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 147lbs
Backstory: Coming from a version of modern Earth where some had mystic latent abilities, Loke’s past life was riddled with hardship. The ability to heal people manifested when he was just a child. The cost to him was energy expended as well as feeling the pain of every injury and ailment he cured. His mother, seeing only potential profit, began to sell his healing while ignoring the cost to her son. Loke and his mother learned that he could heal more efficiently if he understood the anatomy of the area he healed and so she forced him to read medical books. Loke developed a good understanding of the human body and its functions this way. When he was a teenager, Loke ran away and never returned to his home. With no other skills, he began to sell his own healing to pay for anything he needed. A hobby of his became baking once he had his own place. He found small joy in doing something purely for himself. Sadly, this happiness couldn’t last forever. He was the victim of a home invasion, the intruder shooting him in the chest, missing his heart but puncturing his lung. In a cruel moment of irony, Loke couldn’t heal himself faster than he bled out.
Current Life: Loke woke up in a hospital in a strange world. The nurse there told him that a stranger had found him unconscious in an alleyway. With no wounds or reason to keep him any longer, he was released. Loke had found that his healing abilities had carried over to this world but healing no longer caused him the pain it had before. The system of magic in this world was totally different than where he had come from and he wanted to learn more about it. He’s cautiously exploring what he feels is his do-over.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 72
Points Spent: 169
Points Not Spent: 8
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Magic D
  • [Lightning] Affinity F
  • Spell Duration F
  • Magic Range F
  • Control Environment F
  • Healing D
  • Barrier F
  • Medicine E
  • Domestic Arts F
  • Bolster [Speed] F
  • Minor Remedy - Grade E Ability - Healing F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Relieves body aches and minor ailments, or alternatively, can heal superficial wounds of self or any single target within 30ft. - 1 Cooldown, 30ft Range
  • Lesser Antidote - Grade E Ability - Healing E - Cures the target of non-lethal poison - Grade E or other Grade E or lower afflictions - 1 Cooldown
  • Mending - Grade D ability - Healing D, Magic E, Magic Range F - Golden light glows from wounds and mends the flesh of more serious injuries, restoring any loss of sense the wound would have caused (ie, an eye wound no longer causes loss of sight). Can be used to repair a lost sense so long as the organs are present. 30ft range. - 2 Cooldown
  • Protection - Grade E Ability - Barrier F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F - Creates a semi-translucent golden shield around self or a single target in 10 ft. - 1 Cooldown, 30ft Range, 1 Hour Duration
  • Hasten - Grade E Ability - Bolster [Speed] F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F - Increases the Speed Stat by 1 Grade of self or target for 1 minute. - 1 Cooldown, 30 ft Range, 1 Hour Duration
  • Clear! - Grade D Ability - Healing D, Magic E, [Lightning] Affinity F - A single target ability that can shock the target's heart back into beating normally. A magic defibrilator. - 2 Cooldown
  • Shock - Grade E Ability - Magic E, [Lightning] Affinity F, Magic Range F - A [Lightning]-based magic attack that strikes a target within 30ft. 1 Cooldown.
  • Ornate Wand D
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Wand Case
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:
  • Fantasy [Isekai Hell] - Schal's 11 - Gained 16 points, gained and equipped [Right Hand] Title.
    • [Right Hand] - Character proved himself invaluable to another character in clearing an obstacle and opening a new path forward. The crew of Zeke's vessel respects the character as a capable sort. Character will also have an easier time fulfilling the role of being a go-between in the future.
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Control Environment Skill, lost rented room at an inn
  • Fantasy [Isekai Hell] - Grandmaster of Goldcrest - Gained 34 points, acquired and equipped [Clutch] Title.
    • [Clutch] - Character easily proved their worth in several tense situations. Their absence could have resulted in things going the other way. Character is more likely to be appreciated and appropriately valued by those aware of them. Antagonistic forces aware of character are more likely to target them in the future to prevent them from saving the day.
    • Stat changes: Vitality F -> E (7pts)
    • Skill changes: Spell Duration F (7pts) Magic Range F (7pts) Barrier F (14pts) Bolster [Speed] F (7pts)
    • Ability Upgrade:
      • Minor Remedy - Healing F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade F Ability - Relieves body aches and minor ailments, or alternatively, can heal superficial wounds of self or any single target within 10ft. - 0 Cooldown, 10ft Range
    • New Abilities:
      • Protection - Barrier F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Grade F Ability - Creates a semi-translucent golden shield around self or a single target in 10 ft. - 0 Cooldown, 10ft Range
      • Hasten - Bolster [Speed] F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F - Grade F Ability - Increases the Speed Stat by 1 Grade of self or Target for 1 minute. - 0 Cooldown, 10 ft Range, 1 Minute Duration
  • Added to 2022 character thread, added theme, added current RP
  • Added character image
  • Fantasy [Isekai Hell] The Mile High Heist - Gained 22 points, acquired mandatory titles [Thief D] and [Murderer F]
    • Skill changes: Magic Affinity -> Changed name in compliance with the skill name being changed to Magic in the Skill page. Added [Lightning] Affinity (7pts), Upgraded Magic E -> D (7pts).
    • Upgraded Abilities: Mending -> Added Magic E and Magic Range along with new flavor text
    • Fixed: Range and Duration to be compatible with updates to Skill descriptions in IH Skill records
  • Fixed Cooldowns on Minor Remedy and Clear!
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Rp'er Name: Akudon
Post Frequency: 4 on/4 off schedule. Will aim for 2-3 times a week.
Discord Name: Akudo #1933
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become an Adventurer, Earn a somewhat stable income, Travel and experience the different cuisines throughout the world for inspiration on opening a restaurant, Save up to open a restaurant
Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Mage]
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155 lbs
From a very young age Byung-Ho always felt that he was...different from everybody around him. Everyone around him seemed to have a bright, colorful, and beautiful world in which could laugh, cry, and struggle in. In comparison, Byung-ho's world was cold, dull, and boring. More importantly, he soon came to realize that his world was "wrong".

As much as he was an outsider, he was not an idiot either. Byung-Ho could tell others noticed the difference between them and himself even if not completely. The way they looked at him, the way they talked behind his back when they thought he could, the concerned whispers of his parents at night when they thought he was asleep. Although it was not in the way he would have wanted, through those things Byung Ho learned that he was also a human that could feel pain and sadness.

Despite how young he was, Byung-Ho knew what he need to do. He needed to be "normal".

Although it was rough and awkward at first, he slowly was able to understand what these emotions were and what made people feel them. Through that understanding, he was able to begin acting out those reactions and slowly feel the breath of life within his world. Byung Ho knew that he'd never truly be able to feel what others do and was able to find solace in lighting up the lives of others.

Byung-Ho came to believe that success is happiness. If he did well academically, his parents would be happy. If he did well athletically, his teammates and classmates would be happy. With both, he would be able to have a more secure and happy future. Through this knowledge, he also learned the pain of disappointment that dragged him back to that dark and lonely world.

That was a place Byung-Ho didn't want to return to. He couldn't ever go back to it. Reality would not give him a choice though. The fact that life Life is cruel and unfair was something that everyone learned to accept one way or another once they reach adulthood. He was unable to accept this though. He couldn't

Slowly but surely the noose tightened around his neck. Ironically, the mask that Byung-Ho created to give himself life stopped him from being saved in the end. His demons drove him to push himself further and show no weakness. Although at times he didn't feel it, he was still human. Like any other human he had his limits and he had gone past them for far too long.

As time went on, Byung-Ho's body grew weaker, his mind dulled, and his health declined. Sleep-deprived after another long day of work putting in overtime, his body finally gave in and he fell asleep driving back home. For better or for worse, it was so late that nobody was around to see or get caught up in the accident as he ran off the road.
Alfis' second life was a modest and slightly unusual one but one he was content with nonetheless. He was raised solely by his mother who managed to keep the two fed by running a semi-successful inn that had been in the family for generations; "The Tiger's Den" and the odd jobs she was used to as a former adventurer. His father had been killed in a bandit raid, helping save the lives of many in the small town and including that of his pregnant wife and unborn son.

Despite being faced with a situation that would cause most to be driven to the brink of despair, Alfis' mother persevered with her strong will and the assistance of the small town's tight-knit community. As a child; Alfis was always rather mature, obedient, and hard-working to the point of concern for his mother. Although it took years to piece together the memories and knowledge of his past life into something cohesive and useful, he felt that on he was always aware of his duty on some level. He was reborn into this world to save it from its eternal struggle and more importantly, keep his family and friends safe and happy in the process.

To achieve something like that in a fantasy world like this, Alfis concluded that he needed two things the most. Money and Power. The latter was easy enough to start working towards due to his mother being a former adventurer and harassing anyone of skill that stayed at the Tiger's Den to impart any lessons they could onto him. The former was not as straightforward. In the end, he settled for earning his living as an adventurer and hopefully becoming skilled and profitable enough to begin investing in businesses.

Although this was the plan, it was easier said than done. Alfis' first roadblock with this was feeling comfortable enough to leave his mother to fend for herself. Thankfully, this was quickly resolved by the tigress carefully relieving him of each of his worries and then proceeding to follow that up with far too descriptive explanations of how she dealt with dangers in the past. There may have also been demands of acquiring a wife and providing grandchildren but that part was irrelevant...Not that he would ever say that out loud within her presence.
Beast: Beast characters generally have some form of animal in their ancestry. They typically have a wilder look to them but are mostly human on the surface

Mage: Skills for casting destructive magics - Character is a specialist in combat magic.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Character Grade: E

  • Magic E
  • Earth Affinity F
  • Magic Range F 30ft
  • Appraisal E
  • Heightened Sense F (Hearing)
    • Feature: Tiger Ears (Hearing)
  • Feature: Dark Vision
  • Feature: Tiger Tail (Cosmetic)
  • Educated F (Innkeeper's Son)
    • Business
    • Empathy
    • Domestic Arts
  • Focus F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Rock Bullet - Magic F, Earth Affinity F, Magic Range F: 30ft, Focus F - Alfis extends an arm in direction of the intended target, concentrating mana towards the center of his palm and summoning a condensed ball of rock. Once summoned, he calls out the name of the ability and the rock is fired at the target, losing any power and stability beyond 30ft. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Stone Claw - Magic F, Earth Affinity F, Focus F - Alfis focuses his mana around an arm and manifests a gauntlet with the majority of the material being focused on the jagged fingertips forming into claws. Once summoned, he calls out the name of the ability and it lasts long enough to strike out at an opponent within 5ft before dissipating. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Stone Spear - Magic E, Earth Affinity F, Magic Range F: 30ft, Focus F - An upgraded version of Rock Bullet. Alfis further refines the shape of the Rock Bullet into a more deadly, jagged, spear-like form and concentrates more mana into the attack to increase the spells' power and travel speed. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Earth's Fang - Magic E, Earth Affinity F, Magic Range F: 30ft, Focus F - Alfis kneels and places a hand on the ground, pouring his mana into the soil below and creating a stream of magic power between his hand and a target location. Once created, Alfis calls out the name of the ability and manipulates the earth in the target location to form a lance-like shape and strike at a foe after a short delay. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Amber Necklace (Catalyst) E
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Cooking Tools
  • Personal Journal/Notebook and writing utensils
  • N/A
Change Log:

  • Heightened Sense F: Hearing (Tiger Ears) - 7 points
  • Feature: Dark Vision - 7 points
  • Feature: Tiger Tail - 0 Points
  • Appraisal F-E - 0 points
  • Intelligence F-D - 14 points
  • Vitality F-E - 7 points
  • Speed F-E - 7 points
  • Strength F-E - 7 points
  • Amber Necklace (Catalyst) E - 14 points
  • Padded Coat (Heavy Armor) F - 7 points
  • Magic F - 7 points
  • Earth Affinity F - 7 points
  • Magic Range F - 7 points
  • Focus F - 7 points
  • Educated (Inkeeper's Son) F - 7 points
    • Business
    • Empathy
    • Domestic Arts
Character Corrections and Changes

  • Magic E is required to have both Earth Affinity F and Magic Range F. Padded Coat (Heavy Armor) F has been removed to upgrade Magic F to Magic E
  • Grade E 1 Post Cooldown Abilities Stone Spear and Earth's Fang added with the upgrade to Magic E

Final Character Grade 11/23/22: E
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  • View attachment 1180446

Yes, I know that the images don't work. I'll fix them at another point -- sorry!

Theme and Other Flavor:
The girl who wanted to be loved (and the story she wanted for herself)

The Seventh Flower
A small, white magpie-like bird of predominately pastel and white coloration. Its wings have faded to be pinker in color, with its collar and coat remarked and ended with cool shades of violet. Its eyes, a sharp rose-like pink that pierces those who gaze into them, bringing many to forget of the singular jewel on its forehead. What brings most eyes to glance, however, are the several flowers that remark its body, growing alongside it almost as if an unending plague. Its twin tails are followed by two jewel-like ends that, alongside its lovely flowers, have perhaps been part of the cause for its constantly being hunted...
Rp'er Name: Etymar (You can call me Aria)
Post Frequency: Depends. (Aiming for thrice per week, but I’m currently busy with university.)
Discord Name: Ask, but I'm already on the Discord.
Current RP: N/A

Goals: To help others for the sake of gaining back, to resurrect the dead, to be able to sing beautiful songs, to fly faster*, to unite, and to disappear once all is said and done.
1.) No Longer Human - Seven wants to have a "more human" body...being a bird is nice, but having hands would be really helpful...and maybe she also kind of just wants to be a cute girl...
2.) A Monster at Heart - Seven is not a good person, but she isn't terrible, per se. She wishes very, very much to help others understand what it is they desire. At least, in a context that is understandable to both her and them. As long as she benefits from the exchange (whether from entertainment value or through some form of benefit that contributes to her goals), Seven is willing to do anything that is asked of her, although it is very, very vital to remember that she has her own desires in mind...
3.) Healing Word - Seven wants to expand her healing capability so that she may bring back the dead herself.
4.) A Better Sounding Song - Selfishly speaking, she would much prefer to make her shrieks sound prettier...
5.) Flying would be Nice - Being a bird would be great...if God let her fly in the first place…okay, maybe flying faster would be a bit nicer, too.
6.) If Only Unity would Exist!! - She misses being able to drink tea easily and without needing to consult any suspicious individuals--!
Number Seven - Even as she has no purpose in living except that, perhaps it would be nice to, once all is said and done, disappear. Disappear, so that none continue to be burdened nor pained by her existence.

Equipped Titles: Monster | Bird | Tiny | Snack | Frumentarii
Height/Length: 12 inches (head-feet)
Weight: 0.5 lbs

At some point, it came to be that her wretched life would meet its end.

…A fire? What fire? The blind girl saw no fire, and she couldn’t run away when her legs could do nothing, either.

The last thing she remembered was the screeching of fire—blazes burning and everybody escaping. Of course they would leave her—dysfunctional, useless, forgettable—behind. Everybody, except for her—unable to run away, let alone walk—managed to escape. And yet, in spite of all the pain that engulfed her, she couldn’t seem to care about the flames that engulfed her body.

“If only I was desirable—then people would not throw me away.” Such would be the first stanza of thoughts that crossed her mind.

In her final moments, she heard the beautiful song of a bird. How did a bird even manage to get inside that flaming room? And why did it even do it in the first place? She knew not of the answer, but she knew for sure what she wished for—

Beneath the dust and and rubble, her burning body muttered—

“If only I could be that bird—able to sing as beautifully and move as I pleased—“

It seemed that God heard her prayer.
Current Life:

When she had awoken, she could see. When she had awoken, she found it possible to stand…and yet…

As she stumbled her hands about, she came to realize she was without either. Instead, she had only talons—a voice that could muster only songs and screech. No longer human, the first days of her life were that of struggle—attempts to survive, avoiding several hunters, and seeking food. Very early into this hell of her wish did she expect death for herself. But, by some miracle of fate, she found herself picked up, saved by a beautiful sage with an endearing, gentle expression.

“You are the Seventh—and as such, your name will be Seven.”

It was through the sage that she would be able to improve further upon her healing. Able to learn of healing--she knew the Sage to not be a good person, what with his choice to denote her name as "Seven," yet it mattered not for her--

It was his death, her promise to him that brought her newfound purpose.

Acquired Titles: Monster | Bird | Tiny | Snack | Frumentarii
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 236
Points Spent: 336
Points Not Spent:

Total Points: 341
  • [Monster]
  • [Bird] - character takes on the physique of a bird.
  • [Tiny] - character is considered tiny (below 2 ft of height and below 8 lbs of weight)
  • [Snack] - character was nearly eaten. Character's appearance or way of acting suggests character may be tasty deep fried and sauced. Predators more likely to pounce. Allies more likely to keep around: traveling travel rations.
  • [Frumentarii] - has proved their usefulness in doing the necessary, dirty things that make the world go round. Character has been made part of an innocent enough group. Under the guise of messengers and couriers, the Frumentarii are responsible for carrying out East Empire assassinations and spy ops. While the empire's Praetorians are their shield, the Frumentarii are their daggers. Character can commit murder and forms of theft without accruing criminal titles so long as the action is in service of the empire or commissioned by the empire(they can still accrue titles if they wish) . Although a tool for the empire, the Frumentarii just as frequently find themselves in use against rival factions within the senate. It's a dangerous world with dangerous people playing dangerous games while the average peasant knows nothing.

Strength F
Precision A (35)
Intelligence A
Vitality E (7)
Speed B

C Rank Character (Total: 105 pts.)


Perk: Magic Circle - Caster

when a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.

♦Song of Healing B (CD: 4 Post)
(Healing B | Performance D | Magic D | Magic Targets F | )
Seven shall sing a beautiful song that can heal five targeted allies. At maximum, reinvigorate, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.

Magic Based
Spring Flower F
(CD: 0 Post)
(Magic F | Flower Affinity F | Water Affinity F | Energized F | Focus F)
A simple short-ranged magical attack. White petals and shining dew of magic will appear in the air, directing their aim towards Seven's enemies and assaulting them with corrosive magical energy, fading their pure white coloration to a putrid black...

To Drown Amongst Flowers C (CD: 3 Post)
(Performance D | Magic C | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F)
Upon singing a low, tumultuous song, branches of black thorns and black roses will target and attack a single target of Seven’s choice. 30 ft. max. distance.

A Song of Flowers and Rain B (CD: 4 Post)
(Magic C | Healing B | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F | Magic Targets F | Magic AoE F | Spell Duration E | Performance D)
Singing a hopeful song, a rain intermixed with flowers will fall within Seven's chosen range, providing a sustained regeneration effect upon those it is growing upon for 24 hours to prevent them from dying, poisoning, being cursed, or much other ailments. Can reach targets up to 30 ft. max. distance. Limited to a 15 ft. radius. Can deny up to 5 targets from being healed within this range.

Create Catalyst B (CD: 4 Post)
(Magic D | Flower Affinity F | Nature F | Artisan [Artificer] B)
Seven can create catalysts based in flowers through artificing and magic.

I offer you my voice B (CD: 4 Post)
(Magic D | Flower Affinity F | Nature F | Artisan [Artificer] B | Spell Duration E | Magic Targets F)
Seven can temporarily offer 5 different magical flower catalysts to benefit her allies for up to 24 hours before she has them expire.

Bracelet of Transformation: An Ideal Reflection (CD: 2 post)
(Bracelet of Transformation D: Transform F [Fae Girl] + Magic D | Spell Duration E)
Using the transformation bracelet, Seven can manifest a transformation into that of a Fae girl for 24 hours.

WIPs. You can ignore these, mods. These are just moves I might want to nab in the future but can't because I'm missing different things
Chamomile Drowse E (CD: 1 Post)
(Magic E | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F | Spell Duration F)
Singing a gentle lullaby, Seven will able able to create flowers that will make generate a nice, chamomile-like scent that will make an opponent sleepy for 1 hour. (Does nothing--pure cosmetic at the moment.) 10 ft. max. distance.
Note: I need incapacitate for this.

Atropa Belladonna E (CD: 1 Post)
(Magic D | Flower Affinity F | Magic Range F | Spell Duration F | Continuing F)
Singing an ominous elegy, Seven will create poisonous black flowers of poisonous effects that will last for 24 hours. 30 ft. max. distance.
Note: I need continuing F for this; i don't have continuing F yet.

Contract to the Seventh Flower D (CD: 2 Post)
(Magic D | Law D | Flower Affinity F | Continuing Affinity F |Magic Range F | Spell Duration E | Magic Targets F)
Seven makes a contract of deals as established under deals she has agreed upon alongside her targets of choice. Should her target choose to disobey the laws of her contract, they shall be forced to experience -1 HP backlash of damage per turn for the rest of the 24 hour period that their contract lasts.
Note: i need continuing f for this.

(These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Small Bird's Pouch - To help carry items around...
  • Seeds - Delicious.
  • Bracelet of Transformation D - Character has acquired a size adjustable bracelet for their little leg. To better infiltrate for the Empire, the bracelet grants the wearer the means to transform into someone else. Bracelet is a mithril band with F grade transformation enchanted in it. Has room for more enchantments.
  • Magic Catalyst B (Artificer B) [Blossom of Oath] - A flower growing from within Seven's small neck made from her own magic.
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Asset Acquired: Poison of Frumentarii - the character has attained a level of notoriety and favor among the Frumentarii uncommon. Character has the means to sick East Empire assassins after an npc of their choosing once per rp (narrator discretion advised).
  • [Rank and File Asset F] - All monsters below the grade of this character are compelled to follow their orders. Alternate to Leadership but only applies to npc monsters. This grants a handful of followers as a narrative asset during rp (they do NOT count as minions and number, usefulness, and presence ultimately depends on narrator).



  • Feathery Wings F (7) - Able to be used for gliding...and thwapping into somebody's face if they're a jerk.
  • Beak (Cosmetic) - Peckpeckpeckpeckpeckpeckpeck. An adorable little nibbler~! (...Kinda useless, though...)
  • Talons Cosmetic) - Scritchy scratchyyy--! (...Also pretty useless...)

  • Flight F = 3 miles per hour at max.

  • Energized F
  • Magic C
  • Magic Targets F
  • Magic Range F = 30 ft. max. distance
  • Magic AoE F = 15 ft. radius max
  • Flower Affinity F
  • Water Affinity F
  • Spell Duration E - 1 day max. duration
  • Educated [Coquette] D
    • Persuasion D
    • Insight D
    • Performance D (Storytelling, Acting, Singing)
  • Law E
  • Agriculture F
  • Focus F
  • Artisan [Artificer] B

  • Appraisal C (0) - Created with the ability for being a Player Character, this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown.
  • Sixth Sense [Energy Detection]

  • Healing B (35) - At maximum, reinvigorate, Cure Any disease/ailment/curse/poison, raise dead if they have been dead no more than 10 days.

Change Log:

MARCH 12, 2022 - Character Creation
  • Intelligence B (28)
  • Speed B (28)
  • Precision E (7)
  • Feathery Wings F (7)
  • Healing C (28)
  • Special Movement: Maidenly Glide F (7)

MAY 17, 2022 - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Turnabout Underground graded (25 pts.)
  • Earned 25 points to be spent later.

MAY 28, 2022 - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Song of Truth graded (21 pts.), Obtained [Snack] title.
  • Earned 21 points to be spent later. Total unspent points: 46 points
  • Gained title: [Snack] - character was nearly eaten. Character's appearance or way of acting suggests character may be tasty deep fried and sauced. Predators more likely to pounce. Allies more likely to keep around: traveling travel rations.

JUNE 1, 2022 - Processed Purchases + Scoop
  • Updated Goal 5.
  • Decreased Strength down to Strength H (+14 pts).
  • Equipped [Snack] title.
  • Partial Scoop due to character creation error (Intelligence B, Maidenly Glide F, Healing C) -> Intelligence C, Healing D, Precision B.
  • Spent 56 total points (4 leftover) for:
    • Flight F (21)
    • Persuasion F (7)
    • Magic E (14)
    • Magic Range F (7)
    • Flower Affinity (7)
In addition, added the following abilities:
  • Thorn Rose E
  • Chamomile Drowse E

JULY 14, 2022: Fantasy - [Isekai Hell][Jareth SS] Respite From the Truth graded (+39 pts., 43 unspent). Stat and skill updates and upgrades have been accounted for.
  • Appearance description and goals have been updated to be relocated into Spoiler boxes for the sake of making things easier to read (nothing of the content has actually been changed).
  • Upgrade Intelligence C to Intelligence A (14 points; 29 pts. unspent)
  • Upgrade Vitality F to Vitality E. (7 points; 22 pts. unspent)
  • Due to 84 net total points spent on stats, Seven is now considered a D rank character. Appraisal is now D rank.
  • Upgrade Healing D to Healing B (14 points; 8 pts. unspent).
  • Purchased Spell Duration F (7 points; 1 point unspent).
Abilities have been updated as follows (note: still no catalyst, I wanna cry):
  • Healing Cry D is now Healing Cry B.
  • Added Petalance F (Simple magic attack).
  • Chamomile Drowse E will now cause an affected target to be sleepy.
  • Added Atropa Belladonna E (poisoning spell).
  • Added Wisteria Blossoming B (sustained healing buff spell).

OCTOBER 19, 2022 - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell][Jareth SS]The threads gather
  • Earned 80 points to be spent later.

OCTOBER 27, 2022 - First Worlds Betting Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace
  • Earned 21 points to be spent later.

NOVEMBER 2, 2022 - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell][World] Actor of War: Progenitor of the Hive
  • Earned 36 points to be spent later.
  • Earned Optional Title: [Frumentarii]
  • Asset Acquired: Poison of Frumentarii
  • Acquired Bracelet of Transformation D
  • Listed descriptions in spoiler:
  • Earned Optional Title: [Frumentarii] - has proved their usefulness in doing the necessary, dirty things that make the world go round. Character has been made part of an innocent enough group. Under the guise of messengers and couriers, the Frumentarii are responsible for carrying out East Empire assassinations and spy ops. While the empire's Praetorians are their shield, the Frumentarii are their daggers. Character can commit murder and forms of theft without accruing criminal titles so long as the action is in service of the empire or commissioned by the empire(they can still accrue titles if they wish) . Although a tool for the empire, the Frumentarii just as frequently find themselves in use against rival factions within the senate. It's a dangerous world with dangerous people playing dangerous games while the average peasant knows nothing.
  • Asset Acquired: Poison of Frumentarii - the character has attained a level of notoriety and favor among the Frumentarii uncommon. Character has the means to sick East Empire assassins after an npc of their choosing once per rp (narrator discretion advised).
  • Item Acquired: Bracelet of Transformation D - Character has acquired a size adjustable bracelet for their little leg. To better infiltrate for the Empire, the bracelet grants the wearer the means to transform into someone else. Bracelet is a mithril band with F grade transformation enchanted in it. Has room for more enchantments.

NOVEMBER 25, 2022 - Applied November 6, 2022 Update on Magic Range and Spell Duration and caught changelog back up to present.
  • Goals updated.
  • Changelog formatting fixed
  • Applied updates for Magic Range F and Spell Duration F; increased max range + duration to 30 ft and 1 hour respectively.

NOVEMBER 26,2022 - Scooped Persuasion F for Educated F [Coquette]
  • Scooped Persuasion F.
  • Obtained Educated F [Coquette] (Persuasion F, Insight F, Performance F (Storytelling)) in exchange.

FEBRUARY 1, 2023 Maplestory Event - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] January 2023 Event
  • Earned 7 points to be spent

APRIL 2, 2023 - February Events - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] February Event: Masquerade Ball
  • Earned 7 points to spend.

AUGUST 19 ,2024 - Process Purchases + Skills
  • Taking up the following Race Paths + Class Paths:
    • Native Path: Mundane Monster
      • Perk: [Born for this]
    • Class: Caster
      • Perk: Magic Circle
  • Upgraded Stats.
    • Strength H -> Strength F (14 points).
    • Precision B -> Precision A (7 points).
  • Character Rank is now C; Appraisal is now C.
  • Skills:
    • Artisan [Artificer] B
    • Upgrade: Educated F [Coquette] -> Educated D [Coquette] (14 points)
      • Persuasion D
      • Insight D
      • Performance D (Storytelling, Acting, Singing)
    • Law E (14)
    • Focus F
    • Nature F
    • Sixth Sense [Energy Detection]
    • Energized F
    • Upgrade: Magic E -> Magic D
    • Upgrade: Spell Duration F -> Spell Duration E
    • Magic Targets F
    • Magic AoE F
    • Water Affinity
  • Acquired: Magical Catalyst B (Free from Artisan [Artificer] B)
  • Abilities:
    • Reorganized abilities list and renamed a bunch of them.
      • New/Upgraded Abilities: Spring Flower F, To Drown Amongst Flowers C, A Song of Flowers and Rain B.
    • Added: Bracelet of Transformation: An Ideal Reflection D.
    • Moved Atropa Belladonna to a WIP list until purchases are made. Other abilities are in the WIP list. You can ignore those.
Another Note: As of writing this, my images don't work, unfortunately, but I'll be sure to fix them at another point. For now, I just want to get the mechanics and stuff approved first. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Equipped Titles:
Fae | Snack
Height/Length: 4'11"
Weight: 100 lbs

Bracelet of Transformation D - “An Ideal Reflection”
Acquired Titles: Fae | Snack
Points at Start: 105 (+28)
Points Earned: 236
Points Spent: 364
Points Not Spent:
  • [Fae]
  • [Snack]
Strength F
Precision A (35)
Intelligence A
Vitality A (35)
Speed F

C Rank Character (Total: 105 pts.)


♦ Song of Sanctuary B
(CD: 4 Post)
[Healing B] | Performance D | Magic D | Magic AoE E | Artisan [Artificer] B | Barrier B [LIMITER: Backlash 1])
Through the power of song, Seven shall sing a song of renewal that shall maintain life for all units with a 50 feet radius. In addition, she will provide a barrier of protection to prevent them from being harmed.

♦ A Cuter Appearance (CD: 1 Post)
(Disguise F | Magic E | Persuasion D | Insight D | Title: [Snack])
Using her insight to understand others' preferences (and her own), Seven will attempt to change into a different appearance (that's cute) and maybe possibly also somewhat baiting or enticing to what people might like...kinda like she's a good "snack."

♦ The Art of Intention D (CD: 2 Post)
(Insight D)
Seven attempts to comprehend a target's desires and intentions based on what she can comprehend of their actions, appearance, and their means of speech.
  • Magical Catalyst B [“Blossom of Oath”] (Artisan B) - A magical flower blooming around Seven’s neck.
  • Comfortable Coat - A large, comfortable coat that Seven has decided to wear.

  • Magic D
  • Magic AoE E
  • Selective Magic E
  • Magic Duration F
  • N/A
  • Barrier C (B)
    • B - LIMITER 1: Backlash Rank 1
  • Healing B
  • Resilient E [Surprise, Incapacitated]

  • Artisan [Artificer] B
  • Deception F
  • Disguise F
  • Law E
  • Educated D [Coquette]
    • Insight D
    • Persuasion D
    • Performance D [Storytelling, Acting, Singing]
  • Etiquette F

AUGUST 19, 2024 - Transformation Created.
Total points to be used:
+ 105 (character creation)
+ 28 (transformation F)
+ 236 (points gained)

Points spent: 357 points
Upgraded Statistics:
  • Intelligence A (-35)
  • Precision A (-35)
  • Vitality A (-35)
Purchased Skills:
  • Defensive Skills
    • Healing B (-35)
    • Barrier C (B) [Limiters: Backlash Rank 1] (-28)
    • Resilient E [Surprise, Incapacitated] (-14)
  • Magic Skills:
    • Magic D (-21)
    • Magic AoE E (-14)
    • Selective Magic E (-14)
    • Magic Duration F (-7)
  • Secondary Skills:
    • Educated D [Coquette: Insight, Persuasion, Performance] (-21)
    • Law E (-14)
    • Deception F (-7)
    • Disguise F (-7)
    • Etiquette F (-7)
    • Artisan [Artificer] (-35)
Purchased Assets:
  • Magical Catalyst B (Artisan [Artificer] B), 0 pts.
Total spent points: 357.
Click this link for the Google Sheets spreadsheet for the math.


For you mods:
Click this link for the Google Sheets spreadsheet for the math.
You can use those to cross reference anything that's inaccurate or illegal. Sorry this sheet and update are as big as they are![/tab]
Last edited:
"Lacie Liddell"



Rp'er Name: Etymar
Post Frequency: Twice per week likely.
Discord Name: I am in the Discord server.
Current RP: N/A
  • "Lacie wants to know more to this world...this land...everything...No, Lacie needs to know more...it is the only thing that brings Lacie comfort. And because it brings Lacie comfort, she is addicted to her yearning for more.”
  • Maximize Appraisal and create a library of her findings and knowledge.
Equipped Titles: [Human]
Height: 5'1" (155 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs

Beyond her acknowledgement and reminisce thereof her knowledge of the modern innovations, the last memory she had from her past life was that wherein she had fallen through a glass mirror.

She could not remember why nor how she had fallen in, but for her, it was clear that there was nowhere else for her to go. There was nowhere else for her to go, and she could do nothing to change it. That, and she was afraid. She was afraid, she did something, and she wanted and needed to run away. Further, and further away until the abyss would embrace her.

...But the abyss did not embrace her. Instead, she met a man named "God,"

Life, is but a dream, and there she had awoken. Taking with her, the dreams of another.

Current Life:

God gave Lacie a gift, and the gift that Lacie was given was called "Appraisal."

Question after question was all that she had, and "Appraisal" taught her more.

Who was God? What was God? Why couldn’t God resolve God's own wish? Where was Lacie? Who was Lacie? What were 'Titles'? What was 'Magic'? Why were monsters evil? What was Evil? What did Lacie's memories mean? Why did she not remember anything? Who was she? Why was she here? Why? Why? Why--?

What more did she not know?

The only comfort she found was that therein the only gift that she had been given in this new world:


Acquired Titles:
  • [Human]
  • [Strange] - Individuals deemed 'proper' folk are less likely to associate with characters wearing this title for fear a strange person like the character may get them wrapped up in some strange or unpleasant happenings. On the flip side, decidedly strange individuals are more likely to be drawn to the character.
  • [Immature] - Whether physically, mentally, or both, character has shown an abundance of room for growth. To grown to be considered a child, but too unreliable or stunted to be considered an adult. More easily recognized by children as a possible playmate. Confused by Adults as being more helpless or incapable than they are.
  • [Recorder] - character takes notes. maybe the like to, but they will take them regardless. Actively taking moments to reflect on the opinions and facts of various things, the character is more likely to have a rounded out view of their world.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 115
Points Spent: 105 + 112 = 217
Points Not Spent: 3

Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)

Strength F (0)
Precision F (0)
Intelligence C (21)
Vitality D (14)
Speed E (7)

Character Grade: E


  • Appraisal E (0) - Default for Isekai'ers.
  • Minions F (14) - 5 minions total
  • Magic E (14) - Lacie knows she has magic.
  • [Ensnare] Affinity E (14) - Ensnare Affinity; ensnares target so they have difficulty moving or doing anything. The snare generally has a visible component like ice or vines that can be destroyed to prematurely end the binding. Strength of binding is relatively low but takes an action to break free from at minimum. Duration of affinity is 1 post of target per grade. If out of combat, duration is up to narrator discretion. Lacie is able to create projections derived from her imagination to bind them and prevent them from moving.
  • Spell Duration F (7) - Lacie can augment her spells to last up to one hour.
  • Magic Range F (7) - Lacie's spells can reach up to 30 ft. away.
  • Educated [Lore Seeker] F - Lacking all else, Lacie believed that the god-given gift of appraisal was the only comfort she had in the world to comprehend the present. And so, that gift could only be used to learn and research more and more to the world.
    • Academia F
    • Arcana F
    • History F
  • Focus F
  • Portal E
    • Material Plane => Dream World F
    • Dream World => Material Plane E
  • Teleport F


I Want to Know More E
| 1 Post Cooldown
(Appraisal E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Catalyst E)
Lacie will appraise an object from a 30ft. distance.

Constant Studying E | 1 Post Cooldown
(Appraisal E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Educated [Lore Seeker]: {Academia E, Arcana E, History E,}
For 1 hour, Lacie will consistently appraise the objects around her from a 30 ft. distance.

Captured in a Nightmare E | 1 Post Cooldown
(Magic E, Magic Range F, Ensnare Affinity E, Spell Duration F)
Ensnares a target amongst dark, terrifying tendrils for 1 hour.

What Do I Know? E | 1 Post Cooldown
(Magic E, Magic Range F, Appraisal E, Educated [Lore Seeker]: {Academia E, Arcana E, History E,})
Choose a target that is within 30 feet and appraise them to gain more knowledge/record regarding their history, magical lore, or even reveal knowledge of points of study. Restricted to E grade targets and below.

Entering a Dream F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Magic F, Portal F, Focus F)
Lacie leaves the real world for her Dreaming World.

Awakening E | 1 Post Cooldown
(Magic F, Portal E)
Lacie returns to the real world.

Leave, then Come Back E | 1 Post Cooldown
(Magic E, Portal E)
An attempt at dodging. Go into the portal towards somewhere else within the home plane...and then come right back out.

Leave. F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Teleport F, Focus F)
Lacie teleports out. Max range of 10 ft. of distance.

Welcome, Bunnies E | 1 Post Cooldown
(Magic E, Magic Range F, Portal E, Minions F: Bunny Pawns)
Choose an area within 30 ft of range. Open a portal. 5 bunny pawns will fall out (and maybe possibly clobber into somebody). Cannot be used to generate more than 5 bunnies.

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Rustic Pocket-Watch (Magical Catalyst E (14) - A bronze pocketwatch that Lacie knows to be her own.


  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire starter kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Parasol (Cosmetic)
  • Book, quill, and ink of records.

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Run down shack
Lacie's Bunny Pawns F - Five minions

Bunny Pawns
In order to be able to further spread out her ability to garner knowledge, Lacie wished for friends that would assist her in her attempts to do so. Mustering would be Lacie's rabbit friends--her pawns.

[Small] [Fae]
Height: 2'0"; Weight: 15 lbs
Strength H (-14)
Precision D (14)
Intelligence F (0)
Speed D (14)
Vitality E (7)

Fast F (7) - can run at 12mph
Feature: Bunny Ears [Cosmetic]
Feature: Rabbit Tail [Cosmetic]
Transform F: Berserker Bunny (28)

(Imagine big and scary looking black rabbits.)

Height: 6'6"; Weight: 300 lbs
Strength D (14)
Precision F (7)
Intelligence H (-14)
Vitality E (7)
Speed F (0)
Equipped Titles: [Fae]

• Jumping E (14) - 10x base jump distances
• Fighting Style [Bun Bun Bonanza | Martial Arts] E (14) - Linked F, [Drain Vitality] F
• Natural Weapons F (14) - Utilize their bodies for the sake of offense and bludgeoning.

• Feature Bunny Ears (Cosmetic)
• Feature Bunny Tail (Cosmetic)


"We're Late! We're Late!" F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Jumping F, Natural Weapons F | Bun Bun Bonanza F [Linked])
Hop. Hop. The transformed rabbits will utilize their jumping power to bludgeon their opponents with their bodies, each rabbit making two consecutive attacks.

"Runny Bunny!!" F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Fast F)
The rabbits will use their 12mph running speed and small size to run away and re-coordinate their attacks.


"We're Late! We're Late!" F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Jumping F, Natural Weapons F)
Hop. Hop. The transformed rabbits will utilize their jumping power to bludgeon their opponents with their bodies.

"Bunny BONK!!" F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Jumping F | Bun Bun Bonanza F [Drain Vitality F])
In order to weaken their enemies, a bunny will jump at and weaken its enemy’s defenses, draining its Vitality effectiveness by one grade.

"Hophophop!!" F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Jumping F)
The rabbits will use their powerful jumps to help each other escape a bad looking scenario.


"Bunny Brawlers" F | 0 Post Cooldown
Minions F | (Fast F | Transform F) | (Jumping F, Natural Weapons F | Fighting Style F [Linked])
Coordinating their strikes, the bunnies divide and conquer by using their speed to flock, surround, and attack an enemy using consecutive jumps and bludgeoning. them.

"Evacuation!!" F | 0 Post Cooldown
(Jumping F)
In protocol recognition of a dangerous scenario, the rabbits will swap between carrying each other in their berserker forms to escape a scene.

Change Log:
AUGUST 1ST, 2022
- Character Creation
  • Intelligence D (14)
  • Vitality D (14)
  • Speed E (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Minions F (7)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Projection Affinity F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Magic Range F (7)
  • Magic AoE F (7)
  • Rustic Pocket-Watch (Magical Catalyst E) (14)

    Bunny Minions:
    Strength H (-14)
    Speed D (14)
    Precision D (14)
    Vitality F - 7
    Transform F
    Fast F

    Strength D (14)
    Precision F (7)
    Intelligence H (-14)
    Vitality E (7)

    • Jumping F (7) - vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds
    • Fighting Style [Bun Bun Bonanza | Martial Arts] E (14) - Linked F, [Drain Vitality] F
    • Natural Weapons F (14)

SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 - 40 Points Acquisition from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] One’s Search for Reunion
  • Earned 40 points; to be spent at a later time (AKA when I have more time LMAO)
  • Gained title: [Strange] - Individuals deemed 'proper' folk are less likely to associate with characters wearing this title for fear a strange person like the character may get them wrapped up in some strange or unpleasant happenings. On the flip side, decidedly strange individuals are more likely to be drawn to the character.

NOVEMBER 10, 2022 - 58 Points Acquisition from - Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Red-Like: Without a Second to Spare
  • Earned 58 points; Unspent. Total Unspent is now: 98 points.
  • Gained Title: [Immature] - Whether physically, mentally, or both, character has shown an abundance of room for growth. To grown to be considered a child, but too unreliable or stunted to be considered an adult. More easily recognized by children as a possible playmate. Confused by Adults as being more helpless or incapable than they are.

NOVEMBER 25, 2022 - Updated changelog to documentation.

DECEMBER 29, 2022 - 17 Points Acquisition from Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Second Breakfast Club
  • Earned 17 points; Total unspent is now 115 points.
  • Gained Title: [Recorder] - character takes notes. maybe the like to, but they will take them regardless. Actively taking moments to reflect on the opinions and facts of various things, the character is more likely to have a rounded out view of their world.

AUGUST 11, 2023 - Purchases and Fixes. Originally December 6th, 2022 update.
  • Purchased
    • Intelligence D -> C (7 points)
    • Educated [Lore Seeker] F - Academia, Arcana, History (7 points)
    • Focus F (7 points)
    • Teleport F (21 Points)
    • Portal E (70 Points)
      • Material Plane => Dream World F
      • Dream World => Material Plane E
  • Added new Abilities for Lacie:
    • What Do I Know? E
    • Entering a Dream F
    • Awakening E
    • Leave and Come Back E
    • Welcome, Bunnies E
  • Fixed an error on the Berserker bunnies: only spent 49/56 allocated points. Upgraded Jump F to Jump E (7 pts) to fix. Should be 56/56 allocated points.

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Ninelle Lifeblossom
(#54d1b0) | Link to Old CS | Link to RP Story
A little nature fairy, with an odd, artificial right wing made up of fabric and metal frames. Though not visible most of the time, much of her body is a whitish metal and man-made, including the right-side of her face which holds an artificial pastel-green eye to match her real left eye. She has long colourful hair, typical of a fairy, coloured plum. Her torso is split between flesh and metal right where her amalgamation of a heart lies, half made up of her real beating heart, and the other half made up of an artificial core. Gears, screws, nails, and magic also exist within her body, acting as replacements for some internal organs and functioning. She wears long-sleeved and covering clothing, often paired with cloaks/robes and a wooden mask to hide her mechanical features, though her right wing is not something she can hide.

Appearance description to be updated

[Verdant Revenant] title active - Ninelle's equipment will always be 1 or more grades weaker in effectiveness at narrator discretion. She will also not be permitted to stay indoors or to have prolonged contact with most other people. Her mere presence ages and rots the stuff around her.​

Theme: Link
Rp'er Name: SilverFeathers
Post Frequency: Every few days/when it's my turn
Discord Name: Feathers95#5653
Current RP: ---
  • Long-term
    • Slowly move on with life.
    • Find out what happened to her village and why.
    • Find the one that put her back together.
    • Look for other survivors.
    • Recall lost knowledge/memories.
    • Decide if she wants vengeance, or perhaps if she wants to rebuild what is left.
  • Short-term
    • Stealthily return home to the eastern empire whilst hiding her identity as a Fae See hero
Height: 5 inches
Weight: 5 lbs
Backstory: All Ninelle could remember from her past life was a world of white. White tiled floors, white walls, white curtains and white-clothed people with white masks. Living her life with constant syringing, tubes and laying in bed, it wasn't much of a life at all. Her only solace was the world of fantasy and fairytales, inspired by the many books her family would send her. In the end, her life ended quite simply and inevitably in that world, though in a way she couldn't have expected. In the dead of night, a foreign figure unplugged the machine that kept her alive. Someone that she faintly felt looked a bit like herself. Her most vivid memory of that time were the figure's tears as everything else faded away.
Current Life: Ninelle was reborn into a warm bustling village of fairies, situated in a hidden mystical grove filled with colourful mushroom houses and glowing flowers. It was like its own little magical paradise, with everyone so friendly and willing to help each other out like one big family. Born into a line of nature fairies, Ninelle grew up helping crops and flowers bloom all around town. One sudden day, something happened. Something she didn't quite understand till this day. Whilst flying around town, the world suddenly turned white and everything faded away. The feeling was too familiar. She had died, or at least, she felt she should have. But then she somehow awoke, and her home village had become nothing but a large crater in the ground. Her body had also changed, large parts of her were replaced by gears and metal, and one of her wings was replaced by a contraption made of strange leathery fabric. It seemed, though her memory was fragmented and disorderly, someone had saved her, and she had no idea who or why.
Equipped Titles: [Fae] [Construct] [Abomination] [Fairy] [Mundane Abomination] [Nature Fairy] [Tiny] [Caster] [Transformer] [Hero of the Fae See] [Death's Touch] [Mana Inserter] [Hero of Lodeli] [Plaguebearing Heart Slayer] [Verdant Revenant] [Supporter] [In The Cards]
Unequipped Titles
: None
Key Titles
Fae] [Construct] [Abomination] - Racial Trees
[Fairy] - Race
[Mundane Abomination] - Racial Evolution Tier
[Nature Fairy] - Educated Title
[Tiny] - Size Title

(x) [Verdant Revenant] (Mandatory)
Ninelle has returned as a Verdant Revenant, an undead infused with the essence of twisted nature. Her body is entwined with vines, moss, and decaying plant life, giving her the appearance of both decay and renewal. She draws power from the natural world, though it manifests in a darker, more corrupted form. Her abilities should narrate as centering on manipulating the cycle of life and death in nature, using the decay around her to heal, defend, and attack. Her machine parts, what remains of them, persist, stickied together by various plant sourced aids.
  • While [Verdant Revenant] title persists - Ninelle's equipment will always be 1 or more grades weaker in effectiveness at narrator discretion. She will also not be permitted to stay indoors or to have prolonged contact with most other people. Her mere presence ages and rots the stuff around her.

Class Perks
Caster - Magic Circle
When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armour.

Transformer - Transformation Sequence
When you use [Transformation] or an ability containing [Transformation] as a component while the Magic Circle perk from Caster is active, the grade of the transformation is raised by one letter grade. [Transformation] cannot be raised to a grade in which a Tribulation is required unless Tribulation already achieved for relevant stats.

Other Titles
(x) [Hero of the Fae See] (Optional)
Character has been raised to the status of Hero for the Fae people. Their purpose is to fight for and defend the fae against all enemies. Hero's are rare existences in the world. They will naturally be drawn to their charge's enemies and likewise the enemies of the Fae will be drawn to the Heroes. The collective might of the heroes will always be sufficient in eventually quelling any opposition even if only one remains. Heroes are naturally acknowledged and adored by the people in their charge. They have freedom to come and go in the nation of their people. Their nation takes care of them and in turn, the heroes are expected to protect their nation. Heroes can never be made to go against the thing they are hero over. they have the uncanny ability to create a way to the perfect ending that would have been impossible for anyone else. As much as fate twists in the favor of Heroes, should they fall, those they protect will be without recourse and be made to face all manner of hardship including the possibility of annihilation.

(x) [Death's Touch] (Optional)
Character has danced close with death multiple times and this effect has rubbed off on them. They have a strange quality about them which makes them seem neither alive nor dead, with the living finding their presence eerie/unnerving and the undead being slightly less likely to attack them.

(x) [Mana Inserter] (Optional)
Character has developed a basic know how on mana injection. Less likely to kill people or make their eyeballs pop out from the effort.

(x) [Hero of Lodeli] (Optional)
Character's efforts on behalf of Lodeli Wood are recognized. Residents are now more likely to be hospitable and accommodating to character while in Lodeli Wood area.

(x) [Plaguebearing Heart Slayer] (Optional)
This character has slain a plague bearing heart, and has a greater understanding of their anatomy and how to deal with them or similar creatures in the future. In particular, this character has slain a heart with heavy space distortion properties and a deep connection to a distant, frigid plane.

(x) [Supporter] (Optional)
Character has been able to support others through their struggles and/or aided them in achieving their goals.

(x) [In The Cards] (Optional)
Character has experienced a rather intense and involved card game.
Points at Start: 105 (+28)
Points Earned: 546
Points Spent: 563 (+28)
Points Not Spent: 11
  • Character Grade - B
  • Standing Grade - A
  • Power Grade - C
  • Strength - F A fairy with almost human-like strength.
  • Precision - A A fairy's fine-tuned precision.
  • Intelligence - A A mage's masterful wisdom.
  • Vitality - A A fairy hardened from death upon death.
  • Speed - A A fairy mechanically blessed.
Features (Cosmetic)
  • Eyes
    • Her left pupil is natural, a vibrant teal green in colour. Her right pupil is artificial, made very similar in shape and colour, but the pupil is uniquely cross-shaped if one looks closely.
  • Wings
    • Five natural fairy wings on her left side, dragonfly-wing shaped yet butterfly-like in appearance, and five artificial replacements wings on her right side, two of them partially built from the remnant wing remains of her parents.
  • Mechanical Parts
    • See reference image for anatomy layout. The white metal of her outer layer is sleek, smooth and cold to the touch. If listening closely, one can hear the faint whirring of her internal gears keeping her alive.
Misc Skills
  • Appraisal A The eyes of a person from another realm.
  • Languages: Common & Sylvan (Fae)
  • Mixed Race F (Fae/Construct) What is she? Even she doesn't know.
  • Flight E (90/30ft) A boon of her resurrection, her right back muscles no longer twist and churn as she flutters her wings.
  • Postcognition E (Grade D effectiveness (1 day) -> See Limiter)
    • Limiter: Charges (Rank 1, 4 uses, unable to use with durations)
  • Pocket Dimension F (1ft radius)
Defensive Skills
  • Regeneration F (6 post cd) Metal wires sew themselves back into her regenerating flesh in mere moments... how frightening.
  • Barrier F (duration: 1 post, 1 target, 4 HP)
  • Healing F (Grade D effectiveness -> See Limiters) The tears of a fairy have long been fabled to have strange and magical properties. Though this boon was only realized in Ninelle after her resurrection.
    • Limiter: Charges (Rank 1, 4 uses, unable to use with durations)
    • Limiter: Imbue (Rank 1, up to 3 targets per rp, unable to use on self)
  • Resilience F [Blind] Blinding lights have engulfed her and her life too many times. Even if she dies again next time, she will see it to the end.
    Resistance F [Slashing] Being pierced by an arrow or having her gears disrupted by blunt trauma are more her weaknesses.
Secondary Skills
  • Artisan C [Artificer]
  • Educated E [Nature Fairy]
    • Agriculture E Soil quality, water intake, sunlight, temperature and nutrients. She used to be able to recall these things for so many plants off the top of her head...
    • Nature E It was raining on a night with a full moon... there was something special that would bloom at this time, what was it?
    • Animal Handling E The beetles and glowbugs were her friends, but, she could vaguely recall bigger, fluffier creatures too...
Magic Skills
  • Magic C (5ft) The days she spent studying and practicing have returned to her. She remembers now. How she was a guardian for her little village.
  • Energized C
  • Focus D (can use +3 magic items)
  • Augmenters
    • Magic Range E (30/100ft)
    • Magic Area of Effect F (15ft radius)
    • Magic Targets F (5 targets to hit/spare)
    • Selective Magic F
    • Spell Duration E (1 hour/1 day) She once put on a bedtime play for the children, having leaves dance and flowers sing lullabies until they fell asleep.
  • Affinities
    • Nature Affinity F A type of magic that comes most naturally to her, though she faintly feels as if she used to be able to use it more fluidly in the past.
    • Metal Affinity F Machinery, constructs, tools and even the raw minerals beneath the earth... they call to her.
    • Incapacitating Affinity E
    • Flexible Affinity F To trip and disarm... if she can, she would avoid violence. But she is also no longer as merciful as she once was.
    • Tangle Affinity F (1 post) To bind and catch... she vaguely remembers something, a time when she used her magic to save a friend's life.
Alternate Form
  • Alternate Identity C Finally, she can go home.
    • Titles: [Human] [Mage] [Caster]
    • Name: Xue
    • Desc: A simple human female, 5'2 in height, with long black hair and dark eyes. But this alternate form & identity of hers is wistfully familiar and meaningful to Ninelle.
    • full
    • Laid down on an ornate table in the middle of a forest clearing, a tiny cyborg fairy breathed in and concentrated. Warm mana flooded her senses, flowing through the wound vines encircling the table. With closed eyes, she listened quietly to the deacon's guiding voice.

      "Now, imagine and craft the form you desire most."

      The form she desired most huh. Her thoughts drifted at the order, bringing back memories of a distant time, when all she could do was watch from her window. The children playing, couples walking by hand in hand, friends going shopping together... she was once so envious of them all. It had been so long, and she grew indifferent to it with time, but deep down, all she had ever really wanted was to be healthy. Just like them. Carefree, and able to go anywhere.

      So, she could only smile ironically when she woke from her trance, finding herself conscious in a very familiar, yet painless, human form.
  • Transformation E (56 + 42 (from refunding Flight E) = 98)
    • Strength H -> F
    • Magic Area of Effect F -> E (15/50ft radius)
    • Magic Targets F -> E (5/10 targets to hit/spare)
    • Incapacitating Affinity E -> D
    • Indirect Affinity F (bypasses cover)
    • Teleport F (10ft)
    • Polymorph F (F grade animals)
    • If using Transformer Class Perk (Transformation E -> D):
      • Indirect Affinity F -> E
      • Teleport F -> E (10/100ft)
Abilities: Most can be used at lower/higher grades, for Energize/Focus, cooldowns, different augmenters/affinities, or otherwise.
  • Xue C
    • Alternate Identity C, Transformation E/D, Magic D, Spell Duration E, Energized C
    • Transform and take on her alternate human form and alias, Xue for up to 1 day.
  • (Xue only) Fade D
    • Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic AoE E, Teleport F/E, Energized D, Focus D
    • Fade everyone up to 100ft away in a 50ft radius, teleporting them up to 10/100ft away.
  • (Xue only) Morph D
    • Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Spell Duration E, Polymorph F, Energized D, Focus D
    • Transform up to 10 targets as far as 100ft in range, into F grade mundane animal forms for up to 1 day.
    • (Xue only) Disarm & Retrieve D
      • The above ability but add Teleport F/E, to retrieve/teleport away the transformed.
  • Nature's Eye C
    • Appraisal D, Nature E, Agriculture E, Animal Handling E, Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F
    • Use her eyes from another realm, and her learned knowledge on nature's flora and fauna, to appraise up to 5 targets within 100ft.
  • Memoirs of Another D
    • Postcognition E (D -> See Limiter), Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Energized D
    • Gaze 1 day into the past using up to 5 mediums within a 100ft range (4 uses).
Combat Utility
  • Fairy Tears D
    • Healing F (D -> See Limiters), Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Energized D
    • Cry magic-infused tears to heal those she can within 100ft (4 uses, 3 targets per rp).
  • Sleeping Dust C
    • Incapacitating Affinity E, Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic AoE F, Magic Targets F
    • Cast and spread a glittering fairy powder from her wings, that puts those in its area of effect (up to 15ft area, 100ft away) into a sudden, restful slumber, whilst potentially sparing 5 specific targets from its effects.
      • (Xue Only) Can increase Incapacitating to D, and Magic AoE/Targets to E, and use Indirect Affinity F/E.
    • Cage of Slumber C
      • The above ability but add Barrier and Selective, to trap or protect those within.
  • Cage of Thorns/Steel Prison C
    • Barrier F, Nature/Metal Affinity F, Magic C, Magic AoE F, Selective Magic F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Spell Duration F
    • Craft a tightly wound cage of thorned vines or spiked metal walls, protecting/trapping those within. (up to 15ft area, 100ft away, 1 hour, 4 HP)
  • Flower Bed C
    • Nature Affinity F, Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic AoE F
    • Create large soft flowers as large as 15ft to cushion a fall/blow or act as platforms within 100ft
  • Flutterby E
    • Flight E, Energized E
    • Dance and weave through the air, using aerial techniques to aid her in avoiding or minimizing injury.
(Xue Only) Can add Indirect Affinity F/E or upgrade Incapacitating/AoE/Targets for all.
  • Petal/Shredder Storm C
    • Flexible Affinity F, Nature/Metal Affinity F, Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F
    • Send a zigzagging storm of razor-sharp petals or metal shredders at up to 5 specified targets (up to 100ft away)
  • Merciless Flail C
    • Tangle Affinity F, Flexible Affinity F, Nature/Metal Affinity F, Magic C, Magic Range E, Magic AoE F/Magic Targets F, Spell Duration F
    • Summon vines or metal tendrils that brutally thrash about in an area, or on specified targets, whilst additionally entangling/disarming/tripping up their victims. (up to 15ft area, 100ft away, 1 hour)
  • Vine Coil C
    • Incapacitating Affinity E, Tangle Affinity F, Nature/Metal Affinity F, Magic C, Magic Range E
    • Sprouts a single large plant/metal vine from a surface(e.g. floor/wall) within 100ft to entangle, crush and restrict a target as much as possible.
  • Plant/Metal Manipulation C
    • Nature/Metal Affinity F, Magic D, Spell Duration F, Magic Range E
    • Control a single plant or metal structure within 100ft for 1 hour, growing it, moving it out of the way, or using it for combat.
  • (x) Faerie's Ire Bracer (Magic Catalyst C)
    • A silver bracer with a green jewel stamped in the center. The jewel gleams with the power of a mediocre soul-trapped faerie, desperate to unleash it's anger on the world in any form of magic that it's wielder demands.
  • Fae Wand (Magic Catalyst C)
    • The last memento she has of her grandmother, found where her favourite magic shop once stood. It is a tiny dark-brown twig coiled on its end, with oddly shaped charring and burn marks. The emerald gemstone that acts as its core is nothing but dust and fragments now, though still held securely inside the wand miraculously.
  • Fairy-sized backpack
    • A birthday gift, crafted by a dear friend and talented leatherworker. Dyed pale green, it has many pockets with faint floral motifs.
  • Fairy-sized leaf bedroll
    • Rather than a bedroll, this is basically just two big leaves trimmed and sewn together, with cotton fluff sandwiched between them. Feels like sleeping on clouds.
  • Fairy-sized waterskin
    • A simple waterskin with a long adjustable strap that can be tied around her waist/torso or carried like a bag. Though a size suitable for a fairy, the waterskins from her village tended to be bigger than most and carry more water.
  • Fairy-sized hanfu, robes and clothing (that cover the mechanical aspects of her body, apart from her wing)
    • Main current attire is pale and primarily white hanfu that show she is still in mourning. Her clothes originate from the ruins of a clothing store in her village. Located in the Yang Province of the Eastern Empire, her wardrobe mostly comprises of chinese-inspired clothing like hanfu, qipao and robes, or roman-greco inspired clothing like tunics, togas and stola.
  • Fairy-sized wooden mask (that completely hides her face)
    • A pale mask adorned with nature-related motifs. Her masks originate from the ruins of a mask shop in her village, with most of their designs inspired by distant lands.
  • (x) Fae Gown of Light (Light Armor B) - An armor of light stitched into a dress made for a Hero of the Fae. Out of combat, the dress will repair itself if ever damaged. Character will no longer fight in darkness so long as they are wearing this gown.
  • (x) Nova Pin - An enamel pin that when pinned to the character causes all the clockworks of their body to go into overdrive with a magical fury. While the pin is equipped, the character and allies within reach (as little as her arm span and as far as a yard/meter of her) of them are surrounded by a self produced field of concentrated mana that prevents allies and/or themselves from accidentally affecting each other with their own spells and abilities.
  • (x) Artificial Perfection - The resurrection was complete. Her inorganic parts have become perfect replacements, ones with perfect weight distribution, no rejection, and without the need for regular maintenance or special repair. Narrative effectiveness bonus granted against difficulties imposed by a artificial body.
Change Log:
  • Total: 105 (+28)
    +14 for strength H
    +14 for vitality H
    -28 for speed B
    -28 for precision B
    -14 for intelligence D
    Overall: 8.4 -> 7 = Grade E Character Grade
    0 Appraisal E
    -7 Feature Skill: Mixed Race (Construct)
    -21 Flight F (3 miles per hour)
    -14 for magic E (D GRADE INT REQ)
    -7 for nature affinity F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    -14 for magic catalyst E (D GRADE INT REQ)
    Starting Gear
    Fairy-sized backpack
    Fairy-sized leaf bedroll
    Fairy-sized fruit and nut rations
    Fairy-sized waterskin
    Fairy-sized robes and clothing (that cover the mechanical aspects of her body, apart from her wing)
    Fairy-sized wooden mask (that hides her face)
  • 09/08/22: +7 for Isekai Hell's Summer Writing Comp (August 2022)
  • 18/08/22: +31 for [Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival!
    • -7 for Agriculture F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Nature F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Tangle Affinity F (F GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • -7 for Spell Duration F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • -7 for Magic Range F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • Abilities also updated accordingly.
  • 03/10/22: +31 for [Isekai Hell] The Forbidden City
  • 30/10/22: +28 (Postcognition E) for [Isekai Hell][World] - Lay Low Longing
    • Acquired: [Hero of the Fae See] (Title), Artificial Perfection (Asset), Fae Gown of Light (Item), Postcognition E (Skill)
    • Mandatory Point Spending (28 for Postcognition E) | Unspent Points (34)
  • 09/11/22: +60 for [Isekai Hell] Runaway Slaves [Part 1]
  • 22/02/23: +105 for [Isekai Hell] Runaway Slaves [Part 2]
    • Acquired: [Death's Touch] (Title)
  • 07/03/23: Spent 14 points for [D Rank Catalyst] (Marketplace Transaction)
  • 07/03/23: Scooping Nature F & Agriculture F for Educated F [Nature Fairy] (-7 to Points Spent)
    • Stats
    • -7 for intelligence D -> C
    • -21 for vitality H -> E
    • Magic
    • -7 Magic E -> D (C GRADE INT REQ)
    • -21 Energized D (C GRADE INT REQ)
    • -14 Focus E (D GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • Augmenters
      • -7 Magic Range F -> E (D GRADE MAGIC REQ)
      • -7 Magic Area of Effect F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
      • -7 Magic Targets F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • Affinities
      • -7 Metal Affinity F (E GRADE INT REQ)
      • -28 Incapacitating Affinity E (D GRADE INT REQ)
      • -7 Flexible Affinity F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • Other
    • -21 Flight F -> E (B GRADE PREC REQ)
    • -7 Regeneration F (E GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • -14 Barrier F (E GRADE VIT REQ) (duration: 1 post, 1 target, 4 HP)
    • -7 Educated F -> E [Nature Fairy] (D GRADE CHAR REQ)
      • Agriculture E (INT)
      • Nature E (INT)
      • Animal Handling E (INT)
    • Add Limiter: Charges (Rank 1) to Postcognition E
    • -7 Healing F (E GRADE INT REQ) (Grade D effectiveness -> See Limiters)
      • Limiter: Charges (Rank 1, 4 uses, unable to use with durations)
      • Limiter: Imbue (Rank 1, up to 3 targets per rp, unable to use on self)
    • Abilities also updated accordingly.
  • 29/05/23: +3 for [Isekai Hell] A Headstrong Child
  • 23/07/23: +24 for [Isekai Hell] A Saviour & Student
    • Acquired: [Mana Inserter] (Title)
  • 28/07/23: +18 for [Isekai Hell] Starbourne Festival [Light/May Event]
    • [Born For These] - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements per racial tree you are apart of.
      • Mundane (Fae) Reqs: Fae title, 1 magic skill, 1 secondary skill -> Discount used on Magic skill
      • Mundane (Construct) Reqs: Construct title, 1 defensive skill, 2 secondary skills -> Discount used on Regeneration skill
  • 01/09/23: +7 for Isekai Hell August 2023 “Alternative Life” writing event (Submission)
  • 08/12/23: +105 for [Isekai Hell] The Plaguebearer of Lodeli
    • Acquired: [Hero of Lodeli] (Title)
    • Acquired: [Plaguebearing Heart Slayer] (Title)
    • Stats
    • -7 for precision B -> A
    • -7 for intelligence C -> B
    • -21 for vitality E -> B
    • Magic
    • -7 Spell Duration F -> E (D GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • -7 Energized D -> C (B GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 Focus E -> D (C GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • Other
    • -28 Artisan C [Artificer] (B GRADE PREC REQ)
    • -28 Alternate Identity C (B GRADE VIT REQ)
    • -56 Transformation E (D GRADE VIT REQ) (56 + 42 (from refunding Flight E) = 98 points to spend on transformation)
      • -14 Strength H -> F
      • -7 Magic Area of Effect F -> E (50/15ft radius)
      • -7 Magic Targets F -> E (10/5 targets to hit/spare)
      • -14 Incapacitating Affinity E -> D (C GRADE INT REQ)
      • -7 Indirect Affinity F (bypasses cover) (E GRADE INT REQ)
      • -21 Teleport F (10ft) (E GRADE INT REQ)
      • -28 Polymorph F (F grade animals) (D GRADE CHAR, E GRADE INT REQS)
      • If using Transformer Class Perk (Transformation E -> D):
        • -7 Indirect Affinity F -> E (D INT)
        • -21 Teleport F -> E (10/100ft) (D INT)
  • 02/02/24: +9 for [Isekai Hell] Bishop's Back in Town
  • 13/06/24: +16 for [Isekai Hell] Operation: Fort Bury
  • 20/07/24: Nova Birthday Event 2024
    • Acquired: Nova Pin (Item)
    • -7 Magic C (B GRADE INT REQ)
      -7 Resilience F [Blind] (E GRADE VIT REQ) Blinding lights have engulfed her and her life too many times. Even if she dies again next time, she will see it to the end.
      -7 Resistance F [Slashing] (E GRADE VIT REQ) Being pierced by an arrow or having her gears disrupted by blunt trauma are more her weaknesses.
      -7 Selective Magic F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
  • 04/10/24: +0 for [2024 Worlds,Combat,High Tier] Quit Buggn Me
    • Acquired: [Verdant Revenant] (Title)
  • 11/10/24: +42 for [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!
    • Acquired: [Supporter] (Title)
  • 26/11/24: +59 for [Grand Duchy] Summoned by this Goth Boy and his Fairy Not-Girlfriend, now we're on vacation?!
    • Acquired: [In The Cards] (Title)
    • -0 Appraisal D -> A (A Standing)
    • -42 Focus D (Updating price cost from 21 -> 63) (C INT)
    • -35 5 stat upgrades to increase Character Grade to B for new Energized C requirements
      • Strength - H -> F
      • Precision - A
      • Intelligence - B -> A
      • Vitality - B -> A
      • Speed - B -> A
  • 14/01/25: +1 for Marketplace Transaction
  • 08/02/25: Spent 3 points for [Fae Gown of Light] E -> B (Marketplace Transaction)
    • -14 Pocket Dimension F (E INT)
Last edited:
Leiana Offer
Rp'er Name: NeramoDJI
Post Frequency:
As frequent as I can
Discord Name: Neramo#7557
Current RP: N/A
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Fae, Genie
Height: 7 ft
Weight: 200 Lbs
Backstory: Money money money money (Native)
Current Life: Born in Ryke to a Genie mother and pervy human merchant (whose wish with this genie should be obvious), she was raised in a wealthy household and taught the art of business by her father, and the arts of magic by her mother. With the generosity of her mothers profession and the greed of her fathers, she began her own thought process of “I have what will make people happy, so why shouldn’t I charge a little to get my own money from it?” Which led to her business plan of a shop that anyone in the world can come to freely and purchase as they like. And with this goal in mind, she set off on an adventure to gain the skills needed to make her miracle shop.
Acquired Titles: Abomination, Human, Fae, Genie (Need: Change State F, Pocket Dimension E, and a Magic Lamp. You must be able to go inside your lamp to be a genie.)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 44
Points Spent: 147
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Artisan: Blacksmith F
  • Artisan: Bowyer F
  • Artisan: Artificer F
  • Artisan: Tinkerer F
  • Artisan: Enchanter F
  • Alchemy F
  • Feature: Extra Limbs E
  • Magic F
  • Feature: Horns
  • Feature: Damn those Thighs
  • Change State F
  • Pocket Dimension E
  • Would this interest you? - Change State F, Pocket Dimension E, Artisan F - Leiana reaches into her lamp, liquifying herself to reach inside the lamp to pull out any item that she can make, displaying it to offer it to those who may be interested. - E grade, Cooldown 1 turn
  • Itty Bitty Living Space - Change State F, Pocket Dimension E - Leiana crawls into her lamp, liquifying her body to fit, popping out whenever someone rubs the lamp with schlorping noises. - E grade Ability, Cooldown 1 post
  • Genie Lamp F (Catalyst)
  • Bikini Armor F (Heavy Armor)
  • Rapier F
  • Flintlock F
  • Shortsword F
  • Chakram F
  • Parrying Knife F
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Lots of rope
  • Torches
  • Rations
  • Alchemy Kit
  • Craftsmen's Kits
  • Little Cottage
Change Log:
Last edited:
Scooped into Ricti (Link)
(Will still write up and add Achu's Story of Adventures here at some point though!)

(#6593FF) | Link to Old CS

Theme: Link
Rp'er Name: SilverFeathers
Post Frequency: Every few days/when it's my turn
Discord Name: Feathers95#5653
Current RP: ---
  • Find a driving passion.
  • Remember his past self.
  • Bond with his new Wild Hunt family and help them grow and be stable and stuff.
Equipped Titles: [Slime] [Monster] [Small] [Mascot]
2 ft
Weight: 25 lbs
Backstory: Achu was born in a huge chaotic and morally questionable family, with his father being a corrupt businessman and his mother a drug dealer. Achu was born the youngest of their 6 children, and at different parts of his life, he found each of his sisters and brothers inspiring and strived to become like them, dipping his toes in various skills and industries, learning how to paint, architect and doctor. Though he was never particularly good at any of them, or stuck with them till the end, he enjoyed giving them all a good try and strived to find his own passion one day. Unfortunately, just as he was growing tired of his current venture into athletics and hurdling, he was hit by truck-kun and transported here. His greatest regret is that although he explored each of his other sibling's careers, he never got to properly explore his eldest sister's, who was a talented musician that could play both the piano and the flute.
Current Life: Achu's first memory in this new world, is that he awoke abruptly in a large grassland field in his current blobby body. Though of course shocked and aghast at what he had become, he adjusted much sooner than he would've thought, and before long was just speedily sliding around, consuming whatever leftover carcasses or fallen fruits he could find. Although the memories of his past life are relatively clear, the one thing he can't remember no matter how hard he tries is himself. His appearance, voice, or even his name. In the end, he decided to rename himself after the first noise he made after arriving here, which was probably a sneeze.
Story glosses over events, adds/fills in some extra detail, while prioritizing Achu's personal character development & telling a linear story.

Arc Title
Chapter Title (Location)
Acquired Titles: [Slime] [Monster] [Small] [Mascot]
[Mascot] (Optional) - Character is squishy, portable, and likeable. Has successfully endeared itself to multiple strangers and accompanies them on journeys. Is more easily recognized by others. Has a charming way about them that will make others reluctant to kill them immediately. Will find it more challenging to be treated and relied upon as an equal.
Points at Start: 105 (+14)
Points Earned: 119
Points Spent: 182 (+14)
Points Not Spent: 42
  • Strength - D
  • Precision - D
  • Intelligence - D
  • Vitality - B
  • Speed - D
  • Overall - D
  • Appraisal E
  • Languages: Common & Monster
  • Educated F [Criminal's Kid]
    • Deception F "If you're caught, just lie. Look scared and say you didn't know any better. You're still young, so they will forgive you. Easy, no?"
    • Disguise F "These masks are made from silicone. Nifty, aren't they? You could pretend to be anyone you want with them."
    • Perception F "Look for a man wearing sunglasses and reading the newspaper. Call him 'uncle' and he will give you a box of candy. Return that box to me."
  • Regeneration F
  • Elasticity C (Can stretch entire body 2x original size/squeeze their entire body half their original size)
  • Special Movement: Slither
  • Fast F (12mph/60ft)
  • Magic E
  • Ability (Grade ? / ? Post CD)
    • Skills
    • Description
    • Notes
  • Slime Core (Internal Magic Catalyst F)
    • A tiny dark blue core with webbed cracks of black and red that drifts through his internal slime.
  • ---
  • [Thankfully Convenient Turkey] Asset
    • A thankfully conveniently placed turkey that is able to restore your energy and stave off your hunger for just a bit longer. Up to Narrator Discretion/Interpretation. This was given as a reward to the Top 5 Prize Winners for the Turkey Mayhem Phase 1 Competition for November 2022.
  • [Tidbit's Turkey Head] Asset
    • Upon consumption, for one turn, be able to channel the great power of the Great Turkey, Tidbit from the Turkey Mayhem 2022 Event once.
    • Upon use, choose one of two abilities:
      • Foresight - Check for nearby movement and danger in a 1 mile radius, additionally glimpsing a few seconds into the future.
      • Hide - Fade from view without a sound, additionally bending fate in their favor to escape notice.
Change Log:
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(#ACA9A7) | Link to Old CS | Link to RP Story
Theme: Link
Rp'er Name: SilverFeathers
Post Frequency: Every few days/when it's my turn
Discord Name: Feathers95#5653
Current RP: [Yasaki City - The Republic] Beneath the Festival's Light
  • Reunite with her nephew in the Ryozo clan.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110 lbs
Backstory: World Native
Current Life: Oden was once a rambunctious and aspirational little owlet, born to the Aritomo clan of white owls. She worked hard in all aspects, from archery training to endless studying, but what greeted her in the end was nothing but a clan on the brink of self-destruction by the time she was an adult. The Aritomo patriarch was a powerful man, but a fool, whereas his wife was cunning and wise, but weak-hearted. As their relationship soured, the clan was split in two, and despite the tireless efforts of many including Oden, the entire clan self-destructed in the end.

As the Aritomo clan split apart, and scattered like flies across the republic of Kuridan, Oden suddenly became a wanderer, her efforts for the last 55 years of her life crumbling to dust. Resigned to living the rest of her older years peacefully and aimlessly, her only goal is to reunite with her nephew in the Ryozo clan of owls, a clan distantly related to her previous one. The Ryozo clan is stable and strong despite being mostly known as assistants to the Koyake Clan, one of the founding families of the Nara no Nox Shogunate, hence Oden is somewhat curious about what her life there would be like, if she can prove her worth as an elder.
Aritomo (White Owl)
Ari = 有 = "existence, possession, having."
Tomo = 朝 = "morning, dawn."
Ryozo (Owl)
Ryo = 了 = "completion, conclusion, end."
Zo = 三 = "three, third, threefold."

[Isekai Hell] Resolutions Writing Event - A wistful interrogation
The White Elephant of Hyroth [Christmas Event 2024] - Year self-reflection & appreciating Squink
[January 2025] Future's Writing Event - Family...?

Letters Received:
Letters Sent:
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Owlfolk] [Mundane Beast] [Scholarly Elder] [Winged Warrior] [Saviour Of Shiku No Mura] [Ryozo Clan Associate F] [Ryke Merchant F] [Scholarly Elder]
Unequipped Titles
: None
[Beast] - Racial Tree
[Owlfolk] - Race
[Mundane Beast] - Racial Evolution Tier
[Scholarly Elder] - Educated Title

(x) [Winged Warrior] (Optional)
Character can fight and fly with wings.

(x) [Saviour Of Shiku No Mura] (Optional)
Character has participated in the slaying of the Ukime no Orochi which threatened the safety of Shiku No Mura. Character will be treated with hospitality within the village and its residents will act more kindly toward them.

(x) [Ryozo Clan Associate F] (Optional)
Oden is associated with someone who is tied to the Ryozo Clan, and is recognised as someone who could potentially become part of it. It also allows Oden to be more privy to the location of the clan and any situations stemming from it.

(x) [Ryke Merchant F] (Optional)
If character is unaffiliated with Ryke merchants, they can now have an F grade affiliation. If they are already affiliated, they may upgrade their standing by 1 grade. The sunworshippers proved a lucrative opportunity.

(x) [Helper of Natori] (Optional)
Character has aided Natori village during dire straits, and the village folk will not forget such kindness. When travelling through or to the riverside village, the character will be welcomed warmly with memories of gratitude.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 374
Points Spent: 476
Points Not Spent: 3
  • Character Grade - C
  • Standing Grade - C
  • Power Grade - C
  • Strength - C
  • Precision - B
  • Intelligence - C
  • Vitality - B
  • Speed - E
  • Cosmetic:
    • Feature: Feathers
    • Feature: Owl Ears
    • Feature: Owl Eyes
    • Feature: Owl Beak
    • Feature: Wings
  • Utility:
    • Feature [Darkvision] Can see normally in the dark
    • Feature [Talons] Can strike back unarmed
    • Feature [270° Head Rotation] Can rotate head 270° in either direction
  • Misc Skills:
    • Area Knowledge D [Aritomo Clan]
    • Languages: Common, Beastial & Terran
    • Energized D
    • Flight E (90ft/30ft)
    • Superstrength F
    • Heightened Sense E [Hearing] [Sight]
    • Resistance F [Cold] The mountains were cold, the monsters and magic that hailed from them even more so.
    • Resistance F [Piercing] Archery warfare was her homeground. Her flesh has hardened to the many arrows she once sustained.
    • Artisan [Bowyer] C To now be able to create her own bows that can withstand her full strength, is a great achievement.
  • Martial Skills:
    • Steady Hands C
    • [Specialized] Fighting Style [Kyudo of the White Dawn] [Bow] C
      • Range Technique Core C
        • Range - gives weapon attacks longer range. 10ft at rank F. 30ft at rank E. 100ft at grade D. 1,000ft at grade C. See magic skills to enhance range further. Required technique to apply fighting style effects at ranges beyond 5ft.
      • Accurate Technique Core C
        • Accurate - the technique makes it so the target's speed is treated as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade. Amount reduces increases by 1 grade each time technique is upgraded.
      • Indirect Technique Core C
        • Indirect - Must be assigned after a Ranged technique is acquired. hit targets beyond cover and other obstacles through unique attacks that can come from other directions. ex: conjuring a lightning bolt, arcing an arrow or bolt over head, ice barrage from the side. Must be same grade as the range tech core to provide full cover bypass at all ranges.
  • Secondary Skills:
    • Educated D [Scholarly Elder]
      • Culture D "Those clans seem to be on neutral terms on the surface, but their livelihoods are thoroughly intertwined. Strike one, and you make an enemy of them all."
      • History D "The war of the races was much more than just the birth of Ryke. Even now, the remnants of that time period cover the land."
      • Persuasion D "I taught those children everything I knew. Though scattered across Kuridan now, I hope they will remember this old one's words."
    • Insight D Twitching ears, faltering tails, sudden stuttering, with time and experience, these little things speak more than words ever could.
    • Interrogation E Drawing information from others is an incredibly valuable skill to have, even if all the experiences she associates with it are less than pleasant.
    • Academia E "I have taught many. Structuring classes, catering learning to students and researching new studies took many of my later years of life."
    • Etiquette F A graceful bow. Practiced tea ceremony. Pleasantries, greeting gifts and appropriate showcases of gratitude. Like it or not, blending in to such a world had long became second nature.
  • Flitting Ascent E
    • Flight E, Energized E (+Superstrength F)
    • Oden instinctually propels herself into the sky to escape incoming danger or manoeuvre herself for an uplifted strike. (Can carry someone/something heavy)
  • Recall D
    • Area Knowledge D [Aritomo Clan], Culture D, History D, Academia E, Etiquette F, Energized D
    • Oden recalls what she knows of her hometown and its surrounding area.
  • Reminisce D
    • Culture D, History D, Academia E, Etiquette F, Energized D
    • Oden wields her decades of knowledge to her advantage, recalling any relevant cultural norms/shifts, old tales, and historic feats that could aid in her situation.
  • Cross-examine D
    • Persuasion D, Insight D, Interrogation E, Energized D
    • Oden carefully persuades a target to give her the information she seeks, whilst deciphering any lies and examining the validity of the information gained.
  • Owlish E
    • Heightened Sense E [Hearing] [Sight], Energized E
    • Oden slowly focuses in on her animalistic senses, bringing both her hearing and sight to new heights temporarily.
  • Silence C
    • Steady Hands C, Fighting Style [Kyudo of the White Dawn] [Bow] C, Range C (1,000ft), Indirect C (Bypasses cover), Accurate C (Target Spd - 4)
    • Oden familiarly wields her bow, sending forth an arrow near undodgable, able to streak across vast distances and around cover inescapably towards its target.
  • Merciless Claw D
    • Steady Hands D, Superstrength F, Energized D
    • Oden savagely lunges forth with her claws, aiming for a brutal wound or certain death.
  • Steeled Sky (Yumi C) (Effective up to 100ft (without ability usage))
    • A traditional asymmetrical bow once commonly wielded by the warriors of her fallen clan. This one has been painted an inconspicuous grey, similar to the pigments of Oden's own feathers. Its grip is crudely wrapped with a pale cloth, with the Aritomo clan's kamon printed in its center.
  • Grey Bulwark (Heavy Armour C)
    • A discreet set of multi-layered armour designed to blend in with her natural silvery plumage, fashioned out of resilient grey wood and carved with feather-like details.
  • Talons D
  • Silver Star's Ironwood Comb E
    • User can comb their hair and activate the comb's ability for up to an hour creating a 10ft radius dome of sound warding that prevents sound from passing out of the dome or entering from the outside.
  • Letter of the Heart E
    • Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.
  • Starting Gear
    • Backpack
    • Rations
    • Waterskin
    • Embroidered scale-like shawl
  • ---
Change Log:
  • Total: 105
    -7 for strength E
    -0 for vitality F
    -0 for speed F
    -21 for precision C
    -7 for intelligence E
    Overall: 7 -> 7 = Grade E Character Grade
    -0 Cosmetic stuff is free
    -7 Feature [Darkvision] Can see normally in the dark
    -7 Feature [Talons] Can strike back unarmed
    -7 Feature [270° Head Rotation] Can rotate head 270° in either direction
    -0 Languages: Common & Beast
    -21 Flight F (3 miles per hour) (C GRADE PRE REQ)
    -7 Heightened Sense F [Hearing] (E GRADE INT REQ)
    -7 Steady Hands F (E GRADE PRE REQ)
    -7 Educated F [Scholarly Elder] (E GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • Culture F
    • History F
    • Persuasion F
    • Items
    -7 Yumi F [Steeled Sky] (E GRADE PREC REQ)
    Starting Gear
    Embroidered scale-like shawl
  • 04/05/23: +57 for [Isekai Hell] Underground Journey with Ratkin
    • -7 for Strength - E->D
    • -7 for Precision - C->B
    • -7 for Intelligence - E->D
    • -7 for Vitality - F->E
    • -7 for Speed - F->E
    • -7 Talons F->E (D GRADE STR REQ)
    • -7 Educated F->E [Scholarly Elder] (D GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • -7 Artisan [Bowyer] F (E GRADE PREC REQ)
  • 15/08/23: +71 for [Isekai Hell] ♡ φᾰεινός ♡ Village of Farewells and the Ukime No Orochi
    • Acquired: [Saviour Of Shiku No Mura] (Title), [Ryozo Clan Associate F] (Title), Artisan [Bowyer] F -> D (Skill Upgrade: 14 pts), Intelligence D -> C (Stat Upgrade: 7 pts)
    • Mandatory Point Spending (21 for the above upgrades) | Unspent Points (72)
    • -28 for [Specialized] Fighting Style [Kyudo of the White Dawn] [Bow] C (B GRADE PRE REQ)
      • -21 for Range Technique Core C
      • -21 for Accurate Technique Core C
    • Born For This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
      • Mundane (Beastmen) Reqs: Beast title, choose: (Natural Weapons F or Natural Armor F), 2 sense skills -> Discount used on Heightened Sense F [Hearing] skill
  • 14/11/23: +50 for [Isekai Hell] Golden Path
    • Acquired: [Ryke Merchant F] (Title)
    • -7 Resistance F [Cold] (E GRADE VIT REQ)
    • -14 for Academia E (D GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Etiquette F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Insight F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Heightened Sense F -> E [Hearing] -> +[Sight] (D GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Steady Hands F -> E (D GRADE PRE REQ)
    • -7 for Artisan [Bowyer] D -> C (B GRADE PREC REQ)
  • 04/02/24: Acquired [Interrogation E] from [Isekai Hell] Resolutions Writing Event
    • Points Earned & Points Spent + 14
  • 16/02/24: +1 for [Isekai Hell] Marketplace Trading
  • 28/02/24: +83 for [Isekai Hell] The City of Reunion
    • Acquired: [Helper of Natori] (Title)
  • 27/05/24: +9 for [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could
  • 03/09/24: +10 for [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds
  • 13/10/24: +21 for [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc
  • 20/11/24: +8 for [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] CITC Library Arc: Title Trials
  • 15/11/24: +22 for [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act II
  • 20/12/24: Acquired [Silver Star's Ironwood Comb E] (Item) from The White Elephant of Hyroth [Christmas Event 2024]
    • -0 Area Knowledge D [Aritomo Clan] (C INT & D Standing)
  • 02/02/25: +7 for [January 2025] Future's Writing Event
  • 03/03/25: Acquired [Letter of the Heart E] (Item) from Feb25 Valentines Letters
  • 161 points = 23 upgrades
    • Stats (4 upgrades):
      -7 Strength D -> C
      -21 Vitality E -> B
      Overall: 15 upgrades = Grade C Character Grade

      Skills (19 upgrades)
      Misc (8 upgrades):
      -28 Energized D (C CHAR)
      -21 Flight F -> E (30ft -> 90ft) (B PREC)
      -7 Language F [Terran] (E INT)

      Combat (8 upgrades):
      -7 Superstrength F (E STR)
      -7 Resistance F [Piercing] (E VIT)
      -7 Talons E -> D (C STR)
      -14 Steady Hands E -> C (B PREC)
      -21 Indirect C - Must be assigned after a Ranged technique is acquired. hit targets beyond cover and other obstacles through unique attacks that can come from other directions. ex: conjuring a lightning bolt, arcing an arrow or bolt over head, ice barrage from the side. Must be same grade as the range tech core to provide full cover bypass at all ranges.

      Secondaries (3 upgrades):
      -7 Educated E -> D [Scholarly Elder] (C CHAR)
      • Culture D "Those clans seem to be on neutral terms on the surface, but their livelihoods are thoroughly intertwined. Strike one, and you make an enemy of them all."
      • History D "The war of the races was much more than just the birth of Ryke. Even now, the remnants of that time period cover the land."
      • Persuasion D "I taught those children everything I knew. Though scattered across Kuridan now, I hope they will remember this old one's words."
    • -14 Insight F -> D (INT C)
  • ??/??/25: +? for [See of Fae - Glymergloom][1x1] - Afraid of the Dark
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Gyl Aza Lyrakien (DRAFT)​




Theme: TBD
Rp'er Name: GMImperfecti
Post Frequency: 24-48hrs
Discord Name: GMImperfecti
Current RP: ---
  • Devour Prey
  • Reunite with his auntie Oden.
  • Become the Guardian Beast of a clan.
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Great Owl]
4' (7' wing span)
Weight: 80 lbs
Backstory: Gyl was an owl in his previous life. He was an apex predator that enjoyed quietly watching his prey from afar until he found one that suited his fancy. Then he enjoyed the squeal of his prey beneath his claws and devouring them whole. He lived a long and full life, and even gave out some great advice to those seeking answers. One day his forest was slated for farm land and was burned to the ground along with most wild life inside. Although he tried to flee, he wasn't fast enough. He strongly suspects it was humans that laid the fire as that is something they enjoy doing.
Current Life: Much to Gyl's surprise, he chatted with the Over Owl, The God of Godly Owls, and was reborn with even more power and skills than in his previous life. He was destined to take over as the Guardian Beast of the Aritomo clan of white owls. He worked hard to training his natural gifts. He was fortunate to have spent some time with a lovely Owlkin in his youth who helped develop his intellect until Gyl flew off one day. But the previous Guardian Beast was too weak and old, it died too soon. This contributed to clan's final descent into destruction. The Owlkin were foolish and weak-hearted. The clan splintered into two, which became four and onward until they were scattered.

Gyl later found several humans whom he tamed and raised as his pets. He found that humans made the best pets. They were smart enough with sufficient dexterity and served as great m.

Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Owlfolk]
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (21)
  • Strength - D (14)
  • Precision - G (+7)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - G (+7)
  • Overall - F
  • Cosmetic: (0pts)
    • Feature: Feathers
    • Feature: Owl Ears
    • Feature: Owl Eyes
    • Feature: Owl Beak
    • Feature: Wings
  • Utility: (14pts)
    • Feature [Darkvision] Can see normally in the dark
    • Heightened Sense [Vision] Can see awesome and far, tiny details like a mouse from far away.
    • Natural Weapon [Talons E] Can strike unarmed
    • Languages: Common & Beast
  • Martial:(35pts)
  • Movement:
    • E Jumping (Req Str D), 30ft vertical, 100ft horizontal (14pts)
  • Misc:
    • Minion F - 5x human pets
    • Asset F - Nobel Bastard
  • Secondary(14)
    • Survival F (Req Int E)
    • Perception F (Req Int E)
  • Ability (Grade ? / ? Post CD)
    • Skills
    • Description
      • Notes
  • Steeled Sky (Yumi F)
    • A traditional asymmetrical bow wielded by the warriors of Kuridan. This one has been painted an inconspicuous grey, similar to the pigments of Oden's own feathers. Its grip is crudely wrapped with a pale cloth, with the Aritomo clan's kamon printed in its center.
  • Talons F
  • Backpack
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Embroidered scale-like shawl
  • ---
Change Log:
  • Total: 105
    -7 for strength E
    -0 for vitality F
    -0 for speed F
    -21 for precision C
    -7 for intelligence E
    Overall: 7 -> 7 = Grade E Character Grade
    -0 Cosmetic stuff is free
    -7 Feature [Darkvision] Can see normally in the dark
    -7 Feature [Talons] Can strike back unarmed
    -7 Feature [270° Head Rotation] Can rotate head 270° in either direction
    -0 Languages: Common & Beast
    -21 Flight F (3 miles per hour) (C GRADE PRE REQ)
    -7 Heightened Sense F [Hearing] (E GRADE INT REQ)
    -7 Steady Hands F (E GRADE PRE REQ)
    -7 Educated F [Scholarly Elder] (E GRADE CHAR REQ)
    • Culture F
    • History F
    • Persuasion F
    • Items

    -7 Yumi F [Steeled Sky] (E GRADE PREC REQ)
    Starting Gear
    Embroidered scale-like shawl
  • ??/??/22: +? for ???
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Rp'er Name: eloise
Post Frequency: Often!
Discord Name: eloise#2551
Current RP:


  • Live a life of comfort and security.
  • Learns what it means to be a good person.
  • Become influential and powerful with Ryke

Equipped Titles: [Human], [Baron of Thorne]
Height: 5'8 in
Weight: 141 lbs

How exactly does someone, especially one of such renown, die so suddenly? There were a number of ways really. Accidents, natural causes, drowning, falling, fire or some other tragedy..

No one could escape death. That itself was undeniable, regardless of the fools that tried to accomplish precisely that. Was immortality really the blessing many thought it was? For while an immortal would not age, could the same be said for their mind? After all, who didn't know that a weary mind was a dangerous one?

Esmeralda Salgado was not a woman who desired perpetuity. For she, who had sunk 24 years into the film industry as an academy award-winning actress, a life with no end in sight couldn't be the farthest thing from what she wanted. So as she sat at another tedious award ceremony and claps erupted as the MC announced her name for the 'Best Supporting Actress' award, she smiled graciously as practiced. Image was important when the cameras began to pan on you, after all.

How did anyone not manage to grow drained after so many times of this? Getting up from her seat, Esmeralda only had one single thought on her mind as she headed toward the sleek-looking stage.

She was going to retire after this.

By film industry standards, her youth which had been one of the pinnacles of her career was fading and her shine just wasn't there anymore. So in the end, wasn't this the best decision for everyone?


The entire room grew deathly silent. Even Esmeralda, halfway across the stage at this point, paused.


The sound grew in power and people screamed.

Her eyes widened, putting the widest of golf balls to shame. The large glistening chandelier that the hosts of this venue held in large esteem was falling. Perhaps it was fortunate that the chandelier wasn't installed overhead where those in attendance were seated. Instead, it was directly above the stage, sparkling merely as it raced to meet with the embrace of the ground.

She was going to die.

Pain was all she knew as herculean height crashed down upon her.

It started with vague feelings of derealization. Ever since he was young, Marcellus Fachnan had always felt that things were not as they should be. Everything felt wrong. Off in ways, they shouldn't be.

The existence of magic shouldn't have surprised him as much as it did nor should knowing that most people traveled by coach disgruntle him.

Then in came the memories.

Memories that were not his own but were. Of a life once lived as a woman named Esmeralda Salgado. He, ever quite the precocious person, knew better than to just simply dismiss these memories as something nonsensical. It would seem that he she(?) had experienced the phenomenon known as reincarnation.

A true shame it would be not to benefit from them then, right?

Acquired Titles: [Human], [Baron of Thorne]

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 42
Points Spent: 120
Points Not Spent: 27

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E

  • Educated F - Seasoned Actress ; [Persuasion F, Deception F, Empathy F]
  • Academia F
  • Etiquette F
  • Leadership F
  • Asset D - Gentry [Half-Brother of Thorne Baroness]
  • Postcognition F
  • Investigation F
  • Warfare F
  • Law F

  • Retrospect - [Postcognition F, Investigation F] - By physical contact with a certain person or object, for up to a minute Marcellus is able to visually perceive information about past events after they happen, without having to guess based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge nor discern them for himself - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • A Silken Tongue - [Persuasion F, Deception F, Etiquette F] - While relying on his words and charisma, Marcellus's sliver tongue is a skillful thing when it comes to attempting to influence or entertain others, trying to make a good impression or telling quite a convincing lie, or when he finds himself needing to navigate a sudden tricky social situation. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.

  • N/A
  • Bag
  • Fine Durable Attire
  • Signet Ring
  • Inkwell
  • Cloak
  • Timepiece
  • Thorne Barony
  • City of Yemaya

Change Log:
  • Character Creation: 21 points used to raise Intelligence to Rank C - 7 points used to raise Precision to Rank E - 7 points used to raise Speed to Rank E - 7 points used to purchase Educated F - 7 points used to purchase Academia F - 7 points used to purchase Etiquette F - 7 points used to purchase Leadership F - 14 points used to purchase Asset D - Gentry [Brother of Thorne Baroness] - 14 points used to purchase Postcognition F - 7 points used to purchase Investigation F.
12/19/22 - Earned 15 points and optional [Baron of Thorne] title from Project 10 thread.
  • Added and equipped optional [Baron of Thorne] - Character is now the sworn Baron of the Thorne Barony under Count Linneus. Character is expected to enforce law and order, protect the Barony border, rally soldiers and supplies for his lord, collect taxes, title.
  • Purchased skills Warfare F and Law F.
12/22/22 - Updated Grade; Earned 27 points from participation in An Interlude Pt. 1
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Jethro Noiren


General information:
Rp'er Name: Rev
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly
Current RP: ---
Narrator Grade: B

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 215
Points Spent: 318
Points Not Spent: 2

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: [Property of Saoirse Desrosiers]
Racial: [Human]
Society - Connection: [Hero of Haeddre Village]
Society - General: [Body], [Monster Slayer]
Skill-related: [Mundane]

Character-related information:
Character Grade: D
Power Grade: C
Classes: ---
Perks: ---
Downtime: ---
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: 193 cm
Weight: 95 kg

Long-term Goals:
  • Long live his Mistress
  • Perfect his combat skills
  • Find a way to satiate his bloodlust
Short-term Goals:
  • Long live his Mistress
  • Get used to his new body
  • Adapt to living under Saoirse

  • [Property of Saoirse Desrosiers] - Character is property of Saoirse Desrosiers.
  • [Hive Elite] - Arkham (Now Kagemalum) has been reborn as a Hive Elite, a chosen warrior of the Dark Hive. Infused with the essence of the hive and reshaped into an elite form, he now serves the Hive Queen with unwavering loyalty. His body, though still resembling his human form, is enhanced with the deadly abilities of the elite bugs, including heightened strength, agility, and his newly-acquired ability to manipulate perception.
    Hive Elites are feared and respected within the hive, serving as both leaders and enforcers of the Queen's will. Their presence strengthens the hive’s connection to its brood, and their loyalty ensures that the hive remains united. Though their minds retain fragments of their former selves, they are forever bound to the hive, driven by instinct and the Queen’s commands.
  • [Human] - Humans thrive on connectivity and flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skill sets, they accomplish much and that is why they built their society around factions and organizations.
  • [Beast] - Beastmen, as much as they claim to be of a higher order of being, owe much of their racial features to the animal world. Their martial prowess is 2nd to none. Whether slave or free, they are frequently in professions benefitted by their superior senses and physicality.
  • [Monster] - Evil, Vicious, Savage, Cunning, Vile, and much more. Monsters are the congealed chaos of the universe given form and a singular purpose of destruction. Monsters will consume all.
  • [Abomination] - Creatures of conflicting natures. Do you belong in multiple places or will none have you? Must you conform to find your place or unleash your duality to finally claim a place you can call home? You are a hybrid of multiple racial trees.
Society - Connection:
  • [Nan Brotherhood Member F] - This character is considered a trainee in the Nan brotherhood of assassins capable of accepting missions if they are supervised by a higher ranked member of the order. Typically members of this rank tend to take on requests that involve killing low ranking members of society.
  • [Hero of Haeddre Village] - character's efforts on behalf of Haeddre village are recognized. Villagers are now more likely to be hospitable or grateful and accommodating to character while in Haeddre area (village, forests)
Society – General:
  • [Body] - Character has proven to be an entity that exists and takes up space. Character may or may not accomplish much. Character may be fairly forgettable. But there is no arguing they are a body taking up space and worthy of being acknowledged as an existence. If existence is ever questioned, this title proves the character exists.
  • [Monster Slayer] - This character has taken part in a monster hunt and successfully subjugated the target. Earning themselves valuable experience in that field.
  • [Born For This](Human) - Get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements. (Fighting Style F)

Strength - A
Precision - C
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - A

Character Grade - D

  • Fast F - Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily. Current effect: 2x base movement
  • Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] - Character can move at a regular base speed without touching the ground by bounding back and forth between vertical surfaces allowing them to go down corridors or climb up alleyways among other parallel running vertical surfaces.
  • Special Movement [Speed Burst x3] - Character's base movement is enhanced for a brief time. Can stack with fast skill. Does not stack with Jump skill.
  • Fighting Style [Phantom Blade][Sword][Specialized] B - Jethro’s style of swordsmanship centers around unseen hits, catching the opponent off guard. Dancing around them until an opening presents itself for him to strike. (Born for This discount)
    - [Aura] B - Action: 1 -Technique/stance releasing a harmful aura from the users body, hurting any creature that comes into direct contact with it. Common ones being flame or electric. Jethro's is a cloak of black flames. The aura technique cannot be combined with a ranged technique. Aura acts as a hazard. Grade of aura indicates amount of damage automatically taken by whoever comes into contact with it. +1 damage per grade.
    - [Penetrating] B - Weapon can ignore grades of an item when it is used to defend. +1 item grade negation per grade.
    - [Blight] B - Generally this is a technique that enhances an attack in some way to deal extra damage if effective (Black flames). +1 effectiveness per grade.
    - [Area] B - The technique allows for an attack that sweeps a large area 1.52 m in radius (F Grade). Current effect: 802 m
  • Appraisal D - Created with the ability for being a Player Character (isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful. Current effect: 1 target they can see within 5ft
  • Sixth Sense F (Danger Sense) F - Character through one means or another can perceive that which would normally not be perceivable by material senses. Limited to an area immediately around the character
  • Undetected [Sight, Hear, Smell] D - Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression.
  • Educated F (Phantom Blade) - Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character.
    - Stealth - The ability to disguise objects or people so that they blend into their surroundings. This also includes the ability to conceal small objects on one’s person and the ability to move silently. May be used in tandem with Concealment skill. An undetected invisible person may still leave ripples in the water they move through. The Stealthed person may be visible and the casual viewer might still wouldn't see them for what they are.
    - Acrobatics - The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
    - Perception - The talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. It measures your general awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. While enhanced senses may assist in aspects of this, this skill covers the ability of the character to make sense of what they are picking up on in the environment. The difference between hearing a branch snap and a leaf rustle and knowing a humanoid is likely hiding behind that tree.
  • Energized F - Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1. Upgrading skill does not increase reduction amount.

  • Hidden Blade - Undetected [Sight, Hear, Smell] D, Stealth F, Fighting Style B, Penetrating B - User vanishes, only to reappear as they sink their blade onto their target - B Grade - 4 post cooldown
  • Nightfall Dance - Fast F, Speed Burst (x3), Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Blight F, Energized F - User delivers a chain of quick attacks flowing onto each other - F Grade - 3 uses per turn
  • Black Scorpion - Fighting Style C, Penetrating C, Blight C - User envelops their blade in dark flames and thrusts it forward - C Grade - 3 post cooldown
  • Black Mantis - Fighting Style B, Penetrating B, Blight B - User envelops brings their ignited black blade in a fierce slash - B Grade - 4 post cooldown
  • Roaring Eclipse - Fighting Style B, Aura B, Area C - User expands their flaming aura violently, affecting a large area (150 m) - B Grade - 4 post cooldown
  • Umbral Wave - Fighting Style B, Aura B, Area C - User projects their aura forward, Making a cone of whirling flames spewed forth (150 m) - B Grade - 4 post cooldown
  • Blooming Shadow Lotus - Fighting Style B, Penetrating B, Blight B, Area E, Speed Burst (x3) - A quickdraw sword attack. Black fire blades swing wildly as the real blade projects them forward, with the blades mimicking the look of a blooming flower as they expand (4.5 m) - B Grade - 4 post cooldown
  • Hollow Swerve - Undetected [Sight, Hear, Smell] D, Acrobatics F, Stealth F, Fast F, Speed Burst (x3) - User performs an evasive maneuver, enhancing its effect by vanishing from sight temporarily - D Grade - 2 post cooldown
  • Presence Erasure - Undetected [Sight, Hear, Smell] D, Acrobatics F, Stealth F - User temporarily disappears and silently moves around, making detection difficult - D grade - 2 post cooldown
  • Bolt Dash - Fast F, Acrobatics F, Speed Burst (x3), Wall Bouncing, Energized F - User goes on a high acceleration sprint, in which they are able to traverse through difficult terrain with relative ease - F Grade - 3 uses per turn
  • Trace Sleuthing - Appraisal D, Perception F - User focuses his senses onto details they perceive around them to obtain information - D Grade - 2 post cooldown

  • Iron Sword E
  • Steel Sword B
  • Light Armor B

  • Travel Sack
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Waterskin
  • Compass
  • Common Alternate Clothing

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
  • Rust Lord's Joy Ride - Grade D Type of Item: Magic Item (Motorcycle) Special Effects: -When drifting, the perforated muffler bellows out flames. This is only an aesthetic feature. Longer drifts change the flames color, shifting from: Yellow -> Orange -> Red -When driving fast, the motorcycles tire rims and exhaust ignites into flames. This is only an aesthetic feature. Item Skills: Fast D
    Curse: Bike will go onto a murder rampage with the use on it.
  • Letter of the Heart (Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance) - Grade E - Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:
  • [World Certification] - Character has experienced a world rp or a world training and can participate in World Rp's and their various kinds. Unlike the common populace, the character has faced death and has grown in their abilities and teamwork.

A vagrant sword for sale who wasn't precisely smiled at by Lady Luck. After a string of small victories but big losses, finally met his end in the dark and seemingly endless labyrinth known to outsiders as The Hive.

The swordsman's soul didn't get to leave this plane of existence just yet, however. The Hive Queen gave him another chance at life, while also giving him a sense of purpose. Something he desperately needed. Good or evil never quite mattered to him anyway. So Kagemalum the Hive Elite doesn't care about the aimless Arkham Koenig, or whatever memories of him remain buried deep within.

  • 6/6/22 Character Approved, corrected Ability phrasing
  • 6/25/22 Removed quotes from spoilers, added current RP
  • 12/3/22 Added rewards from Intrigue Down Below
    - 45 points
    - [Body] title
  • 02/27/23 Added rewards from May Even This Assassin Catch His Break!:
    - 34 Points
    - Optional Title [Nan Brotherhood Member F]
    - Updated image of character
    - Removed Discord tag
  • 02/28/23 Points spent:
    - Strength E>A (28 Points)
    - Acquired [Educated] F (Earned 7 points because [Acrobatics] and [Climbing] were acquired previously. [Stealth] added)
    - Sixth Sense F [Danger Sense] (7 points)
  • 03/01/23 Marketplace Transaction
    - 5 Points spent
    - Received Steel Sword Grade B
  • 03/06/23 Points spent:
    - Specialized Fighting Style (42 points)
    - Removed Tech Core flavor names for ease of understanding.
  • 03/07/23
    - Corrected point balance
  • 04/13/23 Reward added from February 2023 Event
    - 15 Points
  • 04/21/23 Changed name from Arkh Jager to Arkham Koenig
    - Reworded Tech Cores to be more accurate in its effects
    - Increased Speed from C-grade to A-grade (14 points spent)
  • 05/05/23 Updated appearance
  • 08/18/23 Added rewards from Worlds Training - Foresight, Flowers, Bugs and The Invasion
    - 33 points added
    - Asset [World Certification]
    - Title [Hero of Haeddre Village]
    - Added [Blight] Tech Core (21 points spent)
    - Upgraded [Phantom Blade] Fighting Style from E to C Grade (14 points spent)
    - New Abilities
  • 08/20/23 Marketplace Transaction
    - Light Armor B acquired (5 points spent)
  • 03/11/24 Added rewards from Infection Of The Flesh
    - 17 points added
    - [Monster Slayer] Title
  • Abilities updated and points spent:
    - Precision E>C (14 points)
    - Undetected F>D (+Hear, Smell) (28 points)
    - Educated F (Born For This discount applied)
  • 10/11/24 Post Worlds rewards and changes made.
    - Added Hive Elite Boon rewards and related spent points (28 points added and spent)
    -Added new asset [One of the Hive], weapon [Hidden Insect Piercer (natural weapon) B], and mandatory title [Hive Elite]
    - Added corresponding [Beast] and [Monster] titles and related perks. [Born for This] discounts applied to Sixth Sense F (Beast) and Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F (Monster).
    - Removed [Human] title and corresponding [Born for This] along with related discounted skill (Educated F)
    - Added Mixed Race feature (7 points spent)
    - Added [Abomination] and [Born for These] titles (Discount applied to Fast F and Feature: Ambidexterity)
    - Name updated
  • 12/27/24 added rewards from Will She? Will She Not?
    - 22 points
  • 01/05/25 added rewards from December '24 event
    - Rust Lord's Joy Ride
  • 01/12/25 Removed Worlds rewards and reallocated points. Updated name and picture.
  • 01/13/25 Edited to no longer FC Dante
  • 02/03/25 Added rewards from January '25 Community Event
    - 7 points
    Added new clothes/armor picture
  • 02/08/25 added rewards from The Hailrend Disorder
    - 21 points
  • 02/20/25 scooped Danger Sense F due to being invalid (missed requirements)
    - 7 points regained
    Points spent
    - Fighting Style [Specialized] C>B (7 points)
    - Fighting Style Specialized Technique Core [Area] (21 points)
    - Special Movement [Speed Burst x3] (7 points)
  • 02/21/25 - Added abilities
  • 02/22/25 - Changed FC
  • 02/23/25 - Added picture to asset Bike
  • 03/04/25 - Added points from February '25 Dates Event and item from February '25 Letters Event
    - 14 points
    - Letter of the Heart
    Points spent
    - Sixth Sense F (Danger Sense) F (7 points)
    - Int F>E (7 points)
Last edited:

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