• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Is This Love?


Is This Love? Character Skeleton

Gender Ratio is 5:5 (1 Male and 2 Females open.)

Nobody likes Sues or boring characters.

The Writing Sample is a big part of the CS. It may be taken from other RPs.

Add whatever you want, exclude nothing.

Characters are due by November 8th. Characters may be accepted before then.

no slide
no slide




If applicable.










Does your character work? If so, where?













Tattoos, piercings, scars, or other things that tie to the ability/specie.



Who is your character?2+ Paragraphs.









3+ Paragraphs. This part is extremely important. A description of important NPCs, past relationship and all that huzzah to explain why they decided to go. [Optional]


Are they there for love? Or just looking for a temporary mend to their broken heart?


This will be kept up to date as we go.



What song describes your character?


Could be languages they speak, interesting facts, etc.


This gives me an idea of how you'll write in IC. It's a big part of whether you're accepted or not.

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Character Completion


Alex Gaskarth

  • tumblr_nt9r2fu6DT1qj48gro1_500.jpg


    Alex William Gaskarth


    "Its just Alex."




    "As far as i am aware, I am of the male gender. Although sometimes i do sound like a female."


    Alex is whats known as Pansexual. If you are unaware of the meaning, in short it means that Alex is gender blind. Meaning, he is not limited in sexual choice to biological sex, gender or gender identity.


    Alex is Caucasian, and he is from the land of the free, otherwise known as America.


    "I've worked as many things, Pet Store employee, Garage Band, Big Time Band, Dress up thingy i was a thing or fries aha. You know, just the normal average things for an attractive male human being."



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Margo D'albertis


You got that medicine I need // fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly // Put your hands on my waist, do it softly...
Lana Del Rey



Mary Margaret D'albertis


Margo (by mostly everyone)

M&M (by her parents)






Homoflexible, meaning she leans almost exclusively towards other women but can occasionally experience attraction to males


American, with French and Eastern European roots







5 feet, 6 inches


123 pounds




-A scar on her hip from a biking accident as a child

-Two ear piercings

-A tattoo of a pair of scissors on her hip

-A rainbow triangle tattoo on her ankle

-"I open at the close" written just below her shoulder blades

To those who aren't close enough to know her, Margo is an enigma. To those who do know her, Margo is an enigma. At best, she is a skilled listener and lover of cuddling, but at worst she's reckless, selfish, and hedonistic. Margo tends not to let the better parts of her show, though they are there. When she gets close enough to know someone, she'll let them see who she really is - a smart, thoughtful young woman who craves close relationships and authenticity in her life. She would be just as likely to sleep with someone as she would be to lay up at night pondering the meaning of existence. She would do nothing more than to be with people who make her happy, and to protect those people with everything she has. She loves feeling good, not necessarily from just sex, but from just being alive. She wants more than anything to wake up one morning and be content with her life, though that point hasn't come yet.

In the present, she settles on tangible things to make her happy. The time Margo spent in high school left a negative impression on her; to her, the world is filled with nothing but phonies and fakes. Her reply to the world is to be as fake as the rest of them, never truly letting her real side show. Even when she is genuinely engaged, Margo feigns disinterest and voices her distaste for humanity. She uses sex and cheap liquor to fill the void caused by her voluntary isolation, and can get caught up in the things they do to her. Sometimes, she forgets that other people have feelings too, and can go through girls a day at a time. Her addiction to feeling good comes at the expense of others, and Margo has yet to realize the damage that she causes.


sex//science fiction//black and white movies//the color black//combat boots//comic books//sarcasm//roses//dark chocolate


romcoms//the color pink//heels//mixed drinks//violence//video games//pop music//"meninism"//social media//gummy worms

Q U I R K S/ E C C E N T R I C I T I E S

eats pizza starting with the crust

always has to read with her feet up, no matter where she is

falls asleep to white noise every night

mumbles puns under her breath at inopportune moments


Mary Margaret D'albertis was the last of five children to be born to Ezra and Ruth D'albertis, two devout Catholics who hoped that they could raise their only daughter to be a beautiful and poignant young woman. When she was old enough to read, she had a Bible in her hands, always reading and soaking up the ideals of her parents' religion. She was raised to carry herself elegantly, to be an outstanding figure of faith and purity similar in character to the Virgin Mary. And for thirteen years of her life, Mary Margaret D'albertis was indeed a shining beacon to the Catholic values. Then, she met Jocelyn Monroe.

Jocelyn was what some would call a delinquent, but to Margo, she was a best friend. Margo saw something else in her that no one else did, and automatically befriended her. Jocelyn was a frequent doer of petty thefts, and encouraged Margo to be the same. It wasn't necessarily what Margo's moral compass was pushing her towards, but for once in her life, she was feeling something else than what her parents had told her to, and it felt wonderful. And of course, Margo didn't even question when, on a beautiful day spent with her new friend, she suddenly found her friend's lips pressed against hers and their bodies entwined. Being with Jocelyn gave her a rush that nothing else at the time did, but the high didn't last long.

Margo's parents were less than pleased to find out about their daughter's shoplifting habits, and swiftly sent her to Saint Vincent's Preparatory School, a boarding school for young Catholic women. At the school, she quickly gained a reputation for sleeping with other students and sneaking alcohol onto campus, something that she would never have imagined herself doing six years ago. She certainly didn't get the religious ideals out of it that her parents had hoped, but her years at prep school gave Margo a solid foundation for her later antics in college, which only got bigger and badder.

Margo graduated from Notre Dame (her parents' alma mater) with a degree in English Literature and nothing much to do with it. She moved out of her parents' house and got a job working at a local library, while frequenting her small town's night scene. Life was less than ideal, and certainly grew boring after Margo realized there were only so many girls in her town that would sleep with her. Looking for something interesting to do, Margo signed on to a new project that she had overheard two girls talking about at a bar. They squealed over the concept of true love but Margo figured that if nothing else, she could get good sex and a change from the boring scenery of her life.


Margo, in all seriousness, hopes to sleep with as many girls as possible, to screw with the game, and maybe find one in the process, though that isn't her main goal.



Gods and Monsters - Lana Del Rey


Could be languages they speak, interesting facts, etc.

taken from The Fab Five

The rest of the day had been a blur for Tegan. All that she could do was replay the scene in her head - the way that Darcy had hugged her, the comforting smell of Darcy's favorite perfume, just Darcy in general. God, Tegan had missed her best friend. It felt so good to get everything out, to tell someone. Hell, if it were a perfect world, she could tell everyone. She could stand up on the bleachers and scream until the whole town, maybe even the whole world heard her. Tegan Elizabeth Arden-Redding is a giant lesbian and she doesn't give a damn what you think about it. Tegan smiled to herself, biting her lip to keep from laughing excessively. Wouldn't that be great? A giant middle finger to Heidi would be amazing; Tegan considered it more and more every day.

Speak of the devil... As Tegan turned the corner into the already packed gym, she spotted Heidi through the crowd, of course with Cameron at her side, ready to do her bidding. Tegan shook her head and took a deep breath, waving at the blonde and the brunette. The two were already decked out in their school colors, maroon and white. Tegan was no exception, an artistic vision in a maroon tank top, white leggings, and a glittery silver tutu and headband. She carried small tubes of washable paint in her backpack, pulling them out to create spirited patterns on her face and others'. The hand-printed face was a staple, as was the polka-dotted curve across the face. Girls painted the numbers of their football-playing boyfriends on their face, and boys, being boys, all wanted to take the paint and draw phalluses on each others' faces. For herself, Tegan had chosen to paint little wings in the corner of her eyes, representative of the school mascot, the nighthawk.

After successfully getting in the spirit, Tegan made her way over to where Heidi stood, watching the pep rally with a look of discontent on her face. The blonde was obviously less than happy to be there, and made it known to everyone around her. Cameron seemed disinterested as well, but for reasons other than Heidi's. Only God knew what went on in those seemingly empty heads of theirs. Tegan waved and smiled at them, a little too enthusiastically for her own good. Ever since the incident earlier in the week, she knew that Heidi had gotten suspicious, and didn't want to risk anything that would come with it. For the rest of the week, she had been Heidi's obedient lapdog. As much as it had made her want to vomit, she knew that at least Heidi trusted her. Funny that the only way she could do that was to cater to the queen bee's every need.

Putting her negative thoughts aside, Tegan smiled and joined in the cheering. At the cheerleaders' prompt of, "Are you proud to be a nighthawk?" she gleefully responded, "YES! WE! ARE!" School spirit wasn't always her thing, but she couldn't help enjoying herself at pep rallies. Anyhow, there was a great party to follow, and the more she pretended to like everyone, the more fun she had at parties. It was easier to let go when she was seemingly happy. The strawberry-blonde bounced on the balls of her feet, clapping and occasionally yelling, "Go Nighthawks!" She had promised herself that she'd make it look like she was having fun tonight, and now, it was time to fake it like nobody's business.

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Autumn Ember McMatthew

  • NAME.

    Autumn McMatthews














    Autumn is a Novelist that works from home. She writes mostly of the fantasy and romance genre

  • [/media]



    She is able to speak fluent Japanese because of her best friend.

    She has a heavily accent voice.

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Mizuki Soeng


No one looks up anymore cuz' you might get a raindrop in your eye and Heaven forbid they see you cry.
Twenty One Pilots

no slide no slide


Name || Mizuki Soeng

Nickname(s) || Momo {Mizuki only allows certain people to call her this.}

Age || 29

Gender || Genderfluid

Sexuality || Pansexual

Ethnicity || Japanese

Occupation || Interior Designer


Hair || Mizuki possesses silky black hair which stops directly at her shoulders, she rarely ever does anything special with it and prefers to have it down.

Eyes || An almond brown verging on black.

Height || 5'11

Weight || 127 lbs. {Mizuki is somewhat underweight.}

Build || Dainty; Ectomorph.

Distinguishing Features || Mizuki has an alarming pallid color to her skin which contrasts starkly against her dark hair.


Personality || Being a quiet but serious woman, Mizuki lacks in the vivacious area. Some would even go so far as to consider her dull due to her reserved nature however Mizuki has a certain confidence about her which is rather subtle, she prefers being vague with others and usually spends her time observing people rather than placing her input. Mizuki has a way of conversing with people, using her timid yet determined demeanor to appeal to others and having a way with words which makes it easy for others to approach her. Because of Mizuki's constant need to remain calm, many believe that hanging around her can be depressing and most do not take a liking to her pessimistic nature; she often criticizes others and has a lack of optimism which makes it hard for her to associate with most on an entertainment basis, her job requires her to be formal and professional and she is only able to keep up the pleasant facade for so long before she becomes something of a debbie downer. Mizuki is grounded, having a relaxing aura which can become contagious given the right mindset, she believes in the ability to get things done and her confidence comes into play often when she is tasked with something.

There are many things about Mizuki that have yet to come to light, she is simply comfortable with people knowing little about her or her personal life and often considers everyone to be business associates rather than someone she'd be truly intrigued with, she isn't exactly mean but can come off as being condescending or merely snobby even if it is not her intention to do so; she is quite a conflicted woman if someone were to look pass the front she puts up and she does possess the ability to feel deeply despite what others would believe, placing her heart into something with the entirety of her being and striving for excellence. Mizuki does not tolerate ignorance and will be quick to send a sharp retort to those she considers to be immature, she does not have the need to socialize all the time simply because it gets her nowhere if it doesn't involve her occupation, she's simply...unavailable at times. Make no mistake, Mizuki is aware of her lack of interaction and wishes to fix it, she wants something to give her a need to get out of bed in the morning but she doesn't want the fuss that comes along with it.



Sunday Mornings


Oversized Sweaters

Slasher Flicks

Indie Films

Chai Tea


Serene Music



Reckless People


Talkative People




Shrill Noises

Disorderly Spaces

Behavioral Eccentricities || Mizuki has a knack for chewing on the bottom of her lip, she prefers everything to be in its proper place and will straighten things up if they are not perfect, Mizuki also paces quite a lot when stressed or bored.


Biography || Mizuki was raised in a household where education and respect were valued, she wasn't pressured to be someone she wasn't however her mother {Yoko} and her father {Akio} wanted their daughter to be a successful young woman and did not tolerate disrespect or recklessness, Mizuki was expected to be only the best and this didn't start to place her under duress until she turned 14. Up until now, her parents had been working as prestigious business partners in a well-known corporation whom produced materials for house construction, Mizuki was sent to a private school which was intended for females only. From there, a serious of personal conflicts began to crop up and Mizuki was too afraid to confront her parents on this. The girl began experiencing a certain attraction to other females and mainly because of the lack of awareness on gender and sexual identity in her school, Mizuki felt as if she was the only one. It was stressful to say the least and the teenager repressed her feelings, pretending that nothing was wrong and carrying on with her life.

At the age of 16, Mizuki's mother died in a fatal car crash which sent her vehicle swerving off of a bridge and into the water below; things quickly shifted and life after her mother's demise was unbearable. Her father became something of a hollow shell of his former self and Mizuki was left to deal with her own turmoil, watching from the sidelines as her father picked up the pieces of what was left of their family. Mizuki grieved for quite a while, blaming herself for her mother's death and living in a cesspool of depression alongside her father; her appetite slowly began to dwindle {hence the reason she is slightly underweight today} and she took on the appearance of someone who looked as if they were dead inside. Socializing with others was something of a feat as she grew older and the girl kept to her studies, shoving aside any conflict which arose and striving to achieve the goals that were still expected of her. Mizuki wanted to make her mother proud even if she was not around which caused her to push herself to the brink in order to climb her way to the top.

All relationships were severed and the bond between Mizuki and her father weakened gradually as she became a young adult, it wasn't as if they were arguing or held hatred for one another, it was merely the fact that they didn't have the energy to associate with each other. Mizuki graduated from Yale with a degree in design and begin searching for jobs in order to move away and start a life somewhere where her mother's death wouldn't infringe upon her mind so often, interior designing was something she was interested in and she managed to snag a job doing just that. The woman bought a low-key apartment on a fairly nice side of town and left without saying goodbye to her father, assuming that it would be best to not face the truth. She continued on with the daily cycle of life afterwards, feeling empty inside and finding various partners in order to close the hole in her heart. It was wrong, to replace her mother with better things and pretend that nothing had ever happened however Mizuki found that this was the only option for herself and allowed herself to succumb to the notion of never truly being content.

Soon, the question of Mizuki's sexuality came back and she found once again that she was not interested in the opposite sex whatsoever, it didn't alarm her as much as it had when she was a child seeing as she could care less about who she loved so long as she wasn't in love. When the opportunity of a potential soulmate came into play Mizuki decided that it would be best to at least figure out whom it was, having a certain curiosity that could not be satiated and finding that she was discreetly excited about the event.

What does your character hope to achieve? || Mizuki merely wants to see what could be her future, she is not an easy person to be infatuated with and she has qualms about commitment.


Yoko Soeng {Mother, Deceased}

Akio Soeng {Father, Alive}


||Theme Song(s)||

Other || Mizuki is able to speak French, German, and Latin.


||Writing Sample||

On the proverbial pendulum which swung towards 'indifferent' and 'merely dead to the world', Mizuki was lingering towards the latter rather than the former. With that said, she had frequently indicated that she was unhappy with her circumstances and yet no one had listened to the silent screams which Mizuki had been projecting, she was an insect, insignificant to the bigger theme of life and there had to be some fashion of contempt held with that thought. Mizuki had yet to feel it. She was truly and thoroughly done with her situation, it had escalated into something that shouldn't have been relevant and had come in the form of intense migraines and self-loathing as of late. Her body had handled this the best it could and it seemed to be taking its toll, her face taking on an ashen look and her energy depleting slowly as the day went on; she was in the throes of depression and did not feel up to seeking professional help, the thought of going to her father for advice was out of the question and she was only expecting a reflection of herself if she chose to grace her body upon his doorstep. Her synapses were slow and her brain was sluggish, she trudged on with the grace of a snail and mustered what little courage she had left to continue on. Everything was just so...damn depressing.

Everything was so dead.

It was time to accept that she was lonely.

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Wayne Aldrich















Dark brown hair that is cut really simply with a fringe that sometimes cover his eyebrows


Mesmerising green eyes that you could easily get lost in.






Slim but slightly muscular, he is weak compared to most guys but stronger than he looks


He has some scars from the bullying, namely on his hands and knees but nothing major.



Wayne is a very dorky, humble and sweet natured guy. He's not good at socializing or dealing with large crowds, having a shy, timid, and sensitive personality that makes it difficult for him to deal with the drama of high school and life in general. He always tries his best but his mild and gentle personality has often led to him being called gay or sissy which has badly affected his self confidence and made him rather insecure. Wayne is genuine and passionate about the things he loves but is considered to be lacking in manliness and strength. This mild tempered young man will take all the shit that is thrown at him and not fight back which has irked many of his previous girlfriends. But while you can say whatever shit you want to him and get away with it, Wayne reacts very differently when others are the one undergoing a similar situation and he will summon up all the courage he has to step in and try and get them to stop. His indecisiveness is another trait that irritates them. He constantly worries if he's doing things right especially when he wants to do well and his earnest nature is one of the few things he really likes about himself. The only thing he is really confident and calm in is his baking but he does get hurt and affected when bullies insult his cake. Wayne is a good listener and will often comfort others, especially since he understands the feelings very well and as a result, always tries to be considerate of others in everything he does. Because he cannot handle crowds or attention well, Wayne has spent most of his life watching from the side, making him extremely observant and alert. When focused and fully devoted to the task at hand, he forgets about all his worries and insecurities, losing sight of his surroundings and only concentrating on what he is doing. despite the constant bullying he has come under fire, Wayne has never given up thanks to the support of his family and always pushes himself to work even harder. Being shy, he gets nervous easily and excited easily, with all his emotions showing clearly in his face, body language and tone. Wayne tends to be very withdrawn around others and it takes a while for him to get comfortable and come out of his shell. Once comfortable, Wayne becomes more relaxed and open, willing to join in activities. Working as a baker and the family chef, Wayne is very particular about the food he eats from the appearance to the taste. He is quite pessimistic about his own life and chances of a successful romantic relationship due to past experiences but will not give up due to a promise he made with his mom and because he doesn't want to live alone. Wayne constantly seeks to improve himself and become better.




Pretty things



Reading recipe books






Being Bullied








Broken Promises

Hurting other's feelings

Food that tastes bad

poorly presented food

Giving Up


When excited and nervous he starts talking really quickly and makes a lot of hand actions.

Wayne goes red right up to his ears when embarrassed or nervous

He will fidget a lot if he's talking to or with someone he's interested in until he becomes more confident around them

Wayne will repeat the recipe of whatever he is making softly during the process

Wayne shrinks back and looks away in arguments or when he's being scolded.

Wayne reflects about his day staring at the stars every night.



Born the youngest son with three manly and successful older brothers, Wayne has always had issues with his confidence and difficulty dealing with pressure, especially when he is aware of others. He did not enjoy the same kind of life as his brothers at school which led to him feeling inferior. All three older brothers were considered to be manly hunks, popular with boy both genders because they were the guys everybody wanted to be or be with. Wayne however, was much gentler in comparison and was seen as a weak willed sissy and waste of good looks, being constantly compared to his brothers and called a disgrace to his family. Because of the bullying he experienced due to his timid and gentle personality, his brothers were extremely overprotective of him which simply exacerbated the situation and made him even more unsure of himself. The bullies continued, degrading him for needing his brothers to bail him out every time which led to him becoming very withdrawn and willing to give up from the slightest of problems. His mother however, motivated him to keep working hard and slowly work on his confidence and response to the criticisms and bullying he faced, instilling in him the value to never give up and not let others decide his worth, teachings he tries hard to follow but is not completely successful in for the latter. This helped him with his self esteem but his insecurities grew stronger when he had his first girlfriend in middle school and was later dumped because he was not manly enough, the girl again making him feel like dirt because nobody really wanted to get to know him. This continued with his four other relationships, not one of them lasting more than a month and the last break up being especially painful. Wayne had believed that Stella was the right girl and she had been the longest lasting out of all four relationships. She gave him a boost of confidence and a glimpse of what it felt like to be loved because he was himself by someone he was interested in. Of all his girlfriends, she had been the only want whom he felt really appreciated his kindness and tried to understand him on a more intimate level emotionally. Everything had been going well until his tormentor since childhood, Max decided to interfere and got Stella to break up with him with a single vague text of 'Goodbye'. Wayne later learned what happened when the next day, he saw Stella with Max, cuddling and kissing. The incident greatly upset him but a promise he made with his mom to never give up and encouragement and hard truths from his brothers and their girlfriends eventually got him willing to try again and working to improve himself. Because he started it from young in the safety of his home, far from the bullies, baking and cooking are the only things Wayne has confidence in. He doesn't believe himself to be good at anything other than baking and even that, he still has some worries about at times. Wayne envies his brother's lives and longs to have a relationship like theirs with someone who truly understands and cares for him, tired off the short lived relationships he's had with people only interested in his looks. He started working at a bakery immediately after graduation and has done well in the business since, hoping to eventually start his own shop once he gains more confidence in himself.


He hopes to find his soul mate, someone who will love him and whom he can love in turn, a girl who will not dump him because of his lack of manliness and appreciate his kindness and warmth.


This will be kept up to date as we go.



What song describes your character?


As a baker, Wayne is very particular about the appearance of his room and food but doesn't pay much attention to his own appearance.


Wayne worked at the dough as he stood in the bakery, hands, face and hair all covered in flour, from the kneading. For the first time in a long time, he was distracted, not completely focused, the usual rhythm and fluidity to his movements missing, the usual repetition of recipe instructions missing as he shaped the dough, focus not on the task at hand but rather the incident that had been the highlight of his afternoon. His encounter with Max, his gang and Stella. His ex girlfriend and lifelong bully, holding hands and cuddling while Max had verbally abused him, flaunted Stella in front of him, made him feel worse than dirt. "...Wayne...Wayne...WAYNE!" The 21 year old jerked in surprise, hands freezing as he turned to face his boss who promptly snapped his fingers in his face, causing Wayne to blink and pull back. "What's wrong with you?" The older man demanded, looking him over with a clear look of agitation. "You're not focused at all today. Just look at the dough. You kneaded it way too much. Go home for today. I don't need you around if you're going to do crap like this." Wayne felt his heart sink at each word and he bowed his head quickly in apology, hands trembling ever so slightly as they gripped each other tightly. He managed to eek out a soft "Yes sir. I'm so sorry." before taking his leave as ordered. Damn it Wayne. Get over her just like you got over all the others. But it wasn't as easy as he wanted it to be. This time, he'd honestly believed Stella was the right one so it had torn him to pieces when she broke up with him over text and was busy cuddling up to Max the next day. It had been a big blow on his confidence and was starting to make him think he really wasn't cut out for dating or relationships like his brothers were. His mother always told him that sweet and gentle guys like him had their own charm, that he'd find someone but he was beginning to lose hope that he ever would. Every girl he'd dated hooked up with him because of his looks and all dumped him because of his personality. Too weak, too timid, not manly enough, he'd heard it all. Every time he would try to change that but he would never succeed and he'd soon find himself walking alone on the streets, feeling upset just like he was now. Wayne sighed as he walked the same old streets, eyes downcast, recognizing the cracks and marks on the ground that he saw every day. It had gotten old, trying to pass time on the walk, using whatever he saw on the floor or happened around him to occupy his time. And it certainly wasn't helping.

A slow ascent up the slope and a turn to his right soon had him unlocking the small white gate and crossing the front yard to reach the oak door of the bright blue house. The lights were on and music was playing which meant his brothers were already home and waiting for him to show up and make dinner. But instead of being greeted with the usual three pairs of expensive Italian shoes, sports shoes and sneakers, there were six and three of them were women's wear. Wayne rubbed his forehead as he rang the doorbell and waited for it to be opened. It was date night and their parents were away on a month long holiday to the Bahamas which meant he was going to have to prepare the large meal they were all expecting, by himself. "Wayne! So good to see you." The owner of the chirpy voice, enveloped him in a hug that had his body tense. He could never get use to the friendliness of his eldest brother's fiancé. Hugs were not his idea of a normal greeting but they definitely were Carlene's. "You're making him uncomfortable you know. Wayne's never even hugged any of his girlfriend's after all." The sound of his brother's deep voice was music to his ears as Carlene released him and looked at him shocked. "No way. But he's so cute. What girl wouldn't want to hug him. He's like a teddy bear. So adorable and sweet." The sound of laughter signalled his second oldest brother, Lionel's appearance as the shaggy haired blonde's face appeared in the doorway. "Not helping Carlene. Besides Wayne doesn't have enough meat on him to be cuddly like a teddy bar." A loud slap could be heard and Lionel was wincing as he rubbed a sore arm, glancing at his girlfriend Hannah. "You're the one who's not helping." She hissed at him angrily. "Anyway come inside. Everyone's waiting." Carlene promptly pulled Wayne inside, the biggest grin on her face, leaving no room for any protest as she dragged him across the room and into the dining area where a feast was spread out on the table waiting for him. "No need to cook tonight Mr Chef." Carlene told him cheerfully as she forced him into a seat and moved to take her place at the dinning table. "You just need to eat and critique." The third girlfriend, Alice told him gently as she set another dish in front of him. '"We have high hopes unlike your useless bums for brothers who only know how to stuff anything they deem edible into their mouths." Hannah followed her harsh words with a glare at his brothers as they all took their seats at the table. He could feel the intense gazes of all three women on him as they waited for him to try one of their creations and it had him nervous. "I'll go check my mail first and change." He told them, making an escape for the living room computer. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he sat himself down in front of the monitor and logged onto his email. Stressful situations like the on just now always had him breaking out in cold sweat, nervous as hell and he needed more time to ready himself before he went back in there.

The page finished loading, revealing a long list of unread emails, some months old. He needed to check this more often in case anything important came in. As his eyes lazily scanned the page, one mail near the top of the list caught his attention. It was recent, just a day or two ago. Wayne's brow furrowed as he clicked on it and his eyes widened at the mail he read. "Well this is unexpected. If it was Lionel I wouldn't be surprised but you Wayne? That's a shocker." The sound of Jacob's voice had Wayne topple off his seat and onto the floor, making room for his third brother to take over the computer and the rest of the group to block him our completely by crowding round it before he could get up. Carlene was the first to address him, eyes wide as she grabbed his shoulders. "Do it. That's an order from your future sister in law. You need to find the right girl for you. Nobody with a face and heart like yours should grow old alone with only cats for company."

"No this is just plain crazy." Hannah interjected, voicing her disapproval, opening her mouth to say something else when his eldest brother Kyle cut in. "The email's addressed to him, it's his decision, let him decide what he wants to do on his own." Wayne could feel everyone's gaze on him and he quickly cast his gaze to the floor. Accept? Reject? Go? Or stay? He'd failed in every other relationship, he might actually find someone there. The right one. Just like all his brothers. He didn't want to spends rest of his life alone and he'd promised his mom that he wouldn't give up and he didn't want to give up yet.
I'll go. See if I have a chance.

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He is not done. Name is debatable. Such a cutie<3


"Even the Beauty had a Beast inside"

no slide
no slide



Chocolate brown






Toned, lean, more balletic than athletic.


Tattoos, piercings, scars, or other things that tie to the ability/specie.



Overbearing, clingy, protective, territorial, sensitive, heavily romantic, patient, gentleman to a fault, (to some, annoyingly) understanding and sweet, he has a handsome aura with a dark, yet vulnerable foundation. Easily offended, takes everything to heart, too trusting and can often be described as a welcome mat.

A lot of people would assume he's a sex god with a motorcycle and a new girl every week. In all actuality he's only ever slept with two females (once was a drunken mistake), dislikes such a risky vehicle, and let the same girl cheat on him for three years in hopes she'd have a change of heart, but she finally left him instead.


Rain & Thunderstorms, leather, dark shades of grey (not the book), computer gaming, his lovebirds, cats, walking around the mall, being affectionate (without sex), honesty, intimacy, trust, reassurance, his bed, cologne/perfume.


Disorganization, dishonesty, distance, vibrant colors, florescent lights, doctors offices, horror genre, saggy pants, rejection.



3+ Paragraphs. This part is extremely important. A description of important NPCs, past relationship and all that huzzah to explain why they decided to go.

-Brother died in a motorcycling accident, just like his uncle&cousin

-Girlfriend left him after three rocky years

-Borderline phobia of dogs, was bit and lost a chunk of his arms as child

-Doesn't bike well


Are they there for love? Or just looking for a temporary mend to their broken heart?


This will be kept up to date as we go.

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Isla Rose Torrence





Isla Rose Torrence






Cis Female


"I like everyone and everyone likes me."




She's a house mediator for this little thing.



Darkish strawberry blonde; Long, thick and wavy.


Green and surrounded by thick lashes.




125 pounds.


Thin; Athletic


A tattoo on the side of her middle finger that says "Honey."

Septum piercing, but rarely wears anything in it.

Scars littering her knees.



Isla is a complex being with layers upon layers of personality. On one hand, she's compassionate and friendly, on the other she's conniving and manipulative. She loves to mess with people, especially with those in the game. Even with knowing how hard finding your match is, she thinks it's great to mess with the participants and does it whenever she's told. She used to be rather flirtatious, but that got her into trouble and so she isn't as much anymore. Though, she still has her moments (especially when inebriated).

Isla is an extremely sensitive being and takes everything to heart, even if she plays it off with a snarky comment. She isn't always sure how to express what she's feeling, so she keeps it inside and lets it brew until she snaps. Her temper is short when it comes to certain types of people, and not so much with others. It all depends on the person at hand. Deep down inside, she believes that true love exists and like almost everyone else, she craves it.


Alcohol (Of any sort)

Sweet Tea


Intellectual Conversations


Tattoos ("Don't get a big head, Gingey.")

Contemporary Music


Luke Warm Water

Organized Mess

Video Games


People up in her face

Those Without Souls (AKA Donovan)

Too Hot/Too Cold Weather/Water

Loud Noises

Boring People

Unintelligent People



Isla has a fake smile she wears when she's spaced out and ignoring you.

Tends to snicker/sneer at most people.

Leaning extremely close and then withdrawing altogether.



3+ Paragraphs. This part is extremely important. A description of important NPCs, past relationship and all that huzzah to explain why they decided to go.


"I'm here for the pay and to mess with the love birds. Also, to annoy the living shit out of Van and eat all of his pudding."







Isla is an incredibly light sleeper and wakes up with the slightest noise or movement.

She speaks some Italian and French.


Writing thing here.

"You think you'll find love here? So did I."


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"Oh, Sweetheart. You're ignorant if you think you'll get a happy ending." -Van
Donovan Lee Trent


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Anyone who dares.




House Mediator and Travelling DJ

Thick, wavy red hair that's styled simply.


Vivid Green with specks of gold.




175 lbs


Toned and Lean


Tattoos found throughout his body.

Black studded piercings.

Some people call him obnoxious while others call him charming. Donovan is actually a combination of both. He's a rather relaxed fellow, with his lazy smile and endearing remarks. At the same time, he can be extremely annoying because he always tends to speak the truth, even when the truth isn't appreciated. He also enjoys irritating people as he finds their troubles entertaining and hilarious. This is turn makes him a jerk at times, but he doesn't care because he's a tease that just likes to have a laugh.

Donovan is a bit manipulative and sly. He likes confusing people and watching them struggle. Never has a day gone by when he hasn't said something utterly shocking and perplex and never has a day gone by where he doesn't reflect on it. Donovan doesn't enjoy the manipulative side of him, but he can't help but drown in it. It's like a darkness that'll never go away. At the same time, he embraces this side because well... he's a fun guy.

(His personality will come to life in the roleplay. Don't worry. (; )




Black Coffee









Disturbance when working

People in his bed



Bitches (Isla)


Wheat (allergies)

Fucking Cats

Super sweet foods

People who drag him into their problems


Side smirking when amused.

Waving his hand when trying to prove a point.

Waking up before everyone else.

Eating one thing at a time.
in depth

To be revealed.


"What's there to achieve? I'm here to drop hints of heartbreak, get paid, and annoy the hell out of Isla."


It'll Get Better by Raphael

The night was warmer and more humid than usual. I could feel the the stickiness of the air clinging to my skin as I swung my legs back and forth. The swing I sat on creaked with every movement and the chains falling from the ceiling of my porch made
clanking sounds. Sitting and staring out into the vastness of the ocean was rather peaceful. Most days I'd be trapped in my room, begging to be released but at that moment, I felt free. I wonder why I felt like so. Maybe it was the tranquility of the full moon's light, the chirping of the water insects, or the small chatter I heard towards the pier. I didn't have much time to think about that, however.

Jolie." The feeling of serenity immediately left me and I literally felt the humid hair turn icy. One by one the airs on the back of my neck and arms stood as I slowly turned my head to the left. He was here. There. Standing a mere five feet away from me. His murky grey eyes were rimmed with an ugly yellow. The veins on the side of temple protruded from his head and I fought the urge to sprint from my once comfortable position on the swing. I knew he would've caught me if I tried and when he did, he'd hurt me. He'd hurt me more than he already did.

He took small steps towards me, his legs wobbling slightly. If the yellow in his eyes wasn't evident of his intoxication, his swagger was. It wasn't long before the adult male was inches from my face. His lips curled into a sleazy smile and I had to hold my breath to keep from gagging. I absolutely despised the scent of alcohol, even after years of being exposed to it.

"There you are." The male slurred as he threw hands onto the swing, one on each side of my body. He peered down at me and I forced my gaze above him, noting the grays that were making an appearance in his dark hair. "Hey." I heard, though I refused to lower my eyes to his own. His hand crawl to my right shoulder and gave it a nudge. "Hey....
HEY!" He finally exclaimed angrily. With a deep sigh and unfaltering expression, I lowered my blue eyes and saw complete rage. My heart ached. His eyes used to be so beautiful, so full of life and laughter. So-

I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my left cheek and I was hurling towards the wooden floor. I hissed at the impact, especially when the wood found it's way into the palms on my hands. "You stupid bitch!" My husband growled as he brought himself over me, forcing me onto my feet. Blood was greeting my taste buds as I fought the tears that were prickling the corners of my eyes. Old wounds were beginning to return and it hurt to stand, but I told myself I had to get through it. I persuaded myself it would get better. That he'd be fine the next morning.

His jaw and his fist wrapped tightly around my arms. "Answer me when I ask you a question." He watched my head nod clumsily and his grip tightened. "Don't nod your head. You speak, you hear me!" My body was pushed against the bars of the porch and I felt myself nearly fall towards the grass. My heart pounded widely as I stared down at the thorny bushels.

Pounding footsteps were beginning to sound faint, and I took that as the queue to allow my legs to fall weak. I couldn't stop the shivering or the sobs escaping my body. All I could tell myself was...

"It'll get better."


Code & Character by Raphael

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Eugene Dent












HE's from Old Money, so nope.





Baby Blue




156 lbs.




Tattoos, piercings, scars, or other things that tie to the ability/specie.


To call him sane is a bit of a stretch. Gene comes pretty eccentric to those who don't really know him. There are also some parts of his personality that don't necessarily add up. Certain parts of his character and story are a little too extreme to be true...like the time he wrestled a bull.

However, he is a just person if there ever was one. He knows what is right and what is wrong. He just fails to abide by it sometimes. You can always find yourself having a good time around him, though sometimes the activities border on just plain childish. And Eugene has way too big of a heart. He often finds himself falling in love with several people at the same time. So, watch out--His next lover might be you.



Buying things

Walking Everywhere

Giving things away



Mentioning his family

Depressing things

Depressing people

Stagnant Conversations



Speaks of himself in third person when nervous.

Stutters when anxious.

Has anxiety attacks without his Xanex.



Charlotte. Fredrick. Edward.

Those three names meant a lot to Gene, before the accident. He was an odd kid, but he was okay before the accident. And then things happen. And somethings don't happen. Either way, he was left with a brother face down in the family pool. And after that...well, those names didn't mean as much as they did before.

The doctor's diagnosed it as Borderline Personality Disorder. Gene just thought if he changed himself into the best and brightest version he could be....he'd get Eddie back. Charlotte and Fredrick tried hard to rein their other child in. Mold him to be the one that they lost. And, while that method obviously didn't work, it left the man in a strangely perfect position. While worrying about him, they didn't have the chance to have another heir. And then, as always in these situations, their car went off a cliff--with a bottle of Jack in Freddie's lap being suspect for blame.

By now, Gene knows that he can't have any of them back. But he is so solidified in the routine that he has for his life that he can't really break it. Being the best is all he has. Well, that and a meaningless toy corporation that spits out 20 billion before taxes.


"I'm enamored with the idea of love...kissing and sweetness and such. And, I feel like I want to do that a lot. So, that's what I'm here for..."


This will be kept up to date as we go.




Works at a Market, one day out of the month.

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    Name: Nathaniel Grandson

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heteromantic

    Height: 6'3

    Weight:: 137lbs

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Peter Oswald


Pete, 4 Eyes










A newspaper company as a reporter, part-time writer



Light brown


Dark brown


5' 10"




Lean and athletic





A serious person, he dislikes disorder and chaos. This serious side makes it hard for him to open up to other people. He is a honest person, brutally honest, that he has lost a lot of friends because something that he said to them. He saw no point in hiding the truth, or lying to give someone a false hope. Peter also despises liar and cheater, lie to him once and he will doubt you forever even if you lie for his own good.

Inside his cold and stern appearance, Peter is very kind and outgoing. He likes to joke and he loves good ones, especially witty jokes. He could be loud and cheerful when he's with people that he is comfortable with, talking about his interest for non-stop with joy. Peter is also very loyal to his friends, especially if they are nice to him. He hold his promises and will do anything to fulfill it, he won't promise anything that he know he can't fulfill.


Good food



Instrumental music



Loud music (EDM, Metal)



Bad things (Drugs, smokes, gambling)

Bright colors


Cleaning his glasses when bored or nervous

Playing with his hair when bored

Shaking his legs when he's bored or nervous



Born in a very religious family, Peter is the youngest of three. His older brothers (40s and 30s) have married and have a happy family on their own. Peter was oftenly told by his parents to 'quickly get married and give them grandchildren' that makes him very nervous and scared about finding a soulmate. What kind of girl do they want? What will they say if Peter falls in love with the wrong girl?

Peter is always serious ever since he remembers. When the other kids talk about a certain pop singer or watching porn in secret, Peter is busy studying or didn't care about that. This resulted in him being outcasted and seen as a 'weird kid', bullied because his grades are better. Peter doesn't really care about all these treatment he is receiving, he ignores all of them and the bullying just stopped on it's own. But Peter was emotionally scarred, sad that no one stood up for him even his teachers.

After graduating from high school, he decided to apply to a well-known college somewhere far from home. Not just because he doesn't want to meet his old schoolmate, but also because he want to make a fresh start for himself. Everything went well, he have a lot of friends and pretty popular amongst the girls. His friends told him that a lot of girl likes him but he is too dense to notice. Peter actually know, but he is too scared to make his own move. As a result, until today, he never truly fall in love or touch a girl in a romantic way. Peter never even kiss someone!


Learning about what love is all about, finding 'the one'


This will be kept up to date as we go.



Moonlight Sonata


Other than English, he understood Japanese and Chinese as well as a little bit of French.

Currently writing his debut fantasy novel


Peter jaw dropped, and he looked at his friends. He grabbed his phone tightly, fighting the urge to throw his phone at his friends who are grinning or clappping. He took another glance at the e-mail he just received, it doesn't look like a prank or a joke.

"What the hell?" He asked, and showed his friends the email. They laughed when he did, seems like they really know what's going on. It pissed him off, and he sat down back to his seat and closes his laptop after making sure that he have saved his progress on the novel he currently writes. He put his laptop back on his bag and about to leave as his friends stopped laughing and motioned at him to sit back. He did as he is told and angrily asked, "Someone care to explain?"

"Listen, man," Dennis replied. He has a smile on his face, but he said that on a serious tone, so Peter decided in a split second that he will believe anything he said. Dennis never lied to him before, and he believe that he will never will. "We know that you have... let's say, a certain love problem. Not with a girl or anything, but with the fact that you doesn't even know what love is."

"I know." Peter clears his throat. "An intense feeling of deep affection between-"

His friends groaned, and Dennis continues.

"See? You only definitively know it. You never experienced it yourself. You never kiss a girl, have a girlfriend, hell you never even date a girl! You must've known that everyone is scared to confess to you, right?" Dennis pointed out the harsh truth. Indeed, no one confessed to him despite Peter himself knowing that there is several girls who are keep chasing him. "So we applied under your name. See the the email? They said that your soulmate of life partner is waiting for you there!"

"Well... yes..."

"You should be happy and, i don't know, buy us some pizza after you got home." Dennis smirked. "Now, as a representative of all your friends right here... Peter Oswald, you better go and return with a girl."



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Juan Manuel Gonzalez

La sabiduría


Juan Manuel Gonzalez








Closeted Bisexual




Motorcycle Mechanic

nos llega




Light Green




180 lbs.


Healthy and Athletic

Other Features:

Has small scars around his entire body.

Plus a piercing where the sun don't shine!

cuando ya


Juan is your typical Colombian male if we were to boil it down to that. He loves working on motorcycles and places a big emphasis on family. He enjoys having fun which always includes partying, meeting people and having sex with beautiful ladies. Definitely a social butterfly and incredibly eloquent when it comes to speaking. He can be a little stubborn at times since he believe things that are told to him by his close friends or family over actual facts. Juan believes in being a hard worker and always being determined no matter if it's work, family or relationships.

He is guilty of sleeping around a little too much without commitment but he has now changed his ways and is determine to find true love and be honest. He is very romantic and loves to woo the ladies. Though he has some skeletons in his closet that he tries to suppress to the best of his ability. He enjoys being adventurous and trying new things, never afraid of breaking a rule or two which can lead to him being rather impulsive. He can be protective of close friends and he never hesitates to threaten those that can ruin that.


Laughter of Children

Colombian Coffee


The Ocean



Emotional Pain

Abusive Men





Combs hair back when nervous

Cracks knuckles constantly

Can fall asleep anywhere

no nos


Abuse Warning

Juan Manuel was born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. He was the only child of the family and he was very close to his mother, Diana. When Juan was a child he loved to play with the other children but he would never hesitate to stay home with his mother. She would give him all the time in the world and he would do the same back. Though things could not be the same with Juan's father, Julio. Julio came home every night prepared to take his wrath on the world out on his wife. Juan remembers the countless nights where he would sit in his room, sheets over his small head as he heard his mother yelling from the other room. It pained Juan greatly to not be able to help her.

One morning while talking with his mother he told her that he wanted to make a promise to her. She listened in with curiosity and that was when Juan told her that he was going to make himself stronger in order to protect her. Diana cried silently and hugged her boy real close. He knew that she probably thought that he would forget but she was wrong. During his teenage years he worked out and worked multiple jobs to raise money for his big plan. Then one night when his father began his routine torture, Juan challenged him. His father was shocked but did not take the hit to his pride lightly. The fight was brutal but since his father was older, Juan won. His father ran away and swore that he would come back for Diana. Juan's mother cried now fearing for her son's life. Juan smiled silently and shows her two tickets bound for America. He had raised enough money to be able to start a life, just the two of them in America. Away from all the bad memories.

Their life in America was modest, Juan studied English and worked as a motorcycle mechanic to support himself and his mother. He would often sleep around with many women while having issues questioning his exact tastes. He found himself looking at men in a way that was rather improper. This prompted him to sleep with more women. His mother didn't approve of the behavior but she didn't put up too much of a fight. Unfortunately all those years of abuse took a toll on her poor body. When Juan was twenty six she passed away due to past injuries. Juan felt like he lost a big part of his life that day. He spent most of that year going to the beach alone and debating what he was doing with his life. That was when he decided that he needed to settle down and have kids of his own. To grant the wish his mother had before passing away and to find a new sense of happiness for himself.

What does your character hope to achieve?

He is looking for the one and to try and forget the pain of his mother's passing this last year. He is hoping to find the one that can be there for him as he mourns the woman that made him the happiest. Once he finds that person, he knows that they must be the one.



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Writing Sample:

Taken from Omerta

Ken was indifferent to the news about the tasks he must do. He listened diligently to his boss and Florence before bowing with respect, he has never refused a mission nor was he planning on ever starting. He quickly followed behind Florence, not wanting to make her wait a second. She was also his boss and he treated her no differently. Ken entered Florence's Impala, holding nothing but silence while she drove. He realized that he should probably get around to buying a car sometime. He always just walk everywhere. Even if his destination is hours away, he doesn't mind and in fact he enjoys walking. He feels like he is swimming through the crowds of endless bustling life while he meanders through the shadows, watching them and waiting.

When they arrived at the coffee shop, Ken followed diligently behind Florence. While the interchange between the cashier and Florence occurred he glared at the cashier. Ensuring him that he better talk correctly to her. While the cashier responded with empty answers, Ken received his order from Florence. It didn't bother him one bit to be told to buy a drink for Florence. In fact, he saw it as an honorable thing and a sign that Florence trusted him. The Capello's always had to be on the look out for traitors and possible assassination attempts even something as simple as poison in a drink is a possibility. Since Florence allowed him to buy the drink, that means that his five years working for them is really paying off. Even though to others this seems like the smallest thing, to Ken it was an honor. Ken nodded to Florence as she walked away and once she was outside he turned to face the cashier.

"What was her problem anyway?" The cashier mumbled to himself.

That was when a glint in Ken's eyes appeared, a small rage that grew in a matter of seconds. Instantly, he grabbed the cashier's shirt and pulled him close, his upper-body dangling over the counter. Feet lifted off the ground as Ken was much taller.

"Watch your mouth. Don't you ever disrespect her again." Ken spoke firmly and without hesitation.

"S-Sorry, I won't do it again." The cashier trembled for his life from feeling the sheer grip on his shirt.

"It'll do you some good to never waste her time again with your useless blather. Make the order, a tea and I'll be on my way." Ken then threw back the cashier to his side of the counter. Not batting an eyelid or showing an ounce of concern. The cashier nervously began making the order, quicker than he has ever made an order before. While bringing the drinks over his hands were visibly shaking from terror. He placed them down on the counter in front of Ken.

"I-It's on the house, s-sir." The cashier formed a smile while holding back tears.

Ken grabbed the two drinks firmly, still having his eyes locked on the cashier. He thought to himself how pathetic this boy was, willing to talk poorly of others but not have anything to back off that audacity. It irked Ken greatly to have someone so low address his boss in that manner. He leaned in close to the cashier so that his lips were inches away from his ear. The cashier having nothing but fear reflect in his eyes.

"If I found out that you lied to her, you're dead." Ken whispered.

With that Ken retreated leaving behind a horrified cashier. He knew that the cashier would not speak up on the matter for he would fear losing his life over it. Ken made his way out of the cafe and towards Florence's car. He got inside and handed Florence her large wild berry mango smoothie.

"Apologies on the wait mam'. There was a small mix up but it has been taken care of." He took a small sip of his tea as he awaited a response from Florence about whether anybody has been successful in finding the target.


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Nico Alexander Archeletta



Nico Alexander Archeletta















Shorter length, brown








Medium lithe build


Short grown out rugged facial hair



In day to day interactions with people Nico tends to be a bit more held back, blunt and sarcastic at times and usually minds his own business. He's not exactly the nicest guy around but he isn't an outright asshole. He's never been very assertive or aggressive and tends not to be extremely outspoken in most situations, prefering to just go with the flow. To those he's comfortable around Nico can be a bit of a sarcastic jackass with plenty of jokes and smartass remarks. But Nico isn't introverted by far, in fact when he's working behind a bar he turns into a nearly different person.

Behind a bar on the job Nico becomes very outspoken, enjoying interactions with others and sharing his opinons and thoughts on various things. When behind a bar doing what he knows and loves Nico becomes far more confident than he normally is, feeling more comfortable and in a situation that he knows he has control of. Nico's interactions with customers are very friendly and kind, and he can usually read someone quite well after a short discussion to take a decent guess on how to best serve this customer to make them as happy as he can as a bartender. Nico is very capable of multi-tasking and has a good memory for drinks and food menus on the occasion that a bar has a kitchen. He manages to move about the job and carry out multiple tasks without an issue, and is fairly good with money and numbers in general.


-Sports, primarily football, favorite team being the Boston Patriots

-Burgers, steaks are nice as well as a lot of other different foods, but Nico swears that there's nothing better than a good burger.

-Rock, harder rock, and a little metal are at the top of Nico's musical tastes and one of his favorite bands is Five Finger Death Punch.

-Bartending, Nico loves his chosen career and he's quite good at it. Mixing drinks, serving customers, and even having a drink here and there are all things that Nico greatly enjoys.

-Nico greatly enjoys a good game of poker, especially when it involves some real stakes. He enjoys the risk in gambling in poker but isn't stupid and knows when it's time to cash out and call it quits.


-Nico doesn't like to dance, mainly because he's a shit dancer and any past attempts have ended in his own embarrasment.

-Nico can't stand being used, and it's unfortunate for him that it's happened quite a lot in his life.

-Coffee, Nico never could develop a taste for the drink.

-Anthropology, after having to take it in college as a major for awhile before finally dropping it Nico developed a dislike of it.

-His mother, at this point Nico dislikes his mother as much as she dislikes him and doesn't understand why she treats him and his father the way she does.


-Nico has a tendency to "Grow a set" when he's had a few too many drinks in him.

-When behind a bar working Nico tends to become far more confident and in control of himself and any situation presented.

-Nico doesn't have problems with women, Nico has problems with women who show interest in him. He can hold a conversation with any woman and be friendly just swell up until a woman tries to hit on him or shows some sort of interest, which typically throws him off his game right there and he becomes nervous and a bit jittery.

-Nico can talk a big game, but when push comes to shove he tends to back down.



Nico was both born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts to a young couple, Alexander and Abigail Archeletta. Alexander and Abigail had just recently eloped, both being only at the age of 22 and fresh out of college when they'd gotten married, and not taking long after to have Nico. Alexander and Abigail had a passionate and happy relationship throughout college, where they'd both met in their major and seemed to hit it off instantly. But life wasn't as easy out of school and the two quickly fell out, student loans, bills, caring for a child, all of it was stressful and taxing on the two who had difficulties finding a decent job for their degrees in anthropology. It didn't take long for the two to begin falling into a rut of struggling and arguing daily, and eventually it just broke. Nico was five when his parents eventually divorced and went their seperate ways. After a long custody battle in court it was decided that Abigail would have near total custody, with Alexander getting a week out of every month.

Nico's life growing up from that point was a little on the side of sporadic bouncing back and forth between two homes. His mother, albeit nicer and a bit more succesful in life after the divorce when it was just her and Nico, wasn't exactly on the best of terms with Nico all the time. Nico enjoyed his father's company far more than his mother's and his mother knew this, and didn't take it in the best way. She went to extra lengths to make him happy and, in the process, would smother him at times and only further his dislike. But even so Nico loved his mother and definitely respected her opinion growing up. Nico's father on the other hand, although not too well off, had a great relationship with Nico compared to his mother. Alexander's father was, to Nico, cooler and more fun to be around than his mother and due to his lack of a job he didn't work nearly as much and had far more time to spend with Nico when Nico was with his father. Given that Nico didn't spend as much time with his father as he did his mother he came to also value his time with his father more.

Nico's childhood revolving around his school life was about average, in high school he managed to scoot by with decent grades.. He had a small group of friends and avoided having to deal with any of the real cons of high school. It wasn't the best it could be but it could have certainly been much worse. Out of high school Nico was swiftly pushed into college by his mother who tried her hardest to push her own chosen major on him while promising to help him with both finding a job in the field and paying off his loans. Nico wasn't very keen on the idea but eventually caved and went along with it for a short time before he dropped out. Anthropology was not for Nico at all and he made sure his mother knew that.

Nico and his mother had a bit of a falling out after that, not talking for a short time while Nico started living on his own and visiting his father more often now that he had the freedom to do so. While Nico had been in college for a short time his father had gotten a job as a bartender at a local job and, admittedly this is where Nico found himself hanging out with his father more often than not whether or not he was working. Nico took a shine to the bar scene, drinking and serving as occasionally his father would let him help when things were busy and Nico eventually was hired on as a barbacker*. Nico showed a rather keen interest in the job itself and eventually decided that it was a job he wanted to turn into a career. A quick search on the internet for more information and Nico soon decided to take a bartending class in order to learn a bit more about the trade.

Needless to say Nico's mother wasn't happy to hear about this turn of events and it only furthered the divide in their relationship. Abigail believed he was going to turn into a failure like his father and didn't care at all for the fact that he was going to pursue a career that he actually enjoyed, and regrettably Nico and his mother stopped talking at that point. Nico's course at a local bartending class went wonderfully and he managed to earn an exemplary grade along with his certificate which only cemented the idea further into Nico's head. Nico returned then to the bar his father worked, picking up a few shifts with his father and a couple on his own in order to earn some real world experience in the industry. The next year for Nico though was where things went south.

Nico had never been a very assertive person, and it lead to a multitude of unsavory relationships. At age twenty-two Nico was a rather attractive man with a good job and the oppurtunity to meet a lot of people, both good and bad. It was unfortunate then that the majority of the women were on the more unsavory side of the spectrum who mostly sought to use him. Multiple bad relationships over the year quickly sent Nico to the bottom. Nico was still a decent bartender but, more often than not, his mind wasn't on the job but rather on the bottom of a drink of his own. Eventually Nico was fired for drinking on the job too much and from then on was in and out of the various lower end bars of Boston. He couldn't keep a steady job or a relationship for that matter and he only seemed to spiral deeper. His mother's words would echo in Nico's mind as he only further plummeted and he eventually had to ask her for some sort of help that she declined. Nico's life has, from this point, been a struggle that he's barely managed to hold out on.

*For ease of knowledge for those that don't know, and so you don't have to look it up, a barbacker is basically a barkeeps assistant. Keeps everything stocked, gets empty glasses from customers, etc etc etc.


Nico happened to catch the message at a rather low point in his life(See writing sample) and isn't quite sure what he hopes to achieve


This will be kept up to date as we go.





Nico has a STRONG Boston accent.


"Heeeeey...Nico...you opennnn early..?" A slurred voice asked on it's way past the bar.

"No, Frank. Daniel's having some renovations in the morning, that's why we're closing early." Nico said with a sigh, laying down the glass he'd been washing to turn the the drunken patron. "You gonna make it home alright?" Nico asked, picking up the phone incase he had to call a cab."Awwg yeah....I gots a ride..." Frank replied, waving a hand dismissively at Nico as he walked out the door. Nico frowned and held onto the phone as he walked to the window. Nico watched Frank stumble to the passenger side of a car and crawl in before the car drove off, relaxing as he noted that the driver and the car were unfamiliar and hand't been at the bar tonight.

Nico replaced the phone on it's reciever and continued to clean up so he could close and go home. Diana, his current girlfriend, was probably asleep by now but it'd be nice to see her. She'd left the bar earlier in the night after talking with him a bit but Nico had failed to notice the man who she'd left with, far too focused on serving a round of drinks quickly to keep a group of customers happy. Diana was far from the best girl in town, but Nico wouldn't admit that he was a bit on the side of desperate. She was nice enough, looked good, and they had a few things in common. He'd been dating her for about two months now, longest relationship he'd had in a while actually and things weren't looking too bad anymore. He was actually getting the hang of this new bar he was working at, getting to know the customers and the menu, and just getting back into the swing of things again for once. Things were actually looking up.

Nico locked up at about midnight, it was Sunday so the bar closed earlier than usual stacked atop the fact that the bar owner was having some sort of renovations in the morning so Nico was happy to be heading home early as well. An early night was a nice change to the usual schedule and Nico was in a generally good mood on his way back to the apartment that he shared with Diana. Nico was quiet as he entered, careful not to make a noise just in case Diana was sleeping, a likely case given most of the lights were off. Most...a look down the hallway revealed that the bedroom light was still on, shining beneath the door into the dark hallway. Nico began walking toward it, unsure of why it was on unless Diana was still getting ready for bed. But a strange moan brought him to a halt just a few feet from the door.

Nico crept forward, gently grabbing the nob. As he pushed the door open and took in the sight he heard her scream a name. But it wasn't Nico's name, and the sight before him wasn't one he ever wanted to see again. Nico quickly slammed the door shut again and turned on his heel. He could hear panicked talking as he walked briskly away from the door, a mixture of emotion rushing through his mind. He stopped where he'd saat his stuff, picking his keys and wallet from the small pile and leaving the rest. He'd probably be back to get the rest of his stuff the next day, but for now Nico didn't care.

"Nico wait!" Diana's voice called from the hall. Nico stopped, eyes to the floor, unable or unwilling to acknowledge her. He still wasn't sure what he was thinking at that point but after a moment he shook his head, ignoring further words from her as he quickly left the apartment and slammed the door behind him.

The rest of the night was a blur to Nico the next morning as he collected his things at the front desk of the police station. He could vaguely remember stopping at a liquor store, and the missing money from his wallet cemented that fact. He was told by the officer who let him out that he was getting off lucky. In a drunken stupor Nico had walked up and down the harbor screaming and shouting about someone named Diana to the point that a noise complaint had been made. When the officer on the scene arrived and tried to calm Nico he'd attempted to take a swing at him, only to completely trip and hit the ground. Apparently Nico was out like a light at that point and brought into the station to sober up over night. It was only because Nico had been too drunk to actually hit the officer that he was getting off with only a small fine that he paid there before leaving. But with that Nico was practically broke, with not many options.

The one option he did have was the most unappealing of them all, but Nico slowly pulled out his phone to dial his mother's number. Or he was about to until he recieved a curious message that made him stop in the middle of the sidewalk...





  • Name:

    Vehloralh O'Brein













    She works as a barista at a local cafe in her home town as well as an on-call ASL translator.

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no slide


Chestnut with blonde balayage, reaches her thighs though usually, it's kept in a ponytail. She's sporting bangs on a whim.








Delicate, lissome, fragile.


Tattoos, piercings, scars, or other things that tie to the ability/specie.



Rae's an old soul, she's never been fond of the direction of the current generation, and always seems to gravitate towards the vintage/nostalgic appeal of older eras; this has always made her stand out, but has also isolated her from most social groups. She's an idealist, and that deeply woven trait has the downside of imminent naivety, of which is easily manipulated and typically where she's most vulnerable. It's also a strength, however, as Rae tends to be virtually fearless, though her blatant preference to remain in her comfort zone doesn't express that quality much at all. It's not easy to persuade her of any thing, but once she's out and about (in a setting to her liking, of course) she's an entirely different person. Still the voice of reason amidst peers, but also more audible, eccentric with an infectious zest for life.

Both raw and genuine, everything she does is facade free and completely open, sometimes to her own detriment; she's not heavily guarded, loathes sugar coding and prefers originality. She's taken on a misanthropic perspective, with a blatant disdain for humanity; though, paradoxically, this comes from her immense empathy, of which has been taken advantage of and underappreciated to the extent she's become rather bitter towards people, and doesn't hide it often. Rae can be very melodramatic, and requires a lot of time alone, with the exception of small, closely knit groups, to recharge and reflect. She is an ambivert, capable of socializing, though she avoids such situations most of the time.

Rae is extremely spiritual, and loves odds and ends that may have relevance to gypsies, Wicca, and Buddhism. She is, in fact, a Christian though, and never converts, betrays or succumbs to anything more than blatant curiosity. She spends most of her free indulging in her creative side, honing her artistic skills or, most preferably, being one with nature (taming neighborhood cats, catching snakes, practicing yoga, long car rides out in the mountains, hiking).


Vintage, rustic, fresh rain, coffee cake, seafood, non fiction, long hair


Immaturity, flies, pop, grape fruit, arguing, cigarette smoke


Humming when she's nervous

Failing at air guitar/instruments though she knows every beat by heart

Unintentionally over exaggerating

Losing track of time

Never knows what day it is

Only likes iced coffee/cold drinks

Self sabotage


Rae had a low class upbringing, having been born and in LA, by her single (clinically depressed) mother, and practically raised her younger sister, which led to a near overnight maturity. Her father was a womanizer, who left upon discovery of the pregancy, but has had many children by different women. Her life was mostly void of relatives, they saw the three as the black sheep of the family, and were only around to execute lots of character bashing (of which negatively affected Rae over the years) and occasionally hold holiday get togethers that were void of love, but heavy with alcohol.

Rae lived a vagabondish lifestyle that prevented concrete friendships as she was uprooted from schools every time their financial status fell through, which was nearly constant and involved a lot of motels and sleeping in the backseat of cheap vehicles. She could have been an honors student, certainly showing the intelligence to qualify, but had a lot of trouble socially (due to her figure, lifestyle, etc) which distracted her from pursing the best grades, and led to a lot of drop out moments and tension. Rae spent her free time in whatever corner she could find, filling papers with the inner workings of her mind- stories, but mostly drawings, of which, like her mother, were exceptionally beautiful and unique. She also always had an animal by her side, typically stray cats, and accumulated the utmost adoration and patience for wildlife. Her life was also heavily religious (Christianity influenced) and kept the three going, faith has been the reason she's got a clean slate, and has always been a good girl.

Their saving grace was her mom finally pursuing her dream business (think hallmark) which took off right away due to her artistic talents. Her successful aspirations secured them a spot in the heights, and enabled them to leave the live of sheltered living and borrowed money behind. Despite their financial success, Rae's life of leaving behind potential friendships and being entirely unstable has prevented any and all relationships outside of the three, aside from her many, many pets. She's dated once, and the short lived proximity had turned into her being a jealous prop to lure in another girl; since then it's been cheesy pick up lines and lots of polite refusals, for the most part she stays inside or at least avoids the opposite gender with utter devotion.

Rae decided to go because she truly doesn't believe love will come to her, especially not when she's surrounded by people just looking to hook up. She's skeptical, but forcefully optimistic about her chances, at least she's trying, or so she tells herself. It also doesn't help she's holing up to avoid awkwardness and potential disappointments, she's stepping out of her comfort zone here, and its
very difficult for her.


True love, or at least whatever long term status two humans secure now nowadays.


This will be kept up to date as we go.





She's taken in the neighborhoods stray cats, and has about thirty roaming the family's property. She's also got two huskies, and a chameleon.

Owns many, many vintage keepsakes, like a fully functioning type writer, a collection of arrow heads and old cigars, and a few pricey, classic arcade games in the garage.

Speaks decent french, and a bit of Japanese.


This gives me an idea of how you'll write in IC. It's a big part of whether you're accepted or not.




It's Funny

Maximus Pierce










Dutch American


Traveling Photographer



Above anything else, Max is a free spirit. He prefers not to be tied to anyone or anything, the reason for his nomadic tendencies, and lives day to day, preferring not to dwell on the past or dread the future. Despite this, however, he is far from cold and detached. Though he takes great care to remain emotionally distant, he is as friendly as can be. One might even call him a social butterfly. He loves speaking and interacting with people of all kinds, especially those with bright smiles or an aura of wisdom that can only mean that they have a myriad of stories to tell. Physical contact is not a problem for him - hugs of comfort and pats on the back occur often, to the extent that some feel that he has no boundaries, although he knows perfectly well how to read the situation and discern when such things are unwelcome. Having traveled all over and met a variety of different people, Max is a great storyteller and an old soul with experience beyond his years, and is always willing to give out pertinent advice. He is discreet, and will snap pictures of you when you aren't looking if the artistic urge strikes him, but generally he has no reservations about asking those he finds aesthetically pleasing to pose for him.

Living as Max lives makes for a very lonely lifestyle. His burning desire for independence often clashes with an underlying need to find someone to share his thoughts and feelings with, a desire that he quite fervently ignores. This can get to him on occasion, and at such times he will act strange, appearing anxious and making a visible effort to seperate himself from other people, although he tries his best to hide it. In conversation, he knows how to bend the topic towards others or to avoid speaking of himself by sharing the stories of those that he has met along his travels. He can get philosophical and tends to space out from time to time, which can get a bit annoying, especially when you've been talking for a full three minutes only to find that he was pondering the origins of Stonehenge the entire time. Additionally, he moves at his own pace, which can often be much slower than the one that others wish to take on at given times. On the up side, this makes him a calm compatriot to have around in stressful situations. Max is the passive type, usually making a joke of any insults directed at him so as to avoid conflict.



Beautiful scenery

Taking time to smell the roses

Windy days

Indie music




Telling and hearing stories

Hot apple cider


Being confined or tied down


Being rushed

Divulging personal information

The taste of butter

Extremely loud noises

Shouting and arguing


Spaces out a lot

Hums when he's thinking

Taps his foot when nervous

Bends down when talking to people

Tends to play with his hair without realizing it


Can Make Us


Maximus Pierce was born on January 31, 1990 in a little Dutch town just outside of Copenhagen. Both of his parents worked as tulip farmers, and although they lived a simple lifestyle, the thriving business that their family-run company received meant that they had money to spare. Growing up, Max was nearly always busy, whenever he wasn't in school, helping his parents runt their successful little venture. Whenever he got the chance, Max would sneak out into town or into the fields, content to feel the wind on his face or to watch the mannerisms of people going about their everyday lives. His parents, although kind and loving, as parents should be, admittedly did not care much for what their son wanted. They did not understand his need to slip away and would often reprimand him for it. Otherwise, however, they were model caregivers, and Max spent a generally happy eighteen years with them. It was his grandmother, who lived in a small house next door to their own, who truly understood her young grandson's desire for freedom. It was she who, on his tenth birthday, gifted him with his first camera, beginning a lifelong love of photography.

High school was when things first became complicated. For the most part, he was well-liked, a member of the crew for the school newspaper and an integral part of the yearbook committee, both of which welcomed his photographic talents. Making friends was very easy for him, due to his easy going disposition, though he was careful never to get too close. The trouble came with romantic relationships. It was during his high school years that he was first confronted with the fact that, for most people, relationships meant deep, personal connects, and, in effect, a type of personal tie that held those involved together. From his first shot at dating, with another boy from his tenth grade chemistry class, the title of "boyfriend" never sat well with him. It gave him a sense of being possessed by someone else, the thing that he most desperately wanted to avoid. Nevertheless, he persisted, not wanting to be lonely, as those like himself were apt to be. As soon as intercourse came into the equation, however, he quickly shied away, as to him, that was a form of finalization, a blatant sign that two people were joined. This gave him a reputation of being flighty, and playing hard to get.

His greatest mistake and deepest regret came about the first time he ignored his inner doubts about such things. On the Saturday before his high school graduation, at a party thrown by one of his closest acquaintances, he engaged in sexual activities with a girl named Laura, his current girlfriend at the time. The catch? Both were drunk, protection was not used, and, long story short, Laura ended up pregnant. This would not have been an entirely terrible thing in itself. In fact, when Laura shared the news with him, she was ecstatic. After all, it was expected of him by his parents to remain after high school to take up running the family business, and if he had taken this on, there would have been more than enough money for him to support a family. The only issue, of course, was Max's reaction. The thing that he had dreaded most had happened; he was being forced to commit, and he lashed out at Laura out of fear. Heartbroken, she had the child aborted without first consulting with him, and the death of this unborn child at his hands was something for which Max never forgave himself.

Soon after, against his parents' wishes, Max, using money provided by his grandmother, moved to the United States to attend college. He learned all that he could about photography, and has spent the last three years since his graduation touring the country at his own speed, living off of what he makes from selling his photographs to the media and individuals. The decision to join this little group was one that he made on a whim, hit suddenly one evening by an intense wave of loneliness. Since his arrival, he has managed to convince himself that the decision was made due to his desire to take photographs of the surrounding area, with its plethora of eye-catching scenery. The fact remains, however, that he is still lonely, abs whispers to find someone with whom to share his lifestyle.


What Max wants is slightly confusing, even to him. He's looking for someone with whom he can share his innermost thoughts and feelings, but who will also allow him to have the space that he needs to feel comfortable. Settling down is not an option, although he does eventually want to have a family. Whoever it is will have to join him in his nomadic venture, as would any of their future children.








He can speak fluent Dutch, and is great at staring contests.
:Writing Sample:

(Taken from "Omertá")

One of the many perks of coming from a family as influential as the Montagnes was that one was never in want of a sexual partner. Even those men and women who would never have you of their own decision, who would even turn up their noses if they happened to see you in the streets, were readily at one's disposal. An abuse of power it may have been, but for one so lacking in the skills of personal connection as Eric Montagne, it was a blessing in disguise. To be fair of course, he always treated them well and paid them generously for their time; he was not completely heartless, nor was he fond of using people without recompense. Unfortunately, not many of his partners saw eye-to-eye with him on such things. Not that it mattered much.

On this particular morning, Eric awoke in darkness to the silhouette of a pretty raven-haired woman lying beside him, still sleeping soundly - not many possessed an internal alarm that roused them at four in the morning. Smiling ruefully, he raised himself up into a sitting position with a stretch of his spine and a muffled yawn, perching upon the mattress and watching her bared chest rise and fall with every breath that she took. He was not surprised that he could not recall the events of the night prior; he seldom ever could. Pretty. They were always pretty (or handsome, if their gender so leant itself to that particular adjective) but hardly ever very memorable. Then again, they must have thought the same of him.

Without further thought on the topic, Eric threw the sheets aside and rose from the bed. He went about the business of showering and dressing as quickly as he could. The woman was still dead to the world when he took his leave, but she would be gone upon his return, and that was the last that he would ever see of her. He always paid them enough to make sure of that.

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"I had to dig my own well to become this thirsty."


Diana Sky Kingsly








Scottish-mix | American







Strawberry blonde. Wavey/curly. Long.

Always down and never up.


Hazel. Green.



119 lbs.

Stands at 5'7".

O T H E R . F E A T U R E S

Light freckles that scatter over her face.

Usually covered by foundation though.







Pretty girls


Break ups



Staring at people when interested.

Shooting winks at people (guys in particular).

Biting her nails when nervous.

Snickering quietly to herself.


Diana... has a very unique persona. She can be one of the happiest people you've ever met, though on a deeper level, she isn't as happy as she seems. Mindfucked yet? Good. She's that blunt type of person to point something out if she loves it - that means if she loves your Adam's apple, she will say so. Or just touch it 'cause why not?

Her passion to find love and connection is HELLA strong. She can be quite touchy and clingy. If by any chance she is approached by anger, she would probably cry. For reals. Okay, maybe not cry, but get upset. 'Cause you hurt her feelings. And when you hurt her feelings, she doesn't like that shit. So, just don't do it unless you want to be put on her bad side. Even though she doesn't have one, but yeah.




Being brought up with parents that were crazy and... literally known as hooligans in the neighbourhood never really had a great impact on Diana. Well, I wouldn't say hooligans, just a couple very madly in love with eachother. They were so madly in love it made people cringe whenever they saw them. But Diana loved it, ever since she was a little girl. The way the two stared into eachothers eyes and never, ever, ever fell out of love. Diana craved that love and made it her mission to get that same type of love when she grew older...

Diana never really got along with the kids in her school. Just because she had been brought up differently, she was classed as a weirdo that not many people really wanted to be around. The way she expressed her friendship towards people was different. Her hellos were hugs. Her goodbyes were her hugs. Invading personal space was normal for her ever since she was just a young little girl. Though she never really found her true one till she turned seventeen and left for college to study. Lance was his name. Two years she spent loving that man, only to hear he was fucking two other sorority girls behind her back believe it or not. She was heartbroken. She should have known that he prefered short skirts to jeans, crop tops to hoodies, heels to sneakers.

Ever since that day, anyone who resembled Lance had somewhat had a strange affect on Diana. She can't help but crave the comfort and connection from that person because of how things went down previously with her former boyfriend. She hopes that this little project will somewhat get her that sort of relationship. All she wants is to be loved again.

(Excuse the shitty biography. I have no motivation whatsoever. The end.)


W R I T I N G . S A M P L E
W R I T I N G . S A M P L E

Taken from the Royal Roulette.

Character; Xander Niko Volkov

"It's beautiful!" The blonde giggled to herself as she clung onto his expensive suit jack. And by expensive, we're talking big money here.

Typical. This wasn't the first time Xander heard the same old compliment about his house. Correction; his father's house. He wasn't sure whether the girl's comment or knowing that this was his father's house made his eyes roll. "Just wait till you get to my bedroom, sweet cheeks."

The heels belonging to the girl and dark business shoes that Xander wore tapped against the shiny marble floor filled the room; if you were stood miles away you'd probably be able to hear it because of the echo. "Prince! Prince! There you are!" A female high pitched voice came not from far as she hurried towards the two in the most ladylike way possible - her eyes immediately wandering over the blonde, obviously curious as to who she was. Xander easily recognized the maid. Maybe the ninth or tenth (he lost count) maid Victor had assigned for Xander to be 'looked after' as he disliked his behavior around the house. The previous ones definitely did a good job at that. The thought simply made the boy smirk.

"Aren't I glad to see you, Vanessa?" His arm scurried it's way around the maid's waist as he pulled her closer towards him, "Maybe you could join us in my bedroom too."

Her first reaction was to blush, then she quickly realized why she was even in her position till today. "N-No!" Pushing away from the man, she shook her head, her bangs swaying side to side along with her head. "Have you been drinking again?" She hissed quietly, glaring at Xander with her arms crossed as if he had just stolen a cookie from the cookie jar. He snickered a little, "Is it that obvious?" He slurred slightly.

"Your breath reeks of it! And did you forget? You, uhm, have that important thing today. Remember?" She put emphasis on the word 'important' as her eyes glanced towards the annoyed blonde who glared at her, whereas Xander stood there confused. If anybody on this planet were to forget something as important as meeting the queen; it would be Xander. Oh wait... The queen is his mother. Guess that didn't count.

The maid stood there, fidgeting in her spot as Xander rubbed his chin. "Yeah... No. We're not getting anywhere, Vanessa." He muttered under his breath, a frown slowly making its way on his face. A small gasp came from beside him and the blonde immediately raised her hands to smooth out his eyebrows, "Frowning brings you wrinkles." Was all that she said before Vanessa spoke again, "That's important dinner with those six girls!" She blurted out exasperated.

You know that look on your face you get when your mouth turns into a big O? Yeah, that was Xander right now. A couple seconds later and he was smirking - not just any smirk, but that smirk when you just know they're planning something evil, "I'm sure father wouldn't mind a guest." He spoke sarcastically.

Before he could make another move, the maid stopped him again. "At least sort yourself out." She hissed quietly, leaning in slightly to tuck the rest of his shirt in and tighten his tie. Xander rolled his eyes, though he didn't say a word and let her do her job. He seriously felt like a seven year old right now. "Okay, mother, I get the point now." He reached for her hands that made their way to his hair and pushed them aside. "Don't want to be later than I already am now, do I?"

Pushing the maid aside, he began heading towards the dining room. Yes, he was signing his death wish right now, but that was the last thing on his mind right now. What he wanted was to embarrass his father, believe it or not. He may be ruining his reputation in front of what may be six sexy ladies, but it's not like he couldn't easily pick up sexy ladies from outside with his charming looks. Just as he was almost about to reach forward and open the door, the maid stopped him. Again. "Oh, what now?" He groaned quietly, turning his head to look at Vanessa who had her hand raised out with nothing but two simple mints that sat on her hand. "Your breath stinks."

Xander glared at her, but he still took the mints and plopped them into his mouth. "You nearly ruined my awesome entrance." He hissed at her before shooing her off with his hand. Turning back to face the door, he cleared his throat and glanced at the blonde for a second before opening the two doors - just as a laugh erupted the room (Scotland's laugh).

"Your fair King has arrived!" He called out in a voice that somewhat resembled his fathers. It was clear the he was trying to mimic his voice.

There in front of him sat his father, mother, brothers, and six women he had absolutely no idea who they were. "Looky what we have here!" He grinned widely, rubbing his hands together before placing his arm back around the blonde, who stood there quite shocked. Wouldn't blame her. What appeared to be a simple fling, was now meeting the King and Queen. "If you don't mind, I brought myself a guest. Her name is..." He lowered his voice for a moment as he completely realized he forgot the girl's name.

"Ah, yes! It's Addison. How could I forget?" He gave his head shake, chuckling a little. The blonde stared at him; slightly pissed. "It's actually Alison." She pointed out as Xander guided her towards the other end of the table for the two to sit. Xander sat at the opposite side of his father (in front of him) at the table, whereas Alison sat beside him on Yury's side. "Pish posh. So, what's for dinner? I'm actually quite starving." Bringing his elbows up on the table, Xander linked his hands together and rested his chin on his fingers with what appeared to be a mischievous grin on his face. His father however was not as happy as he was.

Coded and created by KaoriMei

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