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Community [Isekai Hell] A Big Ol' Adventure - Missy's Alternate Life


New Member

In a land of goblins, ogres, and trolls,
Lived a gal named Missy, big as rolls.
Sent there by fate, a twist of truckin' luck,
Her life took a turn, like a wild thunderstruck.

Taller than a tree, stronger than a bear,
She was their goddess, they all did swear.
Brought 'em food, taught 'em shelter's dance,
Even settled disputes with her big, wise stance.

"Listen up, y'all," she'd bellow loud,
With her voice like a storm, big and proud.
Not a real god, she'd say with a grin,
But they worshipped her still, from out to in.

Huntin' with goblins, like a family, so tight,
She'd teach 'em the way, 'neath the sun so bright.
Berries and beasts, secrets she'd reveal,
A giant mama bear, with a heart of real steel.

Others tried to challenge, thought they could win,
But Missy showed 'em all, strength from within.
She'd lift a boulder, heavy as the sky,
They'd back down quick, no need to ask why.

Her name spread wide, a legend to tell,
Of the giant goddess who dispelled every spell.
Stories of her deeds, they'd spin and weave,
With a bit of the truth and a lot to believe.

Missin' her old life, the porch and the view,
But a new kind of joy, among creatures so true.
A country girl's journey, so wild and grand,
A giant goddess who'd forever stand.

So sing this tale, of Missy so bold,
A story of courage, a treasure to hold.
In a world of magic, where legends are made,
A simple girl's journey, in this ballad displayed.
Once upon a time, after that whole truck accident thing, Missy ended up in a place that was like something straight out of a fairy tale. And let me tell ya, it wasn't no princess or damsel in distress story. Nah, it was more like a crazy adventure that started right then and there.

So, she landed in this area in the mountains but filled with trees and where all sorts of crazy creatures lived. You got goblins, ogres, trolls – you name it, if they had green skin, brown skin, or anything close, they were there. And from the get-go, Missy's size got her some attention. I mean, she was bigger than the biggest ogre, taller than the tallest tree, and heftier than a whole bunch of their livestock put together. It was like living among a bunch of little folks, if you can call goblins and trolls little.

Right off the bat, they thought she was some sort of god. Can ya believe it? Missy, a god! Unreal if ya ask me. They started worshiping her, bringing her all sorts of things like berries, animal they caught, carcasses that they found, and even some weird-looking shiny rocks. It was kinda funny, actually. She'd just stand there, scratching her head, looking down at these little creatures all bowing and acting like she hung the moon.

"Uh, y'all know I ain't no god, right?" Missy would say, and they'd nod like crazy, still thinking she was the real deal. They even probably spoke different languages. "Well, alright then."

Before she knew it, Missy was the big boss around there. They looked up to her like she was the queen of the land. And you know what? She kinda got used to it. It was like being the biggest kid on the playground, but on a whole other level.

"Alright, listen up, y'all." She'd say, her voice booming like thunder. "I ain't no fancy-pants god, but if you need help with somethin', I reckon I can give ya a hand."

And give 'em a hand, she did. Missy became their leader, their warlord, their go-to when things got tough. Those goblins might've been small, but they were feisty, and those ogres and trolls could be a real pain in the neck sometimes. They'd get into scrapes with other groups of creatures, and Missy would have to step in and sort things out.

She'd walk up to 'em, arms crossed, and give 'em that stern look she'd picked up from her mama. "Now, y'all know better than to be causin' a ruckus like this. Can't we all just get along?"

Surprisingly, they'd settle down and listen. Maybe it was 'cause she was so big and looked like she could squash 'em like bugs if she wanted to. Or maybe they realized that her country wisdom was worth payin' attention to.

As the years rolled on, Missy found herself actually enjoyin' this gig. She'd go huntin' with the goblins, teach 'em how to track animals and find the best berries. She even showed 'em a thing or two about buildin' shelters that wouldn't fall apart at the first gust of wind.

"You see, ya gotta make sure them logs are stacked just right." She'd explain, demonstrating with her big ol' hands. "And don't forget to reinforce the roof. Rain ain't no joke, y'know."

She was like a mama bear but giant, lookin' after her ugly cubs. And they loved her for it. They'd bring her little trinkets they'd found, like skulls or funny-lookin' sticks, and she'd put 'em on display in her giant-sized house, as they called it.

But it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine. There were times when other creatures tried to challenge her position as the big kahuna. They'd strut in, all tough and full of themselves, thinkin' they could take on the so-called "goddess." And every time, Missy would just roll her eyes and sigh.

"Y'all sure about this?" She'd ask 'em, raising an eyebrow. "I ain't much for fightin', but if you insist…"

Of course, they'd back down pretty quick when they saw her pick up a boulder the size of a house like it was nothin'. Yeah, Missy might've been easygoin', but mess with her or her buddies, and you'd better watch out.

As the years went by, Missy's name spread far and wide. Folks from neighboring areas started hearin' 'bout the giant goddess who looked out for her people. Some were skeptical, thinkin' it was all a bunch of hooey. But others were curious and came to see for themselves.

"Yep, that's me." Missy would say with a chuckle when she saw the looks on their faces. "Just a regular ol' gal tryin' to keep the peace and help out where I can."

She wasn't just a leader; she was a legend. Even the little goblins started tellin' stories 'bout her adventures, mixin' in a bit of exaggeration here and there. But Missy didn't mind. If it made 'em happy, who was she to stop 'em?

Life was good, mostly. Sure, there were times when she missed her old life – the simple things like sittin' on a porch swing and watchin' the sunset. But she'd found a new kinda happiness here, among creatures who saw her as more than just a giant.

And so, Missy's story continued, filled with laughter, challenges, and a whole lot of heart. Who would've thought that a simple country girl would end up as a giant goddess to some nasty monsters? Definitely not me. But then again, life's kinda funny that way.
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